Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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itsflk THE TALE OF,
lliAI'I'H MX,
Jumping Contest,
luting lad Mr. Ciu pcrml'
tan, the Mulry l nt on
ktrk k lnnn hrr tret nun It at kite
tli4ll. ." jumped lh( 4tUiC
luuf; ! he )uih4 it luck
MUi". And. vli.ii .t.c rimtd jtttuul
tj Hop ISiily uMjf(tai-!; wltUpfrrd
AnH wilt a mllitt effort she to
I li'4 lirll' ovtr them.
In Iter. oii may well krrp
Mirti liius tlicm. Kt-rp a-juinping!
Ami vt licit tlie titiif (or the rcl con
not with Nimble l)rcr cimc your
lK wilt be Mrctclifd so long that
jnu'll Ik at Nimble willtotit the
li.-lilcst trouble."
So the Mulry low jumped over
tin- frm c ami lurk, over I lie feme
nnd hack. Ami when at Ut she
ni4 she wm ready frr the contest,
Uilly Wooilchiuk iill tirgrd her to
sirilcli her legs a hit more.
Hy the time he willing to let
hrr iilop, the Mulry Cow' sides
wrre lii-avin'E and she urcnied to be
Mimrvvhiit red in the fare.
Meanwhile Jimmy Rabbit and
Billy Woodihiifk, with Mr. Crow's
help, had 4 picked out a clump of
young liaC thorns, for the first test.
And, now that everybody was ready
fur tUc contc.t, Nimble Deer cleared
the chimp gracefully, with a foot to
Then rame the Muley Cow's turn.
She looked worried as she fell into
a lumbering gallop and rait towards
the prickly young trees. And with
a mighty effort t.he tried to fling
hcr.srjf over thru.
A she rose into the air she gave
a bellow of dismay, to fall flounder'
ii'K the instant into the thorny
Jimmy Rabbit began to hop about
in iircU-s. I(t Intw tlt.t Nimbi
h4 to the fc-cntc t d Jimmy
Did Mr. Crow li.lufd. The
Muley Cow hid bit the tonirt and
he Hit g!d,
Nimble tchrd the Muley Cow
14 she struggled mid the hw
llturni, trying ta scramble out of the
"tan 1 lelp jou, tcadamr if
Wd her politely. ,
Hut site never rvrn thanked hurt,
She ap so upset that she neither
wanted anybody to f prate to her nor
did she wish to speak to snybooy
At for Rilly Woodchuik, he
looked frightfully disappointed, lit
had tpetd the Muley Cow to win
h jumping ronifst. And thert she
was. beaten at h vtry first jump!
If stole up to her. and, standing
cn hit hind legs, to get at near her
it be could, he said, "li t pity yon
Inst I I don't believe y ou stretched
your legt enough, beforehand."
' The Muley Cow snorted.
"That'i not the reaon why." she
snapped "I stretched my legt too
much. I jumped the fence until I
t as so tired I could scarcely stand.
It it no wonder that Nimble beat
Nimble ' Deer could sec that the
Mulry Cow was feeling suite glum.
After she had struggled free of the
thorns he went up to her and bowed
in hit most polite manner,
"It there anything I tan do fur
jouf" he ked ber.
"Veil Do let down tht bars for
met" the gaped. "I want to go
home, And I couldn't jump that
fence again. It would be dangerous
for me 10 try. I might fall and
break a leg elf, And then I'd hate
short leg the re it of my life ,"
-You could tircteh h," Old Mr.
Crow suggested.
.But the Muley Cow paid no aiten
tion to him. She turned hrr back
en him and miked away, .
ies)riM. is:rt
V ' ' Safe
11 in,
'4 For Intuit
ro coo tuna
The "Food. Drink" fat All Ages.
Quick Lunch st Home, Office, sod
Fountains. A f-HOKUOCS.
0-A'oid IwUtiNi ft Substitute
Kee Want Ad I'rodui lc.ult.
Mrs.Mertz Tells How Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
, . Compound Helped Her
Kutztown, Pa, "I wish every wo
man who wants children would try
ibyaia is. rime-
nam s vegeubie
Compound. It has
done so mucn lor 1
me. My baby is
almost Sr-year old
now and is the pic
ture of health.
She walked at
eleven months
and is trying to
use her little
tongue. She can
aav some words
real nice. I am sending: you her pic
ture. I shall be thankful as lone as I
live that I found such a wonderful
medicine for my troubles. " Mrs.
Charles A. Mertz, Kutztown, Pa.
Many cases of childlessness are
curable. Perhaps yours maybe. Why
be discouraged until you have given
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound a faithful trial T
Spoken and written recommenda
tions from thousands of women wbo
have found health andhappiness from
its use have come to us. We only tell
you what they say and believe.
We believe that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound is so well
adapted to the conditionswhich might
cause your trouble that! good will
comato vouby its use.
Opportunities for saving
are certainly plentiful in our
Wash Goods Silks
. White Goods Linens
Are offered at new lower prices. Satui-,
. Cay. will be a dayjof intensified selling.
Children & Juniors
Hard and Red. Face Dis
figured. Cuticiora Heak
" I was botbeted with pimples on
my face and forehead for over a year.
They were hard and ted
and festered and scaled
over. The pimples itched
nJ burned so badly that
I could cot sleep at night,
nil whan f i-r.rHl
them they formed scales.
My tsce was disfigured.
"1 read an advertisement for Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment and sent for
a ire sample. I purchased more, and
when I htd used one cake of Soap
nd one box of Ointment I was
healed." (Signed Visa Asna Lang,
R. 2, Box I. Cuba. Wis. -
Use Cuticura ;o; al! toilr. purposes.
Ssauls IsckTmSrSsK Hkk "W!iwUV
raurlM, Diptl, M!us 4. Xa "
wh. Soa? ac. 0'3tn..r.tlf its' We TaJroi-CSff.
CuUciir Sctp , sritMOt
I For New Styles
I 1 r
(SUU t 1 cllj muis
(Beauty Notes.)
Woa'tn are fast learning the value
H uic use 01 in.-ia.jn; ,ur ivriiiuvnis
hair or fuzz tror.t Ijcc. neck or arms.
A iaste is made with sonic powdered
ilclatone and water and spread. on
the ha-ry surface." In 2 or 3 minutes
it is rubbed off, the skin washed and
r.vrry bit of hair has disappeared. No
iiihi'e tvill result if you are careful
Silk Dresses, j
Sizes g to 16. In one or more
of these four groupings you will
find Just the Individual dress
you bare longed for. Taffetas,
Canton Crepe. Krepe Knit, Rosh
anara, figured s'Iks snd com
binations. May Sale Prices
fliUO, faUO, I3&M, ItJUO.
dr , formerly priced
to II 8.60. AP Ai
Baturdar. pOsUU
? lrsica, formerly prlcd
to $24.00. (1 ft fifk
Saturday. OlU.UU-
Junior Suit Sale
Sizes 14 to 16. Including serges,
tweeds, homespuns and mix
tures. Some knlcker and 3-piece
suits. These are good suits and
each one carrying KII Patrick's
guarantee of satisfaction. May
Sale Prices
$12.50, $170, 9HM
All junior Individual model
suits In navy trleotlne at U
off regular prices. ; .
" Coats tor Girls
Sizes 14 to 16. ' Tweeds, poloa In .
high colors. Velours, chin
chillas and herringbones. The
savings are enormous. May- e
' ' Prices- 10.00, $1U0, fiyO.
Wraps and Coats ; v
Of cordulure In sport colors,
trleotlne snd plaid sport mate
rials. May Sale Price, IS&00.
Individual" model coats and
wraps. Beductions are very.
, deep.-
Children's Capes, Coats,
and Wraps
, , Sizes 2 to 12 years.' ! Polos,
serges, velours, tweeds and bas
ket weaves in navy, tan, Copen,
high colors and. Tally-ho-red.
Reduced for quick clearance.
May Sale Price
$&00, $7.50, flOM, $J0
Mothers' Day ,
; -v ' MAY 14 - v
Mothers' Day now displayed
la our Stationery Section. '
Toilet Goods
Saturday's Selling
Reslnol soap, V ' ' le
Pepsodent, , 87e .
Hind's honey and almond cream,
at, te
, Djer Kiss talcum, ' lte
Mentholatum, - l$e
50c Llsterine, ... 8$c
Non Spi, Se
. Piver"s face powder , ' ,89e .
Amolin deordorant powder, '2fc
Cuticura soap, - lte
' Llsterine tooth paste , 89e
Palmolive shampoo, Mc
Woodbury soap, , .We-
for Men
A special purchase of men's
' shirts in printed and woven mad
. ' ras, cotton Jersey. Fast colors, '
well made. Saturday, flT Of"
-r, each; ; v- $lt
Men's union suita in knit and
: nainsook.. All styles; extreme
values; each, , . ' $1,00
: r Continuing Our. Greatest May Sale .
Cotton and Silk Undergarments
Corsets and Brassieres '
Distinguishing features this season are sheer materials fashioned into dainty
novelties. Color being the keynote, a veritable rainbow of colors and
' color touches, but more than all else are the exceptional values offered.
J Liberal buying attests this fact., Daily additions of fresh new garments.
Nightgowns and Envelopes
GOWKS of shadow batiste In high colors,
rose, orchid, flesh and white with contrast
ing trimmings. Also gowns of good quality
nainsook with touches of handwork-in col
ors, lace and embroidery , trim. Round,
square and V necks.. . -ENVELOPES
come In tine nainsook with
strsps of embroidery attractively M AA
finished. Msy Sale Price,
GOWNS of cross-barred dimity with checked
gingham, 'lace and embroidery trimmings;
shadow batiste with pipings in high colors;
sleeveless snd kimono styles. ' x
ENVELOPES of shadow and barred batittt.
white, flesh, orchid snd maize in varied
contrasting color stitching; also of white
nainsook, lace and embroidery (PI CA
trimmed. May Sale Price,
Lingerie Sets
Consisting of step-in snd vest of white shsdow bstlste with contrasting
color trim rose, orchid, maize and blue; also solid colors with hem
stitching In contrasting colors.- They sre Fashion's
newest whim. May Sale Price
." ' Bloomers of flesh colors, Windsor crepe, reinforced, TSc.
Corsets and Brassieres
Broken sizes and lota from our own choice
stocks and special concessions from - re-'
liable manufacturers make these extraor
dinary values possible. - Please do not ex
pect to. find all sizes In each, model or
brand.: -
GROUP NO, 1 They are mainly sport mod
els, elastic tops and all elastic corsets.
Warner, Nlris and Rivoli. Sizes (I fTQ
21 to 21 May Sale Price. . Plel!7
GROUP NO 2 Both front and back lace
models.- La Camille, Red fern, R. G.,
Nemo, Justiite snd Warner. Materials
fancy' brocades snd coutlls. Models for
slender, medium and stout figures. Sizes
. 22 to 32. May (PO 7Q
Sale Price, ' . ptIV
GROUP NO. 3 AND 4 Our finest corsets
represented in these two groupings. Cameo,
Red fern, Modart, La Camille and Vsabel.
They come In extra fine coutlls and fancy
brocades' for the slender, medium and stout
figures. Sizes 22 to 34. May Sale Prices
Brassieres and Bandeaux
GROUP - NO. 1110 brassieres of pink GROUP NO. 2100 brassieres of a fine
Treco, both hook back . and hook front, . grade firmly woven Treco. AUo lace
Sizes 32 to 46. May AKt bandeaux. May '
Sale Price, . Jlv ; Sale Price;
Silk Underthings
SILK STEP-INS Of crepe de chine, lace
trimmed, high colors, including flesh, Nile,
rose and Milan.; May f, - - M QQ
' Sale -Price, v -' : tyLtVO
SILK ENVELOPES Of good quality crepe
de chine, " both tailored and lace trimmed
styles. Flesh, blue. Nile, melon (SO 7 PI
orchid and black. May Sale Price, po 1 1
Of crepe de chine, mainly lace trimmed, a
. few tailored numbers.. . In this grouping
will be found a number of bandied gar
ments, some slightly soiled ones. Formerly
priced to 15.95. May , . (PQ Oft
Sale Price,
Second Floor.
Tremendous Values in the Women's, Misses'
and Girls' Sections Saturday
Women s Coats and Wraps Sport Coats, Wraps, Capes
These garments are fashioned of the soft
vest Pandora, Valrslls and Velours and
. drape or bang with the same grace that
one would only expect to find in wraps
and coats coating double the price at which
these will be sold.. . &OQ Kf
- ( May Sale Price, ... -' . 0&0J
Nothing short of the word "love" could
1 iulte indicate your feeling towards these
'-'superb sport garments upon seeing them.
They are of golf cloth, polo cloth In plaid
and solid color effects. .. Shower-proof
tweeds and scarf, effects with fringe
337.50 S59.00 $69.00
'y: Coats and Wraps
to 46. Each garment designed with the
thought Of making appear smaller, than,
the actual size of the wearer. They are
smartly fashioned in Poiret Twill , and
Tricotine; sash and string belt effects;
braid and embroidery trim- (PK AA
med. May Sale Price, , tpiJeUV
Tweed Suits
Sizes 16 to 46 Vs- Including large sizes to
46i. They are of tweed, full wool and
English, mixtures, smartly designed and
splendidly tailored. Good color (POQ flfi
assortment. Slay Sale Price, PtlU
Women's and Misses' Section Second floor
Thousands : of Candy Lovers
Select Cobb's famous candles In preference to all other
. confections. They enftr the unusual Tsrtety of rare
flavors and combinations', as well as their attractive
appearance and. freshness. Many kinds are made in
the morning and on the counter in the afternoon.
Ttclmvalea Ch-late rvdse
ImRKine a rich velvety amooth
marshmallow between layars
of luscious fudse, then heav
ily coated with a dark bitter
sweet chocolate. Tempting,
delicious, per lb. CO
Cacaanct Creaaa Ktaaca Jnst
as delirious as can be; a mal
low frndant enriclied with
fresh cracked cocoanut all
through. Sptcial. lb. SOe
Ckacetata Xonpatcila Small
discs of solid sweet chocolate
sprinkled with sweet non
parnls. Made by the maker
of Wilbur Buds. Special, per .
lb. 40
Dixie Feanat Brittle It's dif
ferent from the ordinary. Full
of Spanish No. 1 peanuts and
old southern molaaaes that
will make you think of oM
Dixie. Special, lb. 2S
Mother's Day
Don't forcet to aend mother
a bos of Cobb's candies. We
hava made great preparations
for this wonderful day. Spe
cial boxes. Just the kind you
will want to give to the dear
est sweetheart in the world. -M'a
pack them tn special con
tainers . for post or express.
Please leave orders now.
You'll find a wonderful candy value in our Dollar Box.
A Sale of Gingham
House Dresses and
There are gingham checks, plaids, stripes, combinations
and solid color chambrays in pink and blue with trim
mings of organdie, pique and popliu. Also percale
house dresses and the well known utility dresses. The
' !Apron-Frocks are new aiid in the most approved styles ; '
ue-uacKs ana oeuea eiiccis. 111c
dresses are a few of a kind, broken
. sizes and models, the most of thctn
requiring a tubbing or ironing. Many,
originally sold lo $5.00. On the
Square Saturday, - N
- ; 1
ZZIloncn'a Yolutdving StortZZ:
Lovtlu, Sew AiBortmcntM Offer
llroad Selection in Wanted
Curtains and Curtainings for Spring
.1 prices uhich point to the uhdom
of ehooiing from the large displays
now made at the II, It, Bowcn Co.
-r t 1 - -s: 1 m u 1 -vn it is -1
m t
I 1 TOMf1
Damasks. Veloun, Silks
Sunfast and Tubfast Fabrics
Lace ruriaina in sn emf number of pretty rattcrns, and all offcrrd at
niuiiey-aavliig prin'S. ' .
Scrims, Voiles and Marquisettes by the yard.
Scrims in coWed dots and pat terns. Colors:
(iold. pink and blue. Now priced, per yard,
from 10 to 39
Plain Marquisettes In while, mum and n-ru.
tioou" quuliiy. I'rr yard, only 251
Voiles Splendid UMlily. Ni-at wovt-n patterns.
Colors: Hlue and pink. Yard, only. .SI, 15
Filel Curtain Nets Colors: While, Ivory and
erru, in neat nllover patterns. Yard...39t
Curtain Nets in filet and shadow effects. Many
pretty patterns. Per yard, only 59
Our showing of Imported and Domestic Nets is
moht, complete nnd choice patterns offered at
$1.98. 52.18 nd up to, yard.... 86.00
Plain Voile Curtains IIenittiUliPI hems ill
white, cream and ecru. Pair, only 98
Esira Quality Voile Curtains with hemstitched
lirms and trimmed with neat lace ciIrps, per
pair $1.85
Filet Net Curtains in neat alluvvr effects and
pretty floral border desij;ns. Tcr pair,
only 51.98
Fine Quality Marquisette Ruffled Curtains In
good full ruffle I'rr pair $1.98
Lace Curtains in shadow effects. White, ivory
and erru colors. IYr puir, only $2.98
Voile Curtains with hand drnwmvork and sot-in
motif. Priced, per pair, up from. . . .$3.98
Filet Curtains of fine quality with scalloped
edees j others trimmed with laoe edges. Per
pair $3.98
Extra fine quality of Filet and Madras Weaves
in Lace Curtains. Beautiful in dcslpn and
workmanship. Now priced, per pair.. $7.50
Rugs for Year -Round Service
Specially Priced. This Month
Jl in . eTMsra-.nrr w r tT.rv trrr-mvmt wr if
6x9 Seamless Velvet Rugs, tans,
blues and varied color com
binations; regular 22.50
.vtal":!'..n:w... $16.50
9x12 . Good Quality Seamless
. Tapestry Brussels Rugs, in a
. large number of different de
signs, making selections easy;
regular $27.50 1Q QP
values, now. . . P 1 e7eV70
We offer several
hundred rugs of
domestic textures
and weaves that
will add to the at
tractiveness of the
home and give
years of service.
Come in and look
them over.
One-Piece Seamless Tapestry;
Brussels Rugs, splendid qual
ity; reg. $36 tj91 ((
values, now. ... P& 1 iUU
3x12 Heavy Quality Azminster
Rugs, shown in a splendid se
lection of neat allover and
Chinese patterns. Colors:
Tans, browns and blue; regu-
Ks$a5t7-5:.a!: $37.50
Kitchen Cabinets of Quality
As practical a piece of furniture as you could place in the home.'
Keeping, as they do, everything needed for cooking and baking
in one place, tfcey save one time and steps in doing work. We
offer cabinets in white
enamel (inside and out),
having' dustproof bread
box, flour bin and sifter
combined, glass recep
tacles for coffee, sugar,
spices, etc., as well as an
all enameled . baked on
work top of large size.
Bowen's, $44 K(
price only JJ
Other cabinets at
$32.50 $27.50
Offered at money-saving prices nd
at a time when one must begin to
think of keeping" their food sweet ,
and wholesome, . V :
Those who select their refrigerator :
from pur large stock will save
money. Our entire line of refrig
erators are . constructed on scien
tific lines either full enamel or .
porcelain lined and are exceptional
values at . - ' -
$11.00 $18.50 $31.50
That Save on Food
and Ice Bills
Free! Free! Free!
The H. R. Bowen Co. are go
ing to drape the windows of
someone's living room Free.
Windows when draped will
appear with glass curtains,
having overdrapes of da
mask in either blue or mul
berry. Get full particulars
at main aisle desk, H. It.
Bowen Co., and be "at the
If. R. Bowen Co. Store
Thursday, May 18th, 8 p. m.
Special Daily
Offerings .
that save money for those who
shop at Bowen's. -The
smaller articles of every
day use in the home can be
bought here to advantage.
Glass Mixing
Set of five clear Glass Mixing
Bowls of graduated sizes.. They
kserve daintily and you'll 7(1
find them very handy, f
Bowen's Better Brooms . '
Sweep with well-balanced,
well-made broom. Such brooms
are now offered at the jfQ
H. R. Bowen Co. at only
W Those -contemplating starting housekeeping
Jf will find our 4-ROOiy OUTFITS of excep
tional worth and one of the best values ever
offered. Choosing from our immense stocks
will save you many dollars. . '
Furniture Excha nge Dept.
Your Old Furniture Has a Value
Don't discard it when buying new. Phone our Exchange Manager,
who will gladly credit its value toward any new furniture selected
here. W,e maintain a Furniture Exchange Department for this
special purpose.
V Wash
Boilers V
Heavy copper
bottoms, large
size '
Galvanized Wash Tubs
Large size, durable and strong.
Priced now nr
Clothes Baskets
Oblong shape, large, AO
well made, only...... JOC
XT ' 'v''t 5.
X xs?k9!!!BBSsssBsaBBaaMBBBBaBar
Have the
Van &
Storage Co.
Move You
IJmvnvASit- f?iw C. nnA tfitt. C
,?: imiv ceiinnic ilclatone and mw
''cslt ab wsatcd. . -