THE EEC: OMAHA. FRIDAY,' MAY 5; 1922. Court May Take Son From Alleged ikkv Seller Juilgr Day TrIU lhe Gard , He li Unfit la Cure for Lal Neighbor Tftify. aaaaaaaajsaa s sj "I am not going to ) nude a party to fending that bey to 1 out ihere in that drti of kt," kharu ly Mated Di.irki Judir Day to I've Card. 5761 Korth Forty-third ave. t.uf, who was ti dried brlof juvenile lhorjiif jr.terday to sliow hy lilt I0 yfr ulij on. I d in, hnulf not be ukrn may from him became vi improper parental trt. Card km arretted lat ' Monday and bound ovrr to the ilUtritt lourl alter police eied a fill and liquor t hi Tlie Grd hoy waa t.lrn to Riverview home fulfowiis the raid, "The (lard do nothing but Heal, ,cll Ittiuor and , folate tihcr law, aid Judfi Day alter he declared that he would take the ta under adtiaement for two day. The Garda haven't made an nonet dollar for 10 yean." Sis witnee, alt neighbori of the Gard, testified that they aw auto filled with intoxicated jvrtuns come atid go from the tiard home. County Clerk I'rank Dewey who ws one of thokC instrumental in h-tving Hard brought before juvenile authorities stated that Ciard'a home raided by police after a com plaint was nude by a mother who mated that her on had not con tributed one cent to her support ince be became a whisky customer of Card. Among those who testified were Marie Terry, 19, a nurse: Janie 5. Robertson, 21; Harry Dewey, 17; Frank Dewey; Edgar McCarthy, 18; Robert Thompson. 19; Mm. Minnie Pond; Mrs. Marie Freeman; Mrs. Hazel Fowler; Mrs. D. and Miss Kdna Ackerman; Mrs. Bess If aid and Inez Daniels. Miss Beryl Burton to Sing ; for Movie in Sioux City Mis Beryl Burton, who sang the " leading role in the recent produc tion of "The Jolly Musketeers" pre sented by the Knights of Ak-Sar-Bcn at Bramleis theater, has gone to Sioux City to sing "SmiliV Through," in connection with the piiotoplay of the same name. Miss Burton made a distinct hit with her rendition of "Smilin' Thrugh" here. Miss Burton also sang at the Rialto recently in con nection with the showing of Marv Pickford's "Little Lord Fauntlcroy." Business Men Asked to Take Boys as Pals tutday i to b the frowning day of k observance m U"ah. , , . . Omaha buus men arc letig ured by fht Men's Srrvke league M takt tlte boy of Omaha out with them Jiai'day pals, Jiemal .hundred Oimha boy un der J 5 haie entered the ey UH being J elJ in eonnecuou with the obiertaace of the week, cord. ing to Bruce Cainuipgham f the junior tlumber of Commerce, in charge of th tilet. A radio reeyifinn et U the tri? of the con't. The nubjeet ft the etMvs i "Wit I Need an Older I'al." The eaV' must contaiti le than 200 wordand be in Mr. Cun ningham's odue at the Pioneer Glass and raint contpaty by Saturday. Omgltan Meet Brother Firrt Time in 17 Ycari Teter M., 2H)S Military ave nue, was reuiviteiJ with his brugher, I lirii NeUen, iu Chicago last Sun day when they met for the first time in 17 year. The former re turned to Omaha yesterday after several days with hi brother. Both worked together after they immi grated to thi country from Den mark 48 year ago, and then became separated. BeuMco Ckithing Firm Not Involved in Fire The fire Wednesday morning which destroyed the building lu ing the I'ndeland Barber Supply company and the Buehler maiket was at 1407 Douglas street instead of 1417 DourIjs street as stated in The Bee. The Beddeo Clothing Co stone is at 1417 Douglas street and was not damaged by the fire. Two Girls Taken After Hot Chase Armt of Pair Sequel t J. . luattre of Bogus Cbe Ai for Over 1300. Two young women were arrested yesterday as forgery suspects after a thrilling chase through downtown streets. They gave their namr as Mary Smith and Kathleue Shepherd of Kana City, both 22. professing to be clerks. They registered at the Loyal hotel March 28. Detectives Larry Unit and Ray Coady have been on (lie trail of spu rious checks Mating more than $5X), said to have been itised on down town department stres, and in their quest went to the I.oyal hotel. As the aleuth emerged from the hotel the two gils spied them and ran south on '.Mxteeiitli street to Dougla. tip tbr Douglas hill toward Hotel Fontenefle. where .thry were caught just as they were about to enter a taxic?,b. When taken to Central police sta tion and booked for forgery the Shepherd girl i said to have con fessed and taken the blame to save the Smith girl from prosecution. The bous checks held by the de tectives iu the ease were signed w ith the namv of Mrs. J. E. Wallrn, Mrs. Arthur E. Lyon and Mr. J. L. Bur dick. i Golf C.oun-e at Pawnee Pawnee City, Neb., May 4. (Spe cial.) The new nine-hole golf course here has been completed. It is especially desirable in location, be ing only 15 minutes walk from the business section of town. w Specials for This Week 50 Record StleciioM Arc Included 'With These Talking Machlnct '1 1 3 o Tbee pbonojjTaphs play all record, In cluding Victor, Columbia, ZdUoo and Paths. These machine are made U the ityle of cabinet m much in demand. Cabinets are different ilsea, constructed of double veneer, fancy-figured wood throughout. Tone U limply marvelous. Must be heard to be appreciated. SPECIAL We Include with these machines this week a jewel point with which to play Edison records, and a sapphire ball point for the Pathe records; also a full assortment of steel needles. And, re member, these machines play all makes of records correctly, including' Edison, Columbia, Pathe and Victor. SI Former Price $150 Thl$ Week s 78 SO mm at- i t srri tormer mee H9 A Jsjospe (Jo $1.50 a Week 1513-15 Dougla$ St. SO $1.00 a Week rfJSE BEE WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS: f VMBlTSr S 1989 ILTON PoGers JLVcompanV Brief City News KritPiibrlnk 111 J. H.'Krltenhrink, President of the Kritenbrtnk & Son Brick company, is ill at his homo. Re-Klcdcl Nineteenth Ttroo Michael Kalamaja, head of the Polish Citizens' club for 18 years, was re-elected president Wednesday night. - Jazft Bandits to Play Bert Reed's Jazz Bandits will furnish the musie at the American Legion's big jamboree, "Slippery Gulch," at the Auditorium beginning: May 13. "Browning". Rabbi's Topic Rabbt Frederick Colin will speak on ' Browning" at Temple Israel tonlghr at S, and on "Sayings of tho Fathers" tomorrow morning at-10:30. .Knter Kfisay Contest Several hundred Omaha boy have entered the essay contest held in connection with the observance of Boys' week, A radio receiving set Is the prize offered; . . . New' Iteetor Arrives Rev. D. J. Gallagher, new rector of St. Andrews Episcopal church, arrived In Omaha yesterday from Minot, N D., where he was pastor for the last three years. He was met by a committee of members of the vestry. , ,, 1 Keject Assessment Plan-rThe plan of assessment to cover tho cost of widening and opening Douglas street. Twentieth to Twenty-seventh streets, presented by the public im provement department, was rejected by the city council yesterday. ' Wins Insurance Suit The estate of Floyd Stephen, Ida. Grove, la., who died while in service at Camp Dodge, won its lawsuit against the Prairie Life Insurance company of Omaha. The Insurance company con tended Stephen did not pay an ex tra war premium on his policy. Cntle Lease Sold Organization of the Castle Hotel company to take over the lease of the present Castle hotel was announced yesterday. The consideration is said to have been $S00,000. George H. Schnell, gen eral manager of the Barkalow Bros, company .operating hotels in Kan sas and Nebraska, is president of the company. , w -- Identify Holdup George Frank &2, bellboy. 311 North Eighteenth street, was selected from a crowd of suspects by three men who Identified htm as a holdup In police court yes " terday. Those who Identified him were Isadore Bernstein, 609 South . Sixteenth street; Sanford Spratlen, 6BS South Twenty-sixth street, and F. M. Kennedy, 604 Thirty-sixth street. AND SONS Hardwares Household Utilities' 1515 MARN6Y &T. Factory Demonstration Color .Varnishes Learn to Grain in Five Minutes The Chi-Namel Graining Process is 'the only practical graining system by which anyone can successfully apply beautiful, lustrous hardwood grain effects over dirty sort wood floorsy doors. V woodwork, furniture, etc. ' ' A factory demonstrator will be on hand all day ' .. Friday and Saturday. Come in and learn to grain; in 5 minutes. ' Come' in and See! , 30c A special factory demonstrator, will subject Chi-Nauiel to various orating. You are invited to learn of the wonders of Chi- L&ll 01 Namel Friday and Saturday. ? Come in and apply Chi- f,L M I Namel yourself. Satisfy, yourself how easily and sue- - f vW-llMiel cessfully you can beautify s your Floors, Furniture, 17017171 Woodwork, Walls, Screens, Kadiators, Fixtures, l lVJusI! FBEE During this demonstration, a 30a - can of Chi-Namel, with y the purchase of a 30c can . of Sterl-Klene, to insure a ciean suriace to varnisn. Autos, etc., with Chi-Namel.' A ChiNamel Stain Varnish or Enamel For Every Purpose. ' Name Address Silk Pongee , Waists ' $2.98 j . Across From Hayden'a ADVKRTLSEMEM . If Back's Lame or Kidneys Pother Drink Plenty of Water ana Milk Start Flushing Them in the Morning t Nine people out of ten overlook the fact that the kidneys like the bowels set clogged and lazy and heed a purifying . flushing now and then to help these deli cately constructed ortrans filter all the waste and Toxins (Poisons) out of the blood; otherwise there is a retention in your system of Uric Acid and poisonous matter which when permitted to remain causes pain and dull misery in kidney re gion, headaches, rheumatic pains, .dis turbed rest and all sorts of annoying ; bladder troubles that excite and irritate the entire urinary system, creating dis tress. - To hare strong, healthy kidneys and bladder, you simply must keep your kid neys clean and active so that they ara capable of easily and normally 'filtering and expelling the poisons, neutralizing the acids and freeing your system of urinous wastes. No artificial drugs are necessary. Merely secure a package of Dr. Carey's PRESCRIPTION NO. 177 vt Tablets or Liquid). For sale by the 6 Sherman ft McConnell Drug stores, and all good druggista have it. Take a little right after eating for a few days and your sluggish, tired nut kidney will then work with ease. It never disappoints, is pure, tastes good and for your health's sake it small cost is neg- - ligible. Ten days' test will not disappoint you or druggist- will refund your money. Xaaiai on genuine. Friday Bargains 250 Lovely New Trimmed Hats All the smartest trims !n the most desirable . shapes and colors, of the season. They're worth great deal more, and are a wonderful bargain Friday, at $ 1.951 V -J Fine Pura Silk Black CQg, Hose, pair . . . . . .'. 4 . . 'DaC New styles in Fine Cotton Waists, regular $1.50 1Q values $ 1 1 7 Aprons, assorted colors, QO in fin Gale tea cloth... 70C 5rV' A" Friday a Big Opportunity to Save on Coats, Wraps, Capes A new shipment of fine qual ity polaire, double-faced wool velour and tweed coats, wraps and capes. Regular $25 to $32.50 Values $1495 There are wrappy styles, man tai lored, slit breast pockets, pleated back and throw collars; the wanted colors and sizes. Choice, $14.95. ' - New Spring Dresses Values $25 to $32.50 95 They are all fresh new spring styles, fabrics and colors. Extra sizes included. Good ' J Your Credit Is Good V.V.V-VAV.V. VRNVPnY. G)fr Open V 1417 DOUGLAS STREET Charge Account s . Quality A Credit Store for All the People Style B" Friday A Great Sale of ' Special Teriris $3.50 Down $1.50 Week Special Terms $3.50 Down $1.50 Week : Values That Overshadow the Best Offerings of Cash Stores What an opportunity for Omaha Dress Buyers. Scores of jaunty new Dresses fresh from their packings the result of a most exceptional purchase. You'll profit in no limited sense of the word if you take advantage of this great sale. A Sale Extraordinary, Wolving 400 Dresses Styles of the hour Dresses that youH be proud to wea$. No limited selec tions. Models for the miss as well as her mother. , ;. , : V Crepe de Chines Canton Crepes Taffetas . Wool Crepes Krepe Knits , Foulards Wool Jerseys Combinations i ', e N . .' - - aj ji j - . .... . Navy . Henna . Tan' Kelly Brown Black , Gray .Mahogany Copen Heilo Mohawk 5 Buy These Dresses on Our Easy Payment Plan Just $3.50 down is all we ask and the balance can be paid for at $1.50 per week. Can you imagine an easier way to own a smart new frock? . atisMTiaaaiakT PYORRHEA Utii. noicinnitiM Sm Your Dsntltt And uMjLykalsna Dally tat ioipm iu uH ftart ka s s4im iwt. It it a iwimil kuk if xstrrtW auul UM. final rMit aa nlal irat'Mt af ix imiS If Ihia tiH, U year s).alil aM t'" """' liwt ika iniwx ml la. imu. Also Vt l.ts.l.a. is fwrt aaturrii. a bkh.iI auk. .ry ,r. 1kt llt Ika ivai Inm kwuniiaa ' aaa sra.rt H still Bias ia tirsa a4 k " kMlikr, W Kkr haa ayarrkM r aat skoui4 l sl.n at mwiik ak m tsN' aaa " fma aaaaitiea aa4 I fn. ti rillafl l sifi !. , A General Antlteptic Use LiksWoa alt as a wa.k (er fKa n4 . a a serar ana sja le l" ' an4 sota ikroal. at H ak.ratar a pa (ul. saMkinc ann.sfila ta MM. kal d.,fl rMUlis it Wilms, r Us4ln draff Uta, , ' DOWEtrS Value-Civing Store Drapery Fabrics Lace Curtains The kind and quality you'd prefer in your home offered at greatly reduced prices. The ahowing includes Damasks, Velours, Silks, Sunfaat and Tubfast fab rics, Madras, both plain and figured, as well as Printed Linens and Cre tonnes. 1 Exceptional curtain values, too, in Voiles and Marquisettes; also imported Lace Curtains. Our display will inter est you. - Opa a Credit Account With Us Howard St.. Bat. 151k aad Mtb Sis. BOWEN'S Value-Giving Store Cedar Chests We are showing a large line of Cedar Chests made of genuine red v cedar, with dust proof lids and cedar handles. Some are cop per banded, others cop per studded. All are well made and priced at $10.50, $12.50, $21.00, $24.50, $26.00, $28.50 Cedar Chests in Walnut and mahogany veneer; will match with your bedroom suite, and, offered at special prices. Floor and Bridge s Lam id Select your Floor or Bridge Lamps at Bowen. From, the ' large number we are showing and the low prices at which they are marked you are sure to be satisfied. Choice selec tion at ' $13.50, $18.95, $21.00 ' . It Paya to Read Bowen'a Small Ada Howard St., Bat. 15th and 16tk W6en You Need Help ' use a Bee Classified Want At!