' THE) EEE: OMAHA. jjaiukuai. aiai e. iva. Evans Encls Work of ApKrlioning ' District Funds Nebrs-ks Congressman Not Spwb-Msker dul is Firm in Stiml tin All lufi of Legislation. Washington, May 5 (ivi.l Telegram.) -One of the niot caact ing. diMsrre.ble and thankless- JoU in roimrcik ha bcfti tliout torn p!etel hy Krpre.e rttatlve ftuhrrt K. Cvans o( the Third Nebraska dlrict 'n hi t. parity a out of the llirrc l uii members on the amfcrcsu't iommitiee in charge of the Ditrirt of Columbia appropriations bill. Thi mra.ure centrals to a large degree and in iinnutenr the affairs cif ihc city of Wellington and tig Mior than people. No Irgitliition in eoierrs i more l.iiitrly fought over. The houe and mate are in emu taut die-grerment on nearlv cverv important item. 1 he prople of the di.triit. while they do not have the vote, certainly do not lack mean of expression. They are on the ground and they arc peraiat ent Whipiawed between the var inus conflicting interests, it ia put ting it mildly to aay that the confer ret have a warm time of it. Like all ili.agreeablc work, however, it ia all tbe more ncceary that it be done and done well. It if proverbial that more r'tliio piana lurk in the woodpiles of district Irgiilation than in all the other mea sures before congress. The member from the Third Nebraska has dug into this mata of civic affairs with absorbing thoroughness. He has un. earthed not a few of the colored gen tlemen and tie lights the-a with hull dog tenacity, II males tew .peaches but h U ouupokeu, at nnte almott brutally fiank. Local lobbyist were p-ituuUrly active in regard to the hx.iiuii of certain public institution. They lair ly betirgrd the P.lota City man's otfice. Finally oue nthui.tie worker suggri4 that she was going to .send rrpfeoenUtit't of her aue to hi office in such overwhelming numbers s to force him to capitu late Thrs) it was tlut Jul tans "Madam." h aaid. "you arc doubt lets sincere, hut 1 believe you are wrong. I will poMibly be in my office when your friends call and I will see them as long as they wi.h to talk to the merits ol this propoM tion, but I can tell you right now that I am not going to be si home to any more real e.tate atrentr. Cage County Bootlegger to Arwwer Federal Charge Beatrice. Nrb.. May 5. (Special Telegram.) Having finished serving out their fines of Il in the county isi for bootlegging. Everett and Charles Smith and Morgan Sommers were taken to Lincoln by L'nitcd Stair Mar.hall McClung to answer federal charges. Heavy Rain at Beatrice. Beatrice. Neb,, May 5. (Special Telegram.) A terrific rain visited this section of the state this after noon. Some had fell but a far as reported no damage resulted. The moisture will be beneficial to crops and gardens. Seek State Office ' Lincoln, May 5. M. U. Meyera of University Place today filed with, the secretary of state as republican can didate for state treasurer. F. J. Demel of Coleridge filed as a demo cratic candidate for secretary of state. NetirasKans Fall 1,700 Feet to. Death r p lift ply jllo ;;:r. ;:; km On AH Spring Garments The sensational valutVf ivinf W Price Sale ia on in full wing. Hundred worts disappointed yesterday,' but w nave added extra, salesladies and we will bo better able to serve you today and tomorrow. - , ' A ;. . This One-Half Price Sale Will Contime Until Every Spring Garment la Sold. V Hundreds of Beautiful Dresses In Every Size and Material to Go at Half Price Dresses W 1 522 Dresses m Hundreds of Others, Half Off 200 Wonderful Coats, Capes ' and Wraps, at Half Price. Values from , $12.50 to $49.50 SUITS TWEED AND SPORT M522 Half Priced Mm Half Price '91 Tricotines, Serges and Twills :,19B Half Price '9? 24J Half Price '122 sMSRBB' . S. E Cor.AlCth and Douglas Streets ; v 1 V -A 0S Kiw& A i r . franchise Value to ' v Be Excluded From Tax Lincoln. May S.-(Spiial,)- all probability ihe Xorthetrn Bet Telephone company and other l'lc phone companies operating in e braska will bt aeed tor 9. ih oat including any element of their rrancniM tame in meir proprruca. State Tan Cominisiioner O.liiirne thinks the state board of equalisa tion will accept the Bell' contention that it has no franchise value and Paul Green, the Grand Island aviator who waa killed in a fall at David City, and the wreck of hit machine. , It was not until more than 24 hours later that Mra. Arthur Graves, 111 North Twenty-fourth street, learned of the death of her huiband, who with Paul Green of Grand Mand fell 1.700 feet to his death at David City Wednesday. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Graves with her water, Mrs. Alice Whitehill, went to South Omaha to visit friendi. She was not located until after 9 last night after her brother, Earl White hill, and two sisters had come from Shenandoah to join in the search for her, Until a month ago Graves, an ex pert mechanic, had been employed in an Omaha garage. He wasaan avia tion cnthmiast and 30 days ago en tered Green's employ as mechanic. Green would have been 35 years old today. He was s son of Charles Green of David City. During the war Green was a:i army flyer. After the war he went in for commercial flying and the ship In which he fell, s Curtiss, was hit own. He was engaged in advertising for the Lincoln Aircraft company. A wing separated from his plane and it fell with s crash. Green leaves s v.ife and 2-ycar-old son. On June 2b, mi, Green was al mort killed in an accident at an aero meet at Red Oak, la. Disputes Delav . Trial of Small AH Hope of Completing Jury by End of Present week Shattered. By ths AHot'toted Pre. Wakcugan, III., May 5. The jury to try Governor Len Small, charged with" conspiracy to cmberzle state funds, was torn anart today to per emptory challenge two men, one of whom had been finally accepted and sworn and had been sitting in the jury box for more than a week." ' The dwindling hope of obtaining a full jury by the end of the second week of the trial was completely shattered when a dispute arose over the question of permitting the de fense to make, in the examination of prospective jurors, reference to its contention that tbe state treasury act of 1907 is unconstitutional. It was agreed that Judge Edwards will not rule on the prosecution ob jection' to this poinT until after the last panel is tentatively completed. All . f ' t . jn sons or ruinars nave ocen rue since the trial started,. ranging from unsubstantiated . reports of jury-fixing to still more stories built on the presence in the courtroom of a. man said to be the local klcagle of the Ku Judge . Edwards told . newSBaoer men, however, that investigation of some df theteres had -'''fizzled out" ; and both -sides' Svere; Satisfied that' nothing was wrohg ' - Farmers Union Urges. . . ' ? , . Extending Finance Body Washineton. . Ma .. , X (S,r-;i Telegram.) Members of the Ne braska .house delegation received telegrams from C. J. Osborn of Oma ha. president Jot-the Nhralra- V, ers union, urging the importance of cxienai gtae waning powers of the war rmance corporation for an other vear after lulv 1. vhm tl. present powers of the hnarrt termin ate in the absee of Additional legis- vided in a bill that recently passed the senate. Thef house committee has favorably reported a similar bill. . Reoresentatiw I-fftrie anrl nth members of the Nebraska delegation took the matter uo Dromotlv and were assured that there -would be no aeiay in cringing the legislation be fore the house.- . A special rule has been nromised for that niirnnu if Jt proves necessary. There is but. lit tle opposition to the measure. Mortgages Show Increase Tlatrirf . W,k ' Maw . C n. cial.) Following is the mortgage re. port for Gage county for the month of lApril: Farm mortgages filed, 34: - -l . un ni 1 . i 1 j. - -irv auiuum, iyt7ii, reiiMseu, to, amount, $167,237.43. City mortgages filed, 42; amount, , . $82,903.80; re leased, 25; amount, $50,325. "Christian General" ' ; .. . Won Pekin Battle ' (Continued From Paae One.) ing Gen. Wu Pei-Fu. on the Pekin Mukden railway at Taku and Chin wangtao. - The Portuguese minister, as dean of the diplomatic corps, also is re ported to have notified the -Chinese minister-of foreign- affairs -that the diplomatic- body insists on fulfillment of the conditions of the Tientsin pro tocol of 1901, declaring the recent fighting at Lukiuchao constituted a violation of the treaty because that place was in 30.11. of Pekin. ' Interviewed -by-ia Chinese '-newspaper man at his headquarters in a modest farm, house on the outskirts of Chunliangchen Cfiang " Tso-Lin said: 4 ' ?- Plans to Unite China, ., "I intended to unite China. The people have suffered so much in tne past from warfare that I hoped Wu Pej-Fu and Tso-Kiin would agree to peace. Both have disappointed me. If Wu Pei-Fu and Tso-Kun had co-operated, the northern forces could quickly have , conquered the south. "My purpose aS to abolish the old parliament "and let the people elect new representatives who would convene immediately and form a stable government for all China." Any military interference with the Pekin-Mukden railway, it also was declared, would be a breach of the same treaty. This action follows the announcement - by Admiral To Shih-Kwei, commander- of the nor thern Chinese equadron, that he would train his guna on the railway, cnttiiiir 'Gen.'Chahi Tso-L,in's com- Matters and 24 Others Indicted in U. S. Court (Continued Frem Pi OnoJ the state penitentiary before he is brought to trial under this indict ment.'f " -' The indictment specifically charges the defendants with conspiring to dofraud William L. Gove, S. J. Car roll, Mrs. O. F. Farman; A. B. Mil ler and divers other persons, firms and corporations by fraudulently in ducing them to purchase shares of stock and other securities at prices far in excess of their values. It states that Willard V. Mathews, Lucien B. Fuller, Alexander L. Mathews, Charles H. Rogers, Harris L. Fuller and Samuel G. Moore were in full control of the Guaranty Se curities company of Omaha and Lin coln and the Guaranty" Securities company with headquarters in Des Moines. ' Alleged Conspiracy Detailed. Part of the conspiracy alleged was, the indictment says, to organ ize the Guaranty Securities company located in Denver and to organize three banks,; one to be located at College View, Neb., to'be known as the Farmers State bank; one to be located at Lincoln to be called the Midland Savings bank, and one in Omaha, the Pioneer Slate bank. A manipulation of moneys and se curities is alleged. The Colonial Timber & Coal cor poration exploitation occupies much ot the space in the indictment. The state of Virginia in 1838 declared forfeited all title to the 140.000 acres claimed by this corporation in ita prospectus, it is alleged. A con spiracy is charged in the formation of a $10,000,000 company and the floating of $2,000,000 bonds based on this property upon which, it is al leged, 1 3,000 people have lived for years. ' Called Record Indictment. . The indictment, in number of men named and in their prominence, is said to be the largest ever returned by a federal grand jury here. Dave Bernstein and Max Fried, owners of the Beehive grocery, 822 North Sixteenth street, were indict ed on charges of conspiracy to vio late the prohibition act. Their bonds are $2,500 each. . ' Alfio Rabino was indicted on a charge of violating the prohibition act. His bond is $2,000. . About 15 o;her separate indict ments were returned which will not be made public until the indicted persons have been arrested. . Bee Want Ads Are Business- Getters. The Devil's nunung "Them that be so mighty fond of explaining everything on earth may find themselves explained out of Heaven one of these, days," quoth Jacob, Clegg. And Henry Bird, despite his stand ing as a thoroughly religions member, of the community, found . himself st a dissdvsntage. He couldn't explain this thing and Clegg knew it. The story of Jacob and Henry and "Jem? is told in "JHE DEVIL'S HUNTING HORN," by Eden Phillpotts, aUIue Ribbon tale in next Sunday's Bee, t v O OO In the Rotogravure Section for next Sunday are the first pictures showing arrangement and architecturaleffects of Ne- braska's $6,000,000 capitol. The photographs, presenting both exterior and interior views, are from detailed drawings furnish-. ed by Architect Goodhue. ' OOO Second installmen!" next Sunday of "THE ROMANCE OF MILLION DOLLARS," thrilling serial by.Elizabeth Dejeans. OOO V The Bee Sunday sport features and comprehensive Worn an's Section are two of the many satisfying offerings of The Sunday Bee. . V; - ' , '-' " THE s SUNDAY ' BEE for All the 1 Family THE SUNDAY BEE 'U -I'l'ty hir .aitif tul toother ior poratiis id the mtnt line of Im.i. no. The fi4iufi: , il..i. .1 11111 totrilri the mrrr.nl t.,li. ,.l the invettuicnt by reason u( Ur Uct it u mure or leu iiiomti!y in It Ime. I'mlcT I he ol.l ftlPlilla tu ill state board of eqiulu.iion wat au. thoii.ed to rounder the franchise latue with other ttrinrm. In a on. rral way when it ti.ed the axt. tnent oi targe corporations. The new liw friiuirri tlir 1..wr.l la fu the franchite satue as a srpar lair di.timt iLiti, nlmfk iwy loncrin hith iliputf the boirjs juilnmrin. Aunnjit Matlt? t Burn RailrotttJ Uridg t York Yoik, Neb.. May J. An attempt wa made t dctroy the Burlington . bridge which ffos Hriirt .ri-fL 1 hi- liUre Mil dl- covered Jind on nut out. Two .Li u, uiili.n 2i hours two SI- tempts strre made to wreck the pas. tenger train oil the thk-ga & North- Mrttern. The Newest in Neckeries Collars of Ucc, or ' organdie trimmed with lace, In dainty new models. $1.25 and mere. Ecru lace cleverly fashioned into lovely collar and cuff sets. $1.25 to $4.75. Lace vestees with the collar to match are priced anywhere from $1.25 to $15. Organdie vests with the new roll collar edged with a ging ham frill the latter continuing down the front of the vestce. $1.75 to $3. Main Floor ' Pure Linen Hankies, in white with colored embroideries, 50c. New Oxfords or Sports Wear Two new models for '. summer, club and golf wear. One is of , smoke horse with a i -'i black anrnn. the ftt.hpr pearl gray with an t apron of black patent 4 ., leather. , Tho price, $5.50. Children's Slippers i ., Low shoes in sandals, 2 oxfords and barefoot $ sandals. 'ali for mod- -erate prices, j Things to Wear When Roaming Over Land and Sea Coats and Wraps. If it is a coat then it's fashioned into a polo sport model if not, then it takes on a wrappy effect, , or even becomes a cape. The polo coats are $18.75. The wraps are $49.50 up. : Dark Frocks of crepe de chine, roshan ara and canton crepe promise faithfully not to soil or muss easily-if "taken on a pleasure trip. Beading b"r&djtg, em ; . broideries and contrasting shades afford the' trimmings for these lovely' models. Priced $49.50 and more. ) v - '- ' J ' . Jersey Suits have chosen to bet gayly ; colored this spring. They are in greens, '. reds, blue, tans, and some as ..dark as navy$ia95. u ' '. f ".' r - Footwear: for 1 ' YOUR estimate of service is our "guide . in doing business with you. , , boOTWEAR bought " from our store capa- bly meets the needs ; of those who . think of econ- . omy and desire 'sound styles.' ' Featuring Boyden & Bost9nian "Excluiva, but Not . ExpenaiTe at lanr 5. E. Cornet 1 6th and Harnc) Summer Dress Materials in Cotton, Silk and Wool .: Fauhionable Ratines, in plain ; weaves, novelty stripes, and plaids, afford many ideas for distinctive sports wear. Sheer fine dotted Swisses, organdies, and ." voilea promise dainty summer dresses of . ' unusual charm. Ratine voiles are espe- 1 cially new and attractive. Sports silks are arriving every day and 'selections are particularly interesting ; and complete in every respect. Priced . from $1.75 to $7.95 a yard. , Homespuns for $1.75 a yard. The cor ' rect weight for fringed skirts--54 inches ' wide, and all wool." Little flower a a row" ap piiea equally weil for girdea V tad frock. ', ' ' A'NewNeniov Corset $5 -. : A new. Nemo seff- , reducing ' :' corset for this remarkably low price. The hundreds of women' who have "j availed .themselves of our expert fitting service will welcome . this opportunity to, - ;, save on their favor- ' Ue corset. ';,,.;'.;V , :- ;-; The new models have comfortable low tops with elastic inserts. ; . . Saeond Floor Hosiery Offerings i With Lower Prices Silk Hose for 98c a pair. These are Wayne Knit, of pure silk, with garter tops, and double soles of lisle." . Black, brown, and gray. Imported Silk Lisles for $1.00 Fashioned with Pointex heels, garter tops and double soles. Brown, black, and navy. Thompson-Belden Special Silk Hosiery, $1.95 a pair. Full fashioned heavy weight pure thread v silk with flare tops of silk lisle, and dou ble soles. Black, brown, beaver, nude, sand, putty, beige, and all shades of gray. Baby Bonnets and New Coats Hand-Made Bonnets, . . $1.50 to $5 Hem stitched, embroidered, lace ' trimmed 'and . v plain turn - back styles. ; Bonnets .of white; '. organdie, mull or ba- f' tiste, either plain orV lace, and ribbon -trimmed, $1.25 to . $4.50. Organdie hata and dainty lace hata in white and colors are : $2.25 and more. White coats of cash mere, silk , crepe de chine and corduroy in six months, and one and two-year sizes, ' $6.00 up to $18.00. -' -'J Second FJoor 'munication with his base at Mukden.