f ; T Mi 1 WCalifornian Goes ' to Confessional, ThenKillsMan 'i3.Yrar.OltI Hu.lauJ Calls I'dIut to Body of Man He Said Paul Attention! to ' Wife, Kill Srlf. Sun Dicijo. Cal.. May IS. John Moller. fi.l, went to confessional at i'ie Church of Our Lady of tiuadalupe here veterHy. Leaving th priest. Kev. John Komi. Moller f Irplioiifd the police. The police mh Mollrr told them he had killed h man and directed them to the body When the police reached the spot lei nhed. they found the body ol Kdwarrt Dixon, 55, of Imperial VaU try. lie had been shot throuuh the hrait. Nearby i the body of Mollrr. who had returned to the c-ne to end hit life. The Kev. Koma informed the po lice that Mollrr had complained to him recently of Dixon's allrR'd at tentions to hit wife, Mr. Sophie M oiler, who it 70 year old. Mr. Mollrr aid she returned alone from show ind shortly afterwards heard a scuffle in a rear room where Dixon slept. Moller draCK'd Dixon out of hrd and into the backyard, where he killed him, Mr. Moller said. Youth Found Slain. Oknwluee. Okl.. Mav IS. The hodv of Russell Eldred. tcioit of one of Okmulgee's oldest families, was found today in the Eldred residence here by a real estate agent who had jjone to optifthe house in prepara tion for the return of Mrs. F. B. licked, the hoy 'a mother, who is ex pected to return from Pennsylvania, l'olice say he had been dead about a mouth. The room in which the body lay showed evidence of a terrific strug Kle, although authorities expressed belief that the decomposed state of the body might preclude any possi bility of determining whether young Eldred was murdered. Two pistols found in the room showed no signs of having been used. An investiga tion was immediately begun and city health authorities intimated that an autopsy might be held. Baly Hurt in Runaway Wymore. Neb., May 15. (Spe. rial.) A runaway horse threw E. S. Phillips and his wife and baby out of the buggy. The child suffer ed three broken ribs and is thought to be injured internally. Mr. and Mrs. Philipps were not seriously in jured. . Souls Aflame? Orpheum ALL THIS WEEK THE OKPHEIU PLAYERS "scaTdal" - A DRAMATIC TREAT EVERY NITE . Mats Tir 'day, Thursday Saturday Now Showing MAE MURRAY in FASCHfflQS Th. Story of a Girl Who Danced With Danger ' .. ALSO Prince Lei Lani The Sensational Tenor of Hawaii Educational Novelty Reel "How to Grow Thin" Symphony Players Organ NOW SHOWING EUGENE O'BRIEN "Chinning ol the northwest ' Price: Children . 10c Weekday Matinee . . . .25c, 30c Nighti, Sunday Mat.,. 30c, 40c NOW OPEN taring Every Eveaisg Pleis&it Fmnatisx Riies Largest and Cleanest Picnic Grounds Amplifier Tube Is Most Delicate Special Care Mu.t Be Given Hadiotron in Wiring, Sa Expert. Trohably the ut deliuie device of a radio set it the vacuum tube i puzzling piece of apparatus to many, Various types of lubes art used lor utt at many different kinds of operation, as the detector tube and amplifier are ued for re ccivhig while the more sensitive tubes are used for transmitting. Chief of the tube that are manu factured i called the radiotron or Cunningham, Among the different types is the 1', V. ?W lpe. This i a detector w hile the 17. V. 20J it the amplifier. The difference lies in the fart that the first tube has a small amount of rare gas left in it, while the amplifier tube is exhausted to a high degree. This is what sometimes makes these tubes a golden color. Cost la High. The U. V. 202 is a 5-wait trans mitting tube, and the U. V. 205 it a 50-watt transmitter. The largest type is known as I', V. 204 and is rated at 250 watts. This type is known also as a P tube and it the t one that ts universally used by the broadcasting stations. A station such as )Z (Newark, N. J.) uses five of these large tube which retail at $110 each. Amateurs may con sider themselves lucky, therefore, in paying only $5 for detector tubes. Another type of vacuum tube is the A-P. These are made in only few sires, principal types being the electron relay, which is a detector, and the A-P amplifier tube, which is another of the tubes exhausted to a high degree. " . Care In Wiring. In the installation of a vacuum tube, these things must be remem bered: In the first place, a tube has four contacts that must be connected up correctly or it will not operate. By examining a socket that conies for a tube, it will be seen there are four binding posts. These are rr.oa TrinrnM" mnarl LeatriceJoy Imafina a fallow abaut to ha married and thaa inheriting fiva of tha cutaat kiddle you over law! "COLD FEET" A RED HOT COMEDY EM PR E S S - NOW SHOWING FAIRFIELD FOUR ELLIOTT 4 WEST . THE LERAYS STANLEY WILSON SISTERS "A Cycle of Comedy, Sonf a Daaces" You Can't Loae if You're Lookin' for a Good Time Gyle? AUDITORIUM . TONITE Ey'rybody Invighterl mikd ti. P. F. F. The ti standi lor the grid, P far th pUte and the ia tusiked F mean that these art the pomt far the connection of tht filament. At the tube Ms into what it known a a bayonet socket, it will tt found that it ianpot be put in in. correctly, but the beginner will hast 14 be very careful ta set that the binding pt art connected up right, If a vacuum lube it used wiili sari and coiinecie-l into the circuit cor rcii'y it should last for several years. If the set is homemade, the he. I plan to follow It to connect the Hor ace battery first and try out the fila ment. If the tubt does not light, you will know that here it something wiong. Never connect the tt baliery until you are absolutely certain that the wiring i con ret. If the IS bat tery it connected in such a way that tht current will flow through the filament, the filament will lat about at long at the wink of an eye. When this happens there i nothing to be done but supply another tube. The brginniner will rrahe that when a tube it burned out it it ahwilutcly est Irs. SPARKS Additional broadcasting stations are listed herewith: Call. Ml Hon. IXr tnvr. t'ol.,rinl1 Radia fa. AMI aaa r row-two, ,pi"t l. I'.a . 1PV Monl.r.y, 4I.....SoMa hla. Waiku CkJaiurkrt. R. R. r. r'arhana Ht'MlUa rrartciare..!. J. tbr o. Other stations will be listed in The Bee tomorrow. QUESTIOS L. L. F, Valentine, Neb. 4 I iH i taly hum In my trlra. Can you iOiih on how to limlnai thia Irouhuf I had do siivh trouulo nh a crr ' A. Th hum Initlratfo th-ra la an pn rlrrull anina vlara in lh mrt. Vou bad btlttr Irars I ha wlriuar in lbs set. C. D. H., Falls City, Neb. Q Why la II thai whn I ulai my llnfra en tha "phonra" bimllnf ponta on my at alanala ram In louder? A.' Hy dome Ihia you add what la known "body raiarliy." tour ! rotahly n-da mora capacity acrnaa cha phona. I'laco a aniall ronijmwr acroaa lha lr. mlnala or. )( you alraady bava unt, try a larsr ona Stunt Aviator Killed Vernon, Tex., May 15. Ed Li rctte of Dallas, stunt aviator, was killed here yesterday when a belt strap holding his body to a para chute broke. Lirette fell 2.000 feet. The "Blue Ribbon" Show of tha Staaon NOW SHOWING ( f ACTS OF PANTACES O "GOOD TIME" VAUDEVILLE Plaaalnf Photoplaya ' Attend the OA Bargain Matlnoaa e3UC y NOW SHOWING TOM in "Up and MIX Going" NOW SHOWING 'Ton Nights in a Barroom" BRANDEIS MAY 18-19-20 . Saata Now Selllnt- le SELVNS present has. LESLIE RTER JOHN MALUMV ROBERT A . RtNDcL w ecwePseT mooam nMreooitea A DRAMATIC TRIUMPH to see "th ciocue" is to OCJOICE IN THE TH STAT ESI OS THt PRtygNT HOUR NifhU, 50c, tt, 10, $2, $2J0, $3 . Sat. Mat., SOe, SI, $t.BO, 2. 2.50 rOLITICAt. ADVERTISEMENT MB. "jSsT BETTY s y ADAM The Logical Man for Jt'W J lrS0 Candidate for Republican Nomination. Primaries July 18, 1922 THE BKE: OMAHA, H'tSDAV. ilA lli. Itr Summer Vacation Fares in Effect Ilalei Lower Tlmi for Socrnl Year Pitst. IUil Officials Here iay. Hound ln'i tuininer raitiuad rttrs iractiilly every irt of tlie United Mat's went into effect licre yesterday. Tlteoe rates are lower, in iiw n y eases, tlian for some minium pat, railroitd oifitiatt say. Several lines are offering round liis to California for $72, uliich is ill enable travelers to stort-jn San Fran cisio, Lot Angeles and San JJirgo, as ti ell at inierveniiiR oiius. Tlire line att are offering, tit Wet to the north 1'acific coast, Seattle and WtUud. and return fur $72, and a errand t-iidv imir of California and the north racitie coast lor fw. ' Cut rates to the fisliiiitf tcsorts of Miunroid and Michiitait are ex pected t'S attract many pleasure seekers. Round trips to Tennessee. Virginia, HoTi'Ja. Georgia and Ken tucky and (lie Oark mountains al so are offered at reduced rales. One may journev to Atlantic City and re Mrn for SW.96 as a result of the cut effective yesterday. Tickets at llioc raics may he pur chased every d.iy until September M and the tickets arc good until October 31. affording stopovers at any place desired on the route. Sum mer rates to Colorado become ef fective June I. - The Uce leads all the other papers in sport news. Kead The Bee first. Pueblo v w without additional cost New Mexico RocHies Sale dates: To California, May 15 to September 30. To other points June 1 to September 30. Return limit October 31, 1922. - Stop overs in both directions. . Fred Harvey meals "all the way." Ask for "California Picture Book," "Colorado Sum mer," "Grand Canyon Outings,4' "Off the Beetcn Psthl""PeUlfiedForcet,"endT'CoolSummerWsy." C A. Moore, Gen. Agent Fsss'r Dept... A.T. &S. F. Ry. .116 Flynn Bldg., Dps Moines, lows Phone: Market 1043. GRAND CANYON POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT of Beatrice Nebr. McMULLEN Taxes The following is taken from Adam McMullen's statements, given publicity in all the leading newspapers of Nebraska, in regard to the tax question: - "The way to reduce the cost of state government ii to cut down expenses. ' "Taxes cannot be reduced over night by some fanciful theory or magical scheme. The problem is an economic one, not political. " Two years ago we were spending money the country over like mad and now we have got to begin saving it like sane people. It has to be done that 'way in private affairs and' there is no other way to do it in public afiVrs. '. .. "The carnival of' spending is over. This is the morning after, and if we expect to put the house in order again, we have got to buckle down to work and keep track of the dollars. ' This applies with equal force to county and municipal and township governments, but the state should set them an ex. ample and show them how it is done. "We must also see to it that every tax dollar expended, for public service or utility must purchase 100 cents worth of value." Stock of Gasoline Reaches New Record Wellington. I. C, May IS. A ptw high record for the national stock of jMsoliue, increaes in the price of winch have becii ordered in. vrstigated by the senate, was ettab. Iihrd April I, according to statistics made public last night by the federal bureau of mines, allowing supplies ol the commodity on that date ag grre4tcd 8.M..M.7MKJ g4llous. The stocks on hand April I were approximately 47,tXll.0tK gallons greater than on March I, when the pievious higir mark of 8ti7.UOU.ouu callous In storage was made. The April ( supply, accoidinc; to the bu rru's figures, was JU per cent l.irL-rr llintl t,n the ajme ljl tit tat I year. The ollicial figures confirmed Ktiitemcntt made in the senate that present supplies and those of recent i months were greater than ever be- lure in tuts country. U.icfulaurcatc AMro Drliveretl at Fairbury I'airbury, Neb., May IS. (Special) Haccalatireate address for the high oelmol class of I9JJ were held at the Christian church. The sermon was given by Rev. C. C. Uuckner, president of the Chris tian Sunday schools of Nebraska Mis theme was "The Definition of Man." The class numbers 57. Kearney In Latest City to Start Anti-Rat Campaign Kearney, Neb., May IS (Special) Kearney is falling in line with a campaign to exterminate rats. The WM ibft inyeaxs. NaHtmolBam los Angeles 'San Diego 'Sanfiwicisco vJiihotU additional cost - Colorado Springs -Denver POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Governor Travel and Resorts Chamber e( Commerce has put a inrniiiim or 10 cents on every let tAi tiroiiiiht in anil as a side Ime, live niou.e tails equal a rat tail, Special prises are alo award") to lliose nuking a record caich during the drive. Hoy Scouts are orgauiied to nuke a try tor the added money and the following month promises to be rouiih on the rat population, Nine I..W. W. Itelrasftl. Leavenworth, Kau May 15. i Nine Industrial Workers of the World received here September 7, l')18.t with the "Rig Bill" Haysvood consignment were released from the peuitcuiisry yesterday, having com CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR DONALDSON N V (a I'tiaibau'a a'1 kauibawpta IITMS ti Ju II July 4 Hr-.HKMi S.KI. , , . Slay M JiiwH al II MtlNSrVMS . ,JHaa JhmH July IS N T la l'! moult), i htrhmiif llainbui MIM MaySl July I Ah. S tnil.Mt Jan II July tS An. SI N V lit I'nbh. (J'in'on A ,vroil I.INUIMI ....Mar IS JaaalS July IS M VTIIIS nwl.. .Slay J Juna SI Jaly IS l.OM iaaw).JM S July kSM.SHIA Ave. S N. T. la Londonderry n& Olfow. COI I'SiniA May M JanaSS Jaly tS (AMEKONIt ....Juna SOrt. T. AM.S.KIA JuaalS July IS Aa.IS N T. to Vln. Clibraliar, Nai'laa, I'alraa. OutoiovBlk an Trltala, II ll.lt Jaa U Boatoo ta Lonrtondorry, Llvarpool an lilascavr. AM RI1 Slay tt July tpt. U Hnonii to quaanaloon ana uvarpoaii SSHSHIS (nt)...M.y SI Juaa tS SKM SMA July IS i LACO.MA (nsw) Jul :s . CANADIAN SERVICE via Plotnraaqua 8t t.awranca Poula llonlrtal to Oln.fow SSTIRMA ...May IS Juna IS July 14 S.I. t MI S May tS Juna I SHNSMIRA .. t JunvSv July SS ATHKM A .... Ave IS knit. IS A 1,0 calla at Stovllla, Iraland. Uoniraal to IJvarpool At.BSMS ... .June I July IS Aur. ! TtKKIISMA ..June 24 JulyM fpl. t Alert MA July S Auf . IS bpt. IS Alto ralla at Glaiiow. Sloniraal to I'lymouih. Charbourg and London. AMI S M A Juna IT July IS Aur. SS ATOMA July t A of. 5 BP1. Apply Company 'a Loral Acta. KtarjT her. am I.The Land of the Sky Blue Waters" f OTOR, fish, golf, camp in the woods or along the motor trail or atop In a big city bote!) you're ckwe to nature or civilization as you please. Cornel By motor, railor boat ask your local ticket agent about reduced summer ratea. Write for information and literature. fen Thousand Lakesof MinnesotiAsaa. 1 169 Host th Stmt, St. Paul, Mlna. When vou vrttt. indicaf kiniofinformalum iejirJ:GanaralVacationa.CanoaTr1pa Parmsnant Sumnasr Hon Sites aintfilll ASnnodera hotal HOTEL. every room with batn (aw Hotel Bed Book In avery PullBaa car) eatabltob your Mlnneaota touring headquar ter here for mall, telegrams, laundry , at, write for booklet: addnaa Tha Saint Paul Hotel, Salat Paul. Mfcta if Of course, you .will visit our won-"i drousl?est! Lei the Burlington help. " The map shows how BURLINGTON SERVICE solves the vacation prob- .. lem---to Colorado, the great National Parks, Pacific Northwest, Cali fornia Every where Vest. This is travel bargain year. Vaca tion costs are down! BURLINGTON TRAVEL AND INFORMATION BUREAU 1508 Faraam Street, Atlantic 5578 J. B. Reynolds, City Ticket Agent J. W. Sfaarpe, City Passenger Agent .0 cin L L -f -''wt'u"l-- " if " pkted svetenees cf five ear tsith reductions lor good bcluvwr. Three of the nine, Jvhn .Svita. a Portuguese; Herbert Matilrr. an tri.liuun, and Joseph Oaies, an Kug lithman, er rearrested by fitimi gration authorities immediairly alter A New Train k To Denver ;k gateway to the Rockies MORE people thaa ever will spend this Sum mer in Colorado. ' Therefore we will add a third daily train from Omaha to Denver on May 29th. It will leave Omaha Union Station at 8:10 a. m. and arrive in Denver at 8 JO p. m. the fajt train to Colorado. Pullmans, Observation Car, Chair Car, Coaches and Dining Car. Summer fares are much Lower to all points west and there's no war tax. Spend the summer in Colorado's cool mountains; or stay a few weeks en route to Yellowstone, the Pacific Northwest or California No extra charge. ' s Three Daily Trains to Denver From May Daily Now Daily Now Lv. Omaha 8:10 a.m. 4:25 p. nu 1:15 a.m. Ar. Denver 8:30 p.m. 730a.m. 330p.m. train daily to Pacltv- Coast 2 to Yellowstone) TV1 1 T Tq wncre vou want to go this summer, X Cll WO and let us tell you about the very low faxes j their release, snj, tsstr strtr4 fr ! $fw Voilf lor dfrwiiatbu.' ftraJ Tlt Pee al h stay throujh. You tsill find it interest, nig. i-TiTls: and give you Deauuruiiy illustrates booklets. Call Phon or Writ K. K. CURTS, City resseagarAf sat 1416 Dodge St., Omr.ha Pbene Douglas 4000 Consolidated Ticket Office U.P.Hdqrs., 1416 Dodge St Union Station 10th and Marcy Sts. Taha dowa year "at hem" aita aad apaad ywar ereaiato at Kra( park