Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1922, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 15

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    ilifc. tau&l Oil AH A, jLuAi', mm' 14, !.
Mother' Dsy Progress.
The Omaha W. C. T. lf. wit! have
charge of ihe Mothers' day services
Sunday. 3 p. in, at ih House of
Hop, 7915 S'onh Thirtieth street. Il
bss hem ihrir custom lor several
eere o hold services o Mother'
sla at the home.
Dr. R. I Wheeler, pastor tmtritu
ef the Wheeler Memorial i'resbyte
run cburrh, will be the speaker. Little
Mary Othmrr will give reading and
the mif will be in charge ol tht
CI. (ton Hill orchestra.
Business Woman's League,
The credit group will have charge
of the Omaha Business and Profes
sional Weman'a league dinner and
program Wednesday evening, 6 IS
o'clock, In the I'alm room of the
Fontenelle hotel. M's Kliiabeth Me
Orady, presiding. W. K. Baxter will
i ... . . -1 i If- t: i
uc mc ifir una narry isisorow
will give song group.
Comedy to Be Repeated.
The comedy, "What Happened to
ilonei," which was given by the
iome talent of St. Johns parish on
April 20 proved turn a tucceia that
many rrijurttf have been received
for a second performance. It will
be repeated thit afternoon at 2: JO
and again tomorrow evening at
Crciithum auditorium for the benefit
nf the Catholic Colored minion at
Tarker street.'
Big Siitert to Be Dinner Guests.
1 lie Big Sister, xlub wilt have
heir next dinner May 18 at the Kel-
J am school and Ihe nieal will he pre-'
pared by the pupila of Miss Gertude
Kuhnka, a member of the Big Sis-
terr, who hat a class in Household
Art at Kelhiitt. There will he 30 mem
hers attending the dinner which will
take the place of their regular meet
ing scheduled for May 17.
Overseas Service League.
The Woman 'a Overseas Service
league will meet for dinner Tuesday
evening. 6:30 o'clock at the Fonte
nelle hotel. An election of officer
will be held and Miss Helen Cornell
and Mis Klla Fleishman will report
on the national meeting of the league
which was held in Washington, D.
C. recently. '
Ladies Aid.
The Ladies Aid . society of the
Dundee Presbyterian church will
entertain at their annual May, party
Friday at 2 p. m., with Mrs. A. D.
Culliston. There will be a burlesque
entertainment. Members are re
quested to briiifr their silver dollars
as an offering for the new church
Junior Hadassah Dance.
The Junior Hadassah unit com
prising 50 young Jewish girls who
support a war orphan, "will cele
brate the first anniversary of the
club next Monday night with a
dance at the Blackstone. Mis
Sophie Weinstein is president and
chairman of arrangements.
Card Party for Pariah.
There will be a card party at St.
Johns rectory. Twenty-fifth and Cali
fornia streets. Wednesday at 2:30.
Tn charge of it are the Mesdames
if! Barry. '
' Ice Cream Social. -
The women of Holy Cross parish
will hold an ice cream social Satur
day evening. May 20, on the church
lawn, S06S Center street. A radio
concert will be a feature of the af
fair and a door prize will be given,
St. Adelbert.
St. Adelbert's Social club will give
a card . party Wednesday afternoon
at their hall, Thirtieth and Bancroft
Chapter M, P. E. O. '
Chapter M, P. E. 0.. will meet
with Mrs. A. C Pancost Saturday,
May 20 .-
Clubdom 1 1 Sings Lead in Operetta
Y. W. C. A.
'X ,-f?'A
5 ft M T v ' ' -v J
u .!;t -;
II VV.V- :tV S-
Mil's Laura Petersen as "Princess
Chan" will have the leading role in
the "Feast of the Little Lanterns,"
an operetta to be presented by the
Omaha College club music and drama
sections Monday afternoon at 4
o'clock in the Burgess-Naxh audi
torium, under direction of Miss Anna
Johnson and Miss Avis Roberts. The
piano accompaniments will be played
by Mrs. Dean Kinger.
College Club
Sunday Central ; building open
from 10 to 3.
Monday Federation of Clubs
meets for supper at 5:45 followed by
a talk by the Rev. Thomas Casady on
"Everyday Christianity." The re
mainder of the evening will be spent
in the consideration of the following:
Summer Conference Commissions,
"Citizenship for Women" Everyday
Christianity," Workers Education
Movement," Field Federation." Mil
linery class. 6:30 and Glee club
practice, 7:30. '.
Tuesday1 Friendship club will
meet at 3:30 in Library hall South
Side. -
Wednesday Regular monthly
eetinjr of the Board of Directors,
1 o'clock at North Side branch.
TvJenty-second and Grant streets,
followed, at 12:15, by a luncheon for
all volunteer and employed workers,
and board of trustees. Program of
general association and convention
reports will be given.
Morris Girls club, - supper, 5:30
followed by a talk on "Designing and
Planning Clothes." Volley ball prac
tice after the program. ,
The Christian Association Ath
letic club will entertain the members
of all the . first year, gymnasium
classes at Elmwood park. Those
attending will meet at the Y. W. C
A. at 5:30. Registrations must be in
by Tuesday evening. .
Employes of the Northwestern
Bell Telephone company will pre
sent a program for Omaha business
women, Y. M. C A. members and
friends at 8 oclock in the auditorium
of the central association building.
There is no admission charge.
Thursday Central Student' club
will meet at 3:30 in girls' club-room
for election of officers. Busy Circle
club will meet at 7:45 for singing led
by Agnes Swanback, followed by
club programs
Friday Alumnae club, dinner at
6:15 followed by installation of new
officers. Closing lesson in millin
ery at 6:30.
Saturday Children's classes of
health education department will
hold their annual picnic at Camp
Brewster. Registrations must be
made at the Y. W. C. A. by Friday
night, and an planning to attend will
meet at the association building at
10 oclock Saturday Morning.
Benson High School Girl Reserve
club is hostess at a hike. All High
school club aids are invited, and will
meet at the central association build-
ins at V:JO.
All junior Girl Reserves will meet
at the association building at 3 oclock
for a hike. Each girl will bring her
own lunch. " " v v
The Omaha College club will hold
its annual business meeting and
election of officers Saturday after
noon at the Prettiest Mile club, pre
ceded by luncheon at 12:30 o'clock.
A musical program will be given
by Mesdames A. L. Tumor, Grace
Leidy Berger, J. D. Ringer. O. C.
Robinson, the Misses Avis Roberts,
Mable Alcorn and Margaret Roeb
ling. Reservations for the luncheon
should be made by Friday, 10 a. ni.,
with Mrs. H. B. Patrick, Kenwood
4004. .
Candy Shower at Old
People's Home. -
The Omaha Woman's Club of Rail
way Mail Service will give its annual
candy shower and program at the
Old People's Home, Fontenelle boul
evard Wednesday, 2 p. m.
Vocal solos will be given by,W.
O. Gale and J. E. Edwards; readings,
Margaret Hadley, H. Underwood jr.
and Billie Matthews and a dance
number by Alice Lorene Davis. -
O. E. S. Kensington.
Fontenelle Kensington club. O. E.
S., will meet with Mrs. C. H. Wal-
rath, 3650 Burt street, on Tuesday
at 2 p. m. Past matrons will be
hostesses with Mrs. Mary Mack.
Miller Park Women to Meet
The Women's society of the Mil
ler Park Presbyterian church will
meet Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. O. A. Runyon, ,
Get Acquainted Club
The Get Acquainted club will meet
this evening at 7:30 o'clock, at the
First Unitarian church, Turner
boulevard and Harney street. Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Parsons will be host
and hostess.
The program will include piano
solos by Miss Ellinore Baxter; read-ings-by
Miss Edith Kcnyon; violin
solos, Miss Evelyn Pierpoint with
Mrs. W. L. Pierpoint at the piano; a
group of songs by Miss Ruth Red
mond with Miss Helen Smails at the
piano. There will also be games
and community singing. All stran
gers and lonely folk welcdme.
French Alliance Will Give
The French alliance will have an
open meeting on Monday evening at
8 o'clock at the Schmoller &' Mueller
auditorium, presenting Mrs. Charles
A. Hull in a recital of French songs
and monologues, with Mme. Borglum
at the piano. Piano solos will also be
given by Misses Margaret Shotwell
and Elizabeth Paffenrath. Those in
terested are cordially invited.
Logical Inference.' "
Mrs. Kriss What chapter of the
lodge does your husband belong to?
Mrs. Kross Why, he arrives home
so late it must be the last chapter.
N. Y. Sun. . -
Boxing is the latest fad to be taken
up by young- society matrons in
Chicago. '.-
Black and white scarfs.
Weekly Club Calendar
Boom f Hmm. WIS North Thirtieth
Atrcct Sunday,, i p. m.. Mother'! day
program under direction or umana w.
T. V.. Dr. R. I Wheeltr, speaker.
Ol4 People'! Hmm, Featenell Boole-
ranl Sunday, I: JO p. m., llev. C. A.
Burkholder, paitor of Caateltar Preaby
terlan church, ipeaker: church choir will
Ins. ... .......
OnaJia. Walkhw dob Sunday after
noon and eveninr. Informal outing at
Wiley Point club home. Fontenelle forest
reserve, near Camp Qlfford. Visitor wel
come. Chelsea Bcsack, host.
CM Aeanalnted Club Sunday. 7:30 !.
m.. First unitarian church. Turner toule-
vra ana Harney sireei. aieeiing ar
nonaectarian and are open to all strang
ers and lonely folks. Mrs. Paul K. Har
lan, director.
Omaha Walking Club Sunday. 8:30 p.
m., from Pearl and Broadway, council
Bluffs, taking Fairmont- park car. The
walk will be from Fairmont park along
the bluffs to the south, then circling east
and north, coming back to the Fairmont
park car line. William Hlllegas, leader.
Mehof) Vincent Chautauqua Circle
Monday. T:1S p. m., courthouse.
"IWowrelt Chaatanqoa Circle Monday,
7:30 p. m., with Mrs. F. A. Cressey, South
Twenty-second street. . v . . .. , -
P. K. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. S.
Mondavi 1:10 p. m.. with Mrs. Cecelia
Townsend, 201 South Thirty-fifth avenue.
Mrs. Itoy Kaipn, leaaer.
Hall la the Grove Kxeeutlve Board
Monday, 4 p. m T. W. C. X. Plans will
be made for Chautauqua -graduating ex
ercises to be held at Prettiest Mils club
Saturday, June J. .
Omaha College Clab, If Bale and Dnm
gectleew Monday, 4 p. ra., Burgess-Naah
auditorium. An operetta, "The Feast of
the Wttle Lanterns," will be presented
under direction of Miss Avis Roberts and
Miss Ann Johnson.
Psychology Lsrtnrw CourseMonday, 1
p. ra.. T. W. C A. Prof. Walter N. H al
ley will epeak on "Our Varying Selvea,"
ninth of -a series of talks on "Psychology
and the Day'a Work." by Edgar James
Swift, given under auspices of Chautauqua
circles. Special psychological test will be
Sivsn. - -. . - A
Longfellow Chautauqua Circle Tuesdsy
evening with Mrs. Ella Connell. !tl? D
street. ' .
Nebraska Tabereolosl . Asaociatloa
Tuesday, s p. m., annual dinner and busi
ness meeting. Fontenelle hotel. '
P. IS. O. Sleterhood, Chapter B. K.
Tuesday. 1 p. m.. with Mrs. James Pat
ton, 1 Mercer Park road. Musical tea.
Omaha Spanish Club Tuesdsy, 1 p. m.,
with Miss Alma Peters, it South Twenty
wlth Miss Alice Dennison. M2S Burdette
Osaaha Baskwos Woman's Clab Tues
day. :IS p. m.. V. W. C. A. Dinner, fol
lowed by meeting to complete plans for
May breakfast.
P. IS. O. Hsterhood. Chapter B. Tr
Tuesday. 1:10 p. ra.. with Mrs. R, W
Sage. 1510 South Thirty-third atreet. Roll
call. "Summer Salads."
Weasea'i Ovsreeeas Service Leagae
Tuesday, 0:10 p. m., dinner and business
meeting. Fontenelle hotel. Miss Helen
Cornell and Miss Ella Fleishman will re-
Srt on national convention of league,
lection of officers.
Delphian Study Class Tuesday, 1 p.
m with Mrs. A. O. Plnkerton, 4020
Dodge street. Last meeting of the year.
Mrs. Plnkerton and Mrs. Victor Kropf.
hostesses. Topic. "Charlsmagns." , Mrs.
A, W. Scrlbner, leader.
rbrlatuus Clian-h Mlaalow-v Federa
tion of Omaha and Council Bluffs Tues
day, IV a. m.. Christian cnurcn, uouncn
Bluffs. ' Luncheon served at noon. Mrs.
John W. QUI, president, will preside. Miss
Minnie Johnson, former missionary ac
Bilaspur, India, speaker.
South Omaha Woman's Clab, Music
Department Tuesday. 2:30 p. m., with
Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 4204 South Twenty
second street. Subject. "J. W. Beschoff,
Composer." Mrs. Cressey, leader. Miss
Grace McLane will give a song group
and Miss Catherine Clow, vocal selec
tion. Final meeting of season.
Dundee Ctaataasjoa Circle Wednesday.
1:10 p. m.. with Mrs. Fred Elliott, jr.,
S107 Webster street.
Omaha Woman's Clnb, Music Bectloa
Wednssday. t p m chorus rshearsaL
Burgess-Nash auditorium.
Omaha Baslaaat Woman's Club Wed
nesday, 7 a. m. to S:30 a, , m., annual
May breakfast, T. W. C. Kj auditorium.
Omaha College Club, Book Review Sec
tion Wednesday. 4 p. m with Mrs. C.
C. Beavers, 3131 North Fifty-eighth street.
Mrs. S. E. McMillan will review "Emma",
by Jans Austin. Election of officers.
' Bournes and Professional Woman's
League Wednesday, 4:15 p. m Fonte
nelle hotel palm room. Dinner and pro
gram in charge of credit group. Miss
Elisabeth McOrady, presiding. W. F.
Baxter, speaker: Harry Dlsbrow, vocal
soloist ,
Omaha Woman Club, Railway Mail
Service Wednesday, 2 p. m., Old People's
Home. Fontenelle boulevard. Annual
candy shower and program. Vocal solos
will be given by W. O. Gale and J. B.
Edwards; readings, Margaret Hadley. H.
Underwood. Jr.. and Billis Matthews;
dance, Alice Lorene Davis. .
Mathers Gnlld Thursday, t p. m., St.
Rttaa hal. Eighteenth and Cass streets.
Members will sew for boys of Father
Flanagan's home.
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter K Thurs
day, 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. Q. W.
Hervey. 1110 North Fortieth street Mrs.
F. P. Bryant, assisting.
liberty Star Kensington Club Thurs
day, 11:30 a. m May breakfast. Pret
tiest Mile club. Mra. A. M. Smith, chair
man of committee In charge. .
League of Women Voters Thursday,
2:30 p. m Brandels tea room. Impor
tant business meeting. Full attendance
desired. Mrs. H. J. Bailey will report
on Nstlonal convention of the league
held In Baltimore. Md.. recently. .
Omaha College Club ExeraHve Beard
Friday, 4 p. m-, Fontenelle hotel.
' Omaha Walking Club Saturday, I p.
m from end of Albright car line ever
Walking club trail to Wiley Point camp.
Irsne Strong, leader.
Omaha Cod rare Club General Meeting
Saturday, 12:20 o'clock, luncheon, busi
ness meeting and program. Prettiest Mile
club. Annual election of officers. Reser
vations for luncheon should be made by
Friday. 10 a. nv, with Mrs. H. B. Patrick.
Kenwood 400t , .,
Gilder Paintings
Exhibited at
the Library
Ta eh aAitliafct VAnnl at llle Oma
ha Knrirtv n( Fine Arts' museum in
the Public Library now hanes a col-
lection el paintings py Konert r.
Gilder. They are nearly 100 desert
aranea risinlrff UV hits the arliit was
in Ariiona the past winter. During
the winter air. unucr cximntca at
tli IVamiii'i rtiih Tnrann. Ariz . 36
of the paintings here shown and three
others which were purchated by Mrs.
Mien o. dpotiora 01 jsew tor ,ny.
A lir nnvii nt the deert was
sold to an Ariiona ranchman.
Betides this Urge output, Mr. Wild
er was active along archeologic lines
in the south, and although not on
the program was asked to and did
deliver an aaarets to tne soumwesi
branch of the American Association
(or the Advancement of Science,
which held its settioni at the I'rtU
vrrsity of Tucson. Clouds rare in
the desert, were found mott interest,
ing to Dr. Gilder, and when eitfht
inches of snow fell, coming semi
tropical verdure, Mr, Gilder aniased
the natives by painting a snow pte
ture silting under the ol a
cactus. '
Christ Child Society
Preparations arc being made at the
Chriat Child center for a spring fes
tival which will be held on the
grounds some time during May.
Mrs. V. H. Qulgley and Miss Jean
ette Doyle will be in charge of the
Twenty babies vulied the baby
station at the center Thursday morn
ing. Among the new arrivals were
twin boys 4 weeks old. Miss Theda
Waterman, baby welfare nurse, is in
charge during the absence of Miss
Dorothy Stowiu.
Worsted embroidery is uted on
some of the new neckwear.
Last Word in
The flower lover has vsrWi of
good vsr from which to choose
this season. If her tatte runs to.
ward Tiffany ware she may find
slender bud vases of gold gists with
hand enameled vases; if she wishes
bo! for numerous flowers there
are gold glass bowls (or them also.
The famous Kookwood ware made
from clay from Ohio valley, which
furnishes beautiful pottery molded
by community workers in Ohio
river towns, can be had lu either dull
or glased finishes. The shops have
lovely apple green porcelain bowls,
with flower holders to correspond
with ihcm. If one wishes a hand
some deep blue bowl with cerulean
lining it may be bad alto. Then
inert are he pottery sates wiih
tulip borders that have very gisceful
lines if one wishes taller .
Frigli.h wedgewoo4 is always
rl..y. Wlack basalt vsea with
grape vine designs are works of art;
the Oueen hevre comes some cheap,
er. Flower holders with bird renter
ornaments come with these Wedge
wood vases. These vases are just
the thing for rosea and are very tine
with polished oak woodwork. They
may be had in soft blues and grey
greens, as well as blaik.
If one rsres to be ratravigint, yen
may invest in Sevres ware, com
poles with statuette bases, or flower
bowls with rrench gold mountings
msy be bad at handsome sums.
If you need inexpensive vases,
choote a bud vase. Xtany of hee
single bud vae are slender and of
good form. They are very dainty
and may grace a small table, writ
ing desk or mantel.
We Americans have learned to use
bud pates from the Japanese, but
sometimes we forget the artistic
orientals and revel in a bowl of n
lurtiums or cherry blossoms. We
(ecl that smne Ituwers should be "
t otals in masses, while others are si
delicate that a fragile ve seem
quite the one to use.
The flower holders, statuettes,
birds and lily pads are a decided im
piovenirnt in arunging, as they
permit ihe flowers to thoote pleas,
ant angles and at the same tune sup.
port the slews. One ran almost
imagine that flowers grow from the
bottom of the howl, as the ends of
Sinus are invisible.
Do You Know
The Women's Patriotic aoriety of
Iapan has more than I.CKnj.Otaj mem
A healthy woman will average
seventy-live steps minute when
Ten American women are now
members of the Nations! Sculpture
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