r 2-A THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. MAY 7. 1922. Minister Urges Open Forum for : Vital Issue Talks Jtcv. J. I- IWJe Sayi Omalm Nml riare Where Pif ff renre cf Opinion I , Not a Crime. "Omaha needs and open (arum for t'ie free and unirlliili expression of rtodw; wiirre dilference of opinion it not a crime and every man may il!-u without inr any vital lue and be honored for it," fttv. J. U I'.fflie aerted at a meeting of the IcIloMrhip club of Miller f'ark reibyterun rhureh ut night. Kev, Mr. Petbe. who formerly wit I rounty judtfe at Inta, Neb.. i now i.tor of the I riukliii Mreet fcvan erlic-al rhureh. . "We should frequently taVc an In voice of our mental furniture and tur itock of opinions, not for the l'iirpoe of InaUinic the public with nhielete notioni. but rather for elf- tmprovement," he continued. "The nreure of clrrumntincei and the need of immediate relief make ex Irnded investigation and ftudy of vi' til questions rather difficult. "There hould be Mine place where people who are Interested in current problems could come each week and hear thee questions dis cussed by able thinkers, some of the prakera being local men, others tomine; from the outside. "Present-day thought has a mor bid tone. Three.fourths of the peo ple are dissatisfied with themselves and everybody around them. There is no excuse for the present morbid condition of the world. Nature ia rich; the unused forces, physical and mental, are sufficient to supply the world in ease and luxury. American erniu and invention can exalt hu man life ad take the drudgery out of the business of the world. "The world is suffering from an eoidemic of economic delusions. Preaching calamity and ctasi hatred will prolans our misery ana discon tent. Education, science, invention, art and the spirit of brotherhood will tolve every problem. "We are on the verge of a new era. Hereditary opinions will not com mand the respect of the future, neither will uninformed public senti ment provide the leadership or the followers that are badly needed." Valley Hay Barns Damaged by Fire Fremont Firemen Called to Extinguish Blaze in Stock- Is and Wool Houses. ! Operation Fatal to ! Noted N. Y. Financier yards Fremont, Neb., May 6. (Special Telegram.') Fire of unknown origin committed damage estimated rough ly at $20,000 at Valley this morning when several hay barns, and part of the stockyards were destroyed before help arrived from Fremont and neighboring towns. A shearing shed with carloads of wool and thousands of dollars worth of machinery and hundreds of tons of hay were totally destroyed. The fire started in the roof of the hay shed. Lack of water pressure in Valley made the efforts of the firefighters fruitless. Hurry calls were sent to Waterloo and Fremont. The local department sent out the new pumping truck and water taken from the nearby lake was hurled into the burning buildings. The present of the Fremont fire truck was re sponsible for saving the surrounding buildings and most of the yard sheds. Firemen saved the elevator and office buildings which stand close to the scene of the fire. The reflection of the flames against the sky through out the night brought hundreds of sightseers from every part o.f the 'surrounding country. State, fire Marshal C. E. Hartford was present and took charge. . : Trio Burned at Stake by.Mob of 500 Men (Continued Vrom Pa One.) a bank for safe keeping, where it is , alleged that he confessed to the mob that he had assaulted and muttered the girl and that in his confession he implicated two other negroes. J. H. . Varney and Mose Jones. He was taken from the sheriff, as he was be ,ing conducted to another town for safety. j. Takes Keys. . - A mob gathered about and threat ened to storm the Building, where upon officers spirited the prisoner through a rear window and started him in an automobile toward Mexia, apparently enroute to Waco. Re sistance seemed useless and the pris oner was surrendered. The mob divested the sheriff of his ; keys to the Freestone county jail where Jones and Varney were being held, as suspects, unlocked the doors and there took the other two negroes in charge- All three were then rushed to Kirvin, the home of the dead girl, where the execution took place at an iron stake driven into the ' ground on a small square in the heart of the town. Bodies Burned. Wood saturated with oil to in crease its inflammability was piled about the stake. Curry was burned first. Then - V.maif nnrt Tnnpe Therp was some delay in burning the last two as theyj MCauiasUjr ludimaiucu iuu jii- nocence. but they were finally cremated on the strength of Curry's testimony. After the third negro had been burned to a crisp, all three bodies were piled together and a mass ot fuel and oil flung over them. This was ignited, the flames soaring 25 or 30 feet in the air. At an early hour today the flamss were still burning fiercely with the prospects that the bodies would be reduced to ashes. The mob dispersed rapidly. Health Campaign "Will Be Launched in Madison Madison. Neb., May 6. (Special.) A health campaign will be eon ducted by Miss Mary Aden, Madi son county public health nurse, in Madison and vicinity May 11 to 13. Similar programs are arranged for other pars of the county at later i o I lLrrt J Henry P. Davison. (CantlBuml from Faaa Om.) ton's eyes as he wheeled and walked otf, the gardener said when he told of the incident .today. And there were tears in the gardener's eyes. until the hour for the operation drew near, the Davison estate was ungard- ed and open to the public, as it has always been, shorty before noon, guards began to appear and stationed themselves at all entrances. It was at the surceon's orders, they said, be cause of tne need for absolute silence for 72 hours after the brain wai operated upon. ior several hours after it was learned that the master of the house was dead, these guards relaxed vigi- lence. A stream of automobiles le gan to pour into the driveways, bear iug messages of condolence to the Davison family. Hundreds of tele grams were received during the eve ning until, at the request of family physicians, all but close friends of the Davison's were denied entrance to the grounds. Directed Ked Cross. A notable financier, Henry Fomeroy Davison will best be re membered, perhaps, as the man who at .President Wilsons request di rected the work of the American Red Cross in allied countries for the two years the United States was at war with the central powers. Taken out of the hurly burly of Wall street, one of the most active of the IS partners m the firm of J. P. M.organ & Co., the man who 28. years before had walked the streets of New York look- ng for a job, directed the first 'drive" of the American Red Cross for funds, raised $114,000,000, and within a few weeks had Red Cross workers at their tasks in Italy, Bel gium and Switzerland, as well as in war-torn France. H. P. Davison was one of the most trusted lieutenants of the elder Pieroont Morcan. who commissioned him to represent the firm in numer ous financial negotiations abroad. Adviser of Wilson. In 1919 he was one of the advisers of President Wilson at the Taris peace conference. The New York career of the man who was to figure so prominently in its financial district began in 1888, when young Davison, then 21 years old, went to that city from Troy, Pa., where he was born on June 13, 1867. Unable to find a position in New York, he went to Bridgeport, Conn., where he started work as a bank messenger. Three years later he was back in the city of his dreams and was made paying teller of the Astor Place bank. Mr. Davison soon attracted the at tention of George F. Baker, presi dent of the First National bank, who, in 1894, made him vice president of that bank. He was president of it when he became a member of the Morgan firm. At that time also he was a director of the Nitional Bank of Commerce and of about 40 other financial and industrial institutions. amous Financier in Fatal Operation Omahan's Friend Henry P. Davison visited in Omaha twice, the first time during the war, when he was here in the interest of Red Cross work: the sec ond time, but six months ago, when he was returning home from California. On his last visit here, Mr. Davison topped at the home of H. M. Bal- drige, jr., who became acquainted with the famous financier ' through his son, Trubie, with whom Mr. Baldnge went to Yale university at New Haven, Conn. C. G. CONN New Wonder C Melody Saxaphone The Ideal Home Instrument Built in the key of "C," adapted to any music written for piano, violin or voice . without transpo sition. Furnished in Brass Gold Nickel .Silver Select yours now at MICKEDS 15th and Harney On aha Outstatc Elks to Be Given Chance at Building Bonds Aeve nteeii Loilpcs to Be Visit ' rd ntijtift ami Jolli. fifatiort to l'.nd DrUe. livery one of the t7 lo!a' ff the 'ate will be visited by renrennU lives cf the Elks lodge here to give tKm an opportunity to intctt iii th Funds to ercet a new Elks build in and home here. Thia announcement was nude yes terday by Chairman Robert Trimble following tiie (iiecettion of Mate Secretary J. H. Cuddy. A committee consisting of Leonard Seheibel. T, I'. QninUn, Henry Montky and I). K O'Brien, mansKfr, will meet this evening at the Srhcibel home, north of Florence, to discuss plant for the state trips. "Last fcJOO.000 Hardest, "The last $.'00,000 I the hardest." stid Chairman Trimble, "but we'll nuke it." Ahanquet and jollification meet ing will close the drive, Chairman Trimble said. "It will be a rel jollification," said Henry Monsky, chairman of the speakers' bureau, at the noonday yesterday. "There were some wlw tt ought it couldn't be put over." Large subscriptions and reports of unusual work among the salesmen continued to be received at the head quarters. Bert Le Bron sold 33,500 worth of bonds from Friday noon until Saturday noon. Chadron lodge bought a $300-bond. Several thou sinds of dollars worth of bonds a! riady have been sold to Elks in tin: state Many Large Investments. Among the large subscriptions Ubulated last night were:. Dr. Her man Raiubolt, SI.'JiK); Mc'jraw Klec tric company, $1,000; Omaha Daily News, 51,000; Ap:hie Love, $1,000; Frank Swoboda of Hess & Swoboda, $500; Gunette, the butcher, $1,000, which he later doubled; Walter Sher wood, $500, which he later doubled; F.lmer Neville, $500; M. B. Biornsor.. $.'00; Lohn Loftis & Sons. $500. Miss Pyrtle Talks to Women Voters Prohibition Still Children Prove Issue in Politics Says Real, Job of Education Is Character Building . iDscusses "Frills." "The real job in education is char acter building, laying the foundation for the rif?ht kind of citizens." said Miss E. Ruth Pyrtle, principal of Mckinley school, Lincoln, and a candidate for state superintendent of public instruction, who spoke on "Frills in Education ' at the League of Women Voters Saturday after noon in the Brandeis restaurant. Miss Pyrtle believes in equal edu cation and opportunities for the rural as well as the city child and the es tablishment of better rural schools. J'We should have better education al returns for the money that Is be insr soent." she stated. "Americani zation is doing much toward the making of better citizens," said Miss Pyrtle, who says that the foreign born are eager to learn the language and customs of iheir adopted coun try. William G. Ure gave a talk on "Taxation," and Mrs. H. J. Bailey. chairman of the local League or Women Voters, .who returned Friday from the national meeting of the league in Baltimore, Md., told of the reception given the delegation of 900 women in Washington, D. C. Illinois Congressman to , Address Republicans Twice Lincoln. May 6. (Special.) Con gressman Graham of Illinois, who will be the principal speaker at the big republican meeting here May 11, will arrive in Lincoln in the morn ing in time to address the state cen tral committee at its meeting as well as to deliver the keynote speech at the convention early in the day. C. A. McCIoud of York, republi can chairman, is expecting a big at tendance of G. O. r. leaders from all parts of the state. The numerous republican candidates fpr state of fices also will be present. 1 Uoihmm4 frwa fM OmJ Innde4 liquor is practically jmpottU tie to obtain and they art coninrlM to drink pouonout, doctored uf at go without. The spint of co-operation on the part of all r((iciU federal, stale and municipal' the country over, imipljl with higher bond and feverrr sentences by courts Is fur ther convincing proof of enforce ment. "Another striking proof - the changed attitude of the editors and cartoonist who, as everybody know i, reflect public opinion and are true Hides; of current events, The Iteneral character of cartoon and cuitorials, standing along, is elo quent tstimony that the law i being enforced and that the people want it enforced and s'e letting publicity afifiits and offuwl know it. "Scores of other glowing facts of successful enforcement may be cited, such as helpful co-operation on the part of neighboring governments. Furthermore, mot state have their own enforcement codes, through which remit are being obtained in addition to federal laws and nation al organization. Enforcement Shoe Pinching. "On the whole, there is every sea son for satisfaction and pros rets. The 18th amendment is being recog nized as a cardinal part of the con stitution and the fact that antago nists are renewing with increased force, their well-defined and costly propaganda speaks for itself, in other words the enforcement shoe is pinching.' The other point of view, presented by the Asiociation OpDosed to Pro hibition, may be summed up in the following: "Crimes have increased, ttie courts are congested, and justice sadly suf fers. Swarms of new officers have been sent to harass the people. The crimes and crookedness of these offi cers have been a disgrace to the na tion 2nd have brought law and jus tice into contempt. , "States, without their consent and against their .wishes, have been de prived of their ancient right and sub jected to the rule of petty bureau crats. Our constitutional rights against search and siezure have been violated. "In the state of New York court records show that crime convictions have increased from 40,691 in -1920, to 55.516 in 1921. Convictions for intoxication in courts of special ses sion are practically double." Claims Increase In Crime. "In New York city the records show 5,691 public intoxication cases in IVJU and 6.679 in 1921. "Arrests for drunkenness in Chi caRo were 45,414 in 1918, 35.608 in 1919, 32,859 in 1920 and 51,300 in 1921. "Figures compiled by the clerk of courts offices in Milwaukee show that up to November 1. 1921, there were 2,567 more cases in the crim inal courts than during the entire 12 months of 1920. "In Los Angeles arrests increased from 86,036 in 1920 to 92,134 in 1921. and drunkenness cases increased from 3,377 to 6,839. 1 In Hamilton county, Ohio. (Cin cinnati) the county prosecuting at torney shows that there were 326 cases prosecuted to conviction m 1921 against 225 in 1920. ' "Crime in the District of Colum bus has increased 85.7 per cent in the last ten years, according to Rep resentative Tinkham of Massachusetts. 'Nor is the end in sight. Busi ness is paralyzed, men and women can find no work, the cost of living is calamitous while discontent and wrongs are breeding red radicalism." Selves Heroes as Apartment Burns Tot Saves Sleeping Slater, 2 Three Lad Hiuh in to . Save Scotch Collie From Death. "Kid" rescued everything fiom babies to dogs and left grownups but a small role to play when $i,000 fire burned the roof from s cries of frame apartments at Twenty-set enth and Dodge streets at 4 yesterday afternoon. William Huston, Benjamin Meis ter and C. U. Chines, firemen, fell through a roof and fought their way to safety through flame. They were not injured. Margaret Wombles. 9, 264 Dodge, rushed into the smoke rolling from her home and rescued her sleeping sister, Henrietta Jeanne, 2. Billy Worthing. 12, 2711 Dodg. Bud Baker, 11, 2o40 Dodge, and Carl McKinnis, 1J, 201 J Dodge, ran to the backdoor of Bud's home and butst it down with their shoulders. They came out with "Laddie." ret mote cousin to President Harding's Laddie, a half-grown Scotch collie, dog, who leaped and barked at the end of a rusty chain. "Oh, my costumes I" shrieked Daisy Helen George, 13, 2644 Dodge, a she rushed in after 20 garments that are assisting her on the way to a career as a classical dancer. She fainted after rescuing three and watching the other 17 burn. Someone not identified found her inside the house and carried her to safety. Lleuore Morris. 9. Z707 Dodge street, and Howard Parsons, 14, 316 South Twenty-sixth street, both claimed the honor of having discover ed the fire and turning in the alarm hut it was claimed also by Mrs. V A. Baker, 2640 Dodge. Mrs. Julia Bourk, 2o48 Dodge street and her daughter, Elizabeth, had an uncounted sum of money on a table. ready to pay bills, and lost it in the fire. The apartments stand two stories and a half high and are numbered 2642. 2644, 2646 and 2648 Dodge street, and are owned by the Far nam Smith company The roof was consumed by the fire, which smoul dered for an hour and a half. Fire Chief Salter estimated the loss at $6,000, on both building and con tents, after a cursory examination. The blaze left more than 50 per sons temporarily homeless. Juvenile Research Bureau, Appeal to Be Dismissed Lincoln, May 6. (Special.) The attorney general and state board of control have requested the supreme court to dismiss the appeal taken from the decision of Judge W. V. Allen of Madison county, holding unconstitutional the 1921 act creat ing a bureau of juvenile research in charge of a clinical psychologist. This is interpreted as wiping the statute from the laws, for which $20,- 000 was appropriated for mainte nance. C. E. Convention Nebraska City, Neb., May 6. (Special.) The annual convention of the Christian .Endeavor society of District three opened a three-day session here. Features of the pro gram were addresses by Rev. Paul c jonnson of Lincoln and Harold D. Ramsburg of Omaha. "Man-Kaier" Shot by Texas Sheriff (t lr4 rlMM rs Om ) I! ink Garrett, Ballew'i bosom friend. The pitting cf the gunman re moves from the southwest, one of the few figures typical f f the pioneer khertrf whoe unique and fearless method of enforcing the law and arresting western bad men made hint tlu hero of many stories. Arrests Gamblers. Halle had come to Wichita Falls to art as judge in the annual south western round up. On the first day of the rodeo, he wss introduced a "liud" lUllrw, the man who stayed through it all with Buck Garrett and av hr's tUd lie did. McCormiik, w hen a member of the Tens ksngris wt sskignrj la "clean up" the oil held during (heir moti Uw!fi days line, lie aireffd many gamblers and alleged "bid men" m hid a reputation for being cool and fearless. He s'o served with the Kingrrt when war threat ened between Teas and Oklahoma (iaimiui to oil land to the Red river bed over two year ago. At a result of h work in thi rtin, he was selected a chief of police fr Wichita Falls, lets than a mouth ago. "Murderd." Stys Sheriff. Ardmore. Okl Miy 6 (By A. P.i "Bud" Batlew was murdered; I am satisfied of that. Five shot an4 all from the back. He did not have a chance. Tears glikiened iu the eye of far mer Sheriff Buck Garrett a he emerged front the uudcrtAiflg shop in wh n there had j"t been plar'4 the lnidy pl In I eginu it. Hud lew, tdulu'd by many a he to an I hated and feared ( a killer ol others, "No mm ever had a truer fiicM f an Cud lUllrw wat to inr." si'd i.;mt. "He saved i'iy ln on mrrcu ore ion , inj I only tat it had teen in my power to ov I it," liitirrtt added, a he decline 1 fttither iji rtiiining vid drpMel, Ballew, former deputy theritf here, the notches on h gun bore testi mony that he hid killed at lrat eight men and had been the victim, of countless other gun fights, wit wide ly known f'r hi tuitknei on the "draw" in the eatly dai of out lawry in he kouthwevt, "liud look In too niuili tmitmy and fr once wat too slow on the draw" wa the opinion evnved by many here last night. Your Health Can Be Restored by Chiropractic ' To those who are sick and want to get well, Dr. Burhorn would like the opportunity to talk to each and every man, woman and child personally. If you do not investigate our methods, you will never know what we can do in your particular case. We will pot accept any case that we cannot help. Consultation is free., Adjustments are 12 for $10 or 30 for $25. Hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Lady attendant. Complete X-Ray laboratory and private individual adjusting and rest rooms. Dr. Burhorn and Associates (Palmer School Chiropractors) Sulto 414-426 Sacuritica Bldf. Phons DO. 5347. Cor. 16th and Farnam St. MietonTOgers AND SONSJLV COANy Hardware Household Utilities' 1515 .HARNEY. ST." Demonstration Only Two More Days Monday and Tuesday A Special Factory Demonstrator will be with us foiiwo more days Monday and Tues daydemonstrating the famous Chi-Namel Color Varnishes. You are invited to attend. Learn to Grain in Five Minutes a S The Factory Demonstrator will hold very interesting Demonstration all day Inner Ftrvvn In nv f-im a T am a ssut iu a,u uuic Jjcaiu lJ grain old wood surfaces with a r t new hardwood finish. There S is a Chi-Namel Varnish. . Stain or Paint for every Chi-Namel Head- B Purchase of a quarters, drop S 3e Brush to Iniure a in tomorrow Fair Trial. ft Xante 30c Can Crri-Namel FREE and see ber at work. Address The Bride of June The Bridal Gown Lovely, graceful models of lustrous white satin com bined with rich silken lace all fashioned with the bodice blouse and soft, drapy skirt. $59.50 to $125. The Going Away Costume The navy blue tailored suit, the smart three-piece tailleur or the dark frock of crepe afe .all fitting companions for this most important event. $49.50 . to $98.50. Fashions for Travel, Sports Wear, Evening Smartest wraps and sports coats, silk frocks of bright colored crepe combined with white, novelty skirts in woolens, -silks and flannels, sweaters and scarfs in gay and dark colorings, frocks of light organdies and Swisses. Thoughtfully economical prices for fashions of the most desirable quality. Bridal Gloves Bridal Hosiery Handkerchiefs Trefousse of. France sends long white kid skin gloves of the softest, finest quality. Twelve and sixteen button lengths, plain or beautifully embroi dered. $7 and $8 a Pair Hand Bags Fashionably styled of fine leather or silk and appropriately fit ted with a mirror and small purse. t Silk of the finest tex ' ture in white for the bride and in every a shade to match the gowns, of her attend ants. $1.95 a Pair Chiffon weight, $3.50 XJnderthings The daintiest of silk garments for the trousseau are delight fully fine and not too costly. Of Jersey Silk r T 1 A aw a - The finest of Irish linen with delicate lace edgings or sheer squares with embroi dered corners. 75c to $12.50 The Veil Fashioned of the love liest materials to your special order a graceful veil of be coming charm for as much as you choose to pay. $3.50 to $37.50 Vets, $1.95 to $6 Bridal Satin Blouses Costume and sports wear blouses assume great importance for summer occasions. Handmade models decorated with real lace and embroider ies. Overblouses of the most distinctive sort and tie-back styles in 'interesting variety. $1.95 to $15 Teddies, $3.50 to $11 Bloomers, $2.75, $8.50 Of Crepe de Chene Chemise, $5.98 to $8 Gowns, $6.49 to $10.50 The Corset Models of excellent de sign in brocades and satins, white or deli cately shaded, are to be had in back lace and front lace styles. $8 and More Heavy, soft, lustrous white satin of lovely texture is 40 inches wide and $3.50 a Yard Footwear In heavy rich white satin or a soft fine white kid are the bridal slippers. They have baby or junior French heels. ' $10 a Pair dates,, 1,