10 THE TEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 16. .Woman Killed as Auto Turns Over Leaving Funeral Young, Widow and Mother of Four CliUJren Dim in Ac i iilrnt Neir Council Bluff.. Mrs. Grate Carter, 20, Crrtton, la,. a widow aw! piothrr of four ehil" rfrcn, wat killcj instantly about mid i.ight Sunday vlirn an automobile turned ovrr on the film wood road, southrast of Council Bluffs, stout itiilf from the Pony rreflc turn. Ihf car a driven by Alva Cnn ninsham. In it alto wrre Mri. Car ir, John Adam and Mr. and Mri. V. P.. Phillips, all of Crcston. They wre rdurning from a funeral in Wi-iirr. Neb. The rar turned over when it strmk a deep embankment, where a new bridge i being built. All tlie occu pant were thrown clear i the car and escaped uiih minor injuries ex cepting Mr, (.arter. who as pinned under the automobile. She is survived by Iter rhildren; her father. Albert Kimer of I remoiit. and her brother, Terry Kinser of l'reniont. Coroner Cutler of Counril Bluff took eharge of the body. No inquest will be held. More Money to He $ent on Sport in Kearney School Kearney, Neb May 15. (Special) In an effort to simulate greater interest in Reboot athletics, the board of education hat net aside an addi tional $500 for ti'C of students en K'aged in sports next year. The major portion will be used in publicity. Civic organizations of the city have banded together in an effort to in duce greater attendances at school athletic events and a system of selling season tickets, admitting the holder to all athletic contests of the year, has been arranged by a speciat com niittee. High School Seniors at Nelson to Present Play Nelson, Neb., May 15. (Special) High school seniors will give their class play, "Green Stockings." at the opera house the evening of May 17.' Commencement exercises will be held on Wednesday evening following. There arc 16 members in the 1922 class. J. K. Moore of Cotner has been elected superintendent for the next school yeaw J. G. Madalian, present superintenrfent, -will attend Harvard the next two years. Commencement of Wymore ' School to Be Held May 23 AVymore, Neb., May 15. ( Special) Commencement exercises of Wy more High school will be held Thurs day evening. May 25. There are 16 graduates, 10 boys and 6 girls. W. O. Slaughter of the Baptist church will preach the baccalaureate sermon at the Methodist church May 21. ": -'.''School 'Bonds Voted Ti!dct, Neb., May 15. (Special.) The school- district of Tilden in Madison and . Antelope counties voted bonds of $9,000 to erect a school house. There were 278 votes for and 134 against. '; The Dancing Master By RUBY M. AY RES. i(,-rrni, i;i i Road Conditions (FurnlKhrd by th Omaha Auto Club.) Lincoln highway, east: Roads good to Cotlar Rapids. On bad stretch, Wheatland to Lowdrn. Lincoln highway, west: Roads good to Grand Island. Cheyenne reports roads only (air on account of recent heavy rains and snow. 0. L. D. highway: Roart good to Hastings.- Ju.t air In En stern Colorado. Highland cutoff: Roads fair. 8. V. A.: Roads good. O Street road: Good. Omaha-Topeka highway: Roads good. Meridian highway: Roads good. Of org Washington highway: Roads good. - -.... Black Hlfls' trail: Roads good. RIver-to-Rlvtr road: Good to Des Moines. King of -Trails, north: Roads excellent to Missouri Valley, fair to good to Sioux Fulls. South Dakota reports soma heavy rains. " Ktiig of Trails, south: Roads good to Hiawatha. Custer Battlefield highway: Roads ex cellent to Missouri Valley, good to Sioux City, 'Snutu . Ilukota -'reports heavy raitiB but roads passable to Black Hills. From Blade Hills an roads are practically im aanble duo. to a (our days' storm. Chicago-Omaha shortine: Roads fine. 1. O. A. .shortllne: Roads fine. Blue Grass road: Roads good. Weather reported clear and somewhat ADVERTISEMENT. FOR SKIN TORTURES -' - . ,,'- Zemo," the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need Don't worry about Eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear healthy, skin' by using Zemo obtained at any drug store for 85c, or extra large bottle at $1.00. Zemo generally removes Pimples, Blackheads, Blotches. Eczema and Ringworm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, pene trating, antiseptic liquid, it is easily appliod and costs a mere trifle for each replication. It is always de pendable. , . v Vzmorrezr Alright rfigbfa Tosses - fresh .I,, . ((Md Imp and aa M Tablet to make, your aya bsttsr. nature's lUtMdy (Ml Tablets) eeerte a beneficial Influence on tha dig la and ellmlnetl t system tba ttumsch, U-sr and Bowels. Toalgbt taka an Nt Tablet Its action la ao different yon will be e-""- anrnriead. Md tor over tm JIHWOM Utile Mi Psa-thira the mgular dose. HeM of earn ingraai sots, tana onady cssts. Per oMdraoi asdatfuh. (rnatUaea frees ltfdM She went to her room and stood ever by the window In the darkness lift" cheek pressed to the cool pane, "What thai. I do? What thill I do?" Over and over again the que t on trared her heart. Once the wild thought came to her that the would throw everything to the Hindi and go to him; after all, he alone counted in her world. Ambi tion, Neil farmer, Mine. ruiti what were they in companion with Her love for him? Then common srnc reasserted it nil; ii he wanted tier he would tend; if he bad wished for hrr before when he was ill he could have sent then She lav aake all night; she wai like a ghost in the morning, and, afraid of madaine a comment, the hastily rouged her cheeks and forced herself to go downstair humming a utfh of aoug. There wan no letter from Nctta. a lie had hoped there might he; and there wa nohody of whom she could inquire for Koyslon, and she did not even kitow whrre lie was. She dragged through the day somehow the longest day of her whole life. She was a mass of arhing. throhhing nerves when evening came, and madame told her it wa time to drew. ' Elizabeth went to her room and looked at the new frock laid out on the bed white, all of it of the film iest. loveliest material, wired out a little from the hips, and artfully touched here and there with silver. And there were new silk stockings and white shoes, w ith silk ribbon to hind about her ankle, and a narrow fillet of tiny water lilies for her hair, with mother-of-prarl petals, and a tiny rose diamond in Jhe heart of each. " Neil Farmer had sent it to her "for luck," so he had said, and Elizabeth had thanked him, never realizine; how great the cost of his gift must have been.' She had no idea of values; she had never had a present in her life until she came to London... , , ' - Slowly she dressed, with hands that felt cold and dead. When !he took a last perp at herself in. the studio glass she almost cried out at her pallor.' She was as white as her frock as white as the lilies in her hair. . ' She rubbed her checks to brine warmth to them. When madame came to inspect her she asked timid ly if she had better use some rouge. Madame stood -scrutinizing her, her queer head on one side, her painted lips pursed up consideringly; then she said: "No! You are the lily as it is. all white! We leave it! You are oh, just adorable, petite!" She blew Elizabeth a kiss with the tips of her fingers. She tried hard to suppress her own keen excite ment, but there was a hectic spot of color in the usually dead pallor uf her face and her voice . was un steady. So well had she timed things that Elizabeth was not allowed a mo ment in which to look forward and grow nervous; she had only just slipped into her cloak when Farmer came, and they drove away to gether. Farmer looked terribly nervous: he kept biting his mustache and fidgeting with hit gtmet. When they ra-hed the duchess' houe he held bliabcth'i hand hard for moment. Good luckl The trt of link, my queenH he said hoarsely; then he went on up the big alaijva to mingle with tlie gurtts, and Llia brth went to the room that had been set apart for her with Mme. Scnrsti. The Frenchwoman kept hovering round, twitching fold of her frock into place and whispering a last in Km. tion, "You will remember all I told you, petite; you will not fail tue. It it a great day (or you. I am proud. proud!" "Ve.M said Miaheth. She was no longer nervous, but her puUe was steady: ''C felt as if it was some, body else's great night, and not her own at all. Madaine went on: "livery one is here all the great ones of London. Thry will love you, thrjp will (! at jour fed, little one; j)oti will awake tomorrow, after : long ateep ui hp(iine, and i nd ytvir.rij fiuu. Is II io so,4" "Yes," d Lfuabetii aR, Sl-e wlthrd le could show inert rn. I thu'Usiu, she felt vaguely scornful of madam evutcinrnt ern when U call came for her her heart beat did nut increase; he looked at madame inquiringly. "Do I go no" ' 'lint licuthwoinan nodded; she wat loo earned to apeak, but she caught Elisabeth ' hand as she passed her ami kitted It Hysterically, "My little one! My brat little oner Llisabrtli went out of the room. across the wide hall, and into the great hall room, one of the most fa- Minus m London, I'or a moment the hundred of light datrted her. and the (altered at the doorway, her thought (lying agam to the one night she had danced with Koyslon, and the ban- -i ... , i i piiirst ii nai iecn men. She walked on mechanically. vaguely conscious of the throng of people surrounding the space which had been cleared fur her; of the dash of many diamond and the chatter of tongue that ceased at the en I U-i4. I A round of applause broke out. in creasing in volume as her eqwiie ! dentines and chants were slowly : realised by (he hundreds f persons ' nrisiit- Sde UmLfd Ms a lifv ilml from child' Christnus tree as sl.r siooq iue in ncr wnne. mmr irovk. alone in the grrat cleared pe el floor, and there wa in impressive silence before the muic started. Elisabeth knew every nme of the music which she wat la dance; she had practiced score of tune with the orchestra accompaniment, and a vague wonderment went through her at she realicd that after all he wat not in the least nervous. "You cannot fail," so madame and J.Vcl Farmer had declared. d now she w sure e it herself. 1 , .mc voiifiJeiu tm, curved her i hp as she sank down iu the lri ,arrpii.g bow uf iccogmtton to hrt audencr, iii tor the fiit time a !lhri! ei enjoyment warmed her bra it at uie aroe slowly, her bare white ! amis wreathed about her brad, and pirouettetl alnioat the length ol the room on the lip of her tve. She moved l'ke a lairy, her feet haidly teemed to touch the ground, and with each movement her rc and confidence teemed to grow until presently she found hertrli able to look at the sea of facet around her able i4 meet their interested, curious eye calmly. Polly mutt be there. h watVure. j ad her aunt and, ot course, Neil , Farmer. And perhapsand then she ' U'l suddenly a if an icy, trtatanng , hand swepi qcrr her, chilling bet ! heart and slukmg her Horn head to fo.t with a ('cue return of the pa n , she had tried so desperately to numb. as across the art ol laces her ee met thotf of I'at Roysion. ( aaiian la Tba He Ta rraa ) Kirnt Auto Cunflsrateil oh I)tip Trinsjiorliiip Cliarpe The nr. i automobile to be ton. lUvated fy federal autlmiuits on a chaige of being ucd in transpoitiiig dope wa t4kcn from Cliarlrt Kl- t, John Bye and I'serett Suutey, s were arreted Saturday per A uglas. Neb., by lrputy I'm'' tet Msithal John Malum and! Iliott, John Bye and I'serett Stautey, WHO . I OII, Mates leputy Mate Sheriff K. N. Fulton,; I be men tie Ctiarneq himi naving 0 trains of ntorphiue lit their Po , scstion. They were enrout (tout 'Umaha to Irab Orchard. Chaut.uimt nt Wymore Wymore, Neb, Htf 15. (Spee rial ) Arrangrmenlt hat beetj sonneted for a chautauqua In Wy more July .W to August 3. Expenses, are guaranteed by a number of bus iiie,s men, Iter Want Ads Produce Reiullt, FOR A CONSTIPATED CHILD A small dote ef Dr. CaMwttl'a Synsp Pepsi will being quick rauaf. Til OTHER, when one of I'l children is constipated you going to (rive the first lax ative within reach? It is dan gerous to do so. Some have been known to rupture the intestines of little children. Dont be beguiled by the out side sugary appearance. Look into the formula. Calomel is seldom necessary; salts, minerals, coal tar, neverl Unlike these, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is admirable for children, as it is for grown people, too. Mothers have been giving it to children for 30 years. They know it does not gripe, and is free from narcotics. The formula is on . every package, and you can ' see it is vegetable, just a com- , bination of Egyptian Senna and , other laxative herbs with pep sin Use it yourself and you will find it is not necessary to taka it every day, nor to lucre aae the dose, and that it is pleasant to the taste. Bottlea can be had at all drug stores, and the cost is only about a cent a dose. Have no hesitancy giving it to I baby in arms. It is absolutely safe. Half -Ounce Bottle Free Fw ora nnuipatwii, m sum if ymt it act rroult a lasantm at thu nam lei aw saw) mi a Hn'f oinvt Trial Bxil of my Syrup Ppm FREE OP CHARQE that you viU Hat a handy svKsn nttdrd. Simply tend your noma and aidrm 0 Dr. V. 6. CaUwrH, 514 UWunston St., MonactUo, ML Writ m today. Plants and Vines for Boxes ancji Baskets Annual and Perennial Flowering and Bedding Plants All Kinds of Vegetable Plants Prices Reasonable Sea Our Stock Before Buying MENERAY NURSERY & SEED COMPANY OMAHA STOREi 20S South 24th St. Pbena AT lantie 9057. SOUTH OMAHA STORE. 4707 South 24th St. Phona MA rkt 2722. COUNCIL BLUFFS STORES: 3341 W. Broadway. Phona 1698. 1001 South Main St. Phona Black 1331. 502 E. Broadway. Phono 2293. 1 FMinla-Pay When Cured A mild sjstam of trsatmtnt that cures Piles, Fistula and eti Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a aevera surgical op eration. No Chloroform. Ether or other ceneral anesthetic ased. A aura auaraatead' la ever case accepted for treatment, and no money la to ba paid unt( cured. Writ for book oa Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of mora thas I, SOS prominent people who have beea permanently cured. BR. C R. TARRY Saaatoriiua. Peters Trust Bldf. (Baa Bldf.) Omaha. Nab. HAS KINS' RRI jjw? Nine hundred dollars in prizes go to the ten prize winners of our picture puzzle contest which closed April 29. The judges of the contest were: Mr. Alfred C. Kennedy of eters Trust Co.; Mr. I. M. Baker of the Omaha Bee, and Mr. L. M. Mlelenz, cashier of the Union State Bank. W.;A. Hixenbaugh & Co. furnished the dictionary used as their guide. ' The list at the foot of this announcement shows the correct words contained in the winning solution. Other solutions contained many correct words not shown in this list, bu'. this solution won first prize because it contained the largest number of correct words. Haskins Bros. & Co. wish to take this opportunity to thank every con testant, whether he was a prize winner or not.' You had a lot of fun out of the contest, and perhaps it improved your vocabulary, besides. Three Great Soaps With Thousands of Friends During this contest we have re ceived hundreds of iettcrs from housewives praising Petrolene, Klectric Spark and Omaha Family Soaps in the most glowing terms. Mrs. A. A. Morse says: "We have always used your Petrolene Soap for laundry purposes and like it very much, for it works better in a washing machine than any soap we have ever tried." Mrs. J. Johnston writes: "Have used Petrolene Soap for laundry tnd household use for years I con sider it the best." Mrs. Ralph Fredericksen. winner jf fourth, prize, says: "I have Used your soaps, I think, aa long- aa they nave been made." airs. Jack Kahn says: "I am a constant user of your soaps. I be lieve they are the best money can buy." The following are winners of the ten prizes: 1st Ben h Stone, 1821 Corby Sr, Omaha.... $00 2d Mrs. Afton Ward, S868 Sewport Ate, Oman . 250 3d Mrs. John P. Biebii, Gregory, S. D 3 4th Mrs. Balpli Fredericksen, 2319 S. 11th St, Omaha - . 5th Mrs. M. Elliott, 3131 Seward St, Omaha 25 6th Miss Lillian McVicar, Gregory, S. D Jth-Mrs. Edwnrd McMillan, 812 S. 37th St, Oniaha . 6th Mrs.-W. E. Copelan'd, Woodbine, la....... . 9th Mrs. Elmer Kirkpatrick, Hamburg, la.. . 10th Miss Estelln O'Brien, Kearney, Keb SI r 15 1 15 15 Correct Words Contained in the Winning List Sabre Sabot Sarhesa Sack Saeklaa; Saddle Safe Saaslna Sail Salllac - - Sailor Saltier Salata Saasalea Saactaary Saad Saaaal Sandwich Sa Sapliac Sank - Satchel Saacer -. Saaateret ". Saaaaae - Saw Sawyer Scabbard Scaffold . Scaffoldlaa Scale Scalene Scales - Scallop Scalp SeaatUaa; Scape Scapala Scapalar Scarab - Scar . . Scarf - Seenee Sccacry Secpter l" Schcdale Scholar School Sehooacr Scion Sclsslle Sciaaloa Sdsaora Scollop Sconce . Scoop Scraa Scrap Scrawl Screen Screening Scribe ScroU Scrab ' Scall Scalier Seapper Seat Scnteheea Seattle Scytbe Sea Seal Scans Seamstress Scat Second - Secondary Scctlea Sector Scdaa Seeds Seesaw Segment Seine Seiner Scmblaaee Seller .semicircle Semlvewel Senior Sentence Mentry Srplanalc Septenary Septaas Serape : Scrlea Serpent Scrpeatry Serration , Serratare Set . Settee Settlcaseat Seven , Sewer Sewerage Sewlna; Shade Shadows Shading Shaft Shaker Shallows . Shank Shanty Shnpea Shard Share Sharers Sharps Sheavea Shears Sheath Sheathlac Shed - Sheen Sheep Sheet Shelf Shell Shelter Sheriff Shield Shin Shine Shingle Ship Shirring Shirt Slab -Shlrtiag ' Slack' Shocks Slant Shoe - Slash Shoota Slat Shop Slate Shopper . Sled . Shore - - Sledge . -Sbeat - Sleesc Shoalder . . Slice Shovel - Slides Shewing ' Sling Shrlasp Slipper Shrab Slit Shrabbery Sloop Shack Slop Shatter - Slot Slbllaat Slovca Sickle Smack . Side Small Siding Smile Sieve . Smllh Sight Smoke Slgll Snack Slga Sang Maria tare Snake Silk Snnth Mill Snips Silo - Snont Slma Soap Simper Sock Site Socket Six Soil Sixty Soldier Skate Sole Skein Solida Skeletea Soloist Sketch Solvent Sketches' Sombrero Sklda Soa Skiff Source Skillet Sow Skin Sonde Skirt Span 1 Skull Spar Skipper . Spare Sky Spola Spear Specialties Specification ' Specimen Speck Spectaelea Spelling Sphere -Spider Spile Spindles Spine Spirals Spire Spit Split Speka S condyle Spool Spooa Spot Spoat Spray Spread Spreaders Sprig Sprit Sprout Spar Spurt Square Squatter Squirrel Stnble Stack Staff Stage StagSag Stair Stake Stalk Stamp Stanch loa Stand Standard Stauaa Star Starboard Statloa Statement Stationery Stay Stead Steam steamer Steel Steep Steeple Steering Stcas Step Stern Sternam Stlek Stifle Stile Stiletto Stirrup Stitch Stock Stocking Stone Stool Stoop stopa Store Story Stove Strainer Strnkea Strand Strap Straw Stray Streak Stream Streamer Street Striae ' String Strip Stripe Stroller Structure Stab Stubble -Stad Staff Stamp Style Subdivision . ' ' Subject Submaltlple Subsistence Subataace Subataatlala Substantive Suckcra Suffix Salt Sum Summit Saa Superscription Supers tractare Suppllca Support Supporter surface Surf Surge Surname Snrrounlng Saspendera Sustenance Swab Swallow Swathe Sweater Sweep Swell Swerve - Swimmer Swine Swing Swirl Sword Syllnble Symbol Synnrresls HASKINS BROS. & CO.. OMAHA. NEB. If. jSX-gfi(?gQ -? Reduce Your Clothing Expense The Extra Pair Doubles the Wear M r ak amur 1 L I ' -mil felJ illJ L L MBE : : M ..ssrf Save the "game" for many a man. The extra pair gives full service for coat and vest doubles the life of the suit and the large assortment of patterns and fabrics, styles and models, gives practically unlimited opportunity for selection. There's no value to compare anywhere with Bond's 2-pants suits. The extra pair costs you only five dollars. Factory to You y ; Bond's three great factories selling direct through Bond's 14 great distributing stores .:. eliminate the middleman and his profit and give you Bond's Clothes at Bond's minimum : v price.,;.: ; - I - . Bond's. 'Windows t ; Are. '' :: Authentic Style ShoWS for .'"'.-, Men's . Clothes ' IraNTa'S rf"T nWlOTTPlR I Quality and Service Every step in. the manufacture of Bond's Clothes is according to Bond's strict speci fications. Bond's know that Bond's Clothes are of the best quality and built to give service. : . Bond's Values Are Exceeded Nowhere Bond's Price Can't Be Beat The Newest Fabrics-the Latest Styles Daily shipments from Bond's three factories offer you the very newest "style ideas, the latest authentic fabrics, ahead of all others. And you get the size you require and the style you desire. : , - Bond's New Gabardines $21 50 New spring shade of 'tan belted yoke back mod elsunusual at.; Bond's Separate Trousers H and $5 All the wanted fab rics all sizes ex ceptional value at . . . ; Nert Yorl( Cleveland Detroit Akron . Toledo Pittsburgh Youngslo'ton Omaha Cincinnati Kansas Cj; St. Louis Columbus Lorain J Louisville Sbartnao. at McConnefl Drug Stora