Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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    . .
! Society I
rriHK rniwiy 4 N' iu4Ul w $4 its anMual fiiterUin.
I ' tun.t ur ."" tr.ir4if4 nmkins Iroui Uimuln Friday. I ly amvd
m it,ul tr in the morning, aud after atirnjing various tlmws about
le ly lltry all wr guf t at lumhroii at I lie t'liiwsny houil. In the
ftrrifion they a barbil game briwrrn lrhinn and
mjtliiiimirn ni ilif iiirilual hIhkiI,
, 'Jhf- I itivrr.ity dub m the nM ( Slwlrnl' tunt niwlif It fvf.
iiiiig in honor pf tit Uurolii guct. Tit parly imluM d'nurr, stunt by
the n.'u frairriiitir, nl doMiintf by XI i Adelaide Fogg. Dr.
iluili. W. IViUnl ami lr, J.ilm B. I'li were in than;.
A the tatty al lit l'itirity .lull a f tif"'. ll' 2$ women piiici.t iHii t the gue.t. ( the Women's rarulty dub at dinner
at the -int-nelle, followed Hy a thrairr patty. llotr lor the aftair were
Mrs. Cliflr W. I'pllanl, Mr. Henry Lrmrre nd Mrs. John B. 1'otU.
. t
Davis-Trtsier. !
Mr. I'.tn.iatue "J ri.trr anl Milton ;
Davi were married at the home o( j
II. A. IHI. .'. North venteeiiin
trrel, lat night at M Vv. Albert
Kulif. pa.tor of tkthany I're.bytcr.
mii cliuirh. officiating.
Afternoon Tea.
Mrs. T. W. Austin and her dangli
ter. Xlr. Thomas Nile. f New
orlc City, entertained at a tea Kri
t'ty aficruoon for about 75 guei.
The home Hit decorated with pink
iejes and marguerite. Pouring
were the Medame Kdard I on
nor. lidward Hanninter, Wayne r.
by and Ware 1111, and lhoe aUt
in during the afternoon were Mn.
Ittfijjiiiiii Sylvester and .Mm. Wil
I am Van lrn of Chicago, and the
Misrs Margaret Wjlliams Gertrude
Mont, l-.rna Keed. Llmity Keller,
Kvelyn Ledwidt and Marian Load.
Sorority Party for Dr. Sheldon.
Nu Sigma I'lii sorosity of the lTni
versiiy of Nebraska College of Medi
cine will entertain Saturday evening
at the home of Mm. L. I. Jacob
for Dr. Mary Sheldon of Mitchell,
N'eb., who ia spending three weeks
with Mr. and Mm. l;red Wright.
Those prcent will be Dr. Liuelia
Brant, Dr. Barbara Churchill and a
number of students from the univer
sity, including ' the Misses Knnly
Korer, Mary Bratt, lili?aleth
Braylei. Jennie Kozcll. Mildred
IU7a, Mildred Johnson, Otga Holie
and Kuth Hull.
Nuraes Invited to Service.
A special invitation has been issued
to Red Cro.( mimes to attend the
memorial exercises for the soldier
dead at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon,
to be held at the Legion Circle at
West Lawn cemetery, under the
auspices of the American Legion
Last Bakery Sale.
The fourth and last bakery sale of
the season will be held by the Salem
Lutheran church on Saturday, May
6, at Hibbeler & Co.'s grocery store,
231S Minton. In charge will be Mrs.
E. Drexel and the Misses Ruth Holm
berg, Aurina Johnson . and Hildur
For Miss Wolverton.
Miss Eleanor Sessions entertained
at an afternoo. tea Thursday for Miss
Laura Wolverton who leaves with
her parents for their summer home
in Maryland the first of the week.
There were 18 guests. The tables
were decorated in red and white and
Miss Sessions and Miss Emma Wol
verton pourecL
Visiting Nurse Memberships.
The Visiting Nurse association an
nounces that it passed its goat of
5,000 in the recent membership drive.
Arty further dollar memberships
may be obtained at 302 city hall.
Art Gild Elect.
At the annual meeting of the Oma
ha Art gild, held May 2, George Bar
ker was elected president to succeed
Doane Powell who now resides in
Chicago. Plans were discussed for
the annual fall exhibition to be held
during November. ?
Rag-a-Jaxi Band Dance.
The last of the series of dances by
the Rag-a-Jazz band at Kel-Pines,
will be given Saturday night.
E. L. Lutz returned Monday from
a trip to New York.
Miss Hazel Nichols is spending
this week in Excelsior Springs.
Mrs. John Madden will return Sat
urday from a 10 days' trip to New
York. -
Mrs. Louis Kyhl is expected to re
turn Saturday from Hastings, where
she has been visiting this week.
Mrs. Louis C. Nash and her son,
Louis, jr.i returned Friday morning
from a short trip to New York.
Dr. Henry Lemere is in Washing
ton at a medical conference and is
expected back Monday morning.
Dr. Olga Stastny is in the Nicho
las Senn hospital, where she is con
valescing from an operation per
formed last Monday.
Stanley B. Peters has returned
from a visit with friends in Salt Lake
Gty and Denver. He is planning a
Ihort trip to Chicago next week.
Mrs. W. R. Breckenridge is to be
one of the party who will sail from
Montreal on the Melita June 21, with
Miss Anna V. Ross for a European
Mrs. Richard Payne of Albert Lea,
Minn., who has been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. How
land, will return Saturday to her
Mr. and Mrs. James Hunsacker,
who have been at the Btackstone
since their return from their wed
ding trip, are moving into an apart
ment at Twenty-ninth and Dewey
for the summer.
MissXoretta De Lone, harpist, has
been asked to arrange special set
tings for the prologues for a number
of motion picture films, and the work
will take her to New York early in
July. v ;
Mrs. Frank Millspaugh and her
daughter. Miss Mary Hambleton,
who have been in Omaha this week
with Mrs Frederick Davis, will leave
Saturday morning for their home in
Topeka, Kan.
A cablegram has been received by
Mrs. Mary MeDermott from her
daughter, Mrs. Robert Crozier, and
Mr. Crozier, that they have reached
Liverpool. They are on their wed
ding trip and will visit Mr. Crozicr's
family in Ayre, Scotland,
Thinprs You'll Love
To Make
ie Holder
It i rather dniiiult to keep dain
ty lingerie where drawers are carce.
Lingerie holders are a solution to
the problem. Cover small embroid
ery hoops with silk, ribbon or ribbon
and lace. You can make them as or
nate and dainty as you wish, or plain
and practical. Cover a hook with a
screw at the end. Screw it into the
hoop. Place your lingerie through the
hoop and hang it up in the closet. A
bunch of sachet flowers adds to the
daintiness of these lingerie holders,
especially if you wish to give them as
a gift to a bride.
Woman's Relief
Corps Meets in
The 39th annual convention of the
Woman's Relief corps, Department of
Nebraska, will convene in Lincoln
May 9-10-11. Headquarters will be
at the Lindell hotel, where all mem
bers of the Grand Army rjf the Re
public, the Woman's Relief corps
and all kindred orders and friends
will receive a cordial welcome.
At 2 o'clock on Tucsda'y afternoon
the Patriotic institute will be held at
the First Christian church, in charge
of Addison Waite, and in the evening
at 8 o'clock a general reception will
he. given in the auditorium-. Paul
Goss of the Sons of Veterans will
preside and addresses will be made
by Governor MaKelvic, Mayor 'Zch
rung and Dr. Bailey, president of
the Chamber of Commerce. At the
close of tic public meeting, Farragut
corps of Lincoln will provide the
social entertainment.
Immediately upon the disbanding
of the parade on Wednesday fore
noon the assembly will meet at the
auditorium, where a flag will be pre
sented to the high school by Etta
Brooks Reese, department patriotic
instructor. Joint memorial services
will be held at the First Christian
church Wednesday at 4 o'clock.
The first business session will be
held in the First Christian church
Wednesday . at 1:30 p. m., Mrs. Lola
Wintersteen of Palisade, department
president, presiding.
Church Benefit Sale.
Mesdames T. B. Porter. Nelson
Updike, W. C. Dean, H. CV Adams
Vind Miss Beulah Adams will be in
charge of the sacrifice rummage sale
to be conducted Saturday at the
World Theater buildins by the wo
men of the First Central. Congrega
tional church.
Home made cakes and candy .will
also be on sale. .
May Party. - -Sigma
Rho chapter of Pi Tau Pi
fraternity will give a May party Sun
day afternoon at Temple Israel for
the children of Temple Israel Sun
day school and their friends.
For Announcements
of the 1922
The Brandeis Store
The Greatest Savings That Have
Ever Been Offered on
White Merchandise
What Your Work
Means to You
A clever writer twld a story rt.
runty whiili eein worth our know
icg d (onideriiig.
A man patted a M where building
wi under way. Mopping to look
on, he aked one workman:
" hat are you doing?"
"Working for $7 a day," the work,
man answered.
The ijur.imn wa put to a second
workman, who aid:
"I'm carving tone. Can'l ou see
that for yourKHr
But a third replied:
Tin helping to build a cathedral."
Aren't all workers oivided into the
three schools theie workmen rep
resent? To some the daily tatk Is Jut a
means of making the wherewithal to
buy our daily bread. And they mutt
(trudge along with a dogged feeling
that all work meant it itt return in
money, and all life meant it a ttrug.
gle to keep the wolf from the door.
To tome work meant the thing at
hand. They do it at well at possible
with band or head, but the heart it
never in it. Still they find a certain
tatUfactioit in the tak well done,
and even if they are stolid they are
not afraid, for they know they have
a real knowledge of the job.
And the rcit are inspired. They
ce a vi.sion. The work thev do it
part of a whole. It it not just the
labor of carving ttone but it it
their share in making the beautiful
cathedral which will rise some day.
No task can be drudgery to the
one who teet beyond it to the beauty
to which it may contribute.
Whoever sect a cathedral rising
where he has ttood carving ttone
sees hinixelf as part of the beauty
and Ukcfulncss of the world about
Thcre't no work that can be tedi
ous or tawdry if only in the heart of
the worker there is the feeling:
Tin helping to build a cathedral."
Was Mm Dfeloyal?
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am SI and
have been aolnc out with a young
litdy for the tnt two years. Althouah
we had an understanding. I told her
I would not mind har going out with
her other friends until I gave her
the ring", provided she told me whom
ha went with. Now I have found
out that she has been going out with
a friend of mine a number of tlrnea
"on the sly" and also some other
frlemlK, and hnve broken off with
her for her dinloyalty. Since then I
have met a girl whom I think I love
dearly. Should I continue my court
ship with this girl? E. J. Y.
The first frlrl didn't ne'e up to her
biu-gain. But didn't you seize upon
the first excuse to break with her?
There la such a thing as giving folks
another chance, you know. Are you
sure that you are old enough and
stable enough to ehoooe a life part
ner now? Marriage isn't for a month
or a year. It is a life partnership
when It is right.
The Unstable Stan.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 20 and
belong to a club of girls and boys of
my own age. There la one boy of
whom I am very fond. I have
known him about six years and have
been out with him occasionally. He
is a wonderful violinist, but changes
his position very often. He was away
Tour months and never wrote to me.
But now the trouble is this: While
I am Irish-American, he is Italian,
and, although my mother objects to
him 'because of his nationality, I love
him just the same, and I know there
could never be another to take his
place. Do you think It worth my
waiting for him despite my mother'
objections, because I really love only
him. He has never said anything
about an engagement and I think
he is waiting until he has something?
steady, by the way he speaks.
The Good Book says: "Unstable
an water thou shalt not excel." Of
course, a man - who has not found
himself has no right to speak to you
of love a'nd marriage,, so this man'
silence may be due to his financial
position. But the fact that when he
was away for four months he forgot
you is worth considering. . If you
can't count on him to be thoughtful
when he is separated from you, how
can you trust your happiness to him?
lour racial differences don't seem
to me to count greatly, but your
mother s feeling docs. f
Kensington Meets.
The Fraternal Aid Union Wom
en's kensington met Wednesday aft
ernoon with Mrs. C. P. Forcell. Tea
was served. The next meeting will
be with Mrs. W. A. Hostetter on
May 17. , '
My Marriage Problems
Add GarTuMn'f Kw Phase of
iCfsriasi it:tt
The Surprising Suspicion to Which
Lillian wave votes.
Lilliau't rrlerence to Katie, in a
tone that had more thin a hint ol
savage writh. startled nie. I waited
to reply, however, until we were out
of the village, and I could take rrj
of my attention from the car. I bad
obeyed Lillnn't injunction o "step
on iter," and we were proceeding to
ward home at a lively gin.
"What do you mean?" I asked,
puulcd. "Do you think that
Katie-" ,
"It holding out on ui, ahc re
torted. "I with I knew. But that
tpiel from Joe that Katherine beard
toundt like it"
"Mav it not be that In her terror
of him Katie told Joe the had found
L' ...i r i:... k.a
somrining, wncn in rriny mr '
failed?" 1 a. led, the instinct strong
uoon me to defend by little maid.
"Don't you remember that Mother
Graham wrote ut anout Naties de
spair after the had tearched fathers
room. And wouldn't her failure ex
plain her anxiety to have us within
call that night ahe went to meet Joe
She may have thought we could
shield her from his anger when h
found out the had nothing."
"You Sound Plausible."
"Vour well known memory it
misxing on about three," Lillian re
torted dryly. "If you'll change a
mark plug or two you'll recall that
the didn't want us with her, only
just within earshot that in her
naive way the was trying to have
ut overhear the things she did not
dare" to tell because of the oath the
had taken."
"Yea. I know," I acquiesced, "but."
with an assurance that mentally be
gan to totter, "I can't believe that
Katie took anvthing from my fa
ther's room. She surclv would have
turned it tver to you if she had."
"Let us hope to." Lillian's tone
expressed anything but optimism.
"But you must remember that
Katie't mentality in some things is
about that of a 12-year-old child,
with deep apologies to my daughter.
She has a double reason for not giv
ing to me anything she may have
taken from your father's- room. In
the first place, she would not wish
us to know that she had abstracted
anything, and in the second, she told
that Joe beast that she had it, and
she has a very lively dread of his
finding her some day. It would be
the most natural thing in the world
for her to keep something by her
with which she could placate him."
For only a few cents you
can have a most delictoua
breakfast of tender, golden
brown hot cakes.
Prepared eaally and quickly
with Gooch's Best Pancake
Flour Just try them.
No eggs or milk. All you
do is add water and stir. Sold
in the better stores.
. OoMh's Bart Flour
-OMh' Bt Bwkwut Flour
Ooach's Bat What Hauls
OaocVs tmt Miami '
Oooch'i BM SmlmH
Goock's Bart B NooS-
"Your Grocer Has It"
Order your package today, so
that you can serve it tomorrow.
Economical Nutritious.
."You frutmd puutitle." I sighed.
Then I stubbornly added, "Hut I
can't believe Katie is holding back
"Go uit believing it." Lillian re
torted. "It wou'i alter matters,
and it's your own right. But be
caue I have the re-poiuibtlity tf
this thing. I mut ak that Katie be
kept under strict surveillance, and
that she his no opportunity to leave
the place unaccompanied by you or
"Vou're going to have a scene
with her when you accuse her of
having taken something from fath
er's room which the lias nut given
to you."
Midge i Wish.
"What Icadt you to suppose I'm
going to accuof her?" There wat
an inflection in Lillian's tone which
told me that the did not exactly
relish my comment.
"Why I thought pardon me "
I stammered.
"No harm done." she retorted
good-humorcdly. But I'm not quite
so recklett at that. I'm going to
tell her that Joe said the had some
thing which she was to give him,
and warn her that Smith it going to
try to gct it away from her. Me,
myself" she pointed her forefinger
at her heart in burlesque "I'm go
ing to frighten her so with the
thought of Smith that she'll stick
like eiKht brothers to you and me,
and, also, if she has the thing any
where, slic'll proceed to hide it if
she can get the chance.
"And tomorrow Lillian looked
at me shrewdly "I'd like to have
bars put on a few windows, not the
ones toward the road, but the handy
ones for an enterprising gentleman
with porch-climbing proclivities.
Until Mr. Smith takes his departure
from these parts I don't mind tell
ing you that it behooves us all to be
on our guard."
"I thought these operatives were
watching him."
"They are, hut they have to work
alternately. They must sleep and
eat, you know, and Smith is a slip
pery customer. I haven't any fear
of their not being able to keep pret
ty good track of him, but it
wouldn't be at all impossible for him
to manage a little social call on us.
He could do a good deal of damage
it: half an hour."
"Here's the farm." Her words
had put such terror t'n me that I
could utter nothing but the three
words of relief. And as I turned
the car into the driveway I swiftly
ST wno eAcik
- mcake
To serve this delicious cereal
because it'$ easy to cook and
healthful to eat.
scanned lh lighted wiudowf for
any sign of disturbance. When
Lillian (tired anvthing or anybody
it was tune for every one c t tt
indeed on fuard.
Jerry Tieer fame from the kiivh
endoor with, the lantern, and the
tight of hit honest, cheerful face
made both my frari and Lillian's
appear like the lieeret melodrama.
Hut when 1 had put the car in the
barn I found myself walking clot
t! bis tUar tigure as be swung
bit lantern on the way bark to the
hou.e, found myself also glancing
furtively around at lit shadow ot
the shrubbery. '
Above everything eUe, I wlh4
that Dicky were home.
A Silly Song
Old Colonel Bunyan . says he,
"I'm darned if I ran ae why (elicit
nowadayi won't go with girlt like my
Marie. On Wednesday nighit and
Sunday! to the county scat they go,
they say the gait in Sdy Spring
are too tarnation slow; them county
seat gait primp and paint and wear
llieir nockiut rolled and. in the sum
mer, thev wear furs for fear of catch
ing cold. Thry keep their fingers
manicured, their lips all pointed red
and have a hired girl to bring their
breakfast , to their bed. Now my
Marie don't roll her tocki nor wear
fttrt in July, but she can roll out
biscuits light and bake a dandy pie.
Thesa darn fool boyt in Sodv Spring
I'll bet will live to see the day they'll
wish they'd stayed to hum and
courted my Marie."
K-QWrtaU ltt.
To clean leather, use equal parts
of boiled linseed oil and vinegar.
Shake them well together and pour a
little on a flannel: rub into the
leather and polish with a soft cloth.
Parents' Problems
How can a Mppy ga lucky boy of
IS be taught a '" pi nnHiiu.lnluyf
liive bun certain Ukt ia
d. about the home tt ard. Leave
them undone if be neglects s eto
Thet numbert in a
ihipment juat received i
Basutiful California (Walls)
Wkile Miami Draama (Fea Tret)
Bygenee (Fa Trt)
California (Fen Trot)
3 O'Clock In the Merniag (Walts)
A SUepy Little ViUago
Ifaat Them in Our Roll Department
lata and narney streets
tlilZlill s
1519-1521 Douglas Street
Saturday We Offer
of Extreme Beauty and
Rare Value at
Intended Selling Price to $39.50
Frock's that for their cleverness of styles, beauty of
trimmings and bewitching combination of colors are
quite the choicest this Greater New Store has ever
offered at such a low price.
Taffetaa - Canton Crepes Crepe de Chinei
Knit Crepes ; Satin-back Cantons
iYou choose from every color that is in favor. . There
are but few of a kind of these frocks, and it behooves x
you to make early selections Saturday.
Fourth Floor
Grape Nut
a smooth, velvety, rich cream, vanilla
flavored filled with delicious Grape
Rich in vitamins life-giving, life-sustaining,
life-protecting vitamins.
Made and frozen th BETTER way by Fairmont
In Omaha, Crete, Grand Island and Sleux City.
.0 established 1886
Choice Shouldn- Beef Roast, per lb.
dhole Young Pork Lain Roatt, per lb....
BROOMS (4 tie) regular 75c, Saturday.
Walter Balter'i Chocolate, per lb.... 43
Seward Creatn.ry Butter, yrr lb 3Sc
Monarch Orange Pekoe Tra. pr lb...B3c
Poet Toaatie. or Kellogg'. Cornflake.,
large pkg.., 2 for 20c
Swan Down Flour. ? pkri 73
Argo Corn orClothes S'arrh. S vkga. ZSe
Wa.hburn'a Gold Medal Flour, per 24
1b. eack $13
Friday Order Mean Early Delivery Saturday.
Mail Orders Filled at Above Price.
ibem, Ife will meaoui l to
the iitular ifpoflibiltty and ihut
develop a t" ol wore general e
junior Musical Club?
Tbe Junior Musical club will meet
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'fhxk at
the bom ol Mis. P. C. Bradiord.
i i s
1 1' Good for You
Ready now at
. soda fountains
as you like it
Serve! daintilyor in
bulk -or la pint or
quart sealed packages.
It yeu're particular about
c. cream so sure lo ft
t enuiae Fairmont's Dellcla.
280103 Samam .
m. i. a. vacuum packed Coffee,
. T T. ,
Per ll 45c
Southern Cucumber., each.., .5c end 10c
Fancy YAM Sweet Potatoe.. S lb. ,25
New Potato, for creaming. 3 lb...
FTeTh" Tiom-Grown A.paragu., 4
bunch, fsr 25e
Home Grown Spinach, per pk.
Extra Urge Iceberg Head Lettuce,