IS .One Man Killed Several Hurt in Mav Dav CIa1us Iluililinj; of Catholic Auia lion at Mexico Cily Destroy. fI by -Slrffti fillf d'With Martlim. Mr Ike AmcwI4 Tr, McOrt lly. Vtt CU.Uj le lHf-n union IslioVer and t at Indies, resulting in one prrii bring W illcl 411 -J rtrt! wnini'M. t"ltiKtrrril the trituration i Miy d4y. Syndi titic noon ti4iiri a buii'tw iiruiiiri by tin Ak"int'"il 01 I 4IM iic 91m n pirn and during the fi ronntrr ne boy kdird and nam rtnut oilitr ffrm rre n badly I nil ilut ihry I d 19 be taken to tiiUW. Quiet in United Sutct, VluiHii". M-ty 2 My i dy. sninitirm srttctrd in I'mlrd Sutri at Htll as in J rutie for radi cal iliniurlMiii'r. s (Irtured by .Srcrtuiy t.f Lili.f l4vi to liave 1 pi most umitlv. "There are now .hi tiuiiy Ainrii'4iit in every smi il oitjm ruin 0 in the I'nitrd Suus, iliuuli, I titer, ritic or liatrritai ir me regit Ur ranking radi- Vl to luve a ihjn, to wntlk." 4"l the secre tary. Demonstration in Berlin. Herlm. Al.iv J. Dtitte a steady down our i rain, Uni.iKHl nu-n and uonirn itiMri'lieil trout an section of urratrr Berlin the I.ut lir Irn yesterday morning, t!ie present Mav jay luting imiltil iintu the o cialist iniriit 4iul the roiiinitiiiists in a massed demonstration. A novel future tried out at this gathering 4 a new propaganda de vice, consisting of a "speaking choir." comprising several hundred strong voire which, under the direction 01 a i-iuuliic tor. lustily drc aimed social istic mottoes in unison. The novel . oratorical device apparently met will) tli amirni'al nf tlii! Iiuoe nrolatarian V audirnre. " J-ahor oWnrd the day generally. Few Clashes in Paris. rri, May 2. T his was the quiet est May day Pari has witnessed since the signing of the armistice There were onlv a few minor clashes between the police and the manifest ants, in which a few persons on both sides were injured, none of them seriouslv. Scrk to Have Lincoln Man (lalleil Liquor Nuisance Lincoln. May 2sA complaint in equity necking 'a temporary injunc tion prohibiting Richard E. Muiifon from further "soliciting, ordering, carrying intoxicating liquor on his person or in any vehicle or through any agent" wa filed in federal court here today bv Don W. Stewart, as sistant United States district attor ney. A permanent injunction is re quired after trjal. "Vc arc attempting to have Mun son declared a nuisance through the same procedure we bring against establishments where liquor is sold," explains Mr. Stewart. "I believe it is the first time under the national prohibition act the government has brought an injunction suit against a person.? Father Wins Insanity Test Brought by Liberty Man ' Beatrice, Neb.. May 2. (Special.) For the second time within .the past few months, H M. Eberhardt of Liberty was examined by the Cage ccuntv board of insanity com intssioiiers yesterday and pronounced 1 mentally sound- His worst weakness, according to his own confession, was indiscretion. A young married wo man named Davey appears to nave . beer. be vic,;m of unwelcome at tentions on the part of her agd ad- mirer who is 72 years of age. Mrs. Davey is 19. F. L. Eberhardt. son ' of Mr. Eberhardt, and editor of the - Liberty Journal, is the complaining witness. ' ' ' ' " ' ' ADVERTISEMENT THE WOMAN OF POISE Once a rarity, is now to be ob served and admired upon every hand. " Indeed no other woman can flourish long in the midst of this modern. complicated life. In the home, in ' business, in social life, the woman Who is serene and confident wins. N-Vwhile the nervous, flustered indi vidual wastes her talent and gets no where. Of course, poise is dependent mainly upon sound health and steady nerves. If you feel that you are be ing keot back in this way, why not turn to that great woman's remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coin pound, which was manufactured from a thorough understanding of the nervous system of women? nnAtinric thurs Fri. A Sat. wiiHsaafssaw Matinee Saturday HER GANG IN A NO MUSICAL TbWorkPi Creatnt Comedienne. LAST TIMES TODAY BERT LYTELL in "The Face Between" A Tale of Two Lores and Two Errors PRICES CHILDREN. 10c MATINEE. 25c 30t. NIGHT SUNDAY MAT. 30c 40e. PHOTOPLAY 13:C4 2:30 5:00 7:309:45 a -"V AT Fingers Are iiaBBfaSBSBBBBCBBBBBOaaBBII II III S -K j A 1 SI II Willetta Huggins, 17, deaf and dumb inmate of the Wisconsin School for the Blind, astonished 500 members of the Chicago Medical society by using her tinger-tps as eyes and ears. She can hear perfectly through vibration, read newspapers by rubbing her fingers over the sheets, and dis tinguish color by the same method. Fairbury Stockman Gains $2,500 on Cattle Fairbury, . Mav 2. (Special.) Farmer cimaged in the stock busi ness arc smiling at the turn taken in the last six months. Representative James A. Axtell brought 108 h-ad of cattle from market lat November at a cost of $4.40 delivered at Fairbury, rough feeding them until December before beginning to fed corn. After feeding for five monthi he marketed the Inn ch. cashing 'ictween $7.10 and JSOO a hundred. His corn showed an average cost of 32 rents a bushel: tiie gam on each st'cjr was over 325 pounds and the pain 0,1 the transaction was more than $2,500, without counting the profit on hogs which followed the rattle. Mr. Axtell still has. 130 head in he feed yard which he laid in at !5.R0 a hundred. - The present price of corn to the feeder is 50 cents a bushel. Benjamin Minor Dies Santa Ana. Cal.. Mav 2. Benjamin Miner, 81, grain operator of Indian apolis, I lid., who came here seven months ago, is dead. ADVERTISEMENT "TIZ" GLADDENS SORE, TIRED FEET "TIZ" makes sore, burning, 'tired feet fairly dance with delight, Away go the aches and pains, the corns, callouses, blisters and bunions. : "TIZ" draws out the acids and poisons that puff up your feet. No matter how hard you work,' how long you dance, how far you walk, or how long you remain on- your feet, "TIZ" brings restful foot com fort. "TIZ" is wonderful for tired, aching, swollen, smarting feet. Your feet just tingle for joy; shoes never hurt or seem tight. Get a box of "TIZ" now from any druggist or department store. End foot torture forever wear smaller 'shoes keep your feet fresh, sweet and happy. r I Now "Showing Alexander And Good Support ing Vaudeville Show Also Photoplay Features. Shown at Every Performance. "Theosophical Lectures" ;, By Harriet Tuttle Bartlett Of Hollywood, Cal., National Lecturer for Theosophical In Arthur Building Auditorium 210 South 18th Street , ' ' t Monday, May 1, 8:15 p. m., "The Mas ter and the Coming Great One." Tueiday, 8:15 p. m., "A Practical Study in he New Psychology.", Wednesday, 8-.1S p. m., May 3rd. ."The Message of the Great Pyrs d of Egypt." The lectures are free and th iIic t ' is invited - , Dancing Carnival Souvenirs and Favors Serpentine Shower . Saturday Night EMPRESS RUSTIC 6ARDEN "JIGGERS" 1922 Edition A Snappy Musical Comedy Cast of 125 People Matinee Sunday, May 7th Evenings, May 7. 8 and 9 Prices 1 and $1.50 Plus War Tx t Eyes and Ears Farmers Start Planting of Corn in Gage County Hcatrice. Neb.,' May 2. (Special Telegram.) A number of farmers in liagc county started planting eorn to day and before the end of the week many will be busy in the fields. The ground is in fine condition ior seed ing. QrtJfveuw ORPtlEUrtl CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE Matinee Daily 2:18 Every Night 8:13 The Sensational Hit of the Photoplay "Humoresque" VERA GORDON In "LULLABY" Helen Higgint A Natalie Bat Jog Sh rtner St Billy FitwimmotT Burt Billy GORDON & FORD Blur Bert Kenny and M. I. M. Nobody Kinro HARRY KAHNE Topics of Day Aesop's Fables Paths News Mats., 15c to 50c; Some 75c $1 Sat. and Sun. Nights, 15c to (1.00; Some SI .25 Sat. and Sun. LAST DAY "Is n with an all-star cast of funsters TOMORROW VIOLA DANA 1 Seeing V Believing" NOW SHOWING WOMEN! fct?SS retaining your attractive features. EDNA WALLACE " HOPPER- ; (In Person). Will tell how she renewed her beauty of thirty years ago. Appears at 3, 7:30 and 9:30 . . . Also JACK HOLT AGNES AYRES "Bought and Paid For" NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Dr. G. W.Todd XV. jmt.. II Matrimony Omaha's Only Artobitor Dentist Falty Facial Ex pressions Corrected 414 Barker Block Phone Jackson 2922 j i. THK HICK: OMAHA. WEUNKhUAY. MAY 3. Wil. Gutle Feeders Make Good Profit in Omaha Market New Hinh Price TliU Yrar 53.35 Hundred. Krvriiril for Shipment of Slwi From Suimifr. The liilift price id o far this year t lite local stockyards for heif ers, $MS a hundred, was received yesterday by V, t". Washburn of Sumner, who -brought in (J head. Mr. Washburn Mid the bulk of ihe cattle in the Sumner district had been shinned to market thin eaon and most of those le(t would be ent in within the next two veils. . lie aid the pis rroii would be about the lame at usual. . -V J. V.. Kotiiih, exleniive livestos feeder of Loup City, bought in tvl leads of heavy cattle, lie aid they had gained 500 pounds apiece since September. "The lust anions the pit: in the Loup City section has hem quite heavy." aid Mr. Rush, and , the heavy hrs product will be material ly cut down this fall at a result." Reduction of Feeder. A load of steers, fed by, himself and two brother, was brought to the local market by John llusak of Leigh. The shipment averaged 1.4VO pounds and brought $8.25 a hundred. "l bought those cattle here last November and paid $6 a hundred for them," said Mr. llusak, and they have put on a gain of almost 4D0 pounds each in the last five months and a half that I had them on feed. "In the vicinity of Leigh the num ber of cattle in the feed lots is some what reduced below normal times and lots of the cattle that were ready for market two weeks ago have been held for higncr prices. J he tram I came in on had six carloads of cat tle from Leigh and about six more loans were piCKCu up en route. Herman was represented on the livestock market yesterday by 31 head of -nicely finished steers that Three Days More "The Four Horsemen" Starts Saturday WM. S. HAR1 in "Travelin' On" ENTERTAINMENT and PICTURES ; LABOR TEMPLE ' 19th and Davenport Wednesday Evening, May 3d, 1922 Real Amusement Admission 25c Children, 15s CENTRAL LABOR UNION Entertainment Committee Baseball Today Wednesday, May 3 OMAHA vs. WICHITA Game Called at 3:45 p. m. Children Free Ladies, 10c 1 , 1 Tickets for Sale at United Cigar . ' Stores, ItHh and Farnam Sts. BR Examine the New Oakland Overhead valve Engine, Then, you will know why only Oakland gives a 15,000 mile written guarantee Oakland Motor Car Co. Oakland Bid., 20th and Harney Sts.,' ' Omaha, Neb. . Telephone Oaklan airraid I ,!7 puund b'uotiM in by ( Henry U. J''rL', who received be ' hitch iHi-e til the tUy, a huii-1 died. Ihe sinniuftit nude up of Angus and hhr.rthutii cattle, and Mr. urk said ih aumuls urre Ixiught mi lie lucal nurkri fl when thev averaged X 1 1 p.'tni'U and cost a iiuiiunq, Stock From Wyoming. ( Twa loads wf choice iiuhty Here ford tcrs, bivu;l'l in by II. A, I-ranee, cahirr o the Kawlti 4 timul bank of Kawlnu, Wvo, and bead il the l-'rerUnd l.ivrsitHk loinoanv, were suld li a lecdrr buer for Id a hundred; said t be the highest price paid for cattle of their weight, an average tt l.u'JK potiinjs. Tout ti.i of Ci i' I ron received the to price for bogs, receiving $10.05 a bundled for a choice load averaging JIJ 'pounds, which Mere bought in W'yomiiiu the latter nart of Octo her when they weighed an amage of 55 pounds and were brought to hit ranch and placed on Ireil, showing1 an excellent gain of about a pound a nay. ( . City of Beatrice It Sunt Iiy rMtlirr of Lail l'.liYtroi uttU lii nlri. i. V, li. tjv 1 I Sm-i-ial Telegram.) Suit for $10,mi0.daiuaei n been lilea in district court here again! the city of rice bv John Conk for the death of his little sou. Robert, who was killed last August liu rniuiiitr ill ctmtArt uitll a liv wire. Negligence is charged on the ikurr ftf ilii. I'ittf in itiuintitiniiiL.' utttl operating the electric line ot the street where'the accident occurred. 1,173 Mileage Book IW1 liy Stale Officers in 3 Years Lincoln, May 2. (Special.) To tal mileage hooks u.-cd by Hate em ployes, exclusive of constitutional oflicers in the last three year wa, l,47o book. rhec are worth $JU each or $44,230. 1 hey were divided among the state departments as follows: Labor, 50; trade and commerce, 385; public wel fare, 24(1; puhhc works, loll; agrieul tural, 150; finance, none. Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. "You're a thief and a wife thief is the lowest of the breed." "You have stolen my wife from me. I never can be robbed of her again, but she can be stolen from ft Claire Windsor - NOW SHOWING EXPRESS 1AST TIMES TODAY . "MELODY AND ART" ' With Rente Rayn. DEW1TT HUDSON & ROBINSON JONES JEAN GIBSON St CO. Atlantic 2929 Ciilifornia Alien Land Law Is Mold riiroiiMituhoiial iils lut'lijfilili In t'ili.ii' r!iit All.iv.f.1 In Act (!uiirili.iiiii fur AiiirrU can-Horn (iliililn u. Sl ri4Mi'sco, JUy 2 A dciiaiou declaring ilui iHr lion ut the California alien laud law foi bidding aliens ineligible to citizen ship load as dun-of the agricul tural lands 't their American born cluldien was banded down by the stale supreme-coin r )ctcrday. The decision was in the iae t Ha)o Yatuo, Sutter county Japan ese, who sought such guaid'atiship oter the prison and rtate o Ins iniliit ilanchlrr. The decision trtcrrd a ihcisiou o the Sutton t mini y siiiiitor mint. Hhich denied Vauo's applnatiou for such gtiaidianship. The gii.ird.iiiiship it cure of the state law prohibiting aliens ineligible ior citizenship from holding latin land constitutes an improper dis crimination, the court held, because "the right or priwhge ol a father to he the guardian of his own minor child does riot in any respect depend upon or arise put of the nationality or his eligibility to citizenship in this1 country. It has no relation thereto." Similarly, according to the court, the child was entitled to have her father selected a her guardian. "The and of the state of California. Koth child i a native, of the I'nited Stales ing can be denied to her because of HOTEL CASTLE CAFE AND CAFETERIA Noon Luncheon for 35c Is Wonderfully Popular HAVE YOU TRIED IT? you a hundred times." "A woman who can be stolen from one man can be stolen from another!" "GRAND LARCENY" FEATURING Elliott Dexter Q IB raX rnn C LAST TIMES FRIDAY, IS f V. All Successful Men find it advisable to protect themselves and families by making conservative investments from their earnings. r Do You Do This ? Business men, farmers, professional men, merchants, wage earners, women and even children should be apart of, andin vest conservatively in, large business. Invest in a Home Town Security Preferred Stock of Nebraska Power Company , Price $95.00 and dividend for each $100.00 Share Invest through any of our employes they're our, Salesmen- Mail cou pon for free booklet. her lace or toW ilut it u.-t denied 10 'l c.iicus, egardirss ol lace or color. Any piitilrgc that is gitcn gnu-rally la cilieii of other M"", iuut alo be given to htr upou Ihe siue icrint, and her lace CamM be coiisidrrcd as a (actor in the prob lem, nr as a cu for d'tiial thneof ti her,' If the law is iiiMultd l pretrnt evasions of ihe hw forbidding alien ineligible to ritiienbip lo aciiiire, pusses or rujoy agricultural land, the court declared, it nuut have ome tfiidcncy 10 remove ihe evil. Tin ihe guardianship feature doe not Jo, according to the decision, which was written by Chief Justice Shaw, ltciirceiitiitie AmlrewM Start's Campaign on Fly Washington, May J. (Special Tel egram.) Representative Andrew has started nu it liltle wat-hr-Hy caiupaigii of hit own. lie i sending litltriKJKNT When toxic poisons penetrate the intestinal wills EXPECT THE WORSTi N'l-nt fullows) piillutlug ' of the lilumi; Tills Ito-stis the pulsonitig of fvt-ry oigun In Ihe body! Vitality anil energy bt-cume lower e.u li rlny; tho bruin beoomea sluseish. tld age and Illness) gallop In! You fun avoid all that by permit nrmly relieving- constipation lid uiuh of so per cent of all human Ilia through tho regular una of Ket logg'a Itran. cooKi-J und krumbleil! Keep tho ellminatlve tntet open In healthy, normal condition and you will live In health 5 can louver. Kt'lhiKK'a Kmn ia simply nut tire's food. It is not a "ri'tuedy," but eaten ri-Rtilaily iiu'li iliiy at least two tuhlexpoonfuls In lirotiic t'liNe, Willi ia It inc-iil It will aweep the howclf, cleunittiiir and purifying. S. E. Cor.. 16th and Douglas Street Announces a May Clearance Sale s of Every Spring Garment in Stock at FORMER PRICES 1 Sale Starts Thursday, May 4th at 8:30 A.M. See Tomorrow's Bee and Our Window FREE BOOKLET COUPON Nebraska Power Company Electric Bids;., Omaha, Neb. Please send me illustrated booklet, containins- fO More Information about Your Preferred Stock, ' (2) Details of Easy Payment Plan, (3) How to Judge an Investment. Name Addres" u-krtt tlutuidiiJ mil. lie lualOi seiv iee poster and ami dy farm bulle. tins t.k the i.niiiuliul auiiiotit thioughoul Ihe I Hill disinct, Wiilll.l dC J$ lVtlcrat I.iuor Mort Mucin., May .,-iprcial.)--a Here one ray of Mi for in Ihiistv in a statement issued today by Wilbur W, Amies of l)unbar, one of the foe republican candid ate for the l irt district congres sional nomination; "A government dispensary ir evety coiiniy seat town only. '"' ducted by the government, and lam ihe allowed a certain specified amount for snknc- every threo month-, mi. ti be blacklisted and nrosecuted if ihey abuse tin privi lege, iinghi help lo put the botMlee gir out of huMues, Time may o!v$ these thing for the people." AOVtJITIr.VJtT. You Htiniit nif.iict 10 feci slnggiahS lo hate your lunm riu-rgv Itnpnlred in have an i'ffi nive liremh! t'onaiij pMtlou e-an hi Ijlnnir.l for them all It hiiHtena old aito Just n It la l spunsitilu for ill hiss' The aged can he iieiimini-iilly re lleved' ef e'rinntlpatliiii wiurles throuiili the use of limn. Kvrry memher uf your familv aliould fat It every day. KelloKg'a limn in most valuable In the diet of children. U will maka them grow Htroug nud rotiust. It rlcurit h muddy or pim ply rompli-iitoii nnd remove nn ol noxious tirentli. Kran'a health work I wonderful. KcIIokr'm Itran t ihliilou eertnl or aurinkled over viher ho or eold i-ere-iil. It lilken the tnosB delightful pii inn ken, raisin hrendj geiiix, rte. Iteilpi-H on every pack-aa-e. JJuy Kctlogg'a iirnn at all croi-ern. i B-8 '