.Marriage of Film Star and Movie Art Director Is Voit rlur HflJ SuIjTt to ('rim iual Phmtm for .vcoinl Mar rlf,9 Within Yrr Mm IittfrloeufWy Pmcf. Lei Ana-h. May 15 TItc mr flag tl Rudolph alenttnu, rtfe rlor. nd Mix Winifred 1 1 u-lnut motion picture art Hurtior. h a MUmiiiH at u Mtkiro, li.t Niturday, it und m California mii .f ih bridrarooni hat nude Mm rl( tubirt-t in rriitiinul procc.i, e cording to judge of the nnerior COtirt llflf. Ih'k condition U due to the irt that Valentino obt4tned an intrrltHU tory decree of divorce Iroro Jean Artr, his (irl tviir, on January ju, iv.v, and that decree will not be' tome eliective until neat January In the meantime, actnrding to iba judgei, V.kntino i Mill married to Mitt Acker and therefore cannot (gaily conirart another marriage in California or anywhere ele. Judge Silent Whether Valentino would be d - ciolincd bv the court w. not Mated, Judue Thonw O. Toland. who granted the Valentino decree, de clined to dio the eae today, judge J. V. Summerfield, who i al no engaged in lieainf divorce cie, concnted. however, to explain the law. Judge Snmwcrhcld raid that the entry of an inrrlocutory decree of divorce wa nothing more than an order of the Court that, nothing in terferinc. Die nartiet would he en. titled to a divorce after a year had c'aptcd. If they aOempted other mar. uage within that year, he aaid, the reult was bigamy. Inquiry at the l.aikv tttid ion, where Valentino is employed, brought the information that he -was out of town for three weeks, He wa reported to he doing onie divert location work in the Imperial valley. The studio management declined to discus his marriage and what effect, if any, it would have on his employment. . To Go to New York. Calcxico, Cat., May 15. The mar riage of Rudolph Valentino, screen actor, to Winifred Hudnut took place Saturday afternoon in Mexicali, across the border from here, with Judge Sandoval officiating. Valen tino was reported to have told friends here that he and the bride would leave immediately for New York, to stay there "until technicalities con nected with the divorce case are cleared up," and then return to Cali fornia. ...... : Iowa Doctors Honored Washington, Ma 15, (Special TetegramjT-The commissioner of pensions hat appointed Dr. C H. Johnson member , of the pension board at Cherokee, and Dr. Oliver Fisher at Onawa, Iowa. Farm. Advances. Approved " Washington, , May - 15. (Special Telegram. The war- finance cor poration announces that from May 1 1 tttrttidtr.appnrred advances of $14,000 for agricultural and livestock purposes in Nebraska. ! Ours is a "Specialty Shop" featuring the I rof a kind throughout - our entire stock. .'Giving value and a ' certain smartness of c,siy.eis our uiu lor your favor. Hun dreds of your mends always depend on us for tmusua.Uy,"clever ;ciotnes vye win rsurely try to please YOU. Smart HJeer fir 'Women 1621 Farnam V feThey're Good j Looking 5 ? Individual if is Woman Visits Boy Who Claims He Shot Self 1 I i .yi-. : -l ; d -A T-i: 1 if" If 1 I-- 'fit I ... V WjI Mrs. Irene Connolly. Motlier of Kratkv Scoffs at Police Suicide Theory Dcclitros Son Who Lies Wounded in Hospital, Sliitlds Another for Love. The theory that Charles Kratkv, 20. 2751 south Tenth street, attempted suicide by shnotiiiK himself throiiKh the richt Kroin, is questioned by his mother, Mrs. L. L. Kratky. Young Kratky, who is convales cing in St. Joseph hospital, insists he shot himself. Mrs. Irene Con nolly., 29, who entered the limelight via her divorce petition mentioning kissing parties, and who visited Kratky at the hospital yesterday, and rushed to his home scantily clad when she heard of the shooting the night before, remains silent. Mother Scott s story. Mrs. Krafkv scoffed at the story told by her son. calling attention to the failure of his two brothers to find the revolver he said he threw in to the weeds in Riverview park after shooting himself. Detectives rer ported they found a .38 caliber re volver and a half empty bottle of liquor there, however. These detectives, Trcglia and Lick- ert. Say young Kratky told them he had shot himself because his mother had been rebuking him for his atten tions to Mrs. Connolly. "A bov can't fool his mother,' though," said Mrs. Kratky."Charles is shielding someone. Perhaps I should not tell, but it is not richt that he. should make tin sacrifice tor love." - - Heart. Attaint Aired. Mrs. ControHys heart affairs were aired in court last week. W. G. Sears, judge in the court of domestic rela tions, yesterday ordered a special in vestigation into the case. Mrs. Connolly admitted that young Kratky was a "not infrequent" vis itor at her home, but exclaimed, Why, he's just a boy." Her hus band is Dr. James P. Connolly, den tist. File Petitions Asking Dorsey to Be Candidate Lincoln. Mav 15. (Special.) Pe titions asking W. C. Dorsey to be come a republican candidate tor at torney general were filed here this afternoon. One petition was signed by Lincoln residents and the other bore signatures of Gage county vot ers. Dorsey was a member of the old supreme court commission. For several months he has been aiding Attorney General Clarence A, Davis in prosecuting Omaha men indicted by the grand jury called at the re quest of the attorney general. Dorsey was in Lincoln this after noon and was reported to have told friends he intended to enter the race. Cigarette Jf s toasted. This one extra process gives a rare and delightful quality impossible to duplicate. .-'.'." '-'-s;. Guaranteed by ' ' v ' 414-29 SKuritie Bid., Cor. 16th and Farnam St. Dour. 5347 Festival on Koof Garden for Good ' Will Candidate M. 1 J'mifh 9i Ou lu Gic I)mif ami Fiilrrtiiiiiictit in Ddtdlf of Mi Anna MoNanura. 1 h p4iion rof uardrn t"P the dew buiMuiK ot M. K. w k Co. Mill le the nene of much merriment and niiiic tonight, when a dance and fettival will he given in behalf ( Mi Anna McNamara, that (! pany't candidate in the liood U ill election, All friends of M. E. Smith & Co., and of Mix McNamara arc invited to attend the alUir. which promitei to he one of the most uutmanding events of the dec two. - Can Study Astronomy. To leiiu with, the roof garden, with its terrace omlookinii the city on the wett, should prove a great attraction. There i a itaue, mod erttly equipped, and the dance floor it Urge and enticingly smooth. On the terrace one may get a breath of air and study agronomy and things with one's partner be tween dances. Refreshments and Program. There are to be refreshment and entertainment as well as dancing. The price of admission is SO cents and no additional charge will he nude for dancing. ' Karh ticket will entitle the holder to a chance on a J.'iK) phonograph which it to he giv en as a door prize. There aUo will be opportunities to obtain some of the famed Miua Taylor house and street dresses, and the Beau Iirum niel khiits, which are manufactured by M. 11 Smith & Co. Entrance to the roof garden is on Tenth street, between Douglas and Farnam. Girls working in the in terest of Miss McNamara's candi dacy have a booth at the entrance of the building, where every noon cigars, cigarcts and candy are sold. Burlington Girl Makes Big Increase (Contlnnrd lYom Pan Out.) orchestra, composed of Omaha High school students, at the Mexican dance, held yesterday noon, at the livestock exchange. A prize-winning Shetland pony was donated by the Thompson Pony Farm of Dor chester, eb., 10 be auctioned otr for Miss Kaufmann. The livestock interests will hold a" smoker on Thursday evening, Miss Kathcrine O'BrieiK Burling ton candidate,- accompanied by her manager, left Omaha Sunday for" St. Louis to spend a iev hours there. She will visit 'Jsrookfield, Mo., St. Joseph and Wyinore returning this evening. Dances are to be held at Superior and , Lincoln in honor of Miss O'Brien. Boosters of Ella Fenu will give a dance at Krug . Park Wednesday evening. The committee reports that tickets are selling Tapidly and, barring unfavorable weather, a record break ing crowd is expected. Tickets are 55 cents including tax which entitles the holder admission and dancing all evening. To Hold Show in Fremont McCord-Brady have also com pleted arrangements . for a four-act vaudeville slrow to hfc given at the Wall theater m Fremont this evening, the proceeds to aid , Miss Fenn. Omaha talent will furnish enter tainment and people of Fremont are promised a treat Participating are the Harmoneer Trio composed of David Robcl, Robert Sackett. and Robert Anderson of the University of Omaha; Henderson & Nielsen in a comedy auto act, Dorothy and Blaine Wahl, Omaha's most popular juvenile performers in a song and dance revue and Cyro Slingerland, the clever entertahier at Krug park this season, in a number of new songs. Police Held Blameless for Slaying of La Velle (Continued From Vus On.) I heard no one say anything to the men on the sidewalk." Jess Ryan, 3208 Oak street, tele phone company employe, told of hearing someone say, "Just a minute fellows," and that then the shooting commenced, one of the bullets going into his room and passing within six feet of his head. He said he dressed and got out of his room to get out of range' of flying bullets, went down stairs and looked Out the door and saw an officer in uniform snooting at two men who were re turning the fire. Mrs. May La Velle, widow of the victim of the . shooting, and her daughter, Helen, told of the visit of the officers inquiring about the hold up and she said she and her daughter told the officers that Mulvihill arid her husband were out looking for the holdups and that they were both warned. She said, she cautioned the officers to be careful and gave " a description of both her husband and Mulvihill. She told of hearing the shooting and of Mulvihill running up the street yelling "Get the cops; there is an automobile full of stickup men up the streetshootingin every direction." . Mrs. La Velle told of finding her husband shot on the porch of the Pzsanowski home and of trying to get him to speak to "her,, but that he died in her arms without being able to utter a word. ' "" ' Nervou'a Diseases and Spinal Troubles respond to Chiropractic Adjustments. Dr. Burhorn invites you who are tick or ailing to investigate what he can do in your particular case, without any obliga tion on your part. Other. Get Well Why Not Vou? "Office adjustments are 12 for $10 or 30 for $25. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Lady attendant. Complete X-Ray lab oratory. House calls made when unable to come to the office. Dr. Frank F. Burhorn palMer school chiropractor Hie BEE: OMAHA. Says Labor Socialists Are After Third Party I iuculii. May 15. tSpecUI.) I'dImiiMii tlii Mirk are Uhii!g for dt vrlupmeut at ! iiiiJdil-ilie road third forty inrttuu n'M ly in- uructiu o be held at dr iii'l lund tuiiioiiow far the purpose funning a fourth poiniml tuny in Nchrka. The hrodi of the third party are e .penally mificird a the aiiiuuntt of rnthuMf m, the number present and the toiiuc dicidfd uikhi mean hie or death to the third party. It i known that no attrmpt lu been made to circulate pemum Mr Ac thur (j. Wiay nr I nitrd Mates ni alur and J. N. Norton (ur governor, printing the uuicome t( the middle of-thp road inciting, However, a quit t canvas in one or two counties lus been made among rridruts of these counties oiituing the third party pact at Grand hland and it is reported that everyone is atzree able to the Wr.iy-Norton combina tion. The third party leader are in dined to believe that the prenent up ri.ing is an attempt of labor-social-iu, aided and abetted innocently by W. J. Taylor and one or two others, to gain control of the third party ma chinery. More Petitions Filed for Davis More liackrrs for Attorney General as Senator Than Any Other Candidate.' Lincoln. May 15. (Special.) Three more petitions urging Attor ney General Clarence A. Davis to become a republican candidate for the United State senate were filed this morning. One of these was from his old home town, Holdrrge, and contained ILK) names. A second was from Lonsr Pine. headed by O. R. Mounts, an attor ney, and containing 63 nam. The third was from Nehawka, headed by A. F. Sturm, state sena tor; with 25 signatures attached. Petitions for Davis to run for sena tor exceed those of any other candi date so far, both in the number of petitions and the number of signa tures. C. G. Bliss of Elm Creek filed to day as a candidate for republican state senator.. 'He was a member of the senate two years ago. Mothers's Day Observed Fairbury, Neb., May 15. (Spe cial.) Mothers' day was generally observed in the churches of rair bury. The more desirable flowers were all taken at the greenhouses Saturday ' by noon and the supply was inadequate to satisfy the de mand. How to feel better Eat Spaghetti Heinz Spaghetti the kind with the delicious tang of red ripe tomatoes perfectly seasoned and spiced and blended with a famous cheese. Eat it often, instead of meat and so many other things that cost more and are not so good for you. It's a real food. HEINZ Spaghetti Ready cooked, ready to eerve 57 TUESDAV. MAY lfl, 1922. Irish People to Ballot on Loudon Free State Paet I'mgrm Toward lVae He ported ly Dail Kireann Cuiu ntiltec To Hold Wee tiona on June 12. liy PAUL WILLIAMS. top Uuhliu, May 15 I'rogre to ward peace belwrrn I lie cppoing nohtual factious and their support ing armies is under. tcotf to have been made by the Dail Kircaiui con ciliatuig committee. '1 he batia for an agreement it to include: Vacating of about 15 seats in the dad, occupied by lester light. Division of their seats, according (t the prctent political complexion and a selection of more influential men as candidates to take them. An election on June 12. to be ai ii greed election of all members pres ent in the dad with the above named exceptions to run again without op position. Work At Assembly The dail is to be elected to act at a constitutional assembly working on a constitution prepared by a com mittee under the provisional govern ment and yet subject to minor changes. That the dail be strengthened by putting in heavier legislative timber. Representation of labor and unionists is a proposal not objectionable to the treatyitcs. Harry Holand has contended that no issue should be decided at the coming election but he seems to have receded somewhat on this stand, and the treaty will be placed before the people with the constitution. With the treaty endorsed, the oath the dail members take will be that of an incorporated treaty, and this will permit the entrance of four members from Trinity college, who STRAW HATS ARE NOW Special Offerings for TUESDAY IX Boys' Department "Here is an extraordinary bargain." Don't miss it it you have a boy who can use one of these 6lzes. 29 Boys' Knickerbocker Suits. Our own make of ALL WOOL FABRICS, colors and Scotch mixtures that formerly sold to $15.00. There are only 29, remember. On Sale Tuesday at M.ea S 11 12 IS Ti la""i' l1 - Kog. 1 8 8 g 6 3 7 7 Boys' All-Wool Two-Pants Suits Full line ot sizes, and a fine collection of Blue Serges, Scotch and Heather Mixtures, and the very popular Tweeds. These suits formerly sold up to $25.00, - On Sale Tuesday at Stzea ... 7 8 ! 10 U 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 7 9 15 14 11 16 9 8 17 6 Boys' Athletic Union Suits. Here are some splendid garments for the Boys' summer wear, and at a very attractive price., All sizes. 55 c Each 2 Suits for $1.00 Boys'. Ribbed Cotton Hose. Medium and heavy weights, hard twisted cotton fiber that gives long service and genuine satisfaction to parents. 25c Pair 5 Pair for $1.00 Boys' $2.00 Caps for $1.00. Broken lots and sizes of CapB in tweeds and fancy mixtures. One-piece tops and 8-quarter styles. . Boys' Shirts at Half Price. i One big lot of madras and percale shirts, fancy stripes and colors. These shirts formerly sold at $2.00. On Sale sr Tuesday at 01. UU Be sura and get your share of this offer. Children's Top Coats. , A small number of Children's Top Coats, Serges, Fancy Mix tures and Tweeds that formerly sold to $15.00. On Sale (to qj- Tuesday at : 'pD,D 15TH and DOUGLAS STS. I i H Grandmother knevricK shortening was necessary inmaiWo' W art uniotii.u. They irfu.ed to ttt 4lltgiiiie 14 the fmlit,e and tutt never ILtu .ran. hrilirr r anion de Vleu and Mmcarl O'Connor will' he cfterrd or ill l.ke sume ut ii i In coahtuxt government af ter the election eeui undetermined and doubuul. Eleciian Announced. Londuii. Mav IS -An lii.h rlrc lion he held Ju I, whether an agieement j. rrached ltee the tree staler, and the republicans or not. This is the deii.mii of the pro. vuional government hut it wdl not be uiiiiouiirei lr a lew tuy ytu j It lu been subletted that an ' agreement might hue for it. ba-t NO free naier and 40 republican, j an even thai, gHd ptditual judges ay, it a big coucrttinn U the repub liitns, who ar not rupee led to hull iiietie than Id seats in the conte.ied election. The free state would gam. however, by avoiding a period of dionrdcr and the resultant hmerne.i which would be turc lo lumper its work. About 10 day before the election a constitution will be published. Ihr document is now practically complete. At it stands it hat 75 clau.es, hut two or three tf these may be elim inated in the final revision. Attorney General Da via . Helps Settle Land Ditpute Lincoln. May 15. (Specirl.) An old dispute over claims to lands in Cherry county growing out of two survey has been settled as a re suit of a conference between At torney Oeneral Clarence A Davis and William Spry of Washington, D. C, general land commissioner. I'udcr the agreement, owners of P'opcrty wlio find themselves in dis pute over land originally owned by the state but which, under a later survey, it claimed by them, will be given an opportunity to receive at much land in another section. There are. 569 acres of laud affected be longing to Hiiro Ilein. Jacob Keu- mayrr, Alfred Gouchrr and David Oourlcy. Read The Bee ail the wav through. You will find it interest ing. READY, $2.00 and VP. ow $4.95 $9.95 WW Harry H. Abbott, Mgr. Triumvirate Hack of Chicago Death Ring, Police Say I'roof 1'urnMted I lirmich Search of IWunifiitary 11 i denee Srlted From LaW Union Offitrr. Chicago, May 15 !ercti ihrougS (lit nu of dtHUiueulary evidence teued in a spectacular serirt of raid, on union labor headquarters hat .up plied proof, according to the polite, that recent murders, bombing anj taw Irttnrtt resulted ffoui the eltuit of a triumvirate to rule Chicago I unions. 1 he three men liuutved, wlmni !!" police said were among h 15J seised tcvcial d ag alter the pa liolmen who were seeling to arrrkt four bombers, not only were living off the unions, but were double crossing them. Gingham Frocks Assume Neiv Importance For Fashion has transformed them from mere house frocks into mod els which are, "chic" enough for walking and smart enough for shopping or visiting. Then she checked them in most any shade you may desire com bined with white and trimmed them in white organdie or linen. , r $15 to iiillill!ll!il!lliiliil!:!fllliiliiliililllllu!lli:liillil;il!iili!l:ili!i:lllliili;li:liil!ilil:ililiilii'iliiiilili:liili;ini!iiii I Your Donation j 1 to th6 j Good Will Contest ! solicited for . - : Our Candidate I KATHLEEN ROSSITER I "The Red Cross Girl" I Each $1.00 subscribed counts 10 votes for the candi- date.- 94 of all money subscribed to be used by I 2 American Committee in France to assist in the most f I devastated districts. 5 fi . Mail your subscription to us. Hand it in to the booth at our store or phone ATlantic 3000 and we will I I gladly send for it. " I DON'T FORGET the Big Musical Concert,-Brandeis t 1 Theater, Tuesday, May 16th, at 8 ;15 P.M. High-class t t specialties. 50-piece band. Tickets $1.00 each - I counts 10 votes for candidates. Buy tickets here " f SlXTEENtM AND il l l I I l I I l l i i l l I I I I i I I li i i i i ' It, til... memorandums, hurt, an I run r H4urr, ii a tau, .i.iry tf bow litest mtii u4 the money lullected at union dm t lo cm p'.cy s'lHUrlt 10 .l,n'ilst infill bnt id their own union and lld llum in line. Members of the ir. unmratf, it it id, a!o c filer ltd uiuney nnrily fioni the rnidovtr id iiiuph jl'Ur iv settle ticket or uinkr llireat ( needless strike?, Amy lefiu 4.uit it Head of (.liildren' Home l iii.oln. May 15.(, Specif ) Mi uu irten. siiitrriiiieiideiit of tde I uie homt (or dependent children, I iiuolii, tendered her retignaiion In. J Cy . i!ie .tale lioard of control. Tlo rr.miutiini. is to become etieriite )iiw I. Mi.s Stevens brgan woik in Ihr kihooi in m as field agent. Her j home i Table Koek. j Walton Postmaster Named I Wa.lunttiuii. Mav 15 (Special , Telegram )-l'rrry U Shield , been appointed po.tinaMer at Wal lion, Nrb, to leplate li. K. Linder 'man, rexibiird. $25 W Third Floor ( HOWARD i j i i i t i l l l I I I I I I I I 1, 1. 1 I A 7- r 'A )