Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1922, Page 13, Image 13

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Stencils to
Enliven a
If )our vftlU, curtain or furnl.
lur ire plain, if you hit a dull
roam and J on with 10 improt lh
color cheni in It you cm do much
lo fntiven it by (he uie of ttencil.
You ran purdu.e aliuott any dc
sign you wih in (he paint ahopi. De
igrH of flowcri. fruit Undn'aye
and birds finely cut Japanese de
sign may t purdutcd if you hU!i
damtincit. Tlif dr.igni may be
tripplcl on with bronte. lilver or
any coW. Thfae elenciU may be
ued again and again.
It i ponible for you to make your
own atenciU. You may eelett a mo
tive from the rug. the drape or the
wall paper, or maybe the iurmture
would be enhanced by carefully
choicn design. If you have painted
furniture and you are clever you en
do something very interfiling. If
you have old furniture paint it and
, then decorate at lct one room with
original work.
Make a atudy of good piece of
painted furniture Inat you find in
the hop and derription in maga
zine before you begin. Take plenty
of time to plan and come to a de
rUion a to your motive, border
line, repeat and center of intcret.
You can purchase paint especial
ly prepared for ttencil or you cm
mix your own.
If you with to repeat a motive in
wall paper select, trace and cut it
with cior or aharp knife until
you get your pattern a you wMi it;
then trace or transfer to stencil pa
per and cut pattern carefully on a
wood block with a harp knife.
Try out your design again and again
with varying shade of color and de
sign until you get something sat
isfactory and pleating, then proceed
to utencit your chair, curtain, wall
border, or any work you wish to
It J neceary to mix enough
paint for the different color and de
signs before you begin utiles you
are an adept in mixing and match
ing color. '
Many bedrooms can be transform
ed Into unique and beautiful rooms
by careful planning and some work;
breakfast rooms yield to this man
ner of treatment. It is very interest
ing to see what can be accomplished
with a few good lines properly con
nected with corner motves on a
breakfast table or chair.
The nurery is a good place to be
gin. Try out your hand and please
the kiddie by stencilins; such ani
mal border as bunnies, birds, geese,
duck and other animals. It would
be most interesting to work out some
mother froose rhyme in an original
way. Make the stencil rather large
for this room. ' ...
Visit paint shops, study their fold
ers,' get acquainted with the neces
sary equipment needed for this work.
Play at the stencil work with just
water colors, brush and any sort of
plain fabric to get your practice
work until you gain eonfidence to
try some real piece of work. The
first piece mav be a runner, curtain
or small article. ,t
It does not require an artist to
do stencil work, it does take a. clev
er person, one with an artistic sense
for good form, line and color.
(Mlm True will anawr perennally all
quMtlon Jlrctd to her at The Bee.)
Bran Muffins.
U eup augar.
Shortening alM ef an as.
Cream ehortenln and auar together.
Add to thli:
; 1 cup eour milk (or sweet milk).
' 1 cup bran.
1U cup flour. A
1 level teaeponn iflda (or 3 teeepoons
hkln powder If iweet milk it uaed).
Pinch ef tatt.
MIX well.
s Thl will make one doien mufflnt.
v Bran Macaroons.
1 eu flour.
1 cup bran.
1 tabteapeen butter er butter substitute.
1 tablespoon auiar.
i rap milk.
a teaspoons baktag powder.
1 era.
Pinch It. '
Cream butter and sugar. Add
milk and egg; well beaten, then the
dry ingredient. Stir well together.
Drop from ft spoon on a buttered tin.
Bake m oven about 10 minutes. This
will make three dozen.
.Bran Cookies.
1 cup bran.
1 cup white flour.
H cup Graham flour.
tableapoona butter ox butter substi
tute. 1 cup euaar. .
4 molaaae.
H cup milk. '
S teaepoona baklnf powder.
. . H teaspoon salt.
Beat together butter and sugar,
egg and milk, add the dry ingerdi
ents. Drop the mixed batter with
spoon in wetl greased pan. Bake"
about 25 minutes in hot oven. This
will make three dozen cookies.
" ; Bran Cookies. c;V
H cup sugar. '
Vi cup butter or butter substitute.
1 er
p 1 cup bran.
4 teaapoon baklnf powder.
4 teaapoon Salt. .
H teaapoon vanilla.
1 tableapoona milk.
Flour to make stiff enough to
handle (about f cup); cream but
ter, add sugar gradually, then egg
welt beaten. Stir in bran and all
milk and flour. Roll, shape and
bake 15 minutes in moderate oven.
Make same size as ginger snaps.
" Iocecticides Fungicides
The Nebraska
Sets Co.
1613 Howard St DO 1736
To Scramble Errtrs r'tl- pul ,!' ;!iM44 mam-
tXVTX l"!'7 '? i ---T, in' ,h,
egg it re.i.y anmii a tteie.uMc a m, lt ,i!uut m the lf, bifi8'(orM , amllet and anj body
lS.'V& ,M... d.Pend on ,h It" '"SAA :IJ!'1'"PJ
i itoi ioo kkiinui rati.
point fresb egg and fookmg with-otr hot water, 'lb m-cr thini
out trying. dun't bro or fry the egs d
Coo4 watrr-gUm rgg may be'dun't let a rru iotm. Add s nimli
Rril binding are tuej on COita
of both white and r!or,
YJ zr vj TaV
fro un iv J
rate B
I kills all germs as well fg" ff;!ily I
I ice-box sweet and spot- ZWJL A
.. Injure the '
Omaha's Leading Cash Markets
212 I 2408 4903
Nortli 1 6th St, Cuming St South 24th St.
Our enonnous buying power enables us to give the public better
meats at much lower prices than are possible elsewhere. Our daily
specials are of equal importance.
.chice . Choice Choice Fresh :
Beef Pot Roast Pork Loin Roast Roasting Chicken
9c 18c 20c
Pure Lard Fancy Choice
; m rendered Breakfast Bacon, - Fresh Young
. (in any quantity) y2 or whole sides Hens -
1 1 V2c 19c 28c
Prune Rolled Rib Roast .20c
Choicest Beef Chuck Roast.. 12VgC
Choicest Cut Sirloin Steak ...i ... .... .20c
Choicest Cut Round Steak .... . . . : . . . .20c
Choicest Cut Porterhouse Steak 20c
Choicest Rolled Corned Beef 14c
Fresh Cut Hamburger 15c
Choicest Rib Boiling Beef 6c
Sweet Pickled Beef Tongue ...........25c
Pure Pork Breakfast Sausage .........20c
Fancy Veal Shoulder Roast ........... 14c
Choicest Veal Stew 1 12y2c
Choicest Veal Chops 20c
Veal Legs, one-half or whole. .20c
Fancy Brick Cheese, full cream, one-half
or whole brick .20c
Fancy American Cheese, full cream. . . . .20c
Fancy Swiss Cheese 25c
Fancy Herkimer County Cheese .35c
Choice Pork Loin Roast .... ,
Cnoice Boston Butts . .
Choice Pork" Shoulders
Fresh Spare Ribs
Fresh Neck Ribs, 5 lbs..
Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs. .
Fresh Pig Tails ......
Fresh Pig Hearts, 4 lbs.
Choice Leaf Lard ....
Choice Salt Pork
Choice Salt Side Pork .
Pickled Pigs Feet, 3 lbs.
Cudahy's Puritan Skinned Hams .
Cudahy's Puritan Breakfast Bacon .
No. 1 Skinned Hams
Sugar Cured Picnic Ham
Sugar Cured Strip Bacon
Choice Breakfast Bacon '..
. . .250
. . .10c
Fancy Selected Eggs, dozen .25c
Choice Leg Lamb 30c
Choice Lamb Chops 25c
Choice Lamb Stew 12 Vc
Fancy Summer Sausage 20c
Liberty Nut, 1-lb. print .20c
Liberty Nut, 5-lb. carton .95c
Evergood Butterine, 2-lb. pkg ...45c
Evergood Butterine, 5-lb. pkg ...$1.00
Danish Pioneer Creamery Butter, lb 39c
Evaporated Milk, tall cans, limited
' amount, 4 for 25c
Buehler Bros. 1-lb. Bars White Laundry
Soap, 10 bars to a customer, special
Saturday only, 10 bars 45c
All Mail and Express Orders given prompt attention at any of above markets
k mmm J
&3 ffi Hm
to make greater
of the package of
in your kitchen
IT it not nrcetisary to purchase both a bread and a ptry
flour. By using U cup of Kingaford's Corn Starch to etch
cup of any good flour the percentage of gluten ia (Ucreaaed
and the starch content ia increased to that home prepared
flour will make a lighter and finer grained cake.
It your recipe calls for four eggs to one quart of milk, use
three tgg and for the egg omitted use one-half tablespoonful
of Kingsford'a Corn Starch. For smoother, glossier gravies
and sauces use a dessertspoonful of Kingsford'a instoad of
a tablespoonful of wheat flour.
For lighter, flakier biscuits, pie crusts and muffins, make
your pastry flour with one-fourth cup of Kingsford'a and
three-fourths cup wheat flour. i
t cup aratdad Mtta U f up Suf ar t Kg c M ttaapooa Salt
4 lvl laMcwooua klna.lord a Corn Biarth
M Itaipetflt Vanilla 1 01. Chocolata mailed (optional)
Mix tha corn starch wlih a littl cold milk. Stir tht
hot milk slowly onto th corn starch and stir ovr
water till It thlckan. Cook fifteen mlnuU. Bat th
KITS slightly, add th sugar and salt. Add th corn
starch miiturt to ths egirs and cook, stirrlns; con.
stantly, ono mlnul lonear. Ramov from fir, add
th vanilla or melted chocolate as deeired. Serve
cold wiih cream and sugar. (Serves sis persons.)
FREEt Ask your frocar er write Com Product
Salaa Co., 8lh and Jackaaa atrotl. lor beautiful
lolder el the new Kingtlord, Cora Starch racipea.
V" SS aeaeBaW
Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 0'Clock
1814-16-18 Farnam Street
Free Delivery ef Trinvi At
Ordera o All Tart iXlOHO Al.
of the City 4603
Saturday Morning Specials
8 to 1 O'clock Only
3y&13SS. Thomsen's Dairy Maid Butter
"3 or
Every Pound Guaranteed.
Large Solid Head Lettuce,
each ty
3 for .............25
Best Strawherries,
full quarts .... ... 29t
Large Glass Jar, morning
. special at $1.19
10 lbs. Pure Leaf Lard 901
No. 1 Lamb Stew, lb. .3
Steer Steaks, lb. 10?
Tall cans of Carnation or
Pet' Milk, per can &Vo$
Get Your Full Share of These
10 lb. Best Granulated Sngar
tor 57
48 lbs. Gooch's Best Floor,
Extra Sifted Early June Wlaconain I'ena. run 1T!'aci doaen
Extra Fancy Country Gentleman Corn, can l"MiC doaeh
No. 3 can Yellow Yam Sweet Fotateea, can, 16ct doaea .
I.arae enna of Sunbeam Pork and Beana, lOci doaen ...
Red Salmon, per can lOci per doaen
Large Jara of Fancy aeen Ollvea, quart ................
Full quart Jara Fancy Small Sweet IMcklea ,
10 bar P. G. Soap,
3-lb. cana Hop Flavored Puritan Malt, per cna ...........
Campbell'a Aaaorted Soupa, per can .'.
Imported Flg-a, per lb.
With each purchaae of 3 Ilia, of our Famoua Food Center
Coffee at Sl.OO, we artve 1 lb. beat Bulk Cocoa FREE.
3 lha. Breakfaat Cup Coffee for
3 pkaja. Nablaca
40 to 50 Oregon Prunea, per lb. ,
Tig Fork Roast,
per lb
Fig Pork loins, half or
whole, per lb. ....184
Fresh Dressed Roasting
Chickens, per lb. ..19
Pore Rendered tard,
Per lb. 12
1922 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, per lb. .....
Steer Pot Roast, per lb.
Steer Boiling Beef, per lb.
Steer Itib Roast, rolled snd boned, per lb. . .
Steer Shoulder Stesk. per lb
Steer Porterhouse Steak, per lb. ..
Fresh Spare Ribs, per lb. ......
No. 1 Young Teal Roast, per lb. ..
No. 1 Yonng Veal Breast, per lb. .,
Lamb Legs, per lb
No. 1 Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb.
hxtra no. l J.ean Bacon, per lb. '.
..' 25
No. 1 Morrcll's Bacon, per lb. 28C
Cndnhy's No. 1 'Puritan Hams, per lb. 33
No. 1 Sugar Cnred Picnic Hams, per lb. 16t
nv i juvriis ouiifine dhvuii, ucr 1U. "JiifMC
Fruits and Vegetables
Dairy Products
Fancy Tub Butter, per lb. ....Me
Danish Pioneer Butter, lb. ,!..SSe
Country Creamery Butter ....35c
Peanut Butter, per lb lftc
r.ox Hat Butterine .SOe
Winconsin Vani-y Full Cream
Cheese, per lb S2c
, Swiss Gruyere, per large box.... 115c
McLaren'e and Phil. Cream Cheese,
per pkg. 13d
S for 2Sc
Buttermilk, per glass ......jta
Per quart 10c
Milk, per pint , ,...e
Per quart 10c
Cream, "t pint for 10c
Per pint Sue
Sweet and Juicy SunkUt
Oranges, per doien ....30
Beat Fresh Pineapples,
each 20
2 tor .35
Home Grown Rhubarb, 1arg '
bunches, 3 for Jo
Home Grown Asparagus, best
quality, per bunch S
Large new Potatoes, lb. 10
3 tor ...25
Cigars Just Inside th. Door
Emerson, 2 for 25c values, 3 for.
Emerson, 50 l r
...... 25
Trv Iff The New Whole Wheat
lry pflff Breakfast Food
Here' a palate jileaser!
Ice Cream
Tim week's flavor in the famous
Harding Special
Ice Creams
Just a fttrp to the store .
that scIIh
VMUl tverytninaor mtZAI
DhonoAT. i
-vjtiTna noi vmstzz-
"Come Once and You'll Come Always"
I'rea drlterj ( orders for $5.00 r our. I'linne toar order
to Duuglss j;tMt tlie lame Central quality and icnlf mUl be flvra
Mall order rarrfnllr parkni and pruni.tly ablpurd. AddrtM
Order leiartmeDlt rare Itlln and Hamer Sts.
Good Things
for Saturday
' The Mtlnir that are made through the eomblned purchaaUir
power of the Oreater Central Market are reflected in the high
qualities of foodstuffs offered Id every department at economy
Shop at these Greater Market for finest (election and falleit
Offering Central Knonn Qualify
Fresh Killed Spring Cblx. for
stewing or roasting, Of,l
per lb L)2.K,
Fancy Fresh Killed OQ.l
Young Heas, per lb. .. hOZK
Falrmonfr WUK rea rrymg
per lb
Legs of Young Mutton,
per lb
Fancy Steer Pot Roast,
per lb
Meats at Marked Price Sating.
Best Cuts Steer Shoul- 1 01
der Roast, per lb.... 1.0
Prime Rolled Rib
Roast, per lb
Lean Pig Tork Roast, - fj 1
per lb ll 2i
Fancy Young Veal "J A
Breasts, per lb J.UC
Dold's Narrow Lean Breakfaat
Bacon, 974n
per lb d2,
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
In Unlimited Varieties. All Carefully Selected.
Atwood Grapefruit, t!)Kn
4 for 6Jl
Lemons, ' 9Q
per doz '. AiaH,
Extra Fancy Full Quarts )Qn
Strawberries - ie7V
Sweet Oranges, 0(T
per doz HV
3 lbs. New Potatoes 25C
Fresh Asparagus, 1
per bunch ....i......... JC
3 bunches Rhubarb XOC
4 bunche Homegrown Radishes ' IOC
Large Head Lettuce, " 1 0Xn
per head, 10 and
Extra Fancy Winesap Apples, per doz., tf0 KA
304; per box &J,0r
Central Extra Quality Creamery , 07Xg
Butter, per lb. pkg. Of 2 C
Guaranteed Fresh Eggs,
per doz.
Old Cured White Cheese, '1 C
per lb. IOC
MUcoa, Gem Nut, Dixie Nut Oleo,
per lb
Cottage Cheese or Peanut OQn Fancy BuIl Dairy BuUer.OO
Butter, lb., 15; 2 lbs. &Vs per lb. JC
Central Grocery Specials
10 lbs. Best Cane Sugar 48 (with 1 lb. of bulk CQ
cocoa for 20c) OCC
48 lbs. Plllsbury's Best Flour or Washburn-Crosby &f) nn
Gold Medal Flour , $400
48 lbs. Gooch's or Blue Bell S1 OQ
Flour for P JL.eVO
Walter Baker'a Chocolate, 1 i Q
lb. for IOC
M-lb. can Hershey'sCocoa
for -.
6 cans Campbell's Tomato Soup
5 cans Snlder's Pork and Beans
'10 cans 5il Sardines 4(J
5 cans Baby Lima Beans
5 cans Borden's, Carnation or Pet Milk
10 cans (small) Carnation
4 cans Red Kidney Beans
5 cans No. 3 Hominy
No. 3 Sliced Peaches OK
in heavy syrup for wDC
No. 3 Green Gage Pluma
uirge Dottle of Hawkeye ( 1 Q
5 cans Evergreen Sweet
Corn for ,
4 cans Early June Peas
Catsup for
..... 48c
L. P. Sauce
Helnz's Catsup,
per bottle
Extra Fancy French 7f?a
Mushrooms, per can ti t
?oV!3.0.!.lb.s; 88c
Uncolored Japan Tea, AQt
per lb Ot
English Breakfast Tea, QKn
, tnrK
per lb.
Iten-,' Echo Wafers. Sugar
Sticks and Sugar Squares,
3 pkgs. for 25
Assorted Iced Honey and Mo
lasses Squares, lb.... 19
McComb's Homemade Pre
served Fruit Center Choco
lates, extra special,
per lb 89d
Pecan Roll, a rich creamy
roll dipper in delirious
caramel, then in freb
Texas Tecans. lb 69
70c Double Cream Nut Oara
rVs. per lb 50
Kmerson, 2 for 23e value, j
3 for S5
Kmerson, 50 for. .$4.00