THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAY 6. 1922. Women's Quarrel Ends When Judge Makes Tlicm Kiss FruJ Wa StartcJ (her Al Iffpil Itciiiarki Cuiiffrii lug Children! Dc funuitin. Vfifrd4y wit "rm!i5it day in Judge Gemg HolmrV division of municipal court, where two women nifif.j, "nuJilcr l)io ft lien," d drparled with lints warm upon their lip. Thry kitd c.h other, not the judge. The judge bflifvrs tlut the end ( juttii-e and peace nil earth Kill have been smcd by omitting the nam's ( thee woinm who tacupy adjoining holm, on llorcnce boule vard. One o( the diputatiou twain brouiclti an action agaiu.t the other it Lr-rfc lliff ik.'. Tli rat was a!lrd (or hearing and the judge quickly enird a neighborhood row nhitli grew (torn ituctiially noth ing. Neighbor! Adda Fuel. One of the women charged that a neighbor told lirr that the other wo nan in tlii case said that Iter baby had a hair lip, and the other woman retorted by alleging that another neighbor told her that the neighbor of thin praec cafe said her baby had Urge lund and a bump on it head. ! rout those idle remark by neigh hurt the disputant! made (ares at each other and otherwise displayed ill feeling until one brought an ac tion in municipal court. The judge took the women Into hi chamber and talked to them like an uncle. Say Lord' Prayer. "Do you ay the Lord's prayer?" aked the jurlRC of one of the wo men, who replied that he did. "Then repeat it here," added the judge. The woman complied. "Do you mean it?" the judge ?.!ked. - The woman hung her head. "Now, I want you women to kin each other right here, forget all that ha happened, and resolve to live amicably hereafter," the judge con tinued. The women kissed each other and went their way, whereupon the judge called the next case. Drake Apartment Groups Rechristened Three apartment groups owned by the Drake Rental agency, known heretofore as the Dresden, Dartniour and the Aberdeen, have been renam ed as follows: v The Dresden, composed, of two buildings, will be called the Arlington and Beverley; the Dartmoor, com posed of five separate buildings, will he known as the Ames, Colfax, Dal las, Emerson and Bedford, and the Aberdeen, which included four sep arate buildings, will be called the Avery, Burton, Chandler and Dud ley. These three groups are being re modeled, and lawns about them re sodded. . y Business Men to See Hog Demonstration at Lincoln . inxtcen prominent Umalia business men will go to Lincoln today to see1 a demonstration of .Nebraska agri cultural (tttdents outlining the ped igree of a hog. The following will attend: Carl B. Gray, president, of the Union H. Baldridge, Everett Buckingham, M. L. Corey, R. L. Carter. J, M. Gillan, H. R. Gould. 0. C Holmes, .Frank Judson, H. F.. Mcintosh, H. K. Mansfield, Frank Myers, M. C. Peters. H. O..Wilhelm ,and C. M. Wilhelm. ' Brief City News Tu l'U t'rtrhratton r'ant.neU Park ttlrbritiion ao-laiten will hol t Ita nan meatitif Monday nihi m in rtty hall, IU.Ma ri)Pf' fc hnnl Fort Crook orrti dtauMiinf th itvu. bility ef oaubllahins ft stud.nt fli-art hool t rort Crook. Ilk r hew TrUJ Jta. hel ftirikln4 and rum M. Muar flle4 a motion, far new trial in fOrl inuri kiriay, Mi Otrukland limther pl4 th f of 1, " Talks at 11 TrwiiU- Vla Cu nlr H Kinaabarr of htntion, P. f , llt -tur on "Th Maehln at Waahliictnn.' at the ltor temple I I tunic ht. Omaha Hanker tniiiet! liivlta tlun hv liven t,nJt to Omaha tiMitkara to attnt th ronfi-reni' of group t of th Kouh Iki.i Hnk. rV Moclatlon at Winner, K. U., on May II. To AdtlroM tiiu.lrnu Ir. Harry J.rnni, irofer In th department of roiomlra t l'nlvriiy of Wla rnnkin, will addrM th L'nlvrity of onialm graduating claM In Jacob!' halt Jun I. IM Alimony Mm. I.ydift Klnlry, 7 J, who uJ Iter aatd hmdmnd fr arpara' maintenance, ta lo Imv IT month temporary alimony until th lane la heard, tt waft ruled in dlntrfct court ypntvrtUy. It main n Ikiftnl Mayor Paht. man announced t'rdy that father Klanatan would remain on the puhlto welfare board, after ft vtait to 8t. Joaeph hoepltat. wher Father t'liinitn I under phyalclana' car. I'ubllo Hrrrirtlnn Th newly com pleted Htundard Oil building at Klditeentli. Howard atrect and KL Mary avenue, will t opened formal ly with public reception next Mon day. V lull or will be ohown through tho building. (omoiliaft Mrrt Charlea X. ttyrnnce, ft comedian with Elnle Janla and hr fang ftt th Hrandela theater, wa married to Taulln Van Camp. 18, of Kftww City.-her vleit Iiik with her mother, by Rev. K. It Jenka, yetiterday. Injured In Fllit W. II. Itankln. Ton partmenta, wa Injured Thuraday night tn ft fight which oc curred when he and ft friend re entd Inaultlng remark alleged to hav been rnnd by two taxi driver to hla wife and another woman. Pone Addlrt TcwUfy Four dope adclk't teatlrted tn pollr court yea terduy mornlna; when th charg ot poKarwiInK and eelllng dop wa brought aa-ninet Virgil Jackaon. On of th four nald he had mad daily purrhaae from Jackaon for tho last two month. Jackaon denied that he ever Bold dope. Cat Anitoar In Court Judge It. V. Patrick de-oldod in munlclpiil court yenterday that Merry Sunnhlne, pedigreed. I'emlan cat. whoae owner ship waa contented, wa the prop erty Of Mrs. C. H. Head, 2509 J-ar-nam etreet. Mra. Dlxl Mack. l North Elchteenth street, wa the other claimant. Mr. Mead teallned Merry Sunahino disappeared Inst February. ' j 1 Memorial Services to Be Held on Sunday American Legion Memorial ser vices will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 at the West Lawn cemetery in the American Legion circle. Daisies, the American Legion na tional flower, will be planted on the grave of every exservice man. Be cause of weather condition these will be planted Sunday instead of waiting until Memorial day, the committee in charge explains. Father Holsapple will conduct the services. Among the speakers will be Mayor Dahlman and William Ritchie, jr., state commander of the American Legion. The following organizations have been invited to . send representatives to the services, which the public al so is invited to attend: G. A. R., Daughters ;of Civil War Veterans, UpfS. Grant, Custer Post, Garfield Circle relief corps, D. A. R., Gold Star Mothers, War Mothers, Dis abled War Veterans, Veterans of the World War, Overseas Girls, Army and Red Cross nurses, 'National guard, Boy Scouts, and High School cadets. Bee Want Ads Are Best' Business Boosters. V A Special Watch Values for Saturday and Monday WristWatches 14-karat solid white gold Wrist Watch, 15-jewel Helbros movement. Special J 14-karat, 20-year gold filled Wrist Watch, 15 jewel Helbros move ment. 1 C 7C Special ... . ; p 1 O 0 The Above Watches in Several Classy Designs Gentlemen's Watches Gentlemen's 16-size Thin Model Watch, 14-karat, 20-year gold filled case with 15-jewel Waltham movement. A real 'a -i buy at. ....... 0 Mail orders promptly attended to and shipped same day as received. Add return postage. . Brodegaard Bros. Co. S. E. Corner 16th and Douglas III II1 I I ' I I a 1 11V W I W ff Ik Kiddie Th Mother Uttri." with tfoirWy Mson. s. m. nd 10:41 a. m. Hash Qxm n. EYERYBODYfe STORE urn utr ll Yw Imi U 0r T Dnc7 If not. t invit you to hsvt cup and tread a meat, ur from 4 p. tn, to d p. m, urcMa-alMll Tm K mm tU r J Saturday's Offerings Throughout the Store The Forsythe Blouses In order U tx sttracUvely and comferUMy drraaed in a tailored suit on itMda Mveral tailored, or at lean nil-tllord, blouses. The 'Foryth' blou, sold ex clusively in Omaha at th Burts Nash rnmpany, ta unequaled la style and tailoring. These blouaea ar mada of white dimity, tucked and frilled, and soma of them ara gay with colored ring ham collar, cuffs, and tie. Peter Tan, "V," and Tuxedo necklines at carefully fitted to the suit coat collar. Siss 32 ta 44, $2.15 and up. Siftt 46 ta 62, 13.85 and up. urfwt-Natk BIum Sbwy Talrd FUr ooo EXTRA SPECIAL Assorted Chocolate Cream Assorted chocolate) creams packed in fancy l ib. box. Saturday Pound box, 38c Bar(MfNti Mala Floor Candy Specials Assorted Cream Brazils Pcrfeot whole nuts covered with maple and vanilla fondant. Lb., 56c Delicious Cream .Taffy 1 In flavors of chocolate and' vanilla- Lb., 37c Wholesome Mint Chews Fresh caramels packed in a box you will know by the balloon decoration. PkfcT., 7c 3 for 20c - , BurgtH-Naah Mtiunin Floor Mother's Day Select cards now while our assortment is complete. Cards especially designed to convey every sentiment. To Mother and to Grand mother. To my Dear Other Mother. To the Mother of My Chum. To, in fact, every Mother. Triced Se to $1.00 Recipe Cabinets Oak finish cabinet complete with 100 cards and index guide. 3x5-inch size. Ideal shower gift. Special, 75c. Writing Paper French lawn high-grade letter size paper in white only. Pack age of 72 sheets, 25c . Envelopes to match, pkg., 12!ic ' Burtti-Nh Main Floor OOO For These Rainy Days Women's Umbrellas American taffeta, 26-inch Paragon frame, plain or carved handle with heavy cord loop. Each, $1.00 Burf tu-Nath ooo Men's Umbrellas American taffeta, 28-inch Paragon frame, plain mission finished handle. Saturday Each, $1.50 -Mai Floor - Thermos Goods Hair Nets Tharntos Bottle Pint size, brown enamel case-. Priced, $1.00. . Thrmoi , Bottle Pint size, nickel plated, corrugated case, $1.80., . , Metal Lunch Kit Fitted with black enamel pint bottleja$2.00. Thermo Bottl Quart size, with green enamel case. Priced $2.50. - ; Tharmo Bottl Quart size, with plain nickel case. Priced $.50. Carafe Quart size, with' plain nickel case. Wonderful value at $5.50. Bur(M-Nah Main Floor "Rita" Hair Nets, double mesh, in cap and fringe; 3 for 25c' "Bonni B" Hair Nets, sin gle mesh, cap and fringe; 6 for 50c. "Bonni B" Hair Nets, dou ble mesh, cap and fringe; 6 in box, for 75c. i.'''. Hair Nt, with knotted ends, large size, all colors; 4 for 25c Elaatid Nats, fine mesh, large size, all colors; 4 for 25c. - ' Bachelor Buttons, box, 10c. Bon Underwear Buttons, 3 dozen, 25c O. N. T. Crochet Cottba, 3 balls, 25c . Burfaai-Naah Main Floor 000 Our Entire Stock Hartmann Trunks Our luggage department has been moved. As a special feature to introduce its new location we offer our entire ; stock of fine quality, smart-looking Hartmann wardrobe trunks at 20 to 30 less than our already low prices. Correct luggage for whatever your need at 20 to 30 Off Travelers and vacationists who anticipate needs in lug gage will, at this sale, accomplish savings really worth while. Then, too, there is always a feeling of security as far as the wardrobe is concerned when it is entrusted to one of our "trunks. Smartness, convenience, service, mark every piece. Visit Our New Luggage Department on the Mezzanine Floor. Needed White Goods Snowy heaps of white fabrics will fairly melt away at this attractive price. For graduation or for the usual needs of aummer no color reems quite so cool and fresh looking as white. Our atocks are complete in White Voile White Pique White Madras While Poplin While OrganJj) White Balislc And many other white fabrics. Yard 65c iut.Na n4 Floor 000 May White Sales Special Handkerchiefs by Yard MA well worth while savingH" unfinihhed handker chiefs of fine quslity cambric- offered in our May White Sale at a price that represents about half of their usual cost. 100 yards of women's handkerchiefs, white with cord stripe borders, 9 to the square yard. 200 yards in men's patterns, white with colored woven borders; tan, green, lavender and blue; 4 to square yard. 200 yards white, with cord borders, 4 to the square yard. No C. O. D.' No Phono Or4m :SquareYd.28cN.Nr Barf aaa-Nata Main Floor Rf (undt . Mall OroVa OOO' The New Ribbed Hosiery One of the smartest of new hosiery numbers is a silk and lisle weave, in colors of black and white, cordovan, African brown, tan, and navy. All sizes. Pair $1.25 Gauze Vests Pink and white gauze vests, made long enough for comfort, are an unusual value at this low price. They are a fine quality, in bodice and regula tion tops, regular and extra sizes, and all at the same pricing r 35c or 3 for $1.00 Burf eaa-Naah- Kiddies' Sox Just received in time for Sat urday's selling a new ship ment of kiddies' sox. They are of lisle, in white and colors, with colored tops to match the little summer outfits of those in years from 2 to 10. Half and three-quarter length Pair, 35c, or 3 far $1.00 -Main Floor ' " OOO' Many New Styles in 4 Spring Oxfords for Men Comfort Style Economy I Common-sense lasts on newest lines at a reasonable price. . Oxfords that will hold their shape because they were made of best grade leathers by master, workmen. Brdwn Oxfords A nut-brown or dark brown calf oxford in new brogue last'. Plain or perforated toe. $7.50 to $10.00 Black Oxfords A black meure calf brogue is made on wide toe last. Fitted with wide flanged rubber or leather heel Priced $10.00 ' ' . , Burgeaa-Naah Shoo Shop Main Floor OOO- :r Special Purchase Sale White Ivory 79c 1 29 149 Pure white ivory at less than half the usual selling price. The "Dubarry" pattern in which plainness is relieved by a scalloped edge. ' ' ' One or several pieces make an ideal graduation gift for the young girl who is beginning or completing a set for her dressing table. The following pieces included in the sale: . Mirror Comb , Bruahea Tray Candl Stick Perfume Bottle The Various Manicure Piece Burgtaa-Naah Main Floor Garden Hose : Lawn Mowers 'Dundee" Lawn Mowers Garden Hose Moulded of best quality corrugated rubber. Ys -in. size 130 ft. -in. size 14. ft. -in. size 16r ft. Ball bearing, four-blade lawn mower. Self-sharpening. Easy to run. All sizes. Priced at $8.25 to $14.85 Bur(aa-Naah Fourth Floor A Sale : Hats for Girls $295 - $395 Through the purchase ef an entire floor stork of Madge Evans girls' hats, we secured finest milsns that wo are ablo to sell at a price several time less than their real value. They are banded and finish ed with generous streamers of wide gros gralned ribbon. Priced $3.95 All fine taffeta tarns and turbans, some embroidered $2.95 urui-Naat Hat Soap Th rat Flaw OOO' Some Very Attractive Pumps for Miss or Flapper Patent and Ooze Combination This three-strap pump is of patent leather, uith gray or sand ooze quarter, and boasts the new inch and a half straight cuban heel. A pair, $10.00. Satin Pump with Low Heel Lasting shapeliness is assured in this satin- slipper, which chooses buckle to fasten its broad strap, cuban heel, at $10.00. New Patent Leather Pump As smart as anyone could wisn, lower than one could expect, these new patent leather pumps with new cut-out pattern on vamps, at $10.00. : 1 Burfoaa-Naafc Mala Floor OOO Some Unusual Values in Golf Clubs : Tennis Goods Golf Clubs, $2.45 More of those Burgess-Nash clubs for Saturday. Brassies mashies, midirons, putters, cleeks, niblics and others. Each, $2.45 Tennis Balls Spaulding 1922 ball. Priced, Each, 50a Golf Balls The well known Beacon balls. Each, 45c Burt.-Nah Fourth Flow Tennis Rackets Cork covered grip handles, $3.50 to $13.50 , Ball Bats Boys' bats, of well seasoned wood. 25c and 50c . v OOO Exclusive in Our Phonograph Department "Where Those Who Know Prefer to Go" Are display rooms of a beauty peculiarly fitted to music-' where you may enjoy an entire selection without interruption. You are invited to hear the new records end The- Cheriey "Aristocrat ef Phonographs" An instrument of quality and distinction in which the musical reproduction is un rivaled. We will arrange the terms that are conven ient for you, 1 Burteia-Naah Phonof raph Shop Filth Floor Just 500 Children's Play Suits 59c Dursble little garments of a quality that will wash with out losing their pretty colors. They are made of blue denim, chambray, gallatia. Six different styles for the. youngsters of 2 to 8 years Limit of 3 suits to a customer. No C. 0. D.'s. No Will Calls. No Refunds. No Phone Orders. Burf tta-Naah DowaaUlra Store O