Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
ihi? urn nm tmn ror!T
MUj-OS U. UUlfcr., fuUuiur
t aw.iM riM. ar tlbkft lu. aba u a auttb u m-
'4 la 14 ar w.u m m un (-!' 4 '
'M Ham U Mat ( IU tal l k at i1a.
UlUMft, ia aufc4ti in.uti.. t4 YW
Tke net circulation of The Omaha Baa
far Merib, 1922
Daily Average 71i775
Sunday Avertfe ...7S.3G3
B. BRIWCR. ConiI Mmnr
tLMtH I. MOUU, tucuUiw. Mtuin
mi to ana) .ukwiltwa' Mara aaa tale Ilk U
Aanl. ItU
(SmI) W. II. OUIVEY, (.alary rbll
Private Hi-lark) Fulling.. A.k fur h.
lfrlmnl or 'rua Wal4. tor
Nukl tal Aft.r p. M l fcoitorial AT Uaiia r
AT laalie
Mala Offo. 17tk ai4 r'r.ra
Ca. luffr 14 tiroit Hu Wouth ..! 4 J. 8. tHh Si
Krw York-Sue rtdk Av,
Washington 1311 C. 6U Chicago U;:t Rtrgrr DI1
rri. Iranra Kua Hi. Iloaure
The Nebraska Campaign.
The Hoc asked thirty-odd Nebraska cditora
to tell it bat in tltrir opinion are the three
principal isuc of the Mate campaign tin year.
Thrir aiitMcr. piibli.hed tUcwhcre on thit page,
ii; There is no isMie, With one voice thry y:
"Economy in ovrrniiitii expense; lower (aw.
It it unanimous. Everybody ague. Since that
i io, there in no issue for the pl.itform maker.
or the campaign orator.
Democrat, republicans and independents are
represented in the poll, yet no line of political
cleavage ran be told by a reading of their re
plies. It is noteworthy that the number (living
answer is lesa than in other similar polls made
by The I'ee and that the smaller towns are al
most entirely unrepresented. This simply em
phasizes the attitude exproscd by thoc who did
reply; the editors who failed to answer have ad
vocated lower taxes in their newspapers for
many weeks and their silence now can only
mean that they found no second or third to add
to this single item.
iir.i . .
uun no issue ot principle, tlie campaign
problem in the minds of these editors is simply
the selection of public officials best fitted and
most determined to carry the popular will into
practical effect. They consider it a choice of
individuals rather than a choice of principles.
That constitutes a definite and serious challenge
to tlje leadership of the various parties and to
the voters at their primaries. The campaign
bids fair to be settled by the public decision
of the relative good faith and ability of the can
didates. More than ever the parties must pre
sent candidates who mean something in them
selves. No convenient principle will carry the
weak sisters to victory.
There is here a chance for the buncombe
artist, the man of much promise and little per
formance, the man who may lure the voter by
advocating cure-alls which will not work and
promising reforms- which can not be. That is a
danger, a, real danger and one which the party
leader aiid voter, must guard against. Today
more than ever, the public seeks substantial
, results and not mere flim-flam. The man who
promises . most may not be the one who per
forms best.
China's Civil War.
An announcement from I'ckiii to the effect
that the president proposes to remain neutral in
the present civil war may afford a needed light
on the situation. The present fighting is the
culmination of a rather prolonged struggle be
tween a trio of tuchans, or military governors,
who. aspire to supreme control in the republic.
Each has succeeded in getting control of a con
siderable portion of the area of the country and
with it sufficient population to provide an army.
Loans have been enforced against the president
by each, and it has been rumored that Japan
has provided some funds for the equipment and
maintenance of the forces.
' Last week President Hen Shi Chang called
on the three great leaders, Chang Tso Lin, Wu
Pei Fu and Tsao Kun to withdraw their forces
from the vicinity of Fekin and retire to their
own provinces. This order was ignored, and on
Friday fighting between Wu Pei Fu and Chang
Tso Lin was commenced. This situation is
complicated by the action of Sun Yat Sen, who
is in control of southern China, he seizing the
' republican navy, and so strengthening his po
sition. - Chang is governor of Manchuria and
Wu of central China, while Tsao dominates the
western region. !
Western observers are not a little perplexed
by the political situation in China, but are agreed
that the Chaotic condition can not prevail much
longer, without the utter ruin of the land fol
lowing. Whether it be outside influence or in
ternal unrest, the ariarcby that has ruled for
many months is surely destroying the present
and sadly mortgaging the future of China. An
, other point of agreement is that until the power
of the great tuchans is broken, there will be no
peace nor progress for the republic.
i ' Russia Presents an Ultimatum.
M. Tchitchcrin and his associates at Genoa,
having waited 10 days for a reply, now propose
lo withdraw their note, offering Russia's terms
for coming-" into relations of amity and comity
with the rest of the world. Chiefly this note
consists of a proposal that Russia is willing to
take on the other -nations if provided with uf-:
iicient credit to assure the immediate restora
tion of the country. Having destroyed all capi
tal, and allowed all means of production and dis
tribution to fall into decay, the Soviets are now
willing that the outside world should provide
the means for re-establishing a land devastated
by its own inhabitants. "
However, the conference committee is rapid
ly reaching a conclusion as to the form of the
terms that will be offered to Russia. . This has
'een delayed somewhat because of a difference
of ' opinion between Lloyd George and the
French, concerning chiefly the scalingMown of
Russian debts. Agreement on this point is re
ported to have been reached, and the French
Bnd British proposals will be combined. Pay
ment of debts and recognition of the rights of
private property are the principal requirements
tt the allies, and are likely to be rejected by the
Jiituii at i"vio (f tif aovrrenty o(
!,e aOVifli,
The foiutriHtuf uliiii:mm tnt til I'rrmier
I Via (joSi)'y !ftrdf (rctcu lot iihJu4l
i t ihr tmiili without tjivilii rltit)erlion lit
i'.e I'fOfc'Uiii that l being prrparfii (or the can
fcrri.i, Tihitclifrin will sk. Utter reporting
M l!u.a t!.t he fouM nut participate beflU
irriiu lie i.!t!N.rJ Here net ton-drrfj by Id
mu(rrf than he il Hying to justify liiimrll
tn refuiiig ta aarpt trrint laid down (or him by
the tfliiirrrnre. q any event, the Hep may per
r it diUy, inil that it a cenidrb!e factor at
iimr in turn negotiation.
On the Way to Normalcy.
Nuw we know that JVoidtM Harding tu
wrung when he talked to u about getting back
lo noritulry. What he really meant i that we
should move forward lo normalcy, and after
reading what Dr. J. M. Tjylor taiJ lo the New
Century c!u' at Iliitadclphia lat week, it an
peart that if th well-known human race ever
experts to reach the goal it had better be on
the way. Dr. Taylor informed hi hearers that
nun has progreed jut about one-third the
di.tanre that ktretchei between the hairy ape
and mental, moral and ipirinul perfection. The
average man, he ay, it only about 30 per cent
Well, tlut it omclliiiig, Men, when in the
mood in uhkli King. David once found him-
clf. are likely to declare their doubt of that 30
per cent. However, it gives ut a starting point
for a little mental arithmetic. One-third of nor
mal aiiggeitts that wholly normal if equivalent
to twice our present tatu, plut the fame; that
is, if man is represented now by 2, then hit ideal
state will be twice 2 plus 2, or 6. Taking an
other pyi Jmlogit-.iJ dictum, that the average
man has the ititrlliKcnre of a 12-year-old child,
and using the same formula, we diacovcr that
J'i is the ideal age, whether it be accompanied
by the normalcy contemplated by Dr. Taylor or
not However, we must not forget the llaeck-
cliau formula, that each individual repeats in
his own existence all the experience of all pre
vtous ticnerations. even back to and including
the hairy ape. Conceding this, and then apply
ing the Mcudclian law, an irresistible conclusion
is reached.
That conclusion is that the average psychol
ogist is an inveterate disseminator of bunk,
alongside which the output of Arthur Oman
Doyle radiates and scintillates with the irides
cence of a gem of purest ray serene. Assump
tion of knowledge as to what measures the dis
tance man has yet to travel suggests a pachy
dermatous complacence that defies criticism,
however caustic. Man has come a long way,
and yet has sonic to go, but any assertion that
we have attained 30 or any other percentage of
total perfection is full warrant for William Jen
nings Bryan to knock Darwin as far as "Babe"
Ruth ever drove a base ball.
"And the Villain Still"
Nick Carter is dead, and dying, his identity
is disclosed. His name was Frederick Van
Kcnssalacr'Dcy. He began to write the ad
ventures of Nick Carter in 1889. So popular
were these yellow-back novels that he took a
contract to turn out a new one each week. With
the exception of two short intervals he kept this
up for 20 years.
Those who in their bad boyhood devoured
these thrillers in defiance of parental dictates
and those of good taste, will think kindly of
this broken old man, whose death was by his
own hand, ror all the bad name his stories
had, there was never a line of indecency in them.
Vice always succumbed to virtue, and virtue
was personified as the great detective, Nick
Carter. Judging by the fact that the author left
a larewell note addressed to Deputy Police
Commissioner i Faurot, he must have written
with some respect for fact.
There were, we are told, 1,078 Nick Carter.
stories, totalling approximately 40,000,000 words.
Nick was in every chapter, and his gun barked
almpst as often. This was a stupendous-waste
of ammunition, and perhaps the whole series
was an extravagance of effort. No five-foot
shelf will hold the works of Frederick Van
Rcnssalaer Dey a 100-foot shelf woufd be more
like it, but he probably never will receive the
slightest mention in literary history, a thing
some men have accomplished with a single
volume. .
Issue in Nebraska
Lower Tt Our Great mi
Only Quaation Before the Voter.
I taia Miiaai Wka a lk Ikna
Crete Vldeiie.
, J, If. Walh I ir, he mi.Ui and luwer-
jug tif lr.; .(Kin J, determined erfart lo da
toiitrihipg in the regulation of freight rate on
agricultural nioduri.; third, a thorough huu.r.
(leaning in lit punk" ome to tliminaie the un
ieee.arily huge payroll ef employe now
maintained at the utpayrr' epcne,
Kearney Hub,
M. A. Brown, The thief Uue mljn be
the live rode, taxation and retrench
ment of expense, 1 am unalterably oppoed to
the code super-government within the thrll of
the conttitutional ftate government. I would
make retrenchment actual, let the rhipi fall
where they may. I would repeal the new tax
Irgulatioiv simplify and equalize taxes without
tear, favoritism or discrimination.
Beatrice Express.
Clark 1'eikini Here i a program that will
sweep the state like wildfire and keep the next
IrgUlature out of mlsihief: l int, make the code
conform to the new eouiitiiiion; second, slop
Hate interference with private buine wher
ever possible without sacrifice of public rights,
thereby eliminating unnecessary official and
implifying government: third, top waste in
public expenditure, securing 100 cent worth of
service or material for every ta dollar.
How to Keep Well
Qwcaiiaaa iMitnmi ktiwa. aiUliaaj a4 aaaatiaa af gitaaaa, ubaiu4
la l. (va ay a at Ika fcW, aill ka aaaoatal araaallr. avhiatl la
' ptaawf IwMUlwa. okw a iaaj aaaaM4 aaUfa M aatla4. Dr.
tw 'il aal ka a 4 ' ar araatrifea (at Himuat aiMaaa.
A4ta Mini ia at Ika Um,
Crrikli J,
U1m ihu ham h unfit pi-rlid
truuli whu-h e l"ve Ittwit i ttaninu
limi limn ta t for itiu mural. oine
vrrv letrl lifiuleil iieoiilti think au,
1 ir lit ha .I aom advantage to oft.
art ilia llano It lit ilune,
Women with t It trrakUll Mint of
iinjrrpiiiiiln- liuve lren emits; on
lit'fl'. (-uiitaiiieil, an4 art-reiive, tin.
Ill iin--i-liiig and the turtain
Wt-nt up.
Thry writa to ma by III hundred
".My lit: aia ilntllea. How ran
f frtltrn lliftlt?" 'Mv b-ea r fu,
llW ail I (hill IheinT" "I'm knoi k
tiicl, liow.tnii I bw my Un
out?' "I mil towleaai. Mow can
i i-t my knera hnoi kej?'
The i g curi'i-Mur' union must be
roliiM in waiili.
Krotit lh t'lltxxnle nlniulpolnt thla
)'ir tiiia turn uretil. Ttie priitlum
put on a eooil physliiu. whrn it
ruinra tn I tie (filiate of til i-Uh,
la Imuiul to be to eugi'iiU-n' ailvun-taae,
lo aliow tlii-maelve In 'ry early
i lillutiiMni. Tilt anera opinion Unit
ilia t'lulUrcii vuiuruw iliem la all
atoat - ar ruiublo. ut th
eura mutt te aianed early, t'lay ami
work which devalnp one aide of the
litulv mtiat ha guaiitvit aamt.
Tli rloiliing niiiki be watrheil to
Unit it oW nut raua drfomiliy
Kii'taly I Una ne-wry whn
chlMrfii have had rleketa. .
The New Stat (Lincoln). .
C. F. Aiutey. Farming i the key lo the I
ti'uaiion. The farmer ocll in unprotected
markets and pay transportation to them. The
larmer need Unit reduction, not a tariff in
crease, and they need lower frieght rate. They
need also a credit system that will put them on
even terms with manufacturers and merchants.
Norfolk Press.
Marie Weekes. Public saving and ! con
sequent- reduction of taxes, the reduction ot
freight and passenger rates and the develop
ment of Nebraska's water power bv the public
seems to me the important issues. They should
be handled honestly, constructively and with
the purpose of early and successful accomplish
Lincoln Star.
There appears at the present lime to be onlv
one chief issue. Taxes must be lowered. Among
the ways to accomplish this, certain features of
the slate administrative department, especially
the code system, should be immediately altered
and the tendency toward regulatory legislation,
with its resulting bureaus and commissions.
should be checked.
' Lincoln Journal.
Will Owen Jones. In the nation, lower
taxes; in the slate, lower taxes; in tile minor
civil divisions, lower taxes. These are the is
sues of the year. Nobody can force anything
else into prominence.
Hastings Tribune.
Adam Breede. Beyond any question of
douht, the most important issue regardless of
politics is taxation. It goes without saying
that the candidates who convince the people
that they have a remedy for reducing expenses
in general and taxation in particular will be the
successful ones at the polls. That, with the
promise of a business-like administration, will
carry the banner of success.
I'nforlianun-ly the wnve will pan
loo noon. Ian I lesa," and not
mm h run he tlnna to ehnnae them
iinlraa liny are rttuulit t-urly.
Tin wave aliauUI lat until the
iirptutit Intra knett hunrh ar truln-
I ing up children of llielr own.
Ami whllrt-wK are on inn general
Ntifijrrt of iiciIhI extreme!)? w
or two about fwt.
If aom lioiiutlfully footed aoolety
hell" wnuM Mart a hiirpfootei! mylv,
wlnit revrliitlona thro wouM be!
l.etirra would roll
liitiiinn'r twil. th
ioin linlf'-ki-d. inn! the tint footed
We would li-v I" nay to them na we
nay tn ilia haro kiu'i'dcd Klrla now:
lliinloiia mi'o ond prtului-tH. "A
tho twin Ih ttent." etc. Hre to It Hint
thn vt' yminif koi'P their feit rlaht.
Hen to It Hint tho shora ot the chil
dren under 14 do no hnrm and the
feet of ih womon over 2 will not be
fur wrong.
Put why continuo picking on tho
A you walk down tho atrcrt oh
oervo clom-ly the nifn iihout you.
Suppoae tholr ftyle called for the nl
tKeiher, A pretty looking bunch
thnne men would he!
Tiiko tho mutter of curve In the
Hplne. How ninny of them ore free
from Homo abnormal curvature of
Homo Mort?
How many men do you see with
their two Holdiers on the name level?
Duo luia u low rlcht fhouldor; nn-
othor h:m a forward stoop; another
hiihitually HtandH with a tilted pelvln.
Mere, too, wo are deullng with end
Tho deformity beprnn In rhlldhood.
It inny hnvo Htarted with a faulty
Rchool doisk or seat, or carrying
heavy nchool hooks over one shoul
der or under one arm.
Dr. Grossman, who writes on this
subject in a medical Journal, nays
these minor posture defects oegin
Oil IKMlghlg Cold.
C. V. write: "May I. a a lay
man, pieauine to rommvnt on your
aihli'o reaurdlnt prevention of cold
ann luieumoniaT
"It I iny undentanding that tine
laria do not float In the "Ir: that
I li rold gt-rnm are usually tranainlt-
tod tluotiiih direct or Indirect con
tact, or throuuh vneesing or rough
Insr In another's fae. It aeem to
ma that lha former muat be the
mora rommoii form ef trananilaslon
A man with n cold hn touched hi
noae or mouth with Ida hand. II
then WMlka throiiah a etreet ear,
idneiiiEr In hand on the bnrk of
aeiiu to ateady hlmelf. Another
man follow him, handling the
noma sent back, then unnonnelon.
ly ruha hi noan. or mouth and be
enme Infected.
"If this I th prevailing mode of
word ! infection, la It not much mora Im
portant to warn people to Kerp nnmi
away from noae and mouth n far a
pomihle than to advie them to keep
out of crowded car, which form of
In from the: nrophyliixm l uvaiiaDie oniy lor tne
liunloned. the, ruriunato lew?
"liuNlneaa house anould aiho warn
olllee emidoveM aRiilnat llcklnir tlnR
era In turning over pages or, better,
forbid it."
And Tiiko Them Alontr.
K. V. H. write: "t like to take
w ilk about alx or eleht mile lonir.
but my folk object to if. Haying It
ia too tlreHome. I mil IS year old
Do you think tr mileg too much?"
Kcorli-t Kever In Milk.
A. A. wrltea: "Could certified milk
eniiHo nearlet fever or diphtheria?
The milk la from tuberculin tetited
Ye. This accident happen, but
not often.
You Arc Mistaken.
Mins M. A. write: "1. Am I mis
taken In my belief of having once
read In your medical column that un
cooked vegetables can cause cancer
of the Htomaeh? I wu told lately
that eating fat or greaay food in
nny form can cause cancer of the
"2. Is this true?"
1. You are.
2. No.
In Nebraska Towns
Nebraska City Press.
J. II. Sweet. The three issues are economic
administration to the end that duplications may
be eliminated, lower taxes consistent with proper-
government, practical training of the boys
and girls of Nebraska in high schools and col
leges. Taxes cannot be lowered until the
champagne taste of the public has been eliminat-
Vocational training is possible. Co-ordina
tion of state-departments is imperative.
Grand Island Independent'.
A.' F. Buechlcr. The state needs first of all
reduction of state government expenses and
thereby a reduction in taxes; secondly, a thor-
URh revision of its revenue law with reference
to personal property, inclusive of an income tax;
for much the same reason, the conservation of
11 natural resources along safely progressive
In This Changing World.
Turning aside from other attractions in the
nation's capital, a group of devoted women
massed in front of the residence of Woodrow
Wilson and cheered loud and long for him". This
recalls that five years ago women just as en
thusiastic and devoted were being sent to jail in
Washington for stopping in front of the resi
dence of Woodrow Wilson. They were not
cheering for him then. ,
A dispatch from Washington tells of the hold
ing of a reception for delegates from Nebraska
to the suffragists' gathering at the office of the
democratic senator from this state; who extended
hospitality after his well known gracious fashion.
Nothing could be nicer, and we trust no thought
less person was unkind enough to mar the seren
ity of the afternoon by reminding the ladies that
on three separate occasions the democratic sen
ator from Nebraska, by his single vote, defeated
the resolution that would have submitted the suf
frage amendment to the vote of the states for
ratification. ' " ,,
Time does "bring changes; asperities soften
with the passing of the days, and maybe it is as
well to let bygones be bygones. But it does
look as if the women had mighty convenient
memories in this matter.
Scottsbluff News, i
George Grimes. First, reduction of the tax
urden; second, decentralization of government;
third, enlargement and more intelligent support
of the state university. Reduction of the tax
burden can be accomplished by a careful prun
ing of expenses in state, county and city, to elim
inate the tinessentials without cutting the essen
tials. Make the state treasurer a budget direc
tor with power to insist upon cutting-down pad
ded payrolls and expense items. Divorce the
state from following every "fifty-fifty" proposal
by the federal government and give back to the
people iti their own cities and counties the
largest possible voice in their government. The
university has to battle at every legislature for
sufficient support to keep it in the front rank of
colleges. It is " time that a broad system of
financing the university be adopted, that will
give funds for the best professors, provide op
portunity for research and encourage the high
est scholarship. Nebraska will gain immeasur
ably through the promotion of culture and .high
er education and straighter thinking at Lincoln.
., , I,. H ; '. :
' Seward Blade.
E. E. Betzer. The main issue will be the
reduction of taxation.' The expenses of the
normal schools will be lowered. The economic
administration of state affairs will be a live
issue.- The efficiency of the code system, where
each, employe gives his full time to his work,
will be commended.
An Omaha man reports having spent 100,-
000,000 roubles in getting his wife and famfy
but of Russia. Sounds big, until you recall
that one day last week -roubles were selling in
Moscow at 4,000,000 for a dollar.
Congress appears to be moving toward the
purchase of the Cape Cod canal; this is all right,
but let's dig the next one the St. Lawrence
The press must help the world, savs Lady
Astor. Yet all that a newspaper can do is to
present the news the people must help them
selves. "
You may have noted that the reds did not
issue any manifestos this year in America for
Mayl. ,
What Ireland needs is another St.
to send the gun-men after the snakes.
This May day; how about moving?
. Falls City Journal.
The three major issues should be the modi
fication of the code law to prevent duplication
of state offices, reduction of taxation and strict
adherence to the Volstead law. Congressional
candidates should be forced to come out into
the open and state their stand on the question of
light wines, and beer before being given con
? St Paul Phonograph.
J. F. Webster. The three principal issues
should be: First, economy in public affairs;
second, honest men for public office who will
give their time and attention to the end that
taxes be reduced, who will remain at home and
give their personal supervision to their public
job; third, elimination of all surplus boards,
bureaus, commissions and extra help.
Fairbury Journal.
W. F. Cramb: The principal issue of this
campaign will be taxes. All candidates will
agree to lower them thus resolving: the issue
into one of practicability. How? We suggest:
First, sweeping reduction in number of office
holders, from stallion to butter inspectors, from
smellers of hotel bed sheets to graduate examin
ers of back molars. Then a vacation in the
road building program, lasting long enough to
let the people get their breath from the heavy
exertions of finding the money to pay for what
we already have contracted. Again to take
the schools out of the hands of the professional
school men. and put their control back into the
hands of the people. The schools are heavily
loaded with a jumble of schemes which have no
relation whatever to training the minds of bur
youth to think. Sweep these fads to the rub
bish heap, simplify the schools, let the people
run them, and cut taxes in one-half.
Tho Public Service club of Broken
Row ia proving ilself more than a
local service club. Callaway and
Comstock Commercial clubs have
partaken of the hospitality of the
county seat club and the meetings
are developing a friendly spirit be
tween the towns.
Musicians of Richardson county
plan to organize "one big band."
They estimate 200 musicians can be
obtained for this organization and
concerts will be given in Falls City,
Humboldt and other towns. The
success of tri-city band concerts last
summer was largely responsible for
the movement.
Editor Brown of tho Friend Sen
tinel .looks wis disfavor on the suits
wornljv the high school track team.
He discourses on the suits as fol
lows: "Talk about a nickle's worth
of ribbon making a young lady s
hafhine suit: why. a nickle's worth
of very thin cheesecloth will make
uniforms for the entire high school
track team these days.
Western, in Saline county, has re
vived the old-fashioned spelling tee,
First the business men of Hie city
were uitted against the high school.
Now tho various districts are hold
ing contests.
An ambitious group of young peo
pie at Kearney are laying the founda
tion for a permanent Jjittie ineaier,
The proceeds from plays given this
winter are placed in a panic to Duna
un until their Ideal is accompnsnea
Everv month the players stage a
conscientious- dramatic work.
Clav Center introduced a novel
method of choosing partners as a
recent dance. Every woman present
removed one shoe and threw it on
a pile in the middle ot the floor.
From the mass of shoes each man
selected one and found his Cinder
ella and partner for the next dance
by fitting her foot.
. ITaV f
Gravel surfacing of the Lincoln
Highway near Kearney is being
pushed at top speed. thicks anu
wagons are Kept Duay a nours a
day hauling gravel from a pit near
Elm Creek. - A big dredge is used
and federal supervisors are loud in
praise of the quality ol tne gravei.
iA voiine Nebraskan, Lawrence E.
Reed of Falls City, created a sensa
tion recently in Evanston, HI. ' He
arranged a -window display carved
from wood of an old Kentucky
colonel seated in an easy chair. He
was puffing away at a pipe and every
few minutes would raise his head
and blpw out a puff of perfumed
smoke. . ,
"Golf widows" at ' O'Neill are
being given consideration this year.
A telephone has been installed; -at
the course to permit the "widows
to check up on the whereabouts of
their husbands. In addition, ar
rangements have been made to nave
a loud steam whistle blown at 6
p. m.
A "dead language" recently cre
ated great excitement at Urana
Island. At the request of the forest
ranger at Halsey, the Chamber of
Commerce posted a sign with these
words from bygone days, "40 Men
Wanted." Out of 19 lodgers at thr
citv iail only four would consider
working and they "thought" they
would look for it. The next day a
new plan was adopted. The lodg
ers were given a breakfast of sand
wiches and coffee. Out of 43 un
employed 25 accepted work when
approached on a full stomach.
Who Getn the Money?
Washta, la., April 28. To the Edi
tor of The Bee: In your issue of the
27th appears an editorial, "Itemizing
the H. C. W in which Senator
Capper Is credited with the state
ment made to the National League
of Women Voters that "The farmer
receives only 30 cents of the con
sumer's dollar." I have been try
in for some time to learn where
these saviors of the poor people get
these statistics, but am unable to
find any reliable co-operation. Be
low I give some Items showing the
fallnev of this rot. In 1914 the Kan
sas farmer received 75 per cent of
the cost of wheat delivered at Llv-
eroool. See house document bj.
Conor. No. 1271.
In 1904 the farmer received 66
oer cent: 1910, 73.7 per cent: 1911
73 per cent of the price the con
sumer naid for butter. . See U. S,
Dept. of Labor, bulletin No. 164.
An investigation made In Wiscon
sin showed the farmer received 67.7
per cent of the consumer's dollar for
butter. See Bulletin No. 270, Agri
culture Experiment station, Uni'
versitv of Wisconsin. 1916.
A survey of 30 citrus fruit markets.
5,485 reports, showed the grower got
26.7 per cent ot tne price paia Dy tne
consumer. For the 1917 crop of Cal
ifornia raisins tho grower received
61.2 per cent of the consumer's dol
lar, and for the 1918 crop of a!
monds tho grower received 53 per
cent of the consumer s dollar.
For the following, see Agricultural
Economics, by J. E. Boyle, pp. 144
147. Six thousand California peach
growers received for the 1916 crop
77 per cent and for the 1917 crop
80.3 per cent or tne consumer s aoi-
lar. For cattle the farmer received
60.5 tier cent and for hogs 60.2 per
cent of the consumer s aouar. &gsa
from the Iowa farmer to New Yorlc
consumer, 60 per cent, m xauo tne
United States Buriau of Statistics
showed the farmer in Kansas re
ceived a trifle more than 67 per cent
for his wheat of the price the con
scumer paid ,for the flour. See Bul
letin No. 130.
All these figures may be subject
to revision at this time on account
of increased labor and freight costs.
The statement is frequently made
that the. American farmer receives
Nobody Can Tell When You
Darken Gray, Faded Hair
With Sage Tea.
If she does wear a purple hat, tan
shoes. Silver Laced Wyandotte stock
ings, salmon-red blouse, an old rose
tie. white gloves and chocolate
skirt, has her hair bolihed, paints
her cheeks and uses lip and eye
sticks, she makes a better appear
ance on the street than do the mem
bers of a young men's track team
with practically nothing on. Friend
Sentinel. '
Grandmother kept her hair beauti
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sul
phuc Whenever her hair took on
that dull, faded or streaked appear
ance, this simple mixture was ap
plied, with wonderful. By asking at
any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound," you will
get a large bottle of this old-time
recipe, improved by the addition of
other ingredients, all ready to use, at
very little cost. This simple mixture
can be depended upon to restore
natural color and beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage
and Culphur Compound now be
cause it darkens so naturally and
evenly that nobody can tell it has
bceen applied it's so easy to use, too.
You simply dampen a 'comb or soft
brush and draw it through the hair,
taking one strand at a time. By
morning the gray hair disappears;
after another application or two, it
is restored to its natural color and
looks glossy, soft and beautiful.
31 -r rent vt lite funaumer' dol.
I Ur, wlilltf ilia Ianih farmer i. eur
ye per vtnt. .Ni'i" Una finm ona or
lha Urnrat llilliorlrra of IKtutatt but.
Irf in UiMduit; ' It ia "M in Mily
lha aiiiiu manner m whirli iniu'li id
Anit-t u-40 produce U "ld. t, v., il la
arid in ba (Initial! aluppaiV am lit,
hn ttigrtfrs einiinii.i ut 3 per
rent u 3 r rl" "' I"" 'ilna
of Ot an ma, after Hbltll the whole.
aabr t'lialgea Wlia( tu ronMdera M
fair working pruni. and It la hit
tlira lit tha rel.Uler Id mk h
pn.a aa rnulilra him to iy hi
eieitkrs and leave linn hia uaual
inamln of profit. Th overhead
linuaa of III retailer a Ion vary from
il ii i per tent, aecutdina; to ill
amount of Ireda he Uw. and after
ealiuUHlia' nuih ovtrhaad ukpenata
he naturally Ime lo mil on a further
inn 1 1 peivcniase for iima.lf, We
think Hie Aniorlcan aliippeie get
nim ii mora of the voiiaumf ra doll tr
I Han tha UauUh or any oilier Ku
ropean producer, hue. icetierilly
apeaklng. you can reckon that the
KtiKllah relnller can look after hia
own end of Hie bualnesa. In reisid
to ih prortt he niakea."
I ahould tike fr Hanntor Capper
or any oiher apoatlee of the New
Dhv aubimt lliurea from un unblaaed
and authoritative source In aupport of
l heir siiiU'inrnti In thla matter. I
maintain that the only object In
spreading propatiundu of thla kind
la to arr.iy tha farmer aaulnut the
buaineaa man and make him believe
Unit he la balim robl.rd and gnuned.
If you or any of your render nt
omethlnif Interesting In this con
ne el ion j aumieat you am-tire the re
port ot the senate committee which
conducted an tnvvatisallen of
-M.iri.llal.l roiiimlitae of lha liram
irtlfi' National aaattt-ialion, and
ait 4 air rul readme lo ih teti
loony ( A. Iteynulda, Cr
fuldoUl!. I ud.
m-i lo Work, ami aMrl.
;,mi.I uiiniil.ina kind no pertpiia
lion Hi, lunula tilobe-lHimocrat.
A.k laik He Know a.
I''l haa ai'dulrvd arifiule. Cleo
patra, ou are iIipi! -Life.
tj fevanfM
laaaikf aiaa.
fka fm
i raa Jwa
mm UI, ar MtAo M
Aaa lar Wi X aw
waa I mma aaa rat
aiw awtar.
g&j JetterBercnseCb.
Sett Jsyan inCmtM
0 I 30tht-Y8tmu
1 .
in operation April 30, via
flicsji 5ateRoad
. Jackawanna.r.r.
"CHICAGO, 2.40 P.M.
La Salic Street Station
ylrriVe NEW YORK CITY, 7.30 P. M.
Additional Trains Leave Chicago
No. 2 at 10.35 A. M. ' No. 6 at 9.00 P. M.
Through Drawing Room, Sleeping Cars and Coaches
- . Parlor Car and Dining Car Service
Low Fares
from Chicago
to Cleveland. $11.28
Erie. Pa., $14.45
Buffalo. $17.31
New York, $30.70
FVirlifr C NlCKKL PLATtS SERVICE appalli to critical thlppmi. Th.
I C1KI1C iJCTVlCC ikily .vrig numtor of mil, of nth nf in noreifMilt fia
Um niuol Flit. Koad 1. snater than that of uy oUmt rooU MTving th. mom Iwrltorjr.
For fiiU information ca on or madron
218 Railway Exchange Bldg. Kaniaa City, Ma.
7 tfJW
i7;M"M boiling sprinirs h..v t. cuig amid
"i gorgeous iVT88' th'r basins ar.-.!
"H. . "e Pgantic flowera. "'BU
rSJSflS or
Tl. " T" "na co,red like . m:!"
e route by which ' 9Ky'
Really all of & TrccM ?ee Pr
a the WestYlSion
vuuu wircle Tour
For the Price at .
Fares Ca.a.t L ' den or PoM
lor Free H . "
For information ark
Union Station, Consolidated Ticket OKcc,
1416 Dodge St, Phone Douglas 16(4
A. K. Curtt, City Parr. Acent, U. P. Syrian,
1416 Dodge St, Omaha, Phona Dougalr 4000
ar e-r
1 1
! I
j 1