IS WWOUWCEMEWT. THE GUMPS icc rr in colom IN THS SUNDAY lit POOR RELATIONS Drawn for The Bc by Sidney Smith Crtkti JREAL ESTATE IMPROVED. " " Central " rr Detectivci ll Llsaaaadsa i ! us tiMt! ui Xm)i KsUiAxtLs Dale.!- Hares. Kile bi4- iHu, nn. m ' flaics) ALLAN, 411 Meant Bik. Fvtdeaaa 'i4 la ell aseae. TUiu I Hi, 4 MMN IsJ We h.e a l-raiai ak rtauh4 daws, staiie, lae Iwasiaraa. elee-M hast, a td.el pie. a a laamial S ... Tk.a res be baughi aa trer reaaaeetle leiHie Is 6a aa4 skif II seem a4 par aaaaih. If ikaaa lafma ) et aa tail Mr. and lot him what res da. WA. list, e etd'e aea AM' OHAT COMPANY Heeller VU.- t tU4 9ft CM , l.J- t UTt rn parrt tit no t 0e 6to4 thm te , u - ait jMtr ntu um -wit -miAt V;. W ViC C6M i0VN tf Ttlli TO MJtT M MMX OH- takaVVaV VaVaVT I 61 T V 0. Drmnukinf. 1" wi -iiai, oqvmV "C VOaXICt OH jf W N0,fa VOWC tOUjM At t THE BEE: OMAHA. SATUKDAV. MAY 6. 192: lllJ-LkL. : I m Ca9urr xowh- outtt , I I .Vt TTt tTAS As- TtOaA I laakadsat . aaaiV OV am kit UlkeAi'W aAwactSll I 1 j Hi, TiyJf ' w'... U 1 1 kit TVtkt tOMiC Tarf 0 Vat, IT I I unwi tt'T ' f I &jx tvvt iltt 0 a Mtw Mtl nv tvokA i. P I s , 1 l CMXt4ft 0 - OM CAM tt WAX taJDA l'j f Mil', aiaaat VgVPtJt XP Vtf. VA MniNWM' tf' V titLlf v n r, , i7 t ANTfcD IWMilMklM. lie h4 Saarleg I aU eladei ale wotwu.dMf M kail . -' API. Ha, Harris Apt. fttfnMA(l. Itl WlttlM4. j.BMMtUAKIVil b4UIIu1B. MA. estsT HUH .N j WiiHIQ.U A It A T K t lAA tTl7 . NewreeaJIreaemaeJag eaa, 411 Pssto Bit Dentistt. II Arthur Handing, AT- iiit.vrAU x-HAyii. i wrk. i) riirC m - ixt IKOkU HIM fVC OOT Va aVjjottiHweit- r a Hie atkM..- AT Hi II . Ih (!.. rieae. Vaunt, rwi, Tvms him vOs rvAt- tH, M9S TOO Clairmont Lot Oa H-ulakaid aear Went) N'a ether ll in Ihia it keaiikaed. I aa he had at lha ail. Ila Ctaaiai rail WA. IU4, Benson & Carmichacl, Ui reia lk, AT IM4 II II a rL I IV t I r I I II ' ' II I a i l. . 1 1 I "V. . i .0- ... rmm mag, inn ei.a rsrnam, Kodak Finishing. V.AHle.Ma,NTil, l coloring d.vlp. 'HJ'""'"- Kase siudia. Ill NfHlla Ilili The Kneiga c, Itaf Heward , ''jh ,,orney, J w- aMaitla, Patent Atlamay, 1711 Dads roam lot Alee Weatilngtea. U. A.1! Mil mr pel. ate P'minBndJPper Hanging. rAI.NTI.ll, p.p.r hnrr. dVo'rl.r, Will papap for : la !1 tenia par rnL fiom It lu 1 1 per renin, W.b, 4i!4. Va; lee pmg anil pai-arhwf " l'o!ir! 1'AI'KHINU, palming; In prlra. J A. loll! Pnntinf. Miscellaneous Announcement. diamonds .! a tup bark at mall profit. OKOKD JKWKLTtT CO., Omsha. Nab, 401 N. lih Hi. Telephone ixj. lot. Itl'UH washed. Raw ruga manufactured (ram old: rat carpet waavlng; matlreae aat niltuwa renovated, made la order. lata City Rug Uaiirrae Cleaning Co., : n. :nh hi. Ja. a;::. OMAHA PILLOW COUI-ANr. Mattraaaaa mad ever In M ticke at lialt pric at new bail a. 1101 Cuming. J A. 8147. BfCAU. quiet hnmt for ckramo cases or old people) trained nuree. Terme. W'K. 654. VVl.L I'KLSH auita and Tuxedo (or rant. J A. Illl. in N. 141)1 St. I. Keldinan. in a. c. babin. rectal diseases. Bu Ita 1 1 A r t h ur Bldf.. II t B. H th 8t. PR RflCRI PTIONB tarafuliy rompanndrd at lb I Bharman h McConnall bnu aloraa. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods, v Omaha's Big Saturday Afternoon Auction Purnlliira and hounahuld gooda ron altlri( ot ona complete lot of very hlKh rd (urnltura from tha flnrdon Van "., from Wayne Apia., 13JI 8o. Sith 81., 414 No. Sith Bl., and a number of amallr ronaigninent. Saturday, May 6, 1:30 p. m. . Stephenson Auction House 1509 Capitol Ave. AT. 5265 ricked at random some or the thing you may -export to find am: Wren kf ant at In Ivory; brown mahogany library din (able, fumed otik library dine table; fumed oak library-dine table, ununually high, grade . fumed oak dinlnc aulte. with large buffet " and nerving table; Queen Anne period din Iriff auite with new style oblons table. In American walnut; mahogany dining aulte, colonial atyle; electria dlwh wash ing machine; Reed baby carriage; porch awinga, porch ahadea, porch benches lawn mo warn, ovemtuffed living room auitea In velour, tup entry overstuffed Cfiaira, piano, talltinp machlnca, rec ord k, player pianos. -china cabinets, cur tains, window ahadei. ruga-of all kinds and manv other articles of Interest, FRANK B. RTEPHKNSON, Auct. Call N AT. 6296 or WE. 4472 when yod have hnunehold goods to sell. , Auction? .'Auction!' At the t)imock Auction Co. . 2426" S.'. 16th. St.A Saturday, May 6, l:3i) P. M. We will aell. tha rdnslnn niiita from different homes, consisting of: Ona walnut ' bedroom aulte." 1 golden . oak dresser and chiffonier, round tables, ice boxes, atoves, beds, mattresses, con Roleum ruga, dressers, sewing machines, ' stand tables, blankets, etc. Everything in the Una of household furniture.. Do not fall to attend our sale.' .O. C. DIMOCK AND H. E. FRANCIS, ' Auctioneers. Parties having goods to sell please call ' DO. 4968. FURNITURB for sale; everything you . need. Call B2:;9 So. Stl St. Monday. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your used .piano ona new playar piano. Balanre as' low as $10 per month. A. HOSPK CO.. 1513. Douglaa. Clothing and Furs. , DUNDEB WOOLEN' MIULS. ' For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" auita, cheap, alteration tree. Northwest Cor. 16th and Harney Sts. CLEAN', . mend, .tailor auita, furs. Ha. 4804. ARMY shoes. $3.90. 704 No. 16th. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS : AND ADDING MACHINES. ' All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired.' Sole agenta for the CORONA. Get our prioea before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. . Central .Typewriter Exc, J A. 413. lilt Farnam. GOOD second-hand Ren typewriter, AT. ?09.1. - UUARANTEKD , typewriters. 112.00 and up. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous . Articles. v ELECTRIC sign, manicure table with two cnairs; live Monax light globes, 125 feet or galvanised -water pipe. Call HA. 7120. ot AT. 1579. WE buy, aell aafea, make desks, -Dow-rases, etc, Omaha Ftature ft Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 724. EXPERT aawing machine repairing. MICKELS. ' 15th and Harney. , DO." 171. OARAGES built, new lumbar. 1100 nn. . Mlcklln Lumber Wrecking Co.. 24tb . ana uuraette ms. weneter taa. BrtTTT TTQ Nathan Steinberg, DJ J. XJJIJO. 1019 Harney DO. 6169 MAN'S -ring, black onyx, set with chip diamond, initial J. DO. 4873. i'OR SALE Paisley shawl. MA. 8497. WANTED TO BUY. Call WE. 4441 firat We pay more for furniture, rugs,, atoves. ciotnes. WARDROBK trunk wanted. Keil's Cafe, 5S1 Cumlngv . .- WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. c Beea. izoi f arnam. vu. ana. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. FOR first-class carpenter. HA 4994. ' Laundry and Day Work. DA Y WORK of any kind, tic hour. Rcf. Market 441. HELP WANTED MALE. ' Professions . and Trades. Holders Experienced stove platers. Opan shop. steady wora. eecurtty stove ft ilig. Co. Kansaa City. Mo. ; WANTED Flrst-claaa . linotype machine . operator, also aood linotype operatora, .. open shop conditions. Address Gaaetta, ' Billings. Mont. ix voa want to Increase your incomer Write tha National Auto School, .114 N.- 20th st-. umana. ror catalog. MOLER BABBE8 COLLEGE, lie 6. '4th. Write for catalog. GENERAL blackr-with, wanted. 14 . T 1. ' X' I. BRINGING UP t0 "CO0rtALU R1CHT DO CAN HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WB HAVE a Vacancy in our aalea cie . partment (or . a wide-awake, exper ienced aalesman. We want a man of middle age and with ambition to make money, and to advance with a large corporation. Tha man we employ must come well recommended and be able to convince ua ha haa aalea ability and energy. Apply between and 13 at Kaleamanager Office, 431 Securities Bldg. WANTED Salesman for Western Iowa and Nebraska to carry our complete line. We would prefer a man acquainted with 'the bat, -cap, glove and mitten line with some business established. Give reference in first letter. Box Y-1841. Omaha Bee. PERMANENT position for salesman with car, familiar with farm trade. Write i I,. W. Kasler, care Paxton hotel, Oma , ha. Neb. : Miscellaneous. . WANTED-. Men for hauling gravel on road improve ment work in Iowa, Ne . braska and . South Da ' kota. r Must be reliable and able to purchase a motor truck, paying part cash, balance easily .; paid from earnings, be- sides leaving a good sur 1 plus. Steady , work' as sured even after, your truck has been paid for. Quick action is neces sary, as no more trucks will be sold ''for", this work than the jobs ac tually under contract can take care of for the next two or three sea sons. -;- ' . Give phone - number when possible. , Out-of-town inquiries solicited. Address X-68, Omaha Bee;', . FIRST-CLASS piano finisher wanted: ask for Mr. Barreider at 1419 Dodge st. FIRST-CLASS action repair man; ask for Mr. Saffelder at 141 Dodge St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework. References requires, air. Joseph B. Fradenburg, Tel. WA. T43. COMPETENT woman, for general rtouse work. MA. 1894. 3829 S. 24th St. GIRL to do housework on farm In Irving- ton. WA. 1739. Miscellaneous. FIVE ladiea from 25 to 35 to travel in crew; teachers, nurses or agenta pre ferred. Apply 1814 8t. Marys avenue. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladle ani soya to learn barber trade; Dig oemana; wages wnua learning; atrlctly modern. Call' or write 140 Dodge 8t. Trl-Clty Barber College GILRS and hova to take ud ahorthand. typewriting and bookkeeping; day or evening wora. renonu utiuiwuoa. Call Atlantlo 7774. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL ' Complete coarse) In accountancy, ma chine bookkeenlnr. comDtometry. abort- hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson :U4 (or large illustrated catalog. Aaaraaa i- Boyles College, . Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb, Van 8ant School of Business, ' Day and Evening Schools. ;0 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 4890. AtfNIE E. GLA8GOW. voice and piano, fk. . w n i l. T . . n I . BUSINESS CHANCES. CAPABLE man wanted to operate World Tlra store in this vicinity. 14,400 to tl 8.000 yearly Income asanred. Exper ience unnecessary but must show auc cessful record. Moderate inreatmefit required, lully aecured. Write quali- Itcatlona to world lire corporation, Chicago. - FOR SALE OR TRADE Vulcanising shop. Haywood plant: free rent; reasona for selling, other business. Addreaa Box Y-187S. Omaha Bee. i FOR SALE Laundry equipment: building . in good location. Good growing busi ness. J. C. Staley. St. Paul. ., Box 415. El.ECTRItT ehop ami hattery distributing station for aeven stations In good tows. Write 344 No, 24th 81. - Wfi. itz. F ""7 I BBaaaaaa. 1K V"i'ar i r FATHER Racis4a4 0. A I' elan I Off lea) VCP! HAO A. M TCXJCH oPCLL' U JUVT THINK I WOZ. ONCONSClQud law. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. HAMILTON HOTEL FIREPROOF. Farnam at 24th. Single room with private bath at lio.tu per week; for two, 112.60 per week. Two large outside room with bath, JO per- week.' A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVB. GET YOUR ROOM, through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room aeeker. NEWLY furnished room, private home, . desirable location; suitable for em . ployed couple or. refined gentlemen; home privileges. HA. 1S8. HOTEL SANFORD. 19TH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENS HAW. 1TH AND FARNAM special ratea to permanent guests. FURN. rma. with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheertui; prices reaaonanie, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Unusually nice front room; close in; Doard if de sired. HA. 1637. 2:04 Vi So. 14TH ST. Nicely. . furnished sleeping . rooms In modern, flat; rea sonable. NICE south room, newly decorated, In private home. Kenwood -0609. - LARGE room, suitable for two, 5 per week. 613 In. 22(1 St. AT. 881)3. . Housekeeping Rooms. TH1 GUIDE TO , , the, better housekeeping room ',ta the - directory furnished to , advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee .office tor , free copy containing, desirable, vacancies In all part of the city. . , 18th St., 145D 8. Two'-rooms, newly dec orated, water and sink m kltcnen,' 17.60 - per week. AT. 6J15. 1 ROOMS first floor, sink! 110; two rooms ss; .large single, at; completely tur nlshed, modern; 2707 Dodge. CALIFORNIA St., S121tt, J modern fur' nished run., nice yard; 1st Iir..tia. autii. LIGHT housekeeping rooms', mod., 15 to 17 per weeK. 124 a. aist'Ave. ma. 311s. 5 ROOMS for housekeeping, modern, fur-. nished. 618 N. 41st Ave. WA. 343. NICELY furnished, newly decorated housekeeping rooms. WK. 0802. TWO good rooms for lignt housekeeping. 4758 N. Z4th St, Board and Rooms. Tel. Harney 1449 Room and board, col lege-and business men ot standing pre ferred; private with home surroundings. ATTRACTIVE high class roome: chicken dinners, i. 12s ho. iza Ave. i a, an. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. 7 ROOM house 50 to pafty buying some furniture. Call evenings; Saturday or Sunday. Wal: 5816. FOR RENT Strictly modern, 4 large .un- xuriusnea airy rooms, xrounu uuur, private tath. Inquire 3837 So. 3d St. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. HAMILTON HOTEL,- , FARNAM, AT 24TH.' Two large outside rooms with kitchen ette and bath, completely furnished, now ready. Will gladly show at your convenience. - COMPLETELY FURNISHED. -2, i and 4-room apartmenta. Private bath or shower. 'Walking distance. Brown apts., 608 NJ-ilst St. AT. 7449. BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartment, hot water heat, 216 So. 29th' Ave. $72.60 per month. HA. 2046. r' . COMPLETELY furnished three rm apt.; 4 rm efficiency. Walking distance, ii 0604. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA BENTS. TlTREE-room kitchenette, well furnished, $48. 676 8. 28th St. HA. 3869. Unfurnished. Very Choice Apartments Three and five rooms In the Mercer, surrounded by ax regular park with lots of nice ahade trees and away from the neise of the streets. - W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO. - 1320 Farnam St. JA. 0564. BEAUTIFUL apartment with garage. Two bed rooms, living room, dining room, re ception hall and kitchen, $80 per month. 216 Park avenue. Inquire 214 Park avenue. References required. HA. 2044. MODERN, ateam heated, 4-room; very low rant. Cloury Apts. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartment for rent; walking distance;, 216 So. 29th Avenue; $70 per month. Call HA. 2046. , ST. REOIS APARTMENTS 617 So. 37th St. ' Four-room apartment. Ring Janitor. STEAM heated:, four-room; close in. $40. G. P. Stebbens, 1410 Chicago. MAPLE St., 1818 Vi Dandy light 6-room apartment, adulta only: rent reaaonable. FOR RENT 4-room apartment; newly decorated; 11th and Mason, AT. 2233. TWO-ROOM apt., unfurnished, strictly modern. Inquire 3837 8. 23rd St FOR RENT Business Property. TEL. AT. 7474 OR WK. 3483 Three floors now takes leaving three In dividual floors for rent or any space up to 15.000 sq. ft. in the moat ideal building In Omeha for light manufac turing. Low insurance, low rent. Max Ttapp. owner. The Bee Leads Other Fapers in Sport Kews. - - fLU JUbT ,T THE. OLD IVCYV nOMr ilCAR-j AN' P5RIM4, CM J FOR RENT Business Property. ,For Rent Desirable -U. P trackage 1.000 to 1,700 aq. ft. Can rent all or part of two-atory and basement. Freight ala vator. Insurance rats low. Call World Realty, Co., AT. 3492 world Theater Bldg, MCAGL'E bldg., HI Half of furnlahed office, with use of telephone and private office, very reasonable. MODEL atore. at 607 1 N. 16th 8t., for rent by Nebraska Trunk ft Bag Co., 1902 Farnam. DO. 4688. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones Sta. H. M. Christie, warehouse ft track'ge prop. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING STORING SHIPPING! Phone Jackson 0281. FIDELITY 6TvarncS. 1107-11 Howard 8L FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEK1NS OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGB. 804 South 16th. DO. 416S. ESTIMATES furnished on -storage and moving. Contracts taken by Job or hr. Olob Van A Storage Co., JA. 4331. AT. 0220. 620-24 North 16th St. ' HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR BALE -Saddle horse, brown gelding, 5 years old. 16 hands, fast walker, easy - canter, trots and does a walk and pace, . Being ridden by a lady and sold for no faum Price $150.00. Poatoftlce Box ' 799Grand Island, Neb. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ' J. True Values in ' ' ; Used Cars If you are conaldering the purchase of a used car no better values or selections will be found than those we now have . on our floor. We deal only In better used cars.' Here are a. few: 1921' Bulck, like new, I97S. 1920 Buick, 'renewed, S600. - 1920 Dodge roadster, 1476. , 1920 Dodge touring, 1650. 1921 Ford touring, many extras, $295. 1920 Essex,' $660. ' 191S Liberty touring, $425. 1919 Chandler coupe, refinlshed, new cord tires, looks like new, $875.. - ' Deeds Auto Co., - 2024 Farnam St. AT. 4863. ; Notice EFFECTIVE AT ONCB. WILL KEEP OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY TO ' REPAIR OR REPLACE BATTERIES. Battery and Parts Co., 2416 FARNAM ST. THE BEST VALUES IN USED CARS WILL BE FOUND. AT THE Nebraska Oldsmobile , Co., . PRICED FROM $95 UP. A 'GOOD USED CAR IS A BETTER INVESTMENT THAN A CHEAP " NEW ONE. ' REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Caah or Time, ' Buy or Sell. Fords, from $50 and up Dodge. Buick and others, tlOO and up. Ford bodies winter tope, GOLDSTROM AUTO CALES CO., " 1318 Harney St. Central Garage 1922 DODGE touring, has never been driven. Discount. Box X-61, Omaha Bee, 1921 STUDEBAKER LITTLE SIX. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLT. NO DEALERS. TERMS. WE. $566. FORD sedan, 1920, fine shape, $450; Ford coupe, 1920, real buy, $360; Overland touring, real buy, $215. These cars are real values. Andrew Murphy ft Son, 14th and Jackson. Terms. Durant Dist. SOME bargains la used Fords: prompt aeuvery on new jroras. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sta. DO. 3500, FORD parts, trans, shaft, 60c; trans. disk set, $1: disk drum. II: trans, band. 60c. Neb. Auto Parts Co... 1016 Harney Ht. SELLING CARS FOR THE OWNER. LOOK FOR THE BIG TENT AIRDOME AUTO, 19TH AND DODGE. BUY A GUY U SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. !Sth and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 1970. FREE inspection and water for all makes uBueiy. Dmiery ana rarts CO., ztlo Farnam St.. AT. 9314. LOOK over onr list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 2054 Farnam St. - AT. 7835. 1920 490 Chevrolet tourfna. anoif rnnrtitinn $325. Terms to responsible party, KE. 3708. USED cars, worth your money, at Ne braska Oldsmobile Co. 18th and Howard Sta vAT. 1770. WHTTlV.T.V 8e" fi,n tackle, baae ""A baM BOfi tennla goods. USED radiatora. all makes for sale. Green ou-h Radiator Repair, 2019 Farna-v 191S STUDF.BAKER. NEW PAINT. NEW TIRES. $;75. HA. 0S. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. $12 S. 24th. - 1 ( 1 1 I I . - llil I ii a m. v see jiccs and maccie in rutx TACC Or COLORS IN IHl SUNDAY BLfc i m iot.Ydi: BUT O0 CAMT tt M. rviN a, - 7 FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. TPAPlxfQ Writ M. A. Larson. Central aAi.'i.kJCltv. Neb., vour wants for sereage trade, farms. ' South Dakota Lands. SMALL ranch, wcatern South Dakota. Good bouse, barn, horaea. Implements, barneaaee. Good water. All equlped, 3 miles from postofflce. If Interested write for terma and further partirulara. Ted Brown. Mahto. 8. IV. P. . box No. 34. Wyoming; Lands. SOLDIERS MO. acre homestead; 7-month residence. Duff, Casper, Wyoming. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. FIVE-YEAR optional, loans, semi-annual Interest; no delay. Omaha office 606 Keellne Bldg., 1 In 3. J. R. Day & Company WE hare cash ea hand to loan on Omaha residences. K. H. LOUOEE. INC. 638 Keellne Bldg. Farm Loans lS n weatern Neb. farm, ranches. Kloke Investment Co., 846 On. Nst'l Bk. FIRST mortgage loans. made promptly on Omaha real estate, enopen a tjo.. Realtors. J A. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA ' HOMES EAST fiEB FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1014 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 3716. $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 310 S. 18th St. Wend Bldg. .At 0161. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought and sold. AT. 3644. Mack's Bond House. 1421 1st Nat. 3. H. MITHEN paya most for LIBERTY BONDS. 2l City Nat'l Hank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. , WANT to buy some well located moder ate priced lota on .which to bulla some snappy 4 and 6-room tungalows. J. L. Hiatt Co., JESSE -L. HIATT. 13.18 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 9900. HOMES FOR SALE, APARTMENTS 1 tor rent. W. J. Palmer Co., " Real Estate Management Specialists Keellne Bldg. AT. 8980. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance, 160$ City Nat Bk. AT. 946S To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bid. JA. 142. 1.1st your home Buy your home, BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, Loans. Rentals. .JA. 25(1. RTPlTlTTT Writes Tornado and AXlVI.i l A windstorm Insurance. 850 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 0633. Will pay cash for yosr property. BEST ft GESTRING. AT. 61.16. 603 Securltiea Bldg, nRTTF.NTO Roal'y Co. List with JIV U JCiiN 1VJ as for quick results. 1418' 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1966. LIST your homes for sale with us. We have the customers. , PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. WANT 6 or 7-room, well located, In Dun dee, by the firat; have cash. Box 121. Omaha Bee. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. To Buy or 8ell Real Estate See D. V. SHOLES CO. 915 City Nat. Bank. JA. 0046. GEO. T., PORTER ft CO. , Real-Estate, Rentals. Insurance. 106 South 18th. AT. 2994. A WELL CLOSED DEAL. ' H. a MANVILLE, Realtor. ' " AT. 2403. 515 Peters Trust Bldg. Weatern Real Estate Co. JA, 1607. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Gilt Edge Investment. . Over, 10 Net. , Practically new brick building con sisting of four beautiful four-room apartments with 6-room accommoda tions, all finished in oak. Tiled bath rooms. Murphy beds, gas ranges, refrig erators. Full light basement with laundry room, lockers, etc. Now leased to one party at a very low rental of 2.640 per year net. Leasee furnishing heat, light, water, janitor service and repairs. Owner la anxious to sell and haa put an exceptionally low price for quick sale. Hansen Investment Co.; 1914-16 Douglas. - AT. 0063. Brick Store Building - A three-story building on promt nent corner. North 24th St, Present rentals $1,980. Asking $18,000. Own er wanta an offer. Get full informs' tlon. Glover & Spain, Realtors. 911-24 City Nat. JA.2D9A. SEE F. D. Weed ft D. H. Bowman: REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. OJrA V sW3 a- FARM of 200 acres, well improved, priced right, clear, near Ottumwa. la., ex change for reeidence up to $15,000. AT. . 111L Drawn HMX ffl he jow ;ot i WiT&l Hlj OOCTOR& itf&eSMHj 1NUU AND HE'b .t2J sv Imtl FtATUM Scajvict, Inc.' j " 5-6 GOT I OUST SAW HIM A WHILE. ACO. VHATt THE awlavrirot Av' ' ' REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. 5011 Izard Street . 7 rooms. Price $9,000. I.qng living room, large dining room, den kitchen with pantry room, also Ice box room downstalra; three large bedrooma with large closets, bath, linen closet In hall on second floor. Oak floors through out. Screened front pporch, A - real bargain. Let us ahow you. - C. G. Carlberg, ' Realtor. JA. 055 31 Brandela Th. Bldg. Evenings HA. 4747, Mr. Lovejoy. or AT. 9641, Mr. Case. DUNDEE MINX 14 LUSA MONTCLAIR. We have in each of these dlstrlrte a ' beautiful 6-room house, all of them practically new and In 'excellent ehapa ' and up to the minute In every detail. Oak floors throughout and nicely fin ished in every way. If interested In buying this kind of a home let us hear from you. Get In touch with Mr. Mitchell. KE; 0769. and he will be glad to-malte an appointment and ahow you through any of these homes AMOS GRANT COMPANY. Realtors. AT. 8380. 210 80. 18th, Ground Floor. Florence. NETHAWAT sells and trades. KE. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Southwest One block from car, two from. Hans corn pafk on 53d near Martha. A dandy square ' style house- having . reception : hall, living roomj, dinipg roomi Q. S. oak finish with oak floors,- 3 fine-bedrooma, good closets and batb. Hot water heat. House In good condition. Double gar age. Lot KOxHO. Quick possession, D. V. Sholes Co., JA. 0046 915 City Nat. Bank Building NEAR COLUMBUS SCHOOL. ' FINE SIX-ROOM HOME ONLY $3,500. Excellent 6-room home located west, hut 1 block to car; all on one floor, brick foundation: full basement and fur nace; . level south front lot, 60x127, with grapes and fine shade. Phone Mr. Fraaer. AT. 5380. tonight, sure. SEA VET HUDSON COMPANY, 238-229 City Nat'l - - AT. 9069. Here Is an Opportunity For a reliable party .to secure' a 6 room all modern bungalow in Clairmont district for $500 down, about one year old and in excellent condition, 60-foot east front lot, near car line. Finished in oak and enamel with oak floors throughout: can give Immediate pos- session. Walnut 6432.'. FIVE rooms In Leavenworth ' Heights. Just being completed'. Will show by apolntment Has oak and white enamel finish, on paved street Only $5,260, easy terms. Call WA. 2812. D. B. BUCK t, CO. buy and sell homes. North. :. . Minne Lusa ; . ;7Bungaohv . 5-room -modern bungalow on' Titus avenue it(Sr 28th st. Has oak floorsr - oak and enamel trim. Large living ' room with log fireplace and book cases. Built-in buffet In dining room. kitchen cabinet in kitchen. Linen closets. Built-in tub, tiled floor in bathroom. Good-sized bedroom. Im mediate, possession. -, Priced right for quick sale. . Evenings call Mr. , Murphy. Webster 2805. ' HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney st. ' Atlantic 0060. V Job Waiting. Must sell Kountxe Place bungalow. . Snappy 6-room neaaly new ' home, oak finished, south front. Owner must be in California May 15. $1,000 maybe less to handle. Call evenings, HA. 0222. days Schroeder Investment Co., JA. 3241. - " KOUNTZB PARK DISTRICT WHO'S THE LUCKY ONE. To buy! this 6-room strictly modern , house located on corner lot,; - across atreet from park, has fair cement base ment, with laundry conveniences, east rront, newly painted, and decorated. $4,600; $1,000 cash. Evenings, HA. 4416. H, W. VOLLAND, 710 Peters Trust Bldg. -AT. 958S. 6 ROOMS MODERN Large reception ball, built-in- features, large lot, garage, paved atreet, close to car line, boulevard, school, churches and parks. A real buy for $5,500. Only $1,000 cash. This evening call J. C. Schmitz. KB. 2849. R. F. CLARY CO., REALTORS. 24th and Ames. KE.' 017S. YOUR EQUITY I In that old hopse will make the first .payment un this nearly new 6-room, completely modern kragstone house; overlooking Miller Park; garage. Ask for E. R. Carae, 318 So. 18th St., AT. 7412 days.. " -$5,750 - buys this 6-room house located near Kountze Park; south front. 3 lovely bed rooms, bouse finished in oak with oak floors. See thia eiire. Call Mr. Mc Coilnm RASP BROS.. 312 Keellne Bldg. AT 4721. ItaO CASH. ' Good 8-rooin. modern house; newly decorated throughout: mw fixtures good batetnent with furnace! full lot. Price, $4.-50. easy terms. W.'T. (IRAHAM. JA. 1331. Bcc Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. for The Bee by McManus (Copyright I IS:: I REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. FOR $504 CASH and monthly paymenia I can aell you a atrlctly modern, kragstone bungalow ot five rooma and batb; facea a public park and Is located In northwest aec tlon. Call Clark, AT. 7413; evenings. Vt A. I5tt. $760 CASH will build you a peat 6-room home near Miller Park; everything modern; choice mis. i;aii at. 6t4T evenings. 3901 NO. 17TH ST. 7 rma.. modern, easy payments. Immediate, poeseselon. Crelgh, 601 Bee. J A. 0200 4-room house (or sals or rent. 2619 Wirt atreet. South. Modern Bungalow NEAR HANSOOM PARK. 16,76011.000 CASH Buys this strictly modern attractive home; large living room with ( win dows: dandy oak finish and floors; bullt-ln kitchen; nice large bedrooms; good cement basement; grade entrance; floor drain and coal bins; paved street; handy to car and school. See it today. It will aurely please you. Phone . D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors 743 Omaha Nat. DO. 1890. Evenings: Newlon, HA. 6142; Pero, WE. 0832; Buck, KE. 2834. Prettiest Bungalow South of Hanscom Park Large living room and dining across front ot house, with beamed ceilings, fireplace, buffet end bookcases. Built in cabinets-in- kitchen, two bedrooms snd bath on first floor. Sleeping porch and floored attie large enough for three bedrooma Pressed brick foundation and full cement basement. Attractive front porcn witn nncK pillars. HA. 2297. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, well lo- ;.. uistnct;. 6,26v; 7to cash. AT, 62o0, Little In Childs' Estate SALE SATURDAY and SUNDAY The' choicest SIXTY ACRES of Child.' Ettate acres, comprising FORTY TRACTS in One-Acre, Two and One-Half Acres and Five-Acre plots are embraced in this sale at $495 to $795 Per Acre , $25.00 to $50.00 Down $7.50 to $15.00 Per Month CHILDS' ESTATE ACRES, was platted and opened for sale to the public in the spring of 1921 and was the most successful Suburban Acreage Sale ever recorded in Omaha's history. The cream, of this 260-acre tract is now being sold and we can recommend this acreage offer ing as strictly high class. Twenty new homes are being erected and rapid development is forecast this season. . ' At the Threshold of Just Outside of the a Great Industrial Limits of South ' ' Center ! Omaha Valuation Increases Lower Your Living Certain Costs V Escape High City A Good Place Tax to Live Advantageously located only a short distance from the limits of South Omaha away from high taxes and high rents. Come out Saturday or Sunday. SHULER & CARY REALTORS 202-204-206-208 K.alina Bldf. Phone DO. 5074 and We Will Send Auto for Yoa l-OTS Oa A aide at I -an mar Ave, Wtweae Ink sad I.Ik Sis Will sail aa sear ' petniente r will StlHS la 9ur order, AT Ralston'Lots .V!" pevraiafane flawed . f a-J-J;; TWU leia an 4lV'a"ad CaVkr Sta, st eara: will earnA-a for Ueoige U Janae f AT. 4416 Acreat. ti'llNDKI l-OT.,. . Seulfe af r araaia aa llat II IIS. Phone. W A. lilt. Miscellaneous. t PIU N : i I. AT MT0 F rt H fs U TKKMS YOI R OWN -Sut'h a pleasure to know yeu caa plsal your own flower, do Ihinga lt ttf awa yard. An opporiuniiy unmalrhad aa ri 'or o oa your feom. A beauilful bungalow everrihmg new, mndarn end tip-ia-daia A pratly eoiaar let: eurroundinga Ilka a park. a la. vile yoa to we ihis talked aueut bouse. Aa aiirai'iiva pnra ttllol'KN ft I'O. Readers. 376 Kaaltna MUll.lins. $7,500 Terms t-raoni home ronalsttng at veatihule. living room, dining room and kilihen firat floor: four ! tiadiooma and baih aacond floor: oak (loots and finish throughout. Full basement; gar age. WA. 60)3 eveiilnis. J. L. Hiatt Co., Jeeee U Hlalt Finn Xal't Bank Bldg. AT. Ha, Bemis Park District Leaving tha city, will aell my als reom modern home, completely fur nished, garage. 1:06 Lincoln Blvd. HA. 8741. $1.76 IH THE PRICK. Nina rooma, 2-fanilly accommodation. full lot, I block i car. Will consider lot aa part payment. Kva. call Mr. Wilson. AT. :76. or HOME RKAI.TY CO.. AT. 1111. NEW homee completely financed. Pay like rent C. T. SPIER A CO., Realtors. 301 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 4147. WALKING distance. $4,140. i-room mod. ern. peved street. BEST ft OESTRINO. AT. Slit. Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. Give Exclusive Listings, Always Long experience has proven that the best results are obtained by listing: property with Realtors. ' Consult a Realter And these Listings must be EXCLUSIVE- if. proper service is wanted. If a Realtor has an Exclu sive Listing, he knows he will be paid for his service, and he WILL WORK. ' OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD Farms Take Albright and South 24th St car line to end of line. Autos will meet all Albright cars Saturday and Sunday; or drive out lower Fort Crook road to Childs' Crossing. Acres 1 L JL