Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    tup pit ni Air i ervrt a v f A v ih
Taxirab Driver
Is Charged Willi
Murder of Fare
I'rrinuiit Man Iir of Frae-
lutr.l Mmll After Iking
Taint to I'vUre Elation
ly Chauffeur.
P. laitiiun d I rrnioniKfb ,
who tltn imcontiiout la the
lnumil UlufT pulitc i jtMiii Wfd
i t Uy night by ll)de 1 lerdiinr. usi
iliiver, tlirj Friday tt'tf Itt in Merry
liaM''l from frarturrd ftkutl. it .eld in f.'.Ooo bail,
1 rank Northrup, drpuly county at
torney, yettrrday morning file 4 in
formation agamtt tttm charging
murder in the firtt degree.
I-airman never regained cunttuiu.
net before he die J. Areordiinc to
police, the taxi driver told ilirtn lie
had had in altercation wnli lainiun
vrr the laie and had ttapped
Hnt he denied liiiuiiK him hard
eiiouiih la traeture the tkult or
kiiiiik hint down, (''airman wa in.
loxiiated at the time, he alleged
1'airinan'i kull was cracked between
the ejet.
'J he Itee alt the way
You wilt find it interest-
Mother Takes Hand
in Elopement Tangle
A new move in the marital tf
fiiultici of tail K. Pimond. Nt
brA umvertuy tiujeut. and l-
bta r.titeth Yeui g'lian lniiond.
pretty teniul High ,-hool Hudent,
who eloped to Tapillon July Z, 19.M,
wat made e.trrdjy when Mr.Zid
j, jj.numa. tan t mother, tiiea a peti
imiii tl intervention eekm io bring
about annulment of the marriage.
A few week ago the girl brought
utt for divoue kiuint Dimond. !
teging- that he bad written her frern
Lincoln that be wanted la have notti
me more M do w-rt her
Mn,' aid Dmiomt in her petition
for annulment depart tie tried to
prevent the nurrwye. She ay Carl
and Wiia began to go together
when they were high ihoul itudenti,
Carl, 19. and Ulna. 1H.
Traveling Man Found at
I.ituolii Willi Tliroat Cut
Lincoln, May 6 (Special.) W.
I). Ilarutd. 45. M, Jo.etih. Mo,, trav
etuitf man. wa found in a terout
condition at the date fair ground
vettrrday. with both wrii and
hit throat c lathed. Harold it up
poied by police to liae inflicted the
wound on himeli.
According to friend. Harold bad
been filtering rtrrvnut breakdown,
an a remit of fear that an effort wa
being made to take bit M-year-old
datiiihter. 'i'ylrn, front him. Mr.
Harold died about three year ago,
City I'hyncian Mattery taid Har
old probably would recover. ,
Perjury Charged;
New Damage Suit
Trial h Granted
Affidavit Alte-e. Plaintiff!
Injury Nut Due; la Train Car
AeiiJent, Hut Wrotling
Ma trli.
"I'd bke to bate tint fellow ap
pear before me tome day on tome
tlurge," mM Putrid Judije Uot
yrtterJay. won't tay what I
might do to liim. at thit unie. "But
He referred to John Karrat, alia
Steve Cbrhk. aliat Sam Stahki.
who. on February 1 wat given a
judgment bv a jury in Judge Uot'
court lor jvaiisu lor damage al
leged to have been tuffercd by him
when the door of ttreet car ctoted
on hit elbow in IV19, Karrat tutd
the Omaha & Council Hlutf Street
Railway company for $5,0u.
Judge Got yettcrday granted a
motion fr a new trial filed by Her
bert Con ii el I. attorney for the tram
company, alleging perjury.
With hi motkm. Cornell filed an
altidavtt iworn by I. rollo alleging
Karrai wa not injured by a ttreet
ear, but that hi elbow wa injured
during a wrrtlin? match at $t.
Joeph. Mo., in 1'I6.
On tint tame injury, rollo. am-
davit state. Karrat aecured $1,000
damaget from the Nenretef 11
road. tlaimiMi it vat bun h be
bumped between w uilre.d
At ht beaiiiig e the motion
tfiday Attorney Jerf !omhid
eountel far Karrat, not i ne4 the court
be would withdraw fain U fe.
Karrat if in Brooklyn, N. V . it
wit ttaied, and Judge tiott mduted
it would o well lor nun to iy
Highlander Suit Is
aArgued in High Court
l iiuuln, May 6. Argument be.
an yetterday in the tupreme court
in the ae wherein two policy bold
ert in the Koyal MiiUndert frater
nal order eek to enforce the payment
of what they aert it the remainder
due upon what are known at pioneer
eertuicatet. (Jiluert ot tne High
lander take the portion that the fate
of the organiiation i at itake, and
that to pay the certificate will bring
about a tituation in the order that
might mean forcing it out of buti
ne. In the early life of the organiia
tion it i-tued a number ot thr.e
pioneer certificate to first member.
Ily their provuiont, it i alleged,
the policy-holder who remained in
the order for the year and had
attained the age of 50 eart wat to
receive the face of lii policy in 10
annual iiutallmenii. Three of thete
inttallmentt, it it averted, were paid,
but the Highlander then declined to
make any further payment, the
plaimidi in the mil atert.
Semenoff Planning
Russian Revolution
n t'uminfl, May 6 Count
VUdmiir Barunotf, accredited rep-
retenuiii of the Co.4vk leader,
Ataman Semenerf, in a itaiemeni
publi.hed in the Sait Francitco F
aminer today, outlined wbtt he
termed "the re.l purpe of emen
nr)'f mittiou to the I'mted Mate and
Overthrow of the boUhtvik gov
ernment in Kua and the rr-tou.
lion of a eon.ntutional nioiiarcby
under relative t.f the murdered
rrar, be taid. wa being planned in
Kan I raiui-io aud other citirt of
the I'niied Male and Europe, He
added that conlereacei of Kut.ian
political trader are expected to take
place in San Krancitco and Valnng
ton within the next month.
Womlfr GirP Advfrtifi
for Return of Lot Watch
Mitt Eugene Pennit, Atchitou
"wonder girl" who aided Omabant
in locating lot article and rclativet
during a vitit here under observation,
of David Abbott, pychoanatyst, lot
Iter writt watch while on a thopping
tour in Kantat Clry. according to the
Ran City Star, and promptly in
trrted a want ad in the Star, The
next morning a woman called her
by telephone, described the watch.
returned it and received a reward.
"bomeliow I can t teem to bnd
lliingt for mvelf like I can for
other." the girl it quoted at taying.
! Pretty Divorcee
Fined for Fake
Revenue Stamps
Kattirriue Warnr-r, ArrMcxl
' in Hoozc Haiti, rii'rtil
(!uilly and lijit Out
nf (luiirl.
Paibiug Katheriue Warner, H,
tlipped into federal com I, jut befoie
noon yeiierday, accompanied by an
attorney, pleaded guilty to an indict
ment charging her with por,ion
of forged internal revenue ttampt.
wat fined f.'U) and went ikipputg
awa with a little dance ep down
the corridor, one baud on the arm
of the attorney.
The indictment wa returned with
a Urge number of othert r ridav.
I he beautiful divorcee woie a
tuoerbly tailored blue mil. icrey
glove, black itk ttockingt, black
tlippert and a large veil drooped from
her hat.
She gamed prominence in Omaha
last January when the wa arretted
in a houe in Hen.oit Acre lv To
lice Sergeant William and charited
with pottciuioii -of tuiuor. '1 lie
ttampt alto were found theie.
She gave the name of Katheriue
Warner. Later it wa learned he
it Hie former wife of l rauk K. Tim-i
poni. orchrktta conducter in the llti-l
noi theater. Cbiiago. and connected
by ielatHnhiu to many prominent
tug pertont,
llurgrt again! her m tie title
eourt alio weie trilled by a lute ot
Four Drake Students
Suspended From School
Pea Moinrt, la, May b.-t'our
men, HudcuU of Prake uiiiver.ily,
were tutpended, aud the tu.pennion
of a docn othert it hanging tire,
pending an oltuial inve(iifaiKn of
the banging in eHigy of P. W. More
houe,' dean of men, and the early
morning inva.ioti ot a toiorlty lioue
which wa climaxed by an underwear
lying parly.
The elligv of Dean Mreliou-r wat
found hanging from a limb of Chan
cellor Llin. on the university lamput.
thi morning, Pean Morehoti-e him
trlf climbed the tree and cut it down.
The "hanging" followed an investi
gation by Pean Moreiioue of the
aciivitir of a groun of tiurtrntt a
week aKo, when they invaded the
Alpha I hi Omega tororily hotue to
arome' the coed to take part in the
camput day celebration, l-indiug the
girlt yet tn bed. the ttudcntt aie tuid
lo have tied knot in their clothing.
t'nivermty ottiiials. while declitiiug
to. ditciio detail of the affair, tay
the matter i very regrettable and
that the ktudcntt iepouible will be
tcrioutly dealt with.
The Hce lead all Hie other paper
in port newt. Read The Dee rirt.
liee Want Ad 1'rodine Krtuli. I
Creighton High
Youths Will (Jet
Sound Thrashing
Iwo lieighlun High ttluxd ttu
denti, Ij, each have a good, touml
Ihratliing comiii wiihiu the week.
They iae aked for it and it ha
been promited to ihtui. The boy
who aie lo teceive teteie corpoial
piini.tiinent aie William Cillin, Jit.'J
California ireet, and Jo.eph N'ally,
..M5 Wcb.ler. Witliam't father, John
J. llillin, will cbaiike him. while
Waller' mother and older biother
luve protni.rd that be will get bit.
The lad-, charged with joy riding
with Ray Anuriue in cart which tlm
latter had taken without the formal
ity of getting the owuer't prrmiktion,
were beiore Judtte W. G. Sear in
juvenile court today.
The judge gave the boy a titf
lecture and then agreed to drop the
case providing that they would a-k
their iutliir. to give them a thrath
in tx and the father would content u
aduiiuihtcr the punihmcnt. Mr. Ciilliu
wa in cunt.
"I have already given hint a Ihrauli
iug." he taid, "but 1 will give him
another one."
Voting .Salty turned to hi mother,
"How about inc?" lie asked.
"You will get yours," he wat at
May Clearance Sale
of Women's and Misses9 Apparel
Decisive reductions are of
fered on a number of most
attractive groups of Spring
These are all taken from our regular stocks charming
new styles that have been developed in the wanted and
fashionable materials and are now offered at prices in
which the original markings have been ignored.
For Womn and Misses
Group of 300 Garments
Formerly Sold
From $20 to $30
Group of 273 Garments
Formerly Sold y
From $35 to $45
For Women
Group of 187 Garments
Formerly Sold $'
From $49 to 69.50
Group of 86 Garments
Formerly Sold
Frnm K tn $1111 $
Street, Afternoon and Evening
For Women and Misses
This group of 30 Frocks represents some of
our handsomest and most extreme models
including two and three-piece costumes
that have been used for display and are
therefore reduced to
Second Floor West
"There I en tittle dream ef a buutlful drum,
Rub-a-dub!' ft gotth;
There It en little dream ef a big augar plum,
And lei thick and fatt the othtr dreamt com
Of popgun that bang and tin tepa that hum,
And a trumpet that blowttn
And dollltt pttp out ef thoit we little dream
With laughter and tinging;
And boatt go afloattng en ailvery atreamt, '
And th tar peek-a-boo with their own mitty gltame,
And up, up, and up, whtrt the Mother Moon beamt,
The fairies po winging."
Eugent Field
Third Floor-North
(ha6H (Week,
1-? v . n. m. ' liiiHitirmittimtiimHitiiiittliiititiiiitit "
Third Floor-'North
Baby, roguish little despot that hs is, rules supreme in this Store for one whoh; week. To him the Infants'
Section bows and scrapes with complete displays of eve rything he needs, waking or sleeping, and everything is
attractively priced.
Every plan of expenditure, large or small, can be met. Prices here are lower than elsewhere for like quality.
We know, because we have taken pains to find out. Below are itemized some values that will afford very gen
uine savings. .': v
Knitted Baby Sacques
The desirable weight for these coolish days
between seasons. Touches of pink and blue
trimmings with pretty ribbon ties. 1 Q
Cashmere Coats for Babies
Long or short Coats of soft white cashmere,
lined throughout. Regular 4.9,8 O QQ
value, for Baby "Week,
Baby Bonnets
Two dainty styles in sheer white organdy
Regularly sold at 1.25, specially gC q
priced for this selling, f
Handmade Baby Dresses
Of soft fine nainsook with, embroidered
yokes, every stitch put in by hand.' Qfi
A 2.00 value, specially priced,
Short Baby Dresses
These are machine made of fine lawn with
narrow laces or embroidery at neck 7 Q w
and sleeves. 1.50 value, priced, 9 f
Children's Muslin Combination Suits
These practical little garments are lace trim
med and finished with bloomer knee. AG r
Sizes 2 to 6. 98c values, priced,
Muslin Drawers
Made of sturdy material with lace edged
ruffle and elastic at knee. Sizes 2 OQc
to 6. 59c value, specially priced, 7
Children's Muslin Gowns
Slipover Gowns with kimono sleeves edged
with neat embroidery. 69c value, Q Q
specially priced for Baby Week,
Knitted Bootees
Short or knee length Bootees with a bit
of pink or blue trimming. 75c O C
values, priced per pair,
Sweaters for Little Tots
Nice little Coat Sweaters with belt all
around for boys or girls in buff, blue, brown,
jockey, red, pink, blue or white. I Q 7
Sizes 24-28. 3.98 values, priced,
Sizes 2 to 6, 98c values, priced,
Infants' "Vanta" Vests
Cotton Vests in summer weight.
59c value, specially priced
"Vanta" Shirts
A double breasted cotton Shirt, - AO q
regularly 69c, priced,
Carter's Front Button Shirts
Fine woolen Shirts in summer 78 C
weight. 98c value, priced,
Carter's Silk and Wool Shirts
Soft, fine little shirts in double breasted or
button front styles. All sizes. . 95 C
L50 regular values, priced,
Muslin Petticoats
Serviceable little lace or embroidery trim
med skirts in sizes 2 to 6 years. f Q
1.75 values, priced for this selling,
Crocheted Nightingales'
Edged with pink or blue shell stitch
and ribbon ties, 1.69 values, priced, 00
Infants' Flanelette Kimonos
Practical little garments to slip on Baby in
the mornings. Pink or blue shell ft7
edge. Regular value 1.59, priced, '
Infants' Flannelette Sacques.
With pink or blue shell edge. 98c gQ -value,
specially priced, '
Infants' Cashmere Hose
Warm, soft little hose, sizes 4 to 6'2- Regu
larly sold at 50c, per Baby Week, J5c
3 pairs for 1.00 or, per pair,
Brandeis' Special Diapers
Of heavy birdseye cloth, 24x24, in 1 QQ
sealed packages. 2.50 value for, 0
'Scientifically Planned by Our
Trained Nurse
Specially Priced for
Baby Week
Mothers and expectant mothers may find
these suggestions helpful as the selections
have been made with care to have just the
right quantities of needed garments. These
prices prevail only during Baby "Week.
43-Piece Layette
27.50 Regular Value for
3 Silk and Wool Shlrta
3 Binder
3 pairs Cathmer Hose
3 Flannelette Gown
3 Flannelette Gertrudes
2 Flannelette Kimonos
1 Knit Sacque
12 Birdseye Diapers
3 Nainsook Slips
2 Lace Trimmed
2 Naintook Petticoats
2 pair Bootees
.1 Bib
1 Blanket
1 Rubber Crib Sheet
1 Wrapping Blanket
27-Piece Layette
14.00 Regular Value for
2 Cotton Shirts, Merino
2 Binders
2 pair Cashmere Hot
2 Flannelette Kimonos
2 Flannelette Gowns
2 Flannelette Gertrudes
1 Nainsook Gertrude
2 Slips
2 pair Bootees
8 Flannelette Diapers
1 Dress
1 Flannelette Sacque
1 Crib Blanket
1 Wrapping Blanket