TJIH PER: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 5. 1922. 13 , m Witches Slam Four Buffalo Hurlers Hard IJnffalofi Lot Lat Game of Serifs in Early In ningi hy 7 to 13 Srore. .ARNKV BIRCH! Hiitfaui pitching, staff t.e4 in review bclore a handful! of (ant ytt aiirrnoon tl Hie l ii'lf filth and Vin ton street parade lirntind during f h t hnal game of the ftv v nh Wichita, Alter the final Omaha Iturler -and tl.rrt were four hud patted the re viewing ttand. and the lat Wichita lngBcr had given 'en the once over, the trore ihert ,howH I J runt to the lichen' credit and 7 to Omaha . Hurcli Marled the game willi Wig Ingtnn. "Wig" worked one and two tliid inuingi and a nicked for even run and (our hit, of which one it a homer hy Washburn over the centerfield timber. "Mutt" Wil n Hat next in the parade. He didn't flea-e Barney, o va inked after one-third of an inning. (iihton, recent addition lo the aijuad, follow ed. "Gib" w wild, in (act he was to wild that he allowed four bates on hall and iour rum in one and one- third frame. . The old reliable Frank Okrie wat then trotted out to the box. Frank finished the game in good form, al lowing but one run and one hit in the five and one-third innings he per formed. The veteran Bi-cbe was on the tlub for Wichita and finished on the slab. He hurled good ball throughout. in tuitu; two bases and Mriking out four Ruffaloe. The herd collected 10 hits for a total of 14 bases off Becbe's delivery. Errors on the part of the Buffaloes during the early innings resulted in Wichita's 13 to 7 victory. A total of 18 hits, among which were home run by Washburn and East, triple by Herman and doubles by Maiiu.h and Grantham, were clouted out during the game. The 18 hit represent a total ot 28 bases. Tulsa opens a four-game stries here today. ," Oilers Bat Hooetere. pes Moines, May 4 OdenwaM " h.Td and received n.laeral.le "I?0" a. a result Tulsa took th lt of the four-gam rles. to 1. "uhl"J pitch" good blt U IK' wv. -roby nd Dsuman led In 111 hitting. Score : rviMk. I'ta muim. IB.HO.! Iteiinttt. If S J S 0 TurrOTl Tiioiu'vn. 3b 9 MITSMISSCS BV THE BUFf ALOES . .nrn. rf. Ha-kaa.a, Ik. r.i. n. kMUr. lb, Male,, H l( HIT . At) St. M TH H kH CO V-. ! I a I tlttttte a t i I I I a I I i I I a i i a i tttiaat II I Tatal at is a It II w D.tia. rf murnft. lb l.amb, cf th IMtlnnla. H ', luland. p Total .1 Milan. If 0, Hor.n. rf Oj Uri-en, rf IM)rmen. tW t Wagner, lb TlYune. lb. rf mUrmt. 8b 01 Manner, o Knox. 41 11 17 iJWnenwal. B Kdlenian, p AH. H. O. A. 3 0 1. 1 I 1. 1 0 t 1 r l in l 0 o 1 9 0 0 A 1 0 j Total J4 S Sror by Innings: Tu,,. :..... MHtlf 11! Di.'Moin : i - nummary Ron.: Tvla. Stuart (2). (on ). Milan, a k ner. Tuna (.1). m.n. Thr-b..hlU! L.rnb. Davis . Twe h... .hit.: Crosby, Haughland. Sacrifice hlte: taWj.- Ml"". ,SL'"L" (I). Uft on biwi: Tulsa. 7; Des MolnM. S. Siruch out: By Haua and. S. Vint ban on balla: Olf Haugland 1. W Id pitch: Edleman. Slarned run and "It. Off Od.nwalu, 1 and I In 1 l- Inning., off 1 and 7 In I t- Inning.: off Haugland. 1 and S In t Inning. ,Lf1" pluh.r: Odrld. Double ply! Tur g.on to Gorman. Umpire: Donohue nd Andtr.on. Tlma ot game: 1:H. raehen Wallop Salnta. Slou aClty, May I. Sioux City ihowrd a complete reeenal cf form and got an even break In the two-game eerlee with St. Joeeph by winning It to 1. The Packer hammered lilndberg to an eoruera of the ball park, while Roettg.r twirled a brilliant game. Hemingway, Met and Roth made home rung. Score: ST. JOSEPH. I SI0CX (JTT. AB. H. 0. A AB. H. 0. A. Omw. Ik S t 1 Hamilton. J J 0 4 rorrldeo. If 4 1 0 0 H.'lagway. tb S 1 0 Fl.h.r. rf I I 0 Klih. cf J 1 1 J Bonowiu, ef 4 t !. Ifc ' Dt.t. u til HM.ttl.-k. rf 4 0 1 1 M'Donakl. 3b 4 1 1 HHnblreon. If 4 4 S 1 Nuf.r. Jh 4 t .llP.lraer. !b . S 0 1 v,.r.. h 1 t It X ItAth. fl 8 S 7 ! Ktndlor. oioi llr Mw.kl. ( S 1 8 Undberg. p J 0 1 Total! oo 11 4T 14 TU1 , 1 S 14 17 V Score by Inning.: st. Joeph o eo o o ; o 1 1 Bioux City 0 0 6 1 1 1 0 4 x 11 Summary Runt: ruber, Hamilton l. Hemingway. Kl.h, )leti. Robineon (1), Roth J). Roettger (1). Krror: Nufer. Two-baae hlte: Robln.on. Hamilton, Roett r Home run.: H.mlnawav. Met. Roth. laorlflce hit: Palmer, Mats, Reth. Dou ble play: Roth to Palmer: McDonald to Nufer te CroT.r (I). Karned run: ot Joaenh. li Slonz Cltr. 11. Left on bane St. Joeeph. 7: Sioux Cltr. 4. Pint base on ball: Off Llndberg, t: off Roettger, 4. Struck out: By Li nd berg, lj by Roett ger, i. Wild pitch: Roettger: Umpire.: Ormaby and Holme. Time; 1:36. ' Indiana Lom to eBar. Denver, May 4. Battling neck and neck witn Oklahoma city tnrougnouc in en tire nine Inning Of one ot the mo.t epectaeular game een here thi ae.on, the Denver Bera noeed out the Indian in the final aeulon when they pushed acroea two rune and brought their total tallica to 11 agatnat 11 for their op ponents. - t . Score: " "" OKLAHOMA CITT.' ' DEMER. AB.B.O.A.I AB.H.O.A. Pill, rf S I 0 Ollong, rf - S 4 i 0 nulla a S I 1 liWrliht. lb 6 S 5 I Mld'lcton. If S t oiMohardt. cf 10 10 Batee. lb tit 0Rhanl.y, lb 5 1 11 II o oi winme. i i i 1 1 0IP.tter.on. 3 a I 0 3 4 11 OlP.tterwn. Sb S S 4 1 t l8pranter. le S 1 0 S I I t HSpencer. a t 1 4 1 til HOroM. p 1010 1 t OiRMdle, p 110 BnUtbury. p 1 0 0 41 1013 7 -dome 10 0 0 Mawey. lb NMUey. ef T.M. 3b. Long, e Youn. p . Lore, p ToUU I Total SO It 17 It Batted for Mohardt In the eighth. On out when winning run wae ord. Srair ttv Inntnaa: Oklahoma ty ...... t 4 S t I 1 1 U Denv.r ....4 01t401 111 B.. . Ttliea. f 4 i T a.etl lie. t l fuminirynunat run -- v - " MMdleton. Mawey, Ht!y. Lonf. Tounf - jta n . a ir.kaeAl flTrianlalt WlndU. Patterson t). 8pncr. Bee dla, Errora: Lon, Wriht. 8prantr. . . w . . , . AbulinMO Pltv carnea runs: wenror, i, . 11. Stolen baee: T. lAng, Heatley. Two base hits: Spencer. Sprangcr, Toung Heat Icy. Three-baae hit.: Pitt, Middleton, T. V.nng. Wlndle. Home rna: Shaniey (Zl. by Gross. 1: by Saliabury, 1. Tint base on balls: Off Toung. 3: off T.ove, 1: off Gross, l: off Beadle. 1. Double plys: Young to Batei: Patterson to Wright to fnaniey; wrignt to onaniey io nuiui. i.ei on o.see. Livnver. uKmaomi 7. Innings pitched: By Toung. 5 1-1: runs, ; hits. 10; by Love. 4. runs. I; hits, : by Gross, 5 1-1: runs, t; hits. 11; by Beedle. 1: runs, none; hits. 1: by Salisbury. 1 t-1; runs, 1; hits, 4. Umpires: Burn- Johnny Layton Retains 1 T T iiara nonors Sedalia, Mo., May 4. Johnny Layton ot this city .retained the world s three-cushion billiard cham pionship here last night by defeating Charles McCourt of Pittsburgh in the third and final block of their 180-point match, 60 to 55, in 51 in nings. tew. If. Wile., ae. I.UIaMa, k. Mi.we, rf. frtfflN. rf. kaoeleear. Ik, He man. k. ram Mm, Ik. IM-r. HiaiaaiM, p. WilMa, p. (Ikenej, P. Ofcrl. p. salturrb OMAN X, AN.R. M.I t a t a a kH.H PO.A.K. a t T4e)la .... 41 1 I II I t tl 17 I ttrturrb belle for Vtllcwa In alalk. M leklla r) I I I I I I aWIS Om.ka IIMIItlr- t The kammarr ITaraml run l Omaha, I; Wtrhl'a, a, mo haaeai Omaha, tl Wirhlta. .. Ruaa ai4 kltai Off Hlglng law. 1 and 4 In an and t.S Innlng.i aff Ullaan, I and t la l-l lanlngi alt Olbeaa, 4 and I In ana a ad t-t Innlna.i alf Okrle, I and I In S and 1-1 Inulngat (f IWha, 1 and 1 In t Inning. Winning pllrher, Herhet Imlna pllrher, W Iglnglna, ktrurk out l By Wlglngioa, hr M liana, nnnat kr lilhaaa, nonet by Okrl. Si k Bee. 4.. Haae aa aallai Off Hlglnglaa. l aff M liana, anaei aff (IbMia, 4i alf Okrh, tt off Heefce, . Hit ky pitched bell: (Mrltoev.ll). by Mlglngiaa. I. rlffln) ky Mllaant ky Okrl. 4wa rami Waakknra, YmI. Threr-kaae hll.i Herman. Tas-haae blUl l,raalham. H"he Paaerd kali i Wilder. Time ef garnet 1:0. I mulrrei Rrnwna and Mrt.loeai. Heilnuuurs Homer With Two oa Rases Wins for Tigers Cirruit Clout in Niuth Defeat Browm by Store of 6 to 5 William GrU Tenth Homer. M. M.. IM. tb 4 aiig1W. 3 I T.-.U Cardinals Stage Last Inning Rallv and Defeat Reds Spurt in Final Frame Enables St. Louis to Defeat Cincin nati 8 to 7 Two PJay. ers Ordered Off Field. St. Louis, May 4. St. Louis staged a ninth inning rally today overcoming a four run lead and defeated Cincin nati, 8 to 7. The visitors had heen trailing up to the ninth inning when they scored six runs. The Cardinals came back in their half and piled up five tallies with only one man out. Mock and Bonne were ordered off the field for disputing a decision. hcore: CINCINNATI. I BT. LOl'IS. num.. cf S01 l'Hmlth. rf il .1 8 llauhert. lb S 1 11 m Kuomlfr. i I I Dum-an. If 5 14 e'Htxrli. lb 110 Bohne. Sb 5 11 4!Tnnnr.r. Sb 0 0 0 Khmnlck. tb 0 0 0 01 Hnm.b?. lb 5 1 0 5 0 0 0'Hr.fhrnte, i4 4 0 0 Harper, rf farmer, m IMlirlll, lb Wiiiao, e Ifcmntme. p, P Nr.l llreaalrr Cnur'h. p Luque, p S 0 4 1 MrHranr. If 3 11 l lv.n. a. 4 11 lAtnunlth. e '10 .tUv.lker. p 0 0 0 0lHbrrd.ll, p 01 HrtlulU 0 0 I 110 01 "Mann n o o m t 0 0 01 Tout I 0 1 s 1 ooo 1 1 0 ooo 1 1 2 n 32 1! 17 11 TuUli 10 11 16 131 Hatted for Dnnohue in the eighth. netted- for Schnant. One out when wlnnlnir run scored. nutted for Shenlell in the ninth. Ren for Srhultt In the ninth. Boor by Innings: Cincinnati ...0 0 0 0 0 0 t " 7 St. Lout oojuoouw o o Bitmmnrv Runs? Hauberf til. Duncan. Cnvoney, Plnelll. Wlngo, Bressler, Smith (2), Fournier. MrHenry, l.avan. Ainsmun tit. Mann. Errors: Harper. Lavan (1). hit: 8mlth. Fournief, Daubert Puncan. Bohne, MoHenry. Three-base hit: Breeeler. Horn run: uauoert. aioien base: Smith. Raorlflca hit: Walker Double plays: Smith to Aln.mlth; Cav eney, unaaslited; Caveney to Daubert. Left on bases: Cincinnati. 8; St. Louis, 7. First base on balls: Off Walker, 3 v. off Donohue, 1; off Srhnell. 1: off Luque, J. Struck out: By Welker, 3; by Dono hue, 1; by Schnell. 1. Hits: Of Donohue, 4 In 7 lnntncs toff Srhnell, 1 In 1 inning" off Couch. 3 In 1-1 Inning; off Luque, 1 in no lnnma; on waiKer. a in a 1-3 tn-nlna-s; off Sherdell. 1 In 1-1 Inning. Wild pitch: Walker. Balk: Walker. Win ning pitcher: Sherdell. losing pitcher: Luque. Umpires: Rlgler, Pflrmann and nQuermicK, lime ot aame: :vv. Tilden and Richard; Arrive for Net Matches San Francisco, ' May 4. William T. Tilden, II, world's singles tennis champion, and Vincent Richardson, who shares with Tilden the world's doubles title, are in ' San Francisco today to participate in the east against west tennis matches. Til den and William Johnston, former singles champion, and one of the rep resentatives of the west in the com ing matches, played a 6-6 practice set on the California club courts yes terday. - Detroit, May 4. Heihiiunii't home run with Cobb and Vrarh on tae in the ninth inning save Detroit three runt and a 6 to 5 victory over St. Louis here today. The Drown got away to three run !ad in the Utl inning, but Detroit tied it up, atul the visitors again took the htd when Kenneth Williams hit hi lUth home run of the year with Staler on hate. Score: at iii i t iirriwHT aN HO l AH 11)1 Tbin. rf i I 1 I1 Hue. lb 4 I 14 Kikrhe. 2k III I i i4t tb I a s Hum, lb t l t it, cf 4 t a Hllll.mi. If I 1 I VM'k. If 4 41 lulw, rf I t : ii-ilmme. if 4 1 1 nmlil, .111 t'Jwa. Jh 1 t 4 tog1 niriM. .it. I J iulrt. e a e e a 1 I'tiiMi, p t t a a I 4 M II MSI JaIuimi. p mm I e a ti ii it irTi Nimi. out when winning run ire4. Hailed Inr I'l.lhani In the eighth. tVor by Innlnge: Kt. tjiil. 1 1 t 0 Detroit tllttttt 1 t Muintn.ry Kuna: Tnhln. llr 111. Blu. Williams 121. t'ohh. Veach ill. Il'llmann. .'ones. Krrora: t!rber. tnbb. Twe-baae hua: Tiibm, Vangllder, Tnbb. Hlue, Thre. baa hit: Williams Home run: Wll liania. Halimann. fllolen baae: Jtne. Hacrlfic hue: Jarob.nii, Toblik IhiuMe t'lave: Tobln to Nlaler; Oerber lo M Manue lo dialer: 4'utshaw to Itlgney lo Hlue, Left on baaea: HI. Luul.. 1; ! ' roll, 1. Klrst baaa on ball.: Off Old ham 1. Hiru'k ouf By ul.on. I: by Kldhant. 1. Hits: Off oln. t In I In ntiig: off Oldham, t In 7 Inninas: off Jnhn.nn. none in I Inning. Winning plii he. erl ,lnhnsn. I'midrea: Dlneen and Hilda brand, Time of game: 1. 4li. Indiana Ilefent Hhlle Ml. Thliiagn, Stay 4. I'rben Faler. star pitcher of the White Xox. wna unable to I'he.'k Ihe eluaging of the Indians end Cleveland made It two atraisht from the locale today, t to 1. Mall weakened In the la.t Inning when Chicago started a rally which netted three run., but tight ened up end retired Hooper on airikea tor the final out with two men ou bac. Score: I'LKVEI.ANO. CHICAfiO. All. H. O. A I ah. H. O A. J.mlwn. If 4 t 1 01 Jnlmmw, ae 0 111 Wa'ieanH. lb 0 o .1 Sb 1 aiwr, cf Ola .-illtin. 2h 51 MrlmiK, lb .1 I 01 Himrer. rf Hearll. a. Ill 3M.tll. If tl.rdncr. tb 4 1 1 Knunki .cf Wood, rf 40 0 Bhwlr. lb O Nelll. e "'Sa luls, O 4 o2;y.iir. p 31 11 17 trWarni-r. P 0 "uuiner 11.11.. P Total a i t 5 110 10 4 4 1 a lint 4 14 1 l01 100 ,8 ToUU ST 10 27 1 . Bailed for Faber in the seventh. Batted for McWeeney In, the ninth. Cleveland 01000110 0 S Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 1 Summary Run: .Tamlnon. Sneaker. Mclnnla, Pewell. Gardner, Striink. Bheely. Schalk. Errors: Jamlesnn. tj.well. John son. Two-bane hits: Strunk. Sewell (1)), lardner (1). Three-baae hit: Speeker. Sacrifice hit: Sewell, Mrlnnie. Stolen base: Schalk. Double plays: Pheely to Johnson to Bheely: Wamb.gan.s to Se well to Mclnnis: 8ewell to Wamhiganea to Mclnnla. Left on bases: Cleveland. 7: Chicago, 10. First base on baits: Off Mails, 3; off Faber, 1. Struck out: Hy Malls, 1; by Faber, by McWeeney, 1. Hit.: Off Faber. 14 In 7 Innings; off McWenney, 1 In 1 innings. Paused ball: O'Nell. Lnelng pitcher: Faber. Umpires: Morlarity, Kvana arid Nallln. Time: 1:63. BasBaDResulls 6naStandin0s Five Leading Hitters of Three Leagues Weatern East. Wichita ....... Manuah. Omaha Kandler, St. Joeeph Ksh, Sioux City .... Fisher, St. Joseph ... National Kelly, New York Maranville, Pittsbu'h Hornsby, St. Louis . . , Walker, Philadelphia Fowell,. Boston ...... American Slsler. St.' Louis Speaker, Cleveland .. Smith. Boston ...... Wllliama. St. Lout ,. Jemleson, Cleveland . League. O. AB. B. IS 71 15 1 It 21' 11 14 ' 4 .11 71 16 U 68 ' 2i League. O. AB. R. 18 67 15 17 ' 70 15 ,18 57 17 11 45 8 18 tO 14 Leagne. O. AB. R. 18 Tl 23 It St 14 17 8 II It 87 It .It 88 t H. Pet. 31 .455 34 .430 14 .411 30 .411 27 .401 H. Pet. 30 .448 2 .414 23 .404 18 .400 13 .383 H. Pet. 31 .431 2 .424 15 .117 28 .3S 21 .181 Baiseb&llDope OFFICIAL SCORES WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAX 8. Weatern League. MM. M. T. W. WK. T. T. 8 t : 8 is s X 8 IS 1 10 8 4 13 4 Tot. R. Omaha Tulsa 3 6 Sioux City x x Denver 7 1 Dee Moines 3 1 Wichita x 8 St. Joseph x x Okls, City 1 11 7, 11 11 ... 8 11 .. 20 11 .. 21 1 11 13 .. 12 1 11 Mid. , Tol. Ik T. W. WK. T. F. S, R. Brooklyn l x x 1 x Phila 0 x x 0 x New TorklO t 1 17 x Chicago x x x x x .. .. .. Boston 1 1 t It x .. .. St. Louis xx 61 '. Cincinnati 6 9 5 20 7 .. .. .. Pittsburgh 7 2 x American Leag-ae. MM. Tot. M. T. W. WK. T. T, 8. R. Detroit 2 x 1 J St. Louis 11 1 x l! t Cleveland 1 10 x 11 5 .. .. Chlcngo 1 t x 8 1.. .. .. Boston 2 8 It X .. .. .. Waehing. 8 1 8 X ..... .. New York 11! 2 15 x Phila. 4 11 4 IS x American Association. MM. Tot. M. T. W. WK. T. F. S. R. Kan. City x 10 1. S .. .. .. Mil'aukee 11 X 1 11 Indiana'lia 7 x t IS It .. .. ... Loulavllle 1 x S 11 t Mlnne'lls 1 : x It 1 11 St. Paul I x 4 It 1 Toledo J X It 7 .. .. ' .. Columbus 1 x 4 1 1 l.No game, W. St. losepb 18 Wleblts IS OKIa. City 11 Sioux city v WESTERN LKACilE. Standing. L. Pct.1 W. L. PcL 8 .8411 Omaha I 12 ' .400 8 .eS4Tul.a 8 11 .4110 0 .5711 Dm MolnM 7 11 .150 It .450IDNirar 8 13 .316 Veaterday'e Result. . Wichita, 13 Omaha, 7. Tulsa, 12; Dea Moines, 1. . Sioux City, 12; St. Joseph. 1. Denver, 12; Oklahoma City, 11. f Today's damn. i . Tulsa at Omaha. Wichita at Dea Moines. . St. Joseph at Denver. No other game echedulcd. . . . NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standing. W, I,. Pet. I ' W. k P' New York 14 4 .778! Brooklyn t 8 .520 Chicago 11 4 .T3I Philadelphia 8 10 .375 St. IiOUl. 10 r .5881 Clncnmu 8 14 ,3iie Pitttburih I ,471 Boaton 4 12 ' ,.230 ' Yesterday' Result.. St. Louie, 8; Cincinnati, 7. . .' Other game poatponed; rain. Today' Game. v Chleago at Pittsburgh. . Cincinnati t St Louis. " Bo.ton at Brooklyn. Philadelphia at New York. . AMERICAN LEAGCE. Standing. W. L. Pet. I W. h. Pet. New York It -7 .8.111 Clerelana t t .800 St. Lout. 11 T ..31jBoston t t .471 Chlcuo t:g .tliiiWaahlniton I 11 .400 rul'delphl 9 t .5001 Detroit t 11 - .131 Yesterday 'a Results. Detroit, St. Louis. 6. -Cleveland, 5; Chicago. 1. New York-Philadelphia, rain. Washington-Boston, rain. Today's Game. Cleveland at Chicago. St. Louis at Detroit. New York at Philadelphia. . Washington at Boston. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. ;. Standings. w. T, Pv t TO T. i... i )a.iKiu. i. o . .nofiivanu. i,ity tf 10 Columbus 11 8 . .6671 St. Paul 8 Mln'.wils 11 ' 6 ,47lriOul.rHle . 7 11 Milwaukee 8 ' 9 . 500 1 Toledo 3 14 Yesterday's Results. , Columbus. 1 ; Milwaukee, 0. " ' Kansas City, tt Toledo, 7. Minneapolis, , 11; Louisville. 5. , Indianapolis. 10; St, Paul, 2. Today's Games. Toledo at Kansas City. Columbus at Milwaukee. Indianapolis at St. Paul. . Louisville at Minneapolis. .474 .471 ,3t tut American Association At Milwaukee " ' . w; jj, Columbus ., .....1 '4 0 Milwaukee .......... , .'!o'7 l Batteries :Burwell and Hartley; Re vlerre, Oearln and Gossett. At Kansas City R. H. E. Toledo 7 n e Kansas Cfty ,,,.8 Is 1 (10 innings.) Batteries: Saleo and Kocher; Schup, Amea and McCarty. At Minneapolis R. H. E. Louisville j 5 io 0 Minneapolis n jg j Batteries: Deberry and Meyer; Thor mahlen and Mayer. At St. Paul . R, H, K. Indianapolis "...,.10 15 0 St Paul 3 ii g Batteries: Cavet and Krueger; Rogers, Williams and Gonzales. Home Run King Has Tonsils Removed New York, May 4. "Babe" Ruth, king of home run hitters, had his ton sils removed at St. Vincent hospital this morning. Nurses in charge re ported that everything was satisfac tory upon his return to his room. Mrs. Ruth was expected to be operated on later in the day at the same hospital. Doctors declined to discuss her malady. ISLE EP BaTOfrJk Y TIME TALES Mttg tf m i THE TALE OF NIMBLE DEER -;BY ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY A Pacnl8, Problems Should, girl play hoyt' games Uih t various UU met, etc.? I( lite games art not too louih, let the gula play them, '.her are really no tmh thmgt at "Itoyt' ganiet'. or "girl' gtinet;" tu.iein ! hat 14 to lh lennt. For many yetrt ! a lull f irl't clothes did nH rerniil her tu Diav limes thai boy a nUyed Hut, now, il tht gama it int beyond Ihe g'rl't ttienglh, tht can play my gamt her brother play.. Broad leafed palma ill pretrnt tpotle.j oliihed surface- if wiped "i oaa.ionally with soapy water. 1 raiCM RaOUCIfr Mea'a 4.a 4 laiaa-piaea tuUS lesia) aa4 sraae4 Iwtltttr r leeillki aaatlaaam (laetlHSieM aeaeeee. DRESHER BROS. Dyers, CI.. a e'Q, tie asst. I aertat aa) T .Hera 111? raa ue4 ATmalit IIIM'TKIJ XVIII. Tht Muley Co. Nimhle Detr v a iiuoii junip. er. And wt the Mnlfy Cow. In t anner tireen' herd there i n ctlur ciuld iiiattli her, l.ninij a he did in the atutr. Hilly Uo.Uhurk had often ren and tnr Cooi r.i3rnin(f. madamrNmblt said ta the Kvilrtf Cor admired that Muley Cow a the jumped the fence in order to vet into the rlover patch, or the cornfield, or the orchard. And Jimmy Kahhiit, who lived in the wood, had come to believe and even boastthat there wasn't atiypnne that could jump higher than N'imhlc l)er. So Hilly Woodcliuck and Jimmy Kalihit could never agree upon this qut'etinn of the best jumper in I'leas ant X'allcy. And there was only one way to settle their difference of opin ion. Old Mf. Crow told them that. "You must have a contest." he declared. And everybody was willing:. The Muley Cow said (when asked) that she w&uld be dtlighted. And when Nimhle Deer heard of the plan he ran all the way to the back pasture at once. For that was where Mr. Crow said the conttst ought to take place. Nimble reached the back pasture just in time to see the Muley Cow arrive there. She leaped the fence. And at the same time she grazed the top rail and all but landed in a heap. "Good morning', madam!" Nimble said to the .Muley Cow. And while she was answering him Nimble jumped the fence into the pasture from which the Muley Cow had come; and then he jumped back again into the back pasture. And he didn't touch the fence by so much as a single hair. Then Billy Woodcliuck crawled under the fence and came waddling up in great haste. "What are you doing?" he asked Nimble breathlessly. "I'm just stretching my legs a bit," Nimble explained. At that answer Billy Woodcliuck set up a loud clamor. f ' "It's not fair!" he howled." "I ex; pected the Muley Cow to win the contest.;- - But if you're going to stretch your legs she'll certainly be beaini utile. khe ttriUhc hert too." Now, did Mr, Cruw ph IuiiJ lo see die fu.i. And not being very friendly with the Muley Cow. he didn't want her to wm the contitt. o he began to squall. ".She mustn't ttietih her legi any iimre than Nimble ttretchet In." ht objected in hit hoarte croak. "Nim ble jumped the fence twice to stretch hit legs. She lit jumped once al ready. I.rt hr jump the fenre once more and then they'll be even and the real contest can begin." "Ihat'a fair enough," taid Jimmy Rabbit. Hut Billy Wrtodchtitk began to clutter and scold. "It't a tric4- trick of Mr. Crow'.!" he cried. "If ihe Muley Cow umn once more to ttrctch her le Kt the'll be on the wrong tide of the fence. Mie won't be in the back pa.nire then. And how could the have the contett with Nimble Deer?", Old Mr. Crow gave loud haw haw. Hut he Mill intitted that the Mulry Cow miuht line only one more Irg-strelching jump, when Jimmy Rabbit hurried ip to him and said tomrihitiR nobody ette could hear. And Mr. Crow listened and then nodded hi hrad. "It't all riant," the old gentleman told Hilly Wooilchuck. "Let the Muley Cow stretch her legs all the liken. We don't care." t 'oprigiit, ij:: ) Dog Hill Paragrafs " By George Bingham A liard got on F.llick Ilelw anger Saturday morning while he was lean ing! against a rail fence, and in the ex- citcmcnt Ellick tore down a nice pig pen and stepped into a pond. In the confusion the lizard was badly frightened and made its escape. ' Poke Eazley's wagon broke down while standing in the horse lot this morning. The wagon has been need ing rain for same time. "Site Kildow was in Tickville Sat urday afternoon and reports having seen a young lady wearing a dress that nearly reached her shoe tops. Another Sleepless Night? It's been a busy and fretful day. Brain fagged, nerves frayed and body exhausted conscious that tomorrow is fraught with new trials and tribulations, he realizes the imperative need of a refreshing; , i. . , . , i ; , i . . , . mgnv a rest, i ei, ne nesiwies ana areaas w go to bed lest he roll and toss throughout the night. Do yon experience the horror of nightmare and tasomnJaT Are you troubled with wakeful, restless oighUt Do react ap in tb morning feeling mora tired than when m went tl .-VeTVa . I La 04. BSCMa jour reit i. so disturbed and Oroasoi Btvtr1 The Great General Tonic LVKO I. teld la eeeb Sge.enlf, like picture ebsre. Raluee all substitutea The hoar of bed-time will soon lose It terror sad m wfll begin to nek your couch with anticipation of a sight free from disturbances. "LYKO" will bless yoa with sweet, sound sod peaceful .lumber tnd bring you down to th hraalrfaat table In the momina? In e-aod snlrlts and in flahtiae trim, kn for the day's activities; rested and rtfrsthsd in body and mind, aad with aa siipeMui uueu.uauvu amea yos wars a Doy, XTKO" i splendid gu ard tonic; a rsli.hable appe tlaerandan xcIIent sttaulnt to-th nervous system. It re- , li.ves brain fg and physical exhaustion; b a 1 1 d up th nerves; strengthen tb mui eles; correct dlstsstivs diwr der.snd rehabilitates gen.rtlly th weak, irritable and worn Oat. Ask your druggilt for t . bottle today and est rid of bImpIsm night. let staaai.ctar.rr, LYKO MEDICINE CO. NrwTtrk Kaatat City, It. For Sale by Beaton Drug Company, 15th and Farnam Streets, and All Retail . Druggists - BLACK TREAD CORD TIRES WithNewFeaturar Supreme in Appearance, Mileage and - Insist on Ajax from your Dealer AJAX RUBBER. COMPANY, Inc. - , 1922 Farnam Stret, Omahn, Sob. Giant Hands Suppose a giant reached his great -hands down from the heavens and cut every telephone wire! What would happen Untold inconvenience, de lay, annoyance and loss of time. The contact of the merchant with his customer, the patient with his physician, or friend with friend would be broken. The telephone it so dependable that little thought it given it; but if it were ailent for a day, we would realize how much we depend upon it and how valuable a aervice we get at to small a cost. Northwestern B ephone Company The . cjtfftM. on terms- five five $$$$$ down $$$$$amonth THE MAYTAG ELECTRIC WASHER here you have a small, yet very conveniently arranged machine cast alumi num body with agitator at the bottom, allowing for large or small washings. The purchase price of the MAYTAG on these low terms is but $136.50.' Buy YOURS. NOW ,a r- Nebraska Power Co. Farnam at Fifteenth ATlantic 3100 2314 M Street MArket 1500