Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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    1Z A
Tim nr.K! omaha. sunday. Ami. so. im:.
Sheriffs Slain
Attempting Raid
in Illinois Town
23 Grrrl Sfrtion HtmU, Or
tic ml to Lrave FlooJSlrici.
en HrrJlown, Held
for Crime.
Prtrditown, lit, April 39, (By A.
I' ) Out o( Hit crrmrii flood in it
Im. tory into the center of Hit great
r.t iliDoiiiif nflfray it Im ever e
iwiiriitrJ. il city of Drarjkiown
mi tl'f ilUte ef frflfrtfW. p
r.icd by ih fvkollrn Illinois nvr,
wi re joinra at i)DrraK loaav in
tlrmpt to enact )uiue for ih kill
im at I rtJrrii k lat night c( Sherifl
I'.iU.rd l.ahhrook an4 D'pulie
Carl NelT ana Frank Uter ol bcbny
let county.
Drpiity Kelly, the only aurvivor
among the lonnty lorcet, expiamea
ihn morning that the ledkm hand
inittook the ce eflorti ot the iher
ill's men hen the Utter approached
the box car aeltlctnent and opened
lire under tht misapprehension that
Ihrr rre bencgeU,
Kif-rafl element of the levee dil
trict objected to the pretence of the
foreigner in the community ana baa
inoleotrd the worker constantly iiitce
their arrival a few day ao, hraing
and bantering them at they orkca
Storu of the sliooiinif at I-red-
trick and the subsequent arret of 2d
tircrlc section hand, charged wiln
the killing. a they jumped irom the
Clinago, isurlitiKton & Uuincy tram
a it pulled into Bcardsiown, equal
the wililot fiction.
Tliene Greek, who three week
ago, when the flood was at it crest,
were ordered out of Hcardstown,
were eharced with nightly trouble
nukintr at Frederick, where they
were repairing .tracks damaged by
flood water. Sheriff Lashbrook wim
three deputiei approached the
Greeks' box car home Iat night to
arrest them. A volley rang out i
the quartet iteppcq on me aiauon
platform, three of the tour ten.
Drnutv J. M. Kelly jumped to afety
behind the station. From that poinr.
be says, be saw the Creeks rush to a
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy pas
senger train which had just pulled
into the station as the shooting
- erased. Others ran in the opposite
Across the river Chief of Tolice
Robert Tatterson and four police
men waited for the train, sensing
the trouble. The Creeks literally.
jumped into their arms. Four of
them made a wild effort to escape.
They plunged waist deep into the
water in Beardstown's streets.
. Chief Patterson headed the 28
captured toward the city jail.
Guard about the place were
quadrupled and every precaution was
taken to prevent possible violence.
In Frederick, meanwhile, Schuyler
county authorities were working fast.
' torney Morning- arrived from Rush
ville and an inquest was begun.
Deputy .Kelly asked that the in
quest be postponed in order that he
might turp all his energy to getting
the men still at large. His request
was granted and the hearing post
poned until 9 o'clock at Rushville.
He headed the posse, which killed
one man outside Frederick at 2:30
a. m. Another was arrested at
Browning, five miles up the river.
He had walked the distance and was
caught while attempting to board a
train. Cartridges and a razor were
found jn his pockets.
Preparations were made at Rush
ville at the same time for the recep
tion of the 28 prisoners held at
Jacqueline Le Baudy
Denies Wedding Report
Mine in West Virginia
' Wrecked ly Explosion
'Charleston, S. C, April 29.
Property damage estimated at $125,
000 was caused and the mine of the
Stuart Collieries company at Sum
mcrlce. Fayette county, was wrecked
yesterday by an explosion of undeter
mined origin, according to reports to
the state department of mines. The
reports said there were no injuries.
The explosion shook the hills and
broke windows for miles around, re
ports said. It occurred 20 minutes
after 15 workmen had quit work for
the day. Mine officials denied ru-
. mors that two men were imprisoned
by the blast.
John Mallawone, superintendent of
the Summerlee . mine, 'scouted the
.Mieory that the explosion was oth
er than an accident.
Chicago Taxicabs to Be
Distributed by Radio
Chicago, April 29. Distribution of
taxicabs whero the calls are the heav
iest will be made by radio, according
to the announcement of a Chicago
taxicab company. Contracts for the
installation of radiophone . transmis
sion plants at the company garages
and in the 25 cabs used by traffic
superintendents will be let today. .
The system will enable the central
office to keep the cars moving where
iliey are needed. ' to notify drivers
when trains are' late and to improve
the efficiency of the service in gen
eral. ' It is predicted that radio serv
ice will increase the efficiency 10 to
40 per cent and can do away with
the idle time on the stands.
Truce Agreed Upon Between
Paper Firms and Workers
New York, April 29. Under a
truce agreed upon by manufacturers
and delegates of the International
Brotherhood of Paper Makers, union
ized newsprint paper mills of he
-United States and Canada will con
tinue in operation for another two
In the interim 60.000 labor men
will vote whether to accept the terms
laid before them or reject them and
strike. It is expected the vote will
be completed by May 10, when dele
gates and manufacturers will meet in
New York to survey the result.
Wife Implicates Auto Thief
Suspect in K. C. Murders
Kansas City. Mo., April, 29. Rob
ert Carroll, arrested here today on a
charge of having stolen an automo-!
bile, was implicated in the murders J
here some time ago of a Florence !
Barton, society girl, and C. V. Dodge. I
financier, according to a statement
"which the police said was made to
them last night by his wife.
The police said they place little
credence jn the statement, but that
they were investigating.
,.M1I Wi , I I I. l , -
m t 1.
Jacqueline LeBaudy, left, and Her Mother.
Boys Admit Hides
in Taken'
Taken1 Autos
Attorney Olijrrti to Term
$luli n Cur' V.pc Taken
Vmler Aduxfiiifiit.
' William GiiHn. California
treei; Joeph Natty, 2.MJ WebMei
itrert, and Joicph Dalial, 2M5 Cat
street, three JS-yrar-otd vouth
charged with joyriding in stolen au
tomobile, appeared before Judgt
Gi Seara in Juvenile court yeterday
Cullin and Xalty admitted rM'n?
on different orcaiun with Kay
Amarine ami Jame Dunn, now u.i
der bond to the dittricl court, in
ear which they knew bad been
taken without the owner' consent,
Dallul said that be rdc with Ama
rine only once and that lie did tt'4
know the car had been stolen. He
wa discharged.
The cae againkt the other two
'boj Mkrn wilder advUeinrii!
an. l,r Im pnUird 10 report pe
4tuid4y f -r ftntriue.
Aituniry I. J Duiiu obieiird
He tfiHi tulcn autoiiiobile" ur4
in li;ijjiii, fouiending thai
,niiiniL!.ilc Mken dr Joyriding
wet itirrriy "uiiia lully ukrn
I lie oujecttonahle worut were
tiru'ken out and tht other tubkti
Grand Jury to Probe
Activities of K. K. K.
Lo Angele. April 29.--A grand
jury will be impanelled today
bv lot Anurle eountv sunerior
court tvi iuvctititato activitie of the
. i'i i i
Tin n announced by Preslillug
Judiie I' rank K, Willi, following
a nicetinir of 1.' of the 2i superior
court judges.
"Ihe presrnt emergency, eauied
judKe iviin ai'i, was uie oie rea-
ton tor caiiuiir tne jury.
Mineola. N. Y.. April 29. Jacnue-
line LeBaudy, whoe marriage to Koy
Ilarrn. in Pan, was announced m
New York in January by Kmett S,
Suffern. an ailminilrator of the e-
tate ol her father. Jacuue Lellaudv.
emperor of ahara. denied the wen.
ding in a letter that Harry Mioki,
butler in the I.elUmly home at
Joffre Praises
Spirit of America
French Hero Says Heart of
rsatioii. Once Won, Is
Never Lost.
New York, April 29. Marhal
Joffre passed his last full day in New
York quietly, with only one or two
short trips troin-lus room, lint as
the day closed he issued a state
ment addressed to the people of the
United Mates.
I had indeed retained an inef
faceable remembrance of my stay in
America in 1917, but the indications
of sympathy and friendship which
have again come to me, have proven
that the heart of America, once won,
is never lost.
"I carrV away with me the con
clusive proofs of the faithfulness of
the American people and their friend
ships. But I cannot take for try
own all the friendships that have
been mine, for the greater part of
them. I consider, were meant for my
country. Cut I like to see m these
the evidence and the promise that
the feeling of affection of your great
country for mine is not in danger of
Today noon the marshal was to
sail for home on the White Star liner
Celtic. ' He will stop at Liverpool a
few days, spend one day in London,
and. then cross the channel to France.
oreign Legations Warn
Against Fighting in Peking
Pckin, April 29. The foreien lega
tions yesterday sent the Chinese gov
ernment a joint warning against pos
sible fighting in Pekin between the
troops' of Gen. Chang Tso-Lin, gov
ernor of Manchuria, and Gen. Wu
Pei Fu, commander of the forces in
centraf China,
The warning said the powers re
cognized the gravity of the military
movement in the vicinity of Pekin.
It called attention to the severe con
sequences that might develop should j
any bombardment. o the dropping
of bombs from airplanes damage
property or endanger the lives ot
nationals of the various governments.
The Chinese government was re
minded of penalties that had been
imposed upon it in the past. . i
. Lenine Resting Easy j
Moscow, April 29. (By A. P.) I
Premier Lenine is sleeping well and
is not suffering any pain as a result
of the removal of a bullet" from his
de a few days ago by Dr. Bur-
chardt, a German surgeon, who was
assisted by several Russians, includ-
g Lommissar Semashko and Dr.
Rosanoff. A. bulletin issued Thurs
day states that the wound is mending
icely. ' ' '
Jamaica, laid lie bad received from
her today.
"1 want you to understand that 1
"That it only paper talk. If anybody
ak yon, jut ay 'It isn't true'."
Suli'crii explained today that hi
announcement of the marriage was
haM-d on cable advice received from
the young woman's attorney, but that
later information was that there bad
Icimi no marriage.
Jacques LclSaudy, whohe ecceii
triiitie gained hint much publicity,
ua hot and killed by hi wife at
their borne in WcMhury, I. I., in
January. IVIV. She was acquitted on
a pica of self-defense.
Corns in .
30 Seconds
Ak Your Friend They Know
ThouaanU of people hvt onlr themielvct
to bltme for corn agony, blood poiion.
etc. Trimming- and "treating," cutting knj
paring merely makes- bad matter or.
Million of others are wiser. They know
how easily and quickly "Gets-It" shrivrla
and peels corns and calluses off in one
piece. Get your money back if It falls.
Wear new shoes with comfort. Get a
bottle today. E. Lawrence & Co.. Mfr..
Chicago. Costa but a trifle everywhere.
Sweater Sale
Choice of sweaters formerly sold
at $2.95 and $3.95 for $1.95.
Choice of silk and all-wool sweat
ers formerly sold at $9.75 for
1 5 1 2 Douglas Street
The beverages now being made by The Jeltcr Beverage Com
pany are NEW beverages made by a new process and bottled
under tho old names. They are entirely different from our
products of a month ago. You will be sure to like them.
Pasteurization in the bottle makes for purity and health and
the certainty that tho beverage is wholesome and free from
injurious ingredients.
rhone your order to JAckson 42.1t or MArket 0900 for a
case of any of the following:, in splits or pints:
Ginger Ale
Root Beer
Lemon Soda
Chocolate Mint
Expert (Light)
Old Age (Dark)
For your health's sake-
Ak for Jfftter'a at tho Soda Fountain and Soft Drink Stand
. , i
Jetter Beverage Company
35 Year in Omaha
6002-16 South 30th Street .
To buy our regular 10c cut ' '
, of delicious HAISIN PIE for -5c
is today. This offer good.
WEEK OF APRIL 24th to 30th ONLY
All 6 WELCH Restaurants
Will Be Opened .
On May 1st, 1922, in Hotel Keen
Eighteenth and Harney Street
(Formerly known a the Pierce Cafe)
The policy of excellent service and an
unexcelled cuisine, which for several '
year made the Flatiron Cafe so popular,
will be continued at the Metropolitan,
and it will be a keen delight to wel
come, not only our former patrons,' but
all who relish good food carefully pre
pared and who desire to dine amid re
fined surroundings.
It is with sincere pleasure that we make
this announcement, as the enjoyment
of our patrons and guests has been up
permost in our mind, and we invite
your continued patronage.
x t i t . -
li A l i
1 .fM4
Because of our immense facilities, and through recent
innovations, we are enabled to announce
: f-K. aasasf Jrv
We are now Cleaning and V, kj j
Pressing Men's 2 or 3- W
Piece Suits for
All cleaning done by our most wonderful scientific process of
continuous clarification. .
TELEPHONES Omaha, ATlantic 0345
South Side
Market OOoO
Dyers Hatters Furriers Tailors Eug Cleaners Cold Storage for Furs
Main Office and Plant, 2211-13-1547 Farnam St, Omaha. Branch Offices : Dresher, the Tailor, 1515 Farnam St. ; 4325
South 24th St. ;Brandeis Store ;Bnrffess-Nash Co. '
We Pay Eetnra Charges on All Ont-of-Town Shipments.
K7 V7
. Beautify the Home for Cash
at Small. Costs
Week of Events in Homefurnishings
Congoleum Week Starts Monday
In Keeping With Our Policy of Always Selling for Less, We
j Are Offering ' Complete Selections of Congoleum Rugs, etc.
Extra Special!
The List Prices
The List Prices J
Buy Your Congoleum at Hayden's
Take 10 Off Gold Scat Take 10 Off I
Per Square
6x9 Rugs, each. . . .$ 7.45
714x9 Rugs, each..$ 9.30
9x9 Rugs, each. . . $11.15
9x1014 Rugs, each. $12.95
9x12 Rugs, each... $14.95
114x3 Mats, each... 39c
10 Off List Price Above
Per Square
Buy Furniture for Cash
at Astonishing Savings
This suit.e is finished in mahog
any, full spring edges to all three
pieces, seat cushions arc soft, spring
construction on all arms and spring
back. This value will be impossible
to duplicate again. '
$250 Walnut Suites
Eight pieces, beautiful Queen
Anne design. 60-inch Buffet, 54
inch Table, extends to 72 inches.
Chairs all upholstered in genuine
' (Overstuffed)
This suite is finished in mahog
any, full spring edge to all three
pieces. Seat cushions are soft
spring construction, soft Turkish
pillow arms and easy spring back.
$75 Breakfast Suites
"White and blue enamel Break
fast Sets four Windsor chairs
and one dropleaf table. Won
derfully finished and very attractive.
Unmatchable Values
$75.00 Mriogany. drr ff
Dressers Monday. . tPOOUU
$50.00 Walnut .
Dressers Monday. .
i !
Unmatchable Values
$10.00 Collapsible
Sulkies Monday. .
$7.50 Mahogany End
Brass Beds
$25 Simmons Brass Beds, $15.50.
These beds have 2-inch con'inu
ous posts and 1-inch filler rods.
Bedroom Suites
$175 Bed Room Suites, $112.00.
This suite consists o f four pieces,
dresser, toilet table," chifforette
and bed. Pieces can be pur
chased separately.
In Monday's Sale
LOT l-
$2.25 Pair
Consisting of Nottingham lace in
white, ivory and beige. Some with
lace edges.
LOT 2-
$3.50 Pair
Consisting of Filet Net, lace edge,
in all the newest designs, in ivory,
beige and white.
Third Floor
! I
In Monday's Sale
$1.50 Pair
Consisting of shadow effects in
a large assortment of patterns.
Ivory, white and beige.
LOT 4-
$5.50 Pair
Consisting of the very' finest
Filet lace, ail finished with dainty
iace edgings.
Third Floor