Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Leader Honored
mtlAH 7sV 4a.1
Ulllt II TUltlS
Flood Takes Tourists' Home
'Howome-nf ' of Hitchcock
Leadership Puulfi Other
' Members of Ncbrk ,
Washiness rMTMfMrfMt Osaalm
Wtihiniton. April 27. (Special
Tlfrm.) "To Ihe lidifs."
uch l tb flaicl !fxt, unqtsal
irird'rven by any mch roodtrn
ammdinrnt at. "to the Mica. etp
dtWy thou hvinf votrs," which will
ring through Iffislslive hall tomor
rw morning when the Nebraska
Megvimi in rontmi merit the X
brink dflfgation lo the national
rnnvrnlion ol the Lrsgue of Women
The mreiinf in to be in the office
of Senator Hitchcock, and ever ince
the receipt of their invitation. ent
out by Senator Hitchcock, the oldest
member of the congrional dele
gation have been pondering deeply
on the "how-eomcneM of tiling.
For Instance, how i it that the
Omaha senator i so honored, when
he it the only Nebraska legislator
who ttood through thick and thin
against suffrage.
Proponent! Loie Out. -
The proponent of suffrage, those
who went into the front line trenches
and fought for it. are in short, won
dering just where they got off. They
left the train somewhere, that i cer
tain, a a reading of Senator Hitch
cock's letter of invitation will div
cloe. It follow:
."Nfv Dear Congressman: .
vMrs. C. G. Ryan, president of the
N'ebraska League of Women Voters,
has advised me that the Nebraska
delegation to the national convention
of that organization in Baltimore will
arrive in Washington on tne morn
ing of Friday, April 28. and requests
an opportunity to meet the senators
from Nebraska and the N'ebraska
delegation in the house of represen
tatives at II o'clock on that day.
"At Mrs. Ryan's suggestion I have
tendered the use of my office for
that purpose and trust you will be
able to be present at that hour. I
am told there will be about 20 ladies
nn th VhraL-9 ft1ffaftnn "
WiU All Attend.
It is very apparent that the suf
frage advocates in the delegation got
off, somewhere between the first and
second paragraphs, as the first dis
closes that the original request was
for a meeting in the chamber of the
house, which would be available at
that time, the house not meeting, un
til 12 o'clock.
It just so happens that all the
suffrage advocates in the delegation
in congress are republicans, but they
are taking the matter lightly and say
they- will be very much on hand to
welcome the women. Representa
tive Kinkaid and Crawford Kennedy,
Nebraska house attache, both of
whom cling to a state of bachelor
hood, have been appointed as a spe
cial reception committee.
Second Employment Man
Penalized in Police Court
Harry ateiner, oiy worm iwen-ty-second
street, member of the
employment agency of Steiner
& Harlow, 305 South Eleventh
street, was sentenced to IS days in
jail for drunkenness yesterday in
central police court on complaint of
Mrs. Ida Levin of the welfare board.
, Steiner is a partner of H. C. Har
low, who was fined Wednesday on
charges of mulcting unemployed
men and women out of fees for jobs
they did not get. .
Mrs. Levin urged 30 days in jail
for Steiner, but he pleaded he had
a wife and seven children and re
ceived the lighter term.
"Just Arrived," Pleads Lass
Taken by Police in Raid
"We had just arrived with nothing
to drink," said Helen Lathrop, 16,
3421 Mason street, to her mother
in Central police court yesterday
morning. Helen and her sister,
Dorothy, 17, were arresled with
others when a police moral squad
raided a house at 1410 North Twenty-sixth
street ' Wednesday night.
They were with Edward Hokanson,
20, 914 South 'Thirty-third street,
and Robert Nelson, 21, Twenty
iourth and Sprague - streets. The
case was taken under advisement by
Judge Holmes.
Police Judge Orders 14
- I. W. W. to Leave Omaha
.Acting Police Judge Holmes or
dered 14 members oi the I. W. VV.
out 'of Omaha yesterday with the
warning that any congregation of
that body in the city would be brok
en up. A report is current that the
I. W. W. plan to make Omaha na
tional headquarters. Those arrested
yesterday confessed that they were
attending a conference of "agricul
tural workers" in I. W. W. hall, 515
North Sixteenth street, preparatory
to entering harvest fields.
Triangle Club Secretary
Addresses Omaha Chapter
E. E. Peake, executive secretary of
,the Triangle club of America, ad
dressed the local chapter at a noon
luncheon in Hotel iFontenelle yesyer
day, outlining the aims and accom
plishments of the club. ' ,
Harry S. Byrne, president of the
Omaha chapter, presided at the meet
ing, which was attended by about
50 members and friends. Father
Holsapple, American Legion chap
lain and first honorary member of
the club, was introduced.
" j 1
I , 'I
Fremont, Neb., April 27. (Spe- disastrous waters iti their nislit-
c:al.)-Dr. and Mrs. M. If. Hunter, c.ltt 'r - Everything else, including
prominent Fremont demist before SX.tiri:
starting for their trip south in an ,hc nign w,.r, whfn ' tUe dikf,
"auto-bungalow." broke at Forth Worth. Thev had
Word reached Fremont that Dr. planned a trip around the edge of
and Mrs. Hunter were caught in the the L'nited State and Kit Fremont
btg flood at F'ort Worth, Tex., the two months ago for a visit with Vela
early part of this week. A tele- lives in Texas, before continuing
gram slated that they escaped the their journey.
Two Families Reunited by Court;
Judge Lectures Wayward Husband
NOW is tka Urn to sans lit yaur
Fanaasa Hat ta ba clean.
Dyers, Cbaaara. Hattars. Furriera
Taikr m4 Rvf Chaasra
Two unnsual cases of wife deser
tion and failure to support young
stcrs were patched up before District
JurtRe sears yesterday.
Gilbert Batton, 2o5A Avenue I,
Council Wuffs, stepped from the
county jail where he has been con
fined since Monday, to face his wife,
Rose,' who accused him of failing to
support her and their three children,
Iheda. 5: Ailene. o; Grace. I.
liatton blamed pool halls. He
pleaded for another chance.
"It's a wonder to me." began the
judge, gathering thunder as lie pro
ceeded until his voice vibrated with
force and he beat on the bench, "that
women will stick to men of your
type alter you desert them and the
little tots.
Disgrace and Shame.
"If it were mc I'd spend my last
15 cents on 'rough-on-rats' and feed
it to you. It's a disgrace and a
shame for men of your caliber to
bring into the world little children
and then cast them off to the four
"If you do not live up to your
agreement, stay away from pool
halls and such environments and
take care of your family I'll send
you to the county jail for 45 .days on
bread and water. And I mean that.
"Do you love your wife?"
"Yes," sobbed Batton.
"Then kiss her and leave in peace."
said the jurist. "Try as hard to hold
her as you did to get her."
And Batton was released on his
own $500 bond. -
, Promises to Reform. .
At the departure of the Battons
Dewey Baber. 4120 Wirt street, was
brought into court from the -county
jail to face his wife, Esther, who ac
cused him of deserting her and their
two children, Earl, 3, Ad Pearl, 7
months old..
Mrs. Baber accused her husband
of familiarity with a woman named
He d take me to a dance, she
told the judge, "tlen he'd slip away
in the car, pick up Dorothy and take
her to our home, leaving me at the
dance. One night I got home and
caught them there."
Baber begged for another chance,
promising the judge he'dtake care
of his family and sell his machine
and do what is right and just.
He, too, was freed on his own
$500 bond.
Police to Auction
Pistols in Lots of 25
For the first time in the hUtory of
the Omaha police department, pis
tols and revolvers will not be sold
singly and promiscuously at the pub
lic auction of confiscated goods
which will be held at Central police
headquarters May 17 at 1 p. m.
These firearms will be sold in
lots of 25 to dealers instead of to
individuals as in years past. Chief .of
Detectives Van Deusen announced
yestrday afternoon
Van Deusen also announced Police
Commissioner Dunn is preparing an
ordinance to be given to the city
council for adoption, strictly regulat
ing the sale of firearms ?n the? city
and sale of pistols and revolvers to
individuals at the police auction
would be in violation of this pro
posed ordinance.
Among the articles to be sold at
the auction are 35 oil stoves, confis
cated in liquor raids;-nearly 1,000
pounds of copper from confiscated
stills; three automobiles, 50 bicycles,
tires, tools and all sorts of trunks,
suit cases, valises and clothing- and
One automobile sold for $38 at last
year's auction.'
The money goes to the police pen
sion fund.
Wa Claan Upholstsrtd Furniture
. Call AT 034S
Dyari, Clsaasrs, Hatttra, Furrier
Tailor and Ruf Ckanara
2217 Farnam Street
Animal Shelter
to Cost $70,000
,Vw Humane Building to
Hate lUthf, Contatjoua
Ward and Kitchen.
Whatever In canine tltog corrc
sponda to "llully GetT or Watchs
tinV might hv been uttered by
some alley "purp" hid h heard
George B. Trm. architect, read
plans (or the proposed animal htl
ter at a meeting of lha trustee of
the N'ebraika Humane society yes
Even the' more sniffUh of pillow
pups, o,t from soma purple rush
loned limousine and taken sick at
a result thereof, will have little
chance to complain.
It will be at Twenty-first and
Iard streets and will cost 170,000,
according to Mr. Trim.
Like the plant of an up-to-date
hospital they tounded. There was
provision fur contagious , wards,
operating room, sunlight, cross
ventilation system, heating plant,
baths and kitchen. An auditorium
in which Junior Humane society
work, can he carried on it included.
Actual building begin is toon as
the program of the finance commit
tee, headed hr O. T. AlvUon. is out
lined. J. W. Welch is chairman of
the building committee. Mrs. oeorge
Jolyn, C. 1- J'arnsworth, H. S.
Mann and W. A. Hall are the others,
The new building will be the finest
of its kind in the country, outside
of Boston, said Supt. W. W.' Brad-
Icy. It will probably he designated
midwest headquarters for the Ilu
mane society.
Bequest of $2,000 from Mrs.
Anna F. Dow and $300 from Mrs.
AUHUtld inline " F
were reported. Mr. Bradley alto ex
pressed the tociety't appreciation for
co-operation given by Omaha polite
in handling children t cases, , since
the society s headquarters was estab
lished at Central station.
Our Rtsular 10c Cat af Dalklaa
KA19IPI rib
WEEK at APRIL 24 to 90 ONLY
All 6 WELCH Restaurants
You Can Save Many
Dollars on a Rug
Next Saturday, at the
Uuion Outfitting Co.
Long - Werirtf Rut !
Beautiful Pattern at
. LOW Price, Easy Terms
This great one-day sale is an.
event extraordinary, and of in
terest to every homemaker who
is thinking of putting a new rug
in the Dining Room, Living Room
or Bedroom this spring.
There is every wanted size in
this sale, embracing Tapestry,
Velvet and Axminster Rugs in
beautiful patterns and colors
that offer the widest range for
selection. In .addition to the
LOW one-day prices you have the
advantage of easy-to-pay terms.
both Worth Hats and
Thoroughbred Hati
arc not sold in your
locality, ask at about
our unusual dealer
proposition. -
You will find it a real pleasure to select yourv
new Spring hat at the Worth or Thorough
bred dealer in your town. The style and
color range is complete,' and the prices are
unusually low for hats of this character.
We are proud of the new Thoro-Worth
line for Spring. - ' .
Here's Real
sjsjataj, -iMa staMSMaW
mm $
2'-Pants' Suih
You get the service and wear ol practically two suits, because
the extra pair doubles the wear-and Bond s price for these
"double value" suits is a good deal lower than similar quality would cost you
anywhere in Omaha even with only one pair of pants.
Bond s showing ol Two
Pants Suits includes all the
wanted fabrics in all the
desired color effects the new
est and most approved models.
&x N VI 1
Quality considered, Bond's
Two-Pants Suits at BondV
price are the greatest value pos
sible anywhere. Compare!
1 V IDo
Extra Trousers to Match Suit, $5 .
Bond's Clothes Come to
Direct from the
Bond's three! great factories sell direct to the wearer, through
Bond'sfourteen distributing stores, eliminating the middleman
and his profits. ; That's why you buy better clothes at Bond's for less money
than youan anywhere else You need only glance at Bond's merchandise to
be satisfied with the truth iffour statements.
Gabardine Special
The ill-weather "Topper" for rain or
shine, in the new shade of tan belted,
yoke back and 4 Cfl
beautifully satin Jf I OU
trimmed. -A A
Separate Trousers
Tailored inNur own factories. Striped
worsteds, blue serges and plain colors.
all sizes. P m v.
.Q.aW &
Ncv York
9 "StyleSpot" !JJ
, Columbus
St Louis
Kansas City
Our Kraalar 10c Cat ai Delkiada
1514 Farnam Street
All 6 WELCH Restaurant