Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    Leader of Armed
Band Testifies
in Treason Trial
IM.1U of llattle in Wr.t Vir
ginia Hills Tulil in Charlrs
town CourtHall Game
Share Intemt.
Hs Tfca Aorlat4 frm,
CIirlrtun, V. i , April JO. A
I'tastm trial and an amateur ae
bill game lird in interest with the
nine nun at central figure in both,
'tut although the game had the targ
et! attendance, even the longest
home run could nut produce the
thrill ot the tory in court.
Detail of inanliinK through tec
(ion of thrre counties, the com
tnandcering of railroad train, bat
tie in which a machine gun and tin
numbered rillea iat from Wcit Vir
ginia hill into a valley where the
enemy ' in petition, all flowed
to the ear of jury, court and spec
tators in the matter-of-fact torn- of
n Reynold, coal miner and elf-im-pticated
leader of a hand that had
these experience,
. William Ulirrard, aiib-dUtrict
president of the I'liited Mine Work
ers, charged with treason and now
on trial, led a similar baud, the wit
ne declared, which accompanied
them until the two group took up
eparate portion on the "battle
Planned to Kill Chafin.
"We were going to kill Don
Chafin and that bunch and march
on through Logan to Mingo and re
lease the men in jail there," Rey
nold testified. Don Chafin, futher
questioning brought out. was sheriff
of Logan county and "that bunch"
the deputy sheriffs' with whose aid
the defendant believed Chafin had
prevented union men from pervading
the Logan coal fields. ,
Even when his direct . testimony
had been finished and Harold V.
Houston opened the cross-examination
for the defense by asking about
hi arrest on a charge of collecting
money under false pretense, the wit
ness did not make any display of
emotion, but calmly gave hi story
o.' collecting $b(X) from a half a dozen
mine union local for "benevolent re
lief," payment of part of it for two
grocery bills that had been incurred
in Jefferey, which he had previously
designated a a basis of supplies for
the fighting men on the miners' side,
and delivery of the rest to M. L.
Haptonstall, acting president of dis
trict 17 of the union, who. he said,
had given him authority to make the
- Tell of First Meeting.
His first testimony was of a meet
ing in Charleston, August 7, 1921, at
which, he said, he heard President
Kecney speak about conditions in
Mingo county.
After the meetings, he said, he and
Bliziard set out afoot for Racine,
each in command of about 300 men.
Arriving there that night, Reynolds
sent a detachment to get a railroad
train on the branch of the Chesa
peake &'Ohio which, he said, they
"took." On this they went, the next
day, to Sproul and after holding uo
the operator to get the right -of way.
the train continued on to Madison.
Blizzard was on the. train, Reynolds
testified, but in cross-examination he
said he had not talked with the lead
er of the other contingent or heard
the latter give any commands.
Co-operation on Farms
3eatricej-The Gage County tu
berculosis eradication campaign this
year will be handled on the precinct
plan., Meetings in : townships
throughout the county are now be
ing held to perfect precinct organ
izations for the work.
' Watch Production Costs.
Aurora. Many farmers in Hamil
ton county will keep "cost of pro
duction" records again this year.
Last year 200 farmers were furnish
ed blank forms and many-of them
kept complete records. About the
same number of blanks will be sent
out this year.
M v Marketing Plan Success.
O'Neill. The marketing of pro
duce under direction of the county
Farm Bureau market manager has
been growing steadily and is prov
ing the efficiency of co-operative
marketing organizations among
farmers. Large quantities of cream,
poultry, eggs and hay have been
sold at an advantage over local prices,
several carloads of seed potatoes
have been shipped in and sold at
cost of handling, also alfalfa, clover
and other seed.
Farm Loan Bank. '
Kimball. Co-operating with the
Federal Land bank at Omaha, a
county farm loan association has
been organized by the county Farm
Bureau and at the first meeting at
which officer were elected 13 appli
cations for loans were received.
Organize for Protection.
Lincoln. The Lancaster County
Farm Bureau has well under way
the organization of its own, protec
tive association to protect members
from thieves and other law-breakers
of the petty type. Chicken thieves,
etc., will soon have this organiza
tion to watch as well as the sheriff.
Fight Tuberculosis.
Battle Creek. The county Farm
, Bureau board has contracted with
the state bureau of animal husbandry
to keep a man in Madison county on
tuberculosis eradication work. The
Farm Bureau agrees to pay 10c per
mile of tlie traveling expense.
Aid Herd Testing.
Syracuse. In each' precinct wl f :".
Dr. Draper, state veterinarian, work
ed testing 94 herdsi of cattle for tu
berculosis the Viairman of the pre
cinct Farm B.reau accompanied him
free of charge. "Without the sup
port oi the Farm Bureau our T. B.
wcj would be about 25 per cent
-Tlkient," says County Agent De
Prepare for Fair.
Osceola. The county fair board
of directors met with the county
Farm Bureau officials and completed
details for the 1922 county fair which
will feature boys and girls club work
and Farm Bureau activities.
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
V 1
.. -v-'-
Scene like thi are familiar to the worker of the American Committee for Devastated France. The photo
frraph was taken in the Department of the Aisne and is typical of the desolation that wii left in the wake of war.
The committee is aiding the plucky peasant to re.tore their home and re-establish their farm. Those who vote
in the Good Will contest will actively assist in thi work.
Although Nimble had lost his
horns he managed to go through the
winter without missing .them as
much as he had expected. And in
"Oh, yes! A plentvfDoaer
time he had almost forgotten the
pair of spikes that he had worn on
his head the summer before. Then,
one day, he made a great discovery.
He found that new horns were
sprouting to take the place of those
that he had lost!
"Now I can have some mock bat
tles again when : my horns get
long enough," he thought. And
then he stopped short. What if the
Spike Horns of the year before had
no more horns If they were horn
less they certainly wouldn't care to
take part in any mock battles.
Nimble's fears were soon set at
rest. His old playmates soon let him
know they were all going to have
new horns too.
And then, a little later, Nimble
made another great discovery. He
was looking into a pool one morn
ing Vhen he saw something that
gave him hugh delight. His new
horns were not like last year's
horns. He beheld, mirrored in the
water, a handsome pair of Y shaped
antlers, each with two points I
"Hurrah!" he cried. ' "I'll make
those Spike Horns feel 'like hiding
themselves again. When they see
my antlers they'll be ashamed. to
show their spiked heads."
He had expected to have a pleas
ant time showing his new antlers to
his old friends. When he met
Dodger the Deer, Nimble called to
'Aim; "See what I've got! Antlers!
Two points!" "
"Ho!" said Dodger. "So have I
got antlers. And they have two
points, too. And they are longer
and sharper than yours."
Nimble had been so interested "in
his own horns that he hadn't looked
at Dodger's. And now when he
gazed at them he saw that they were
almost exactly like his own.
"What about the rest of the Spike
Horns?" I'Vnble asked Dodger.
"Have they "
"Yes, they have!" Dodger inter
rupted. "I tell you, 'two-pointers'
are common this season."
"So there aren't any more Spike
Horns!" said Nimble somewhat sad
ly. - .'
"Oh. yes! A plenty!" Dodger an
swered. "But they're an entirely
new crop. They were fawns last
year." .
When he heard that bit of news
Nimble felt happier. And, as soon
as he parted from Dodger, the Deer,
he went and found some of the new
Spike Horns and showed them his
wonderful two-point antlers.
But somehow they didn't seem at
all impressed. They were too much
taken up with their own spikes to
pay any attention to Nimble. He
couldn't understand it.
"Anyhow," he said to himself, "we
'two-pointers can have some good
mock battles together."
And Jhey did. They had mock
battles that became famous all
around Blue Mountain. And of all
the "two-pointers" that lived in
that, neighborhood. Nimble and his
friend Dodger the Deer were known
as the best sham-fighters. They
could look fiercer and act angrier
than any of their young friends. And
the way they tore into each other
was almost enough to frighten you,
if you had seen them.
Old Mr. Crow said it was worth
flying a mile' to watch one of their
CopyriM. 1922.)
Re-Elect School Head
Deshler, Prof P. B. Britt has been
re-elected superintendent of the
Deshler public schools. High school
teachers have not been hired.
Mm a
This Was a Farm
, . ;
. '
, " r- , .
Expect Heavy Balloting
Nellie B. Donn
Ella Fenti
Kathrine O'Brien .
Elizabeth Pace
Anna McN'amara
Elizabeth Kaufmann
Irene Rice
Esther Brandes
Mrs. Agnes Hall
Myrtle M. Wood
Gladys Hitchcock
Florence Compson
Grace Trott .
Anna Funk
Mr. Paul Rigdon ..,
Grace Enders
Florence Anderson
to level their land is appalling on
account of such accidents long after
war has ceased.
Orchards Destroyed.
Orchards were destroyed, , no
cows or goats were available for a
supply of milk, .110 railroads existed
for the transportation of food and at
the beginning of the. work of the
American committee, it was often
necessary to transport milk for ba
bies in automobiles from regions 14
to 48 hours distant.
Such conditions as these facing
the people .of France on returning
to their homes caused the original
10 women to undertake the work of
aiding the - people of four cantons
again to become self-supporting, as
a memorial from the people ot
America to the people of France.
It must be thoroughly understood
that the American Committee for
Devastated France is not attempting
to scatter its work or care for more
that a very small percentage of peo-
, . .
Investigation of
K.K.K. Activities
on Coast Growing
District Attorneys in v. Five
Counties Basing Probe on
Documents Seized at
Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, April 30. Prepara
tions to submit evidence relating to
at least 3,000 members of the Ku
Klux Klan in Los Angeles county to
a grand jury which will be. selected
next Thursday were under way to
day. District Attorney Thomas Lee
Woolwine said he had his case "well
in hand," and was confident that 'full
responsibility would be fixed for the
raid last Saturday night at Ingle
wood, which precipitated the investi
gation. At the same time the district at
torneys of' five other California
counties were developing investiga
tions based upon documents seized
under a search- warrant at headquar
ters here. -
Complete lists of officers of the
states of California, Washington,
Idaho, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona
were found, as well as rosters of
members in all these states, which
Raymond I. Turney, deputy district
attorney, said he believed re-presented
approximately the full strength of
the organization in each.
The klans, whose existence and
membership is definitely established,
according to Mr. Turney. are those
in Los Angeles, Taft, Bakersfield,
Fresno, Imperial City, Calexico,
Coalinga, Glendale, San Jose, Covina,
What Is
Your Money
Good rat ot Interest
quarterly with first
mortgages on homes
as security. Come in
and open an account
on your war home.
This is our 8 Set year
in Omaha and our as
sets are now nine and
one-halt millions of
Building & Loan
Northwest Cor. 18tk aat Harmer Sti.
v M
. .
Previous Total
Saturday. Vote.
$250.00 5.155
104 80
pic in the old battlefields. The
French government itself ls ex
pended over 90,000,000 francs in sim
ilar work in other areas.
Germany Unable to Pay.
The work already accomplished
by the French government and the
American Committee for Devastated
France is amazing in the face of the
fact that this was one of the things
that should have been taken care of
by the German government, accord
ing to the treaty of Versailles. The
reparation :lause of the treaty spe
cifically made this restoration of the
old battlefields of France one of the
penalties that Germany was to pay
for losing the war. However, Ger
many has not paid and at the pres
ent time is not in a condition to pay.
The economic proposition, therefore,
faces the world of making the peas
ants of France self-supporting on
the old battlefields or allowing them
to become pauperized and emigrate
to other sections.
Redondo, Huntington Park, Azusa,
Venice and Orange county.
W. S. Coburn. "grand goblin" of
the Ku Klux Klan for its Facihc
domain, was closeted with Mr. Wool-
wine and Deputies Turney and W.
C. Doran for about an hour today.
The district attorney said later that
the conference had developed noth
ing of importance which he could
divulge. Mr. Coburn refused to
comment upon his visit
Final Educational Rally
in Jefferson County June 3
Fairbury. The final educational
rally of Jefferson county will be held
here June 3, in connection with the
county eighth grade promotion exer
cises. The committee has booked
two of the leading educators of Ne
braska to speak for the occasion,
Supt. C. A. Fulmer, state director
of vocational training, will speak on
"Trend of Education." W. ti. Mor
ton, president of the state teachers'
association, will : deliver the com
mencement address. ,
. .
High School Juniper Breaks
Arm During Class Meet
Broken Bow, Neb., April 30.
(Special.) While making the high
jump at the fair grounds during .the
inter-class meet, Lester Farris, a
freshman, fell and broke one of the
bones in his arm. The youngster
stayed until the finish, of the meet
before having the injury attended.
A story of a wife-thief and what
happens! to the woman he stole.
Cuticura Soap
Will Help You
Clear Your Skin
Soap, Ointnott.Tilem, 8e. enryhi, Sampltv
froe of Cittewft Ututmim. X, lUMta, MW
Why Not Try a
Bee Want Ad
Three Counties !
rum liistiiuie
.Villain, Juliiiauii mid Pun lire
Guuily TYalr to Mrt
in l'tmift Cily.
1'awnrc Ci oiiiUic pro
gram lu bttn arranurd Ur Hie an
nual tfi-thuiity teacher' in.luui. to
be held this year at Tawuee Cily
April 30. May I and I Tlii. infi
nite will rompritt the ti-aihru from
Ncinitda, Johiuoii ami I'auiir emm
lie. t'ouiuy Superniieiiilrnt Henna
H. Kuhtmatt, Helen Wright and Brs
kie Anderson nirt at 'ircuuixh and
completed arrangement for tlte coin
ing event.
Dr. Lid B. Farhart of ihe teach
ers' college of the lnicrity of Nr
braika will have charge of I'utitish.
IVof. M. Tattm. brad of the Mu.ic
Academy of Hebron, will have
charge of tnunic. Supt. A. II. Dnon
of the school of I'nivcr.ity place
will teach civics. Mi Kdua Mr
gantltalcr. primary instructor in the
Lincoln school, wilt teach primary
methods. Mi K-Iher rlackcnhin
of Auburn will have charge of the
penmanship claws. Clase in school
anitaiion and contagion will be held
by Mi Margaret McGrcevy of ihe
state board of health of Lincoln.
Talks will be given before the entire
congregation "f tatchcr by Mm
F.Mher Ord 'elt of Omaha and
Miss Nan Miti-ll. county nurse for
Nemaha county. Dr. Schrock of the
University hospital at Omaha will be
here to speak on "Posture." He is
a rrcialist in the care of crippled
The Tawnee City Public Service
club has charge of entertainment of
teacheri and will care for all who
attend in private homes. A tri-county
band, representing the three coun
ties, will ptay
ReKlpot School lleail
Chappell F. S. Copcland was re
elected superintendent of the Chap
pell schools for the coming year.
Nearly all the present corps of
teachers will remain. Salaries will
remain at the present scale.
Kps With Picture
Wolbach. An egg laid by a mem
ber of the Plymouth Kock flock be
longing to Clarence Martin of this
city, has a perfect picture of a sun
flower upon it.
St. Katherine Will
Honor War Heroine
With Scholarship
Announcement is made through
St. Katharine Wheel of the pro
gress of the campaign to raise $100,
000 for St. Katharine school. One
half of the fund goes to pay the
debt on the school and the remain
der to create an endowment fund
for its maintenance. Friends of the
school and mchibers of the Episcopal
church in Iowa have been asked to
help raise the fund, and Davenport
is pledged to give $25,000.
The alumnae of St. Katharine
is especially interested in the three
scholarships for which a portion of
the funds raised are to be laid aside.
One of these scholarships is in mem
ory of Miss Marion Crandall, a
teacher of French at the school, who
was the first American woman to
lay down her life for her country in
the war, She was shot while on
duty in Les Foyers du Soldat, near
the front in France during the first
days of the war. Immediately after
she made the supreme sacrifice a
fund was started to erect a memorial
faculty cottage to Marion Crandall
at the school. But with the close of
the war other needs and opportuni
ties pressed and the fund, which has
now reached $1,050, has never been
completed. It has been decided that
the memorial take the form of an
endowed scholarship in the chapel,
for which $10,000 is to be raised, the
amount secured for the faculty cot
tage to be turned into this fund.
Another of the scholarships is the
Sarah Swazey Morrison memorial,
honoring the memory of the wife of
the Rt. Rev. T. N. Morrison, bishop
of Iowa. She was instrumental in
starting a scholarship fund to be
used for an Iowa girl in St. Kathar
ine school, preference to be given
to daughters of the Iowa clergy. The
Woman's Auxiliary of the state is
fostering ,this fund, and has asked
that every churchwoman of the
diocese give $1 or more. The fund
has already reached about $2,000.
The third scholarship is a me
morial to . Mother Margaret Clare.
She was mother superior of the west
ern province that took over St.
Katharine school and placed it un
der the present body of religeuse.
Matine Daily 2:1S Every Night 8:15
Ths Sensational Hit of the Photoplay
- , In "LULLABY"
Helen Higflns A Nstalie Bates
Joe Shriner it Billy Fltisimmona
Burt Billy
Bert Kenny A Mr. Nobody
Kin go
Topics of Day Aesop's Fables
Pathe News
Mats., 15c to 50c; Some 75c A $1 Sat.
an)rSun. Nights, 15c to S1.0O; Some
S1.25 Sat. and Sun.
Vi rJevlfft if Reform:
"The Face Between"
- A Tale of Two Loves
and Two Errors
MATINEE, 25c 30c.
1 2 :00 2 :30 S :OC 7 09 :4S
M Ttl jmtiMl l L.YrW5-rVn
Heller Wheal Is
Urged of (irowrrs
m ial Train W ill He Ituu
("arrjing Speaker Mini
iiMte Wate Slicau.
A I ttur wheat iain;ui!ii lut brru
laumlird in the hard win at te rritory.
induditt the taii f Nebraska,
Keiua, Oklahoma, Texas and Mi
The object of the capaifiii will be
lo eliminate rnriinii w ( in the
handling ol wheat at threshing time.
Thiite who arc promoting the move
ment bclirvc that by fn!ltwiiig cr pratiiits a Urtie living ran be
Growers are urui J to errde ,
greater care in the election of seed, i
wrt a to prepare the soil earlier i
in the eaou, i
A committee of repreentatives
from the wheat growing states will
hold a meeting in Kanoa City Mon-
dv. At this gathering Chauncey .
Abbott, jr., will represent Nebraski.
Harry (, li.nid.ill of Kama Citv is'
cliairnijti, The other members are
I). It, Watkin of Kama. If. K.
Humphrey, l-.lreno. Okl.: ti. R.
Humphrey, Amorilla. Tex,, and ti. K.
Fore.ythe of Denver. '
The committee plans (i run a bet
ter wheat train through the entire
wheat growine eelion this summer.
Thi train will carry speakers and
distribute literature.
Halt Soil Erosion.
Syracuse. The county Farm
Dureau in ro-oneration with County
Agrnt A. H. DeLong is doing ex
tensive work this vrar in prevention
of soil erosion. During the spring
Agent Del-ong has put in 16 brush
dams on various farms for demon
stration purposes. II. Brandt of Otoe
and William Schmidt of Nebraska
Cily arc assisting DeLong.
Cotner College
The annual Hliiiit Nlht." under the
nu..l,-K nf llm Y. M. A . hel'l
at th ninr cyimmiilum. Tho tour rol-I-ki
rln.a null (h hiirh ai'lmnl irnntiit
s'unln. Th enphonmr" wnn flint plMt'S
iinil the freBliniPii raptured llio second
Tim election nr the edllor and business
ninuKer ( the Coiner CnllralHn, the
rc llrBo iulillfsliun. wus h"ld Thursday.
Mih Kva Uren of lonver wee eleried
editor, und llnry tlirmnn waa elected
!UNlti''H nuiniiRir. MIm Inn Is a Junior
In t'otner. and Mr. Ilitrmnn is the son
of Preeldent A. 1. Hnrmnn and will he
a eenlnr next year. He Is the advertising-
manager of the Bulldog, the college
The CJuern nt Mjy will be crowned at
the May f"tival. .May 3. Mi. Kuth Oher
llcs la the iiicen. She will be attended
l.v M Ihh Rudy Will-. .ii and Mrs. Alice
tladd borrell. A number or aetnetie
dunces will tcature the program. The
echenie carried out by the dancing girls
will be the elements nf spring welcom
ing the queen. The program la in charge
of the Y. M. C. A.
Tho Inlerc'aae tennis tournaments will
begin this week. Each cUas will enter
rnnteatanta In both singles nnd doubles.
There will be both girls' and boys'
Creigliton University
At the meeting of Ihe Nehraeka Acade
my nf Science at University Place, Dean
P( hulle of the Creigliton college of medi
cine read a paper on eallvary gianda in
mammals, lie was elected vice president
of the eoclety.
Ten Crcichton alumni were on the
program of the annual convention of the
Nebruska State Medical association, which
was held In Omaha April 24 to 27. lr.
A. S. 1'lnto was on the committee on
the care and prevention of contagious dis
ease. Among those scheduled to give expo
sitions of particular subjects or to open dis
cussions, were Pre. H. A. Johnson of Teka
mah, E. C. Henry of Omaha, W. L.
Sucha or Omaha. Luclen Hlnrk of Hr
tlngtoh, It. 11. Foster of Tllden, A. F.
Tyler of Omaha. R. L. Smith ot Lin
coln, J. E. L'rldll of Omaha, and J. B.
McPherson of Hastings. Drs. Sucha,
Tyler and Urlrill. besides being alumni, are
on the Crelchton faculty. Other mem
bers of the faculty on the program were
Dean Schultn nnd Dr. F, Heagey.
Rev. Christopher Kohne. S. J., a Creigli
ton alumnus, and Rev. William D. Tierney,
S. J., who taught at Crelghton for five
years before his ordlnntlon, are in Omaha
to do minlKterlnl work.
In the annual elocution contest of the
high sohcol, Kmmett Gardiner, John Gll
lln. Carl Peter and William Doxler won
first places in their respective years. Sec
ond places were won by Leo McCabe,
Harry Mitchell, "Gordon Dlesing and Jack
Taber. '
Wayne Teachers Ctrllege
The .dual literary contest between
Vivnn nri the State Teachers' college at
Chadron will bo held Tuesday. Wayne
will be represented at Chadron by Ver
onica Wlna ot isionrara, wpo wm reau ku
tisv entitled. "The Family as a Funda
mental Social tTnit;" Faith Philleo of
Wnyno, who will give a dramatic react
ing, "Ihe Mallet's Masterpiece;" Paul
Jacobaen of Tekamah will deliver an ora
tion. "The Passing of Imperialism." Don
ald Miller and Howard McEachen. both
of Wavne. will defend the negative of
the question. "Resolved that the principle
or the closed shop is justiriaoie.
The Wavne representatives who will
take part In the contest held on the same
evening here are Howard f arrena or ue
catur. who will read an essay. "The Chal
lenge to the Universities:" Louise Knoell
of Dixon, who will give a dramatic read
ing from Brownings poem, "haul;" enns.
With Renee Rayne
The Four
May Day Celebration
Empress Rustic Garden
If Back Hurts or
Bladder Bothers
Be careful what you take for your Kid
ney, Bladder or Urinary troubles. Re
member that Dr. Carey's PRESCRIP
TION NO. 777 is absolutely free fsom
dangerous drugs and has had 50 years of
success for Kidney and Bladder troubles,
Sure relief x)T money back on large bottle.
ror sale by the 6 Sherman ft MeConnell
Drug Stores and all good druggists have it.
Una ilun ef T-ken'sh Hi !. '
i-r mtiau, '"it. t hstiKg w tke
I uiiei44 (tutrix." is. tlfirntalH
Ml the Hawaii .tf 4w,ym Sk ill le t'ntl
! l e.le sin. b. i ( 4
a hitter ( N'ljib
Ths f.j.l' it it ihe msHiiM itfis at le
mI..I Ituu tit A. ' ,
.lja. ell vt ni eieie uatiu. I'
J il !-'' "I i'khIisI ll'sa sthMl rt
Hn..e t. H jitdg tlclil l eii4 ! tlefcsis
al iim ,
The senior Jum. e tMintuel ss Ml I
Ihe viHiiie'1!!!! the Uei r.ti an ihe Ikis la lbs fit ot iin II h
l.,a tie. ' It eti mu k fioar
ii 4, e Mr m baauuei. nvrr ! aiin,le4,
a uWirl iutia ! snaBS' l ' ll"e.
e.tit a snip. Ibe bai wf Ilia itfuit i
being need as Ihe utpr at.', and lh i
laeis ail tleall llh stMle f Ihe ".i.
sue ft life" Sli.a Waiia i. b.millug af
Ihe depeiintent wf hit s M-uitiintica had
haise nf ilia arrentfineul ("f ibe siv
Ins uf Ih bantttief.
Te ti.ftxtl luaefe bt Immsj dac4
aa lb tmpu n-r lbs st-ienea building
fim whili ! euepratt lb witele aenal
itbii II befoia ibis lint ha tintl4 frain
lb i, t,if nr Hi ad nun 'air I urn bull. lies,
Tlie Inner ar los lw apait and lb
Martial wbiili will pannn-l IhnH will sl4
(eallr lit Ih irrllaBa ot Iba) aill
lew alalia,
WOMEN! td.firjJ
retaining ysur llraclita leatutee.
(In Parson)
Will tell hew ha ranawaj har
beauty of thirty yaara fO.
and Paid For"
"LaJiU ni f Mtfo
man, ysu will mm
eamething tn evnaer
WllUm Jones sets
tvholt mnmt big box
or Xeflofg's Carn
FlmktM becaiiM tnat's
thm only ainaf he will
tmt J ivMt boa Wf
It s a
IAS i91t UrV-FVyil WJ
a bowl of
Kelloggs Corn Raises
You'll agree that you never ate such delicious, such
satisfying cereal as Kellogg's Corn Flakes! Those big,
sunny-brown ''sweet-hearts-of-the-corn" are so fasci
nating in flavor and so crispy and crunchy that you don't
iwonder the children are thrilled to eat them!
Compare Kellogg's with imitations to realize their,
quality, their appetizing appeal, their wonder-crispness!
Unlike imitations, Kellogg's are never tough or leathery
or hard to eat! Each heaping spoonful of Kellogg's is
even more joyous than the last there
. is no end to the happiness that is yours
aaww ry f
Now Comes Miss Spring
to Whet Our Appetites
and to Gratify Them
You may refer yoar
friends tc The Fon
tenelle with perfect
confidence that they
will be delightfully
accommodated. Our
service standard is
the very highest,
and our hospitality
is favorably com
mented on.
350 Rooms
brahdeis ym-j
Ik WarM't Graalsal C4ktta.
Is Matrimony
a Failure?
The Never to Return Road
Writtan by Mrs. Otla SkiaMT
Now Sbowiog
And Good Support
ing Vaudavilla Snow
Also PhotopUf Fsaluraa Shear at
Every Perlormaaca.
Aeuogg s corn r lanes t
r ii
that you get Kellogg's the delicious
Corn Flakes in the RED and GREEN
package that bears the signature of
W. K. Kellogg, the originator of
Toasted Corn Flakes. NONE ARE
and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooled and krnUaJ
Seasonable specialties, t h e
first greens,, and luscious
fruits, are to be found, won-"
derfully prepared and gar
nished, on the menus of j
The Fontenelle
Why not stop in today or tomorrow
for one of 'our COMPLETE Lunch-
eons served - in either restaurant,
i .
A wonderful six-course evening din
ner is served in the Main Restaurant
for $1.50 and in the popular In
dian Room for $1.25.
And lest you forget Whole Broil-
ed Alive Baby Lobster, with draws '
butter, and Julienne potatoes, in h
both restaurants, at all hours, 75c,
$3 to $5 a Day