Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1922, Image 1

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The Omaha . Daily Bee
VOL. 31-NO. 274.
f HH II tMM! WI- M S
f, . VMM M K NMI S Mn
t i1
of Troops
Allies and Germany Request
United States to Kfrp Forte
of Soldiers 011 .thine
After 'July 1.
Omaha B ImH .
Wiltington, May .1. Germany
and the European allies have appeal
ed to the United Stie not to with
draw the American troop from
ihe Rhine by July, it directed by
llie pre.ident.
Although President Harding lias
announced no decision in the matter
nor directed Secretary of State
Hughes to make reply to any of the
governments, it i regarded at very
, likely that a (mall quota of American
troop will be permitted to remain at
t olden, if condition in Europe re
ti.ain a chaotic as they now appear,
when July 1 come.
Strength is given this omnluMon
ly the fact that part- of the Eighth
infantry which was to have tailed
soon for the United State, hat been
held back at Content. Two battalions
of this regiment, which were to have
ailed for home May 16, have been
oodered to remain at least until June
17. Whether this latter tailing date
will be changed remain to be cn.
Arrival Delayed. '
These fact were divulged follow
ing action by Senator Harris of
Georgia in announcing the receipt of
a letter from Col. Campbell King of
the war plans division of the army,
. Mating that on account of circum
stances the arrival of the Eighth in
fantry at Savannah, Ga., would be
delayed. Senator Harris was inter
ested because a celebration had been
planned at Savannah for the troops
upon their arrival to take up their
station at that post.
Petitions for the troops to remain
have come from all the nations in
terested in the question of German
occupation, including the French,
British, Belgians andfGcrmans. The
petition from the German govern
ment is understood to have been ad
dressed to President Harding and
came through the German embassy
Decision ' Held Back.
It is understood that a decision has
been made by the administration as
to keeping troops in Germany, but
the time is not deemed opportune for
announcing that decision. The situ
ation is changing so rapidly in Eu
rope, it is pointed out, that it might
be unwise to announce a decision
now as to what will or will not be
done on July 1, when the circum
stances influencing .a 'final decision
may alter at any time':T'.-'"-
It is also felt by the administration
that there is no particular reason
why the United States should decide
one way or another, inasmuch as tis
position is purely that, of a neutral
and particularly because this govern
ment is under no obligations either
to Germany or the allies, to main
tain troops on the Rhine for any cer
tain period. - '. '. . - -
Klan Watching
Trial of Small
-Judge Order s Kleagle Watch
, cd Holds Secret Confer
ence With Attorneys.
Waukcean.' III.. May 3. The Ku
Mux Klan is watching the trial of
Gov. Lcn Small, charged with con
soiracv to embezzle state funds.
- Discovery of the fact that a kleagle
of the, klan has been in the court room
steadily for at least two days and
occasionally before that, watching
every move of counsel, so startled
judge C. C. Edwards yesterday that
he summoned attorneys i for both
side into his chambers and secretly
talked the matter over with them.
The lawyers would not discuss the
conference afterward, but it is known
that both sides disclaimed knowledge
ot the klan's interest in the case and
gave approval to the judge's threat
to arrest the kleagle if he makes
single questionable move..
i Ihe kleagle s name was not re-
ealed. He is not a Waukegan man,
but is head of the klan in this dis
trict. .
' " According to Alexander 3eaubicn,
the governor's" counsel, himself a
resident of Waukegan, it had not
been known until yesterday that the
.klan had obtained a foothold here.
If the watching kleagle is in court
as a klansman, he undoubtedly is
satisfying a curosity of more than
local scope.
Judge Edwards it is understood has
ordered that the man be watched
so that he" can. not tamper with wit
nesses or veniremen. ; '""
Cambridge M. E. Church
' to Build $25,000 Edifice
Cambridge Neb., May 3.-(Spe-cial.)
The Methodist Episcopal
church here will be dismantled and
a new building is to be built of
pressed brick, library style. 52 by
70 feet The basement is to be
modern and complete. The building
i expected to cost $25,000. - The
plans are to be in the new church
before the hollidays. The work wilt
be done by home men. ,
Bonds Subscribed.
New York, May 3. Subscription
books for the $25,000,000 30-year 5
per cent general and refunding mort
gages bonds -oi the Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph, company were closed
today within a few minutes after the
' opening of business. The bonds,
which were offered at 94, to yield
5.40 per cent, were underwritten by
a svndicate headed by J. F. Morgan
& Co. - . .
Decision Kept
Nominated for Senator
. by Indiana Republicans
P h P: (
Bevcridge Leads
" Senator New by
Over 18,000 Votes
Returns From All but 249 of
' 3,382 Precincts in Indiana
Stand 179,936
to 161,710.
Indianapoli. May 3. With only
246 precincts out of the 3,382 in the
state missing, Albert J. Bcvcridge
had a majority of 18,000 votes over
his primary opponent, Senator Harry
S. New, for the republican nomina
tion ' for the United States senator
here tonight. hTe vote for 3.137
precincts was: Bevcridge, 179,936;
New, 161,710.
Seventy of these missing precincts Marion county unoiana
polis). ' -
In a statement toJhe Associated
Press, Senator New" said:
"There is no doubt that Mr. Bev
cridge has been nominated for the
senatorship. I donow, as I always
have done, take off my hat to the
Hull Issue Statement.
Washington, May 3. Cordcll
Hull, chairman of the democratic
national committee, declared hi ' a
statement tonight that "the reported
victory of Albert J. Bevcridge over
Senator Harry New in the Indiana
senatorial primaries by a decisive
majority'iVTTrtalirand emphatic re
pudiation ot tne mraing adminis
tration . and Senator New s pari
therein" by, the republicans of In
diana. : -
"Senator Ncw's campaign from be
ginning to end,", said Mr. Hull,
"was made a test of the Harding ad
ministration. ' President Harding has
been his silent ally and he has had
the tacit support of every member
of the administration.
."The effect of. Senator Ncw's ad
ministration will necessarily prove
embarrassing and humiliating If not
disastrous. If the republican voters
will not stand, for the Harding ad
ministration it can scarcely be ex
pected, that republican, senators who
are candidates for re-election and
republican congressmen can be ex
pected to remain loyal.
"The vote for Beveridge was simp
ly a protest against the national ad
ministration and was not a vote for
any affirmative set of policies." .
School Teacher Slain
by Suitor She Rejected
Manly Junction, la.. May 3. Be
cause Rebecca Nelson, young and
pretty School teacher, revoked her
promise to accompany him to a party
tonight, lrvin Bonker, 23; went to her
school, four miles west of here, this
morning and shot her while the class
was in session. She died soon after.
Bonker claims the girl had prom
ised to marry him, and a gift for-her
was in his pocket when he killed her.
Following the shooting Bonker en
tered the Farmers' Savings ; bank,
brandishing a pistol and ordered em
ployes and patrons -to hold up their
hands. He was captured when his;
revolver failed to respond to the
click of the trigger. -
Five Years in Prison Is
Penalty for Stealing Nickel
St. Louis. May 3. Five years in
the state penitentiary was the sen
tence imposed in, circuit court here
on Enoch Buck, who pleaded guilty
to robbing a man of 5 cents. N
"Things have not been going well
lately." said the defendent stoically,
"and I guess a long vacation will do
me good."
. tried P
Ads 4
- 17th and Farnam
AT Untie 1000
tkasr w m m mm
Wu Fei-Fu
in4 ..xotion
Central Chhtee Aruty Leader
Keported Battle Victim by
lieadquarteri of Gen.
Chans Tao Lin.
Doctors Offer Service
Peking. May 3.-(By A. P. It
wu announced at Gen, Chang Ttac
Lin'i headquarters today that Gen.
Wu Pei-Ku. the central Chinese
leader, had been killed in action. The
announcement has not been other
wise confirmed. The foreign lega
tions here art investigating. ,
l'ckin. May J. (By A. l'.)-The
Feiigtien army, under General Chang
Tto-Liu, ha, for the moment at
lcat. Miccctifully withstood the drive
on Changsintien, and stopped Gen
eral Wu Pci-Fu't movement toward
l'ekinf The cost, however, has-been
heavy and Changsiniirn it filled with
wounded., many of whom are dying
for lack of medical attention.
While Chang has succeeded in this
action, there has been no apparent
advantage of consequence for either
side in the general fighting along
Ihe 100-mile front from here to Tien
Tsin, and both commanders are rush
mg up reinforcements in preparation
for a decisive action. ,
Communications Threatened.
General Chang's communications
are threatened, both front and rear,
for Wn has thrown 40.000 troops
against his right renter in an effort
to cut the Pckin-Ticn Tsin railway,
while Admiral Tit lihih Kwei has
notified the Nanking consular body
of his intencnion to cut the railway
connecting the Peking-Tien Tsin
road with Mukden, General ChatiR's
base. This railway is within the
range of naval guns at Chinwangtao.
! At the eastern end of tnc attic
trout. General Wu is marching: 20,-
G00 troops toward Machang, one of
the Fcngtieners' strongholds, where
heavy fighting has occurred for three
days. ' - -
Meanwhile, word comes tnrougn
Shanghai that Sun Yat Sen. presi
dent of . the Pckiit government, is
preparing to send aid to Chang Tso-
Lm. He - will strike at tne
Uihychological moment, it was said,
sending troops .euncr wrougn nan
kow or Nanking, the route depend
ing on the outcome of the present
conflict. "
To Treat Wounded.
A aroup of British and American
doctors has volunteered to treat, out
side Pekin, men wounded in battle.
It is reported that many wounded
were found at Uiangsmuen ana
Fenctai who had received no atten
tion. The assertion, is made the con
tending armies are without base hos'
pttals, dressing stations, bandages or
means of transportation. -
Numbers of wounded have died on
the station platforms while trying to
board trains bound for Pekin. The
foreicn hospitals in Pekin have given
aid to thf wounded who have arrived
here. . . y . r ,
The Chinese ministry of communi
cation has published a notice stating
that the government railroads have
been pledged as security for foreign;
debts and must not be used by either
faction in the present strife for ob-.
taining loans. ' , . :
Mathilde McCormick
Ignores Oser's Cables
Paris, May 3. Max Oscr is sur
prised at the failure of Miss Mathilde
McCormick, his fiancee, to answer
his cable messages, and disappointed
because she did not appear in Zurich
last month, when he expected her.
according 40 a Zurich dispatch to the
J diu. luc luriucr riuniK masici
declines, however, to discuss reports j
of an estrangement with John D.
Rockefeller's granddaughter, to
whorn jg became 4 engaged prior to
her departure from Switzerland a
few months ago. .
Oscr said he had addressed several
messages to the home of the Mc
Cormick family, in Chicago, but had
received no reply. He believed, how
ever, that this might be due to the i
fact that Miss Mathilde was' at
present traveling in Virginia.
Berlin Papers Cold Toward
Dempsey, But Fans Warm
Berlin, May 3. (By A. P.) The
May' day labor recess 'left Berlin
without newspapers for 48 hours and
as a result the news of Jack Demp
sey's presence traveled chiefly by
word of mouth. The afternoon pa
pers yesterday, as Dempsey left for
Paris, only briefly recorded his com
ing and going, refusing to share the
exuberant jubilation of Berlin's fight
fans who clung to the champion's
heels during his stay in the German
capital. ' " '
' Dempsey apparently was not par
ticularly keen for this form of adula
tion and repeatedly appeared nettled
at the - brand of affection bestowed
upon him. ' His inability to speak
the language of the fatherland was
another disturbing factor. He ap
peared happiest during the brief in- j
tervals when he was permitted to j
enjoy. the company of his immediate1
Several newspapers gave vent to
their disgust at the kind of reception
accorded the champion, the Tage
lische Runschau particularly depre
cating "the modern brand of hero
worship." , - !
Renews Attack on Daugherty.
Washington,. May 3. Renewing
his "'attack on Attorney General
Daugherty, Senator "Caraway, demo
crat, Arkansas, charged today in the
senate that Mr. Daugherty had fired
all the honest inspectors in his de
partment who wanted to prosecute
swindlers of the government, "and
had put back into office the physician
who helped to get the fraudulent
pardon for Charles W- Morse-
U. S. Envoy to France
in Automobile Wreck
Paris, May J-(Ry A. P.)-Myron
T. Ilerrkk. the Aiurrican ambatta-1
dor, again miraculously etcapedi
death today when taxictb in the
Avenue de I.'Upera rrahed into hit
automobile, badly tmaihing the car
Mr, derrick, luckily, escaped with
out a scratch. Hit other narrow
etcape wa when a bomb exploded
in his rrtidrnre October 19, of lt
year, mly s few minute before he
Free State Troops
Hotel Under Fire
Machine buns Uattlc . as
Troops Attack to Recapture
Ormond Castle, Held
by Irregulars.
Dublin. May J. On motion of I
Eamon de Valera the Dail Eireann
t.itc today adopted a motion order
ing the opposing sides in the Irish ;
republican army to cease firing im
mediately and arrange a truce.
Kilkenny, Ireland, May 3. (By A.
P.) Sharp fighting, with machine
guns rattling in all directions, was
in progress, here today, free state
troops trying to recapture Ormond
castle, still held by irregulars, who
yesterday were driven out of other
places they had captured.
The castle is a strong fortress on
the banks of the River Nore, and is
considered impregnable except by
This morning storming parties un
der command of Col. Prout of the
Dail Eireann official forces advanced
on the castle by different routes fol
lowed by an armored car. They
were fired .upon by snipers in the
streets and a fierce engagement en
sued, well directed fire being main
tained against the castle from sev
eral angles.
Hotel Under Fire.
The Imperial hotel, which is dom
inated by the castle and which has
been occupied since its recapture by
dail troops is under fire from " the
castle garrison.'
The defenders ( the castle are
said to be well equipped with pro
visions. The morning train from Dublin
arrived while the fighting was in
progress and passengers alighting
here were forced to take shelter in
the railway tunnel. The postoffice
also was in the danger zone. .
Constable's Home Attacked.
Belfast, May 3. (By A. P.) The
home of a member of the Ulster spe
cial constabulary in the Coal Island
district of East Tyrone-rwas attacked;
today. Shots were fired into the
house and the building was set on
fire. The constable escaped through
a window. Other special con
stables hurrying to the scene were :
ambushed and one badly wounded.
A large number - of .armed men
rushed into the royal Irish constabu
lary barracks at Bellagaha, South
Derry, last nigtit and fired several
voileys, killing one constable.
All telegraph and telephone com
munication with County Derry was
cut off today.
Powers Ask Delay in
Return of Rhine Yanks
' - -; y - : -"';
, Washington, D, C, May 3. Two
battalions of the eighth infantry,
now at Coblenz on the Rhine, are
being delayed at least one month in
their return to the United States,
SecretaryW'eeks said today, because
of requests received . from various
countries, including uermany, mat,
American troops be retained on the
occupied German territory beyond
July 1, the date now set by the War
department tor complete evacuation
by American forces on German soil.
Mr, Weeks said tnese requests
were under consideration and that no
decision had been reached. He did
not disclose the specific character or
source of the requests beyond saying
that he had heard that Germany was
among the countries which desired
American troops to remain in the
Rhineland beyond July 1. V
It was intimated, however, that the
request for retention of American
forces in Germany beyond July 17
would not be granted. In any
event, Mr. Weeks said, the two
battalions of the eighth infantry will
not return to the United States this
month, as had been expected,, but
according to their present schedule
would arrive some time 'jn June
McGord-Bradv Candidate Takes'
First Place ifi Good Will Contest
Automobile Row Climbs to Fif th. Position Oiit-of
Town Candidates Sending in Deposits Live
stock Interests in Third Place.
Miss Ella Fenn, McCord-Brady Co
Miss Nellie B. Donn, Union Pacific
Miss Elizabeth Kaufmann, Live Stock interests ..........
Miss Katherine O'Brien, Burlington Route ,.
Miss Florence Anderson, Automobil e row
Miss Elizabeth Pace, Grinnell college ,
Miss Kathleen Rissiter, Orchard-Wilhelm
Miss Anna McNamara. M. E. Smith Co.
Mrs. Agnes Hall, Missourr Valley.-, . .
Miss Myrtle M. .Wood, W abash
Miss Gladys' Hitchcock,. York
Miss Anna Funk, Salon de Beaute
Mrs. Paul Rigdon, Western Union., r. .
Miss Grace Endres. Nebraska City...,
Miss Irene Rice, Alliance Times
,Miss Esther Brandes, Hastings......
Miss; Florence Compson, York.......
Realignment of the candidates of
I the Bee Good Will contest resulted
'from balloting Wednesday. Miss
' Fcnn, candidate of McCord-Brady
I .1
i v Spring Fever - j
i1 1
l i IK I jar t'UT ' ll?: "X ftfV, ' ,
Farm Bureau and
Uni Professor
Sued for $70,000
Treasurer of U S. Grain
Growers Take Exception
to Article Published in
" Nebraska Paper, :
Lincoln, '.May .(Special.)
William G. Eckhardt of DeKalb,
Ill.i director and' treasurere of the
United States Grain Growers, filed
a $70,00 libel suit in the Lancaster
county - district court against Prof
H. Clyde Filley and the Nebraska
Farm Bureau Federation.
Eckhardt chargeed that on March
29, Filley wrote an article published
in the Nebraska Farm Bureau Re
view derogatory to the character and
reputation of, plaintiff corporation.
The paragraph on which the sut is
based deals with a convention of the
Grain Growers' officials at Chicago
and questioned the methods of ex
pending money. . ' - .
Eckhardt asserts in the petition
that the article attributed to him
and o ohers, responsibiliy for ex
pensivexand' unnecessary office space
for the United States Grain Grow
ers in Chicago; responsibility for an
expensive publicity campaign and
responsibility for higb salaries of of
ficers, none of which, according to
Eckhardt, is true. , .' ,
Professor Filley is a teacher at the
state agriculture college and the
paper, carrying the article, is pub
lished at Lincoln. '
Honors to Be Paid Last
Omaha War Dead Today
" The last of the Omaha soldier
dead is to arrive from France today.
The body of Scrgt. Ambrose Buyatt
of Company A, Fifth Field Signal
battalion, will bec borne in solemn
procession from" tne Unioni station to
the coiirt housed , All patriotic orga
nizations ,and city'r officials are ex
pected to participate. The Ameri
can Legion will be in charge. Church
bells will toll, whistles will' blow and
flags throughout the city will be
flown at half mast.- according to a
proclamation issued yesterday . by
Mayor Dahlman. . -
....... 3.S88
..' 1,350
-r 444
....I.. 270
, 151
company, succeeded in polling a vote
56 counts higher 'than Miss Donn
candidate of the, Union Pacific, who
. (ltua lu I'JJc Thrvr, Column !)
Office Girl Is
Sued for $50,000
for Alienation
Attractive Divorcee Alleges
Endearing Terms Were
: Written -in Letters
Ellen M. Houscr, pretty assistant
to a physician in the Brandeis theater
building, was made defendant in a
$50,000 alienation of affection? suit
brought in district court yestetrday
by Charlotte B. Peterson, an at
tractive divorcee.
Letters containing endearing terms,
such as "my sugar plum," and "daddy
long legs" were written by Miss
Houser to Mrs. Peterson's ofrmer
husband, Tchodore Edwin Peterson,
the petition alleges.
Mrs. Peterson alleges these letters
frequently signed "Swwetie" by
Miss Houser; that one of thm ex
pressed a ionliness for her husband's
company and that - "another invited
him to visit her. :
Wife Given. Divorce.
" Mr. Peterson, who w;as divorced
from 'his wife several weeks ago on
his wife's cross petition; formerly
dealt in real estate, maintaining an
office in the Omaha National bank
building,' R: R. Ryan, attorney for
Mrs. Peterson, says.
At that time Miss Hoser also was
employed at this building, according
to Mr. Ryan. Mrs. Peterson, in her
petition, tells of martial happiness
from the time of their marriage in
June, 1911, until Miss Houscr "be
gan to telephone to her husband.",
"We vwere married in Saunders
county, Nebraska, and two . years
later ' our daughter, Charlotte, was
born," said Mrs. Peterson. "All went
well until 1917, when the Houser gfrl
began to 'phpne my husband and
meet him.' During part of 1917 and
of 1918 Miss Houser called my hus
band frequently at his home and
office. . '' - . '
Visited Husband's Parents.
"During 1918,- While she 'was visit
ing near Henderson, la., she asked
her husband to visit her there. Mr.
Peterson became cold aiid distant to
me and neglected his business, so
that I had to support my daughter
and myself. : On one occasion, Miss
Houser went' to the parents of my
husband and told them she had more
right- to my husband that I had.
Mrs. Peterson asks the ' $50,000
lamages for being "deprived of her
husband's love, comfort, society and
affection." Mr. Peterson sued her
for divorce on grounds of cruelty
December 28, 192L -She obtained the
decree, in her answer and cross peti
tion, on the charge of non-support.
Miss Houser is a "slender blond.
When approached concerning the suit
last night she denied any knowledge
of the matter an asserted she knew
neither Mr. Peterson or his former
. i
Benjamin Miner Dies
'. ?anta 'Ana (a1 " Mav Benia-
min Miner, 81, grain opeiator of In
dianapolis, Ind.,- . who came here
seven months ago, is dead.
Winners in The Bee baseball
question contest are:
First prize, John F. Saup, jr.,
Seventeenth and Izard streets, -
Second prize, Mrs. Francis Bar
tos, 3311 Ames avenue.
Third price, G. E. Hopkins, 1830
Wirt street
Checks for the prize winners
will be mailed to them.
- l
Russian Envoy at
Genoa Pleads for
Warless World
'Only by Policy of Peace Can
Nations Balance Their
Budgets," Declares r
Genoa, May 3. (By A. P.) A re
port was circulated here today that
the American State department had
instructed Richard Washburn Child,
American ambassador to Italy, to
protest against the contents of arti
cle six of the economic conference
memorandum to Russia as affecting
American holders of property in
Paris, May 3. (By A. P.) The
French government has decided to
stand by Belgium in its opposition to
the terms of allied memorandum to
Kussia on the private property
question, it was omcially announced
atter today s cabinet meeting, at
tended " by Vice Premier Barthou,
head of the French delegation at
Uenoa. ,
Genoa, May 3. (By A. P.) The
aisarmamcnt question boboed up to
day in a plenary session of the Ge
noa conference
Walter Rathenaii Herman
eign minister, said the would's trade
must be doubled before conditions
could be bettered, but that this could
not be done whiie the nations were
"jumping at each other's throats."
, Foreign Minister Tchitcherin of
soviet Russia declared in a plea for
general disarmament: !
"Only by a policy, of' peace can
,the, nations ,balance their budgets."
He said Russia must insist upon res
ervations to the-report of the finan
cial .. commission of ..the conference carried provisions concerning
the. league of nations, which Russia
did not recognize. He added that
Russia could not agree to renounce
government control over exchange
Study Currency.
Sir Laming Worthingtpn-Evans of
Great Britain presented the financial
commission's reportwhich he term
ed as important to the world as was
the Justinian code. Stabilization of
the purchasing power of gold could
not be accomplished without Ameri
can co-operation, he sard.
The report, which . was adopted,
contains 19 resolutions, among
which is a recommendation that the
Bank of England call a meeting of
the central banks of issue to regulate
credit policy and study currency re
forms. The reforms also urge an in
ternational financial convention to
centralize and co-ordinate the de
mand for gold, which should be
adopted as the standard for Euro
pean currencies. '
The . report of the transport com
mission was adopted and then the
session adjourned. " .
Colombian President-Elect
to Be Honored in Washington
Washington, May 3. Gen. Pedro
Nel Ospina,', president-elect of Co
lombia, will be accorded the full hon
ors due the head of a state when
he comes to Washington . today
for a two-day visit during a tour of
the United States. -Tonight he
will be a guest of President Hard
ing at a dinner at the White House.
The Colombia president-elect, who
was a former minister to the United
States, will first be officially received
by President Harding at 5:30 p. m.
His daughter, Senorita Ospina. will
also be present later at the White
House dinner.
Killed at
David City
Wing llrfak From Plane
1,700 IVrt in Air Pilot
and Metlianie Die
Hundreds View Crash
!4i! City, Neb.. May ,1 (Sp
rial Telegram ) Alter looping the
liop in an airpUnr, Paul (irrrn,
Grand Kland pilot, ami hit mcettonic,
Arthur Grave, fell IJiW feet to th
ground and met iiutant death.
Tluue watching the flight aw
Ming rpaiate from the plane caus
ing it to plunge headlong to the
ground. Feeling the plane tear to
pieces, lireen hut olt tite engine 10
prevent the hip from catching fire.
The wing fell a distance of three
fourth of a mile from the remainder
of the plane. A large number of
the resident of David Uty were
upectators of the fall., A the ma
chine plunged downward they stood
peechle. fearing not only for the
lirei of the tiyers out lor noue w
ihe little town. For a time it seemed
that .he machine would ram into on
of several scattered the
Narrowly Misses House.
Then, as if selecting an open space
for landing, it swerved into a vacant
aiel on the edge of town. Hundreds
rushed to the scene but both men
were dead.
Green, the son of Charles Green
of this town. wa here visiting his
father. He and Graves were taking
a joyride and for the amusement of
the rcMdents here performed some
Green's wife and baby reside at St.
Paul, Neb.
Several months aeo Green nar
rowly escaped death in an accident at
Red Oak. la., where 4ie was giving
an exhibition.
Arthur Graves, who was killed
yesterday in an airplane crash at
David City, was a former Omahan.
He lived at 114 North Twenty
fourth street and operated an auto
mobile repair shop at the Chris
topherson garage, 2572 Harney
street, up to a month ago, when he
left for Grand Island as mechanic
for Green. His parents live at
Stromsburg. Neb. . -
Green and Graves were to fly in
planes owned by a Mr. Brown of
rand Island, according to Omaha .
friend-s. , They had made plans to .
go on a tour to fly at exhibitions
, this summer. - ,-.". - '
Wife in Omaha.' ' . .
Mrs Graves, wife of the mechanic,
whw is believed to be in Omaha,
could not be located last night
When her husband went to Grand
Island she left for a visit with her
parents at Shenandoah, la., and up- .
on returning rented a small apart.
ment somewhere in the city, accord
ing to ;a woman at 114 North
Twenty-fourth street, their former
residence. ' '
Churchill Freed
of Robbery Charge
'Miscarriage of Justice' Court
Tells Jury Which Frees
Accused. Man.
Fioyd Churchill, known in Kansas
City as the "Beau ; Brummel of
Twelfth tr.fct"- o. .
,- "J , ! W .3 1VUUU JIUl
g"uilty by a jury this afternoon of the
cnarges ot robbing the strand
theater of $2,000 last September. .
' This was . Churchill's second trial
on this charge. The first jury dis- .
agreed and was discharged.
District tllHfr T sli h.lnr.
the trial has been held since last Mon
day, criticised the jury for its verdict.
"I thought the state had established
the prisoner's gnilt,". he said to the
jurymen after the verdict had been
read. :' . ' .
: -"This verdict is a miscarriaaie of
justice.",' i;-.,,;
The jurist asked the deputy county
attrtrnpv if an ntl,i r1,,.rr. ....14 i
K. clj : . r lu:,, .
wt iiicu against CII1U. . i
, -No, was the reolv. . W
Churchill then Was released. '
' His nrettv vrtnncr uma uI,a ttetiCA '
in his behalf and who has been con
stantly at the court house during the'
trial, was not present when the ver
dict was read.. " . r.
Churchill said he intends to return
to Kansas City "for a time at least."
State Superintendent ,
Leads in Use of Mileage 1
"i Lincoln, . May 3. (Special Tele-" .
gram.) Further pre-election inves-
ligation of mielage books used by '
State "officials reveeA tnrlav fh
while J. M. Matson, superintendent
of public 'instruction, has served
less time than other public officials
whose 'use '.nf milAacr i imilDr in
vestigation, he used $1,800 of the '
siaie s money in trips to educational-'
meetings, school-house dedications '
and other state activities .-'-- .
The Weather
Thursday fair and"" somew
cooler. .
Hourly Temperatures.
. .
1 p. m. ..
i p. m. ..
t p. m. ..
4 p. m. ..
5 p. m. ,,
S p. m. ..
p.m. . ,
Ho rn. ..
, Highest , Wednesday.
.S!Rpia City
Penvr . . . .
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..SOiShorldan . ,
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