Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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THK BEE: OMAHA. TOIPAY. AmiL 28. 19;';'.
Mississippi Valley
Body Names Gov.
McKclvic Officer
Nebraska Kxrtutisc Klt'dcd
Zone Vice I'ri!eiit. .f A
oriation at Kansas City
The Dancing Master
Kansas City, April 27 The Mil
s-issippl Vailry iioiuiion concIixkU
ill two-day annual contention Jc-
voted UiCf'y to vtatrrway (run.
port 4 1 km with the t trttiuii of James
h. Sinutli I St. Lotus, a vncrau
waterways advocate, I'ltiiili tit.
Mr. Snittli has been nc prcaideut
in rnarge 01 ine waterways oiusion
o( the association lor the lat year.
Governor Mckclvie of Nebraska
va elected rone vice president of
the association.
Resolutions rilling fur the rumple,
tion of .Miitppi rivir develop
ment, government controlled or oihT
rtfirient hare service to the .water
of the upper Misais.ipi'i river, call
ing on President i larding to cull a
wo r li econnoinic conirrciue In
Washington, favoring the sale of the
government nitrate plant at Muscle
hhoals to Henry l-'ord, and reaffirm
ing the position of the association in
regard to the lircat I.akes-St. Law
rence waterways project, were
Other resolution dcclurctl the
"Pittsburgh, plu" plan an "undue
imposition upon commerce, in general
and Mississippi valley iter of Merlin
particular." approved the $4.X(HUXX)
rivers and harbor appropriation bill
now before congress; opposed rail
road operation of Loat lines and
called on the president to call a
thorough investigation with a view
of preventing floods.
The association also advocated
the "extension of further credits to
Europe in order that the surplus
products of American farms may be
made available to consumers
Missouri Engineer
Tells of Road Work
' R. J. Windrow, consulting en
gineer of the Missouri highway com
mission, who was here to see the
Bignetl pile sinking demonstration
Wednesday, spoke of the $60,000,000
road building program Missouri is
'What is the best road? You can't
tell." he said. "The answer to that
question depends upon locality,, cli
mate and many other things.
"We plan to build various kinds of
roads. Where traffic is heavy and
where the roads are near to a supply
of good brick, we will build bfick
roads. Where highways are near a
supply of gravel we will use gravel."
Bryan Again Asked to Speak
at Sunday School Meeting
Columbus, April 27. Reissuance of
an invitation to William Jennings
Bryan to speak at the International
Sunday school convention at Kansas
City next June was decided upon
here at a meeting of the convention
program committee. Withdrawal of
an invitation extended to Mr. Bryan'
larfc December brought forth numer-
nvAiMta tirf v.ctrtav'n arttnn
was taken after consideration had
been given to these protests and
representations had been made by- a"
delegation from Kansas City.
Hay-Fed 2-Year-Old Steers
From Montana Sold Here
A load of hay-fed 2-year-old steers
were brought to the stockyards by
Roy N. Armstrong of Gardner,
Mont., for which he received $7.60
a hundred. He said the winter had
been quite severe in his section and
that the spring had been backward.
An endless variety of books
and magazines on
You'll find just what you want in
this assortment: Radio Hook
Upa, Radio Design Data, How to
Malta Commercial Typo Radio
Apparatus, Wireless Telegraphy
and Telephony, ate.
Meyers' News Stand
' Opposite Sun Theater
All Work GuaraatMd
1513 Douglas. lal. Douf. S58S.
Baby Wants Cuticura
It Keeps His Skin Soft
Sc50th and Gear
Baby's tender skin requires mild, tooth
ing piooartjes ouch aa are found in tho
Cuticara Soap, Ointment and Talcum.
The Soap it so tweet, pure and cleansing
and tho Ointment to toothing and baalma,
especially when baby'a akin Is irritated.
Cuticura Talcum it also ideal for baby.
fata 11 1 !' '"n T" '"
MattUIUilM . " Sotd rrrr
((eliaaad ttum T !)
Ftiaabeth raited her res.
"Full it ooT she echoed. Tuil
what off?"
"Jhif marriage 'U Farmer; the
bcttmgs on you. YiHi'se cut that of yours out properly. I tan
tell you. She always locked upon
Farmer at her property. Ne always
reckoned h coul- play him up a
much a she liUeJ and then marry
him in the end to pay her debts and
Vtra her ill comfort the rest of her
ht. Then you came along, and I
ri-rton ihr'll neser forgive SOU.
"Mie can't do me any harm."
F.lirabrth said. "I ' not afraid of
linid shrugged Her shoulders, took
out her powderpull and dabbed her
"She ran talk.' she said eloquent
Iv: "and she's started all manner of
tales about you and Fat. Lveryoue
has heard them 1 heard them weeks
tan. and be ieved them. too.
l.Iuaheth did not autwer; mere
was a little sick feeling in her heart,
as the eliler girl went on iranKiy.
"You know I in a Bueer sort oi
fish. I can't hit it with lit for W
minutes, and he hates nte. Hut In
my own way I'm fond of him. though
you may not believe it. I hate to
see him aancwg wmt tnat riarey
girl she's in love with him, I'll bet.
if the truths known. Its an ngui
if I don't see him. but if I do ! get
half off ,inv head with jealously."
She looked hard at Elizabeth. "1 ve
been jealous of you. too," she admitted.
Elizabeth turned away.
"'You never had any need to be
jealous of me," she said.
"Humph.' mat may ne; out i was.
However, we won't argue; the point
is. can you let me have some
money?" ,
"You know I haven't a shilling in
the world," said Elizabeth desperate
ly. "If I had you should have it. and
welcome. The only money I ever
have is what Madame gives me, and
and . . ." She broke off. She
could not bring herself to admit that
whatever Madame gave her was first
supplied by Farmer. '.
There was a poignant silence; then
Kovston's wife said calmly:
"Then Fat will have to go through
with it. that's all."
"Go through with it? What do
you mean?" Elizabeth aasked
Knid was drawing on her gloves.
"I didn't mean to tell you," she
said cooly," but as you'll hear sooner
or later it doesn't much matter. I
gave a dud check" to a man I owe
money to, and he found out. of
course. I saw him this morning,
and i've got 24 hours to find the
money in."
She shrhgged her shoulders. "He
says he'll summons me I don't care
if he does, for myself, but Pat will
be furious; He thinks itV a disgrace
to get into debt; he's the sort of a
crank who would sell the clothes off
his back rather than to have his
name dragged through the courts. If
it hadn't been for that, I believe he'd
have got rid of me long ago. Per
sonally, I don't care, though I'd like
to have paid it off for his sake. He's
as hard up as I am, I know: you
see, he's such a fool, he's always
helping someone when he can't real
ly afford it. He helped you, I know,
didn't he? Qh, you needn't look so
wild, my dear; I don't care: it's all in
a day's march. Sorry to have both
ered you. thought you might be. able
to help me out"
She turned to the door.
Elizabeth found her voice. "If you
let them summons you," she said,
with an effort, "won't it won't it
affect Mr. Royston's work?"
"It might. an't help it if it does.
I'm his wife, after all. Well, good
bye." "Wait a minute." Elizabeth fol
lowed her across the room. "How
how much did you say you want?"
Enid looked down at her with
amused eyes.
"What's it matter f iWt bother
"I'm not, only I thought I might
pe'haps , , .
Theie was an eloquent silence,
then rnid said rarr!ely:
"Well, it's IW ponds if yog want
to know," She paused. '! gut
till Id oelocK tomorrow morning
to find it." Jhe waited a moment,
but Fliahtth did pot speak, "Good
bye," Koysior's wile said ag4n,
and (hit tune Flijhrih let her go,
A hundred and filty pound; it
seemed a M of money; and i'l if
Madame' enpectatuu of hrr lutnre
came true, 1 liulieih knew it would
be an easy thing to earn that sum
and repay well, anybody who
might tend it to her.
And Poyston was "hard up," too.
The knowledge hurt Elizabeth ter
ribly a she remembered all that he
had done for her in the pat.
"I miut get it somelu w, I must,
she told hrrarlf desperately, and rc-
membered that Neil Farmer was
con ing to dinner that night,
Elk Drive IN'ear
Half Way Mark
Total in Uoml Selling Cunt-
pai-n Rcarbes $121,000
Thursday Noon.
The totals in the Elks bond selling
campaign reached $4JI,uvU at noon
yesterday and is rapidly approaching
the SMW.0U) mark. Kobert Trimble.
chairman of the drive, announced at
the noonday meeting of workers at
the Brandcis grill.
I'Ollowuig are the totals by di
visions: I. 5.K.J(lt): 2, 548.41X1; J.
$o7.IO(); 4. SI27.K00: S. $40,600: 6.
$40,200; 7, $.'1,700. William Holler's
terriers are leading the held with
$127,800. Herbert Daniel's "wolves"
are second with $87,100.
The team of Gene Lpplcy of Hotel
Fontenelle and Frank Vierling was
honorably mentioned for exceptional
work at the noonday meeting.
Forty-six of the 50 prize gold
knives already have been claimed.
The gold engraved knives are being
given to the first 50 workers who sell
$5,000 worth of bonds or more.
The noon meetings of workers will
be held every day in the Brandcis
grill until the drive is ended.
"We ll have 51.000,000 for the new
building before the drive ends." said
Chairman Trimble. "Every Elk will
be seen and asked to buy bonds."
Many men who are not Elks are
buying the bonds as good investment
securities, Mr. Trimble stated.
Jury . Finds Cattleman
Is Guilty of Murder
Decorah, la., April 27. B. F.
Kneeskern, a wealthy northern
Iowa cattleman, -was found guilty
here last night of the murder of
Mrs. Charles " Van Brocklin, who,
with her husband was found shot
to death in their log cabin home near
Frankville, la., on December 11. 1921.
The jury recommended life im
prisonment. It was out six hours. D.
D. Murphy, attorney for the defense,
announced that he would file a mo
tion for a new trial.
Scottsbluff Pastor Resigns
on Account of 111 Health
Scottsbluff, Neb.,' April 27. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Rev. J, Sheridan
Bunch, who has been for eight
months pastor of the Baptist church
of this city, has resigned on account
of ill-healfh and will leave the min
istry. During his stay in Scotts-,
bluff, he has been Boy Scout com
missioner. .
'Assault to Kill
Charges Filed on
Ku KIik Raiders
Thu Yewt Officer! In Ingle-
voo!, Cu! Fmy NatmfJ
IWumniU of Klan Seized
in ho Aii?ele.
Lts Augeles. Cat.. April 27. The
"luviaible Empirt" la teen tender
ed conspicuoualy vUiMe," it was de-
cleared at the diatiicl attorney's of
fice today after a preliminary in
sprction ff arlittr seifd lat night
when agruts of the district attorney
ami deputy thcritY siirretafully
raided the I o Angeles cilices of the
Ku Mm Klan.
While a detailed inspection of the
cond'eat"! documents and regatta,
which filled four large pat king
bones, wa poatponcd until late to
day, sulticiritt of their outward
significance wa learned quickly
enough for county official to arrt
they would be f great impoita'ice
not onlv in l.os Angrle county hut
in other parts of the United Slates.
Arrested at Home.
Walter E, Moshcr, deputy con
stable, a member of the lugtrwood
raiding party, was to be arraigned
today on complaint charging assault
with intent to commit murder.
lie was arrested at his lngrlwood
home late lat night, and released on
bond of $ 10.1100. provided through a
certified check foe $10,000. bearing
the signature of W. C. Brown, presi
dent of the First National bank of
mul;ir complaint was issued
against Leonard Kuigg, deputy sher
iff and member of the raiding party,
but it was not served because of his
physical condition. It was arranged
to keep him under guard at the hos
pital where he is a patient.
Shot by Marshal.
Both Moshcr and Ruigg. as well
as the former's father. Constable
Medford B. Moshcr, who was killed
tn the raid, were shot by hrank
Woerner. night marshal of Ingle
wood, .when the three, masked and
armed, shot at him.
Grand tioblin W. S. Coburn, ac
cording to a statement newspaper
men obtained from him recently, as
local head of the klan, "investigated"
a judge and jury of the Los Angeles
county superior court after he had
received a report that they had done
an injustice to a woman.
It was the woman herself who re
ported the matter to Coburn, he
said, but alter the investigation was
completed he "found that nothing had
been brought out that called for a
coat of tar and feathers," he stated.
X. A. Baker, kleagle, alleged lead
er of the Inglewood raid, will sur
render today to Sheriff William I,
Traegcr, it has been announced by
'Leaks'' in Aerial
air Reeeivinsr
sreer source of lost efficiency ft
the lead in wire, This wilt Is dis
tuated toinorr0r.
"" tor tbla J I' I
Beautiful riKl
Simplex """If!
to- Bat Range f
15 Down, $2 Per Weeki I
Connected Free
Mid-Western Appliance Co..
113 S. 15th. Op. Orpaeuaa. At. 4289.
All This Week-
Omaha's Greatest Rug Sale
presents the "waited for" opportu
nity to purchase the rugs you need.
Our buyers have just returned
from a Seven-Million-Dollar Rug:
Sale, held by Alexander Smith &
Sons, New York, who operate
the largest carpet mills in the,
world. The first shipment of
merchandise purchased there
as well as pieces from many other
well-known looms are now on
sale on 1 our first and second
floors. We urge you to
make an early selection
from this wonderful
Extra Salespeople, fully experienced, will assist,
so tnat every customer will have attention.
27x54-in. No-Fade Reversible Rugs. . . .$ 1.00
36x60-in. No-Fade Reversible Rugs... 1.50
27x54-in. Heavy Velvet Rugs 3.75
36x63-in. Park Wilton, Extra Quality
Rugs for '7.50
6x9 Seamless Tapestry Rugs 11,00
6x9 Standard Quality Axminster Rugs 14.75
7-6x9 Seamless Brussels Rugs 13.50
7- 6x9 Good Quality Velvet Rugs 23.50
8- 3x10-6 Brussels Rugs 19.50
8-3x10-6 Axminster Good Pattern Rugs 29.50
9x12 Brussels and Velvet Rugs. ...... 21.75
8-3x10-6 Roxbury Extra Quality Ax
minster Rugs
9x12 Smith Axminster Rugs
9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs
9x12 Heavy Seamless Axminster or , ,
Velvet Rugs
9x15 Standard Axminster Rugs
11-3x12 Extra Large Brussels Rugs. . ,
11-3x12 Extra Large Size Axminster
' Rugs
11-3x12 Extra Large Size Axminster
Many Other Grades and Sizes in This Truly Great Rug Sale
Orchard &Wilbim Co,
Tour Iiuuldtioti It CI i irf
Cause tf TrouMc, S?ii)i
Numerous radio anulcur hair
Mlawrd directions closely in selling
ii ; receiving outfits fur wireless tdc
(hone voile only to find tlut the wis
iVu't work as well a ome other.
Frequently the trouble Isn't in the
srt. tmt in the aerial. The mot 'n
sinve set mi the strM v.on"t give
sail. factory result if the aerial
"Iraks." that is, UiU to deliver to
lite set as mui'li energy as it receives
Iroin me etiirr,
A radio rsprrt slates that a finch:
v.ire aerial is beat for receiving. 1 hit
should tc from 5l to lKl feet long.
If the aerial ii shorter than 50 fret
a double wire should be used, he
1'oor insulation 1 the chief cause
of trouble with the aerial, it hat
been learurd. rail t)pe insulators
made especially for aerials should be
ued. If ordinary porcelain insula
tors are used, three of them should
be booked sncccivrlv at each end
of the aerial. If the aerial is at
tached lo a tree, care should be
taken that branches of the tree do
not touch the aerial wire, as this
Mill ground it. If there are high
tciisioned wires in the neighborhood,
the aerial should be at right angles
to them. An aerial over the roof of
the bouse is all right unless the
liouse has a metal roof. An even
America's ralitt trait hat hit fug
land, but the government has taken
a IijhJ in Icgitlating regulations in
bruadiaatiiig, .Vcial biaadcatling
staisiMis ait to be erected throughout
the fairs, and daily programs, includ
ing a dmestir and continental news,
sill be supplied.
1 he Omaha lirain esi lunge's
broadcasting station has been licensed
by . the government a Station
Static is the itatutat electric dis
ilurge in the atmosphere which is
l eard sit the receiving apparatus.
Burlington Carpenter
Hurt in Motor AuYleiit
Bratiicr, Nrb, Apnl .7. (Special
Telegram,) lirrt Andeison of y
more, inater carpenter tor the iur
lington, was seriously if not fatally
injured at Blue IN', when bis mot"'
car tan into a tattle guard of
ssne which a farmer had stifKbcd
ers the lnk one mile ssetl
that place, lie a tut about the
face and chest, lit is in bospKal
at I'lue lli'l in suiaus (oudnion.
L. J. X., Grand Island. Neb.
QtiMUon. Ill (a ii nvuarv M w a
4uiit luS liahmiiia; rrairt 13)
ai pin liihiamc ilr) 4o4 111
I ui. ailarh Ilia (run4 "a 4 la
4iia .im clamp, er muai U $o it lb
'! dlr.?
Awr. Ill A ltBlnln iwli.h Is lust
aa im4, dul b aui n4 rluaa II wloa
al at nut ti.lna lli l. IJ Tr
ralilMna (mua4 ra4 muat (a alt Hi
vtav la iha aruu4 bfor ou ronnacl 10
a I'll'. Tli rlania aul4 not liv Sou
fo4 conatfiiua nyy.
1 lor noil Yearling! From
Polk Sell at Coed Price
A load of horned vcarlinas aver
aging 'f)J pounds brought in by Al
bert Alfreds of folk was marketed
at the stockyards and brought the
good price of $A.J5 a hundred, which
was 15 cents front the top price. Mr.
Alfreds said there were several
bunches of cattle ready to come from
iiis section.
Bread and Butter
Day Friday
From 8 a. m. lo ti :30 p. m. Friday our regular one pound
loaf of fresh bread will sell for
5 Cents
No mora ibaa S loaves t each buyer.
Our fresh, sweet IDLE WILDE BUTTER (the Cream of
tho Churning) will go on sale at
40 Cents per Pound
Make Friday Bread and Butter Pay. Slop in our
Buttermilk and Tastry Shop, in the very heart of Omaha,
and get a loaf, of our aperial bread and a pound of th
finest butter made. AH purcliasea will be neatly
wrapped for carrying and a large staff of attendants
will be ready to give you immediate service.
"Health in Foods"
V 1 T
I ' v
Northwest Corner Ititb and Farnam
C&U &ort . of Saialtjf tvvj
An Early Showing of
It will be hard to choose your new summer wardrobe
this season on account of the wide variety of beautiful
styles and colors. It will be hard to choose from
among them you will want them one and all. They
are distinctive and individual in design. Imported
ginghams, tissue ginghams, Normandy voiles, dotted
Swiss, organdy, ratine, Rodier crepe, Imported French
linen and pongee are some of the most popular mate
rials. Many models are French imports and others are
domestic. Prices range from
$10.00 to $65.00
Dainty colors of lighter shade are favored as the
darker colors for spring and summer wear.
There are dresses of Canton crepe, printed crepe de
chine, crepe satin, georgette, faille silk, pasha crepe,
Migel's Follow Through, and printed georgette crepe.
There are all colors, including black and navy: All
sizes.' Many French hand-made dresses are included
among our silk models. Prices range from
$19.75 to $98.75
Dress Shop Second Floor
Special for Friday
Here you can select your hose for the coming season and at
a big saving, too don't fail to get here early and make your
GROUP 1 Pure thread silk to the knee, lisle
hem top, seamed back, seamless foot, high
spliced heels and double toes. Colors are black
and brown. Choice of the entire lot at
GROUP 2 Pure thread silk, plain black and white, full
iasnionea m a fine sneer silk; black and
pearl grey with hand clox; navy, brown,
black, Russian calf in heavy silk with
embroidered insteps. , Choice .........
ck and white, full
$ 1 .95
GROUP .3 All pure silk to the top, silk feet,
street shades as well as black. Extra
heavy silk; black, brown and white all
'pure silk hose, pointed heels, lace
stripes and shadow stripes. $4.00 values
Hose Shop Main Floor
In all the new
Friday A Month-end Economy
Instead of waiting until the end of the season, which
has been customary with practically every firm, we
will place on sale our broken line of footwear (dis
regarding 5 former selling prices) at this absurdly
low price.
Offered are smart pumps de
veloped in dull kid, patent, tan
calf, brown satin, beige suede,
grey and brown suede. Light
weight soles and Louis heels.
All sales are final,
mail or phone orders
Shoe Shop Main Floor
The End of the Month
Clearance Sale in "
-By making your selection here Friday you can
save a great deal of money, for hats that sold
as high as $10.00 will be closed out at
The assortment includes the most fashionable
of the season's styles, every one a bargain in
itself. There is a style to suit every fancy and
the price is so low that it will fit every purse.
Hat Shop Second Floor
vim SaatSfeOtatMt ' Tama c
. 'i iii iii 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. m i 1 1 1 1 IS