THK BEG: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 1. 1022. My Marriage Problems C ' Kt , at 'Revelations of a Wife" Crril Tht W Lillian ! Wdit Pr. pared to Meet Dr. Petite Ir tk tint a few seconds to reca'.l tti bn I niesnit Pr. I'rtttt lif nt ta n by the ban4 of Jerry Titer. "I fin eiva you wmnitwrnt at J o'clock ihi evenm. Vie b on time, II. I. . A i I patifil it bark to Lilian I siefj. ity knew, that it h who hal preifribej tbe phraoloiiy f thit nifwagr I Uo knew by the energy with) nhirh lie went t the j-reprtiom Ut our return home Out the read between the lines of the note the importance of the torn n.g appointment with Knherine, for, t( course. I knew, without her tell ing me, that we would Uni our lit. t!i friend in the phytic iaa'i office. "How did you get down here, Jerry?" he that youth, a he lustily put Marion' thing and lirr own into a auitcaie, ."With liaby and the wagon. iee? he returned, pointinir to tlie turn in the winding road leadm.; to the beach where "Baby," a bony, de crepit old hore. the Joy and pride of Jerry'i heart, waf contendly iiutichinu grii. Dooner Drive Ba-bee. "Why can't you help Katie-puk t'P here and bring the tiling back on the wagon while Mr. (irahain and 'start along? 1 ou wont ininq rw- ig un the wagon will you. rvmier '.t I muni noting." Kane re- uponded cheerfully. "Oh! Mother!" Marion's voice held a wistful note, and she R.vrd at hrr mother eagerly. "What ia it. Marion?" Lillinn fts.ert a knnuintr lllllle at me which I returned. It was very clear what the little girl wished. .. "Mayn't I stay and help Katie and Jerry pack tip, and ride up with them on the wagon? Jerry let we drive liahy if I'm very careful." "Dooner drive Ba beetoo," my small soi put in hopefully. Lillian laughed aloud. "What are the comfort of a good motor car to the delight of riding be. hind Rabv with ones. hand on the reins?" she commented. "What do vou think about Junior? Marion may slav." "Richard Second" walked toward Katie with his funny, choppy little gait, clasped her hand firmly. "Dooner stay by Katie, drive-Ba-bce." he announced with an air of finality and an intimation of Katie's phraseology that convulsed us. , "I don't mind, of curse," I said klowtv, "except" , . My 'voice trailed off, and Lillian spoke rcasuringly: "I know, you don't want to let jura out of our sight after last spring, but surely with Katie and Jerry and Marion" ' Katie stooped and swung the child high in her arms. " "That's Different." ' ' . "I, like to see anybodies pet dis Imbee now,"' she announced fiercely. "Over me ven I dead, not before. "He may stay, Uien," 1 saia wim HMon derision. "Onlv keep him right with jou, every second." ' Vou bet your DOOts, i.aue prom ised cheerfully, -and with a-last direc tion or two. Lillian and I climbed in the car and started homeward. . "Smith has seen that fellow in the hospital," Lillian declared with con viction as we drove along" the wind ing wood-road. "I feel it in my bones, and if so we ought to get home as soon as we can and. make arrange- . .1 rrv - x -s-A.v S, Via house tonight while we're at Dr. Pet tit's office. I don't 'want any- pos sibility of your- mother-in-law be Vng frightened.", ' ' "Why! You don't think" I be- "I don't think anything" - Lillian retorted, "but that with Smith in the neighborhood I'm going to miss no precaution. He's altogether too tond of nocturnal excursions to suit me. I made no further queries, but oc-i-iipicd myself with explaining to my mother-in-law that we would drive to 1'iig Harbor before 8 o'clock, and that the Ticcr family would remain in the house until we returned at least. ... ' She had teen in high pood humor, 'ext 'biting i'o ;us proudly the spot lessness of the house a condition in cidentally explaining ,Celia Ticcrs fagged look and ignoring the un pleasant feeling which Iiad lain be tween us since ner savage scoring of me on the day when Tom Chester lunched with us, but at my announce ment the color flew to her withered cheeks and she turned on me ang- r:Iv. . , . . N'd like to know why? she said, "i wasn't aware that I had reached 1 i.n itrn TV VfT "It was not my suggestion," I re- .4 -II lt f IUj.M,.nAi1 .turnea ingiaiy. ;irs. unucmvuu - ' quested it for reasons of her own." "Oh! My mother-in-law's voice fairly aripped mysterious- knowl edge. "That's different. I under stand." - She' made no further protest, but went around all the evening as if she had swallowed the entire third act of a melodrama. . A Silly Song By A CUCKOO BIRD Oh the world has gone to blazes, and this life is full of woe, with it s fnolish fads and crazes, and its scramble after dough. - Thus the pul piteers are saying, as they wave their legs and arms. And the people hear. them braying and are nuea wnn wild alarms. They would make all things unlawful that us common dubs enjoy. Having nm nicy say is ful, and our morals will destroy; fi we listen to each duffer, as he wiU ly wags his jaw, telling us that we must suffer, 'till we pass another law. So we go ahead and make it, and prohibit something more, for we know that we can break it, as we've often done before. And we know no retribution; all the laws of Blue are jokes. You can change the con- ution, but you can t amend us folks. (Copyright, ls:t.) Parents' Problems How can children best be taught "teligion? From the time the children are THE GUMPS UtF 0 TW.t lute or ttoMttc ctr 106 IfHIt COW on Tt COVTf tOOM k lU0AKHt OF WVT FCrU kHX BtCACH OF COUftT BRINGING UP Bt COLLX ILU -SURPRISE HA,6tC AN INVITE THC COUNT OE HiUfit? TO HA.VC OlNNCt WiTrt UV tsMC'LL. THINK I'M COIN tN FER 60CCT AN' MC'LL TO NA,,tN'- - I'LL CAUU HIM UP! bahics, train them in the practical thing of relights: kindness, patience, etc. As soon as they can understand what is said to them, teach them to pray, that is to speak to (lod as a lov ing father. Tell them Bible stories. When they reach the proper age send them to Sunday school and take them to church. Custer County Firemen Hold Meeting at Broken Bow Broken Bow, Neb., April 30. (Special.) The volunteer firemen of Custer county met here for their an nual convention and banquet. Sar gent sending 16 representatives, Gallaway nine. Merna eight, Anscly six. Mason City four, and Bcrwyn four. The new fire truck was used in showing the visitors about town during the afternoon. Classified Afterliting Rates lo pr llnt( count 6 word to line) 1 dar. llo per lln per day, S conarcutlv day. 15o per tin per day, 1 eonaecutlvo day. 14o par Una per day, SO conaeoutlva day. No ada taken for leas than a total of 3 bo. The rato apply Hber to the Dally or Sunday B-. All advertlaements appear In both morning and evening dally paper for th on chars. CONTRACT HATES ON APPLICATION. Want ad accepted at the following of. flcea: MAIN OFFICE. ...17th ami Farnam St. Mouth Side OSS South :4th . St. Council Bluff 15 Scott St. WANT ADS RUCEIVED BY rBONJB ATLANTIC 1000. THB BEE will not b reaponaible for more than on Incorrect inaertion of n advertlaemeni ordered for mora than on lime. ' CLOSING HCURS FOB WANT AIDS. Evening; Edition. 11:45 A. M. Morning Edition. .....:00 P. M. Sunday Edition S-00 P., M. Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. GRANDON Mrs. Nora, ag 69, Sun day morning at her home, HI North Kluhteenth atreet, following ahort. III nm. There ar left to mourn hr loss three daughters, Mrs. Kllcn Uolden, Mr. Jennie Tomsen of Omaha, lira. Oeorgt T. Drevaen of BaaBett, Neb., one atatr, Mra. Jsrry Leary, and eight grandchildren. Deceaacd " waa a resi dent of Omaha for the pat 48 years. Funeral service will be hold Tues day at 8:30 a. m., from family xeai dence, Sit North Eighteenth etrect, to Holy Family church at a- a. m. In terment .family lot at St. Mary ceme tery. KICE Harry D., April 27, 1922. . He la . survived by hi wife. Mra. Rice, and two daughters. Miss Oladya of Omaha, and Mr. W. R. Burrell of Milwaukee. Funeral aervlcea will be held from family residence, 1923 Emmett treet. Monday, May 1, at 11 o'clock. Inter ment Forest Lawn cemetery. ' ; - ' M'OURTT Mrs. Lulu, April 24, 1923, ged 48 years. She Is survived by one sister, Mra. Jack Bible of Weat Cheater. Funeral ervices will be held at Bralley & Dorranc chapel Tuesday, May . S, at o'clock. Friend invited. In terment at West Cheater, N. Y. BROWN Mrs. Bertha K aged 60 years, beloved wife of Joshua V. She la sur vived besidea her husband by on daugh ter, Mr. F. L. Stephen. Funeral Monday afternoon from John A. Oontlemen'a mortuary at 2:30 p. m. Interment Foret Lawn cemetery. NELSON Cecilia, aged 62 yeara, 1 month, 3 day: beloved wife of Ola Nelson. Funeral Monday at 2 o'clock from Stack & Co.'a parlor. Interment at Mil lard cemetery. Friends are welcome. CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn Forest Lawn cemetery Is a plac of peac whr beautiful green lawns and many tree delight th eye and af ford pleasant memories of th last resting place of th departed. Lot owner should plac their order for flower bed at the green house now. Offices at the cemetery (north of city limit) and 720 Brandei Theater Bldg. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO.,- Successor to Stack Sc Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. arrow AMBULANCEhVo Thirty-third and Farnam. . HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker and Embalmers. Phone HA. 0265. Office 2611 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. " 22J4 Cumtng. CROSBY-MOORED Wirt. 0047. FLORISTS. T W T A PMflM 1 1 Douglas. Pbon DO. 8244 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS ft BWOBUUA, lie r Atxnai o". L. HENDERSON, 1507 Farnam. JA. 12S8. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. JA. 1906. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Pair of snell-rimmed glasses io case, on Turner Blvd.. between Mason and Pacific. Owner, 1016 Mason. HV. 3M4. Reward LOST Wednesdsy night at Brandeia r taurant or 17th and Douglas, email gold mesh bag. Reward WA. 2451. LOST (lold watch, near Swedish Misaion hospital. Reward. WK. 3635 LOST Wrist -watch valued as keepsake. Reward. HA. 5S3S. 1 &t tv0A?il k f UltK WN('VU(tl MWIT V FATHER-,- ; .ssw sr UiiVtw a"' 6ma ac"i k ?v. n S l i . . l wc foi6tM(NT in w I . n r-fr 0 Th aNp . t VlTiCZTa 1 Tt. O HiT II RriUtcrH i). a. fti orrirt IT tb ItHOEEO ISICE OF OU TO INVITE ME TO A NICE, HOME OINNE-MR.JICCV BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC malina concrete burial vault. Ileroiuinend-H nd for sale by nil leading undertaker. Water proof, no steel t rut. no wood to de ray. Insist upon th AUTOMATIC Fb'ALINO VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concret liurial Vault Co., S210 Nnrth SOth ' personals! TUB SALVATION Army Industrial horn ollclta your old clothing. furniture, magazines. We collect. W distribute. Pnone DO. 41IS an dour wagon will rail. Call and Inspect our new bom. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt. Carlson .'!,, A. N., Chiropractor, il Pnxton block. AT S747. WE. 692S. Offlc hr., 11 a. m.-:J0 p. m. MAGNETIC baths; Violet' Ray treatment with ntassgcs. 614 S. 19th. AT. 3S1. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, ' for playa and parties, at Lieben's. Omaha. SULPHUR batha. Sweillsh tnaasage, chi ropody. Evening to 8. i0 8. 20th SI. FISH Eli buth, mass.. Arthur Hide. manicuring. 121' OSTKOl.OllY massHges, aptm. AT. 6S65. CARE for children ny time. CB. 2222. EXTERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC 9B4 RUNT vacuum cleaner. 7io. HA. 1071. EXPERT maaaage. 210 N. 17th St. Kxp. rnassftge; manicure. 404 N. 16th. Apt 4. Private home for small children. Ket 0280. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. NEB, PLEATING ed Buttons. 1806. Farnam; , 2d Floor. DO. 6670. ACCORDION, side,. knlf, box pleating; covered buttons, H Styled hemstltch'- trig, buttonholes. Wrife Ideal ButtffO & Pleating Co., 308 Brown---Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone' J A. 1936. Contractors. FURNACE AND TIN WORK. W A. 2971. FLOOR laying, machine sanding. AT. 6533. LES8ARD & SON. 2021 CUMINQ. AT. 1633 Dancing Academies. Vt1 TT1 D'Q 1818 Farnam street. XVXJlllA O Douglas S44D. Class and private lessons. Ten Instructors. .. , . Detectives. Inojpenlent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. AT. tax; ntsnt. wa. ivb, ivj. RELIABLE Deteci'." Bureau. Railway EX. Bldg., J A. ZUSO. nignt, tta, aaife JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all peases. AT Untie 1136. Dentists. , DR. B. C. DEWKLL, DENTIST. 810 Arthur Building. AT. 1368. DENTAL X-RAYS. 60 eaclh, 13 a full set. 619 Securities Bldg., ISth and Farnam. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING by the day, guaranteed. Call evenings. WA. 6645.- Nouveau dressmaking ahp. 48 2 Paxton Blk. CLEAN, mend, tailor; ault. furs. Ha. 6804. Hauling. GEN. hauling and ashes. reas.,-AT. 3413. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing, Kase Studio. 213 Neville Blk, FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. , The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. Patent Attorneys. J. W. Martin, Patent. Attorney. 1712 Dodge, room 209. Alao Washington-. D. C. I help Inventors sell their patent. Painting and Paper Hanging. 1ST CLASS painting and paperhanging. Douglaa 4909. . PAPERING, painting; low price. JA. 3023. Printing. - EDDY Printing Co. 212 a 13 St. Do. 8647. BRITT Printing Co.. 201 Bromley Blla. Miscellaneous Announcements. TRUNKS, bags and suitcases direct from . factory to you; beautiful line, of guar anteed' wardrobes. Send for catalog. Acme Trunk Factory, Spring Valley, jit. DIAMONDS pTfc. pwfth to buy back at small profit GROSS JEWELRY CO. Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 6049. RUGS washed, new rug manufactured from old; rag carpet weaving; mattress es, pillows renovated, made-' to order. Gate City Rug & Mattress Cleaning Co., 939 N. 24th St, JA. 2722. - OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made ever In new ticks at half price of new beds. ' 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent. JA. 3129- 109 N. 16th -St.. I. Feldman. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Stierman st wcunnni '""; nn a n Q.ttTM RSPTAt, tStHKASES. Suite 810 Arthur Blag... zio b. mn FOR SALE Or trade, auto repair tools and service car. Reasonable. WE. 0833. RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED. AT 8413. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FOR SALE Arco-W'and stationary vac uum cleaner. In first-class condition; auitabl for apartment hotis or resi-rton-e. Write Nebraska Power com pany, g-neral superintendent. Omaha. 10-ROOM house, well furnished; cheap for QUICK SHir; iprius. J . Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your used piano on a new play er piano. Balance ss low as 810 per month. A. HOSPB CO..- U Douglaa HEAR YE! I KNOW HY WIFE WILL &E CLAD l ou: 1 I FOR SALE Clothing and Fur. DUNDE1S WOOLEN MILLS. For aal. a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" ault. cheap, alteration free. Northwest Cor. 16th and Hartley St. CLEAN, mend, tailor suits, furs. 11. 6S04. ARMY ho. 82.90. 706 No. lth. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. Alt MAKE8 bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agent for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, j A. 412. 1912 Farnam. G U ARAN T E k! typewriters, 812.60 and up. Midland Office Supply Co-.. 1404 Dodge. Store and Office Fixtures. Foil SALE Office fixtures, files, adding machines, comptometers, dictaphones, desks, chairs, desk lamps, electric fsns. Store fixtures: Cash registers, scales, counters, showcaaes, meat blocks, r Xriperator case. Warehouse equipment; Stueben lift trucks with platforms. " . Call AT. 715 South 9th, or.Phon AT. 0440. ,. Miscellaneous Articles. WE buy, ell -safes, make desks, -how-cases, etc., pmaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. - MICKELS, j ' ISth' and Harney. DO. 1171., GARAGES built, new lumber, 8100 op. .Micklin Lumber & Wrecking Co., 24th and Burdette St. Webster 6656. SPRAY your frui-t trees now. Arsenate V of lead, 2a cents a pound. JA. 2491; FOlt SALBJ Camping outfit; 7x10 tent, etc Inquire '9629 North 28th Ave. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks ought, sold and traded. J.- C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO. 6146. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. FOR first-class carpenter. HAr. .4996. N Laundry and Day Work! . . WHITE' woman wants bundle- washing. , Kenwood 22S6, '''. WOMEN' wishes day worli-, or bundle washing, WE. 1038. -- WANTED Daywork- by hour. WE. 2366. HELP WANTED-MALE. Stores and Offices. CIVIL SERVICE has position, for young -men, 18 upward; railway mall, 11,600; , departmental, 81,300; Panama service, - 81,600. Experience Unnecessary.. ' For , free particulars of examinations, writ JV" Leonard (former civil service ex aminer), 909 Equltabi .Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. Wanted Young man, married or single; rapid and accurate at figures, for clerical posl tlo. In answer state ..age, . salary, .ex perience and. .reference; Good; chance -for advancement. X-87, Omaha Bee. BOOKKEEPER wanted. - One not afraid of a hard Job. One ,who can met the public In a courteous manner.. This :s a permanent place in a large local in stitution. Give age, experience, whether married or single and salary wanted In first letter. Address X-96, Omaha Bee. BANK DISCOUNT CLERK. I CITY" EXPERIENCE. BOX X-10S, OMAHA BEE. Miscellaneous. Men Wanted . We can give a few more men steady em ployment hauling gravel f r road improvement. They, must be reliable and able to purchase a motor truck by pay Ing part cash, balance easily paid from earnings besides giving you a profitable Job. No more trucks will be sold than the Jobs can take care of Indefinitely. Glv phone number when pos- eible. Quick action 1 necessary. Out of town Inquiries oItcltd. Address Box T-1860, Omaha Bee. WANTED Kxperieoted card writer, ca pable of fast work, for department store. -Appiy superintendent, Hayden Bros., MEN WANTED ON PAVING WORK AT HARLAN, IA. - i nr rn i 1 1 j i , ) i HEAR YE! SEE JICCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLOR IN THE SUNDAY BtL 3 t'VE INVITEO THE THE COUNT OE. NiLEt for. Dinner? NLVER TH1N4 1921 y Int l Fcaturc Scuvict, Inc. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. Gas Fitter Wanted t North Platte, Neb., for steady work. 8140 per month, nine-hour day. Vnlon Power & Light Company, 4;4 Klrt National Bank Building. DO you want to Increase your Incomer Write the National Auto School, i814 N. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. MOLER BARB BR COLLEGE. 110 & Mth. Writ for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN wanted to represent The Uerlach-DeLux. direct-by-mail advertis ing media, holiday greetings, etc., for exclusive territory. Personal Interviews Monday and Tuesday Fontenelle hotel. James R. Talcott, district sales mana ger. TWO high grade men to travel and aell new newspaper advertising service. $26 commission on each salo, paid at once. If engaged a field man will sell In your presence and instruct you. For prompt Interview give qualifications and phone. Box B 2C2. Omaha Bee. FOl'R good house to house men for household specialties. Good men make big money. Are you one of them? C. P. Adams Co., 623 So. 16th St HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. Teachers Wanted . Principles, domestto and social sci ences; music, drawing, English, history, Xatin. mathematics, physics, chemistry, French, home economics, normal train ing, civics, publio speaking, .agriculture, manual training, coaches for both boys' and girls' teams; grade teachers; teach- ers for every department. : " Fargo Teachers' Bureau, 412 Karbach Block. Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent cook, small family, good wages, city references. G. Storz, 3708 Farnam. . HA. 0620. - - WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB .WORK.' WA. 3912. ; HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and ooys to lesrn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St, Trl-Clty Barber College G1LRS and boys to take up shorthand, typewriting and bookkeeping; day or evening work. Personal instruction. - Call Atlantlo 7774. -EDUCATIONAL. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL - Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, abort hand ' and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 lor large illustrated catalog. Address - Boyles College, Bdyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 720 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890. ANNIE IS. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. JA. 108L ' BUSINESS CHANCES. FOIt SALE Drug store location, i candy . kitchen and soda fountain, all new fix tures complete, located on good cor oner in . Waterloo, ia.' Will sell for 82,000. Worth double thai VTce. H. F. Moffet, 612 Mulberry St.,, Water loo, la. ; RAISE big capital for any - legitimate business. Write for free book "Quick Financing" and my free plans showing how companies raise large capital by my easily operated method. Cunning ham, 464 San Fernando Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. CONCESSIONS for sale at Lakeview park, including restaurant, soft drinks, penny arcade,-box -ball alleys and games FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PARK AVE. and Farnam. 218H; clean, j well furnished room, in modern apart ment. Ladies preferred. References.. HOTEL SANFORD. 19TH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW, 16TH AND FARNAM Special rates to permanent guests. FURN. rms. with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments. Private bath or shower. Walking distance. Brown Apts., 618 N; 21st St. AT. 7449. FURNISHED modern 2-room apartment, Inquire 3837 So. 23d St. BEMIS PARK, large south room, fur nished; women preferred. WA, 2044. 1123 SOUTH 32d St.. large elegantly fur nished room,, board optional. HA. 1076. NEWLY furnished room, walking distance. gent, fret. HA, 2003. 530 Park Ave. SWEETWOOD AVE., 410 Moderate priced rooms, close in, gentlemen preferred. SUN room near Crelghton college on Harney car line. AT. 1595. NICE sleeping rooms; board if desired; 614 N. 21st. AT. 2093. ;28 FARNAM: for rent, large modern room reasonable. HA. 2835. LARGE front room, suitable for two; near :16th and Farnam. HA. 6242. HSKG. rm. with kitchenette. 2669 Farnam SLEEPING and hskg. rooms. Web 2415. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Drawn for WHAT? NOU 64 IDIOT OU 00 OOC-HT TO KNOW THAT THlt t THE CftC OA.Y OUT. I HAVEN'T A THINC, IN THE t-VOOO THttk tt DttCKA.CEFOLt 00 ANY RK5HT IN FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. In Dundee A deliKhtftilly furnished bungalow. 6 rooms, double garage. 5111 Capitol Avenue. Peters Trtist Co., "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0644. 17th nd Farnam Sis. UKT VULK ROOM, through The Bee furnished room dl-. leclory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service .that benefit both advertiser and room seeker. GKT TOUR ROOM NO. 25 ALSATIAN APTS., at 116 South 15th Street. See janitor; 818 per month. CLAFnMONT HOTEL 17th near Jackson, clean, comfortable, homelike atmosphere. Ratea 85 to $10 weekly. Tel. DO. 2785. Housekeeping Rooms. TH"1 GUTDB TO th better housekeeping rooms 1 the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Be offic for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the city. TWO housekeeping rooms. 86 per week; single sleeping rooms, 12.50 .per week. 708 South 16th St. ' FORTY-FIRST AVE., 618 : N. WA. 2913. Five rooms for housekeeping: furnished. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, mod. 85 to $7 per wk. 124 S. 31st Ave. HA-3718. 703 FARNAM, clean 4-room apt., .one sleeping room, also garage. HA. 1002. Board and Rooms. MEKRIAM HOTEL. Room for .couple; convenient, pleas ant home hotel. For reasonable price we serve, best meals .inr pity. 25th and Podge, i '. t , - ROOM! and board desired by oUng cou ple, congenial surroundings; husband travels. Box T-1874. Omaha Bee. . LARGE, attractive rdom with board; - home privileges. -Hanscom Park, 1646 outh-28th; Has 8168.- f ' PLEASANT rooms. A-l meals. AT. 7110.. Unfurnished Rooms. PRIVATE bath, cabinet kitchen, housekeeping and lsiundry jirivi- leges. A cleaiT fend sanitary one room apartment " ifer 137.60 pert month..- Call AT. 9708. UNFURNISHED . rogm for. light house keeping, close In. strictly modern, rea sonable rent Call AT. 3:50. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. 561 South 26th street, 2-room. neatly fur nished apartment. Walking distance, . including telephone andV piano. Reason. ' able. At. 6051. THREE-ROOM' apt newly papered, nice furniture, piano .Included.- 2019 Cali fornia. foupr.tflimr.r tj-ttoStkh sin 2. 3 and 4-room apartments. Private bath or shower. Walking distance. Brown apts.. 60? Kf. 21st St. AT. 7449. FURNIHED modern 2room. apartment. Inquire S837 So. 23d St. CHOICE modern 2-room apt., with bath; everything furnished. 2063 Farnam. .Unfurnished. . APARTMENTS . No. 11 Mildred, ;. 49th and Dodge Sts. Five-room apartment in this well ar ranged two-story bedrooms and bath upstairs separate basement splendid location , ...., 190.00 ' Ayres Apartments,; 603 South 31st St. Five rooms ground floor, three sides exposed good location ...860.00 No. 8. Kingsborough, 2538 Dodge St. Throe- rooms--coiivenlent attractive- well located ..-...feo.M No. 19 Flo Les, 20th and Capitol Ave. Four rooms third floor, north and east exposures large, pleasant room for ..'.';.. $57.60 For May 10. Three rooms No., 5 NATHAN 16th and Willis avenue living room, bedroom and kitchen, screened porch. ,..'..152. 50 For June 1. Five rooms IjrO. 12 MONTICELLO, 620 South 31st street a choice apart ment in the attractive new building at ...1116.00 Peters Trust Co., "Where Omaha Rents" At. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. MODERN apartment of 4 rooms with 6 room accommodations; also 6 rooms, ground floor apartment. The Cheodo Apt., 26th- Ave. . and Marcy. Phone, JA. 1422. 216 PARK AVE. Fine six-room apart ment for rent; no heat except hot water; 877.50 per mo. Inquire 214 Park Ave. HA. 2046. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. STRICTLY modern, 4, Ideal unfurnished room spartment, ground floor, private bath. Inquire "3837 So. 23d St. MODERN apts Florentine. 91 of 4 and 6 rooms. The S. 26th St. Ph. ,IA. 1422. EIGHTEENTH .ST.. 620 South: 2-room spartment all modern. 816. KB. 3272. UNEQUALLED sleeping porches each S, 4 or 6 -room apt. 2:04 North !3d. STEAM heated; four-room; close in, 140. C. l Stebbens, 1610 Chicago. Lir The Bee by Sidney Smith iCatftrmfcli !!: Drawn for The Bee by McManui (Ceprricbti tt:t rft 1 FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS, Unfurnished. JBHAL'TIKl'L apartment with garage. Two ta rooms, living room, uining roum, ? ..niu. hull , lrlthti SUA nee month. Il Park avenue. Inquire 214 1'srk avenue. References renuireo. iia. MODERN apartment., 1st floor; 4 rooms and nstn: pnvsie garasw ik umivu Walking .list .ore. WA. 3H8S. FOR RENT Business Property (50 SQUARE FEET of spsce at S4 Brom ley Building, suitable for light manu facturing. Peters Trust Co., "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Pis, TEL. DO. 5197 and ask for Mr. Danforl for rent new brick building. 150x150. on Missouri Pacific tracks; suitable for storag and I equipped-with manurao. turlng macmn.ry and nas nice ouices, Will lease for one year. TWO-STORY and basement bricfc' build fng 1113 Harney St. Peters Trust Co.. "Where Omaha Rents" AT. r,44. 17th and Farnam Sts. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones Sts. H. M. Christie, warehouse & track'ge prop. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING STORIJ4Q SHIPPINQ Phone Jackson -0381. FIDELITY stvTnacS. 1107-11 Howard St. : . FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms-for household goods- snd piano moving, .packing and .shipping. ' -' " '' - BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND' STORAGE. SOS South -16th. ' DO. 416J. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contract taken by Job or br. Glob Van & Storage Co., JA., 4338. AT. 0220. 620-24 North 16th St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. ONE Mexican Chihuahua puppy .for aale. Call WE.. 07.48. . PUPPIES for sale. 4617 Podge, WA. 0700. SINGLE C Anrpna pullets, Ji.25. DO. 4638. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Notice EFFECTIVE AT ONCE; WILL KEEP OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY TO REPAIR OR REPLACE BATTERIES. Battery and Parts Co., , , 241 FARNAM ST..- . . REAL USED . CAR BARGAINS. -Cash or Time- Buy or Sell; Fords, from 160 and up Dodge, Buicks and others, (100 and up. Ford bodle iwlnter top. GOLDSTROM AUTO CALES CO., 1318 Harney St. - Central . Garage SOME bargain In used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. - M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO., ' The Handy Ford Service Station. -15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3600. FOR SALE 3-ton Mack truck, lH-ton Master truck, 1-ton Republlo truck, all in good condition. Call AT, 715 South 9th or phone AT. 0440. LATE model Ford rladster, new body, . new starter, motor completely over - hauled; good tires. Call Mr. Barrett, Harnoy 0346 or Market 1257. FORD parts, triple gear, 11.00; trsnS drums, II; trans disk set, SI. Neb, Auto Parts, 1016 Harney St. BUT A OUT U SMITH USED CAR. -A Salfe Investment 26th and Farnam St.. Phone DO. 170. WANTED Dealer for Eureka Dry Bat tery; three year guarantee. Write Box 42, Carroll, Neb. IF you have a can to aell,. let us sell it t your price, less a small commission, Blackstone garage, 3814 Farnam St. LOOK over our list of used cars. -THE AUTOMOTIVB MARKET, J056 Farnam St. AT. 78S5. USED cars, worth your money, st- Ne braska Oldsmobil Co., 18th and Howard , Sts. AT. 1770. FORD sedan, 1919, reasonable by. owner. Will carry reasonable amount In month ly payments. WE. 2934. WWfTF.T.V Sells fish tackle, base ' AAA A AJAJ A ball, golf, tennl goods. USED radiators, all make for sale. Greea ough Radiator Repair. 203 Farnam. 1918 APPERSON chummy; overhauled and painted. $300. HA. 6750. 1921 STUDEBAKBR light six. .See me at once. Call AT. 8389. 1921 FORD COUPE. LOOKS LIKE NEW. HA. 6750. OVERLAND 83; ail new tires; 150. JA. 0524. , . SPECIAL six Studebaker. 675. HA. 6750. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 112 8. jitST DODGE TOURING. 1920. HA. 6760. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands, IMPROVED - 40-ACRE FARM 100 miles of Minneapolis, nice set buildings, good soil, in well settled district, part cultivated; 2 horses, 4 cows, 7 hogs, chickens, farm machinery and everything on th plac goea at 2.000; $500 cash and balance t to 10 years. 6 per cent Schwab Bros., 102 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. FARMS i'm iL A- Lron. Central Xl.rWHiO city. Neb, your wanU Xor . acreage tracts, farms, . FINANCIAL. ---' - - Money to Imn mw to $.00 qi Furniture, IManof, Etc. I Id.n l4 fU, maulh.l OMAHA LOAN CO., . knU, h I'l J. f' M.,tht ,HH.r Uli MUa ! Real uta Loans. " WM ki U ! iil4 K, H. lOt'llEf! lHKm Farm Loans 5: u Ui I U I IO M A T " M V All M i. tin; urAi. KTrM ro. inn. K H.Hi.l lUt, , li.T !iii. Imm m' 'pivmmp on IHU ll tl, 1M'" '. ji i.'.i t Mn.jiat. in ! I wl .rni. P. p. w-ii a i, it, Hin, ji a. Stock ! Bond. Tw 1 i n viit;. W itti. i ttt fiat., in in ii inr laltiAltlt. Itol.1 I I '( fur ! i.nn f yi ( P' t Intonw, H. H-Ll. . MHKItTT HONI'H beught .4 told. AT, 44. VSr' PoIlu. 1.11 I. II. MTH KM !. mat for l.lrir.HTI ilONHa. til lli Mt I. nana mar REAL ESTATlTvVANTED. lluMMTiW HA UK. At' fur tnt. W. J. Palmer Co., i:ini M.ti.g.iu.ot ' K.-iitt Hid. 0 AT, Charles W. Young & Son lie.! I'!t. Tten'.K lw" IWJ illy N'ai. UK. AT. To tu nr ll Oin.h. H..I K.l.t . FOWLER & M DONALD 115t Cltjr Nri Hk. Pldf. JA ckm BINDER & OTIS, Weal fc.tat., l.niv ",'',Ji,',. niI: l.'li,T ' and JJliWVI-J 1 1 Wiii.l.torm . H 1'eter Tru.t m-lg. J A. NEW home fiiuplt"ly Pay likTnt. t, T. nrir.ii m """; SS4' I'.ter TrutIllilg. lla4T. GRUENIG u for quick rult MiJ!LiiilL ?,M WANT or J-room, "will lo-atea. In ll in dee. by th Ural; bv. cl. ' Omaha It.. HAVE) Itiqulrlx for home do you want to ..II your property t II C. A. Orlmm.l. Om.ha Wfl Bk. Wld. GEO. T. PORTER 4 CO. Real Kst.t. R.ntalfc Iournc. msouth lmb; A1UL'ii aT'w'KUI. 4'I.OHKD dual. If. 8. MANV1LI.E, Realtor, A T. 2"3. Hi I'eter. Trust Bid ; LIST your home for with W hav th customers. 1'ayn Investment Co. Western Real Kstat Co. J A. $607. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. CAR to trade for lot. AT. 958.. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. SEE F. D. Wesd A D. II. Bowman. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Florence. NK THAW AT sell and trade. Khi. '140S. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. D. R. BUCK H and aell """as. " Do You Want A Poonfifnl rTnmp At A Real Bargain Price? Nearly new 5-room semlbungs low, all finished- In oak. situated on corner lot with double garag.. If you are Interested in something v , , well worth tbe money, don't fall to see this. Located at-W, f. 1 33d SU ' - Phone Harney 5459. NUW modern 6-room bungalow. 420 Mavborry Ave. Call between 2 and ' 6:30. , - North. NKARLY IK1NK ' . ' MILLER PARK - e A beatitirul five-room bunaglnw that will make you take notice. Fine ex terior appearance with a green shingled roof, oak floors, oak snd enameled fin ish, modern to the minute; $5,000 and easy terms. JA. 3566. ' ' North Side Bargain . $5,250 , Five great big rooms, bath snd re ception hall, strictly modern ,1 choice south pront lot, on paved street; one block to car; $1,000 cash will' handle.. 'Let us show you. ' ,- ; Osborne Realty Co.; 630 Peters Trust Bldg. J A. 22fl5 3901 NO. 17TH ST. 7 rms., modern, easy PJ-UICII LB, J 11,1.1 C ll.l, UCH1VU, V.,Clall, ' 608 Bee. JA. 0200. 6001 N 24TH ST. Five-room ' house: sale or trade. C. S. Snellen, 1TE. 1384. FOR SALE OR RENT Six-room modern u n .. qcia -ran... ll,,UnC' .VI, .. 11 11C13L. South. - SOUTH : ' - $3,0003114 So. 22d. Good 6-r. coltage, g'l modern; ' good baseinent; all tl ' good order; $60.0 down; good buy. $5,500 142d Pasnflena Ave. A pew paved street, close to school and car; very good location; hers you find one of the best built, 5-r., strictly modern homes there Is In Omaha. all In the best -of condition; im ' mediate possession will -he given. C. B. SCHLEICHER, 1912 Vinton St. AT. 0905 3052 S. 34TH ST. 6-room bungalow. $7, 260. C. G. Carlberg. Realtor. 312 Bran deis Th. Bldg. Jackson 0586. 30TH OAK, 6-rm. mod., oak, finish; well . located; $6,250: $1,000 cash. CHAS. B. 'BBLMAN, AT.' t!60. COTTAGE and lot. near union depot. $1,050, easy terma. P. D'. Wead, 31o South 18th. St., At. 0181.- Vacant. LOTS -On S. side of Larlmor Ave., between 24th and 27th Sts. Will sell on easy payments or will build to your order. AT. $640. : . Ralston Lots Jn2entu,,r0sw,nri. payment. Phone Stewart Ralaton. 10-W. Acreage. DUNDEE LOT South of Farnam on 6"!st; $2,160. Phone. WA. 4187. Miscellaneous. i .Bemis Park District ' ' Leaving the city, will sell my 'str- -room modern home, completely fur- nished, garage. 3205 Lincoln Blvd. HA. '374S. WALKING distance. $4,750. 6-room mod ern, paved street. BEST & GESTR7NG. AT. 6135. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. INVESTMENTS Secured short time in vestments to yield 7, 8, and 9 per cent. COMMERCIAL FINANCE CO. - - Room 3, Wead Building-, 18th and Farnam Sts. fi