political War rs in Dcs Moines : Takes New Turn Minor Offenders Arretted by i Sheriff and Convicted by Justices May Be , Cleared. , Dt Moinn, la., May 4, (Special "J'tlcgram) Conviction o( a number m people here fur minor minltmeaii ri may be art aiJc a a remit of an opinion given by the city legal Srpartment in connection with en Gtncet paMcd by imported jutticet iil the peace. The aituation it the outgrowth of a political war between He thrriift officea and the muni ffipal court of the city of Dei Moinc. 'The thcriff hat refuted to brim m' catea up before the municipal Judget and haa been importing ju ticca of the peace from outlying townahipa to arraign hit prisoners ijid kentence the minor oiiendcrt. At requrit of judge of the muni- pal court, the city legal department ued a ruling in the matter today, holding that thee convirtiom were (legal on the ground that the law which created the municipal court fir re made it jurisdiction absolute within the city limits. The opinion tid that a justice had no carpet bag ging powers and was not a judicial i ju-od on wheels. Seeks Family Cow. Custody of the family cow and right to see his new born babe, are requested by Frank Hoxsey, in I motion filed here today to modify restraining order. On February 14, Gladys Hoxsey pled suit for divorce and secured an injunction to keep him away from ber. Since then his wife'a baby has been born and she has turned the family cow over to her sister, who, the husband charges, is 'not giving the faithful animal proper attention ! Ablert Loihtrt, 55, veirran railroad i switchman, was instantly killed here when he was run over by a ear in tht Great Veern freight yard. The car was being twitched trom the main-line track. Lot hen's back turned to the on-coming car, and it knocked him down and ran over his chet. Concord Club to Aid ; Camp Fire Girls Here The Omaha Concord club, which recently reatsumed spontorthip o( the Camp Fire girl, decided at i noon luncheon at Hotel Fonteiicll . yrttrrday to rai approximately $5,000 to restore and put in condition the girls' camp at king's lake, 22 mile wett of Omaha.' The camp will be maintained by the Camp Fire girts during the rummer.' C. E. Corey it chairman of the committee in charge of the work. A group of 12 Camp Fire maidens in their Indian cottumes. appeared at the luncheon yesterday and showed their appreciation of the in terest of the Concordera by putting on a special ceremonial, including sons and stunts. The Concord club is planning a radio entertainment for their next women's night meeting within two or three weeks, it was announced ycttcrday. Democrat File for Senajtc in. Richardson County Lincoln. May 4. (Special.) B. It. Dawson filed today as a demo cratic candidate for state senator in the First district, which embraces Richardson county. John Wiltse, Kvho served in the last legislature, is a republican candidate for e-election to the state senate from the same district. Corrick Will Speak Lincoln, May 4. (Special.) Frank P. Corrick, past grand master of Odd Fellows, wilt speak at a statewide fraternity meeting at the city auditorium. Omaha, Saturday. Corrick's home is in Lincoln. - Any mont on Easy Terms Play a tune in an hour , It is being dene. You can do it. Even without musical experience you'll master a Conn Saxophone' well enough to play the popular music in a very short time. Bargains in Used Instruments Every instrument in first-class condition throughout. : CONN B Flat Soprano Saxophone, silver finish. , HOLTON E Flat Alto Saxophone, silver finish. CONN B Flat Tenor Saxophone, nickel finish. I YORK Multiplex Horn, silver finish. ' HOLTON Slide Trombone, silver finish. RUDOLPH WURLITZER Trumpet, silver finish. YORK Trombone, brass finish. French Horn. CotapUta Stock C. C CONN Band ! Orchestra laitrumaata MICKEUS 15th and Harney Street j Friday's Dinner H in the Popular Indian Grill $125 May 5,1922 v. . ' MENU 5:30 to 830 P. M. Tomato Monecaacjue Orange and Grapo Fruit Supreme . Cream of New Peas, Croutons v -Essence of Fresh Mushrooms Rose Radishes Celery Hearts Assorted Olives Fresh Hawaiian Pineapple Sherbet BROILED ALIVE, WHOLE BABY LOBSTER 1- with Draws Butttr tad JaHaaaa Patatati ; Radt of Sprint Lamb, Champ vallon,-'. ,r v-v with MartW Sariat VacaubUs . .i - . Roast Young Farm Raited Chicken, Stuffed, wita Paa Gravy. Hal Taa Biicaita aa4 Aspla Jatly Fresh Green String Beans New Browned Potatoes - . x Combination Salad ' with French or 1,000 Island Dressing .' . Apple Pie , Fresh Rhubarb Pie y Old Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream . . Pond Lily Parfait, Petit Fours . . Ice Cream (any flavor) with Mocha Layer Cake Genuine Imported Swiss Cheese, Toasted Crackers Coffee PoHtenelle Panhandler Stop$ at City's Flntit Hotel Spokane, Wash. May 4. Frank Donato. 22, guaat of Spo kane's tirwtt howl, was to be trw4 in polict court today on a vagrancy charts. Donato, according to police who arrested him, was found bagging on a busy street comer, Tbo cua tomary "frisking" at headquarters resulted in finding 9419 in cash on his parson. He wore a silk shirt and an aipcnsiva twtad suit. He is said to have "worked" in all cities from New York to Seattle. H has but one Ug. On tht hotel register ht used tha name" Prank Barge." Kansas and Nebraska Cities Engaged in Commercial War Fall City. Neb. May 4. (Spe cial.) The citie of Falls City. Neb., and Hiawatha, Kan., are engaged in a commercial war unparalleled in I the history of this section of the country, j l Iheie Uo till, but 14 mile i apart, have from tha beginning of tneir rsitirnt't rn cam ouirrs mot relentless foe on the athletic field at well as in rare of civic achivt litem. Falls City threw dona the gauntlet by advertising s community day tale, distributing the bulk of the pap" right in the enemy's stronghold. Hiawatha has retaliated by announc ing that it wilt hold a still bigger community sale day and will pro. mulgate this new orfuill ri.lit into yte homes of Falls Ciiy. Lincoln Pren Club to Be Organised Nest Monday Lincoln. May 4.-(Speclat) For matton of a Lincoln (rest club is under way and nomination and elec tion of officers wilt be made at a banquet at the Lincoln hotel Mon day evening. George E. Johnson, state engineer, will be the guest of honor. Magnetic L'ubea Turn Seivn" or "Eleven" at Will of Shooter tattle. Wash., May 4. Tht "Arabian Nights" had s magic car pef; Stattlt has its magic trunk. Upon ent tht enthralled possessor was borne swiftly to s desired des tination, upon tht other tht "speckled cube" moved strangely in answer to tht dictates of their masters. la a room here occupied by three men now under arrest, polict say they found a trunk. An electric twitch connected with a magnet, which charged tht top of tht trunk. Dice rolled on this trunk top naver failed to product a "seven or "eleven," according to tht officers. Read The Bee all the way through. You will find It interesting. ' 13 Indicted in Narcotic i Cases Kilter Guilty Plea Fiitrrn of 65 ittrq and women in luted Wednesday by the federal grand jury fr violation of the nar cotic act, pleaded guilty and were .entenced yeterday by Lidge Wood rough. One woman, Leora Lake, thanked the Judge when she was gitcn a sentence of- oO days. The remaining 50 pleaded not guilty and were taken back to jad or released on bond. Oakland Will A.k Hid. on 20 Block of Paving Oakland. Neb., April 4. (Special Telegram.) Th city council voted lo submit for bid 20 blocks of pav ing making a total of 72 blocks for lha ritv Th mntrai't (or tha llt 2Q will be let In about a month. Nebraska City Minister Held on State Charges N'cbra.ka City. ' Neb., May 4. (Special) Preliminary hearing was waived by Rev. F, B. Williams and he was bound over lo h di.trkt court on a charge of illrgal practice 0,' mrdwine, Two other charges had been filtd, but the county attorney notified the court that they would t dim!scd as both mm (or whom I lie defendant is alleged to have pre scribed, have died within the last few ueckt. Both were suffering with tuberculosis. . i Test Proposed to Decide Location of New Cat Plant R. R. Howell, general manager of iht Metropolitan Utilities district, stated yesterday he wilt present to the board of directors the proposition of sinking a number of trt holes In the district acreage south of tht Florence water plant to determine the nature of the earth strata with a viuv to deciding if the new gat plant nught be situated there. Ak-Sar-Beu Initiations to Begin in Three Week Three mure weeks remain lor loyal subject of King A to checW in their meuiberthip before initiation ceremonies at the king's dra, so Cording to hit highness yesterday. To date, 2.1 7 J persons have joined Ak-Sar-Ben for this year, with Maj. J. E. Davidson, head of Dit. trirt No, 2 in this city, in tht lead. Maj. Charles K. Black hat registered W members into Ak-Sar-Ben. Theft of Overcoat Will Send Man Back to PrUon Theft of an overcoat will tend Kenneth Weir to the state reforma tory. Weir was paroled recently by tht district court after ha flooded Omaha with spurious checks. Dis trict Judge Leslie issued a capiaa for his arrest. His parole will be revoked. cJOHN A. 8WANB0S, rrta.s :WM. U HOUMA.N, Treat, i A MASTER STROKE! Nebraska Clothing Co. announces the special purchase of thousands of dollars' worth of highest grade Rochester clothing the result of The Levy Bros, & Adler -Rochester Consolidation 43 .43 43 '31 .43 43 ;43 .-43 .43 43 43 :4i I At 1 3 43 43 ; ine must niomentous occurrence in recent years in wnoiesaie ciotning circles. rr 7 jxmester iwcoarosvATsa announce the consolidation of the two nationally known concerns L.Adler;Bros.Co. : ' " arid ' LevyBros .Clothing Co. r-l-y lKisereer'combines under one management the resourees and abilities of two of the most important ' houses in the country," most favorably known in the mens' clothing field-thereby eflfeing great economies in production and overhead impossible of accomplish ment in operating independently, i The enviable reputation bt both concerns gives this consolidation especial importance to all retail merchants who recognize the necessity of further reductions in selling prices; It comes at a most opportune time to as? sist in the solution of difficult merchandising problems The policy, personnel and pro-dud of the new or- -ganization were determined by careful consideration of all that has proven most acceptable to the best trade : of today. Better fabnc values, better style features and more attractive prices are assured in the new fall lines designed for men and youiig men. ..... , ' ' .. 9 ' Si 'J ta. : - I' Entire Purchase On - Sale Beginning FRIDAY, MAY 5tH Hundreds JJpon of Superbly Tailored SPRING SUITS ' - r- . .. . . . ... . : : :.: ;. ' ... ' Internationally famous Adler Rochester and Ievy Bros. Clothes for men and young men the sale price will be v. The above is reprinted from the "Daily News Record," New York, announcement of the Levy Bros., ct Adler'-Rochester consolidation. Actual $40 and $50 Values ; The styjes involve every new model every fashionably correct style eyery conceivable size and 'proportion. ... Business Men's Conservative Suits .. '''r , ... ....V- ' -:. : :' m Fabric quality of the highest standard known in clothes, making,' npon which these two great firm's built their enviable reputations. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF THESE SUITS IN OUR FAUNAM STREET WINDOWS ( actual; $25.00 AND $35.00 VALUES Another Extm Extmordimry Special Five Hundred GABERDINES Greatly Underpriced $1 Q50 and $9750 Gaberdines in the newest half -belt and full belted models.' : GABERDINES ? . ON DISPLAY -FAKNAM ST. CdBNEB ; i AVTNDpW . .. 3 U Gaberdines in many shades tan, brown, gray, olive; fine quality fabrics. n ':. . - - , .' . Men'! aa Yeaas Mea'a Clatklas Eatlrc Sccaai Flaar Maia Baliataa; aa4 Aaacz FINEST G ABERDINES MADE AT ANY PRICE Gaberdines in all the new Raglan ot regular ' shoulder models; satin yoke. " GABERDINES' ON DISPLAY FARNAM ST. CORNER . WINDOW COKKLCT APPAREL roR MfcJN AND WOMEN s 5 -J - ' Ml I I 3S0 Bath $3 to $5 a Day Y. V s? mm'.. 380 Raaau V- . J ' . . . .