t 11 THE BF.E: OMAHA, FRIDAY. APRIL 28. 1922. Onialiaiis Observe lOOlh Anniversary of Birth of Grant Kuloic of Former I'rfaidfnt ami Military Leader Drliv frr J ly Judge Stauffrr and Oilier. l)iirii Judge C. O. Stautfrr, one of the nicker Ml the l'1)e 5. Grant crlrbntion fierday after- nooit in the Vojiitf Womrii thri I urn association building. eprreil the hone that the birthday anmver urjp of thi great president and military Iradcr will be observed evrrv vrar in Omaha, This local observance of the lX)ih anniversary of Ihe birth of General Grant on lirld under the aupicci of the Daughtcri t Civil War Vet eran, Mr. Alton J'. Monnrll, presi dent. Mir was assisted by Mr. Ora F.. Johnson, Mn. J. M Lowe, Mm, Genevieve Cole and Mm N. Wamley. Mr. Georgia l'riestly, Fremont, uie president of the Daughter of Civil War Veteran, was one of the honored guests of the occasion. Exemplar of Brotherly Love. Judge SlaiifTer referred to Grant a au outstanding national figure, a man who conquered himself and who wa an immortal exemplar of the spirit of brotherly love. The judge ole of the surrender of Lee to Grant a the occasion of the most magnanimous treatment of a -'defeated enemy ever recorded. "It wa a masterpiece of mag nanimity and diplomacy, based on Grant' scne of what wa right and proper." said Judge Staiiffcr. i "It behoves ui to satcguara tnese treasure of liberty that have been vouchsafed to us," he added. "There are sinister influences still at work and we should not relax our effort to uohold our institutions and to promote good citizenship." Mayor J. C. Dahlman offered some interesting chapters from the life of General Grant, illustrating - the great courage and determination of this general who did not include the word "fail" in his vocabulary. a Captain Adams Speaks. Capt. C. E. Adams, past commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, gave an inspiring talk which bristled with patriotic and historic references. Maj. R S. Wilcox, C. E. Weller and J. L. .Webster also spoke. The program was opened by Lieut Col. George Johnstone of the Oma ha High school cadet battalion, and Richard Shadle of Boy Scout troop No. 8who read sketches of the life of Grant. Twelve members of Miss Ella Thorngatc's Americanization class of Kellom school were attendants. Mrs. Alice Schleh read an original poem of the flag. Mr. Harriet Wilcox read a history of U. S. Grant post, Woman's Relief Corps, of which she is a charter member. A venerable attendant was David H. Burton. 92, of Minneapolis, father of Mrs. F. H. Judson. Members of the Woman's Relief Corps of Grant post were among the honored guests. S. H Ackerman, president of the New Citizens' league, spoke on "Lives of Our National Heroes an Inspiration to New Citizens." Others present were: Colonel Up ton, Fort Crook; B. J. . Newlon, Spanish War Veterans; Earl J. Lewis, Sons of Veterans; Harry Hough, American Legion; Gordon Ouray, Foreign War Veterans. Com rade William Mcintosh entertained with vocal and banjo music. Everything Normal Man Wounded as Revolver Drops; Police Hold Him "When L. H. Hansen of Columbus; Neb., climbed down from a train in the Union Pacific freight yards yes terday morning his revolver fell and was discharged, the bullet wounding liim in the left leg.' He had started to flee from Special Agent Reiley. Reiley arrested him and filed a com plaint against him of carrying con cealed weapons. Brief City News MumIo Festival The Intermediate division of the ChrlHtian Kndeavor union will hold a sprlnjr mimic fontt vnl at the Central Park Congrega tional church this evening at 8. Modlar to Speak I. A.-Medlar, secretary of the Nebraska Hotel as sociation, is to speak in Columbus Pnturdny to the state convention of the Travelers' Protective agency. DIvorwMl From Sailor Bess Par ker was granted a divorce from Carl P. Parker In district court yester day. Parker waa a sailor on the United States presidential yacht. Mayflower. Heads Medic Organisation Dr. Benjamin F. Bailey of Llnooln was elected president of the Nebraska State Medical association at the closing session of its 54th annual convention here yesterday. RabM Preaches Tonight Rabbi Frederick Conn will preach on "The Return of Peter Grimm" Friday eve ning at 8 In Temple Israel. He will preach on "When May Follows," Saturday morning at 10:30. Humane Society to Build The Humane society of Omaha Is mak ing plans to erect a $35,000 build ing in the city, according to an nouncement at the meeting of the board at Bura-ess-Nash tea room yesterday. . ' Suea for Divorce Mary Lee Wirt, 85. daughter of the late Rev. S. Dutcher. former pastor of the First Christian church, aued for divorce from Van A. Wirt, manager or the Visible Record Supply company of Chicago yesterday. Recovers Cat On a replevin ac tion. Mrs. C. E. Head, 2509 Far- nam street, has recovered a Persian cat, "Merry Sunshine,' 'and four kit tens, from theu premises or uixie Mack. 613 North Eighteenth street A hearing la now being held. Cook Want Alcohol Mrs. Clara Porsdale, Tenth and Poppleton, ar rested recently for violation of the prohibition law, will tell why she needs alcohol for cooking In the office of U. 8. Itohrer, "dry" en forcement officer, at 9 today. Boy Now "Tranic Offlcor" Little Ray Kellogg, 7. who lost his loft leg in a street car accident, is now "traffic officer" for nurses and visitors In the corridors of Nicho las Senn' hospital. He says he does not want to go home or to school, but wanta to stay with the nurses. Caught In Elevator L. J. Slpe, elevator operator; Joseph Mooney. 708 South Sixteenth street, and A. O. Anderson, messenger, were im prisoned for an hour and a half in a city hall elevator between the second and third floors yesterday. They were released when a panel at the top of the elevator was' removed.- Waif, 7. Is Center of Court Action Adopted Son of Lute Charles) Moriarty Sought Iy Two Families. Whether little Jack, 7. is to be brought up in Catholic or a Protestant home probably will be decided today by County Judge Craw ford. Jack, Salvation Army home wail, was reared to the age of 7 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moriarty, both of whom died in the last two years. He then went to live in the home of Mr. ami Mrs. R. M. Van Nets, 4186 Wakrley street. Their petition to adopt him legally wa contented in county court yesterday by rela tives of the Moriartys, who want to adopt him. 1 he Van Ncs.es have a letter written by Mr. Moriarty which, they claim, shows that he wanted them to adopt the boy. The Moriarty relatives put a different construct)" on the letter, John Kuh, aged father vl the late Mrs, Moriarty, testified yeierdy oi ih ability of another of lii children, Mrs. Mavgi Moriarty, widow who lives with him, to care fur J k. Attorneys will argue the rae this morning. If the Vaiy N'rr are allowed lo adopt him, he is lo be sent to Catholic schools and, the Catholic churrh in accordance with Ins de ceased loiter parent' withes. Association Rc-Kiulorsfi Lakrt-to-Ot'can Project For the third lime in at many years the propoted Ureal Lakes-to-ocesn waterway was re-endorsed Wednesday night at a conference of the Miiipi Valley association in Kna City, according to J. David I aron, comimionrr of the Omaha Clumber of Commerce, who attend ed the conference. The matter creat ed favorable diHUMion at the con- terenie, Mr, Larson said. Kolu Hons favoring the project as rn nursed by the pee were sent to Washington. 1) 5Q0G3 j Last Tlasee Tenia at BEBC I LARRY DANIELS 3EMON f una Tmmtiw "GRAND LARCENY" Western League BASE BALL SEASON Opening Day TODAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 28th Omaha v. Oklahoma City Cam Called at 3:48 P. M. Bnd concert before the same. Come out early and lee the opening cere monies. Also, let's try and win the league trophy for the opening day at tendance. No passes food today. Box and admission tickets for sale in town at the United Cigar Store, 15th and Farnam Streets. y . 'mLWmMMmWWim &u are the worst of aU thieves a wife -stealer I P I There Is -j. v A No Escape. ""fS From the Moral Law W XAMNY- ss STARTS TOMORROW At The m SQDR) EMPRESS TWO SHOWS IN ONE FOUR JACKS aaa A QUEEN "A Merry Gambol at CUaa mmd Melody " MELVA SISTERS "Melodic Misses" BERT LEWIS "Syncopatar of Southei Sours" FREAR, BACCOTT FREAR , "Baseball Idivsyacraaiaa" lf-aIK5l. LCK1K0 lilt if mi I! Now Playing 7 Wallace Reid Lois Wilson in the screen adaptation of , the aucceaaful atage play that tarred Grant Mitchell wherein the ton of very ariatocratic family proved himself a regular guy. "The World's Champion" And Women Must Weep" An Unusual Story Scenic Something New JOHNNY HINES in "Torchy's Ghost" Silverman's Orchestra Haupt at Organ Special Prologue Julius K. Johnson Alf Ftyher Piano Solo Overture and Orgaat HILLCREST OMAHA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL AND ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME Treat your friends to the best southern chicken dinner west of the Mississippi. Prepared and served by Omaha's foremast chef and caterer. Phone JAckson 38B1 for reservations. ALFRED JONES Chef and Prop. New Show Tomorrow APPEARANCE IN VAUDEVILLE Start Sunday SENSATIONAL DOUBLE PROGRAM Secrets of Youth Revealed Edna Wallace Hoppe 4 IN PERSON With a Story Every Woman V Will Want to Hear! SEE HER $50,000 FACE MARVELOUS UNBELIEVABLE , la conjunction with tha superb pkturixation of the greatest marriage melodrama ever written WW ai2TsViVlfeV ACNES AYRES ' m as. siir An ta r-- SBVf8ir'i--i Starts nday N?re Ho Proves the Impossible Possible Ask ALEXANDER about anything that may be troubling you; ques tions concerning your wife, lover, husband, sweetheart; who is true to you and who is false; whom you will marry and when. What is the best business for you to engage in. I Should you buy, sell or mortgage. The whereabouta of missing rela tives or friends. What are your I financial prospects. If you are lucky. In fact, ALEXANDER will answer any question. Just write the same at home, seal in any man ner you desire, bring to the theater I and you will be answered directly and comprehensively. i In Conjunction With a Pleasing Vaudeville .. Program and a P h olpplay Feature Bargain W f Lower Matinee llO Floor or Tomorrow Balcony PLEASE COME EARLY Doors open tomorrow at 11:30 A. MY First show starts at 12 o'clock. ' Again wo urge pleas come early. Brigfham Young Is Matrimony a Failure? V IT ISTOLAFF U , You Ought to Know? ;? ORPMEUMlaRCUIT VAUOEVIUE Matinee Dally 2:1S Eaary Night S:1S LA BERNICIA and Company Americans', lore most -Terpacihoreen Artist Miss JULIA NASH Mr. C.H.O'Donneil 'la "Almost a Sinth' Keegan and O'Rourke "PEDESTRIAN ISM" Featuring CEROCE J. BROWN World's Champion Walker Bert and Florence Maye Harry Lang and Gene Vemen TOM PATRICOLA Assisted by Irene Delray Mats., 15c to SOc; Some 75c to $1. Set. and Sun. Nights, 15c to $1 ; soma S1.2S Sat. and Sun. Seats are Reserved. r May Day Concert ;Y.v.- -by-' Omaha Saxophone Band FIFTY MUSICIANS Organized by Edwin G. Stevens and Marahall B. Craig MARSHALL B. CRAIG, DIRECTING Francis Wyatt, Soloist Mary Adelo Abbott, Pianist ' Edwin C Stevens, Organist Flora Sears Nelson, Pianist Classical, Sacred and Popular Program Strand Theater. Sunday. April 30, 1 1 a. m. Admission, 90c, Plus Ta, Including Regnlar Photoplay Program Now Showing KM in his greatest and outstanding success "The Four Horsemen" Empress Rustic Garden AH Drinks, 10c All Tables Free ADMISSION ' . Week Day, 25c Includes Tax Carl Lamp's Orchestra Harriet Tuttle Bartlett of Krotona, Hollywood, Cal. National Lecturer, for Theoeophica! Society, will five a aerie ef lectures in ARTHUR BLDG. AUDITORIUM, 210 South 18th St. Thursday, Si IS p. m., April 17 "OUR GLORIOUS DESTINY," the MESSAGE of the Ages. Friday, SilS p. m. "Biblical Sym bolism in the Light ef Science and Theosephy." Salufday, 8ll5 p.' m, April 2ft "BiUe Stories lUumiaated by The osophy."v Sunday, S:t5 p. April 30 "Is' REINCARNATION TAUGHT la th. I BIBLE V ' .... I -The Lectures Are Free.. , Th Public la Invited. Second Spring Dance Peony Park Salarday Evening, April 29 First ' Times at These Prices Mats. 35c Including Tax Eve. 50c Children This " Of Engagement ; aCvv Bee Want Ads are the Best Business Boosters U MINN lalsm TWO SHOWS IN ONE ALICE LAKE and HARRY MYERS "Ki isses n A fascinating story of bon bona and business Friday Bargains Odd Prices Greatly Reduced for One Day viz vy D A Y Every Department Offers Savings 69c 'Sale Children's Wear One large table of Infants' Wear of odd lots, values up to S2.&0: on sal Friday at 69s) Children's Dresses, 1n while and colors, slightly tolled, values up to IS.OO; on sale Friday at SI. 69 Children's Spring Coats, elite t to ( years, values up to (8.50; on sale Friday at .52.69 SeeoBef Fleer. 69c Sale Hose Women's silk Hosejhfc Pure Silk Hose, first quality; black, white and cordovan: all aizes; worth $1.00, for.... 69 Mala Floor 69c Sale Hose Lisle Hose, 3 Fairs for 69c Women's Mercerized Lisle Hose, ribbed and hemmed tops; wonderful values; In black, white and brown; formerly sold at 69c per pair, 2 pair 69d Main rieer 69c Sale Hose Silk Lisle Half Hose, 2 Fairs 69c Children's Half Hose, first qual ity; variety of fancy tops; regu lar SOc values, all sizes; 2 pairs for e&t Main Floor 69c SALE Annex. Ginghams, S Yards for 69c In all new patterns, checks, plaids and stripes. These are a. regular 39c value. 69c SALE Annex. Bleached Muslin, 5 lards for 69c 36 Inches wide; no back fill ing; a good quality. Regular 19c kind, ' ' 69c SALE Anaex. . - Underwear Crepe, 3 Yards 69e Fine white underwear crepe, 31 inches wide. A regular 39c value. - 69c SALE' ' Annex. White Lawn, 6 Yards for 69c Very sheer. This is the reg ular 35c kind. 69c SALE Annex. Black Sateen, 3 Yards for 69c Finely mercerized, 36 inches wide; lengths 1 to 5 yards. Reg ular 39c kind. 69c SALE , Annex. . Sheets, 69c Size 72x90; neat French seam. well made, good quality. Regu lar 98c value. 69c SALE Annex. Pillow Slips, 4 for 69c Same quality as sheets; size 36x42 inches. Regular 29e value. 69c SALE Annex. Percales, 4 Yards for 69e 36 inches wide; lights, grays and indigoes; new, neat pat terns. These are a regular 29c value. 69c Sale Shoes Women's One-Strap Slippers and a few kid Prince Alberta, with McKay and turn soles; broken sizes; regular prices 12.00, 12.50 and $3.00, at fl.69 Corsets Seeend Fleer Lady Bath Froat Lare Corsets Pink coutil, elaatlo in back, shield in front; long skirt; $4.60 value at 82.69 69c Sale Underwear Gowns aad Teddies, Me Batiste and muslin Gowns and Teddies, laca and embroidery trimmed; regular 98c values. Matn Fleer 69c Sale Underwear Lisle Union Salts, 69e Women's fin . lisle Union Suits, pink or white, tifbt kuf or anen Dot torn; oana or Male top. Halm Fleer 69c Sale Underwear ' Boys' and Girls' Union Salts, 69c Boys' and girls' fine lisle or athletic Union, Suits, sizes 6 tp 16 years; regular 98c values. : Main doer 69c SALE . t ., inn. Women's Hose, S Fain for 69c A good, serviceable hose, In black or brown, all sizes. A regular 26c value. 69c SALE Aaaex. Children's Fancy Sox, S pair 69c Children'a Fancy Sox, all alzea, iA to 9, regular 36c value. ' 69c SALE Annex. Children's Hose, 4 Pain for 69c ' Black or brown, medium or heavy rib; all alzea. Regular 29c value. : 69c SALE Auez. Children's Fiae Bib Hoie, 3 Paira for 69c ' Mercerized, all aizes, very elastic. Regular 39c value. ' . 69c SALE Annex. Women's Fine' Hose, 3 Pairs (9c All sizes, black, brown or white. These are a regular 39c value. . 69c SALE Aaaex.' .' Crone Bloomers. 69c Pair . Fine pink crepe bloomers cut and well made. Thest a regular 98c value. V ') l i ir I 69c SALE Annex Fine Batiste Step-las, 69c Pair Very fine quality material, well made, trimmed with lace and embroidery. Regular 98c value. 69c. SALE Annex. t Womeu's Lisle Tests, 3 for 69c All sizes, full cut, win sieerea or aleeveless. Regular 39c value. Photoplay 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 9:45 i,