Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Bank Loan Bonus
Plan to Be Laid
. r Before Harding
Senile Finance Committee Au
lhorues McCumlxr to Pre
sent His Proposal Smoot
' Alio to Give llii Plan.
Washington. . Way 4. Chairnun
McCumber of the seoate finance
committee wn authorised formally
today by Iht majority ef that com
mittee to preieht hit oldier bonus
plan, with the hankloan provUion,
to Preiident Harding ai the commit
ttr elan.
Senator Smoot, republican, Utah,
however, informed the committeemen
that he alo would lay before the
. preiident hit bonui plan, which con
template i 20-year endowment life
insurance plan without any specific
provUion for loam to be made to
veteran.' ". ' '
Chairman McCuniber will ak Mr.
Harding to approve the committee
draft of the bonus, which differs lit
tle from the home measure except
that the so-called reclamation pro
vision is eliminated.
Allies Stop Delivery
of German Dyes to U. S.
Taris. May 4 -(By A. P.)-Tbe
repartition committee ha notified
the State department at Washington
that it will terminate the delivery of
German dye to the Textile Alliance
of America June 30. Unless the de
partment officially designates the at
iirnce or ome other American
agency by that time, the commis
una probably will appoint a com
"rtee to select a medium through
wr'icii the dyes can be sold in Amer
ica. This decision was taken after
the commission had waited nearly
six months for the United State
government to approve the alliances'
arrangements with the commission.
Officials of the alliance recently
made a new agreement with the Ger
man dye alliance, through which th
American textile industry was to re
. cttve largely increased deliveries of
d; es. The hope i expressed in com
mission circles that this latest action
will move, the United States govern
ment to act before June 30. ,
Omaha Woman Unconscious
12 Days Dies in Fremont
Fremont. Neb.. May 4. (Special
T e 1 e g r a m.) Mrs. Elizabeth J.
Woodman, 81, died here after having
been unconscious for 12 days. Mrs.
( Woodman had been visiting here
with her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Dev
ries, and suffered a stroke of apo
plexy' a week ago Saturday. Since
that time she had been unconscious.
MrS. Woodman resided in Omaha
with ' her son, A. E. Woodman, a
real estate and insurance man. She
was born in London in July, 1840,
came to the United States 58 years
ago and lived in Chicago for a num
ber of years. She. had been living
in Omaha for 45 years.
She is survived by three sons,
James D. Woodman of Oregon, Her
bert J. Woodman of Wyoming, and
. Arthur E. Woodman of Omaha, and
one daughter, Mrs. J. S. Devrfei Of
; Fremont. . , '
Telephone Employe Killed .
; by Auto at Central City
Cetstral City, Neb.. May (Spe
cial Telegram.) J. Mayer, mem
ber qf a telephone crew, was Struck
by an automobile driven by Ed
, Smith and died a half hour later.
Mr, Smith states that he was driv
ing .about 30 miles an hour and see
ing the young man in the road in
front ;of him sounded his horn sever
al times. : It ifi not known where Mr.
Mayer's parents reside. . He was
born in Cedar Rapids. Ia., and au
thorities are trying to locate rela
tives through this clue. f
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
Boosters. Vv?'
When in Omaha Stop at
W have mm at the fcaat equippe
tence vaults for the.tterag ef yeur
furs ami ttethtajr. '
ttr Faraaaa Street ATIaatk 034S
MeCeaswa Draa SSstw.
th a mean
Ttufassnr At nigs rob Catieetra
Oistmeot lota parttags s1 orsr the
sJysrtiararis with
Fairbury Will Start .
Paving Program at Once
Fairbury, Neb., May 4 -(Special )
Three years ago six paving di
trlcts acre created and bond toted
for ceiHtruetion. Owing to the high
rot of in if rial and laborvihe work
was deferred. The councirha d.
cidrd to do the work now and sur
veying 'for storm sewer uilt begin
at once,
Nelton Collier has been employed
as city engineer at a salary of $4,000
s year to make the plans for the
work, lie ws formerly county sur
veyor of Jefferson county, ervcd
two year as city surveyor of Hay
ings and for the pt si year has
been employed by the Dominican
governmeiM in the Wet Indies.
Cage County Farm Home
"Is Destroyed ly Fire
Beatrice. Neb,' May 4. (Special
Telegram.) The larae two-storv
residence on the Black farm, a mile
northeast of Beatrice, occupied , by
John Holmbeck, was destroyed by
Are. Mot of contents were saved.
Mr. Holmbeck and family were
away from home when the fire broke
out and its origin i unknown. The
los j placed at about $8,000. The
house was built about 40 years ago
by Warren Cole, then a banker of
this city. . .
Davis Decision Expected
Soon on Running for Senate
Lincoln, May 4. (Special.) A de
cision by Attorney General Clarence
A. Davis as to whether 'he will seek
the republican nomination for United
Slates senator is expected in the
next few days Numerous petitions
are being circulated here by his
friends asking him to get into the
16tb aad Doslg
16th aad
Friday and Saturday's
$1.00 Italians -
Chocolate creams, hand dipped,'
rich, heavy 'RQ
coating, pound J7C
69c Cbocelata Covered
Soft, delicious, OQ
full pound . . 4si7C
Peanut Brittle
Fresh and crisp, lota -V Oq
o( peanuts, pound..... efiOC
' Shampoo
-The "Olive
Shampoo k
50c size, 30 ,
Miller's Antiseptic Oil, Known aa
Will Positively Relieve Paia la a.
l Few Miauta
Try it right now for Rheuma
tism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, sorej
stiff and .swollen joints, pain in
th head, back and limbs, corns,
bunions, etc. After one applica
tion pain usually disappears as if
by magic.
A new remedy used externally
for Coughs, Colds, Influenza,
Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Ton
silitis. ...... .
This oil is conceded to be the
most penetrating remedy known
Its prompt and immediate effect
in relieving pain is due to the
fact that it penetrates to the af
fected part at once. As an illus
tration, pour ten drops on the
thickest piece of sole leather and
it will penetrate this substance
through . and through in , three
Accept no substitutes. This
great oil is goldeq red color only.
v 75 c 59 c
-i -
10c Palmolive Co.'s Violet Glyc
erine, Rose Glycerine, Almond
and Cocoa and Buttermilk Soap.
Friday jind Saturday, y
10c JergenV Violet Glycerine or
Almond Cocoa Soap, 7
.cake ....... ..sV.,.- C
Palmolive Soap, .. - e)C
3 for r. .. dSOC
Sayman's Soap, ' 1 1
cake .... 11C
25c Woodbury's or Cuti- Q
cura Soap, cake. ....... 1 5 C
12c Renaissance Q
Soap .aC
10c Crerae Oil Soap - - 7
fori. .i;...-.;. C
JoV..;....:...... 10c
10c Lemon Oil Soap, OP'
3 for e&OC
20c Carlton's British A
Bath Tablets, all odors. . 1"C
Automobile Sponges atod
Chamois Skins
- All sizes, prices and shapes.
Alliance Masons Plan
Hi's Reunion May 1243
Aluante, Neb, May 4t Special
Msy I J and 1J are tha dtt an
nounced far the annual rwg rj
union of Scottuh tit Mont to b
held in Alhanr. ,MI degrees, from
the 4th to the 18th. will he conferred
on a large c! of candidate and an
enthutatic meeting U anticipated.
I h meinberhiB committee ha
planned trip to a number of nearby
town during the peu two week (or
the purpote ol enluting canamate.
Among other town, visits will be
made to Chadron, Crawford. Kay
Spring, (totdon, Srottsbtuff,
Mitchell. M insure and Gcring.
Man Held for Burr Murder
Enters Plea of Not Guilty
Nclira.k City. Neb, May 4.
(Special.) George Flencr. charged
with the murder of Jothua Howard
at Burr lat Sunday, was arraigned
nriarVi needy fir c::sfipiti.ii
ThousMnit upon thousands of peo
ple are today suffering from consti
pation In all Its hldeousneaa; fw re
alise either the cause of thrir condi
tion or what it will eventually lead
to! Ask the average man or woman
If they are conatlpattd and they wilt
anwr "No!" Thla they firmly be
lieve. But, the first thing the phy
sician aaks hi patient ta "Let m see
your tongue." If tha tongue la coat
ed he knows the patient ta suffering
from conatipatloa! '
A coated tongue, is bad breath
they are eonmipatlon alanals! Htart
tha u of nature's remedy DKAN
Kellogc'a Bran, cooked and krum
bled, aa fast as you can! You must
eliminate thla dangerous condition
because It goes from bad to worm!
Toxic, poison epreada through the
whole system; organa become af
Haraey I'IStk and Faraaaa I 24tb
Read These Prices:
Toilet Articles
35c Pond's Vanishing Cream
for ..................244
60e Sempre Jovenay. 44e
25c Mavis Talcum ........ 194
75c Harmony Skin Cream. .54s
50cNm-8piV;... 39a
K$1.0 JCrank's Lemon Cream
for ...79S
50c Victor's Cucumber, Benzoin
and , Almond Lotion 33
50c Jlarmony Cocoa Butter Cold
; Cream-. .... . . . . . .44
$1.50 Xzurea .VegeUle. $1.14
35c Frjoatilla '. ; . . ;.v . ; .24
50c Mgvia Brilliantine, . . .41s
$1.15 Coty'i Face Powder. 81
$1.00 Asurea Face Powder. 72
25c Djer Kiss Talcum. , . . .17a
$1.00 Abonita Lilac Vegetale
for .......69
25c Mum '19
$1.50 Bouquet Ramee Toilet
i?.:.Witef ,vrr;. . . .98
15c Assorted Talcums. .... .5
,65c Fensdale Linen, fabric finish,
m white only, a wonderful value,
24 sheets, 24 envelopes, OQ
per box . ... . . . . . . .... T
LaJeurre Hair Nets,
single or double mesh
$1.00 dozen
Drugs and Rem
$1.20 Scott's Emulsion.... 89
60c Syrup of Figs... 44 1
40c Castoria '. , .......... 24
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste . 34
50c Lysol ............. .39
50c Mutsified Cocoanut 0il.37
35c Freezone . .... . . . . . .23
50c Lavorts . . . . . . .L . . .39
$1.90 S. S. S. .........$1.49
$1.00 Grant's Vita Vim Tab
lets for I......... 79
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste. . . .34
30c Phenolax .Wafers. . .19
$1.00 Comp. Syrup Hypo-
phosphites' .. .... .': . .83a
60c Pape's Diapepsin. . i . . .44
60c Doan's Kidney Pills. . .44
oc Carter's Little Liver ' '
Piiis ;.i4
70c Sloan's Liniment. J . . . .44
$L25 Pinkham's Vegetable -
Compound .. . ; . . . ...... 98
60c Listerlhe V. ..... .... .39
25c tube Zinc Oxide Oint-
ment .... ... : . . .19
$.00 Full Pint Picnic QQ
Thermos Bottle for...'; 70C
$2.50 Thermos Lunch Kit, com
plete with pint 4 QQ
bottl Va70
$2 Gilbert make Alarm Clocks,
extra loud' alarm, guaranteed
tor one year,
each ...... . . . .
$1.50 Rexall Beef,
Iron, builder and
tonic, for ........ .
Wine and
Borden's Eagle Brand
Condensed MilkV. .' . , .
iu county court and upon plea of
oot guilty lii hrriug wat sent for
May 8. Flrner still maintains that
he knows nothing of the killing of
Howard at home and he doe pot
attempt to explain the pretence of
btoduin on the walU, floor and
Stairway leading to the room in
whith the murder wat committed.
The prisoner in the county jail
ay that Flruner appears uncon
cerned over the murder charge: that
be deep well and will talk to them
of hi doing the pt few day. e.
pecially the part about hi drinking
bwhite mule The funeral of How.
ard was held at Burr yesterday and
was largely attended.
Bloomfield Rat Day-
Bloomfield, Neb.. May 4. (Spe
cial.) Friday will be "rat-killing
day" in Rloomfield. A committee
from the Commercial club will viit
every hou.e in town and distribute
trill givt yoi prci:3it relief!
fected: the brain slow down. Any
one of many serious diseases la like
ly to follow!
Fight eonstlpatlon with Kelton't
Bran! For Dran la nature' own
aweeper, cleanser and purifier! It
will correct the mod ehronlo caae of
eonstlpatlon If It Is eaten regularly;1
It will orevent conatipatlon If a little
la eaten earn day! For mild cases, i
two tablrspoonfuta dally: in ehronlrj
raee, eat Bran with each meal Tour
physician will recommend Kellogg';
Bran for constipation! .,
Kellogg' Bran Is fine for children,
helping them grow big and robust.
Kelloga'S Bran ta dellcloualy goo.'
aa a cereal, sprinkled over your
favorite cereal, or used In baklnc
and cooking. It makes wonderful
pancakes, muffin, raisin bread, etc.
gee recipe on each package! Buy
Kellogg'a Bran at your grocer's.
awe! Faraaat 49tk and Dodga
Cigars and
Camels, ' Chesterfields, Lucky
Strikes, Spurs, Piedmonts and
Black and Whites, 1 Or
package 1VV-
ton of any of the (
above, brands. . . .'.
10c Straight Robert
Emmetts, 3 for. . .
All 2 for 25c
10c Straight
This includes every brand, such
as Mozarts, Van. Dycks, La Pa
linas, Murats, Iliads, Dutch Mas
ters, etc. . ' " ?'".;
Hercules ;
Hot Water
, Bottles,
1 Year
1 box Dazira Face Powder, '
dainty, soft, clinging. .$1.50
1 Dazira 'Talcum, in at
tractive glass bottle .. .60
Total Value
$1 Peptona 79c
Builds you up; makes you feel
good. The beat tonic, we sell.
. Pure Food
Pantry Specials
75c Ballardvale Grape Jam.39
48c Opeko Coffee . . . . . . .28
30c Symond's Inn Baking
30c Symond's Inn Breakfast
Cocoa , 19
40c Symond's Inn Lemon
Extract . . ......... .24
35c SynJond'S Inn Vanilla
Extract 24
-a"l 1
Drag Sale
1 25c Cox's Gelatine 19
FRIDAY. MAY 5, 1022.
Alliame Cleaning Shop
I Badly Damagptl by Fire
Alliance, Neb.. May 4 (Special.)
Fire, said to have been by
a match struck to light a ciearrt.
swept the interior of the Modi!
cleaning establishment here, entail
ing a lot estimated at over $J,i
According to the proprietor,. Ted
Fielding, a plumber lighted a match
The Greatest Step in Clothing
15 -.p.
- X - : : . ' . ' . - , ' III
j Alterations Alterations J
I l5l4FarnamSt;K ! ,
I ,v STJa' ala?d coimAus p-yKXS Gabardines I
iZ&tj!f Akron St. Louis M Khf&S&l ' ' The all-season coat I
: Toledo Kansas City vVJ $$r V . for rain or shine. J
U . Pittsburgh Lorain I YtW- . Every man can af-' j .
eX v 1 v .. . ' n l VC A'friy ford one at Bonds - I
AXS V 'V'. younistown Omaha flr low price. V ,i
. ' . - - -- : - - -!- - - - , . -
near a work table on whkh Mr.
Fielding was cleaning a coat with
mlolite, a highly hiHammable liquid.
Fume whkh tilled the room in
ktantly ignited and the entire room
buiM into flame, Uatuliue Mtaked
garment and other inflammable ma
terial ignited ou another work table,
creating null a uYne volume oj
kinokr that the firemen had dilluultv
in fighting the bke, Itrtueeii .'5
ms&& OTgHOeMl
It's the verdict of hundreds of men who wear them. It's the
recognition of everyone who sees them. Every man knows that
his trousers show wear firstthat's the economy part of the
"extra pair."'
Bond's 2-pants suits practically give you double life and
service and the extra pair costs you only $5.
"Style scout" that's what we call. 'em. They are a part of
Bond's organization. It's their Job to find out what men want.
These styles are interpreted and tailored in Bond's own fac
tories that's why the variety of Bond's styles are jm-V;''
approachable. "
Just try to duplicate a Bond value. You'll find the job labeled V
as one of those' things termed impossible. ' Direct from our ' v
own great tailoring plants to you that's why. " ;
41 30 suit of clothe belonging to
ciuKmer wne completely dciroy
ed ami tlie plant cjtiitmriit,' allied
at f.',4ill, wa badly damaged,
Alliance? lpion Auxiliary
Will OUmc lauy Day"
Al.iaiue. NVb., May 4. (Sprcul)
"Dauy day" will he ubwnrd iu
Alliance May 27, under the autpice
tf the Women stiviliary i.j the
Au.fiimii Legion, Dii will be
oUI at 10 cent rich and ths pio
Ue been planned. ftobrrt Sinw".
an aitorury of Scottblutf and former
taie rommandt r of the legion, will
make the pruuipal addrria.
in ii