Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 51-NO. 271.
mm M I CUM MtMm Hw It. MM.
ft II aMll Mi
) S ti.1
a t w
2 Die as Car
Turtles on
Bluffs Road
of France
Former First Citizen of ... 11 A Loan to
The Genoa Conference
French Republic Is ."tffiffi Offered
uuuu u uuulitjuuuu uiruua
l"Wit. Jl I
Tenth President oft
French RrpuMio ruliiicul
Triumph Caused Krtirr
nif nt of Clrmeiircau.
In Public Life 45 Years
Paris. April 21 (By A. P.)-Pul i
Deschanel. former president of
France, died this afternoon. i
M. DcHhanrl a 14km ill witln
iiifhifn4 a iw )a ago and on
Wednesday n wan annuuncrd tht
(duplication had tlrvf lopfd and hit
tonuition was serious.
After liis reaicnation rum the
French presidency, in September,
IV20. M. litichanrl lived in retire
ii'mt fur several month. con
dition improved steadily and late that
year it uas announced he had com
fctctcly recovered hi hcalih. In Janu
ary ot uh year lie became a cantli
time in the senatorial election, being
teturned lor hurc-l-.t-Loire on Janu
ary 9. He It wan attending the fn
ate session the following May, and in
January of this tear was aoouinted a
member of the senile foreign affairs
committee to replace M. i'oincare
when the latter assumed the premier
: Fad Eugene Louis Deschanel. 10th
pretident of Trance, entered upon a
(.even-year term in that office oil
February 18, 19J0, after having been
chosen hy the national assemMy
the preceding January by the biggest
majority since the election of Thiers,
the first president of the present re
public. Statesman and author and
one of the most brilliant public
speakers in France, M. Dcschanel's
political triumph marked the retire
ment from public life of former Pre
mier Georges Clcmeuceau.
Forty-five Yean In Public Life.
For nearly 45 years M. Deschanel
had been in French public life, lie
was president of the chmabcriof de
puties when elected to the pighest
post as first citizen of France. Prev
iously he had been head of the
French parliamentary commission on
foreign and colonial affairs. In a
speech at Paris the first year of the
war, be declared there could be"no
neutrals when civilization itself is at
stake." Among his first acts upon
assuming the presidency were his
signing of a decree naming commis
sioners to study French living costs
and another barring alcoholic drinks
from F.lysce palace.
Deschanel wasborn in 1857 in
pnTsseTr-wh ci,y " ather
went after being exiled from France
In -1851 for : havW published . a
pamphlet entitled "Catholicism and
Socialism.". When . he was 2 years
old, the boy returned, to France with
his father, who was pardoned by an
Tt of amnesty,' following a recanta
tion of his views.
. Educated in Brussels. ;
The vountr man was educated in
Pans and wren only iu years oia ne
entered the public service, becoming
secretary to M. de Marcere. then
minister of the, interior. He became
secretary to Jules "Simon, president
of 'the-council.-, the following year,
and served until 1885. when he was
elected member of the chamber of
deputies from the department of
Eure-et-Loire. In 1896 he was named
vice president of that body and two
years later was elected president, a
position he held until 1902. when he
was defeated for re-election.
M: Deschanel was later appointed
president of the parliamentary com
mission on foreign affairs and col
onies, his work in that body continu
ing until 1909. In April, 1910. M.
Deschanel returned to the chamber,
becoming its president in 1912. He
remained in the chair continuously
until liis election to the presidency.
In 1913 he was urged to become a
-jnHMato nr nrrsident against Ray
mond Poincare, but polled only 18
votes, at the election. In the midst
of his political and public labors M.,
Deschanel found time to write a
number . of works on political and
social problems. , " I j
Mme. Deschanel was formerly
Mile. Germaine Brice, daughter of
Rene Brice, member of the chamber
of deputies for Ille-et-Vilame. ; ;
Work Appeals to Public
to Better Postal Service
Washington, April 28. A message
to American public, asking co-operation
in the postqffice departments
efforts toward perfecting the postal
service was delivered by Postmaster
General Work and broadcast by radio
Describing the postal service as
one of the great undertakings of the
business world which has not been
developed by private enterprise. Dr.
Work detlared its purpose was
"nothing more than to serve the peo
ple in an intimate way in their daily
contact with their fellowmen."
Calling attention to "postal im
provement week" beginning May 1,
the postmaster general said the pub
lic's assistance was essential to suc
cess, and urged that mail matter be
plainly and correctly addressed.
Four Jurors Selected
in Trial of Gov. Small
By The Anorlatrd run.
Waukegan, 111., April 26. Trial of
Governor Len Small.' charged with
conspiracy to embezzle state funds,
ended the first week tonight with
four jurors selected and sworn and
lawyers still trying to fill the second
So far as actual results go, the
trial is no further along tonight,
when adjournment was taken for
the week end, than it was 48 hours
ago. but the lawyers and Judge i
Claire C Edwards still believehe
f;nal jurors can be found by Tues
day night. - .
Governor Small and his attorneys
left Waukegan immediately after the
adjournment to spend the week end
in Chicago or at their homes. . j
A. '
mi in , ir ...
sr..-its .- ' k . sj
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V-A"' 1
I A I' tJ - f.
. a i 1
"aul Ecsckanel,
Miss Ella Fenn Leads Bee Contest
Union Pacific Candidate, Nellie Donn, Is Close
Second With 2,655 Seven Entrants Qualify
for Peters Trust Bonus.
Standing of Omaha Bee
Miss Ella 'Fenn, McCord-Brady Co..... 2.805
Miss Xcllie B. Donn. Union Pacific
Miss Kathrine O'Brien, Turlington Route
Miss Anna McXamara, M. E, Smith Co,!...
Miss Elizabeth Kaufmann, Livestock Interest
Miss Elizabeth Face, Gminell College
Miss Ester Brandcs, Hastings, Neb
Miss Myrtle Wood, Wabash. Neb....
Mrs. Agnes Hall, Missouri Valley
Miss Gladys Hitchcock, York, Neb ....
Miss Lillian Schmidt, Harding Creamery
Miss Irene Rice, Alliance Times....
Miss Florence Compson, York, Neb.' '""".....
Miss Grace Trott, Lincoln, Neb..
Miss Anna Funk, Salon de Beaute, Fontencllc Hotel ..
Mrs. Paul Rigdon, Associate Western Union Employes
Miss Grace Endcrs,' Nebraska City, Neb.
Seven candidates participating in
the first day's balloting in the Oma
ha Bee Good Will contest qualified
for the bonus of 250 votes offered
for early voting by the Peters Trust
company. . , .
The funds donated by the Peters
Trust company took care of giving
250 votes to four of these and the
other bonuses were made possible by
funds in the hands of the commit
tee. Bonus Time Extended.
In order that all candidates may
have an opportunity to share in the
offer of 250 votes for early voting
thetdmmittee is able-to offer all out-of-the-city
candidates who purchase
drafts made out to W. Ward Clark,
treasurer, before the close of bank
ing hours Monday, like bonuses. AH
of the out-of-the-city candidates hav-
Grand Island Man May
File for U. S. Senator
Lincoln April 28. (Special.)
Frank Johnson, Grand Island, prob
ably will be the next candidate for
republican - nomination for United
States senator.-
T. W. Call, Alliance traveling man,
called at the office of D. M. Ams
berry, secretary of state, to get prop
er instructions on methods to be
pursued to put Johnson in as a can
didate. Call announced Johnson
would pay his filing fee at Grand
' Johnson is grand chancellor of the
United Commercial Travelers' asso
ciation and chairman of the legisla
tive committee of the Travelers Pro
tective association of Nebraska.
Candidates already in the field are:.
Congressman A. W. Jefferis, John O.
Yciser and R. B. Howell, with many
republicans urging Attorney General
Clarence A. Davis to file.
You have
until 9 o'clock
tonight to
get your
"Want" Ad
into The
Sunday Bee
17th and Farnara
AT Untie 1000
With Total of 2,806
Good Will Candidates.
. .100
..; 100
ing 1,000 votes in the mails post
marked. May 1 awarded a
bonus of 250 votes. ; ,
Many of the candidates who at
tended the meeting at Hotel Fon
tenelle Thursday were unable to
reach their homes before Friday
noon and the committee made this
offer to them, in order that they
might have equal chance with Oma
ha entrants. A
Workers for Miss O'Brien are
wearing sashes of red ribbon upon
which is printed "O'Brien for
France," in black; red and black be
ing the colors : of the ' Burlington.
Enterprising friends of Miss O'Brien
have also decorated the freight house
roof with a sign said to be the
largest ever made in Omaha. It
can be read easily eight blocks away.
(Turn to Pace Four, Column Three,)
Howatt Begins Serving
Sentence for Contempt
Pittsburgh, Kan., April 28. Alex
ander Howatt list night began serv
ing the one-year sentence meted out
to him through the contempt of -court
proceedings growing out of a strike
called at the Mackie Fuel company
mine in Crawford county in viola
tion of an injunction against the call
ing of strikes issued by Judge A. J.
Surran in the district court here. ' .
Park Home for Elk Sought
by Nebraska Game Warden
Lincoln, April 28. (Special.)
George Koester, state fish and game
warden, "wants some municipality
with a public park to adopt a wild
elk located, near Kilgore. Farmers
living in "the vicinity report an elk
is runing wild and causing no end
of trouble. C Koester will catch; the
animal if some one ' will take care
Of it. .... . .5" "
Three Children Burned A
to Death on Oregon Ranch
" Bend. Ore.. April 28. Three chil
dren, -Mildred and Ewce Bergstrom,
13 and . 10, and George Livesly, their
cousin. 4, were burned to- death to
day at the ranch home of W. L.'
Bergstrom near Deschutes in a fire
that started in an incubator. Berg
strom and his wife are in a hotel suf
fering from burns. ; '
Vigilance Committeeman,
Loses Auto During Meeting
-Lincoln, April 28. (Special.) The
Lincoln vigilance committee aug
mented by the presence of Chief of
Police Peter Johnston held a banquet
and studied ways and means to catch
auto thieves. After the meeting E.
V. Truman, a member of the com
mittee, discovered his motorcar had
been stolen
Allies VUwt for Russia Said
to Suggest International
Consortium to Finance
Germany to Be Included
Geona. April 28.-(By A. P.)
riam for Rutia' reconstruction
were being finally determined upon
today 1n the conference tub-committee
on Rusian affairs and the indi
cations were that a definite proposi
tion would be laid before the Ku
tiao delegation by the week-end with
the suggestion that the proposition
be either accepted or rejectd. with
out furthr discussion.
The Italian press today gives in
dication! of what the allied propos
als are:
First, it is asserted, no loan will
be offered to soviet Russia but will
be suggested that an international
consortium be formed to finance
trade with Russia through combina
tions of firms and individuals of the
various countries represented. Ger
many will be included in the consor
tium, it is declared, and provisions
made that the United States may
Colonisation of Russia.
This plan contemplates the eco
nomic colonization of Russia, with
guarantees that the autonomy and
s6vereignty of the soviet government
will not be infringed upon.
The division of trade will be ar
ranged in such a way that the
countries participating tp the con
sortium will have the opportunity of
dealing with the sections of Russia
situated nearest them. For example,
Great Britain would be given the op
portunity to trade with northern
Russia through Archangel and the
Baltic por(s, while the southern
countries would be given advantages
in the Black Sea ports.
While bending his main efforts to
ending the Russian deadlock, Mr.
Lloyd George is not neglecting his
plans for a nonaggression pact, and
several tentative outlines of such a
document have been drafted. One of
these would provide1 an international
military force to protect weaic na
tions from aggressive neighbors, .but
this is understood to have snuU
chance of adoption. .
Vice Premier Barthou, head of the
French delegation here, conversed at
length during last night over the
long distance telephone with Premier
Poincare in Paris. and as a result it
was stated this afternoon that the of
ficial, viewpoint of France with re
gard to the reply to Russia had been
harmonized, -t' ''
; Spiriot Conciliation.
The difficulty was said in confer
ence quarters to have arisen through
the growth here of a spirit of con
ciliation and co-operation which gov
ernment circles in Paris, despite con
stant informative messages, from
their representatives here, appear not
to have crasoed. v ' t ' r j
A feeling seems to pervade confer-,
ence circles generally that there is
wide recognition of the wisdom of
Establishing amicable and practicable
arrangements with both Russia and
Germany which would permit of the
restoration of those countries.
Many members of the French
delegation seem to be . convinced,
like Prime Minister Lloyd George
of England, that unless western Eu
rope co-operates with Russia and
Germany those nations, with their
overwhelming preponderance of pop
ulation, would be driven closer to
gether to the eventual detriment of
the. peace of Europe.,
' I : Beyond Bathou'a Power. '
French opinion at home is pointed
to as being influenced by numbers
of deputies who fought in the war
and who want full satisfaction for
France's terrible losses. They are
described as pushing Premier Poin
care to stand absolutely , firm, both
as regards German reparations and
Russian debts. -"It
is understood here also that the
French cabinet is being urged to in
sist upon the cancellation of the
Russo-German treaty. This is a task
beyond the powers of M. Barthou.
Even granting its possibility, his po
sition is said to be, that such a step,
in, -his belief, would only result in
forcing Germany and . Russia into
closer ties on the morrow.
Woman and Daughter Killed.
Boise, Idaho, April 28. Mrs. V.
H. Ode and her daughter. Verbena,
15, of Dixie, Idaho were ; instantly
killed last . night when . an. Oregon
Short Line train struck the buggy
in which they were riding at Notus.
The horse, they were ..driving es
caped unhurt.
"The Romance, of
a Million Dollars"
Dunbarton-Kent left his millions to his widow, in trust
for two handsome nephews and a niece; they were to
receive his fortune provided they committed no crime
during the period of trust and one of them had been
reared as a thief! Then began the mysterious robberies
of millionaire estates on Long Island, all committed with
' the daring and ingenuity of a master thief. Mrs. Dunbarton-Kent
lived in mometary fear of an unnamed
calamity. And into this sinister atmosphere Walks the
little French-Canadian war heroine, Marie Angouleme,
who has just escaped from the dread "woman in sables"
walks into adventure and romance.
And there you have just a hint of the thrills in' store for
you in "The Romance of a Million Dollars," the sen-,
aational new Blue Ribbon Serial by Elizabeth- De jeans,
which starts next Sunday in I
The Sunday Bee
I A""
Outside view.
I 1 ' Wxy? TNw somj c"-Meics$vnAL W
12,000 Cut Off
by Flood Waters
in Mississippi
Tract 35 Miles Long and 50
Miles Wide Inundated
Large Area in Louisiana
Also Submerged.
Vicksburg, - Miss., April 28.
Twelve thousand persona are report
ed to have been cut off in the north
ern and eastern sections of Issa
4uenna county by backwater from
break in the Mississippi river levee.
Five hundred persons are said to
have ' been caught in the town of
Valley Park by rising water. The
entire area in this section, covered
by water which came from a break
higher up the river, comprises a
tract 35 miles long and 50 miles
wide. Calls for help also have
reached Natchez, it was said, from
Clayton and Lake St. John, both in
Concordia Parish.
. Forced From Homes.
Alexandria, La., April 28. Six
thousand persons, forced to leave
their homes in Catahoula and Con
cordia parishes, Louisiana, by the
Mood waters of the Mississippi and
other rivers, .were concentrated to
day in the vicinity of Jena,' Sicily
island and Holloway, La., according
to the local Red Cross representa
tive, i
Thousands of Acres Flooded.
New Orleans, La., April 28. With
two great sections of Louisiana farm
lands already inundated . by flood
waters from two breaks in the Mis
sissippi river levee in the - last 48
hours, the torrent is threatening to
break through at other points in the
lower and middle reaches of the river.
The levee , near Arkansas' City. Ark.,
and at P-laqucmine, La., were the two
points where trouble was most feared
by levee engineers.
Additional forces of laborers were
put to work also on levees near Hick
man, Ky and Greenville, Miss.
Flood water? " escaping from the
second break in the levee yesterday at
I'oydras, 17 miles, below New .Or
leans, today had flooded more than
75,000 acres of sugar and trucking
lands in St. Bernard and Plaquemine
parishes and driven out 350 families.
Further uo the river' waters rush-
jug through the first break north of
rernday,..-La., had engulfed Con
cordia parish and were threatening
more than half 'of Catahoula and a
large ;part- of three' other parishes.
The crevasse-has spread to a width
of more than 1.500 feet
or Europe's vital economic
NOT admitted!
Inside view.'
L P. A. Holds Annual
Meeting in Columbus
Columbus. Neb.. April 28. (Spe
cial Telegram.) With more than 200
Knights of the Grip, manufacturer!
and wholesale dealers from all parts
of the state in attendance, the 28th
annual convention of the Nebraska
division of the Travelers Protective
association opened here. Delegates
with their wives and visitors formed
iu line and, led by the Columbus
band, paraded to the hall.
The convention was called to order
hy H. M. Landreth of Fremont, pres
ident, of Post B. who turned the
chair, over to State President Earl O,
Eager of Lincoln. G. H. Gray, pres
ident of the Chamber of Commerce,
welcomed the travelers to the city.
President Eager responded in behalt
of the association.
The annual memorial services with
a memorial address by Rev. W. L.
Blaker. followed immediately after
the opening exercises.
VV. L. Gaston of Lincoln, assistant
secretary of tate, addressed the con
vention on "Patriotism." his address
being founded upon the observance
of the 100th annuversary of the birth
of General Grant. '
The travelers and their wives were
treated to a novel entertainment,
combining the features of a minstrel
show, given by the members of the
local Elks tonight.
Son of Brazilian'
Planter Is Missing
Los Angeles, April 28. Search for
Julio Paixao Cortes, son of a wealthy
coffee planter of Brazil, who was last
heard from 'in Salt Lake City Febru
ary 26. was turned to Los Angeles.
"Cortes, described as 24 years old,
tall, with- dark hair and complexion,
large eyes and acquiline nose, left
the home of Juan M. Frikhart of the
Colorado Agricultural college at Fort
Collins, Colo.. February 22. and four
days later mailed a postcard in Salt
Lake City. He was believed to be
ot. the way to Los Angeles. -
Attaches of the Brazilian embassy
at Washington are directing' the
search, aesisted by L. M. Hbeffler.
Brazilian vice consul at San Fran
cisco.'..-. - , - '
Cortes was said to have carried a
large amount of money and to have
worn a valuable ring set with a large
diamond and sapphires, indicative of
his graduation from the college or
Porto Alegre, Braail.
Petition for Niewedde
. ' .for State, Senator Is Filed'
Lincoln, April 28. (Special Tele
gram.) A petition asking C. F. B.
Niewedde to - become candidate for
state senator on the third party tick
et was filed,, here. Niewedde was, one
of the. Nonpartisan leaguers elected
to the lower house last year on the
republican ticket. He was active at
the annual convention -of the league
here in fighting the attempt of A. C.
Townley to divorce the league from
any political party. t
Government Inquiry Into
Teapot Dome Leases Likely
" Washington," April 28. Congres
sional investigation into the leasing
by the Interior department of oil
rights in the Teapot Dome (Wyo.
naval oil reserve to the Sinclair oil
interests today appeared in prospect
after a long attack in the senate on
the leases by Senator LaFollette, re
publican, Wisconsin, and announce
ments by republican leaders of sup
port for a resolution of inquiry.
4 Women Fined for Assault.
Green Bay, Wis., April 28.
Pleading guilty to charges of assault
and battery in municipal court
Thursdav, four women, alleged to
have attacked "Pat", Gaffney ,and
Carl Zoll, proprietors of a roadhouse,
Tuesday night, were each fined $100
and costs and put under $500 peace
bonds each for two years.
Bomb Kills Three
Nonunion Miners
in Pennsylvania
Infernal Machine Hurled Into
Bunk House Bloodshed in
Strike Clash at Sco
field, Utah.
Apollo, Pa.. April 28. Three
miners were killed and one seriously
injured when a bomb waa tbrcpm
early today into a bunk Jiouie at the
Patterson mine of the Kiski Coal
company near here.
"TJw'men, who had been employed
on a nonunion basis, were asleep in
the bunk house shortly after dawn,
when the explosion occurred.
Each of the dead men was mar
ried and their deaths leave fourteen
children fatherless.
The Patterson mine is in West
moreland county. I Before the strike,
it employed 75 men, its production,
being sent to a steel company here.'
Troops on Guard.
Salt Lake City. Utah. April 28.
National Guard troops were gent to
laroon county tnis morning as a re
sult of the situation which developed
at Scofield yesterday afternoon uu
less acting Governor H. E. Crockett
is advised before the time of entrap
ment that the situation at the coal
mines is different from what he un
derstands at prasei.t. This announce
ment was made by Governor Crockett
at 3 o'clock ths morning.
The first bloodshed of the present
coal . strike situation developed it
Scofield yesterday. Mine guards and
strikers clashed, many shots were
fired, and three men 'were wounded,
one perhaps fatally.
U. S. Marshal Wounded.
The wounded were: . - " -Sam
Dorrity. mint guard and for
merly chief deputv United States
marshal at Salt Lake, wounded in the
thigh. - ,
Fred Garvin, striker, lungs pierced
by bullet which entered from ' the
back. Believed to have small chance
for his life.
Mike Stabos or Mike Makesmrti
cos, striker, shot through the right
arm. . . '
, The wounded are in a hospital at
winter quarters, where they were
taken from the fracas between mini
guards and strikers Which occurred
near theJ5co6eld depot.
Anaconda Copper Company
Mine Will Reopen on May 1
Butte, Mont.. April 28. The Dia
mond mine, ai! Anaconda Copper
Minipg company property, will re
sume full operations next'. Monday,
W. B. Daly, general superintendent
ot the Anaconda company, announced
today. Two hundred men have been
employed at the mine, sometime and
400 more will go on shift May 1.
"This means that there will be ap
proximately 10,000 miners and mine
men employed by the various com
panies in this district on the first
of the month," said Mr. Daly. "This
will be the most since 1919."
The Weather
Saturday, cloudy; - not much
change in temperature.
Hourly Temperatures.
6 . m.
a. m.
S a. m.
B n. tn.
10 . m.
I ft. tn.
13 noon
1 Highest Friday.
f.'heynn 42!Rapltl City
Davrnport is; Halt Luke '
Denver MlSaiita Vt ,
lira Molnca 66 Shtrldan ..
I.nml.T 2Sloux City
North Platte ...64; Valentin .
Pueblo ,.J
. ,8
'.Marhine Tumi Otcr Three
I unci lurce jicii m
Hear Seat KCHjie
j Auto Wrecked at Curve
Two men lot their lives on South
tveitue in Council liluff at I o'clock
yettcrday when the sutonuthile in
which they were riding turned over
three timet.
Three other men riding in the ma
chine e (raped without a mtuUIi.
Fred W. Bass and William UUit
ford. Northwestern roundhouse m
ployes are the dead men. The car
wa owned and driven by tut.
Bess, Blackford and thrre com
panions were traveling north on
South avenue, near Woodbury sve-.
nuc. at the time of the crsth. At
this point South svenue takes a shoit
swing. In negotiating the curve Bass
permitted the left wheels to leave the
road and in jerkiirg the car hack into
the right of way again the left front
wheel was torn off by the rough edge
of the pavement.
The three men riding in the back
seat were thrown clear of the machine
as it turned over and thus escaped
injury. Bess and Blackford, riding
in the front seat, were pinned under
the car. ,
Testing Motor.
Ees was 37 and lived at 1014
Fourth street. He leaves a wife, but
no children. Blackford was 28 and
roomed at 601 Mynster street. He
had no relatives in Council Bluffs.
His mother, Mrs. Anna Blackford,
Marion. 111., has been notified.
The three nfen who escaped injury
were E. C Peterson. 343 Hyde ave
nue; A. II. Mattock, 716 South Sixth
street, and Jack Lake, 1000 Fourth
All but Bess were riding this morn
ing in Peterson's 'machine. As they ,
passed Bess' house he hailed them.
He said the motor in his bigger car.,
wasn't working right and he asked
them to go riding with him, while
Peterson, whtf is mechanic, might
investigate the motor.
They did. They drove to the end
of the pavement on South avenue,
near the Iowa School for the Deaf.
On the return trip Peterson got on
the running board to listen to tut
motor. . ..
Truck in Way.
As they came to the slight curve
by Woodbury avenue a Ford true'
loomed in the highway. Bess
turned the wheel to avoid crashing
iuto. the. truck,-. Peterson said, ami
then the'tfont-iakle-snapped as he
tried to turn the car back to the
The machine turned over thrice,
hurling the two men in the rear seat
and Peterson on the running board
clear of the wreck. The men in the
front seat were killed instantly.
Peterson said they were driving
"fast." How fast they were going
he said he did not know. .'
His Luck.
, Just before the fatal ride was
started Peterson picked a four-leafed
clover and stuck it in the buckle or
his overalls. He is the only mem
ber of the quintet who escaped with
out a scartch. y
- "Guess four-leafed clovers are
lucky, after all," h grunted.
Harness House Burns
With Loss of $25,000
, The Midwest Harness company
building, 706 North Sixteenth street,
was practically destroyed by fire at
1 yesterday afternoon. The estimat
ed damage is $25,000.
Great volumes of smoke pouring1
from the building caused residents
of second-floor rooming houses in
the neighborhood-to flee to the
streets. No one was hurt.
F. S. Wagner, Chatfiam hotel, and..
Julius S. Wolk, 2018 North Twenty
first street, first discovered the fire.
Charge Low Test Ice Cream i
Is Sold in Small Towns
Lincoln, April 28. (Special.) Ne
braska ire rrpam Hralprc hav annual.
- ...
ed to Attorney General Clarence A.
Davis tn fnrre nntstatp maniifartiirri
to comply with the 14 per cent but-
teriai requirements or tne Nebraska
ice xcream law.
Their complaint is. that certain out
state dealers are cpllinor 17 r n
butter fat ice cream cheaper than thex.
tan wanuiacture ine 11 per lent.
Davis has turned the matter ovr to
Leo Stuhr, secretary of agriculture,
with a request that outstate dealers
sruiltv of such he dealt with
according to law.
W. J. Hynes, Wealthy Grain
Man, Sued for Divorce
William J. Hynes, wealthy Omaha
grain man, was sued for divorce and
alimony in district' court yesterday
by Mrs. Margaret P. Hynes, promi
nent in social, club and musical cir
cles. Hynes is a member of Hynes
Elevator company and president of;
the Farmers Terminal Elevator com
pany. Airs. Hynes alleges cruelty
during the last four years. She asks
temporary alimony, attorney's fees
and court costs. .
uuuiuau uiuiuciuuuu y
Holds Session in Fremont
Fremont, Neb.. April .-(Special.)
The annual state Convention --r-of
the Lutheran Brotherhod of the
United Lutheran church met in Fre
mont. About 150 lay delegates from
the various Lutheran churches were
present. Rev. C E. Gardner of St.
Joseph gave the afternoon address
while J. F. Marlctte of Minneapolis
addressed the delegates at the ban- '
quet in Hotel Pathfinder, 1