Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha daily Bee
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VOL SI-NO. 284.
High Court
Kills Child
Labor Law
Opinion Holds Art in Reg.
ulate Employment of Chil
Attn in Minn or Kao
torif Unconstitutional.
Opinion , Is Unanimous
ft Taa AarlalH TrMt.)
Washington. May 15. The child
labor law i declared unconstitu
tlonal today by the supreme court.
Il.e law, enacted in 19l. was in
tended to rcgtilale the employment
of children in any mill, cannery,
votkshop," fanory or manufacturing
ouhlithnirut under the aja of 14
i'f in any mine or quarry under 16
ytar, by imposing an excise tax j
-f 10 per cent upon the net annual
profit of thoie employing such la
bar. It was attacked on the ground that
it attempted to regulate an exclusive
ly state function in violation of the
fidrral constitution and the tenth
amendment, and was defended as
mere excise tax levied by congress
utitr its broad power of taxation
conferred by the federal constitution.
Three Cases Filed.
The law was attacked in the su
preme court by three cases from
North Carolina, appealed by the
government. Two of. the.e, the
Atherton mills and that bv John
J. George and others, .were dis
missed on technicalities, b'tit the case
brought by the Prexcl Furniture
company was found in proper form
and it was in that the law was de
clared invalid.
The opinioii was delivered by Chief
Justice Taft with no dissent an
nounced. The case was discussed at
length. .
Refuse to Discuss Decision.
Officials of the nternal revenue
bureau declined to discuss the de
cision until they bad an opportunity
to read the full opinion, but. stated
that the amount of money involved
in taxes was small and that the
child labor bureau, employing about
50 persons, would be dismissed.
"Does this law impose a tax with
only that incidental restraint and
rcgulateion which a tax must in
evitablv involve?" the chief justice
asked, ""or does it regulate the use
of the .so-called tax as a penalty? If
a tax, it is clearly an excise. It it
were an excise on a commodity or
other thing of vadltie, we might not
be permitted, under previous de
cisions of this court, to Infer solely
fro mits heavy burenthat the act
intends a prohibition instead of a
tax. But this act is more." ,
Would Prohibit Employment.
After analysing the principal fea
tures of the la wand its operation the
chief justice said: "In the light of
these features of the act, a court
, must see that the so-called tax is im
posed to stop the employment of
children within the -age limits pre
scribed. "Its prohibitory, and regulatory
effect and purple are palpable," he
added. "All others can see and
understand this. How can we prop
crlv sut our minds ta it?" "
Declaring it the duty of the court
to decline to recognize or enforce
laws of congress dealing with sub
iects not entrusted to congress, but
left by the supreme law of the land
to the control of the states, the chief
iustice said the court nsust perform
that duty, "even though it requires
us to refuse to give effect to legisla
tion designed to promote the highest
good." ' '
20-Cent Tax on Grain
Futures 'Unenforceable
Washington. May IS. The su
preme court today held section four
of the future trading act was unen
forceable. It held that sections 3,
9 and other , sections could be en
forced. The court announced that the in
junction against the Chicago Board
of. Trade and its officers and the in
junction against the collector of in
ternal revenue and the district attor
ney should be granted so far as sec
tion four is' concerned and the regu
lations of the act interwoven with
in it.
Section four, declared to be unen
forceable, proposed to levy a vir
tually prohibitive tax of 20 cents per
bushel on all future trading banned
under the act. It made exceptions of
actual owners of grain or legitimate
hedging contracts.
The decree of the lower district
court was reversed to the extent
stated. In announcing his dissent,
Jus'tice Brandeis stated briefly that
he could not agree with the opinion
of the court in which substance held
the law invalid. ' r
Section 3 of the act provided for
a tax of 20 cents a bushel upon
"privileges." "puts and calls," "bids
and offers" and other so-called spec
ulative trades.
Section 9 of tht law, which was
sustained by the court, . empowers
the secretary of agriculture to in
vestigate boards of trade, require
them to submit statistical and other
information, except confidential
trade matter, and to publish reports
to the public.
Lutherans Hold Diamond
Jubilee in Tecuniseh
Tecumseh, Neb., May IS. (Spe
cial.) The diamond jubilee celebra
tion of German Lutherans of John
son and adjoining counties, held in
Tecumseh yesterday, was largely at
tended. It was a celebration of the
75th anniversary of the establishment
of the Missouri synod. Many
churches were represented. The
services - were at the chautauqua
auditorium and there w as special
music "
V ahing ton Make
Novel Experiment
in Daylight Saving
Washington, May 15 Washing
ton. May 15. Washington today
begin an experiment in voluntary
daylight saving.
1 hou.amU ot the clock remained
iiuhaiiard but under a teuue.t by
i President JUrding, with approval of
In. cabinet, Urge proportion of the
activities of the executive branch of
the government got under way an
hour earlier and inot of the com
nierril establishment of the rity
opened their doors and railed their
employes to work an hour ahead of
the regular schedule.
Coiiarest, on the other baud, hold-
i ins in if memory the storm stirred
up in sonic quarters ny n cnau
mrnt of a da light savings law sev
eral tears ago, has refused to have
anything to do with the new plan
and will meet and adjourn as usual.
The supreme court has met at hpih
r.oon by the clock since its history
began and also will decline to fol
low the executive departments.
Limited Train .
on Rock Island
Railway Held Up
Express Messenger Shoots to
Death One of Eight Outlaws
and Routs Rest Near
: Tucson, Ariz.
Tucson. Ariz.. May 15. With two
well directed bullets. Express Mes
senger II. Stewart early today
frustrated a spectacular attempt by
eight masked bandits to rob Chicago.
Rock Island & Facific train No. 3.
the Golden State Limited, bound
from Chicago to Los Angeles.
Stewart killed one of the octet, ap
parently wounded a second and
rou'ed the band empty handed.
Passengers were not molested in
the holdup, which was staged near
James, a flag station eight miles west
of Tucson.
Body Identified.
The body of the slain bandit,
whose hands were incased in rubber
gloves, was recognized by Sheriff
Daniels of I'inal county as that
of a Tucson pool room habitue. Be
side the body was found a sack of
dynamite with which the bandits evi
dently intended to blow strong boxes
in the mail and baggage cars.
A red fuse, a railroad stop signal,
was used by the gang to halt the
limited at an isolated spot unidway
between James and Cortaro at 1:10
o'clock this morning. Three masked
men boarded the engine and a fourth
stood guard over the passenger
coaches. With revolvers levelled,
they forced a tramp they discovered
riding the "blind baggage" to assist
them in uncoupling the mail and ex
press cars from the remainder of the
train. The engineer, obeying orders
of the armed trior rolled the mail and
express . cars about a dozen car
lengths to a point where four other
masked men were waiting in an au
tomobile. -
Fire at Conductor.
When Conductor Madigan thrust
his head out of a vestibule of one of
the passenger coaches to ascertain
what had occurred, a member of the
bandit gang opened fire. Meanwhile
Messenger Stewart had thrown open
the door of the baggage car. When
Stewart saw that Madigan was in
danger he killed with one shot the
bandit who had fired at the conduc
tor. Stewart then wheeled and fired
another 'bullet at four robbers who
were advancing on the baggage and
mail cars. One, apparently hit, stag
gered and shouted to his comrades.
Then all v seven vof them turned and
scurried, to two automobiles and sped
west "in their, cars.
The body of the slain bandit was
identified here early today as that
of Tom Dugat.
On Bandits' Heels..
The bandit was the .proprietor of
a goat ranch a short distance west
of Tucso"n and well known about
the city.
Sheriff Daniels announced that a
tarare force of deputies has been dis-
f patched and is hot upon the heels
of the bandit - gang, who lett tne
scene of the robbery by automobile
on. the Casagrande-Tucson highway.
Information regarding the direction
taken by the robbers was withheld,
with the statement that work of the
sheriff s office would be hampered
should it be released.
The body of Dugat was brought
to Tucson , this morning. It was
understood unofficially that the ban
dits traveling in a heavy car had
taken a western course from the
scene of the main traveled highway.
All southern Arizona highways for
150 miles in every direction were
carefully guarded this morning, par
ticularly those toward the Mexican
border, where it was suspected the
bandits would direct their flight.
Miner Killed and Deputy
Wounded in Gun Battle
Salt Lake City. May 15. John
Tenas, miner of Helper, is dead and
R. T. Young, special deputy sheriff I
who lives in Huntington, is in the
hospital with a bullet in his thigh
as a result of a clash in Spring can
yon yesterday, in which, apparently,
only the two were concerned. Young i
who is in the custody of the sheriff of
Carbon county, claims that Tenas
shot him first with what he thought
was an army Springfield rifle. Wit
nesses of the affair, however, do not
agree with this story and say that
Tenas did not even have a gun when
he was killed by Young.
Springfield, Mo., Payroll
Bandits Take $30,000
Springfield. Mo., May 15. Four
bandits in an automobile, intercepted
a machine carrying the payroll of
the St. Louis & San Francisco Rail
road company this morning and
escaped w ith $30,000 in currency and
silver. Police Detective Beu Lamb
was wounded in the left arm by a
pistol shot. The driver of the bank
car was wounded in the back, "
Police Held
for Slay in?
. iHv .iiS
Hays and
for Driito of Tat
' U Vclle.
Widow Called to Stand
"We, the jury, find that Pat La
Vclle, 3012. Oak street, came to his
death May 12 as the result of gun
shot wounds inflicted by a person
or persons unknown, .and we fur
ther exonerate Police Officers Leo
Hays and George Stephen," wai
the verdict brought yestcday after
m iniiii. nits. tiath et I n Wll
hn a pistol duel with police at 1:30
Saturday morning at South Thirty
second and Oak streets, when offi
cers mistook La Vellc and Joe Mul
vihill for bandits. '
Hayes Tell Story.
Leo Hays, 2324 North Sitxy-fourth
street, police chauffeur at South
Side station, testified that with Pa
trol Conductor George Stephens,
4311 South Twenty-sixth street, he
va ordered to respond to a call that
a man had been held up at Thirty
second and Oak streets.
I lays said that lie and Stephens
made the rounds of the neighborhood
of the La Vclle home and then with
the emergency police car went south
on Thirty-second street. Near Oak
they saw two men, he said, on the
west side of the street.
"Stephens said: 'We had better see
who those fclldws arc,' and as the
car drove up to the curb, Stephens
said: "Wait a minute boys, wc arc
police officers.'
"After Stephens told the men we
were officers, he started to get out of
the car and they began shooting.
"The men were about 10 feet from
the back of the car. Stephens got
out of the car backwards and as he
had just taken his foot off the run
ning board he reached for his gun.
and, after firing four shots, received
a shot in the right shoulder.
"Stevens started toward the men
and one of them took deliberate aim
and shot Stephens in the right leg,
and the man that fired the shot stag
gered up the alley and went into the
back yard at the home of Jack Pzan
owski, 3002 South Thirty-second
street, and went between two houses
and up on the porch.
Joe Mulvihill testified: "After I
was held up I went to the home of
Pat La Vclle and told him about it
and he went intothe house' and got
two revolvers, giving me one, a .32
caliber. and we went out to see if wc
could find the stickup men. As we
were going along South Thirty-second
avenue, near Oak, an automobile
drove up to the curb and one of the
men said, 'Just a minute, fellows.'
"I thought it was a holdup-men
and we started toward the back of
the car for shelter, - when the men
in the car started shooting. . I don't
know who fired the first shot, as we
started to shooting. .- . , .
"Neither of the men in the car1
said anything about being police of
ficers. La Velle and I separated aid
the men kept firing at us as we went
up the hill." -
Mrs. James A. Whalen, 3012 South
Thirty-second avenue, testified: . "I
saw an automobile "stop in front of
my home just before the
shooting and saw- a man get
out of the car with a flashlight and
he wore a light-colored cap. I saw.
two men on the south side of Oak
and the man with the light cap walk
ed toward the two men; then the
shooting commenced. I don't know
who fired first. I woke up with a
start and looked out the window and
(Tnin to Paste Two. Column Three.)
Harvey Praised in
London Times Review
London, May .14. The Times
prints a, special article reviewing the
first year's work of George Harvey
as American ambassador at the
Court of St. James, paying tribute to
his efforts to smooth away existfcig
misunderstandings between England
and America and recalling his many
public speeches, in which, says the
article, "he bent his energies to dis
pel illusions even at the risk of hurt
ing feelings and stating fundamental
facts which could not be ignored and
had to be reckoned with in dealing
with the American people."
"Thanks to his untiring efforts,"
the article continues, "Anglo-American
relations have steadily improved
until at the present moment there is
no question in dispute or argument
between the two countries. Ambas
sador Harvey -has acted throughout
as the interpreter of President Hard
ing, the success of whose policy he
has been greatly instrumental in
The Times also devoted an edi
torial to Mr.- Harvey under the cap
tion, "A ; Fruitful Embassy," in
which it mentions the conclusion of
an understanding by the two govL
ernments on the Palestine mandate
as the latest of a long series of
achievements attained by President
Harding's policy of "truthfulness,
common sense and recognition of
hard facts." , v
Dentists of Nebraka Open
Three-Day Meet in Lincoln
Lincoln, May IS. Dentists of Ne
braska, members of the State Dentai
society, opened a three-day conveli
tion here today with an attendance
representative of a'l sections of the
state. Besides the business program,
live banquets and luncheons are on
the program ot entertainment, as
well as an open golf tournament for
dentists at the Country club course.
Dcntat assistants also are. conduct
ing a meeting and program.
Seven Fall 400 Feet
Without Injury in
Cascade Snow Slide
Seattle. Wash.. May 15 Mr.
J. T. Haiard ol this city escaped
without riou Injury and seven
other persona were unhurt when
the tight member of the Moun
, ineti, an ortjaniiatlon of
n climber, were wpt by an
iiancne snow w it down
fclellan's butte, in the Cascade
ilanche of snow 400 lt down
mountain, yesterday. The party
wi within a few hundred feet of
the summit of tht butte, which is
S.I7S feet above tea level, when tha
slide occurred. Mr. Haiard was
brought to a Seattle hospital,
where it was said her Injuries were
not serious.
Locksmith Called
to Stand in Hall
Divorce Action
Denies lie Signed Paper
Statins Ho Saw Woman
iu Bungalow With
Clayton S. l.einback, a locksmith,
212 Farnam street, testified at the
divorce hearing of Clarence Hall
against Helen Hall, private secre
tary to K. John Drandei. before
District Judge Sears yesterday after
noon that Hall offered him $250 to
testify in his behalf.
John MacFarland, attorney 'for
Hall, almost clashed with Leinback
over a paper alleged to be an affi
davit, and asked Leinback if he knew
what it was .
"Didn't you sign this in my office?"
asked MacFarland.
"I did not." replied Leinback.
"Didn't you come to my office and
ak me for money for your testimony
and didn't you tell me you were go'
ing to build a house and needed
money," asked Macl'arland.
"I did not and that signature on
that affidavit is not mine," asserted
Mach'arland then asked Leinback
to sign his name on another piece of
Court attendants were of the opin
ion that the writing appeared to be
different from that on the affidavit.
The affidavit read to Judge Scars
by MacFarland stated that Leinback
saw Mrs. Hall and Brandeis in the
latter's bungalow.
MacFarland after much discussion
with Leinback did not offer the al
leged affidavit. )
Leinback stated that he went to
MacFarland's office at the request of
Hall. After Hall told him of the case,
Leinback stated that he then went to
Mrs. Hall and told her of Hair
plans.. : He denied that the Brandei
family offered or - promised . him
money;., for testifying.. . - - .r----
Mr. Hall to Teatify.
Mrs. Hall will take the witness
stand this morning and is expected
to tell the story of her relations with
Brandeis, who is named in a S200.-
000 alienation suit filed against him
by Hall. .
Hall on the stand yesterday testi
fied that Brandeis wrecked his home
by showering hiswife with expen
sive gifts. '
Mrs. J. J. McMahon, Hall's sister,
testified that Mrs. Hall became an
gry when she mentioned Brandeis
name in 'connection w-ith his bunga
low. .
"Mrs. Hall told me that E. John, as
she calls him, retires at 9 every night
when he is home." '
Alice Bauin, another sister of Hall,
living in Oklahoma City, testified
that she was in Omaha January 1,
when Mrsi Hall showed her gifts
alleged to have been given by Bran
deis. "Began to Use Slang."
1 Mr., and Mrs. Percv Winn, 4716
North Twenty-seventh street, neigh
bors ot the. Walls, both testified.
Winn stated ' Mrs. Hall since being
secretary to Brandeis used slang and
wore more extravagant clothes.
John J. McMahon, a brother-in-law
of Hall, living at 4515 Florence
boulevard, stated that Mrs Hall
called him and desired that lie "fix
things" up with Hall. McMahon
further stated that he told Mrs. Hall
that there "was no chance" after she
stated that Hall could have a divorce
and the property if only he kept E.
John's name out of the case.
Mrs. Hall was alone in court. She
was dressed iu a stylish cape and late
small spring hat'with a veil. ; i
Woman Hurt in Rail Wreck.
Waco, Tex., . May 15.--Oiie wo
man passenger was seriously hurt
easly this morning hcn "The Katy
Flier," northbound ort-the Missouri,
Kansas & Texas, was ditched. Two
coaches and a baggage car left the
rails. . . v.,
Burlington Trip-to-France Girl
Ends Dav With Amazing Increase
Miss Katherine O'Brien Adds 12,000 Votes to Total
Miss Kaufmann, Livestock Candidate, Still
Retains Lead by Small Margin.1
; Candidate ', '
Miss Elizabeth Kaufmann, livestock interests
Miss Nellie B. Donn, Union Pacific. . ;
Miss Katherine O'Brien, Burlington Route
Miss Ella Fenn, Advo girl
Miss Kathleen Rossiter, Orchard-Wi lhelm ,
M'jss Anna McNamara, M. E. Smith & Co
Miss Elizabeth Pace, Council Bluffs.....
Miss Irene Rice, Alliance Times.
Miss Gladys Hitchcock, York..
Miss Myrtle Wood. Wabash ........
Mrs. Agnes Hall, Missouri Valley. . .
Miss Anna Funk. Salon de Bcaute..
Miss Grace Endres. Nebraska City.
total votes cast to date..
Miss Elizabeth Kaufmann. candi
date of the livestock interests, con
tinued to hold first place at the close
of voting yesterday in The Bee Good
Will election for a trip to France.
Miss Katherine O'Brien, candidate
J of the Burlington Route, broke all
Europe: "Next
Land Reclamation
May Be Part of
Senate Bonus Bill
Kinkaid Told by Mondell
That Republicans Will Sup
port Such a Measure;
V "" Aiding Soldiers."
( W uhlnf toa Corrcapoadcnt of The Be.)
Washington. May 15. (Special
Telegram.) Republican leader Mon
dell told Representative Kinkaid,
chairman of the committee on re
clamation of arid lands, and other
members of the committee, today,
that if the soldier bonus legislation
,is included in the senate bonus bill
when it comes to the house, the
majority organization in the house
will support it. t
This matter has been under con
sideration during the past week by
the, republican steering committee.
Reports from the senate indicate that
the land reclamation program wilt
be part of the bonus bill.
It proposes to establish a revolv
ing fund of $250,000,000 to be used
over a period of years so that when
the time limit is reached, something
like $2,000,000,0,00 will hav-e been
utilized to reclaim arid lands jn the
north and swamp lands in the soutb.
It is estimated that tlierer are some
thing like 20,000.000 acres of arid
lands in the- north and west which
will come under the provisions of
the bill, which Will be of special in
terest to 'Nebraska.
Though soldiers will be given first
chance to acquire these reclaimed
lands, -there will be a large residue
for settlers regardless of whether
they served in the army or not.
Howat Asks Injunction
Against Industrial Law
Topeka, Kan., May 15. Applica
tion for an injunction to restrain
enforcement of the criminal provis
ions of the industrial court law-under
which he has, been sentenced in
Cherokee and Crawford counties,
was filed in federal court here by
Alexander Howat, former president
of the Kansas miners' union. The
apparent intention is to make a com
plete test of the constitutionality of
the law.
Total Vote.
...... 41,427
...... 10,101
, i... 162.749
previous records by adding 12,000
votes to her total, thus entitling hcr-
seit lo third place, which has been
held by the Advo girl during the
greater part of the voting period
Time I Won't Plant
North Bend Man
Killed in Crash
Accident on Lincoln Highway
; Near Fremont Results
Fremont, Neb.. May 15. (Special
Telegram.) Lee hurley, - North
Bend. ' was nearly- instantly - killed
late -this afternoon in an automobile
accident on the Lincoln highway,
between Fremont and Ames. The
young man suffered a fractured
skull and died soon after the terri
ble tragedy occurred. It is reported
that the car driven by Murley col
lided with another machine driven
by A. A. Becker of Wisner. Both
cars were completely wrecked.
Iowa City Is Scene v
, of Big Gambling Raid
Iowa City la., May 15. The
greatest raid on gambling and boot
legging in the history of Iowa City
occurred Saturday and yesterday,
resulting in arrests of 42 men, the
confiscation or destruction of more
than 800 gallons of "moonshine" and
two stills, and the; seizure of large
quantities of gambling devices. State
enforcement officers, leaders of the
raiding squad, did not consult Iowa
City police. The prisoners were
taken to the county jail and yester
day were, arraigned before Justice
Crossett. ' Bail in amounts from $50
cash to $1,000 bonds were fixed.
England Asks U. S. Aid
in Inquiry on Turks
London, May 15. (By A. P.)
Great Britain has asked for the co
operation of, the, United States.
France and Italy in investigating the
recent atrocities by Turks on Chris
tian minorities in; Asia Minor, re
ported by the American relief admin
istration recently, it was announced
in the house of cotnmons today. ,
Raiders Swoop Down on
Dancers Near Fremont
Fremont, Neb.i May 15. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Scott's Lake danc
ing pavillion was raided at ; 1 1 Sun
day night by Sheriff Daily of Saun
ders county, assisted by state agents
with the result that the park man
ager, Joseph- Sowers, is held on
charge of operating Sunday danc
ing. J.' Wagner, one of his employes,
was taken in custody by the state
agents from Lincoln, it being alleged
that he had 18 pints of whisky in
his possession.
Bowersls being tried on whether
or not a dance hall may be operated
on Sunday under the club plan. The
state will attempt to show thaf it
is a ' hall, under the
guise of a club.
Suspended Sheriff's Brother
Admits Guilt in Liquor Case
Lincoln, May 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Sidney Rutledge of Pender,
brother of Sheriff Charley Rutledge
of Thurston county, who was sus
pended from office Saturday by Gov
ernor McKelvie. and W. W. Everett,
r.ightwatchman at Pender, were ar
rested at - Tekamah yesterday,
charged with illegal, transportation
cf liquor, according to word received
by State Sheriff Gus Hyers fron
Herbert Rhodes, But county attor
ney. Rhodes, flyers announced, told
him over long-distance telephone this
morning that both men pleaded
euiltv and were sentenced to 30
Political Seeds" I
Aurora Banker
Must Serve Term,
Says High Court
Affirms Sentence of Charles
Wentz in . Prosecution '
x Brought by Attorney
' '' General Davis.
Lincoln, May IS. (Special Tele
gram.) The Nebraska supreme
court today affirmed sentence of the
Hamilton county district court in the
case of Charles W. Wentz, Aurora
banker found guilty of falsifying
bank records'. Wentz was given
from 1 to 10 years in the state peni
tentiary. '
Deputies in the office of Attorney
General Clarence A. Davis were busy
today endeavoring to get Wentz out
of Michigan without an ' extradition
Wentz, following his conviction,
was missing for months and was
finally located a week ago by Sheriff
James E. . Howard of Aurora at
Kalkaska, Mich., where he had been
arrested on an embezzlement charge
-brought by a Michigan bond house.
Attorney General Davis declared
today, that the Nebraska sentence
superseded any. charges against
Wentz in Michigan ' and he could
force Michigan authorities to return
him. The Wentz case is one of the
first prosecutions undertakn by At
torney General Davis. There are
five Nebraska bankers in the peni
tentiary at this time a a result of
the attomev general's work and trials
against a lozen more are on court
dockets iu various parts of the
Great .Quantities of Gold,
Gems in Soviet Storehouse
Moscow, May 15. (By A.- P.)
Silver bv the ton. gold bv the hun
dredweights, pearls by the bushels
and diamouds by the peck, dumped
into wooden boxes, jute sacks, paste
board cartons, or merely wrapped in
parcels all this treasure hoard
awaits 'opening aijd sorting at the
storehouse for valuables confiscated
by the soviet government from the
churches and synagogues of Russia
for the benefit of the famine suf
fejers. .
The correspondent. of the Associa
ted Press was -permitted to visit the
five-story loft building which con
stitutes the storehouse, by consent of
M. I. Kalcnin, peasant president of
Russia and head of all the famine re
lief organizations.
Earth Shocks Experienced
in California and Oregon
Quincy, Cal., May 15. An earth
quake of several seconds duration
was felt here shortly before 12:30 a.
m. No damage was done, so far as
could be ascertained.
Portland, Ore., May 15. A slight
shock was felt here today at 9:30
o'clock. Pictures were shaken on
walls and windows rattled.
The Weather
Fair and warmer Tuesday.
Hourly Temperatures.
S . m.
a. i.
1 a. m.
a. m.
a. m.
Ill a. m.
II a. m.
It nooa.
1 p. nJ.,.i
J p. m
a k m
.W I 4 p.
; a p.
1 p.
S I 7 p.
I a p.
Highest Monday.
Rapid City SS
Davenport .
Denver ....
I'odu City
I.n'er ....
Salt Lak
Panta r . .
Hherldan ..
Kloux Citv
I'ucblo ....
.10 Vaimtln. ,
111 yj ta tlOll
to Hague Is
Decli ned
l S. Government Kef use to
Attend Proposed Confer,
fiu-c for Settlement of
Itusfian Affair.
Former Offer Renewec
9r TWo Awarlal' fro.
Washington. May 13. The Statt
department made public tonight tlu ,
text of a nieage to Ambapadot
Child at Genoa, declining the invita
tion to participate in the new Kmc
pean economic conference at Tlj
-This government." the Amencat
communication said. i unable to
conclude that it can 'helpfully par.
ticipate in the meeting at The Hague,
as this would appear to be the con
tinuance, under a different nomencla
ture. of the Genoa conference and des
tined to encounter the same difli
eultte. if the attitude disclosed m tne
Kussian memorandum of May II re
mains unchanged."
, In conclusion the American com
munication renewed the offer to
"give serious attention' to "any pro
posal issuing from a Genoa confer
ence or any later conference, but
added that the auggestion for the
meeting at The Hague, in view of
the Russian memorandum of Mayy
11, lacked "the definiteness which
would make possible the concur,
rence of this government in the pro
posed plan."
Ultimate Question.
"The inescapable and ultimate
question," the American note said,
"would appear to he the restoration
of productivity in Russia, the essen
tial condition of w hich are still to be
secured and must, in the nature of
things, be provided within Russia
The state department' communi
cation said the American govern
ment "has always been ready" to join
other governments in arranging for
an inquiry by experts into the
economic situation in Russia and the
necessary remedies." Such an in
quiry, it was added, could deal ap
propriately "with the economic pre
requisites" for restoration of Rus
sian production, without which "a
sound basis for eredits" would be
Conference Failure.
Genoa, May 15. (By A. P.)-The
economic conference of . Genoa, long
heralded as the meeting of minds out
of which would arise a rejuvenated
Europe, and a new order of interna-.
tional concord and peace,, today ,
stands a desolate hulk in the vision
of an expectant world.
Out of weeks of negotiations has
come the Easter treaty of Rapallo,
between Germany and Russia, virtu
ally re-establishing the old order of
"balance of power;" decision to con
tinue discussion of Russian rehabili
tation at The Hague, without Russian
representation, and the manifestation
of irreconcilable difference between
Great Britain and France on ways,
and means of Russian restoration. ;
The political subcommission today
unanimously approved of 'the agree
ment reached yesterday among the
convening powers to hold another
meeting at The Hague beginning
June 15 to' further examine the Rus
sian question.
What the Genoa " conference has
failed to do solve the Russian ques
tionit is hoped to accomplish at
another meeting, if the United States
will participate.
Prime Minister Lloyd George an
nounced this afternoon that he had
handed to . Richard Washburn Child,
the American ambassador, last eve
ning, a copy of the proposal for the
commission to sit af The Hague to
discuss Russian affairs. He said this '
had been done so that the United
States would be fully advised in case
Russia accepts ' ' - .,
Pin Hopes on U.' S. ' . . I
Mr. Lloyd George , expressed the
hope that the United States Would
see fit to join the mixed commission. .
Foreign Minister Tchitchcrin, head
of the soviet delegation, has ad
dressed a. letter to Signor Schanzer,
president of the conference, protest
ing against meetings by the five in-"
viting powers to discuss the Rus
sian proposal for a mixed commis
sion, without inviting the- Russians
to participate. .
He demands immediate convoca
tion of the political commission in'
order to enable Russia to develop'
her nroposition.
All the powers now represented.
bere will be asked to send delegates
to The Hague meeting, the date for
which is tentatively set at June 15
Other details for the gathering are"
unsettled, but at the suggestion of
Mr Lloyd George, a non-aggression-truce
for four months, or until the
new conference ends its labors, has .
been informally approved. .
Ready to Enter League.
Geneva. May 15. (By A. P.)
The soviet delegates at Genoa have
informed the League of Nations ex
perts there that Russia desires to
co-operate with the league and be
come a full-fledged "member within
a reasonable time, provided the con
ference succeeds from the soviet
viewpoint." , ;
The league's experts have just re
ported this to the league council,
which is meeting here.
The Russians added that if the
Genoa conference failed Moscow
yould contiuue its policy of opposi-.
tion to the league on the theory that '
Russia could not expect anything
from an organization composed chief- ,'
ly of member states with which it
had been unable to reach an agree
ment. , v
The league officials here regard
these unofficial overtures for peace '
from the bolsheviki as significant in.!
view of the bitter opposition of
Moscow to the organzation in th
past ' .,
Music was furnished by a clown days each in the county jail and
(Tnin to rte Two, Column Throe.) 1 their automobile was Confiscated.
' ' . ' ' 1