Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE liEEs OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 16. 1922.
No Action Against
Minister Planned
WaUe Wiifin, upeiltitfit4!i
( ihr Iu4'd of public welfare,
r.r.t -i, (,,y itf hi irl
iiuot nill Ulc iu action sgatntt
Ke, William Snfod. ho con
duct Mrivri ( VJ7 North lem.
luunh irn and rMje at 1116
North Twrnty-ktcond tref,
"The rirt iii(.rmiiou bJ oi
;hi wi rrrtv(4 lbi morning
when Mr. Id l-evin el mv flic
lol4 me h tinted the hanlord
church and home." id Mr, W.iUoti.
"1 do not ee anything m tht tat
to warrant action y tin wtlfare
up.rinitinjent added. '
Mr. Lew rrponrd li found
Rev. Mr. Sauford living in a tour,
room builduig with II women oi hi
t teemed 14 be an unutuat itua
tion. but there if nothing to jutnty
any action by ttt." laid Mr, trvm.
-Krv. Mr. binford taid ha and hi
(link fame here fretn fi, Je'l
bout right week ago "
Arm DiltH'tfJ u4 Hrokew
Wyuiorr, Neb,, May JSk.
vial ) the 6 ywold ion of Mr
and Mr. Milt HoeitiHg. while play
lug . (ell and prtAo hi right arm and
di.Watfd it at the elbow.
'and b'aiati ly fttutitaJa rubbed
him tf M mnday night, he r
, poneo la t'i'lt. e.
I OhMf - Aimlirifcai t- It d v ,
' Mary rUir. IJOJ Cuming airaet,
from the 1'iiHed Puiee ourl ( ap
Fund for Wr Fraud Iijfuiry
W aliiitttou, My 15. Wiiiieut a
toll rail today the home voted a
-fecial fund of fMKl.iHM) for ue t
the Department oi Jutc in ine.ii
gaiion and prosecuting war fuud
eontrart cie.
Brief City AViri
lu toll 13 rwi rrm imow ni
unlay. 4 reported ntui'li improd
yreiarday. ,
Tu Turn 0e '. -Amae
Thorn, waiver ( in Ln Hulll
lug company, waa nrord ta turn
ivfr the cnura affaire of that eom
lany to A. J. lUrte and John I. U
viu f iumiolie by a peremptory
nmndaia received bera )trday
Hark I for tile tariKd Wu.
art on luk rluiH"4 frtU three.
Uiuniriv uy en bis 4K'r (arm
near Uawaonvlile, Md. he bought
ar aau.
ttralrn bf iiilMJ-'ltrd ley.
r. 111 Wrbeier wraet. atuckad
Crura lHrn, tin fruuih Thirty firai
eirret, obeertad tha thud anniter
ry uf tin n !! n tkir4ia at the
Kuyma Memorial rhurvb yeainday.
Injuntl ttiild IUHnterlng Anna
ytm Mir. I. dauahter nf Mrs,
nnTTTorv A 7 !
1 JEjOUjtl
Over S00 Women 's
Straws in Every Style for
Women, Misses, Matrons
We did not consider either the high quality or the usual
value of those hats when we gave them this low pricing.
All were made by reliable manufacturers, and were sold
to us in a quantity purchase at less than market price.
300 of them Tuesday each at $1.25.
BurfrM-.NMk Downstair gtora
A Special Lot of
Women's Pumps
Tuesday 298
Luce oxfords and one strap pumps
with either low or military heels.
These are made in black or
brown kid; aome have rub
ber heels attached.
Sizes 3 to 8
Values at $2.98
ParftM-Nuh DowBilaira SUr
Tuesday Sale of 300
Brassieres : Bandeaux
!' Made of silk treco, silk batiste and broche, plainly,
tailored or elaborately trimmed with lace and all
over embroidery. These are broken sixes but all are
exceptional values when offered at this price Tuesday.
2 Price
Barcrm-Nub Downitaln Stem
Soap Specials
Persian Toilet Soap, pink and
white, large size, 6 for. .25c
Raglna Bath Soap, large size,
'A bars for.. ....23c
Swifts Raven Tar Soap, bar
for ..7c
. Classic White Laundry Soap,
5 for ..23e
Sunbrite Cleanser, 1 box free.
No Deliveriea No Mall Ordera
No Phone Orders No C.O.O.'a
Burrtn-Nuk Dowuttlra Star
Special for Tuesday '
cutlets with
Borfn-Nah- Uomutalrs Stare
Breaded veal
spaghetti ....
Kiddies' Hose
A stocking that will wear
well, and that will wash well.
Made with double toea and
heels' tn black, white and
brown. All alzes.
Pair, 25c
Women's Hose
. A semi-fashioned mercerized
hose made with double soles,
toes and heels.-In all the new
shoe shades. Owing to alight
Irregularities we are able to
offer these stockings at
Pair, 25c
Bru-ftu-Nuh Dawiutain Stare
Mina r
ay lor f
For Tuesday We Specially Feature
1,000 Mina Taylor Dresses in
Stylish Stouts
No C. 0. D.'s
No Will Calls
No -Exchanges
No Phone Orders
Pink, blue, grey,
tan, yellow, rose,
lavender, copen,
black and others.
1,000 stylish" stout dresses long line models that give the large fig
ure the gracious dignity and distinguished charm that are her right.
They are made of gingham, chambray, repp with organdie, with white pique or with all-
and heatherbloom taffeta, in plain colors, over jembroiderv. Many have added an oc-
stripes, checks, and broken plaids.- Some of casional motif in applique or a touch of piping,
them are combined with contrasting material, Attractive dresses for almost any occasion.
"' Fashioned according to the latest modes combined with the skill of master designing and the ap
propriateness of Mina Taylors, these are ideal dresses for those who require slenderizing lines.
Burgeea-Naah Mina Tay lor Shop Second Floor
..M..H..1 1 1 III t M 1 1 1 1 :ilMWWtW
w-i-K"H i ; : ; ri"i"i H-i-w-H-?-H--H
,-f,.ft, e..f
"a ri lT I i I T
eg 1"I"I
We Call for Your Shoes
We have learned from actual ex-,
perlence that the average person s
does not like to carry his shoe re
pair work to and tram his home.
Busy people' who" find It an In
convenience to bring in their-'
ahoe repair work will appreciate
our prompt delivery service.
'Call Douglas 2100
We will call for and deliver your shoes without extra expense
to you., Work may be charged on your regular monthly, account.
The usual Burgess-Nash assurance of expert workmanship.
BorftM-Xash DewBitaira Stare
Baby Dresses : Creepers
2 for $1
Mothers will be delighted with these values in baby clothes.
Lovely white dresses are daintily trimmed with lace or embroid
ery; creepers, of white or colors, are made-with touches of
hand embroidery.
Sizes 1 to 2 Years
' Bargwi-JTaah Bed Arrow Booth Downstairs Stare.
Clearance Sale
Sport Coats
There are just 200 coats in the
lot. Included are polo coats,
sport models of herringbone, and
capes of silvertone. The mate
rials come in light, medium and
dark shades of the season's popu
lar colors. Sizes 16 to 42.
Tweed, homespun and Jersey
suits. Some are made with full
silk linings. There are brown,
gray and heather mixtures of
tweed and jersey, the homespuns
combine with red jacket with
black and white checked skirt.
Sizes 16 to 40. Suits $10.00.
BBrfraa-Naah Dawnataln Stare
400 Lady Ruth,
Front Lace Corsets
This is an Introductory aale offering of this popular corset. It Is
made in low and elastic top models of pink or white Imported
broche with long aklrt heavily boned. All are daintily trimmed
and finished with extra supporters. Sizes 21 to 30. Exceptional
values priced at
Each VS
Eorgeea-KMh Dewwetaira Store
200 Pink or White
"Burnasco" Corsets
The lot includes medium top or low elastic top models made of
pink or white coutil and trimmed With lace All are heavily
boned. A most exceptional offering for those who wear the
smaller sizes. Sizes 19 to 25. ' .
Very Special 75c
Bargeas-Neth Downitaln Stare
Notion Sale
For lc
lust Proof Dreaa Clasps,
Steel Crochet Hooka, each, 1c
Boned Belting, 30 in. for 1c
Buttons, every kind, card, 1c
Geld Eyed Needle, pkg., 1c
Drees Maker Chalk, piece, 1c
Ore Weight, each......1e
For 2y2c
Collar Band, each .....ZYtC
Darning Cotton, ball 2tQ
Elaatic Remnants, each 2c
Rick Racfc Braid, colored
yard ...,.2y2e
Cotton Tape, 3 yd. bolts, ty2e
Safety Pin, card ...... 2jC
Burgna-Naah Dowaetaln . Stare
Men's Section
Boys' khakt.Kool Kloth
knickerbockers in plain col
ors in light and dark stripes.
All sizes from 6 to 17. Spe
cially priced at
.98 ; :'
Play Suits'
Children's play suits, made of
Chambray and galatine, of
neat pattern. Priced at
Union Suits
. Men' Balbrlggan union suite
made of best grade dimity.
Sizes 34 to 40. Priced a suit
BurgcM-Naah Bowattair Stare
Tuaesdlay 300
Curtain Scrims Curtain Nets
Curtain Madras Curtain Marquisette
in Plain and Figured Design
Slightly Water Soaked
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Store
)M Price
Ail First Quality in Every Way
Just Water-Soaked When Laundered
This Material Will Be as
Fresh as Ever
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Store