THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 10. 1922. The Omaha Bee HOBMING EVENING 8UNDAT. ittt urn rowHWQ cotitAMX ' S, natWtK, (tfMttl Mm. - , MttMM Of. lHZ AiSOCUTtO r' .' It KJ f tni4 H HM MJU ' " t .lfclK ) WWII 4m I UW WMM Tb citwvUtfoa f Tk Oaila Iw - . . - . for April. 1112 DailyAverage 72,300 Sundtr' Awi ...70,595 ' THE. BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY " ' RCWEJL Owrl Mmmm lUAl T ROOD, Ctrcwl Maf l..r to s.4 . IM tfc 4 l M.r. M. s- w gygY, Itotory !. BCC TtLtPHONU Pritat Intik Sm. As tor sk rMrtm.l r If Nurfct CD Alto M l WiUrf ItetxrOBoK. AT IIW ! '' ATUrU orricu M.I. Omr-ITlb . gllfc C. Bluff.. boul '- sl WukiMtM.1111 O. lit. ?"" IMfr pint, rrsnc 41 W 1 Hnc : Backing Up to the United State. New from Genoa thai a leeler has been put. but iu the form of an invitation. to the United States to'pirticipaie in a Ruxian inquisition ar The lUjjue i nio.t interesting.,. Such participa tion will U just .what the Harding tdmitiistra tlon has sought to avoid, and -what the Uoyd George policy has been seeking for months, tin commitment of the United State to certain definite engagement with regard to the future of Europe. A broad and generoui willingnes to f elp all responsible nation who are willing to help themselves is not enough, apparently, to sat isfy the tatemen of Europe, who are seeking to formulate course of action for the United Sltcs. flii country, according to their book, must gc into the muddle and, tiind Jtsell to nction that they will agree upon. .Vhen thc invitation to Genoa was declined it was because of the unwillingness of this nation to take part in European politics. Secretary Jf ughes on March 8 last sent to Italy a note de-. cliping the invitation from that government, in which he said: I regret to inform your excsllency that, aa a result of this examination (of the invitation and agenda), it h&a peen found imposwibla to eicape the conclusion that tha prospective con-, ferenceils not merely an economic conference, question appear to have been excluded from consldemtlon without the aaUsfactory , determination of which the chief causes of economic, dlaturbanpe must continue to operate,but t rather ft conference of a politloal character in which the lovernmant of the; United gtltea could not helpfully participate. lEvent hm established the accuracy of Mr. Hjghe1 'diagnosis, "and faly "confirm1 his tidg-? mint exoressed In the paragraph quoted, i If tht Gno meeting Jibs broken dpwn, it is because of the presence qf those political questions, inese art for European, not American,' adjustment. It is Irue thejr have a world significance, but, even unar the constitution p( the League of Nations, thsy are raters to be settled by the nations most cojiMrnef. The Treaty of Rapille) did aettlf, thim, soJfr as Germany and Russia are con cerned, and with that treaty we have no right tokinterfere France, because of its peculiar sit uajjion, may: object and as far is." that goesJias objected :mot-trnuously and-sejunipgly, . et- feively,-fer even' Lloyd George has not suc ceeded -in- patching up the break. ; i r , :Whet5et the United States will take part in' a consultation upon Russia at The Hague will necessarily depend upon the. form in which the question is presented. If it be purely economic, tht answer my be favorable; but the politicians of Europe may as ,well understand that this gov eminent is net planning to accept a greater, share of the world's burden than is its just proportion. President Harding is ready to help, but- He ex-: pects Europe to. do a little something in a con structive way for itself. ' region. The first ettlent there were wade early q the spring of 1871. It 1'ilgrim father rain front Miflut, Wi.ror.iu and Xfrnne iota. Then with great speed H history of early Ameriian ei!emeflt was repea'ed. . . The school children, of St. drd art toon 4 present their pageant revUualiiing tin event from whith they sprang. Tie ope nlng c ill depict the spirit of the wildrrnr.s, this to be fol lowed by the spirit of Indian dy and the spirit of the pioneers, th drama doting with the per oni first wn of the spirit of today. The tribute l;on of the early settlers, the founding of the mill and the frtablithtnrnt of th school will appear lit the.e dramatic episodes. . ' ."There lias been enough historical materUI for a wrrk' pageant," the local pewpprr de clares. "One of thr Urge problem was iu de termining what to include and what to eliminate." Tbia mukt come as a revelation even to the citl tens. A new community spirit and local pride comes from such pageant of the west. It will be splendid if more Nebraska town turn their thought thus to their pat with music and song. What a Protective Tariff Meant. ' The tariff bill i entering the final stage of it passage in the senate, and before the week is over w ill have been the subject of much detailed debate. .In considering the tariff policy Ameri can should keep in mind that our home market is the greatest and most desirable in all the world. The consumptive demand of the Ameri can people exceeds that of any other nation. Our way of living is different from any other, our buying power exceeds any other, and all other nations are anxious to bepermitted to sell here. Jf goods produced abroad are allowed unre stricted entrance to the United State, it is at the expense of domestic farmers, manufacturers other producers.- Any foreign-made article told here displaces one made at home. That is plain enough to be understood by anybody. A day' work for a foreign workman, making arti cle to be used in America, takes a day's work and a day' pay from an American workman. That also is plain and nerds no argument. The repub lican party is pledged to the preservation of hc home market for the home workers; good wages and continuous employment, with opportunity for advancement, to all. Under the protection of the high tariff this will be secured, , The democratic policy of free trade means that goods produced abroad will be sold in the American market to the exclusion of the home produced, because they can be sold for less money, "simply because of lower wage and poorer conditions for the worker iu other lands. No mistake should be made as to these funda mental elements of a proposition, and the mind of the public should not be confused by moans emitted by democratic mourners over the situa tion of foreign ink makers and the like, who are excluded from the United States by a tariff suf ficiently high to secure the home trade for the J.ome workers:- ;;; j A Congressional Rolla; , ':i ,Jf At 86 "Uncle Joe" Cannon' drops the remark that he bW always desired to travel around the world, but that he never had time, f?e plans to top off his forty-six years of servite jrt tigress: with a tour that will take him first to Japan una then belt the globe. This journey, may be ex pected to be as full of events as those rwrded ill the old Rollo'MwQk. ,;" Ji'-yJ-t : ' ;.A few: words ofadviee in farewell to this lively tourist can hot' be'amiss,.' Anathe'r Tubtic figure, the prince of Vales, is'n6w pn tlje last half of a world tour; that has feeeft jiiiecwiw.-jROTy V ventures and misadventures,. For one thing, Uncle Joe would do; well to thrust aside th temptation to play polo. The ' prince, is i now sp6rting a black eye and a bandaged head a a result of "his getting iri the way of a ball on the nolo field at Manila. ". - '.' , " In Tokio the British . scion so far forgot his ilignity at to get between the shafts of a jin-. .it-Whs and null a-naval officer about. How- , ever skittish Uncle : Joe may feel, he should re strain his, youthful ardor. It as great - 3. faux pas,Ainerifan stajegrnw ,tq update., a coolie hauling a jinrleksha as to attempt, to. " order one over the bar.: Over m jnaia tne;. prince, according: t rumor, gotihijnself shotrat. Furthermore,-Hi coming waJt!wMrsw:eU d. vertised ia advance, but there, were. a. number of. towns where the population played a practical joke and went to their homes in order to avoid "seeing"' him. The best advice to Uncle Joe is to travel inconspicuously, accept whaMribjutes ajre freely pffgred, but not to be dowqhearteV if thr cham-V bej of commer of- Bombay or TiBbuc11oe, not have the municipal band down at the station. This 86-year-old colt will have a lot to tell the folks back at Danville after hjs return. If he collects a black eye or gets Jn V Shooting ' scrape along the route h ha ample precedent, but be should really leave the wild oats to the prince. j ' ; V .. ; i Pilgrims of the. jalas ' - f-Kebraska'brief history has been paefcad with-Incide"- Citizeai of the old American colonies; mujht not believe that enough has happened,, sfy in the town of St, Edward, Neb., ta furnish ma terial for a historical pageant. In New England - a drama e-f this sort would start three centuries back. - ; . : 't'-Ji'- ::"' :Yet out here on the great plain? halt a cen tury comes close to the beginnings. There is ih m. dianitv and significance in the story of - Baftne-rountv- ..Inal. isti.brC'ri4:'fll. Chicago's "Labor" Camorra. v Chicago police are unearthing the workings of a lawless group that has terrorized employers and worHers alike in the Windy, City for. many months,. So far as disclosures have been made, neither the honest worker nor the' honest em ployer is likely to lose anything because a few unscrupulous men have been checked in their operations These men have apparently double- flfl.sf d both sides, extorting bribe from one and exacting contributions in the form of dues from the other, and playing their own game in such a high-handed way it is a marvel that civilized authority would - permit. Violence in every form,- including murder, has extended to every form of industrial activity, an exhibition of the prevalence of the direct aetjon theories of the professed anarchists improved by the cunning of the criminals who have prospered because of the condition they were able to create and maintain' while posing as labor leaders. If the authorities Of Chicago and Coolc county sincerely pursue these desperate adventurers to their extermina tion, they will have done society a great service, because they will have liberated industry from the incubus of dread that has hung heavily over' it. for many months, ' Legitimate trade unionism will be the gainer, and the doctrine of collective: bargaining will improve, because bargains will be made, Ty men honestly seeking a working agreement, and not by camorrista, supported by gunmen. , ' ' The Old SwlmmW Hole Potency of It Appeal I Not Lost Just Because Boy Grow Old. 4 IM HHlIU 4 Pki. Ml '. ..4 k imw4 im ..ia v 4 t tiU IM i4 UUm IM rv iMt Hi A lionltmy look, out of Id indw I lie d.M. i.rMily til th vprinktiiitf ynn, liut aprnes r dfeivlnv, uu. l asuity in th pirU(l lo Mm ia l rH4 Uk Irani ih "nld iwntln' hola" Khr'a Mori'li 10 It' . 'Wprinf fver!M hia lrni dn iin; "pur llnr.'" hi it lirs unap, Mriln, uttrrly an4 hoiwIfMly lavkm In ini.iniin ar thr. Hpruts' fawrf tjisy? Wlirit ih kklri ar tilii. when lh hud ar nwalllna, and when th tird ar rlriii ilircwiUT Tiivr' nmhum la H. !(' u(TBrlu from ver tuntcin for th "old stw imitiin hoi." Iu half th Joy ef th world to h a boy In lh uprinv and lu har tli old pool ealltim! Truant (iituni tli-ir atarnt clcx ks and rt early In vain. Wttfc vr hnrd of atiyn hut a boy nnditt ih old ImleT Th pnt is Jit a crook In lh arm of th river. urtll ty rattl in a piuitur nrarby. Th yellow vir mock Ih nun. Th alitanin irout piny at prlonrr hsM." They frl lh hrrath ft sprliif in lh rapidly warming wtrs. and they wittat their Pn with ai. They know ih "ld hil.M mo. Th pout l o khatlnw in npnla that th lop of your head aa "Hello" to your ahauldrrs when you due. Th uarld trunks of th old oak acniinrla ar spuing brittle. Willi all It faults, th h"le U a Isk of dreams. Itoya divi, dui k. quarrvl, aiilash. float, and swim there, frs a th water tuolf. Worries li with lh cloths on th hank, forgotten. Th "old awlmmtn' hole" ha been passed to us In sons; and atnry. It' as dir lo us aa lh old okn bucket that usod lo hsnar In th well. It Is an Anisrhan institution. l-t any forrlaner claim if h dure! No man In this country but remembers th "hole" of hi youth. Th old soldier rtm-mbcr It Ions; after th elory of hntil ha faded. The statexman prefer It to til Florida beach. Th school board Ih th only aad souls that hav no lltn for It. Why? it awaken tha restless spirit of student and entice them from their work. When th water is wsrmlna; up watch that boy! Minneapolis Kouth men Hc houl Southerner. France's Interesting Experiment An Interesting French project Is described tn th Mortal HyRoIno Uutletln. From this source w ar Informed that an x-soldler'a "mutual birth-benefit aoclety" baa been formed with a membership of inure than 250,000, to help in dividual member lo make more nutiractory adjustments to peace conditions and to lenxcn tho financial burden or cmidren. Kvery meinner who want to take advantage of tho "mutual. benefit" plan must pay into the society's treas ury Ave francs a mouth for five years, or 300 francs in all. When a child Is born to him tho society acrees to pay him 250 franes in a lump and twenty franca a month till the child in a year old. To encourag French women to kIvo their babies tha diet nature Intended them to have, .an additional five francs a month are paid lo tho family if the mother nurses the child. No member, it Is expressively fttinulated. can claim birth benefit till he has been In the so clety more than ten months, but after that he may havo any number of children and claim full payment for every one of them wfthout in creasing his payment of 300 francs spread over flv years. This ia not only an interesting social experi ment, considered per w, but it is a development of huppy augury to France, where the abnor. mally low birth rate as compared with the mor tality lists has Jong been a subject of appre hension among; the thoughtful - patriotic ob servers. Syracuse Jlerald. Major Rowan's Exploit Five days after the war with Spain began, Andrew Bummers Rowan of the Hegular Army landed from an open boat in Cuba, and carred, a message to General Garcia, commanding tha insurgent forces. It was an important message, giving the Cuban leader the information that en abled him to co-operate with the United States against the Spanish army. Rowan had to get through the Spanish lines and And Garcia, It was a dlffloule and perilous mission. Rowan did it with the matter-of-fact efficiency he had learned at Wast Point twenty years before, and Elbevt Hubbard made the exploit famous in his "A Message to Garcia." .. Although he had been in tha Army a(npe 1881, "at the time he went to Garcia, Rowan was only a first lieutenant, lie retired in 1908, a major. He was never decorated or rewarded, for, although. General Miles recommended hint for the medal of honor, no medal or decoration for this eort of exploit existed then. But tardy recognition is to be made of tha man who did an Impossible thing; impossibly well, and Secretary of War Weeks has receom mended that the Distinguished Service Cross, n- decoration authorised during the Great War, be awarded Major Howan. .., : Certainly he deserves it. 1 But a decoration equal to that bestowed on Jiim by Fra Blbertua years ago, translated into many languages and read all over the world, is something that no government can ever hope to eaual.-Worces.ter Telegram- ' " . How to Keep Well y DR. W, A. EVANS QumiIm aaniBi( fcr.wM, MM mm4 saMM l llllllii mtt4 t P. I, by n.S.r. mi Ik siill a..' SNMMlly sukiwl M prf.e iMUUIIaa. kikkr a ue4, s4MrM ssvIm W !. Pr. Ihi fiM u wtaMl Btstcnks lar hWIdiimI Simsm. A lur. la ' f lb M. &rrikii l:i tt Les Jeunes' ' Dief el Engirtes for the Mis jouri. - ' " There are some' advocates of Missouri river navigation who believe the solution finally "wiU b found in towboats driven by Diesel engines. This "is what, makes the success of the, . motor ship William Penn in. making a 30,000mlie ocean voyage of great interest to middle wes'tcftfcr. , ... Tbis is, the, only Diesel-driven freighter owned by the United States Shipping board. Admiral W, S 3enson, pointing to the, total outlay of $70 fet repair. on a run to Japan and return", charac terizes, the experiment as the "most illuminating and eejlfJusiye argument that the shipping world has yet had of the advantages to be obtained from the adoption of the explosive engine as a mptor power In our merchant ships, Less fqel-.wasr required, and the crew was re duced enethird from that customary on steam--ships. Such savings as these mean more, on in--land waters-, than "on the seas, which, would be--navigated at any cost, Omaha, may yet see light draft: Deisel towboats pushing a fleet of barges laden witli farm product down the Missouri, Tvithaa crew npt much larger than that on an or dinary Ireight train. Then will the day of cheap , access to market have arrived. . ' . .v:".'.. . --9 " Sir James M. Barrle has lately been urging the organization of a league of youth.' Un doubtedly Sir James, who was born in 1 8 60, is the very man for the leadership of such a , league, if he can but get it going. There is no time in a man s lire when he feels the spirit of youth singing in his soul so powerfully aa the period when he is about 60 years old. And at that epoch, being particularly anxious to avoid the appearance of old age, he is jealous of age's privileges and attributes, and is strongly in clined to associate himself with the joys and aspirations of youth. Who, in the meantime, is the decadent, tha soorner, tha weary-hearted pessimist, to whom the world ia jn its sere and .yellow leaf? He is the man from 20 to 30. -The propaganda of decadence at the present moment' is in the hands of "les jeunes." ' It is possible, therefore, that Sir James M. Barrie could dq jio better thing than devote his sixth decade to the formation and stimulation of a league of yputh, which, in the hands of sexagenarians as full of youthful vitality as him self, might hope to counteract the growing senility of the younger generation. All truly young persons, whatever their years may 1 be. Will wish' him we!) ip his attempt. Restore eur languid World, Sir James, to its springtime vigor! It was Disraeli, we- belieVe, who said that every thing great that ever has been done was done by youth, and it is true, whether the youth who accomplished it were 17 or 70.-r-Boston Tran script. ..:.-'. THE DIARY OP A COLD. Mundny, warm, brlslit morning. To work without an overcoat. Mn day afternoon, wtsihrr turned cold suddenly. WorUd late. Itml boms on rat. On way horn Ml reld and elillly, slightly achy end a rawn In right no.tril. He.lixe.l that I was catching rold. Had not btfrn near anyon lih an cut cold for rvrsl days. JU4 bt.ii in no crowd. This was the tiri rid in trt ear In a wask. , Thought about Ih Washington unMrstty contention that chilling of III skin lowers th general letnpor. tur. and th temperature of the membrane of the nose, throal and bronchial tube. Think t roniranttd this cold from myself. Auto Infection chilling 4lio determining factor. Though lit aching I ml les I systomln intoxication, th Infwcilon em to be llmliedto a rather small, raw feeling area, in th tight nostril. Night and some fever; profus wet.ry dlschara from right "nostril. Tu.pitny night. Aching Increased progrewdvHy aa day went by. Fever objectionable tn the afternoon. Tem perature gt night I 101. Moderate haduche, worse on the right side. Trofiise watery discharge in right nostril, nischsrge I acrid. Irritat ing th skin of the upper tip. flkln of no I sore. No slightly swollen. Neuralgia of nerve sup plying teeth in upper and lower Jaw. KawneM extending to throat and vocal organ. Mllght Irritating cough. Eye suitdv. Wednesday. Constitutional svmn- tonis much belter. No headache, no neuralgia. Liisctiarge from nose is now mucus and less nbundanU-Mucus membrane of roof of mouth Itches Just as do the tissues In the vicinity of a healing wound. Left nostril slightly Infected. Rawness now Involves tho trachea. Voca! chords raw. Voice husky. Irritating couch. A llttlo mucus raised. Tiiursdoy. Dlschnrgo from right nostril profuse. Mucus purulent. Slight discharge from left nostril. Deafness. Mouth still itches. Most troublesome symptom Is irritating cough. Trachea and bronchi raw. Feverish and easily fatigued, but not much other constitutional disturb ance, y Friday. Skin on nose and lips penling moderately. Discharge from nos.e, yellowish purulent. rrincipal symptoms are those of tracheitis and bronchitis. Coughing up a good deal of purulent sputum. And hero the diary must end be cause we go to press. The "dead line" la no respecter of colds nor the aiaries thereof. At this point I am met with two criticisms. Oe Is that this Is the dlsry of a eoalee and not a cold. The second is that it should have pen "The piary of a Coryxa." My friend. Dr. J. W. Walker. thinks we ahould get away from the word "cold." since It has too many meanings, none of which fits this condition well; soma of the uses of tn word are confusing and, finally. coryza is a good, stmnle. easi v re membered name for th condition. Leaving these controversial oolnts ann getting oacH to the case Here wa an Infection which re suited from chilling. The germs were probably the man's personal property. It started in a limited. definite area in one nostril. . It spreaa aioner tne surface or the rnem-i brane. It skipped the tonsil and ton sil area, as it so frequently does:vIt traveled down the trachea and br6n chial tubes. Why cannot some one devise a wav to gut ore an accessible, slow travel ing, surrace infection? F. S. The diary nart stoDned at me aeaaiine. - How to Anchor Stockings. ; ' M. F, W, writes: , "Will you not say something as to the use of the arouna-ine-ieg garters lor, . women; O.UU KN IS . ' wow mat so many or us no longer wear corsets, it Is a serious question as to how the stockings can be kept up properly. ... . "snouia the hand be below the, kne or above? .-. . "How heavy an elastic? Is there any better scheme than the elastic band? Can it harm one? "Stocking suDDOrters attached tn a belt, auch as are sold at the stores, I find very uncomfortable, and the shoulder strap arrangements I have seen show on the shoulders or 'heck! wiien one wears mm waists. , . : -REPLY. . ! Around the leg garters constrict the blood vessels somewhat and thus promote ' swelling of the feet and varicose veins. However, I feel certain the harm ful effect is not great. All in-all, J expect .the below the knee location in better; Bince there are two bones in that location th venin n Brisrie;, are somewhat better sheltered.: , v i- . ' .. Can the stockings be fastened tn the underwear with safety pins? Many merf hold JheJr lacks up that AlMiut l I'ettfral . Oiiish. May 13 Tu lh Kdiier of Th Hc; Th writer Its md a dllint jh In all lb i.s npcrr.'nit si flemoaraliil gihr in... to s'risin lb prvMiit wbr about i f lb puliiii iMii and editor Mlin utiiil riM-snt month leni ntoi of their inn Ihuiiiping lb publi" n It w a iboiitt lo mil IK unoivmsq aitenlinn lo Hi grvslrst legl.Ullv m l vr ImiMiMtiiug til our republic, th cmniihmnt or Miiirow Wil.iui. autud by I'muI riitg, autlior r. mid aviTpted by, and a clttlined by Hi" di'iniHtiiiio r.itneri a Woodrow Wilson's msslerplsi his gift to suffmliig liiimsiiity th ftilnrnl rkrva .v.ieiii. in rcui innntb the pubhit bus roirlvod no Ihuiup on It wlsbbnn; It stten- linn i no longer i-Miiva t wnmirow W lino if aclilevemint; lh former pralMrM and ioliters-tu-wlili.irll bsve vsnifhed. Tim wrlisr would Ilk to know what bci'iiiuo uf these HO.rallad piilitU'lsn. la It po.mliln that they. tun. Ilk th let r us, ar deHuted and buried? Their si lnce speuk volume. Ar they llv. tng on InleruNlionalisui, tsrlff., Iugtie or Nutiinis, bang or nations. F.uroprnn trouble. hil siurvlug at home? T. B. FKNION. IVV North Forty-first Avenue, , None mi JIhikI. A ruminlMion from th Philippine Inlands Is coming to the Lnlld Blutes to ileiuand linuiedlnte Hide- pendeni . Wo haven t any. I'eoria Transcript. An association has been formed td bliy 9nd preserve Kennmre, the home of Georee Wash Jngtem'g brothern-law, at Fredericksburg, Va, THe interior deeoratjons of this colonial mansion wrt . Resigned by -Washington, In order- that' Americans may not forget how their forefathers lived, t is well to save more ef these eld homes this estate Is about to be cut up for building lots by a practkalrminded landlord. v'- .- A few mor; receptions to train robbers, sueh 43 -that held in Arizona, may take some of the; romance out of the business. Onj "caei 'alwaya work up a tear for those European' prmling 'ink rnakers, were it not for their champions. ? - 11 1 'Omaha's building boom is not making much noise, but it is keeping a lot of mechanics on the pay roll. Either way the Pennsylvania primary goes today, it will not help the democrats much. . Must a Race of Heroes Be Bred? City life is contributing more to the heroic .characteristics of humanity 1 any other thing.' ' If motorists continue to be reckless and to laugh at the law it will not be long before the man, woman or child who can summon the eeurage to eross the street during the rush hours wi(l be a candidate for honors paid only to heroes extraordinary, Much. - is said about the hardihood ' of the pioneers. '. After, all, they had an easy time of it.- - AH they had to do was to fight Indians and take a chance now and then of getting scalped. The city dweller takes many ehanees every day of beng injured by ppeed tiends who acorn the law. It will not be Jong before the man" who can cross the street without the slightest sense of fear might intrepidly scale Mount Everett, defy death in an airplane or become a steeple- ,,,.. i nu.. 1 t . Digging, Not Driving. An experienced golfer invited a novice to a game. Th Hovice, to the golfers dismay, plowed up the ground all around the ball at every stroke. The golfef stood it for a while, but after a particularly vicious dig into the tee, he remarked; i "You've revoked." - "We're playing golf, not whist," said th nevlce. "Yes." replied the golfer, "but you Just played a spade where yeu should have played a club. Boston Transcript. Headed Rurht. His name may not have any bearing on the situation, but one of the eastern colleges an nounces that it haa droppea ivory -jor poor OThnlorahln Hllffaln EltireBS. . E - Ireland sc.em.s nearer than evezao ucedoin...; ilacholarship. Buffalo Express The Best Oils We Know Keynoil and Locomotive There is a chart at each Nicholas Filling Station which shows just the grade and the amount of oil your make of car needs for efficiency. Nicholas Station Attendants will gladly show it to you or tell you If you are using the correct grade. A$k to Sec the Chart Nicholas Oil Corporation "Btuincu Is Cool Thank You ssfe i V - ' 1,1 T f mm mm mm mm "skti - J Tuesday An Opportune Sale of Dainty Frocks for the Club Opening Exclusive models fashioned from ex quisite materials, such as Crepe Romain, Canton Crepe, Pussy Willow and Every "dress has been taken from our kotfow onrl mnra diatlnctivo tin anrl ' placed in one group. They are "one of a kind' but there are several different shades from which to 'choose. Many are beautifully beaded and embroidered. , A limited number only at $49.75. Dreit Shop Scns! Flr Be CircfuV With Diet. Mrs, B. J, writes: "1. We are contemplating a 500-mile auto trip this summer. Do you thinlr -the journey would strain or injure -in any way a child 9 . years old?.. Tb time required to cover the distance would be from two to three days. . 1 "2. " Also," what food would you advise for the child?" . . REPLY, . . , , 1. No. ' '' - 2. A child 2 years of age can eat from the table. . Ko raw tnilk should be fed. Give no corn,, un. ripe fruits or-unneeled fruits." -! ': "''' ADVE8TI8KHBNT. USE SULPHUR TO HEAL YOUR SKIN Broken-Out Skin and Itchinf Eeiema Helped Over Night ' ? . For unsightly skin eruptions, rash or blotches' on face, neck, arms. or body, you do not, have to wait for relief from torture or embarrassment, declares a noted' skin specialist Ap ply a little MenthotSulphur and im, provement shows pest day. "- Because of its ' germ destroying properties, nothing has ever been found to take the. place of this sul phur preparation. The pioment yon apply it healing begins. Only those who have had unsightly skin troubles can know the delight this Mentho-" Sulphur brings. -.Even firey, itch' iiig eczema is dried right up. Get a small jar oi Rowles Mentho Sulphur from any good druggist and use lt-Jike cold cream, --' -- Enjoy life . Dont self-conscious because of a badskin Adopt the daily use of Jtesinol Soap and Ointmentandhavea complexion fhaf will : stand the tesfof the brightest lights. RESINOL t PQthinc &nd Hetwlinq HULBRANSEN Vplayer piano WatiomlblVricm Branded tn trie uaeK.' ' White Houm MOQBI 700 600 495 The Art and Music Store 1513-15 Douglas Street Comfort Your Skin With Cuticura Soap and Fragrant Talcum lot, OvitBtent, TJcbs). Vr. wmymhwr. Bmmpim Are You Traveling in a or. are you headed toward a definite goal? Saving money js easiest when saved for a def inite purpose. The premium on v life insurance pol icy should be one of the purposes for which you save. A fixed amount de posited every week or every month in a sav ings account will en able you to' meet your premiums easilv as they come due, and you will be steadily build ing a cash reserve be sides. . ... Inquire at eur un'mf t department regarding I our special service. The Omaha National Bank Farnam at 17th Street Capital and Surplus, $2000000 j