11 BRINGING UP FATHER ill iUMt AND MACtiie l fUH ACS Of 10U IN THC SUfcOAV HI Drawn for The Bee by McManus IcVuirwkw tint 6, S. tltm Utlirt I'aliiC'Civinf Stoic Spring Drapery Fabrics .1 Special PrUfB This Month at the lLR-llOWEXCO. WELL- WHADDa. too 0O1N' IN THE KITCHEN? KtN I LU HAVE NAOf THCtE OUT Or CtMtMT I TNINN MT HAVE SOMC MORE THE rEK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 17. 1922. fM 40N' IN AN , ClVt THAT COO I a Ptcce or Mr I MiNO AN FIRE i 1 Hg,tJ " " ft nCW COOK AMD AH I V. NUIOO TO KNOW n WHAT HOU THINK OF V ir-(& : r JAW IS V i CCUIT? ftROKCN" Now Showing MAE MURRAY in FASC1MTI011 The Story of a Ctrl Who Danced With Danger ALSO Prince Lei Lani The Se'talionat Tenor of Hawaii Educational Novelty Reel Davis Plans Fight to Get Convicted Banker Returned Attorney General Draw Up Papers to Prevent Wenlz Lumping Prison ' Term. Lincoln, May 16. ((Special) Attorney General Clarence A. Davis was preparing requisition papers to day in an eflort to bring Charles W. Went, Aurora banker, bark to Ne braska to serve from 1 to 10 years for falsifying records of the Ameri can State bank of that place. He re ceived word today that Went, who is under arrest at Kalkatha, Mich., on a charge of embezzlement from a Michigan bond house, intended to fight the attempt to bring him back to Nebraska. The Nebraska supreme court yes terday affirmed a 1 to 10 year-sentence against Went imposed by the Hamilton county district court. After his conviction Vent2 disappeared and months were spent by the Hamilton county sheriff in locating him. Finally new charges were filed against him in an effort to force his attorneys to tell where he was and at the present fme a legal ngnt is. underway con i frning new charges, i The Nebraska authorities, however, re not attempting to bring Wentz back to face the new charges. They want him as a fugitive from justice. The papers demanding his return probably will be signed by Governor McKelvie tomorrow after J. J. Rein hardt, Hamilton county attorney, arrives in Lincoln. Three Banker Groups to Meet This Month Lincoln, May 16 (Special.) f it . l nrec gronp meetings, oi me xc braska Bankers' association will be held May 23-25 at McCook, Kearney and Lincoln. A snecial car has been chartered by bankers so they may attend alt meetings. The party will attend the meeting at McCook May 25 and will go to Kearney" May 24 and then to Lincoln May 25. jCarl Weil of Lincoln, chair man of the arrangements commit tee, estimates' that from 200 to 300 will attend the Lincoln meeting. C. S. Aldrich, president of the group, will preside. ; , Charles H. , Randall of Randolph, president of the-association, will be one of the speakers.:- Harry H. Mer rick, president pf the Central Trust company of IBinois, is to be the chief speaker. ''.Other.s-bn the program are H. D." Lute, secretary of Nebraska Farm Bureau federation;' John M. Flannigan, , Omaha, and Attorney General Clarence A. Davis. Probe of Turk Atrocities ' Not Favored at White House Washington, May 16. Indications were given at the White House to day' that' the' United States would not accept the invitation extended by Great Britain for representation on a commission to investigate atroci ties "by the Turks on the Christian minorities in Asia Minor as reported BRA M D E I $ KAY 1 8-1 9-20 Scats New Selling . MEIMNS present JOHN LESLIE DREW RTER bonestVIVJ I rivi 1 1 1 JOHN BETTY V 7 ROBERT UNLEY sT, REN DEL IV OMtOStf HUHM WaaTEROltC A DRAMATIC TRIUMPH to set "Twe oocue" is to OCOOICS IN THE TwPATEW Nilhts. SOe. $1, $150, tt, $250. $3 Sal. Mat 50c $1, $150, $2. 2.50 THREE DAYS MORE TOM MIX in "UP AND GOING" EXTRA SPECIAL Wed., Thurs. and Fri. INTERNATIONAL NEWS Showing First Picture of KENTUCKY DERBY Sm Merrick, the winner, -1 going nUr the wire. BW a BBl I by the American Kelief administra tion. The statement was nude that the Pure! Yucatan is wholesome and always fresh . healthful after meals . . good for the whole family . . with a flavor that's delicious "No fancy wrapper just good gum" ADAMS. Chewing Gum American Chicle Co. A beautiful pencil like a well designed article of jewelry, is a constant pleasure. Redipoint is a pencil of ar tistic appearance. Notice how its long graceful lines end in a gently tapering point There is no ugly steel tip at the end to become rusty or discolored. The proportions of the cap are those of the Tuscan pillar noted for its graceful sim plicity. : In chasings you have your choice of many simple artistic designs. , , If beauty guides your selec tion you can not help choos ing Redipoint. Yet this is only one of the many exclu sive Redipoint features. Your dealer will gladly show you the other advantages of this better pencil. . ... It costs nomore than ordi nary mechanical pencils. Made and QuaranUed by Redipoint Pencil Division BROWN &. BIGELOW Saint Paul, Minn, jo cents to $3.30 mm VI WITH THl w Redipoint Pencils For Sale by SUN DRUG CO. I HAYNES DRUG CO. . . . 14th and Farnam , 1 6th and Howard Lnitctl Suics already had nude in formal representations in llie matter and that thte had generally proven a Tadcan Capitol AT. OfF. iiii maim - -in f 1 ay IB mm AUTOMATIC PUSH-BACK elective, lu virw of that, it was added, the American government The sound of It shouted Starts Next Saturday VWTVF Ml&ssB. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS AND BEE WANT ADS. Get Yours Started Today Mild as Souls Aflame? THE BEST Luncheon in the City It' Complete 35 HOTEL CASTLE CAFE AND CAFETERIA Alfred Jones, Chef and Prop. could see no pressing need to join with Great Britain, Fiance and Italy or whispered In scorn or . accusation would crush the most of us IS COMING NEXT SATURDAY Don't Miss It It's the photodrama with a KICK in it and NOT about it. At the MOON a May Morning and as igfyiafi& Mozart Cigar Is made by jggp Lg g.n Consolidated Cigar Corporation P A picture that ia just one long chain of happinras. THOS. MEIGHAN and LEATRICE JOY in BACHELOR DADDY With five af the cutest kiddi.s you ever saw. at proposed in an inquiry by com-mUkion. "A place to park your carta" JUST THREE DAYS MORE I tht "Blua RihW Shaw TAKE FIRST PRIZE (or D.B comtdy muttc and lua. SIX ACTS OF "GOOD TIME" VAUDEVILLE and pleating PHOTOPLAY Matinee 3Se Evening 50e Tell your friends vou really like The Bee. . EMPRESS tAST TIMES TODAY FAIRFIELD FOUR ELLIOTT & THE WEST LERAYS "A Cycle of Comtdy, Soar Daac" Smoking is for pleasure. Have you found the cigar that can please you best? If you like it "mild", then Mozart is well , worth your, trying. It is made to be a "mild" cigar, above all things, but the Havana we have chosen for it has a fragrance worth experiencing. An uncommonly mild, fragrant cigar beautifully made. The Orpheum Players fcSMAft Take a Walk Down to the Orpheum Any Nite This Week and See "SCAN DAL" and You Will Be I Now to Grow Thin" fe Symphony Player Organ S- SHOWING "Ten Nights in a Barroom" "JaWMattM. LAST TIMES TODAY EUGENE O'BRIEN "Chinning of the northwest Prices: Children 10c Weekday Matinee . . . .25c, 30c Night, Sunday Mat., ,30c, 40c Jragrant Pleased. Mats. an IS Velvets and Damasks, Linens and Cretonnes All-ovor patterns in roar.' blue, and polil, Kunfaat and tubfaat fabrics, portieres and overdrapc. DAMASK Tcr jard: S2.98 to 88.00 VELOURS Ter yard: $2.08 to 88.00 SILKS Ter yard: 81.15 to 85.00 SUNFASTS Ter yard: 59d to 85.08 CRETONNES ' Tcr yard: 39 to 81.75 Extra large and , completa flflsortment of Nets in filet weave and shadow effects, 36 to 50 inches wide white, cream, and ecru colors, for ' 39 to 83.08 Yard. 1 Scrim, Voile, and Marquisr ette, in plain dots, silk stripes and colored effects, in all the newest and latest patterns, at 19 to 81.35 Yard : 1 Materials selected here will be made to your order in our workroom at trifling cost this is a splendid opportunity for those desiring specially made drapes. , FREE! FREE! The H. R. Bowen'Co. are go ing to drape the windows of someone' living room Freo. Windows when draped will appear with glass curtains, having overdrapes of damask in either blue or mulberry. Get full particulars at main aisle desk, H. R. Bowen C04 and be at the H. R. Boweit Co. Store Thursday, Mar 18 8 p. m. Some 35 other guests will be remembered on the above evening, too. It p a jr to read Bowen' small ad Howard St., bet. 15th nnd 1 6th You Can't Lose if You're Lookin' for a Good Time AUDITORIUM TONITE Ev'rybody Invighted about us? Tues., Thurs., Sat. G11P