Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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    THE W.Ei OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAY 5. 1922.
Brifton and Padgett Meet in Omaha's First Championship Bout Tonight
Minneapolis Referee Chosen
to Be Third Man in Ring
Champ in "Pink of Condition"
CROWS will be at
nAc in an Omaha
ting lutiight fur the
In. I Imie when Jaik
iSntton. nldtit iif the
right reigning rlum
dlUW Villi Ilitddy l,i'.1i. ulirt .It Ji! l
ISriilmt in Vl.ii, won dco.ioii over
Johnny ((iiKiili, ihv i-IJ "Akron
l'x," who liMi. (( a draw miiIi
li t clump, unit knotked nut J'at
(iilliTl, the I'tall indf, ln
Dempsey and British Champ
Hum. Knurn nil t the (nil ditme iili llie chami'io",
deiuid the world' liriitun i Jf year 'uld, iiia)bc i
irltfrright ihanj
4K4'llt "Cow-
l"y" l'i1rtt, I he loluradu rnv
The li4iiiiiim and challenger (m
ihcd training ycterday with light
i iMic bugs rr sung ilh fervor
likt night over the city's lirt titular
battle and the few remaining ticked
were rapidly bring old. All arena
eats had ben taken early yctcr
lay. Stout to Referee.
Harry Stunt, well-known Miu
lioioli rclercc, yesterday itt
named to he the third man in the
Keferee Shra. who ha lirrit hand
ing the majority of the recent Oma
ha fights, wis favored by the stair
boxing coiimiisii( to referee tUi
ufiair, but Dan Morgan,' the cham
pion's manager, rcl'tincd to let Hrit
ton enter the ring with a local man
PulU the Unexpected.
it.. r,..i .i,,. i- .-in ,;.t, i,:J Ki-army, Neb. M4y -I. tSmcial
crown tomorrow niKht is not grating I'1 hc . Pcc ' liojil athlete
...i i !, n.rvr. nf H.n a,i..r" T'' "c Central Nel.rai.ka district will
liter, hut he U Imdrd iliwil mm
the Iriik of luiudftiii which ha won
for hint the ai'ptlaiioii td the ."old
' Youth Versus EapcrUnce.
I'adiHrtt 22. Win re lUitton hit
the edge ia experience. 1'adgett ha
the advantage of youth.
1'adgrit fight with t tie tmaiity (
a bulldog, lie it ever going in, nl
wayi hammering away, but whether
le ran continue hi attack aKaint
Crittoti'a foment lift miianm to he
antwerrd in t lr .'1-foot square tit
night. Hitting is cuiiiiaraiiuly light.
"Montana Jack" Sullivan, once a
(i.lic luminary and now a referee,
placed a large hrt that the Dnlore
product will take four of the 10
louutU from the champ.
Central Nebraska llijrb
Athlete in rirJd Meet
I wenty-tive timet since he re
gained the title from Ted Lewis
three year ago, Britton has success
fully defended it anaint-t the coun
try'! best and be expects to handle
Padgett with the tame case as the
Although fans are not paying out
their "jack" in
the hope of see
ing a new chain
p i o n crowned,
the fact that the
Centennial state
mitten hurlcr is
a dangerous op
ponent cannot be
.1 : i
Padgett is
great on pulling
the unexpected.
He went against
Morrie Schlaifcr
a 6 to 4 favorite
over him ana
officiating; '
won the decision. '
A Dangerous Opponent
Wamie Smith of Oklahoma was a
4 to 1 favorite over him at Oklahoma
Cify and Padgett got a draw. In a
fight a few weeks later he buried the
championship aspirations of the
Sooner state mauler by hammering
him from pillar to post.
The Ranger can rightfully be
termed the sensation ot the west
for a slant at his fistic record shows
one of the most phenomenal rises a
boxer ever made.
In 109 fights, extending- over a
period of less than a year and a half,
he has lost but one decision. He
was never knocked out let alone
staggered. t
Three of the welters he has met
have fought champions. He got a
McGinnity Still
the "Iron Man"
Danville, 111., May 4.-V'Iron Man"
Joe McGinnity, former : big league
and coast hurlcr, today has another
rivet driven to clinch his title. -,
After 34 years in the pastime he
"came back" yesterday and Bitched
his Danville Three-Eye league team
to a 5 to 3 victory over Peoria, just
. by way ot demonstratinjr that the
old arm still retained at least a
modicum of its former mieht.
He hurled seven scoreless innings,
weakened a bit on the eighth .when
Peoria got to him for three runs, two
of them earned, but was strong
enough in the ninth to stave off
further scoring. He turned back
three batters on strikes, walked one
man and hit another.
He accepted two chances and got
one hit out of four trips to the plate.
McGinnity earned the "iron man"
appellation years ago, by his repeat
ed efforts at pitching both ends of
double headers
meet in competition in track and
Held event here on Saturday after
noon at athletic field, tin hriilff the
lourtn annual district meeting held
here under auspices of the Teach
ers' college. Fifteen schools have
already accepted the invitation to
participate and it is expected that
at least a hundred athletes will try
for honors. ledal are to be
awarded for individual records, while
a banner goes to the school credited
with the greatest total in ooints.
North Platte was winner of the ban
ner last year.
Alliance Nine to Open
Season with Morrill
Alliance. Neb.. Mav 4. The base
ball season in Alliance will be opened
with Morrill, May 28. . A benefit
dance was held which netted the team
$128. This will be used toward the
purchase of uniforms and equipment.
Harold Snyder has been elected
business manager and Charles Grif
fis, captain. Workouts are being
held daily at the fair grounds and
all of the old players are showing
up in good form. A schedule of
three games has also been arranged
with the Havelock team on July 2,
3 and 4.
Jack Dempsey, heavyweight champion, is having a confidential chat
with Ted (Kid) Lewis, holder of several European titles.. Th picture
wai taken shortly after Demptey's arrival in London. Lewis this month
meets Georges Carpentier for tha light-heavyweight tttU of Europe.
New Type of Golf Club Shaft
Perfected OutlawedbyU.S.G.A,
Chicago, May 4. A new type of
golf club shaft has been perfected
in the effort to find a suitable sub
stitute for hickory. It is composed
of a core of second growth hickory
with strips of bamboo inlaid parallel
with the- center, somewhat like a
castinir rod. It has not been tried
extensively, hut It is aid that the com-
lunation is more statue and even man
the present wooden shafts, which be
gin to lose their native resiliency as
oon as they are put in play. Very
little hickory is required for this in
laid shaft and it does not need to
be so carefully selected as the main
timber lies in the iplit bamboo.
Steel shafts have been outlawed in
Great Britain and by the United
States Golf association, although
manufacturers say that some sub-.-titutc
for hickory must be found,
as that wood of the proper sort us
fast disappearing.
Central and Tech Meet
on Diamond Today
Coach Hill's Central high tenm
will meet it's ancient rivals, the
Omaha Technical sandlotters. this
afternoon on the Foiitenelle diamond.
In the City league standing the
Tech boys have the best of the bar
gain, having won all their games.
However, if tiiey are beaten today by
the Purple and White pill swatters
they will be tied with them for first,
each team having won four and lost
Ban Johnson
' Suspends Huggins
Philadelphia, May 4.Miller Hug
gins, manager of the New York
Americans, has been suspended in
definitely by President Johnson of
the American league, as the result of
an argument with Umpire Walsh in
the game between tiew York and
Boston at the Polo grounds Mon
day, it became known last night.
Frank Baker directed the club in
the game here yesterday and will
continue to do so until Huggins is
Jack Dempsey
Will Sail for
U. Sjlay 13
Pari. May 4 -Jack,
heavyweight ihampwiti, referring to
announcement in the United Suit
that arrangement (or a bout be
tween liim and Jt Willard were
progrefking Uvotnlily, said today he
would be glad to inert Willard
again. He i alo ready to meet
the winner of the Crintier-Ltis
bout in London, he declared.
"Sum. I'll he glad to meet Willard
gam. said I'ciiiptry to the corre
iutndrnt. "He was once champion
and ought given every chance
to regain the title. Whenever the
lime. !Ucc and conditions ate de
cided I'll he itady to sign up.
"Willard is a good, clean, game
fighter and I 'would rnjoy another
match with him. I ant in tine shape
and haven't a doubt that f can easily
iroeat victory over JdsS.''
Dempsey said he intruded to il
for New York on the Aquilanla
May 13.
"I'lcae remember me to him and
the other hoys," continued the
champion, "Did tell them 1 shall
soon see them in God's country, as
I leave Paris for London at the end
of the week for the Carpentier
Lewis fight and expect to sail on the
Aquitania May 13, arriving in New
York May .'(). I shall then go west
to fulfill a theatrical engagement
"I had hoped to give a few box
ing exhibitions in F.nglaud and Ire
land, but I'm afraid I won't have
Two Players Quit
Lincoln Ball Club
Lincoln, May. 4. Tommy Lee,
Chicago boy and in fielder on the
Lincoln State league ball club, left
Wednesday night, leaving only a
note to Manager Bcltzer stating that
he could not agree with tbe other
Heuck, the Ord first sackcr, also
went home.
Pitcher House and First Baseman
Comisky of the Barttesvillc, (Okl.)
Southwestern league team have been
added to the Lincoln roster.
No Baseball for Pawnee
Pawnee City, Neh., May 4.The
Pawnee public service club has re
jected a proposition favoring finan
cial -aid to the local baseball team
after much deliberation. The Black
Sox offered to play one game a
week, the service club to pay them
$40 a game and assume alt other
Pawnee City will not have base
ball this summer.
Mild as a May Morning --fljfc as Jrqgrant
Carpentier Not
Trip to States
London, May 4. Georges Carpen
tier, light-heavyweight champion,
who is training here for his bout
with "Ted" Lewis op May 11, has
made no plans for a bout in America,
his manager,' Francois . Deschamps,
, informed the Associated Press today.
The statement was prompted by
reports from the United States that
Carpentier was planning to defend
his honors against the winner of the
coming; bout for the American cham
pionship between Gene Tunney and
Harry. Greb. '
Announces Dates
for Packers' Meets
The annual inter-packing plant
championship track and field . meet
will be held at the Armour athletic
field on Saturday, June 24.
At a meeting of the Packers Ama
teur Athletic association yesterday,
dates for the plant track meets were
announced. The meets will be held
on Armour field.
Winners of the various events will
represent their respective plants in
the big inter-plant meet The Swift
championship, while Fern Roberts of
Armour holds the individual all
around championship.
The dates of the plant meets fol
low: '
Armour flint. Thundajr. Vy IS.
11d plant. Thursday, May SS. ,
CwJahy plant, Thursday. Jan 1.
Swift plant, Thuriday. Jum . t
Y3r Y
Many cigars declare the mild
ness just as many men declare
their honesty. You must deal
with a man to know how honest
and smoke a cigar to know
Try Mozart an tmcotnmonly
mild cigar of Havana fragrance
beautifully made.
MocsBt Cigar it made by
Dsolidattd Cigar Corpontion
.; new rot . .
DssttSntecl hif
Omaha, Nab.
ftIpi - Riebeaatiful
' ' '"suss iekt the am that
stII? &a you ben
' ' " Pz? 2 Perfeetos P
I 10c
Nss5j Favcicitai
wllli 2 for 25c
rf isc I
I " Vanderfeta
um, 3 for 50c
This on msy b heard at any
golf club. 'How's hi m this
Tha worst I tvtr listened! to."
Harney Purch of tb lluffalcws in
formed ns yesterday that Ik had
signed Lh'rhe Gibton, Irfthanded
"Uib' is a fornier "golt," being a
member of Uncle Samuel's crew on
the Cruier Charleston.
The new adduiou to the Omaha
burling tuff is said to swing a wick
ed bat, to y nothing of a tune.
"Babt" Ruth has bought a farm.
Thert seems to ba soma traditional
impression thst there is a bond of
sympathy between all ball players
and tha farm.
A lot of players art "farmed
out. but few own a farm.
Tha only known reason why a
ball player has a farm is to make
good the favorite expression. Til
stay on the farm," when the club
owner refuses to give hint a boost
in salary csch spring.
Champion Jack Britton may be
termed the "old man" of the ring,
but he sure ran propel his dukes
within the strands.
During his training bouts at the
Business Men's gymnasium yester
day he showed Ins sparring partners
more gloves in tu minutes than they
have seen in years. ,
Fashion sharps say that women's
dress and hair should harmonise.
Perhaps that's why they're bobbing
their hair. .
Ray Alvis. manager of "Cowboy"
TadRett. who meets Britton Friday
night, says we haven't mentioned
Padgett's name enough in The Bee.
Here goes, Kay:
Padgett, "Cowboy." Padgett,
"Cowpuncher," Padgett, "Cow.
boy," Padgett and more Padgetts
and "Cowboys."
A Lyons man, says the Kansas I
City S.r, devoutly hopes his wife
will never receive another 125
birthday gift in cash. She deposited
the amount with his account and
has been checking against it stead
ily for three months.
Don't forget the Ak-Sar-Bcn races
June 3 to 17. inclusive.
Charlie Trimble, a high mogul at
the local track, expects to have three
or four Man o' Wars in the Ak-Sar-Ben
races this year.
Joie Ray Forced
to Cancel Race
at Creighton
Joie Kav, hinder of right di4me
and middle distance track,
has been forced to cancel I in en
gsgement to run an exhibition niiK
race at the Creighton intiamural
track and field meet here SatunUy.
Unbeknown to Kav, the lllinni.
Athletic rlub of Chicago, under
whie colors lie performs, mad ar
rangements for him to ruii at Maul
ing Saturday. He bad not bu in
foimed of tlii at the lime he ac
cepted the invitation to race here.
Joie, who likes Omaha amnit a
well as he doe Chicago, hip native
city, regretted having to diappoiut
local track ruthuiais.
Joie is training in Omaha fur a
race at Shenandoah Friday.
Nine Schools Entered
in Alliance Meet
Alliance, Neb., Mac 4 i.prciat
Nine western Nehiakka biii'i
schools, with a total of l'5 context
ants, are entered in the third annual
western Nrbraka track and 'field
meet to be held at the Alliance fair
ground today.
Fourteen events are nu the pro.
gram, as follow: 00-yard i1ah,
2.U-yard daidi. 440 yard da-h. HKO.
vard run. one-mile run, 12'l-yard
high hurdles, JJD yard low hurdle,
runninyr broad imitn. runnit.a hiiili
jump, pole vault, discus throw, shot
put, javelin throw and one-half mile
relay race. In the fir-t 13 named
event two contestants from each
school will participate.
Trophies and medal will be
awarded to the winnern. .
Phi Beta Pi Team
Defeats Nu Sigma Club
In the Nebraska Medical college
inler-"frat" baseball league, the l'hi
P.cia Pi defeated the Nu Sigma Nu
nine at Elmwood park diamond yes
terday by the score of IS to St.
The next game in the league will
be played at Lhnwood next Monday.
I he Phi (.hi club is leading t lie
league with a clean slate, while the
Nu Sig crew has won two and lost
one contest. The Phi Kho is tied
with the Nu Sig team for third
place. The Phi Bet has won
and lost a same, while the Non-frat
and Opho Kap have lost both games.
Morvlch CovfX
Thrce-Quartert of
Mile In Fat Time
New Yoik, May 4 The unbeaten
Miiiv nil. a lavKine for the Kentucky
I'eihy at Churchill Mtn. was
worked under dn I .rime a 4
parity i luting at the Jamaica trk to
tiay, limning thrre-iiuarirrt of a milt
in I 12 in an rthihiiMin tnal.
t'Hliy Mole broke bun at the i
4. id imc-luM fu'loiiit inde and at no
UKe wa M r tili fully uige-t, flah
nu; mill, r I'ii- wire after Lemg pulled
tip lor the lal half Imbmg.
A he paraded at the Uiuls and
on hi my to the harrior, accom
panied by 4 lead pony. Movirh was
Hi cur ill d t n"'y iivaimn. 'I he frae
inn. wne K. 15; 1-4. 22 l-5
J . .U A -S; lu!(. 45 i-y, 5 J8 J 3
i 4. Mi
McCook Elks Will
Stage Horse Race
Nrhiatka' baby lodge of Llks at
Mci'tMik will klaiie a spring rare
ineetina at McCook June 27. 28 and
'.. The iii'graiii cal: for both bar
'new races ami running races. The
, meeting will be launched the night
of June 27 with a big boxing card
and athletic carnival.
Illoomficld Dcattf Pierce
Btoomfirld. Neb.. May 4. (Spe
cial.) The Illoomficld high school
baseball tram won from the fast
Pierre high rhool team yesterday,
10 to 7. hurled for Bloom
f rlil and allowed only i hits. Spahr
was in the box lor Pierce.
Bloomfield will contest in the
semi-finals for the northeast Nebras
ka championship. The winners of
the eaM and west divisions wilt play
the deciding game at the field and
track to be held at Wayne, May 14.
Good $0 A
Reduced from $45.00
Don't Buy Ready Madea
On of our tailored suit will out-
tar two ready madei. It U a com
mon otturrtnno for on of our cus
tomer to aayi "I've had thl uit thrM
rear and it' food yet." Can you bo
Hrv the m of ready madT
MjcCarthy-Wiliori Tailorin. Co.
Southeast Comer IStb and Harney St.
Cord Tires
for this week f
- w
" - Sise ' '
Special Price for
Thi. W..k
Regular Retail 1
List Price
Sprague Tire & Rubber Co.
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