Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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Fusion Bugaboo
Torments Third
Party Leaders
Doufclsi Committfe RctifHs
KfforU to Prevent Sign,
inp of Norton
" Hie DongU county cnHf! com
miitff of the progrrive party it re
newing itt effort to prevent the
signing of petition to file the name
Of J. N. Norton a prorenv gub
rrnalnrial candidate. Mr. Norton
already has lilre at drmiHratic ran
didate and an element of the progrrt
iv party will accept him at (utioa
The firit questionnaires mailed
out hy C. A. McDonald. Douglas
eounty chairman of the new party,
brought more than 2W repliea front
menibrrt of the party who will not
sign Norton prtiiiont. There were
were 548 charter memheri of the
new part at the Grand lland eon
vention, December 8. Under the
aute Uwi affecting the organization
of new political pari if , it is nece
ary for candidate for Mate office
to have petition signed by at least
JO per cent of the original member
of the new party. In thi instance
the Norton nrtition niut contain not
lea, than 272 iignaturra of person
who rigned the roll at Grand Island.
Party Facing Crisis.
The text of the new circular ad
dressed by the I)ougla county cen
tral committee of the progressive
tariv follows:
"The progressive party is-going
through a crisis. The Grand Island
convention declared for a middle-of-the-road
policy. A large proportion
of its member are .opposed to the,
recent deal by which Wray was per
suaded to go bark on his previous
announcement that he would run for
governor and not for senator, and to
withdraw as a candidate for gover
nor to make way for Norton, a dem
ocratic candidate, to file on our
primary ticket.
"Under the resolution adopted
unanimously at Grand Island, the
signers of the agreement to form the
party are under obligations not to
aign petitions for anv person who i
not a bona fide member of the party.
Tf the partv is to avoid a factional
fight on the issue of fusion, the
question of whether Norton or any
one else, not a member of the partv.
can secure enough signatures (272)
to entitle them to place his name
on the primary ballot, must beaettled
without further delay.
Battle to the Finish."
" "If you are, a signer of the Grand
Island agreement, it is your dtitv to
stand up and be counted. If 300 oi
the 543 will steadfastly refuse to
aign, then the battle against fusion
is won. If 272 of the party founders
will sign Norton petitions, then the
battle is on for the primaries. And it
will be a battle to the finish. Each
side will be irreconcilable because
of the principle involved, and the
losers will doubtless leave the party.
. "It is important, then, if you are
opposed to fusion on state offices
to send in your vote now. It will
be notice to Norton et al., that pro
gressive nominations are only for
Body Company Head Denies
V He Promised 'Dividends
Robert C. O'Bryan, charged with
conspiracy to commit a felony
.through the sale of stock in the
Great Western Commercial Body
company, of which he was president,
took the stand in his own behalf yes
terday iiKPistrict Judge Goss' court.'
O'Bryan denied he had promised
dividends on stock inasmuch as
sucH a promise would have to be
made by the company's board of di
rectors. He declared that business
was good in , 1920, and that orders
totaling $176,000 were received. Due
to financial stringency, however, the
Company was unable to fill them and
the orders were canceled, he asserted.
Common Sense
" Is Dissatisfaction Spoiling You?
You are never satisfied with the
things which happen to you.
, It may be the weather, too hot or
too cold; it may be your friends, too
. much concerned in your affairs or
too little interested; it may be your
daily work, too much and too hard,
or you cannot get enough to make
t . i j.
a living, out always you are dis
satisfied. Do your realize the impression you
make ''on other persons with whom
you come ia contact?
- It does not take very long before
even the merest acquaintance oegins
to notice your attitude of grouch
toward the world in general.
. r It affects von. step.
- It certainly affects your features,
which begin to look down at the
' mouth in very truth.
You shrill out your tones in a dis
agreeable way m conversation. .
Altogether your friends begin to
avoid you. ' -
You cannot be served satisfactorily
. tven at a restaurant because' the
waiter feels your frown and instinc
.(tively knows you are not pleased.
It is a foolish person who so illy
prepares the way tor mends and ma.
teriat success. ' - .
(Copyright. 1K8.)
"We're Real Pals" Declares
Mrs. "Fatty" Arbuckle Here
Wife of Famous Comedian, Drawn to Him by Trouble
After Long Estrangement, Visiting In Omaha
Roscoe May Come Too Trial Cost
Screen Favorite His Fortune.
"Fatty" ArhueMe is "getting" fat
a gam af I tt pound since the trial
and will Omaha oon, Mint
Durfee Arbuckle, wife of "rat,"
said Thurdy night at the home of
Dr. and Mr. Charles G. Darnel, 101
South Thirty-second svenue,
hi continued on her way to
New York from the western coat
at 6 laM night.
"I'm Mr. Arbuckle," she said with
a smile and sparkling eye to The
Bee reporter, when he called her
Mi" Durfee.
"We are not separated and I am
not going to live stone any more.
That's why I am hurrying to New
York. I want to get the hou.e ready
to receive the "big family.' You
ee, Mr. Arbuckle ha gained 18
pound in weight since he wa clear
ed by the jury of blame for the
death of Virginia Kappe.
1 ' Big Car Sold.
"He sold his big automobile which
the newspaper reporters wrote so
much about and be expects to ell
the California home shortly. -You
te, the trial cost him his fortune.
1 plan to go bac kon sthe stage, and
everything we have will be 'fifty-
fifty. Were real pals and I know
we are going to continue to be that
The Arbuiklcs.had been separated
for five year, prior to his arrest
on a manslaughter charge.
"But we were never divorced,
she said. "We were always friends.
But now we are pals, and close pals,
too." -
"When I heard of his trbuble. I
put everything I owned in New
York in storage and with my mother
and sister, hurried to his aid. Now
I in going to fix up the house again.
and believe me 1 won't be alone
any more. I want him with me, or.
1 am going to be with him."
Yearns for Camera.
"Mrs. Arbuckle said "Fatty" is
yearning to get before the camera
again and with his screen antics
again bring smiles and entertain the
movie fans especially the children.
"He still loves the American peo
ple and has faith in them" she said.
I can t understand why his pic
tures are being kept back for he was
given a clean bill by a representa
tive American jury and cleared of
all blame for the unfortunate af
Mrs. Arbuckle said that her once-
famous comedian husband will cob-
ably join her in New York within
the next 10 or II days and when he
travels east he will stop off here for
a visit with Dr. and Mrs. Barnes.
Dr. Barnes was the chief witness for
Arbuckle during his. third trial and.
according to Mrs. Arbuckle, his
testimony 'did a great deal toward
clearing "Fatty."
Dr. Barnes testified that he treat
ed Virginia Rappe in Chicago some
years ago.
Gets Many Testimonials.
"Mr. Arbuckle receives hundreds
of letters every day from all parts
of the country, telling him that the
people still believe in him and want
him again to entertain them with
his antics, said Mrs. Arbuckle.
"When I left him, his room was fill
ed with letters. He plans to answer
all of-them and will tell them that
he also yearns to meet them from
the screen again."
"He has received several offers to
go into vaudeville, and discussed
plans in regard to a play, but he loves
the movies, so I don't know just what
he will do.
She said -that she and "Fattv"
knew Virginia Rappe very well, both
having met her at a social gather
ing at the same time... "We knew
Henry Lerhinan. who was supposed
to be the fiance of Virginia," she add
ed. "You notice he was married just
the-other day. I don't. care to dis
cuss him." '
Sister Is With Her.
Mrs. Arbuckle is accompanied by
her sister, Marie Durfee., who sat
with her during the three trials.
"Fatty is happy again," said Miss
Durfee. "He does antics around the
house, just ' like before the camera.
Just before we left he chased me
around the house with . a cane, try
ing to trip me." .
"I'm hoping that Mr. ' Arbuckle
comes to Omaha," said Dr. Barnes.
"I had never met him until I went to
Hustlers to Round Up j
King Ak's Stray Subjects
With more than 2,000 loyal mem
ber of Ak-Sar-Ben rounded tip for
022, tht buttling committee met in
conference yesterday In the Surge
Nah tes room to dieu further
way and means of corralling at
least 4,0i)0 itrsy subject of hi
roval highness.
"Boy, the king av we have to
go out and round up thote who have
atrayed from his fold," spoke Charles
Gardner, secretary of Ak-Sar-Ben,
toastmaler at the dinner. "Ak-Sar-Ben
ha some knockout in
More thi year."
The South Side delegation re
ported it had already ligned up near
ly a many members a joined the
organization in that district last
Prohibition Agent Quit
'to Seek Job ai Sberif
Columbu Moore, a federal prohi
bition agent, presented his resigns
lion yesterday to U. S. Rohrer. Moore
is preparing to run for republican
nomination for sheriff of Lancaster
county.' He has been in the prohibi
tion enforcement department since
August, 1920, and has made a good
record, Rohrer said. -
Don't drug
yourself this
may stimu
late but they
do not build
new strength
that la sts.
does not de
d e n d on
drugs for its tonic effects. It is a
food medicine, rich in - nourishing
vitamines, which actually builds new
flesh and health. You can gain the
weight you have lost by taking Father
John's Medicine regularly this spring.
California to testify.' lie is a fine
fellow and I like him very much. I
shall invite him to be my house guest
during lus stay here.
Mrs. Arbuckle, nee Minta Durfee,
is very attractive, ane nas large
sparkling eyes, auburn hair (not red,
she said) and pleasing manners.
Read The Bee all the way
through. You will find it interest
ing. ...
Starts Today
"The Rosary"
From the stage' success
a today
2 Lut Two Tim
Mallneet SOc, SI. OO, tIJO ana U.OO
Erasing SOc, 1, SI -SO. S3 aad S2.S0
Last Two Timet
Early Cur U in
la ttlt LAB V
"""TTZLa Higgw a Niiw
Burl Bills'
M. NiM
TlAkkV "kAHNfe
fU al Day Aaeea'e Fables
Pallia Naws
Mala. ISa la SOci Wa J A II Sat.
e Sua. Nigate. -IS la Sl.00 Sam
Sl tS Sat. ead Sua.
The Stupendous Ssvctacular M.laeVama
Ci( Cubit Prcfia
Trtitlln' On
Round Four
Saturday, May (lb
Cam CaiM a S f, M "
Caibbaa, . Uaua. Balar Prteaa.
Twaaia far aala al ta Uana4 Ciaa
kiaraa, aa4 Iviw Sta,
, -48&. -
Sis "Good Tims Vaudeville Acts"
A Pleasing Photoplay
When in Omaha Stop at
Hotel Rome
Vaadmlllt'i Gnat SartrIM Nmlljr
"Kltltraty Bltratjr"
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Orpheum Players
will have a brilliant opening Sunday
evening, May 14, at 8:15, in that
most talked about play
We are here to give to lovers of the theater a
summer season of first-class plays by a high
class company. We frankly solicit your patron
age and invite your criticism. We have a com
pany of ladies and gentlemen capable of playing
the best dramas and comedies in an artistic
manner. -
each (By mail, 20c each) each
These are the genuine Ampelopsis Tricuspidata or Veitchi,
also called Japanese Ivy. The vines are well rooted and have good
tops and are worth from 60c to 75c each. This vine will cling
to brick, stone, stucco or concrete walls without a trellis.
Only 500 at This Prica No Mora Than Four to a Customer
No free deliveries of this special will be made.
Meneray Nursery & Seed Co.
OMAHA STORE: 308 South 24tfe atnat. Phaaa AT Untie BOS7. '
SOUTH OMAHA STORE: 4707 South 24th atraat. Phaaa MA rkat 27Z2.
COUNCIL BLUFFS STORES: 3341 Watt Btaadwar. Phaaa IMS. 502 Eaat
Brawhrajr. Phaaa 2283. 1001 Sauth Mala atraat. Phaaa Black 1331.
Double Service in Every "Guarantee"
This Is Saturday's Really Big Attraction
Values Greatly in Excess jot The Price
These two-pants suits assure you long, satis'
factory service and you can buy them here for
the same price as you buy one-pants suits else
where. The styles are snappynew sport back
styles, jazz single or jazz double-breasted
effecjts-in'the new summer shades.
: That Extra Pair Gives Extra Wear
Boys' 2-Pants Suits
Sturdy wool fabrics, nice nest
colors, beautiful new styles
a wonderful assortment
awaits you.
1922 Edition
A Snappy Musical Comedy
Cast of 125 People
Matinee Sunday, May 7th
Evening, May 7, 8, 9 and 10
PRICES SOc. SI .00 aa4 SIM
Plua War Tas
Final Dane af lh Saaaan
Serpentina Shower
Souvenirs, Favor '
Ec?rcs Rcttis Gtrtai
The Hatat Caatla Cala aa4 Cafataria
aaaawata thai Ihty ill ha ana all
aikl avanr nlhl alarliaf taalfkt.
Taa raai aUa la ta far I ha haa(
taaht. chaaa aa4 hjaaaaa ia lava.
Allraa) Jaaaa la lha ahal, a4
tbara' aaaa nulla a laW aa be.
Rodolph Valentino
Gloria Swanson
By Elinor Clyn
"BeyondYhT Rock"
y Comady
y "Danger" '
aa aa EDNA WAI-LACK laa
(In Paraaa)
"Bought aruTPaid For"
"Her First
A Draaa That "Slrihaa Haaaa'
ta Evary Aatarlcan Han.
IS. SiSO. S. TiSO Mai tiS
The Sales of the Charles E. Black
Stock Continue Again Saturday
With Many New Departments Added
Saturday Sales of Hosiery
Women's Pure Silk
Hose, $3.25
Women's first quality pure silk
to the top in lace design. Col
ors; Black, cordovan, white and
gray. Regular price $4.50. Sat
urday's price, per pair 83.25
Chiffon Hose, $1.65
Just received a new shipment of
cblffon hose, every desirable
shade; wide seamed back. Very
special, per pair $1.65
Thread Silk Hcxe, $1.19
Women's thread silk hose, first
quality, double tops; silk to the
knee. All wanted colors. $1.65
values, at per pair ....$1.19
Seamless Hose, 25c
Women's Burson seamless hose
in black, white and cordovan.
50e values at per pair ....25t
Boys' and Girls' Hose
at 25c
Boys' ano-girls' fine ribbed hose,
first quality; black, white and
cordovan; 35c values; special,
per pair 25i
Infants', and Children's
Rolled Top Socks, 25c
Infants' sad children's rolled
top socks, all new stock; silk
lisle; per pair 25
That Well-Gowned Appearance
which causes so many stout
women to be envied by
their dowdy friends and ac
quaintances, may be ob
tained by visiting our mod
ern Corset Department and
requesting one of our staff
of competent corsetieres to
show you a -
Self -Reducing Corset
$4.00 to $13.00
It is Scientifically de
signed to give anatomically
correct support and con
trol to the stout, woman
' while its efficient Self -Reducing
Straps found in a
Nemo only gradually mas
sage away excessive ab
dominal1 flesh. Bumps and
Bulges are thus eliminated,
and the figure comfortably
, and healthfully molded into
. trim, stylish lines. -
: ' Of Vienna University
1 Second Clear
SdF-leucine Senjice
3 bunches 1 Aa
Leaf Lettuce.. IwC
Hot House Cucumbers,
fancy 124c
Fancy new "t f
Potatoes, lb... ivC
3 bunches C j
Green Onions.... OC
Fancy ripe
Tomatoes, lb. .
Fancy Head Lettuce
Hc. joe, J2'
Sweet Po- - (J .
tatoes, lb. OC
Green : .'
Cabbage, lb.
Tomato .
Plants, doz.
Saturday in
All $5.00 Orders Delivered
10 .lbs. Best Granulated Sugar 8"c
10 lbs. Best Wbita or Yellow Corn
meal for i?a
T lbs. Breakfast Oatmeal 2ftc
4 lbs. Blue Eosa Japan Rica ....iSo
Hlfh-grada Baking Powder . ...19o
No. 3 can Sunbeam or Monarch
Baked Beans, 3 cans for 25e
Large Jars Windmill or Yellowstone
Preserves, each 30a
4 pkgs. Macaroni, Spaghetti or Eag
Noodles, for Jc
Campbell'a Asaorted Soups, can 10c
No. 1 cans Early June Peas ....23c
3 cans Mustard Sardlnea ....ftc
lbs. Pearl Tapioca, . .-. ggc
Carnation, Pet r Wilson Milk,
PV can 10c
Large bottja Pura Tomato Catsup 20
7-oi. glass Assorted Jelly, each 10c
Argo Corn Starch, pkg. 7c
4S-lb. sack Diamond H Flour SI.SS
48-lb. sack Jiaydena Health Flour
.'" v
24 -lb. sack Diamond H Flour ..06a
34-1 b. sack Rye Flour 75c
34-lb. sack Rye Graham Flour 75e
3 pkgs. Largo Jeraey Corn Flaks
. for only gfte
Vanilla Wafers, per lb. lc
Carnation Puff Cakes, 3 lbs. ..4!Sc
Grape Nuts, per pkg. loc
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg. IVAt
Cracker Jack, per pkg. (lc
Chewing Gum, S pkga Se
Fanry Mixed Candy, lb 15c
Fresh 6alted Peanuts, lb. ...AtV,c
Cocoanut Fruit Csndy, special t.1c
Our Famous Santoa Coffee, lb. ,.V
- 4 lbs. for .......'......aOc
OoMen Santoa Coffee, par lb. ..We
S lba. for sac
Excello Coffee, per lb. !r
1 Ins. far .Mc
Da Luxe Coffee, per Ip. ,.4ft
3 lbs. for fl.ts
Guupowder Green Tea, per Ih. ...lac
Unrolored Japan Tea. per lb. ..40c
3 lba Breakfast Cocoa for 3e
Fancy Ceylon Tea. par lb. fiOe
the Cash Grocery and Market
Free In City. Phone Orders Given Prompt Attention
Extra Specials From
8, to 12 O'CIock
Freah Country Egg ....20
Rhubarb, bunch a1
Green Onions, i bunches SaV
3 Pkgs. jcllo. assorted 2Sr
AH -Day Specials
Fancy Prima Rolled Rib
Roaat, per lb. 22
Fancy Steer Pot Roast ..ljS
Fancy Steer Shoulder Roast
per lb. 12V4
Small Lean Pork Roast,
per lb 17(4
Fresh Pia; Spare Ribs,
per lb io'
Fancy Milk Veal Roast,
Per lb 1V,t
Fancy Fresh Roasting- Chick
ens, ter lb 20a
Fancy Fresh Hens, assorted
sties, per lb. 27lia
Pure Rendered Lard,
1 lbs. for 25
Armour Sugar Cured Dexter
Bacon, per lb 19
Morrell Lean Sugar Cured
Bacon, per lb 28', 4
Puritan Skinned Hams,
per lb. S3
Vary Choicest of Liver Sau
sage or Ring- or Long Bo
logna at 12
Fancy Strawberries, qt, box '....ISc
Florida Oranges, awaat and Juicy
iva uvacn iii..,,,(,,,,ll, OVO
QUart Bottla Virginia Dara Wine,
per bottla I..SS0
Pint Bottla Virginia t Dara Wine,
per bottla ate
Quart Bottla Welcha Orapa Juice,
per pottle ifiej
California English' Walnuts, lb. 18c
Santa Clara Prunes, per lb. . .12'4o
Faney Imported Cooking Figs,
per lb. to,
Rack Uoney, extra fancy, rack lie
Fresh Turnips, Beeta or Carrota.
per bunch 1Ue
3 large Bunchea Rhubarb, for ..lie
Asparagus, bunch .....7Hc
Large Bunches Parsley 5e
Fresh Home , Grown . Spinach, .
' per peck IRe
3 bunches Leaf Lettuce 10c
Hot House Cucumbers, extra fancy,
each lt'be
New Potatoes, per lb I0e
3 lbs. for .., S5o
Taney Wlnesap Apples $3.iB
Sunkist Lemons, par doiek ....tSc
Butter, Cheese and
Egg Depts.
Fresh Country Eggs,
per dosen 22
A-lLQuallty Wisconsin Brick
Cheese, per lb ITU
Fancy Tub Creamery Butter
per lb. 82
Haydena Special, l-lb. p"nt
Ani iiV' ButVeK j'ibi'lri
Fancy Wisconsin Cream
Chataxaaa naa 1 U. . .
Rex or iljlcna Nut Olaomar-
gsrin. B lrm. for