Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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3 Soldiers Slug
Taxi Man, Hurl
Him Off Bridge
'Aaailnts Brlitvetl to Be E
raped Ft. Crook l'risoneri
Driver Itletitlfit One
From Photo.
Three soldirri. believed to U fu
itiei from the Fori Crook guard
house. Tuesday nmlil iiueerd W. r
Nelson. 22. t4iifb druer, 301
Miami Urcrt. rohhd him of SO
crnts and threw him off the I'tatls-
niouih btmtit, escaping in nn nta
landrd 12 fret Itlow. on
dry ground, staggmd to the loll
bouse and laintrd.
lie ( rared for at the home of
SlirrilT Quinion for the nigltt and
returned to Omaha yetcrdav morn
ii'g hy Smui I'm con of the Ne
l.ra.Va Taxicab cohpany, lAiO Doug
Ia street.
The automobile vae found aban
doned with a flat tire at Twenty
sixth and L streets yesterday mornl
Ing by Detective Joe 1'otach of the
Nuth Side polite station.
The three totdiera are believed Still
to be in Omaha. Detectivei are on
their trail.
Identifies Photo.
Nelson was shown pictures of
right soldier who escaped from the
Fort Crook guardhouse Sunday night
and, pointing to one of Claude B.
Kond, 27, Peoria. Ill said lie be
lieves Kond is the man who mal
treated him in the taxicab.
Police say thy have reports Bond
Is a '"bad nun." He recently was
arrested by Detective Frits Franks
for investigation and is said to have
threatened "to Ret" Pranks.
The three soldiers chartered the
Nelson taxicab in front of the Mil
lard hotel at 9:30 Tuesday night
"They said it was pay day and
they wanted to throw a party, Nel
son related yesterday morning,
despite his cuts, bruises and blacken
ed eye. "As I was driving toward
Nineteenth street and Railroad ave
nue on the way to Fort Crook, I
slowed down for a curse. ,
Slugged Three Times.
One of the soldier in the back
seat slugged me three times over the
head with a leather tap rilled -with
shot. It broke. See, I can atill pick
shot out of my clothing.
"The other two dragged me over
the seat onto the floor and the third
took the wheel. The fellow who
looked like Bond put his foot on my
neck. They drove past Fort Crook.
I revived and began to struggle with
them. The man at the wheel hit me
over the head with a revolver.
"I fell again and one of the pair in
the back seat stuck his heel in my
t!iflt Aira anI 4uri mA if A vara
iigiis ;v anu at ie nv
came to the bridge, one of them said
there was no water below it, so they
heaved me overboard."
Charlie Chaplin Loses Suit
Salt Lake City, Utah, May 3. A
verdict of $4,000 in favor of the
plaintiffs in1 the suit of Samuel A.
King and Russetl G. Schulder, attor
neys, seeking $25,000 as a fee alleged
to be due for advice given to inarue
Chaplin, motion picture comedian,
was rendered by a tederai court
jury. The verdict was reached last
night and was sealed and presented
to the court this morning.
Sydney Chaplin, brother of the co
median, said he was satisfied witn
the verdict and Mr. King declared
he did not think there would be an
appeal. ,
Taxi Driver Victim
of Soldier-Thugs
From Scotland
arid Ireland
come the world's
.-, ; FINEST :
V many of which
are still woven on
hand . looms from
vf , native wool.
; : T h e i r refreshing
. colors assembled in
irregular but pleas
ing weaves account
for their handsome ,
. appearance, and
- their astonishing
wearing qualities
have been known
t for generations.
Come in and see
our latest importa
tions -fabrics
which will impress
:' you with old-time
quality t hey're
excellent for ' out-
. loor life as well as 1
business wear at
prices you'll know
are right.
$45, $50 and $60
Alto White Cricket Flan
nels Silks Linens
; ' Palm Beach Mohairs
Gaberdines and W h i p
cordt for hot weather
- and sports clothes.
T75 Jrrn Gons
209-211 S. 15th. Karbach Block i
-w I ' - - t
W. P. Nelson.
Treasury Building
Is Damaged by Fire
Washington, May J. Flames
which bunt from the roof of the
Treasury department shortly after
1 JO a. m. yesterday, eating their way
through a superstructure and thread
ing to the central portions of the
roof, were brought under control
after threatening heavy damage to
the building.
Leaping 30 feet or more in the air,
the flames lit up a large part of the
downtown section and sparks were
wafted across the street to the White
Hou.e lawns. Awakened ly White
House attendants, President and
Mrs- Hardin dressed and watched
the progress of the flames from a
S200,000 Loss Is
Douglas .Street
Firrrtirn Battle FUrnri Three
Hour Two Suffer In.
juries Oripin of hUic
Twa firemen were injured fighting
a fire ol mytteriou origin which
threatened the blink between Four
teenth and Fifteenth streets at i yes
terday morning rrauliiiif in a prop
erty lo.. of probably SJgrt.UK).
the injured firemen are:
Clarence Hrewer. II I J North Nine
teenth street, fire station No. 4;
bands badly cut by falling glass.
Fred J. Ulumer. I12 Dorcas street.
fire station No. w; cut about the
hand and laee.
lioih men were ru.lwd to Lister
hopiul and after treatment Here
taken t their homes.
ihe fire riertroyed the building at
1417 Douglas treet. which housed
the Undrland Barber Supply com
pany and Hurdler market. Damage
auo was suffered ny the II. rsesriin
Cigar company, the Megeath Sta
tionery company and the Mandarin
Retelii) i entire tobacco stock was
runed be water and smoke.
The firemen continued fighting
until f. throwing on water at the
rate of 5.000 Dillons a minute. The
street surrounding the building was
covered hy a network of hose. Uy
5. the fire was .under control. As
sistant Fire Chief Dineen said.
Less Home Brew in East.
Washington. May 3. Home brew
ing is on the decline in New Eng
land, Prohibition Agent llayncs de
clared today on the basis of reports
from that section. These state, he
added, that the demand for yeast,
hops and malt had dropped off by
half from the peak of "the home
brewing fad."
Jack Dempsey Hurries
to Paris to Console Peggy
"Bejewcled Beauty" Desires Quiet Spot Has Offers
to Go on Stage and in Movies Will Never Marry '
Letcllier Owing to Unpleasant Associations
Will Not Attend Errazuris' Funeral.
(rlskl, ltt.
faris, May J Cancelling his plant
lo visit historic sights in Utrlm and
then proceed to tendon, lark Demp.
tey telegraphed to l eggy Joyce yes
terday morning that be is leaving
Germany on the first train and is due
in t'aris this momma.
The man she loved Is the victim
of his own set her (ricndhip for
M. Letcllier. the proprietor of the
l aris Journal, is shaken through the
tragedy caued by Senor Erruri'
iraiou.y ol the publisher, 1'rggy
yesterday seemed lo be turning to
ward the champion prize fighter to
arouse her from the depths of de
The "bejeweled beauty" hopes to
reach an agreement with Dempsey to
make a film together in some se
cluded spot far away from inquiring
reporters and newspaper photograph
ers, gossiping friends and lovelorn
Wife at Bier.
All day Madame Maria F.dward
Errazuris sat with a nun at the hos
pital where the suicide's body, cov
ered with a white sheet to hide the
(taping wound where the bullet tors
through his forehead, eves and nose.
lay on a bier flanked with candles.
Floral pieces from the Chilean
Irgalion in Brussels, London, Paris,
heme and other cities are all around
the bier, but there is none from
I only dozed two hours last
night," said Peggy yecterday. "That
makes three sleepless nights. The
doctor refused to give me morphine
because my heart is weak, but I can
not stand the tension much longer."
1 can never marry Letcllier now.
Poor Billy hated him so and if it
were not for Letellier Hilly would
be alive today. It is not Ileurv'a
fault, 1 know, but ! could never ac
cept hun as a husband after Duly
Lltl! Ililt1..lf fi 111 All,, f mtm
said IVfBv Joyce this afternoon.
"Lclellirr has acted tweetly since
Ihe tragedy and he has told me to
consider lum as a big brother, lie
promised to do everything possible
for me in my trouble, but I can not
consider him any more a a noitlc
husband. 1 must leave Paris 1 can
not stand remaining in tins hotel
where everything associates itself
with Billy. I ran not return to the
restaurants and dance places where
I used to go with mm. I am wait'
ing until tomorrow, as Jack Demo
sey telegraphed me that he will an
rive in the morning. Jack wired me
conuoience over the atlair and lie
seems to be a charmmir cliao.
"Perhaps I will return to America
I am so wrought up over this. I
must do something cet back to
work to take my mind off this- I
am ottered a fine position in the
movies and on the stage. Still, every
one will bother me in America, rak
ing up this affair. I would prefer
to co to some quiet spot, somewhere
m J raiice or bngland, where no one
will find me, and where I will be left
Will Not Send Flowers.'
"When I think of Billy lying cold
in death I long to co to him to
send him flowers but I don t dare
His wife is there with him. and
who loved him and whom he loved.
must remain wretched in my room
grieving. t
"I would like to attend the fu-!
neral but that is his widow's place.
It would seem too dramatic if I ap-
pcarea ana tnrre might be a scene.
1 am not afraid that anything might
no more to buy a
SIZES Black-Tread . ?ant"f' '
. Block-and-Button , Red
Kant-s"P or Grooved Tread '
30x3 $12.90 $3.15
30x38 14.90 $18.95 2.70
31x4 24.00 29.80 3.35
32 x 4 27.50 32.75 3.45
33 x 4 28.50 33.75 3.60
34x4 44.30 4.95
33 x 5 5230 6.00
Other Sizes Priced Proportionately
Kelly-Springfield Tire Go.
2578 Harney Street
er Tire &
2220 Harney Street
Omaha Distributors
Phone ATlantic 1373
Reliable Tire Repair Co
4715 S. 24th Street
South Omaha Distributors
Phone MArket 3896
hai-ii tt me nothing could hap
pru.iliat would make any difference
Uan.liU il..w Up Hank.
Denver, Coh-. May i. After firing
nine shots of nitroglycerine, which
practically wrctkrj the frame build
ing ( the f irst National bank st
LaUyette, IS miles from bete early
this morning, bandits eiid with
approximately fl 2,000 in currency
and Liberty bonds.
.MutlirrV !4y U$.
The tlag will wf over the ri.
offue Mothers day. May H. in
tordanre with iiuiruetiotis recrited
hy Postmaster Blaek today (row
Postmaster Uvneral Work.
Of Fine Checked Ginghams
and Figured Voiles Are
These Newest Tub Frocks
$15 '
The Ginghams
Imported from Scotland or
France are shown in a delightful
variation of styles and color
ings. Each attractive model is
daintily trimmed in a most
effective -manner either with
white linen or plain and em
broidered batiste or , organdie.
Sizes 16 to 46.
The Voiles
Are especially designed for the
woman who requires larger
sizes. Black and white, blue
and white, brown and white are
the colorings of these becom
ing models. The trimmings of
white lace and net make up the
collar, cuffs and vestee effect.
Sizes 38 to 46. :.
Price $15 Price $15
.- A Charge for Alterations Third Floor
To have any A-B
Gas Range
Installed in Your
All White Enam.l Styles Excepted
a poii u uarioaa d
oi bargain races
Over 30 different styles and
sizes. Special low prices,
easy terms in this great car
load sale of America's finest
gas range. Don't miss this
exceptional opportunity
As illustrated. An ideal stove for the
smaller kitchens. Compact, durable and
beautiful. White enamel splashers, glass
oven door, enamel broiler pan and drip
tray. Baking oven, 15x19x12. Length
over all, 38 inches.. Very special.
Aa Illustrated . .. . .
Without Whits Splaabar Ai illustrated. ,
Hardware "i Household Utilities