Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1922, Image 3

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Shefflsld Cthrcr .
Bread Trayd IE
Oval shape, plain bright finish; peej!.
Basement South.
Too o: lliKDOios. Stooso:
Childrcn'o Loathor BaQa
! all cetera, fitted with mirror; N sad Jj ! . OC
uet; tub, "WV
Base meat South. .
FR1BA Y Special Purchase of 389 Spring
Sale of All-Wool
Dreco Gocdo
' 4 tMhes widei mad of extra fine Australian yarn, aoft fin
ish, thoroughly sponged and abronk; specially adapted (or
wraps, suits, draaaea and aktrU; French serge, in navy.rown
ad Mack; alio tweeda, homespuns and relour 1 OK
ehecktr fluantlty is limitad; yard. " . AeewV
' f l' ;J'. Basement Center. ' .' -1 . -
- Notion Spscialo
-'": . ,-. . . ' i "
Aaerleaa MaM Crocket Uetton-Speclal. 5
Parainf Cotten-All colora. par ball. . , , 2
gJIdnrai Wgtaf-3-yard bolt, a lOo value for 4- 5
MaetJav Feet All sizes, In black; regularly 10c; pair, 5c
' Bums Hair FeU-Cap efcapa, all abadea; special, doz., 39c
Chfidrea'a Carters All aisesja lo value; per pair, 10c
Dress gaay Fasteners Black and white, all alzea; rag -ttlarly
card;.apeclal. 2 carta tor 4 Of
Cufeea Diseasing Ptas-300 to the paper. at . , . 3c
Keavy Paper Bha?l Bags Large aire, wjth double ...
eord handle: a 10c value for ' . JC
FaattlMB Sanitary, Hapkins-lJ In the box; regularly
SOc; special, . i' 1 ' , 35
Basement South.
Do not rub your lite away! Use Rinso. No
rubbing, no boiling just soak the clothes.
Best for family washing. Specially priced,
per pkg., ::r It
6 pkgs., 29c; 10 nkgs.. &7C: If. Pigs.,
C; washing machine aize pkgs., 2JC.
Drugo Toilet Articles
Hospital Cotton 1 lb, 29c
Sanitary Napkins Per ;
dozen, S9c
Cram OH Soap, 6
Rubber Sheeting Spe-
elal, per yard, . . .. 49c
Gillette Baser with 6
Gillette blades 59C
Milk of Magnesia Pint
size, 29c
Sodium Phosphate 4
ounces, - 29c
Moth BaUs Per pkg., 13c
A Little Nemo
Scientifically designed for comfort and
grace ; A Nemo Corset does not "dig. In"
at the top. It does not constrict the rib.
It does not "ride up." It protects the
abdominal organs and controls excessive
hip and thigh flesh. Let us show you the
Little Nemo. We believe you will be de
lighted with It Sizes 21 to 30.
A Circlet Brassiere Is the ideal com-
the smooth, flat, firm figure so necessary today. - 1 AA
Sizes 31 to 44. Specially priced, ' A,vv ,
" Basement East.
or Tailored
, New
and New
This represents a purchase of 389 garments together with about 100 from
our own stock, all new Spring styles, at this one low price. There are silk lined
capes, silk lined wraps, silk lined sport coats, fancy tweed coats, all wool silk
and unlined' garments of the wanted styles and materials. A a a a
good range of sizes, including a few extra large sizes; your choice, UoUU
. Basement East
Men'o Canvao Gloveo
All made in gauntlet style. Regular 15c value for -Basement
Big May Sale of
:.H IP
t" r
. - f .. . v
?1.S0 and 2.00
Special, Each
These suits are summer weight, in all styles and
materials. They are made of fine fabrics, such
as handkerchief cloth, white and striped madras
and mesh materials. All are well made, with
closed crotch, neatly taped arm holes and extra
large, webbing inserts in the back. Sizes 34 to 46.
Boys' Alloyer Play Suits Boys' blue denim
allover play suits, trimmed in red. Sizes JQ A
2 to 8 years. 1.00 value, at, - UtL
Hen's Raincoats Tan or dark gray raincoats.
guaranteed waterproof, bizes 34 ij Qc
Basement Arcade. ;
to 44. Special,
O omnieo it I c o
tfUichester Ohambray Plain colors, 6-inch ' "t
ddth, in long mill lengths. Per yard, . A tit
Percale Mill Eemnants -Light and dark colors, . "J
36-inch width. Per yard,. . ;; V- AtlC,
Printed Dress Voiles-All new Spring printings and color
combinations in light and darkicolprs. ,- 38-inch QK,
width. Special, per yard, , J- , v ' OtlC"',
Tissue Gingham In plaids and checks and also - QR
some stripes, 36 inches wide. Per yard, : . OtlC
Mill Eemnants of Dress Ginghams A good 1 0JL p
quality, in plaids and checks. Per yard, -L 2 C
Madras Shirting A good range of patterns and: OO Xn
colorings ;.36-inchridth. Per yard, j , V2l
Kindergarten Suiting and Kiddie Cloth Two popular ma
terials for boys' and girls' rompers and play OQ
suits; 32-inch width. Very special, per yard, . SdUx.-.,
Punjab Peroale-Our very best quality, in a range of pretty
patterns; 36-inch width; regular price 35c. For OA a
Friday, per yard, ' tU
7,500 Yardo of Waoh
Goods Remnanto
220 Per Yard
Included are imported and domestic novelty white voile,
38 and 40 inches wide; fancy printed dress foulards, plain
white flaxons, novelty silk mixed wash fabrics, dimities,
batistes, beach cloth And poplins. The values OOl n
' range from 39c to 1.00. Per yard, - - y2C
Basement North. ;
Sale of 1,000
Mill Endo of Silk
This Is a apeclal purchase ot short lengths from a manufac
turer of fine silks. All the different silk weaves which are
in laanionaoie demand, pisln and fancy Bilks, 36 snd 45 Inches
wide, all offered for quick disposal at this QQa
low price. Each,
Basement Center.
Linen Special
Mercerised Table Damask Satin finished damask
attractive designs; 72-inch width; regularly $1.25;
per yard," .
Union Crash Towellar Mill ends In brown or
bleached toweling; worth 20c; per yard, . .
Tarklsh Towels 600 big, heary fellows somewhat
soiled from handling; each,
Bleached Tarklsh Towels Hemmed ends; medium
size; each, . . . . ..
8anltas Sets Attractive and economical; 13 or
6-pIece sets, each, ,
Basement South.
In several
Drapery Specials r
Kill Semnants of Marquisette and Scrims 1,000 1 n
yards, per yard, 1UC
Baffled Cnrtalns 750 pairs of voile and marquisette. 1 OA
Only a limited number at this price. Per pair, JUui
Swisses and Fancy Bordered Marqalsettes 2,000 yards, 36
Inch width. Limit ot 10 yards to a customer. 1 AA '
Per yard, .
250 Fairs of Tolle Cnrtalns Hemstitched and trimmed with
Usee edge; 2ft yarda long; apeclal, 1 fill
per pair, v . X.UU
Ifovelty Voiles and riprred Marquisettes 50 pieces, OOa
8-lnch width; worth 69c; per yard, , OuC
Drapery Madras All the wanted shades for overdrapes and
door curtains; 64-inch width; worth 1.98; - - -a An
. per yard, t - ::,.,,v--':.I.Mv:'
These useful and attractive ruga are made by the Congoleum
. Company. Sizes 24x64; worth 98c. Limit ot 2 to a customer.
. Basement West. .
, Womemi s Black 'Sattim .Piamps
This is a very smart one-strap mottel with full Louis, Junior Louis or flat heel. The low heel style
is made with metal buckle, all hare covered heels -; - v 1 ; -
flV TV '
3 to 8
85 4.00 to
fliK 4,50
. i nil
Made of dark mahogany calfskin with the best grade of leather
lolea, Goodyear, welt sewn. Sizes 8 to 11, . 2.35
Sizes to 2. 2.75
With spring heels and hand-turned soles. Sizes ,1 A Q
S2 to 8; 2.25 value. Special, per pair, ; J. array
Knit Underwestr
Women's White Cotton Union Snits Sleeveless style,
with regulation taped top and shell finish .at knee.
Sizes 36 to 44, each, -(JS. . ,50t
Women's Cotton and Lisle Hose In black only, with
seam hack, double sales, heels and toes. Seconds of
. 35c quality. Per pair, ; . ; 12Yzf
Women's White Cotton Vests-Sleeveless vesta in reg
ulation taped tops or bodice style. 25c values, at 15f
Men's Cotton Socks All sizes, in black and cordovan.
These are seconds. Per pair, ' 10J
Children's Half Hose Full fashioned, with colored
tops. Sizes 5 to 9. v Per pair, 12Vs
Basement Arcade
Basement Arcade.