Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Children Fight
in Court Over
Mothers Burial
Family Evenly Divided Over
Place Ilmly Will Ue TuLen
From Oniaua Vault
Now Brine Built.
Coluntbu'i, N'cl., May 4. (Special-)
Srckmir an order trout the
couri lo Prevent the w!jr ol tlelr
mother, Mi. Martha J. Rinnan, Irout
being placed in a mausoleum in Co-
Innihu cemetery anJ 14 ruc it to
he wivrn bnnal id the family plot 111
Uicrola, Herbert S. Kinnan. J etjli
R, Rinnan and Mr. Alice I.Kemth
have f led fuit in district court again!
their sister. Mittct Jeie an J
Dcll.e Rinnan and Mr. Albsrti M.
Grave and the lorri Lawn Ceme
tery allocation of Omaha.
Mn. Kinnaii died October 13. I9.'l
and her body wat placed temporarily
in a vault in the Forest Lawn rente
tery 111 Omaha, bwm tint time
mmbcia ot the family have been
unable to reach an axicerucnt a to
tlie permanent aepulcher. Tha !e
fendanit in the cae now pending in
court have commenced the erection
of a mausoleum in Cotumbu cemc
tery at their expense, and have erv
ed notice upon the plaintiff that they
will have their mother ' laid to rest
there, claiming that in 10 doing they
are carrying out a reqnct he made
to them a hort time before her dead'.
The plaintiff in their petition cck
hg to prevent thi action repro-it
to the court that it was their mother'
vih that the be' given burial in the
family lot in ths Otceol cemctfry
where their fawcr wa Luried 20 yean
ago. ' t ,
They ay they would agree to the
contriiction of a vault in the Osce
ola, cemetery, but will not agree to
burial in a $5,000 or $6,000 mauso
leum in Columbui even though their
sister erect it at their own expense.
Farmers Not Turning .
Radical, McKelvie Says
Philadelphia, May 4. There is no
danger of the farmer of the middle
west turning ultra-radical and he is
not behind any class or sectional
legislation, Gov, Samuel R. Mc
Kelvifc of Nebraska, declared in an
address' before ' ' the - I'hiladclphia
Chamber-of Commerce. .
"The farmer i the largest property
holder in the United States." Gov
ernor McKelvie said, "and he is not
turning to policies that would hit
him hardest.
"The farmer of the west are not
asking for legislation that is not in
harmony with the best interest of
the nation. The farmers need no
subsidy or special benefits of govern
ment.. Legislation for any one class
is, in the end, inimical, to. the class
that ask it."
Declaring that Nebraska, farmers
were on the road to permanent pros
perity, Governor McKelvie. -said the
only obstacle was disparity, between
the price of farm product)' and the
Act r( 1 n 1 e ti rt nniifartirf1 crnrAa
In the at.'rix rn,onths, -he." paid, farm
values in" his state have.; increased
$75,000,000. flj-Xttx. .,
Indian Girls Confess
Setting Fire to School
Sioux Falls, S. D., May 4. Two
young Indian girls have confessed
to starting the blaze that destroyed
the Episcopal school for Indian girls
at Mission, S. D., on the night of
April 23. according to Deputy United
States Marshal Lee R. Brocks, who
is on his way to the Rosebud reser
vation to. arrest them. They will be
taken into custody and brought be
fore the United States district court
at Dcadwood May 16' on a charge of
arson. :t- ..
The girls were students at,', the
school and iu their Confession to
Brooks said they started the fire be
cause they were tired of school life
and wanted to go back to the reser
vation. '".'( ;,":
The fire caused damage of about
$20,000. On two previous occasions
the school "liad bean destroyed by
fire, , the origin of which is unknown.
Lincoln Couple, Students,
Die Week and Bay Apart
Lincoln, . May ., 4. (Special.)
Alvin Herrily, 25, died here one week
and a day after the death of his
wife, Mary Ellen Hemly. . Both were
working their way through college.
Hemly was in his second year in the
state engineering college while his
wife larltert onlv a few fnonthf nf
.. .. i.r ,
graduating irom JNeorasica wesieyan
mrvtrsity.: i ,.. ,1 . ' , i
Tt,. . - e .. ...... ..j u :it.
4 ilC IWU SWUL LUW9 tllU OU1U Ililin.
Mrs. Hernly taught school at odd
times and ? Hemly when he . could
find the time,-' worked for; the Lin
coin Traction 'company.''."
The Dancing Master
tcrrtt, 11:5 )
lCalta4 tiae V sslseaaf .)
LUiabetn went how feeling micr
able: though the did not care for
Dolly, she lorry for her and he
would have given great deal to
nave hctpe4 her.
When Farmer called that evening
she was unusually cool 10 hi 111 the
ty friendship thar had grown up
hetween them eeiiied to have broken
down. Mie felt ill at fe. Whenever
their eye met he found lirrtrlf
remrnibenii what Polly had
W it true and did he reilly love
her? She hoped not with all her
heart. She did not nt In love.
Farmer wi quick to , notice the
change in her, and at nrt he tnra
gently to find out what wai wrong,
but manlike he lost patience a the
evrning wore on. Before he left he
asked frankly if he had done any
thing to oltend her.
I liubeth shook her head. -
-Not Why hmild you think o?"
"Because you have changed to me
lince yesterday. I knew it a noon at
you came into the room tonight;
what have I done. Llizahctir
She moved -restlestly Everything
Kerned to jar ner ami ne sam im-
"I wih you wouldn't catl me by
my Christian name: I don't like it."
She saw the hot blood rush into
hi handsome face, but he controlled
himself admirably.
"I am sorry; 1 thought you did not
mind." he aid.
She turned away without answer
ing. She frit ahamed. He had been
to good" to her. She thought of the
theck he had tent to Enid Sanger
with sudden heart sinking.
"I think, perhaps, I won't stay this
evening," Farmer said. His voice
sounded hurt and Elizabeth melted.
She went back to him.
"I'm sorry I was unkind,", she said.
Tlease forgive me"
, The surrender was so unexpected
that he caught his breath with a
stifled exclamation.. .
"Elizabeth, you know' I T love
you, Elizabeth. I'd give anything in
the world to make you happy."
She fell back from him, the color
dying from her face.
"Oh, no, no!" she protested.
He saw that he had made a mis
take, but it was too late to recall
the words, and he went on pleading
passionately. .....
"I thought you Incw that I want
ed you. Be my wife, Elizabeth!
There' nothing I won't do for you.
I'd aive niv life for vou. If you can
just care for mc ever so little '
Elizabeth thought ot uoily s
words: '
"There isn't such a thing as friend
ship between a man and a woman,"
and she knew how true it was.
She had tried friendship with Pat
Royston, and it had failed,' and she
had tried it. with Neil Farmer, and
this was how it had ended.
. "I'm sorry," she said, "but. I .don't
I can't ever care for you- like
that." . '. .'
He broke out again eagerly: ' .
"I've spoken too soon. I never
meant to. But you won't send me
away, ' Elizabeth. I'll never allude
to it again. . I'm content to go on,
just .being your friend, unless you
ever wish it to be different."
"I -shall never wish it," she toldi
him.VI don't ' thinlt there's much
happirress in the world," she added
pitifully. ;"'
He tried to laugh. .
"I know I owe yoii everything,"
she said again; "I know it. would
only be right if I-s if I did care for
you. but " She broke off hopelessly.
"We're not going to talk about it
again," he said determinedly. '-'It's
all forgotten; we're just friends,
nothing more unless you wish it
some ' day.". He took her hand.
"Smile, Elizabeth, and say you for
give me." ''..
I -Til
1 n
1 k
A BABY whoM organs
m lHnhin hutna kAs
r" aavaa wuy va tvm u nr jITI'
fill lAnlr na . M
it generally the ionrnnnn
f " ' aWKalakBBua
Jl t ' .tlU. Akla. -
r wiMWwua sum r (lis, uitv mu
Pemln ftn4 tbt baby will quickly set
well. A doae ooati ltta than cant
Dr. Caldwtn'tSmp Pptlo I th
Iarsest selUnt liquid Uxitire in tb
world, used by notksr for SO yaan.
It i a combtnttioo ot Eeyptian Senna
and other simpl luaura herb with
pccMln, the taiest remedy you can
tfveababy. :.y ,
rWmteHifetfen,wn if you da
mc r9Mlt laxitwt at inu mommtUt me
mUyo a HaH-mu Trial Botrle of my
Spw- Prfm FRcS OF CHARQB that
ymwiU)mkhai)wtimdtd. Simfh
ttmt your nam 4 addrta W Dr. V. B.
CeUwU, 3U WottUecnn St UeaMUo,
U. WrtceiMloAw. .- .:
Friday, May 5th
Expert paint , men will ' demonstrate the
, You. save 40c. by
filling out this
coupon and
bringing it to our
store on Friday.
;S ''
For 10c and Coupon
Mow you riv:
Floorlae (rogular ...
price) .38c
Brush (regular
price) 19c
16091, Farnam Street
DOugU 4750
Fill in this coupon with your name and nddreee. bring it to our etora
wnn ie -nt and you viU receive a Thirty-five Cent can o( Fleorlac,
ad a Fifteen-Ceat Varniah Brush. This introductory offer ie limited
Sign tae coopjn today.
fiht hook her brad,
"It a'l my fault for for ever let
ting you do vttut you have done,"
the said.
IU would not allow that.
"I've made a good investment
that's all." he said cheerily. "There"
110 peed lo be sorry for me, Wait
till the Ilth."
It a much later oil in the even-
in; he 4d .suddenly, when
Mine. Seneti v.a out of the room:
I.liiltih, may I ak you some
thing V
She looked u;, startled by the
gravity of hi voue. "Why yet,"
the said hrcaihletsly.
"What is It?-
He smiled at her amivty.
"Don't look o. alarmed; I'm not
going to seold you, only will you
tell me who you gave that check
Eliiahcth stared at him with wM
eyes, the color mounting slowly to
her cheek.
-Who who did I give it to?" she
faltered. She could not imagine
why he wa questioning her: in her
Ignorance she had never dreamed
that the check wa ultimately bound
to find it way bark to him. t She
had never negotiated a check in her
"Don't think anythin I wrong"
he reumed hurriedly. "I only asked
because You would rather not tell
"Ye, if if you don't mind.
There was a growing fear in her
heart; what had Enid done. She
broke out again- earnestly. "I didn't
use it myself, if you think that. I
stave it to to some one who wanted
it dreadfully badly. Oh, you do
believe me, don't you?"
"My dear child, of course." He
laid his hand On her' with a reassur
ing pressure. "We won!t say any
more about it. . I only wanted to
make sure that you filled it in prop
erly vou understand how to fill in
a check, of course?"",,
. Elizabeth shook hef head.
."I didn't do anything to it," she
said, painfully.. "I just sent it as
you gave it to mc.'
He looked at her with blank
"You mean you didn't fill in any
amount?" ;
"Xo. I don't understand Oh, do
cxntain what vmi mean!"
He lowered his eyes to hide the
udetrn smile 4hat flashed into them.
"I don't mean anythine. When you
have a check hook -of your own I
will show you how to use it. Don't
look so scared; 1 Rive you my word
that there in nothinc the matter, and
I hope I hope when you want
money ntjain you will not hesitate to
ask me."
"You are very kind. Elizabeth
raid; her eves were puzzled; she
looked at him furtivrly.
(Contlnnrd In The B Tomorrow.)
Elks' $1,000,000 Club House
Assured Leaders Assert
Judge W. G. Sears, chairman of
the Elks' building committee, and
Vice Chairman Scheibel, together
with officials of the lodge, announced
yesterday that progress of the Jtlks
bend campaign to date assures the '
erection of. .the $1,000,000 club house
at Eighteenth and Dodge. I
.The decision to go ahead with the '
building was made as a result of
passlnsr the $800,000 mark 1 in bond!
sales Wednesday.- The committee has
definite plans for commercializing
the first floor and other parts of the
building to assure revenue. . j
As soon as the bond selling .cam
paign is finished, according to Vice
Chairman Schiebel, detailed pjans
will be formulated. ',''
Cool Weather
Delays Crops
Germination HrlJ Hark in
Southern Slate Winter
Grain. Well Along.
Washington, May 4. It jtit pne
thing after another for .the farmers
in the middlewriit, it wat iudiiate
by report of the weather bureau in
it weekly weather and crop review.
These report for several wet ks luvt
said farm .preparation . were being
delayed by raiu and snow, although
the rain ha atopped, the review
tayi it "wa mostly too' cool in .cen
tral southern date for germination
and development of ipring crop.
Winter grain and grant iu . the
central kiates, however, made satis
factory progress, the review mated,
adding' that beneficial rains fell 1 in
northern Florida and portions of the
onititit where drouth condition
have prevailed.
bow inu of oat iu the northern
state during the prnod coveted by
the review the week ending yc
trrday iiuda satisfactory pugics,
but it wa Mated that a considerable
dm rate in acreage indicated.
t I'lanting (( corn wa reported at
urll along in central and southern
Kana, but the work was much de
layed ill central valley state.
Two Venango Bankers
Are Married Same Day
Vonitiigo, Xeb.i May 4. (Special)
An coincidence occurred
here whm two 4tittatit cashier of
local bank were married the same
Afternoon. The wedding took place
Wednesday. " s
Allirrt hchroeJer'of the Farmer
Mate hank wa .married to Mis
Alua WoMrnhcrg, daughter of Mr.
and Mr. Chii.tun Wosteiibeig
Alter two week in Chuaaa and
other eastern poutU they wi! be at
horn in Venango,
('harlri Novak of the Venango
State bank married Mi Uv Mor
ton, daughter of Mr and Mr. Joint
Morton The two wilt prud a honey,
moon at Omaha, after whitu they
will return to Venango.
Delightful minty
zestful flavor.
No fancy wrapper
-jnt good gum
Chewing Gum
A mart can Chid Co.
AtW I .... ... aifP
both Worth Hat and
Thoroughbred Hat '
. are cot told in your '
locality, ask ut aboot
our ua usual dealer
prapotitioo. '
Wc do not believe it is possible to mariu-
facture a more stylish and serviceable line of
;' hats than the new Thoroughbred and Worth '
models for Spring-' and sell them at any
where near the price at which you can buy
these high-grade hats from the Worth or -.
Thoroughbred dealer in your town.
' AND, .
(.itMeti Wrtlilinji Celtltratfil
iy Cainliri'lff Couple
4 amhtidge, Keb., My 4, Ope.
tial Bsbrft Aire end wife !
braird thrir 5Ul!i wrdduia nmver
sry hete, Mr, au4 Mis. Airet.rame
(tuui Illinois in an early day, ett!ed
on a faun iitar llcudiy. moving to
Caiiibiidge a little looia than one
ytit eo. Their wn U a d&vtor in
St, Louis. The one son who live
wilK hi ki.M and the daughter,
M., (f ViH'nviI!, Keb.,
were present, Utv. W, t'. Kelly
tht MrthiMlist ihuult ittd in the
le Want Ads A' l'f t liusinti
. .
Conanl Hotel Building , -"" I
The Incomparable Sale of .
Newest Silk Dresses
ILL be in full bloom Friday with the arrival of 250
' more of the best Dress vahies this town has ever
seen dresses you will recognize as being genuine.
$35 $29.50 $25 $22.50
Values Friday
4 . .IfTfJIW
' ' l
h All the Best Styles fl
. j . Very Best Qualities 7
TS All Colors and ; ; y TY z
mf JMewest Combinations VtJ'
A Special Purchase of
150 Newest Sport Skirts
$15 and $12.50 Values
Specially Priced for. Friday's Selling
Wrap Around
and Tweeds '
. . Eponges
Krepe Knit
Flannel , '
' Pockets
. Women's and
Misses' Sizes
-X . Attractive '
l j) ; Spring Color.
Pleated and
Plain Styles
Solid Colors
,and Fringed
and Designs
An Extraordinarily Low Price for Such Splendid Skirts
l .-' ; ' '