Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. SI-NO. 283.
Against Dry
Act Gaining
At-tivitic of the A.aociation
.Vgaint Prohibition Amend
innit Attracting Nation
Wide Attention.
Wheeler Raps Movement
Vliiniioii, May U The nation
nt drive (or beer and light wine under
the direction ( ihe Aoncmtion
A(!int the rrohil.iiiim Amendment
i. hi-Kimiintc to attract attention and
I arotje the anxirty of the Ami
.liton Lrauiir.
The aoi wtion ! fighting for the
minimal ion ami election of retire
cnt.Hive ami enaur committed
t an amendment of the olttrad
art redefining intoxicating beverage
in luch manner a. to authortre the
manufacture of hrer of 2 75 alco-
lioiie content and of wine of a some
what hiKher percentage.
The primaries held so far Ho not
indicate any widriprcad reaction
attain! the Viil.tead act. which de
fine intoxicating beverages as thoc
containing one-half of I per cent of
alcohol or more. A dry congrrs
nun a ilefeatrd by a former distil
ler in IVoria, III., a democratic can
didate for congress was nominated
on a vet platform in Indianapolis,
and in nany othrr cities the voter
gave evidence of a clcire for the le
Kiii'aiion of hrer and light wines.
In the rural communities, however,
the hone dry appeared t he as
strong as cv r, if not stronger.
Wheeler Scores Platform. I
Wayne B. Wheeler, general coun
sel for the Anti-Saloon league, paid
his respects to the platform adopted
at a convention of the opponents of
prohibition in Maryland which in
ilorrcd the object of the Association
Against the l'rohihition Amendment
and declared for light wines and beer.
"This adopted platform clarifies the
ifstte and reveals the intention of the
wets to subvert the 18th amendment,
aid Mr. Wnicelrr.
"The Association Against the Pro
hibition Amendment specifically ad
vocates the repeal of the national
prohibition act enacted to enforce the
18th amendment. If they should suc
ceed there would be no . federal law
and no federal officers to enforce the
18th amendment. This is clearly
nullification by repealing the laws
necessary to enforce. To cover this
w inaeirnsiMC program, tnis wet or.
V ganizatlon advocates leaving to every
4' Jtate th- enforcement of prohibition
through state laws alone.
' States having prohibition codes
could enforce them just as they did
before national prohibition, but, wet
states would tcinainwet and, wc
should be cxactly'where we were be
fore the 18lh amendment was adopt
ed. The wet states would be liquor
centers for the illegal distribution of
intoxicating liquors throughout the
nation. Destruction of the legal
machinery necessary for enforce
ment means nullification just as ef
fectively as , organized, open resis
tance to the law. . r ,
"The lowest alcoholic limit askcl
for in beer is 2.75 per cent." Congress
defeated this scheme when the na
tional prohibition act was adopted.
Kvery state legislature has done so.
.Thirty-six states have adopted the
. one-half of 1 per cent standard and
throe the 1 ocr cent standard. "
' ; ' "Kvery state but Maryland has now
adopted a law enforcement statute.
The other eight states have adopted
the one-half of 1 per cent standard
by reference to the federal law. Con-
r gress cannot legalize 2.75 per cent
beer in the 39 stalest in -which it is
prohibited by state law. . A United
' - Spates senator or congressman who
- votes against the standard set by his
. own slate and maintained by legis
lative enactment or referendum vote
will have a, hard time to explain his
"We accept the challenge laid
down at the Baltimore wet' conven
tion. The overwhelming majority of
the people of this country will stand
u for law and order when they under
fctand the merits of the question. It
"as" indefensible to champion an un
enforceable law as it is for a boot
legger to violate the prohibition law."
Man Who Killed Oklahoma
Student Held fdr Trial
Stillwater. Okl.. May 14. "Oh.
Buddy, don't shoot," was the cry of
Beckham Cobb, government student
at Oklahoma A. and M. college be
fore 1io was slain by Early Gordon,
another student, two witnesses testi
fied at Gordon's preliminary hearing.
Gordon was bound over without
bail for trisjl; the defense offering no
testimony. Gordon's attorney said
he planned to seek his client's release
on a writ of habeas Corpus. .
y Two witnesses said Gordon contin
ued firing at Cobb when Cobb lay
on his back, with his hands raised.
Two others testified Cobb was in a
kneeling or crouching position after
the first shot. Nothing was brought
out regarding the motive of the slay
ing.- :
Autoist Runs Down Lad, 8,
Then Speeds From Scene
Joseph Denova. 8, teceived painful
body bruises when he was struck
Saturday by an automobile while
playing in the street in front of the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Denova, 2014 Pierce street.
Thl Tlriver of the machine did not
stop but sfld on following the ac-
Jefferson County Collects
S80,000 in Taxes in 10 Days
Fairburr, Neb, May 14. (Spe
cial.) The records in the office of
the county treasurer of Jefferson
county show that $80,000 in taxes
was collected in the first 10 days of
May. This is an increase over the
same period of 1921.
;r . .
aaa M tim.-tlM. muut
aaa a, M tM
York Grl Wins Prize
in Beauty Contest
Irvd Boofa l
York. N'eb,. May .J.-(Spcclal.)
A Denver publication offered a prize
of $100 for the mot beautiful girl
in the country. Miss Mildred Booth.
IS. of York, won first prize out of
1.862 contestants. ..
Alliance Shows
Wisdom of City
Manager Svstem
Figure for First Year Under
Modern Plan Point Out
Economies Clitics
Silenced. :
Alliance, Neb., May 14.f Special)
Figures submitted to the city coun
cil by City Manager N.. A. Kemmish,
in a preliminary report covering the
first year' operation under the city
manager form of government, have
silenced those who favored a return
to the mayor and council govern
ment on the ground that the latter
wai more efficient and less expensive.
The city manager's report shows
that operating expenses of all de
partments combined, during the si
years prior to the, adoption of the
city manager plan, ran on an average
of 68 per cent higher than during the
past year and that Jhe cost of city
government for any year during that
period was nearly 25 per cent higher
than during the first year under the
city manager, plan. , . ,
, , Big- Balance Shown.
' On May J,- 1921, 'when the eity
manager plan went into effect, there
was a balance in the city treasury
of $577, exclusive of registered war
rants, while on May 1, 1922, the' end
of the first, year under the. present
city government, there was a net bal
ance of $8,840 after the city man
ager's salary of $5,000 was paid Mr.
Kemmish is tinder a. four-year con
tract, starting at $5,000 a year and
increasing $500 a year up to $6,500.
The- first year under the city man
ager plan was the only year, with one
exception,, in the last seven years,
that the'eost of running the city has
not greatly exceeded the revenue.
This left a serious financial situation
for the city manager to face when he
began, but in spite of the heavy bond
ed indebtedness which is being paid
off little by little, the showing made
is considered' exceptional by the en
tire city council, which is unanimous
ly behind the present government. .
Larger Taxpayer! Content.
Opposers of the city manager gov
ernment recently circulated a petition
asking that the city manager's salary
be cut. " Only one prominent business
man signed the petition, the majority
of the signers being the etnaller tax
payers. A large number of the sign
ers were -women and many of them
were not property owners. The peti
tion was . tabled by the' city council. "
Practically all of the larger tax
payers' are satisfied with the present
form of city government and believe
it to be far more economical . and ef
ficient than the old form of a mayor
and city council. ' ' ;
Widely-Known Actress "
Dies in Chicago Theater
Chicago, May 14. Eugenia Blair,
a widely known actress playing in
"Anna Christie," at the Cort theater,
died in her dressing room at the
theater shortly offer her appearance
in the early part of Saturday night's
performance. Her death, which was
believed to be due to beart ,diseasje,
was not made public until today. '
, Silver Sent to Orient ;
San" Francisco.V May 14. The
largest shipment of silver bullion
sent to the orient since the armistice
nearly $2,000,000. . worth was
aboard the liner President Lincoln
when it cleared for far eastern ports.
The shipment is for Japan and China.
the habit
17th and Farnamj
ATIantic 1000
, n, I Ml. M
Hint 1 Mfe
U. S. Asked
to. A i d in
France Appeal, to Amer'
Participate in Vrjlii?.
LomtniMIOtl ' i
.. , vv .
To Have E&iant Voice
r th AntUU4 I'm.
Genoa, May 14. Subject to ap
provaL the ubcommlasioa on Rui
sian affairs decided today that the
uenoa economic conlerence should
reassemble at the Hague June IS,
meet the Russian delegate! and
cnooac a rmxca commission 10 en
deavor to settle the Russian titui
But the whole plan it vague.. It
seem to be a method for temporary
dissolving the conference, pending
the decisions of the United States
whether it will participate, and with
out admitting there are irreconcilable
difference between Prance and Great
Britain. .
Genoa. May 14. France has an
pealed to the United States to par
ticipate in, the proposed international
commission to investigate the Ktis
oan situation. 1 he American am-
basador, Richard Washburn Child,
informed the Associated Press to
night that such a proposal had been
submitted to him by the French
The ambassador understood that
the French proposal suggftts that
the United States, if the invitation
i accepted, would have a dominant
voice in the action of the commis
sion.'but would not be bound by its
acceptance to any decisions of the
commission which it did not ap
If the United States accepts, France
would agree to the Russians being
represented m the commission.
No Agreement Reached.
Trcmier Lloyd George and M.
Barthou were in private conference
for two hours this afternoon, ap
parently without reaching an agree
ment for solving the . Anglo-French
deadlock on the plans to continue
the discussion of the Russian prob
lem. The subcommission on Rus
sian affairs also met and argued for
more than three hours without def
inite results.
Mr. Lloyd George will have a'con
ference at his villa tomorrow morn
ing with Baron Hayashi, M. Bar
thou, M. Jaspar and Signor Schanzer,
in an ettort to reacii a compromise..
After the meeting of the subcom
mission. Sir" Edward Grigg. secretary
to the British oremier. said there hart
been progress, but gae no definite ex-
planatiou of its natuc. ihe fenen
and British delegations, he asserted,
were well on the road to an agree
ment, but nothing definite was
reached. Accounts of the meeting
by members of other' delegations,
however, give little indication : that
a compromise is any nearer.
.' Aid of U. S. Necessary.
The Russians have announced that
they will not accept any plan exclud
ing them from the discussions. On
one thing all the delegations agree,
namely that somehow the United
States must be induced to participate
in the mixed commission. M. Colrat,
French under-secretary of state, in
formed the Associated Press that he
still felt confident of an accord.
France is still unwilling to have
Russia sit with the mixed commission
discussing Russian finances, but
suggestions have been- made that a
special commission - of Russian ex
perts be formed which may be called
in by the mixed commission when it
desires, information.
Again the Russians declare that
thev will not accent anv such olan.
as that would not be dealing' with
them on an equality basis and it is
difficult for the delegations to find
any plan' appealing to both the
trench and British arm yet not ot
fensive to the Russians. -
U. P. Employes Hold
Benefit , at Fremont
Fremont. Neb.-. May 14. '(Special.)
A-dinner dance was held at the
Hotel Pathfinder Jy Union Pacific
employes honoring Miss Nellie B.
Donn, the U. . P. candidate inane
Omaha Bee good will contest for the
benefit of devastated France. A spe
cial tram ot ; five - cars was run JHp
from Omaha carrying over 200 em
Dloves and their friends. . Other del
egations from, Columbus, and other
nearby towns swelled the crowd to
more than 300. ;
The train was met at the station by
the high school band and' a .coterie
of Rotary and: Kiwanis- men with
autos, who conveyed the - crowd, to
the hotel. ; i ',;
Monday, a committee consisting of
Miss Ann Costello of Columbus, Miss
Maude May, Mrs. Bob Smith and A.
B. Cady of Fremont will meet at
Fremont and propose plans to fur
ther canvass the city.
Ambassador From Germany
Arrives in United States
New York, May 4. Dr. Otto L.
Wiedtfeld. newly appointed German
Embassador to the United States, ar
rived on the United States liner
America: 1 ' 1
The diplomat said he had no par
ticular message for Americans at this
time, except to tell them that he
'came'wjth the distinct idea of in
creasing friendly feeling between
Germany and America, and '.'cover
ing up thd last traces of the buried
"I am figuratively shaking hands
again with America for my coun
try," he said, "and I believe that is
a token that our old acquaintance
will , not forgotten and the mutual
respect, service and friendship will
be quickly Xrevived."
Judge Sen tenet i
Man Who Beat Wife
to A7m Her Shoes
Chicago, May H Con.tintine
)odat was before Judge H4 on
cnarges oi extreme cruelty to hit
wife, li'm wife charged he grt drunk
tnree days each week and hit favor
He diversion u to eo home, beat h
wife and then force her to kiss his
bfit me. ohf now he bfi
' ,,)bed hi?. ifc-, . L!
I fe.H shouted the city prosecutor.
"I think he ia." Iniernosed thi
tet. snouted te city profcutor.
"I think he ia." Interposed the
indge. "Get down there, Vodat. and
ki your wife's feet." he commanded.
Yodat looked wildly about, slowly
got to hit knees and kissed each of
hi wife i r hoe
"Now you're on probation," warned
the judge. "If you beat your wile
again, we win give you oinciiiing
that will hold you."
Shipping Board
Urged to Continue
Despite Losses
New York Man Says Govern
ment Should Operate Vc
selfl to Carry 50 Per Cent .
of Foreign Trade.
Washington, May 14. Operation
by the government during the next
five years of enough vessels to carry
50 per cent of the foreign trade of
the United States was advocated at
(he hearings on the ship subsidy bill
by fields S. Pendleton, ftew York
snip owner, who has been referred to
by Chairman Lasker of the shipping
board as the "Babe Ruth of the
wooden ship game."
In preference to enactment of the
administration measure which would
provide direct and indirect aides for
American ship owners. Mr. Pcndle
ton declared that regardless of losses,
the shipping board should continue
to operate vessels not only with a
view to getting a grip on at least
half of this country's import and ex
port trade, but of building up routes
in all parts of the world. He favored
reduction of rates wherever neces
sary to meet the competition of the
foreign ships and predicted that
"for every dollar the government
would lose the country would gain
2 in lower ocean ratis and im
proved service.
Should Pass Bill
If congress is unwilling to continue
government operation of ships at a
loss, Mr. .Pendleton said, then it
should pass the subsidy bill, although
he contended that the aid provided
would not prove, sufficient to enable
all classes of American ships in for
eign trade to compete profitably with
foreisn vessels. .':; - ii
'Contending "that the basic direct
aid rate carried in the bill of one-half
cent per gross ton for each 100 miles
traveled, regardless of the vessel's
speed, was too -low, Mr. Pendleton
urged that .if the measure was to be
enacted the basic rate should be in
creased to 2 cents, with a gradua
tion above that figure for ships of a
speed of more than 13 knots.
"If this is not done," he said, "the
bill will be a dismal failure."
In disposition of the shipping
board's tonnage, the witness stated,
care should be taken that bulk of the
ships do not fall into the hands of
a few powerful companies.
- ... Would Break Small Firms.
, He said, however, that with a sub
sidy many small companies would
not be in a position to keep their
ships afloat profitably and in a few
years would be forced to the wall:,
.If congress approves the pending
subsidy program and fails ' to build
up an adequate merchant marine. ac
cording to Mr. Pendleton, tliere
never will be another opportunity to
aid shipping through government
aid, as it would be contended tlfat
that this- plan had failed once" and
could not prove effective. - .
' Others heard at today's sessibns
were Luther B. Dowelt, business
manager o.the American Steamship
Licensed Officers' ascociation; An
drew Furuseth, president of the In
ternational Seamen's union, and Pat
rick O'Brien," also representing the
seamen's union. They- were cross
examined on various provisions of
the bill.
Laziest Husband Thinks
; manual Labor is Mexican
New York, May' 14. "You say
your husband is shiftless?" a local
divorce court judge queried of a
dusky woman who was suing her
husband for absolute divorce.
"Shiftless?" countered the ncgress.
"Why, jedge. dat man so shiftless
he thinks manual labor is a Mexi
can.;. - i .
Mary Garden's Chief
Worry Keeping Thin;
Has Secret System
' Omaha Bre Leaned Wire.
New York, May 14. Mary Garden
sailed aboard the Olympic. She
will go to her villa at Monte
Carlo. She told reporters that her
management of the Chicago Opera
company had been far from' mo
notonous. In discussing her plans
for the summer she added:
"Later I am going to Switzer
land. I'm going to hike to the peak
of the highest mountain I can find
and get ,away from everybody and
everything. My principal worry from
this moment is trying to keep thin.
No, I am not in love and I have not
the least intention of getting mar
ried." "I have a new system for reduc
ing, a secret of Mrs.. Hatch." .
"Who is Mrs. Hatch?" she was
asked. '
"That's another secret," she re
torted. - s
Miss Garden said she would sing '
five weeks next season with the
Chicago Opera company and then
go on a concert tour, . , s . j
MAY 15, 1922.
Secretary Hughes: "Come In, But
Demands Are Made
for Law to Curb
ampaign Funds
Charges of Falsehood Hurled
About Senate During De
bate on Bill Newberry "
. Case Revived. ' . i
Omaha, Be Ieaa4 Wire.
Washington, May . 14. Demands
fot- legislation to curb congressional
campaign expenditures broke out
both houses of congress and
led to an extremely acrid de
bate in the senate, where the New
berry case was dragged out for an
other airing.' '
Charges of falsehood were hurled
about in the senate debate, where
Senator MKellar, Tennessee, demo
crat; Senator Townsend., Michigan,
epublican. and fsenator Soencer.
Missouri, republican, were the chief
contenders. Their repartee finally
reached such a stage of personal
itterness that Senator Kobinson.
Arkansas, democrat, in ' the chair,
called Senator McKellar to order
for violating the rules of senatorial
courtesy - and directed him to take
his seat. ,
; , Introduces New Bill.
Senator Pomerene. Ohio demo
crat, introduced a new .corrupt prac
tice act to take the place of the
one declared unconstitutional by the
supreme court in the Newberry case.
In substance, the new bill provides
the same restrictions that were con
tained in the scrapped law, but "Sen
ator Pomerene is hopeful that the
court win change its mind upon a
reconsideration of the subject. -.,
. Senators McKellar and Pomerene
both proposed changes in the senate
rules to accomplish the same end
aimea tor in the law which was de
.. eu uMcunsuiuiionai. Atter con
siderable dtbate. their amendments to
the rules,. along.. with-- Senator Po
mcrene's new Mil were referred to
me privileges and election commit
tee.' -' ' ,
Senator King, Utah,- democrat, de
cried federal interference with state
auairs afid expressed the opinion that
the voters in each state should be
trusted to regulate campaign expen
ditures. - If they did not, he said
the senate could refuse to seat a
member elected through illegal use
oi money.
Townsend's Ire Aroused. '
i am wondering if . the senator
trusts the people of Michigan to be
honest and fair in the matter of the
election of senators? .interrupted
Senator McKellar.
This aroused the ire of Senator
1 ownsend who said. V
"If the time has come when the
senator from Tennessee or any other
senator presumes to prescribe Vthe
political morals of any state, then
indeed has senatorial . courtesy, . not
to say senatorial decency, deeener--
ated into a license to insult thfe peo-.
pie ot an the states." . '
Senator McKellar, ablaze with
wrath, declared Senator Townsend's
remarks "vile, untrue and. absolutely
false." Several senators protested
against his language and Senator
Kobinson, temporarily presiding,
called him to order, bringic the de
bate to an end.
Head of Cozad School Go?3
to Similar Post at Orleans
Cozad, Neb., . May 14. (Special.)
G. W. Eaton, for five years su
perintendent of the Cozad public
school, has resigned to become su
perintendent of the, school at Or
leans, Neb. The new position of
fers hira an increase in salary.
f . mm it w
'-'! " O
Spotlight Will Be
Put on Candidates
Nebraska Progressive ' Club
. Will Scrutinize Records of
' Political Aspirants.
The ,' Nebraska Progressive club.
whose members are of all political
faiths, at a meeting held May 12 went
"on record fa investigate the record
of all candidates who aspire to politi
cal offices. '
-1 he following resolutions were
adopted: . v
''Whereas.' This club was organized
for the sole purpose of the betterment
of Omaha and Nebraska, it is our
duty to support men whose previous
records and efficiency justify the sup
port of those who have the best in
terest of the people of , Douglas
county and the state ofuNebraska at
heart and.we: sincerely believe that it
is to ,the interests of the citizens of
Douglas county and the state of Ne
braska to ' out into . office men on
.-whom, invesigation proves thoroughly
quannea tor tnese ornces wnicn iney
seek to fill.
"Therefore. Be it Resolved: That
we will carefully and conscientiously
investigate - the previous record of
each candidate that has hied tor omce
and that we will only support candi
dates whose qualifications shall meet
the above requirements." .
Officers' of the , club stated that
their selection of candidates for both
state and county offices will be made
nuhlic shortly. '. '.
Sam Klaver of Omaha is president
of the organization.- The local com
mittee is composed of S. E. Klaver,
J, J.. Friedman and J: Emblem. The
state committee is L. Kennebeck, A.
Kaiman and Dr. Lv Smernoff.: The
better citizenship committee is A. S.
Nelson, I. F. Alperin, D. Dcnneburg
and G. Humphrey. . .
Burlington Head Carpenter
: Hurt as Car Leaves Track
' AIlTanoe. Neb' May 14. (Special.)
E. W. Bell, master carpenter of the
Burlington here, suffered a; broken
wrist for the second time within a
few weeks.; when a railroad motor
car jumped the track with -"him near
Hot Springs, .a-u- neceimy mi
Bell fell down a stairway at a hotel
in Hot Springs and fractured his
right wrist. LThis time his left wrist
was broken. , He spefct' several weeks
in a : Hot Spring hospital following
his first ceidfrtf and is now back; ai
the sam ipstittiUon fof treatment. ,
Several PersoBs-injured
' in- ittail and Rain Storm
Laredoi Tex., May14.-i-A number
of persons ,t were injured, several
houses were wrecked,- others ; un
roofed ands wire communication de
moralized by a wind, electric, hail
and rainstorm which- ftrucK Lareao
and - vicinity. Minera,' a small
town -21 miles west' -of Laredo,.
reported the worst storm in years,
but subsequent failures; of wire com
munication ihas isolated that place.
Property loss cannot: yet be ascer
tained. No , toss of life has been re
ported. ' " '
Flood Damage $600,000
Bristol. Va.. May 14. Receding
waters of Beaver creek, which over
flowed, left debris-strewn streets and
water-filled cellars m Bristol s busi
ness section. Damage was estimated
at $600,000 in the city and surround
ing territory.
Heads Octavia Schools
Lodgepole Mrs. Frieda De Brun-
ner. for three years principal of the
schools here, has been elected to a
similar position in the schools at
Octavia. ' .:
Clean Your Feet"
Crop of Winter
Wheat Will Be
Almost Normal
Less Than 2 Per Cent of
Acreage VSown, Will Be
Abandoned, Is Prcs
ent Estimate. -
Dcs Moines,-la.. May 14. Winter
wheat acreage sown in Iowa last
fall was estimated at 588,000 acres.
In suite of the dry soil conditions
during the fall and general lack of
snow cover throughout the winter,
over the greater portion of the wheat
belt, it is estimated that only 2 per
cent of the crop, or 11,760 acres, will
be abandoned. With 576,000 acres
remaining to be harvested and hav
ing a crowine condition on' May 1
of 95 per cent, ,a production of 12,
865.000 bushels is forecast, compared
with 8,928,000 bushels harvested last
Rye to be harvested for grain in
Iowa this year is estimated at 32,000
acres, compared with 39,500 acres
last year. The condition May 1 was
97 per cent, indicating a production
of 599,000 bushels, compared with
637,000 bushels harvested last year,
Hay to Be 100 Per Cent.
The acreage of all tame hay or cul
tivated varieties to be harvested m
Iowa this year is estimated at 100
per cent of last year s acreage, or
3.148,000 acres. This includes alfalfa.
The condition May 1 was 23 per
cent, which indicates a production
of 4.714,000 tons, compared , with
4,659.000 tons harvested last year, It
is estimated that 15 per cept of last
years hay crop- was Qn farms in
Iowa May 1.
The amount of plowing for spring
planting and sowing done May 1 was
61. per cent, compared with 85 per
cent a year ago. ; .- ; ' '
The amount of spring sowing and
planting done May 1 was 54 per cent
compared with 61 per cent a year
ago. . ' J -5 "
The condition of pastures ill Iowa
May 1 was '87 per cent, compared
with 92 per cent a year "ago.
Animal Mortality Low.
Estimates of mortality, of livestock
in Iowa indicated that during the
year ending April 30, 1922, in every
thousand head 17horses and mules
died from disease.' The number of
cattle of all ages in every thousand
that have died from disease the past
ytar is' estimated at 20 head, 'and 5
head have died from exposure. Sheep
have died from disease at the rate
of 22 head in every thousand and
nine head from exposure. The num
ber of lambs in every thousand that
have died from disease and exposure
the past year is estimated at 50 head.
Swine that have died from disease in
every thousand are estimated at 79
head. . The condition of horses and
mules May 1 was 98 per cent; cat
tle of all ages, 97 per cent; sheep,
not including Iambs, 96 per cent,
and swine, of all ages 92 per cent.
Seattle Man Decorated
Brussels. May 14. King Albert
has decorated Samuel Hill of Seattle.
with the Order of Commander of the
Crown of Belgium,
The Weather
Forecast. '
Nebraska Generally fair Monday,
Not much change in temperature.
Hourly Temperatures.
5 . m.
..5 1 p.
. ..l
. m.
7 a. in.
S a. m.
a. m.
14 a. m.
II a. m.
1 m. ...
..49 I p. m. I a p. m.
..OS 4 p. m.
..MIS p. m.
..5 I p. m.
. .M 7 p. si.
..! p. m. .
Banks May
Take Over
Mexico Debt
SrrrrUry of Treasury De La
Huerta Coming to United
Slate. With Definite
Is Confident of 'Success
Omaha H Uaml Hlra.
Waxhiiigtoii, May 14. Secretary of
the Treasury Adolfo dc la Huer
ta's forthcoming viait to New York
city and Wuhington. aeco'ding to
confidential information leccived
here today in high ofiicial quarters,
h likely to have a more far-reaching
effect than hs been anticipated.
Included in the primary phase of
De la ' Huerta' minion, which the fundamental of Mexi
co's relations with the United States
and other foreiun countries, will be
pn.toaU for the' settlement of for
eign debts of his country, including
alt defaulted payments, and thee
proposal will be made to the bank
er of Spain, Belgium. France and
Kuglaud as well as to those of New
York city.
Has Definite Proposals.
Secretary De la Huerta is coming
here with definite proposals for the
liquidation of all these outstanding
obligations, the substance of which
has been communicated bv him to
Mr. Lamont. chairman of ti e Inter
national Bankers' committee, and by
the latter in turn to the European
J sections of the International Bank
er committee, jnese proposals
have been agreed upon by Mr. La
mont and his associates as a suitable
basis for the June negotiations.
The Mexican" finance minister
could not afford to come to the
United States upon a mission of the
character to be undertaken by him,
it was explained here today, without
definite assurances of a successful
outcome to his errand, and for that
reason delayed acceptance of the in
vitation tendered him by Mr. Lamont
to meet the international bankers in
New York, until assured that the
bankers would -ask nothing from
Mexico except the payment or the
funding of its debts.
.May Assume Debts.
It appears that Secretary De la
Huerta and Mr. Lamont will pro
pose to the European sections of the
International Bankers' committee
that all Mexican external debts be as
sumed by the bankers of New York
city, h&aded by Mr. Lamont and the
Morgan group, who will make pay
ments at once. ' , . :- ;.
The government of Mexico will
then make arrangements with La
mont and his associates for a definite
schedule of payments, with certain
specified revenues set aside for that 1
purpose. .
Head of Commission
Firm Killed by Auto
I .- : . ' -
Omaka Baa Laaaed Wire.
Chicago, May 14. Frank E. Wag
ner. 60, president of G. M. H. Wag
ner & Sons, Chicago's oldest,. com
mission firm,, died early today of in
juries suffered a few hours earlier, -when
he was struck by an automo
bile. , , V: ' - '- V,
The accident occurred in front of
his home late Saturday night. It was
witnessed by Mrs. Wagner, who is
in a critical condition of collapse.
The Wagner commission firm prac
tically controls the fruit output of the
famous Wenatchee (Wash.) district
of California, from San Francisco to
the Imperial valley and of southern
Texas and of a majority of Florida.
Protectorate for Albania
Agreed Upon by League
Geneva, May 14.-By A. P.) A
league of nations protectorate for Al
bania was virtually decided upon by
the council of the league after
Italv's objection had been overcome.
Italy .through its representative oil
the council, Marquis Imperiali, had
pointed out several days ago that it
could not accept such drastic par
ticipation by the league in the gov
ernment of Albania without assur
ances that important Italian inter
ests in that country would be sate
guarded. The council intimated that
some of the financial, economic and
legal experts who are to be appoint
ed by the league to assist the Al
banian government, would be chosen -by
Italy and thereupon Marquis Im
periali withdrew his protest..
Reduced Fare Certificates
for Woman's Meet Received
Hastings. Neb., MaV 14. A supply (
of identification certificates that will
entitle delegates and visitors to
purchase a round trip ticl-1 at the
reduced rate to the biennial conven
tion of the General Federation of
Women's clubs at Chautauqua, N.
Y.. June 21-30. have been received
and are ready for distribution, reports.
Mrs. John Slaker, transportation
chairman of the Nebraska federa- ;
tion. ' . .
"The tickets will be good from
June 15 to July 6, and the certificates '
may be obtained by making applica
tion to the chairman," writes Mrs.
Slaker. '.'Those planning to attend
should apply at once. The Nebraska
delegation will leave Omaha the eve
ning of June 19."
Beatrice Fire Cbief Falls
Through Floor; Breaks Rib
Beatrice. Neb.. May 14. CSpe
C'al.) During a fire that partly de- ,
stroyed the home ofJMrs. Anna Kle
r.ian in West Beatrice, Fire Chief
Whiteside fell through the floor,
fractured a rib and received severe
bruises. The 'fire loss is placed at
$13)0, partly covered" by insurance.
The blaze was started by a child .
playing in the kitchen with matches.
it is said.