THE PEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 12. 1922. Home Owner Only One Wlio Pays His 0vnTa,SaysUrc Time for Taxpayer! to Walt l'p lo SfrioufsnfM of Situation, Kv roumilmaii. "Til Mihlic trraurv nrtrr tut a dollar lo pay anyone f"r anything mat it Haii i taken i mm some out fU.n mkI V. ti. l're. former tilv and county treasurer and city com inimoiirr, now a member of the tax bureau of the Omaha real mute ir(, spraking at the noon lnmri rnn of the Oiiuha Concord tlub at tlie lloirt Km. tenellc yetrrday. "I he taxpayer i the nun who fiitmohrt the money for em thine, and the home owners are the only lira who pay their ovui taxes. They haie no rhanre to it on. The leuiler, the wholesaler, the tele I'lione rompany. the Mrert railway company, the landlord, alt pa their taxes on." Mr. I're R.ive futures on taxr and bonded inclrttednr and talrd that it in time for taxpayer to wake up to the r-eri'HiMieii of the situation. June 8 lias hern set aile as Con ford day at the Ak-Sar-Beu tpring I4ir. it ae anuomiced. 't he chili i planning to fto out in a body fo tnuiiig their noon luncheon on that da v. ' Next Tlmrday evening will he Concord Ladies' night. The club will entertain women and guest at dinner at the l-nnteuclle at 6:30, followed hv a radio concert. Cou cordrri will furnish the program at the broadcasting station at the Grain Kxchange. Man Tried on Charge of Furniture Theft Oscar O. Christian, former em ploye of the Bowcn Furniture com pany, who admitted in a written con fession, according to police, that he .IaU d.-iiitur i,A if far liquor, went on triah before a jury in District Judge Leslie's court, charged with grand larceny. The defense, according to County Attorney Coffey, does not deny that Christian stole some furniture, but is fighting the case on the ground that the charge should be 'petty larceny," as the cost of the furniture did not exceed $35, it claims. M. Wyatt, also arrested, pleaded guilty to .petty larceny, while Joe Knecht, another member of the trio, has his case still pending. According to Detectives Franks and AuRhe who arrested the men, the Bowen Furniture company gave them a receipt f or( $3,500 for furniture they recovered. , , Metcalfe Still Secretary of Associated Retailers An erroneous headline in The Bee yesterday morning said a new secre-, tary had been named by 'lie Asso ciatcd Retailers. The headline should have said a new secretary had been ijamcd by the Retair Grocers' asso ciation. J. W. Metcalfe is secretary of -the Associated Retailers and will continue -'in that capacity.' Federal Judge Woodrough, who -went to Des Moines, last Monday to hold federal court; - 'will return . to Omaha Friday night and will hold t I . C... ,.! ..Inn Qiln. day to Des Moines, where he will he busy all next week. 1 S L El Y - T I AA E TALES THE TALE OF NIMBLE DEER :BY ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY" VI ' tvM CHAPTER XXIV. Unci Jerry Chuck. Soon Jimmy Rabbii'i friends ar rived at hit party in throng. And soon Nimbi Herri amlm briiM with hats and tout of many kinds and colors. l mut look like 1 Christmas, tree." Nimble thought. "I ih Jimmy Rah bit and hit tnrndt would come and dance around ttie to 1 might ee the fun." But they didn't They Hayed down Hi 7ta old Joj Spoil lonebodg criti in a little hollow tome distance away. Nimble could hear their voices. And Evaporated Milk Costs you no more, -and you can be sure of all around nourishment and perfect safety in your most vital food. It's pure country milk with the cream left in. niBtrr fypORATl C Welch's Special Week of May 8th to 14th. Inclu ive We Give Cotfee, Tea or Milk FREE with Every Be Order of Burnt Wheat Tone Bread. ALL SIX RESTAURANTS 5 The Hartmann Wardrobe To make room for new trunks now arriving, all 1921 model Hartmann Cushion Top Wardrobe Trunks have been greatly reduced In price. These trunks are not out of date models but are as good and up-to-date as stock now arriving. , Now priced frcn $65.65 to $90.00 C -3 fnf If) vim' v av v exyey u A Fully Guaranteed HOT POINT Electric Iron In addition to this drastic price re duction, we-jvill give absolutely free to each purchaser of a Hartmann - "Wardrobe Trunk a 5-pound Hot Point electric iron with stand and ironing board complete. htat Freling & Steinle 1893 Farnam Street Hera 16 Years l hey seemed to he having a d-lightful time. At ir Nimble, he wasn't having a good tune at a". "I'll never help at anomer party r ne rtromiifd him tell. He couldn't believe that mid night and the end of the party would ever come. At lat, Imweter. he took heart. For old I'licle J,rry Chuck came hurry ing up and hegan taking hats and roat oil Nimble a antlers. And Nim ble knew then that the party must he almot over. "This ia a good hat!' I'nrle Jerry muttered to hinurlf. "I'll take it. And then be said, "This is a good roat! I'll take it." Then he looked cloely at another hat. "This is a good one, too!" he remarked. "I might loe the other. I'll take this one, too and this coat here," he add ed, selecting a second coat that pleased him. U'ttt di4 t'ncls Jerry Chink dream1 that the Peer's head was a real, In one. Ami jut as the old chap ieth i lr the second coat Nimble Pw had to rough. He didn't want to Hadn't Jimmy Rabbit cautioned hint it t stir not to open his nmiuh? But the cough rame all the same, right in t'nclf Jerry t hu. k's ear. And liule Jerry )um;ed. He dropped both hats and both coat. And then he waddled off as ( as he could e and scrambled over the stone wall, out of sight, lit didn't rteu wait to get his own ruty mat and Uttered hat. which he had If It l)mg on the ground. I'ncle Jerry hadn't been gone lMtg when all the conipany came jrthn up to Nimble. Everybody except Nimble was very metry. Amid a good many jokes the company put on their hsu and coatt, until only Aunt Tolly Woodehuck'i poke bon net hung from Nimble's horn. Then jutt (or lun Jimmy Rabbit set the bonnet on Nimble's head and tied is swings under his chin, And Aui! Polly Woodchuik herself laugh ed hardest of alt. And. then all at once smoeililne happened. A dog barked. "Jt' old dog Spotl" somebody cried. Nimble Deer was the first to run. One leap took him out of the ever green thicket in which he had been stand;ug a! the evening Three haps more took him over the tn wait. After that nobody saw him nor Aunt Tolly Woodehuck'i bonnet K4Ui. ut night. thei whole company scattered and vanished like grou nrprurd in the wiiodi. ,Anl, when eld dog por rrat hrd the t lump of evergreens a few moments later, he found nothing to liow that there had been party the that i, he tound nothing e rept a batteied bad and ruty coat lymg on the ground. po sniffed at hrm. "t'nle. I'm Diiktakm, I'inle Jerry Chu. k has forgotirn something.' he murmured. "No dnubt he'll be back heie in a little while." I'a.a-U l-rr lUtirV u I,a1f ! I UM V,,J l'tl't a mile away and "und atleep in his i unurrgrnuni cnamner. And Nimble Peer was mile away, over in Cedar Swamp, trying to tear Aunt Tolly's bonnet off his head hy rubbing his tiorii agint a ouiig cedar. Till; I-ND. Tmm Snaabell m Swiim S Semtwt Ihrsueh h"l i mt Hell uwM, Me likra ! trlhl I n. I Jtn ( hurh tt Jumplu n(f Ika Im waU ton r I Hrl Jveit'e Iihm, ttnra . twit lalla4 aalmala irar to arbaat Sut aolf aieraS c We are dissolving partnership Mr. Allen is going into larger clothing fields. It is necessary for us to raise "cash" to complete this reorganization. Here is a remark able clothes-buying opportunity, for we MUST I lit.- X 11 i 1 W. lf?Z0mimviitfm' C Gash This lot of clothes includes some of the $35 and $40 spring lines and a lot of v last season's garments that sold up to $60. , They are all fine tailored suits, fine materials and good patterns. - These are all this spring's lines, values that regularly bring up to $50. We$ have suits in this lot that will please young men, old men, big or little men. They are remarkable garments and big bargains at our sale price today. In this lot are all our finer tailored : suits. They are the best makes and $ best values in town even at their regu- . lar selling price. New fabrics, new styles and the best tailoring that money can buy. Today our price is cut to This Sale Does Not Include Our Line of Tuxedos or Our Tailor-Made Langrock Lines. , This is surely a rare opportunity for you to buy Better ' Clothing at very low'prices. Our stocks are fresh, and only the newest- and best makes of strictly high grade lines of merchandise are here to select from. We advise coming early. Wilcox and Allen Northeast Corner 17th and Harney NOW o Only Two Days Left Friday and Saturday Every Style -Every Size - Our Complete Line A-B Gas Ranges Special Reduced Prices All-Whit. Porcelain "ArUtocraU" Them. Specially Priced for Friday and Saturday $00 0 Down All-White Stylta Eacepted Cabinet Caa Rant Priced Aa Low Aa $43.60 Saturday night enda tkia Great Two Week' Sale of the Famoua A-B Caa Raafea. Our aolid carload of thai range ia going fait. Our apeclal low pricea and our liberal tarma during tbia aaU and Saturday. Over 30 different styles and aiaaa in A-B Cat Rangea to select from email low oven types to large three-oven All-White enamel Aristocrats there are deaena of intermediate style. Imme diate action is necessary, aa this Croat Sale enda Saturday. Now is your oppor tunity. Come in tomorrow. Saturday ends Ibis Sale. ESTABLISHED 1655? m XLTON ROGERS A!ND SONS JL V COMPANY Hardware Household Utilities 1515 HARNEY ST. M MOZART IGAJR. Mild as a May Momng--and as fragrant Mozart Mild Mellow Memorable Fragrant Free drawing-, Firm ash . Famous ' An uncommonly mild cigar of Havana fragrance beautifully made. " Their cigars trt mown nctnol site , )TiS, of Havana fragrance Jp Sst, ' 1 ' I beautifully made. jp Mozart Ggar is nude by yTXt" i' ... Conaolidated Ggar Corporation .4J J sy-W ... Jr" I I 1, afttm iti Five beautiful 1 M X 2f Ji - , Bu III" Finds sizes select the one y I " ' Jrffi EiwU.lwl II I C that suits you best: rt-a 3 for 50c The powcrtal, bet) tor wttrmth of Hunt! Lightning oil fflTM lutut tud pofltlTS relief from tbrobblnff. serra -leVCKiotr peine 01 nafnuamr your drogffiete, lee trndJOe e boot Uais7C38Sa3 Gil The S Sherman H McConnell Drug- Stores. at to"!' i 'ABVKBTISEMENT. WOMANS COMPLEX LIFE Woman's complex life with its multitudinous calls is given' as the reason for many a nervous break down. Home work, ' social obliga tions, dressmaking and the care of children keep the 20th century wo man in a whirlwind of activity until headaches develop, backache, nerv ousness and oftentimes more serious ills which are peculiar to her sex alone. Such women should not de spair, but be guided by the letters so often published in this paper from women who have been in just such condrtions, but who have been re stored to health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. This is a root and herb medicine that contains no drugs and can be taken in safety by any wonap S5 JMfd mm Hair ibal receives reuIarXj applications of reuibro'sKerprcklc has life and snn. -radiates health ' issoft.tfuftv ana aounaanf. dVeiuWsKerpicide MM- APPIICATIONS AT BAKU. SHOPS " Sherman & McConnell Drug . Co., Special Agent CnticBTtQuicldySootitJ Rtht anil Ivnftiie) Rashes and Irritatics Hot baths with Cntlcora 8oep, fol lowed try light applications of CatU earn Ointment, afford immediate relief in most cases cf rashes, irrita tions, eczemaa, etc Cutlcura Talcum la also exceUent for the akin. fcaaiarniBbii. awiiM."riiaaiiaut fcaeTXaticaimSoayaaaTaawk.Delajag. Bee Want; Ads Producj Reejtjta,