Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
TH tin rvtumtHQ row r ant
NglaOM . IfblkR, NMukM
m. git la, baeeiai Mwtw
Pern, 4 MM TW la m mm, K m-
iitatHM m l inn i m U i
M M.WM anaiia
kMM i 1 1 All M
Mi Maaal linn. runt
ft MM Rat M
W af tw ia4tl af Cleta.
WHL IM MNMM eMMril ee MN1MM H.4. aa Tli
M . MSawUse M ISgaJa, ewSUS VV. WMiWIMI
Tka Ml ircUlUa af Ta Onwha Do
fr April, 122
Dally Average 72,390
Sunday Average ...70,595
S. BRKWCR. Ceaerei Mmhiw
ILMCR S. ROOD. tktalalM Muiw
Saera la sad eMribd Mlar i 4 Ik 4mf mt
Mm. lau.
(Seel) W. H. QUIVCY, Notary f afclla
see telephones
Prisl Brurb Kuban A.k for In
Ii.aaiua.nt ar P.noa Wanted, tar AT laati
Mfct Call After Ik f. M l Editorial 1000
DaaarUwaM. AT lentl H2I or I0.
orricrj ,
Mala Orrlea lllh ami I'arnaia
C. Bluff 'It Stall bu South Hiae 4M S. talk It
Nw York IM flftk Av.
wry and ppriitd. There U frequent com
plaint lo their fot, and th provision (or
itrktrr federal unrvikn will be useful lo re.
assure tho who have brought up this question.
t-. J J -U-l.aj
"Cot of Production."
A thing lo be remembered it that no nation
nor community tan prosper through buying
good, at lrt than the cost of production, any
more than a man can lift himself by hi boot
This truth hat brrn demonstrated In lha caie
of agriculture it ought not to require further
(roof. All -loitrt in unproductive and un
remunerative enterprise! art born by tha torn
munily. Thii in not a bad thing (or poplt to
hold in mind in a period when buiinet it puih
ing toward tUbiluition,
Demoralisation ol market! doei not help any
one evert consumers, If pricei of any product,
from raw material to manufactured article fall
below a fair level, (hit meant a loft of time, labor
l and money and the demoralization of Industry.
The microti of mankind are to dourly knit
that the ruin of one member affecti all Low
Genoa and Germany
Nebruka Editor Not Agreed aa to
Policy United Stat Should Pursue.
. ITaSaaao eaelta awarta Ik aieilaaai aaH
Aaart , tefleaf kVf aa'a dale a4 la Ik Oea.a
"'"Wi. 4 laaal fail) MM Hill k wNb.
4 mm rresa, liatnaj f)
How to Keep Well
Quaetiee reaiaraiag arftea. ail.
am sad aimaliM l 4 aae.
Mlled I Or. Eva a readers, al
Ik mm, 0I k jaar4 aanaaaly
akbicl l lladUltM, arltar
ni it, avaMa i .
bM4. Dr. gM ariU m ..
!. la ar Matrlka for bwlvMa!
'"" A4 lallar la ar
Tk a.
Crriakti lJI
Midweat Veteran, Lincoln.
The man who breaks lito a poker game it at
a ditadvantage; lileewiie would be America to
enter the Genoa conference at thlt time. By virtue
of our. Uolitlon from European politlci and
... ....,w.. piuir, nmnna tan oo tnarm iii Tnia noon I notkd qurrr boa at
tolve turopein problemi in the role of Intereited the entrant-e to the building' whre
byitander and world banker. thi t bing wrlitn.
However, do not believe the time it opportune Nothing belter from the eultural
for the wiithdrawal of troopt from Germany. Such , "v.. - llun "!I,L"'r5 oeity.
, ...... r., ....... w ,v.. ,.na nnant or th eoisori.
m..nt. In th' P'ent eeverel hundred mm
WUber Democrat work. Belna a newipeper plant, the
W e favor anv and all meaiuret that w 1 in. '" no Key. Tne ma
ture world peace. Private dti,.n. tubject them- .n.n VVx'VViul
telvet to eourti and abid ihelr drrlilone. wah ehlft left rff.
not nationt? Th m,lkmkn make Me round In
We thould withdraw our armv from Germ.n i?! .ll'' .J'JfiI
pnert have no particular virtue in themtclvet because not only it Germany recovering, but the to be warmed by the eun, rarrd
Nebraska Notions
unlci they are tecurcd through a reduction of
cot in production. Low pricei that dote down
factoriet and produce unemployment are coitly
In the long run.
What every farmer' organiiation hopet for in
other allied nationt are well able to eomoete with by th orfloe rat. end by the' dor from
iaia prouiemi.
Greeley Citiien.
The United Statet thould not go to Genoa.
The United Statet troopt thould be with
the aeraae next door.
la It any wonder Hint om of
tnoe night men did not care to buy
milk end -aome of them had even
been known to drink glaea of beer
WMkieatee tin o.iT thirao jit Bt.g.r Bid ,,cart ct hctU Jl ,0 Ke Tficet bated on the drawn from Germany. I am in favor of keeping I To meet thl eliuai
rri. frae
:e Mu St, Honor
Democati and the Tariff.
The minority report filed by Senator Sim
mons of North Carolina, in which the pending
tariff meaiurc it energetically attacked, indi
cates that this Is to be chief of the iuei prened
during the approaching campaign. Senator Sim
mom it the leading democrat on the cnate
finance committee, and it directing the opposi
tion to the measure in the tcnate, along lines that
are expected to bring the maximum of effect at
the polls. No mistake thould be made as to
this. The campaign has been well planned in ad
vance, and will be carried out in order.
Jn his report Senator Simmons resorts to the
well worn argument that the tariff is simply an
inverted form of taxation, whereby money is
taken from the people and given to the favored
manufacturers. If this were true, it would ac
4 complish little more than certain phases of the
who recall the effect of the several drcrees.emit-
ted by Attorney General Palmer when he was
, undertaking to regulate the price of sugar will
appreciate the democratic idea. The senator a
' position it not sound, however.
j . A protective tariff securet the home market
( to home-made goods, provides employment for
1 American workmen at good wages, enabling them
' to live better, to consume more of the products
of American farms and factories, and by keeping
at home the dollar that might otherwise go
abroad benefits everybody here.
This proposition will be attacked again, as it
hat been in the past, by the free traders, who will
demand admission to this country of wares made
in Europe, simply- because they are produced
there for less than they cost here. These special
pleaders make no note of the fact that the main
reason for the difference in cost is the better pay
of the American workmen, nor do they tell us
what is to be done for the wage earners who will
be thrown out of employment ' when foreign-
. mane wares displace tne nome-maae in tne nome
market. " ;
It is well enough to talk of the terrible tax
that will be imposed by the tariff, but it will not
' be forgotten that the Underwood free trade tariff,
"Which is now to be replaced, produced a deficit
almost as formidable as, any tax might possibly.
. Ka. - Umu ri ih vnl,rs vt rra1l th ffonrasinn
and unemployment in 1914, idleness and bread
lines, the first fruits of the Wilson administration,
and will not be misled by the prediction of dis
aatcr that is to follow when the republicans re-
. store the protection of the tariff to the industries
of the United States. Free trade has terrors far
more real than high tariff and good prices can
possibly hold for the workers and producers of
America. i ' ' ' ' .-
The Child Labor Laws.
Among other triumphs for the Wilson admin
istration the democrats are now listing the pas
sage of child labor laws. The first was enacted
and became operative on September 1, 1916. It
'was later held to be invalid; the second was made
;Uw in 1919, and it, too, has been held up by the
courts. What credit is 'due the democrats for
these laws? ;
The record shows that in either case if it
had not been for votes of republican representa
tives and senators the bill could not have been
passed. Democrats from the cotton growing
'states of the south almost to a man voted against
tthe measures, just as they voted against woman
suffrage. Each time the law has been attacked
in a southern state, North Carolina, and each
itime it has been declared invalid by the same
federal judge, whose affiliations political are
democratic ' ,
That same democratic congress gave us the
Adamson law, of which its parents make little
boast nowadays, because neither; the men nor
the managers of the railroads have reaped any
special benefit from it. The children of the south
- are still exploited and most of the southern demo
crats who voted against the child labor laws still
are serving their constituencies in congress.
Therefore, it may suit the purpose of the party
to parade the taw in Nebraska as a triumph, but
it is not often mentioned as an achievement
clown in that section from which most of the
democrats go to Washington. ,v .
v Money for Good' Roads. ' '
: Affairs are moving at more speed in congress
than is apparent on the surface. Thus, the pas
sage of a good roads bill authorizing an ap
propriation of $65,000,000 for the year beginning
"July I and of $75,000,000 for the following twelve
months, has escaped general attention. Most of
the states will be enabled by this measure to
carry on their highway building programs as
. planned, while some few will find curtailment
Two new features of this federal aid plan are
worth mention. One authorizes participation
by the government in the expense of construct
ing highways beneath railway tracks. Previously
only grade crossings and overhead crossings were
jnvlUQCu ill icuciai aiu 411c ciiiwuiagciuciib ui
the abolition of grade crossings may save many
motorists from wreck or death on these dan
gerous intersections. Another section provides
a penalty clause to guarantee road work and
prevent false statements as to costs or work
, -Good roads are becoming increasingly neces-
coit of production. Thlt, many will tay, it im
possible of achievement, yet it it exactly what
various combinations of businesi concerns aim
at, and ! at the basis of the open price associa
tions. The attitude of the public toward this
new form of competition varies with the amount
of confidence it has in the parties concerned.
out of all European entanglementt.
York Daily News-Timei.
We believe United Statet thould ttay out of
the Genoa conference and follow Wathington't lined with galvanized: iron. The
advice at tet forth in his farewell address.
All troopt In Germany thould be withdrawn.
; ..a-i '
s we are at peace now witn uermany.
To meet thl situation a milk com
pany furnlehed thl box.
It t about three feet Wd. thr
reet ion: .ana two reet wide and I
mad of wood. - The wall are about
one and a half Inchea thlrk and r
A Challenge to False Pretence.
State Senator Randall showt no tign of rais
ing a white flag in the face of democratic attacks
upon state taxes. As a candidate for the republi
can nomination for governor, he says:
It is well known that the state takes less
than one-Fifth of every dollar paid over the
counter of the county treasurer. We are
forcibly reminded that the cure for the tax bur
den to a large extent is at home, in the coun
ties, towns and school districts. I favor a
program of economy bat I do not think ob
serving people will be fooled into believing
that a governor or a legislature can cure an evil,
the remedy for which lies principally inthe
hands of the people in their own local gov
That meets the issue raised by the democratic
spell-binders. Can they prove their case? Can
they show wherein the state budget can be cut
substantially, where it can be reduced enough
that it may be felt by the individual taxpayer?
Already the state administration has made re
ductions aggregating several hundred thousands
of dollars, made possible by lowered costs and
by the elimination of certain activities. What
other specific reductions or eliminations will the
democrats make?
pac between the Inner and outer
layera of the wall la rilled with cork,
Th door I on ton: la hlnaed and
fastened with a hasp and lock
The box la eet on four ordinary,
small. Iron truck wheel and ha
Iron handle at two end.
In the morning the milkman turni
paid for with
ScotUbluff Newt,
George Grimes. The United States belone-s
at Genoa. She it needed to help save what we I the box over, drain out the water,
know at modern civilization. Event a far clean It, fill It with about two hun-
have demonstrated that it it a pity thii nation was bott!'; of, mllk J,vr,,tn? "ll!"
r5.P"enled M the """ft DUt no et box Ive. ' thi J key to the doorman:
Our troops are no longer needed in Germany. The milk can b
ticket or with cah.
Kitinc City IndeoendenL When time to drink It comes
Conditions that have develoned aince the r?un1 lt C0ld' clean nd Plat-
Genoa conference has been in session demon-
strate that President Harding was right in refut- No form of box which open at the
me to Join in the conference. Selfishness wnni aide will keen milk cold with eo lit-
to predominate the conference through and 'ce ;hlch Pnt at
through. " th 0 I addition, tho cost of con-
lIH1'i.J Ci.i. 4 . .1C1li f e nil UtiVIUII ' I III V MUA I- " T 4iiv
viuitu tPieaica ii u.yi nave luiinica innr in is- I t HA.u,iA --.--
sion as an army of occupation. Bring the boyt the melted Ice. clean the box. eun and
home. Idrvit. Tho lavout la lust a sanitary
and lust aa efficient as an expensive
Niobrara Tribune. Icebox without costing much to build
Ed A. FryOur trooos should remain in orJ,?. in.?: . ..
r - - - 1 y iiy wuuiu nut nun io n. kuuu ruu
uermany. uermany nas nor repentea. tlne Dlan In industrial eetablisliments.
We should also be represented at Genoa, that liar. business and office nianta. and
the world may feel our protective influence for In buildings under construction?
peace peace at any price. We should, how- The workmen, especially in build-
ever, go with proper reservations, not that they ndr construction, have few
k.. --.:. h-----1-facilities for satisfactory lunching-.
it f- - j ywyis -1. iivius. 1 1- i.., .ch ninces 1" larsra
c ii - quantities. By lunch time It 1 often
Stella frees. . Nn unsatisfactory condition. All In
Eunice Haskins. Th United State should all this very Inviting-, wholesome food
go to Genoa as Brvan auuests. for the reason for thee usera la not very appeal-
that there never will be a settlement until the 5l , ,v, .- ,--
United Statet takes part. Presence of United L.1-' AorvLr'"":lh.e I0!
. a. f -If L f A -J a I UUUICB ,11 UUIIUIU.. Uliusi vvir
jidirs ai ucnua win nave wonu-wiuc mnuence. i atructlon la en-eat.
This seems the time to. withdraw United I Would it not nav the companies to
States trooDi from Germanv as French soldiers I furnish a box such as I have de-
are riroteetinor French line. scribed? It would promote sales
ana it wouiu hvb duliics uiiu iiio
fla-l-a. cost wouia not oe great, it wouia
uenng Miaweat. : --omot th ue of milk and that
Whither Away, America ?
The lack of any coherent social philosophy is
one of the astounding conditions found in Amer
ica. Democracy should signify individuality, free
will and responsibility for the citizens. In spite
of the essential nature of these characteristics
-i : f .1.. j: J T- ! J l.t
ine ami is jrcuucuuy uivcricu. xu tuiisiua.ure i a.r-n t- tT:..j e..,.. -l u 'T. L.:;..
. , i a t tu i. . I ' uuiii. i nc uuiicu oi-ic. iiiuulu wouia pronioiB neoMin,
Bruu ucuioi.ia.jr ls nivcu iu wiuc. ui. i.b..l w be at Genoa tni tne crjme 0f the century was
poke into other people's affairs.' This encourages
the contrary trend toward the view of anarchy,
that most laws can be discarded that the gov
ernment with the fewest laws is the best.
Both these points of view must be discarded
hefore the problem of democratic government
can be fairly met. Americans must come to look
at the state as the way o freedom. Men and
women organize in their clubs and unions to
advantage themselves. Something of the same
feeling should adhere to ' citizenship. Self help
is the best method of progress, and government
itself should be made nothing more than the col
lective means of self help. . .
There is Unrest in America. It is being fed
by bitter partisan spite. The road to the ideal
lies through no such morass of deception, hate
and hunger for office. Progress will be sfbw
enough in any. event, but it can be accelerated
only if the public will not allow Itself to be di
verted from the broad path of real democracy.
Two dormitories, one for boys and the other
for girls, are planned in connection with the new
Deuel county high school at Chappell. This in
teresting departure, made in face of complaints
about taxes, has the support of the country peo
ple. Dormitories will make it possible for many
out-of-town students to secure high school edu
cation which otherwise they might not be able to
get because they could not go back and forth to
their farm homos each day. !
Poincare, who was chosen premier of France
on a blood-and-thunder platform, doet not seem
to have the agility to balance himself that is
shown by Lloyd George, who won a British elec
tion on the promise to hang the kaiser and make
the Germans pay their last pfennig.
It will no longer do to refer to the river and
harbor bill as the pork barrel. Although con
gress has increased the budget estimate of $27,-
000,000 to $42,000,000, this is an increase in pub
lic expenditure that the landlocked west will en
dorse. v :.
he rhean nartitan rlftnmrv that Vent thl mull- Cannot HU Away,
trie ft- afta? that n( i!..a I WhUky write: "I am a man 50
Iff wra hav tnlaraala tn frfrmina that nrnmn I .al P v. a. ..j v.v. -w
protection, keep troops there. If our boys are used iobacco.'bu't vi up drink
uoing ponce uuty lor ine aiues ai our expense, nVe years ago, ana tobacco lately,
bring them home and let the allies furnish their "r have a leaky heart, and am gen
own cone. . ' erallv low spirited and unhappy.
I xnoufni Ol aioom ana euauen ueaui
Superior Journal. are with me always, up to tne t me
A. S. Berry. The United States should not m hv t ua it. i didn't know then.
send representatives to Genoa. We have no bust-1 but I know now. - It was to escape
ness there under the circumstances.' Secretary the gloomy thought and fears for
Hughes is right J lew nours.
v.. .... 7o... ,u. ,.,:n,j,,,.,ot r.t .k. tt:.j "Doe this condition accompany
States tropps from Germany. Why supposedly tre anything besides whisky
sane ycupic anuum muia. uuicinuc a uijraicij h0 take to cheer a patient upi
to us. policing vierinany is no iry oi inc. uuiica i . REPLY.
h r elf. i nS in potattalJL
- . . a a. w m 1 f 1IB1B JTVia VO.ll a,tl, wwauv viv
rot control the people, we can not neip it. it thln iu8t M g0od, but because other
r ranee neeas protection, : tet ner ponce ner people ought to know wny tney
neighbor. fast history . tens us tnat tne i drink.
n.nnli. nt r.,rminv are aKle to run their mm I As you sav: "It Is to escape the
affairt, and that they are just a little too cunning gloomy thought and fears for Just
for the other countries of the eastern hemisphere. m.r "; ,,,..,. ,!:
. I away from anything. If we escape
Fillmore Chronicle trairmontj. ' for the moment, we always run into
Lou W. Frazier. Developments at the Genoa aomethlng- worse in the end.
reference nrnve the sane iudoment of the Hard- The only way to duck up ana
ing administration in keeping the'United States f" whateverit is,
out ot anotner European mess, u otner reasons
. , i Tt , j : I u
were lacmng, oryan auvice gu .n wuum j h. Write: "Do you think It
.lupin iu ui aiojru.s "Ji juvb-xb would be a good thing to stop cnew-
previously proven laiiacies. . . . Ing and smoking toBacCO?"
American trooos snouia De wunarawn irom .; ti:'1t.v
Ocrmany at the earnest practical aate. Yes.
Alliance Herald. A Sore Tliroat Garcle,
L. Burr, jr.: Whether the United Mates should J. w. writes: "Permit me to state
be represented at Genoa depends upon the rep-1 my remedy for cold in nose and
resentatives selected and their instructions. Noth- throat. I use a 50 per cent solution
ing can be gained by sending delegates who are ' &d?n .A"
vsiJl? W d
vi tviiv laviw auiiiviiijr iu .vviifiiBn ......b, . QQttOn.
atter tney arrive, unaer present conaiuons, 11 "A few applications are a sure
believe, it would be an ill-advised move, - cure and perfectly harmless.- In
United States troops should be recalled from case of a severe acre throat, I uae it
r:rmanv aa anon aa nhifta ran he secured to hrina? a gargie, iuu sirenitn. ine ei
. ... . . . a a I eraaA 4a M aa raa lAlia
iham KfjiaU Tha c1Hii-i hav lrtftt httn nrAtTliefeff 1 o aiiav ivivue.
Iii.isa yavtM a iiv aw w t avtaa w,a w.... w
a return trip The United statet has no in
terests there requiring protection. The nations
which received the spoils of war thould be will
ing to pay the expense of protecting tnem.
Aurora Republican: Boniebody hee
ti.iftit.d that It would be a hue
thins to have buainaa rinrs
for a.-h oi I bnanl. I'rubahly It would.
but w are afraid that avhool board
ould reeeni It. Ilow about en for
the city council? Thl Isn't a J'Ue
at our elty eounrll, for we are mlhiy
well pleased, but It l a hobby with
u that title of thl Ue ouaht ta
employ a p UI man whoee buainaa
It would be to traiaut th rlty affelre
nn then that h vhould be held
to arrount by the my council.
There'a enough buinea affair In a
rTfc Bmm Mini M !. tVaaif
IMi'H ear la naa aaf
aaa. i-aa I.
aaalf keW. a atar la
laaM Ikal k aaaM al
ataraa. tl
Mm artla
aaaaaaaaar aaaa Mlw. aal aniaaanlt
far aaknaalVM. but Ikal Ik. a4u-M mi
kmm mum b al 4aaila. tha Sa
mt aaa mm 4 aa aai.,aa aa
f4 k
a aalalaaal
nil ta Ua laMar
When Im tVdMonde llluom.
Omaha. klaV t. In tha Kdilar
of The Meet The hl ration or
japan take a Imllilay to i-thri
r hairy bhom tun, The redwood
city of thi Mi to require all of I tree now In btmtm in Miller park
a man time and he would mere
than anve hi salary.
Wauaa Oasttt Th Niobrara
Tribune I getting unduly esolted
over our remark relative to the poi.
tlon of Nebraska candidate tr
f nlted atate ninr on the prohi
bition question, we wer not at-
larklns the record of William V.
Allen a a dlatrti-t judf. Mr. Allen
i lo he a record a politician and
la a private vitlsen, and to our knowl
(die neither ha ever led him to be
claind with th prohibition force.
rrlend Telearaph! Fred Howard
y In hie Clay Center Sun
compare very favorably a Hh the
cherry Moaaom or Japan. There I
not a mor beautiful vpecuci than
Miller park today with th red.
wood tree in blnoin aaint a
background of tm!r rn and the
nit bitvn tret witn tneir aurt
No man. woman or rtilld In Om.
ha ahould ml elnt that beautiful
If ht. Within th nt three or four
day everything will be at th height
of it beaaty.
Th little wooded Island in Miller
park would lend lllf moat bu
tifully to a rlanle danr and th
bank of th lake would hold thou
I In Ma Clay Center 8un that " --T; t,
ak a. al ka.alaai . m lk.u I Hprlnr rome o uldenly In
would be no ci'rmv.r.t the fair hil '"rib..!? ralr-Hn.".!
fall, remarked. "Oee. aren't they go- !?4 'J,'," "'XI W?J2
ine to hav anything naughty at all - i""'!'"' " ' ' ,p,r'-
Never mind. ltr. you will nrob. "P.4r,l I,r?,h'n ,JH .7"!
ably b able ta And enouh r "T wmana naa provmao ir.a o.
. irhararaa tt ii m nexnlak f Hat triAaif natal n
lneu vitnout k carnival. r -7
- 1 iiiui pi hi, ifiiHtjiimuiv in wilier ri
Kearney Hub: A campaign to r- w uht all of ua appreciate It
ganis tax reduction club I getting I ' enough to go out and
under way at the tt capital. Th "e pnna ume. u you wni
promoter I Chairman Edmltn of h greatest amount of good
lha nrnaraaalva narlv nrr.nliillnn I take SOni Of the ShUtln OUt nd
and he hasten to aeaure the oubllo "how them Miller park, lou will
tnat trie reduction club win be u" mmwr rpaia.
Omaha' Animal filieltef.
Onawa. la.. May I. To the Ed
itor of The Bee: In th Imu of April
21 of your good paper appeared an
article with the hearilne "Animal
Shelter to Coet 170,000." Can any
one with a thlnklnr brain Imagine
euoh a vast amount of money being
expended for auch a building in thl
land of our, where so many little
children are In need of bread, and
clothing enough to cover their little
bodies? And every day our papers
are filled with .talcs of suicide, of
men who ar unable to support their
families, and have become discour
aged and heartsick, and given up th
battle, because they cannot earn
nonpotltlcal. Of cour we know
that Kdmlsten will not ply poli
tic; never did; never will. For the
reason that th grand old "pop" war
nor never play pontic, hut lust
toe mt the game with all the erl-
ousnes Imaginable. He doeen't play
at it, out work at it and I usually
busy while most people ar aaleep.
Aurora Republican: In all of the
uncertainty that we are hearing
about tax reduction, we know of
one certain way In which a general
reduction could be accomplished.
Let the tax dodger oult hla dodg
ing. So prevalent has thla practice
become in some quarter that tha
rovernmenl la nearl,iar a rtremtum
of a reduction of three-fourths of enough to support their littles fam-
the value of Intangible property so e. Ail living expense are nign.
men will give It In. W know of two well aa rent and coal: and. work
wave that we think would beat thla a hard as he can. a laboring man
plan. One, a publication of the tax can hardly support a family. There
ii., afinwinv h. value nt nrnnart i extra exoenso of ilckneas or ho-
and the ownership or IntanglDle, Pi D". n aeia nonina lira in nu
sworn to by th individual and the way can h make both ends meet,
taxes they pay. Then a pretty stiff Yet Intelligent people will plan and
prison sentence for the fellow Who 1 proviaa ana i.uim a, noma ivr am
la rnnnrf . nA t,nlAuMad lv nrovan tA I malS tOT 170.000!
be doltur tax dodging. Did you ever stop to think what
i is wouia mean 10 a. man win, a. mm
Howe lis Journal: The tax dodger I ily. or a poor widow. If at the end
Is one of the real causes of high taxes of the week you send them a sack
and he ought to be handled without of flour or 'a half ton of coal, or
gloves. Every community haa a few Johnny a pair of shoes? Do you
of these fellow ana a a general Know wnat a ourden you wouia nrc
rule they ar well known, and yet from that weary heart; how their
they succeed In evading their just face would light up and they would
share of the public ex pen year feel that life was still worth living-
after year. It's high time a halt was
called. Let an example De made or
few . and the effect cannot help
being beneficial.
Gerlng Midwest: A condition that
that some one did care whether they
had enough to eat or fuel to burn?
You say, "Oh. we take care of our
poor; we see that they don't suffer."
But do you realize, my friend, how
many men and women there are In
makes it possible for boy not far the world that are too proud to ask
advanced in their 'teen to get liquor
and swill it down until tney are
maudlin drunk, is not bearable. Tet
that condition seem to prevail in
thl vicinity. A few day ago two
boys got enough liquor to make them
drunk, and men committed a Bur
glary. It is not uncommon to see
mere boy targeting' around with
their stomachs full or nootcn ana
their breaths smelling like a die
for help, and rather than ask wit
almost starve? These are the peo
ple that need your help. Hundreds
of such families, no ooubt, in your
city today. I hear some one. say:
'If they are too proud to aak let
them go without help." Put your
self, my friend. In their place; aee
what you would do. - i
Perhaps once they had plenty, and
little did they think they would
tlllerv. . Somebody in thi vicinity la coma to want; but clrcumatanoes
either selling or giving the poison have brought about this change-
stuff to the boys. This editor la long seige ot sickness, death or loss
not worrying about th old soaks who of property and they wake up some
manage to get tanked up on nootcn. I morning to una tney nave lost ail
And he Is not going out of his way they had.
to prevent them from getting it. He I What are the headlines In th
has about aa much respect for the paper April SO "100,000 homelei
bootlegger or the hootch maker aa I people in our southern states." In
he haa for th men who patronise the twinkling of an eye almost
Skimmed Milk' Value. .
W. A. F. writes: "1. Ha skimmed
milk any considerable food value?
I it true tnat powdered mint,
when liquefied by adding the proper
amount of water, is essentially the
Another market for the corn belt has . been
opened up by a trial order for 1,000 tons of corn
recently placed in the United States by a firm of
Bilboa, Spain. ' Previously the corn imported
into that region was entirely from Argentina. :
Harrirurton Herald.
Tt rlnea tint seem to me that it would be a earn a it waa before being reduced
wise oolicv to withdraw United States troops to powaer7 -
n.m.n.. him.iltttat Pven If thta fnim. I KUiflix.
try goes to Genoa, as Mr. Bryan suggests, our
future action in regard to this proposition should
be determined upon the result of the Genoa con
ference. , f- . ,
1 Te. It has all the food values
of milk except those found In the
2. Tea.
them. But when it come to deal
ing out the poison stuff to mere
boys it 1b time to call a halt A
mere fine or a nominal jail sen
tence 1 not enough for that class
of cattle. Boiling In oil, or some
thing lingering, would be nearer th
right punishment. What's the ua
of trying to hide th patent fact
that right now, under prohibition,
It is easier for mere boys to get in
toxicants than it was under the old
regime? Prohibition has banished
the open saloon,- for which every
decent man is thankful. But pro
hibition is a long ways yet from be
ing what its proponents said it would
be. . .
Nebraska City Press: A Hooper.
man went from his town to Fre
mont, his county seat, to transact
some business with the county
treasurer. It waa 4 o'clock and the
treasnrer's office was locked. The
farmer was "swearing mad," ac
cording to the Tribune and had a
lot to say about county officials keep
ing fancy hours at the expense of
the taxpayer. The treasurer, how
ever, explains that his office keep
banking hours; that at 4 o'clock it
is ' necessary to lock the door to
balance the books and pick the loose
change out of the cracks in th coun
ter. This explanation, however, will
probably leave the farmer in a great
a perplexity as before. He will con
tinue to believe, perhaps, that the
door should be open until 5 o'clock
at least, o men who .must earn their
bread by th sweat of their browa
may transact business without leav
ing their field in the middle of tha
day. .
Well-to-do people lost their all. A
month ago. did they r flrtn of
u h eerruw?
IfeB't gat th Mm that I would
mUiraat dumb nlinU. Net e, tint
keep them In the claa In wht h they
belong. Hod never mi'nded that ani
mate ehuuld be pUced on lb Mine
!! a human being. There I
nothing mar dutguitmg to a real
mother than to a vman riding
along In her car wlih a white pup
ureud hi rnx-k a pink ri"bn
ling haaid her. aaylng "Mamma'
llille bleaaed." and. when h get
hum, her hucband cornea nut to
meet hr. and he say; "There
coma papa." Iniagina . If yoi
pleaw'p:M What man or
woman living In th world today
would want to b ftther or mother
to a dog? Again. I ay, beep th
dog In lie plate; put him In a ken
nl ouiaid your hum; and In )our
ear put one f thoee sweet, loving
Hit I bahlea that are filling your
orphan home and Institution In
Omaha and othr citlea The chil
dren of today ar the future men
and women. Don't they need help,
ov end rare? Alain I aay u your
170.000 la lieln humanity. Ruy om
little borne on th outaklrt of your
city: nut fmllle In thm. and let
them pay what they ran each year.
In time they will have a lin rf
their own. whirl they can rale their
little famtlle.
No on, to a child, la UK it own
parenta Or glv a college education
to om of our boy and girl who
parent ar unabl to glv thm help.
I don't think th animal in Omaha
ar uffrlng for a 170.000 home.
Do you think they will know whether
It cost 170.000 or 170? And. after
the building 1 built, th expense of
keeping It up la a much aa a horn
for children. And what la th re.
suit? Better animal. I uppoa.
Wher la your fr hospital for hu
manity that I not aupported by tha
eounty? Be vent y thousand dollars
for a building to ahsiter animal!
I cannot help but think of an old
adage that applies well In thla case:
'Man' Inhumanity to man maaea
counties age mourn."
"Johnny (ct Yer Gun!"
Thl I a bad tlm to talk about
preventing the sale of firearm.
Every crook in the world haa a gun;
why ahould the honest folk be pro
hibited from carrying one? Port
land Trees-Herald.
When sise Count.
The man with a small automnbll
1 always the most willing to give a
ride. Albany Journal.
Wliere the Knocker Fall.
A knocker never drove anything
home. Boon villa (Mo.) Republican.
a". iTaun
roiaALC avmvwriceir
taMAMTeto sr arev ms. en- MeoKCM-N-j
C Welch's Special
Weak ef May lh ta 14th, Inclu
alva W, Civ Ceflee, Tea ar Milk
FREE vltb Every Sc. Order ef
Burn Wbast Ta Breed.
When in Omaha Stop at
jqLUiei nome
Shave, Bathe and
Shampoo with one
Soap. Cuticura
CiSaaa tiniililairaiiiilliriiiifiliiaiMatiiau
Hsu Shih Chang will remain at president of
China, but Wu Pei-Fu will tell him what to do
until another general comes to the front. It is
a great game, popular government among the
Chinese. ..
Same Old Weather Story.
According to the scientists at Washington the i
Apropos of the need for a tariff on wool, the
cost of production in Argentina was 27.3S cents
3 pound as compared with the American cost of
45 cents. . ;
Turkey mav succeed in forcing the United
States to take over control of Armenia, but the
sultan will be out of luck if it comes to that.
New novel, "The Beautiful and
r... uim.A .hat it waa moderatiner and I the Damned," is creating comment
that-the old-fashioned winter, with its six weeks Another womar man book,
of sleighing in March, has gone. The figures pt aa T
the weather bureau do not indicate any material ' ; - ,
change. They have tables that give the average Americans use ioo,000,000 worth fnr each of the ten-vear neriods of buttons a year. That's only $1
since 1790 and there is not a difference of one worth for P..
all that time. Of course, there have "vT an,l zj. .
, . ; - . ... own wasmng. ArnauBOB uueui.
been hard winters and many eccentricities of . ,
climate, but the deadly average has been main- The Oid-fashioned widow who
. - , . T t- .1-. iKl.. a .rtiyl i .... v. , A I...
Idinea mruugn uic ingm ui vutuuts. a& i apoxe oe ner mits iiuauttnu uvvr
a daughter who speaks or ner latest
husband. Rochester tw. x..) ximes-Unlon.
Here's a hope that some day those "choir
boy" bandits get a chance to lead the singing in
some prison chapel.
manv neonle find it warmer these winters be
cause they are living in steam-heated flats, but
temperature of the country is not changing,
good old Boreas is keeping up the same old gait
Los Angeles limes.
To iratch the corn grow
Ana the blossoms set;
Oklahoma might profit by the advice "Old
Bill" White gave to Kansas.
ffour.Timea Armed Waa He.
The man who carried a revolver, a hammer, a T drw??rd breath over Plowshare. r
twelve-inch knife and half a brick as a protection ta r..d. ,d think, to love, to hope, t
against robbers, as he said, is admitted to have thM BU th. cleuai
Been wen luiuncu agamoi .uvmiiui " I Ana shapes th moss-ribera,
Pittsbureh Gazette-Times. . Thtt men may b happy In aeelnr
That Bee Hive beer no doubt would produce
a buzzing in the head.
Him at His work, and that In ratting
I Quietly baelde Him and watching
Hla worKing in carrying out Hla
Of course the democrats never play politics.
Whv We Worry.
We talk about Germany and Russia being :"l.?'.c' rhci;rl,y T0E?n:l!
laitmess. nut wnen inev sien a treaty we are tcr n eases
ribly afraid they are going to keeo it-Worces- Jh.t .vr war. .r wiu b..
ter leiegram. i . Ruskin.
, just say
to your druggist
Stop Pain Instantly
The simplest way to end a corn is
Blue-jay. A touch stops the pain in
stantly. Then the corn loosens and
comes out. Made in two forms a
Colorless, clear liquid (one drop does
itl) and in extra thin plasters. Use
whichever form you prefer, plasters
or the liquid the action is the same.
Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed
laboratory. Sold by all druggists.
free; Writ BavLT Blark, ChieaBO, Dtpt j j j
At valuabU book, " Comet Cart olae feel."
Things Gome Easy
to a Jellyfish
Drifting along with the tide, the jellyfish
absorb the food that come within his
reach. He never exerts himself.
But if hia food does not come to him, he
dies. He can stand no hardship. He has
no backbone. r -.
Don't drift along like , the jellyfish.
Strengthen your backbone by planning for
the future and sticking to your plan. Bank
some of your income every week.
sna?ase .
The Omaha National Bank
Farnam at 17th Street
Capital and Surplus $200000
SAVE and
Your Funds Are Absolutely
Safe in This Institution
Opaa aa Account
J. F. FLACK, President GEORGE C. FLACK, Tra...
R. A. McCOCHRAN, Vka President E. N. BOVCLL. Secretary
Occidental Building & Loan Association
Corner 18th and Harney Straate Organise! 18t4