Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 51 NO. 269. .
f mm u mum , tm.
ft, VMM AM rf k
l tl Mm, VC M .. Mi Ml, K aM
r ii
i h
of Retards
Made Here
ihrt 350 Spectator Watch
Cement Pile Sink Without
Ling PrUcr Stoji
Kroion of Hanks.
River to Be Navigable
A concrete pile A fnt lone ami
voghing tlx ln wa btiuk to the
l ilt in one minute on the liore i
Carter lAe )eterdy morning.
Then, in four minutes, another pile,
grooved to fit dourly into the other,
was put down beside it.
There Mat no pile driver, nothing
hut a iwiit stream of water driven
through a pipe running from top to
.bottom through the center of the
'fn!t. The water washed out the
rarth under the pile and it sunk cf
its own weight.
In the crowd of more than 350
spectators were bridge builders,
railway executive ami engineers,
drainage and reclamation experts
and public officials from Chicago to
California and from Minnesota to
Missouri. Kach saw in the demon
m rat ion of the invention of Edward
Bignell the solution of some of his
particular problems.
Governor Hyde Interested.
One of the most interested spec
tators was -Gov. Arthur M. Hyde
of Missouri, who had come with
Lieut, Gov. Hiram Llovd and nmc
other Missounans working for Mis
scurt river navigation. Manding so
clone that the muddy spray flecked
his collar he watched a pile sunk
far beneath the surface, 84 feet to
bed rock, in 11 1-2 minutes.
The demonstration was given by
Woods Bros. Construction company
of Lincoln. In the afternoon the
visitors were shown the reclama
tion work nqw being done along the
Missouri river in the East Omaha
drainage district. There 7.000 acres
of land destined for an industrial
district is being protected from the
river by levees and by the syston
of 21 current retards that are
anchored to the Bignell piles.
Four of these retards, which con
sist of felled trees laced together
with cables and held in place by
rue concrete pi
1 The current. vl
4I0 acres of ,f
V Florence, is nc
-sr-rtfj. of., the
scouring a
toe concrete piling, arc already in.
The current, which had carred awav
.farm land east of
now dellected to the
the river, where it is
deep channel. The
stream has slowed down at the bank
and is dropping its sediment to form
andbars,, The trees are being buried
in sand, and most of them will be
covered from . sight by silt after
the .June rise. A sloping beach is
already forming.
' Drive 80 Feet
Tlie party watched as the Wood
Bros.' steamboat sent a four-ton, 20,
foot pile down 80 feet to bedrock.
Water at a pressure of about 80
pounds to the square inch was pump
ed down through the four-inch pipe
running the length of the pile. As
it came out at the bottom through,
a one and a half-in. muzzle it washed
the sand and clay upward and away.
Jits of water spurting upward from
the sides washed the hole larger and
scon the pile was completely buried.
A cable which was firmly attached
to the concrete was fastened about
a barge load of trees. These were
pushed off in the river, close to the
caving bank. Each tree had been
laced to the other by a large cable,
and as they fell in a tangled mass the
concrete pile, buried in the river
bed ISO feet upstream, held them in
place. Other piles sunk in the bank
above kept them from floating out
in the current.
As far as the engineers were .con
cerned, the current retard was com
plete. All that remains is for the
river to drop its sediment and cover
the work. The water and the sand
picscrve the trees from rotting and
a permanent barrier to the encroach
ment of the river is formed.
Want Channel Opened.
"Our great problem," . said Gov
ernor Hyde, "is to do something with
' t!;is river, even if we do nothing but
stop its depredations. Missourians
are particularly interested in open
ing the channel from Kansas City
to St. Louis to steamboats. I see
no reason why, if we can accom
plish this, the channel cannot be ex
tended past Omaha. Even with
kfansas City as the head of naviga
tion, Nebraska freight rates would be
reduced." . .
C. H.. Conrick, city engineer of
Yankton, S. D., recalled the clays
when river boats made this city a
real port. He was, however, more
immediately interested with a party
- (Tor to Pace Tiro, Column Four.)
To Seek Habeas Corpus Writ.
Xcw York, N. Y., April 26. Ber
nard H. Sandler, counsel for Probst,
announced today that he would apply
for a writ of habeas corpus to ob
tain the release of his client on bail.
Mr. Sandler stated that Probst
then would press his charges that he
had been kidnaped in an attempt to
railroad him out of the country be
cause of his alleged romance with
the daughter of a wealthy member
of the Rolling Rock Country club,
near Pittsburgh.
"There will be startling revela
tions," asserted the lawyer.
Missing Seaplane Found.
Miami, Fla., April 26. The sea
plane Santa Maria, missing since
early Monday when it began a flight
from Key West to Nassau, with six
persons aboard, has been found at
Wilson island, according to a wire
less message received here today at
11:30 a. m. from Havana.
The radio, from one of the naval
planes sent out , early today, stated
feat the passengers on the Santa
Maria were taken to Nassau by a
small boat, while the pilot and the
mechanician remained with the plane.
"Don't Worry, Dear,
I'll Eteape," Say
Cell-Bound Burglar
Washington. D. C, April 29
"Don't worry. iethert. I'll
escape inside of two years." Jo
teph Laujon. charged with 200
burglaries here in the last II
monthf, replied to the warm em
brace of the woman who had gone
into hit cell to bid him goodby
yesterday. Arrested with him. but
later released. Miss Virginia Betty
Carroll told Lauion if "they give
you SO yean I'll still b waiting
for you when you're Int,"
Lauaon told the polico on hit ar
rest, they said, that he had already
escaped from prison twice.
Nebraska Loans
of Fimiucc Boilv
Arc $11,497,600
Chairman of Nebraska Dis
trict KxjiIaiiM Conditions
to Parent Board Up
dike Is Praised.
Woblnfla C ormpondrM t Ornba
Washington. April 26. (Special
jcirgram.) 1-. a. i nomas, chair
man of the Nebraska district of the
War Finance corporation, today com
pleted a three-day conference with
members of the hoard of the parent
corporation, bringing tip to date ac
tion on ad pending applications for
loans. Following the conference, it
was announced that th total now
anproved for Nebraska amounts to
$14,407,000. of which more than $12,-
con.noo lias been paid out.
Mr. Thomas reported generally to
the board on (ranstnissouri condi
tions, citing conditions in tlie corn
belt as greatly relieved by the ini
proved prices obtained for fat cat-
tie and hogs a well as corn. In
cotnpanv with Gov. McKclvie. who
was with him a part of the time, he
placed emphasis on the fact that the
greatest need for money now lies in
the cattle-growing' section. He said
that Mr. Meyer, director of the cor
poration, had spoken most highly of
the service given by Nelson B. Up
dike as chairman of the corn belt
advisory committee for Nebraska.
Oppose Small Companies.
In reference to the cattle situation
Mr. Thomas said that the board was
seeking to discourage the formation
of a great number of small cattle loan
companies in favor of the organiza
tion of fewer and larger companies.
extending credits to both large and
small stock-raisers and covering a
greater diversity of interests.
Mr. Thomas said that he had
found that Nebraska's generous share
of government aid was more wisely
distributed than that of any otner
state, his district holding the notes
of 14,000 different farmers. .
The power of the 'War finance
corooration to make new loans will
expire under the present law on July
1 of this year. There is some agita
tion to attach its activities after that
time to the farm loan board, but Mr.
Thomas believes that there is still
need for loans and that the powers
of the corporation will be extended
for a ocriod of six months or a year,
when the emergency will be graduat-
lv cased to a. point where it can be
taken care of otherwise. He report
ed sentiment .to that effect among
the members of congress interviewed
by him. Mr. Thomas lett tonight tor
home. - -
Explains Tobacco Trade.
Raymond H. Beselin of Omaha is
here with 45 tobacco jobbers from
thron shout the whole United States
in answer to a summons by the fed
eral trade commission, which is in
vestigating conditions in that indus
try with particular reference to un
fair trade practices, among others
ruinous price-cutting in which stand
ard articles are sold tar oeiow ineir
known value. The dealers called to
Washington were singled out for
their knowledge of general condi
tions and not because of any par
ticipation in the abuses in question.
Mr. Beselin will leave tonight or to
morrow. Towle in Capital.
John W. Towle of Omaha is in
Washington on business before some
of the government departments.
Man Who Meant to Kill His
Wife Is Awaiting Trial
London, April 26. Michael John
Simpson is awaiting trial for at
tempted murder of his wife and, ac
cording to his own statement to the
police, he meant to "do her in" when
he hit her on the head with a ham
mer. .
Simpson gave himself up at the
police station, informing the officers
that he had killed his wife.
"I suppose she"s dead, ain't she?
Simpson inquired when officers re
turned from making an investigation.
"No, she's in an infirmary," the
officers replied.
"What, not dcadl". shouted Simp
son. "Well I meant to do her in."
She ought to be dead. I want to
swing for her. I meant to do it."
The better
places to
live are
listed in
"Want" Ad
1 7th and Farnam
Atlantic 1000
Millions of
South Dakota Hrpuhliian Pec-Lire
Huge .Number f
. War Securities Were
Demands Investigation
Omaha tlf l-ft4 Mlrr.
Wutliiiigton, April 20. Charges
that hundred of million of dollar
worth of duplicated Liberty loinis
fit in circulation wire made mi the
house ! Kcnretriiiative Kov: .
Johnon, South Dakota, republican.
Kt-pttrCiiiutive Johnson, d-".p;-c
persistent c'licial denials of suttt it
ports wnrli have been circulated
ir;c the ftc'il ti..ntic execute.: it.
Her diH-lu-ui'W 'jiiicau if tirav.
)('(. and v ri.t!i' ii:i;;oc declared
that the b-ril dii,:iiiaiions would run
, as high at $4UO,OUO.Uoo. This amount.
I lie said, the government vuhl have
to iiukc good.
Johnson's speech created sana
tion in t!.e house and led to demands
for a sweeping investigation by i n
gress to establish the truth or falsity
of the constantly recurring charges.
Told to "Keep Mouth Shut"
The bond duplications. Johnson de
clared, were originally discovered by
. W. McCartcr, formerly assistant
registrar of the Treasury department.
Mr. McCarter, he said, informed
higher officials of the Treasury de
partment during the Wilson admin
istration of his discovery, but he was
told to "keep his mouth shut or
love his position."
The Wilson administration failed to
take any action, Mr. Johnson said.
Soon after the republicans came in
to power the South Dakota member
laid McCarter's report before the De
partment of Justice. He was unable
to furnish the house with any in
formation as to what occurred there
after. "Mr. McCartcr secured informa
tion in the course of hi duties which
convinced him that there had been
enormous duplication of government
bonds, printed by the bureau of
engraving and printing, which had
gone through the office of the reg
istrar of, the treasury," said Mr.
Took Right Course.
"I think Mr. McCarter took the
right attitude when he presented
the matter first to a distinguished
democratic senator from my state
and very properly presented it to the
assistant secretary of the treasury
He was very quickly informed at the
time by the former administration
that nothing was wrong; that there
would be no investigation and that
he should keep his mouth shut or lose
his- oosition. Mr. McCarter. who
had developed the fact that there arc
probably hundreds of millions of dol
lars -of duplicate bonds in the United
States, was discharged from service
by his administration for presenting
those facts to members of congress."
"I am somewhat interested," Rep
resentative Wingo, Arkansas, inter
rupted, "in the gentleman's state
ment about duDlicate bonds."
"I will say that is all a matter of
oublic record." replied Mr. Johnson.
'.'I took all of this data to-the Depart
ment of Justice early in 1921, alter we
had tried in every way to secure ac
tion from the former administration.
Letters that were written to Mr. Lef
fingwell, at that time an assistant sec
retary of the treasury, arc easily pro
curable." "You did not bring it to the atten
tion of Secretary Mellon," asked Mr.
Wingo. .
"I did not," replied Johnson. I
brought it to the attention of the De
partment of Justice, where I think it
ought to have gone."
Representative Wingo declared he
did not believe Johnson's charges,
but insisted there should be a con
gressional investigation.
Charge Brother Slew
Couple of Decorah
Decorah, la., April 26. The most
startling charge of the entire Knees-
kern trial was brought out here yes
terday when Elmer Vanbrocklin,
brother of Charles Van Brocklin, for
whose murder B. K kneeskern is
being tried, was accused of the mur
der of Van Brocklin and his wife,
by E. W. Cutting, attorney for the
Cutting accused Van Brocklin of
the double murder in his closing
argument to the jury late tins after
noon; "Elmer threatened his brother and
his sister-in-law because it was re
ported that they Were going to testi
fy against him when he was ar
raigned on the charge of stealing
corn from a neighbor," Mr. Cut
ting said. "He made good his
threat," the counsel a,dded.
Colorado Senate Urges
Recognition of Mexico
Denver, Colo., April 26. Declaring
that there "finally has been a man
elected to the presidency of the Mex
ican republic who promises to be a
true saviour to his country, the
Colorado senate in special session
yesterday adopted a resolution call
ing upon the United States to recog
nize President Obrcgon and Mexico.
The resolution, copies of which have
been forwarded to Washington,
further states that "the senate of the
state of Colorado declares itself most
pleased with the election of Presi
dent Obrcgon" and expresses a, be
lief that "the interests of all con
cerned demands prompt recognition
of the republic of Mexico by the
United States.
A second resolution adopted "dr
plores the delay" of the United
States senate in passing the adjust
ed compensation bill for veterans of
the vorld war.
Bull Fight Too Tame;
Toreadora Unable
"to Annoy the Bull"
Milwaukee. Wit.. April 26.
After a futile effort to prevent
bull fight her last night had been
made by the Rev. F. P. Bankley.
agent for the Humane society, the
battle was held under an agree
ment between the promoters, the
police and the society, whereby the
minister was to referee. The fight
proved to be a tame affair at the
result, the toreador being prevent'
ed from "annoying the bulls" un
der the provision of a itate law
invoked by the society.
I unlit nrknnli
illlUlllCr lill'tllll
in Irish Peace
' Pact Threatened
Provisional Govern-
inent Announces Unahlc
Longer to Co-Operate
With Hclfa-t.
Belfast. April 26. (By A. P.)-A
breach between the Dublin and Bel
fast governments, which Ulster po
litical quarter declare may also en
tail a rupture of the London agree
ment, is indicated by statement is
sued by the provisional government
in Dublin this afternoon announcing
that it is unable to co-operate with
the Belfast government in an inquiry
into the Irish railways.
The seriousness of the general sit
uation between the two governments
is indicated by a telegram from Mi
chael Collins, head of the provisional
government, to Sir James Craig, the
Ulster premier:
"All here are agreed it is impos
sible to make any further nogress
until the vital clau-es of the London
agreement are 'fulfilled by you," said
Collins' telegram, dated April 22.
"They consider your attitude regard
ing prisoners as most unsatisfactory
and entirely out of accord with the
letter and spirit of the agreement
r.nd your failure to agree to investi
gation .of cases unojer Clause V as
most unreasonable."
(Clause V of the London agree
ment of March JO provided for estab
lishment of a committee in Belfast.
with equal numbers of Catholics and
Protestants, to hear and investigate
complaints oi intimidation, outrages, j
Coup Feared.
Dublin, April 26. (By A. P.)-Ef-forts
to secure peace in southern
Ireland were renewed today with the
reassembling of the conference be
tween the free state and republican
ladcrs, adjourned from last Thurs
day. -The
Dail Eireann was to, meet at
3 A'rlorlr siH Tiimi-ir of a nossihle I
coup by Rory O'Connor, leader of
the extreme republican forces were
afloat. '
The conference continued into the
afternoon when it was adjourned un
til Saturday. -
American Marines
Steam to China
Manila, P. I., April 26. Admiral
Joseph Strauss aboard the flagship
Huron of the Asiatic squadron de
parted yesterdAy for Chin-Wang-Tao.
with .three companies of ma
rines. Admiral Strauss said the. pur
pose of the movement was to pro
tect American interests in .China in
the event they are menaced by a
clash between Chinese factions.
The American legation guard at
Peking- has already been strength
ened by additional marines, accord
ing to advices received here, but no
soldiers of the 15th infantry, sta
tioned at Tien Tsin, have yet been
dispatched to Peking.
Refuses to Withdraw.
Peking. April 26. (By A. P.)
Taking the stand that he intends to
employ force to unify the country,
General Chang Tsao-Lin, governor
of Manchuria, has sent a telegram
to President Hau Shih Chang, re
fusing to .withdraw his troops in
Chi-Li province. Instead of with
drawing, Chang Tsao-Lin has sent
additional forces southward, making
almost 100,000 he now has south of
the great wall. ' ' ;
American News Writer
Freed on Murder Charge
Paris, April 26. The investigating
magistrate decided yesterday there
was no case for proceedings against
Thomas Stewart Ryan, the Ameri
can newspaper writer, in connection
with the death of his wife. Mrs.
Ryan, professionally Jcuown as Miss
Audrey Creighton, violinist, whose
home was in California, died here
January 19. after having swallowed
several tablets and Ryan was held
temporarily pending an investigation
of the case. He was released on
bail shortly afterward.
Criminal Prosecutions
Possible in Motor Case
Washington, April 26. rPossibil
ity of criminal prosecutions growing
out of the defunct Lincoln Motors
company case was declared by At
torney General Daugherty yesterday
to depend on further investigation of
the affairs of the concern in con
nection with thar claim of the War
department for approximately $9,
000,000 for over payments for war
contracts filed with the receiver re
cently against the company in De
troit. Canadian Rail Rates to Be
Reduced to Level of 1919
Winnipeg, April 26. Reduction of
Canadian railway freight rates by 40
per cent, to the 1919 level, will be
made before the 1922 crops begin
to move, Premier Norris of Mani
toba announced yesterday in an ad
dress before the provincial liberal
The reduction, said Mr. Xorris,
will mean an annual saving of ap
proximately $8,000,000 to Manitoba
farmers in freight rates
Race Now on for Free Trip to France;
Candidates in The Bee Good Will Contest
Will Receive Final Instructions Today
Local Committfc Meinhm to
Act ai Hostesses at Meet
ing at Hotel
AH candidates in The Onulu Bee
Good Will contest will meet with the
American Committee for Devastated
France this morning at Hotel l;on-
j tenrlle. Candidates will bring their
campaign manager and committee
' for tinal instructions.
The local committee, consisting of
Mrs. J. J. McMullin, chairman: Mrs.
Warren Rogers. Mrs. Howard Kai
drige and Mrs. Charles Willulm will
act a ho.tcse. Several representa
tives of New York headquarter will
be nresent to explain fullv the na-
lure of the contest, methods of bal-
work of the American cotn-
mittee for Devastated France and
all details in connection with the
Candidates entered In the race
from out of the city are beina
brought to the meeting as guests of
The Omaha Bee.
To Become Acquainted.
Promptly at 10 o'clock candidates
and their managers will be received
by the hostesses and introduced to
each other. Twenty minute later
moving picture of the work of the
American Committee for Devastated
France will be .shown. These pic
tures show the state of France bat
tlefields as they are three years after
the close of the war. the dugouts and
quarries in which the inhabitants are
living, the peasants themselves at
work and volunteer workers of the
American committee caring for chil
dren and the general physical and
moral welfare of the communitv.
At 11 o'clock instructions will b"
given for the conduct of individual
campaiens. methods of voting, care
of funds received and rules govern ing
the entire contest explained. Bal
lot books will be distributed to the
candidates and records taken of the
serial numbers of ballots in their
Prizes to Be Given.
At 12 o'clock, luncheon will be
served byjfotel Fontene'le. A long
table through the center of the main
dining room has been placed at the
i disposal of the committee and decor-
Bombers Attack
Spinning Plant
in Rhode Island
Loud Explosions Arouse Citi
zens of Pawtucket, Where
Spinners Are on Strike
Picket Shot.
Pawtucket, R. I., April 26. Paw
tucket was startled last night at 10
o'clock and again at 11 o'clock by
two loud explosions. Hundreds of
people poured into the streets. After
two hours investigation police lo
cated a rent in the roof of the
Jenckes Spinning company plant.
The police found -that a bomb had
been thrown upon the roof. No one
was in the building and the damage
was slight.
Operatives at this mill have been
on strike' for 14 weeks.
The second' explosion 'was at the
Crown ( Manufacturing company's
plant two miles from the Jenckes
plant. Police found that a bomb
had been hurled to' a cement plat
form and that the only damage was
the breaking of windows.
One strike picket was shot and
two others arrested yesterday near
the Jenckes plant when deputy sher
iffs sought to disperse a crowd of
130 persons who, they assert, were
attempting to prevent men from go
ing to work at the mill.
Chicago, April 26 Robbers en
tered the apartment of Samuel Gar
field, a broker, last night, and fled
with $13,000 worth of jewelry and
$500 in currency after binding and
gagging Mr. and Mrs. Garfield and
their 3-year-old son, Rufsell. The
robbery was the worle ot tnrce
Unmasked men.
Newspaper Man Denies
Part in Taylor Death
San Francisco. April 26. Rivalry
between employes of newspapers in
Hilo, T. H., was advanced today by
Honore C. Connette, former Hilo
newspaperman, as the reason for the
authorship of a mysterious letter
linking him with the murder in Los
Angeles February 1 of William D.
Taylor, motiou picture director.
Connette characterized the letter
as a "plant by a rival newspaper
man." ' "I never saw this letter," he said,
"until it was shown to me yesterday
by Detective Sergt. J.,A. Wian of
the Los Angeles police department.
The letter was written and unsigned
and apparently was built upon things
that I said in a moment of levity in
the presence of a newspaper rival in
Hilo. I know absolutely nothing
about the Taylor murder other than
the facts that are common knowl
edge." American Tourists Are
Warned to Avoid China
Tokio. April 26. (By A. P.) It
is unwise for tourists to go to China,
owing to disturbed military condi
tions there, Jacob G. Schurman, the
American minister at Pekin, said
yesterday in a message to Americans
here who had asked his advice.
The Japanese foreign office, al
though cognizant of conditions in
China, does not believe recent re
ports that the lives of foreigners,
are endangered. Nevertheless, rie
foreign office recommends not go
ing into that country, unless on ur
gent business, as discomforts are
iccrtau to be experienced.
1 jsA
. . i'.'v" wj. .-
Rodntrom Photo.
Tokio Rocked
by Earthquake
Tremor Lasts 15 Minutes
Several Persons Killed
Yokohama Shaken.
Tokio, April 26.-(By X P.) A
heavy earth shock, ' centering in
Tokio, occurred at 10:15 o'clock this
morning. Considerable damage was
done to buildings in the city.
The quake was preceded by . an
eruption yesterday of Mount Asama
Yama, 90 miles northwest of "Tokio.
which broke out with a loud report,
pouring forth volumes of ashes.
stones and smoke, i No serious dam
age was caused, by the eruption. '
The- earthquake caused the death
of a few persons, none of the vic
tims, however, being Americans or
Europeans. . . ,".
There were many escapes of the
narrowest sort from collapsing chim
neys and walls. ' x '
. The earthquake . was one of the
most severe experienced here in a
long period. Officials stated it last
ed 15 minutes, the longest in years.
The . American embassy ' was
slightly damaged and many of the
exhibits at the peace exhibit were
Yokohama was as severely shaken
as Tokio, and the Chinese quarter in
that city was virtually destroyed and
the water works disrupted.
Tariff Bill Will Raise
Living Cost, Says Simmons
Washington, D. C... April 26. The
administration tariff bill, if passed in
its present form, will lead to higher
costs of living, reduced production.
unemployment and the further
monopolization of American in
dustries, Senator Simmons of North.
Carolina, the democratic leader it i
the tariff fight, declared today in the
"A careful study of this bill in
connection with existing conditions
here and abroad," Senator Simmons
said, . "make it perfectly clear that
it was framed with a view to main
taining present prices and to enable
the industries which it protects to
further advance tlvese excessively
high prices without incurring the
risk of foreign competition.
Policeman Kills Officers,
Takes Bodies to Undertaker
Anniston. Ala.. April 26. Police
men Joe T. Holiday and C. B. Hurst
were shot and killed here today by
Policeman Marshall Welch. After
slaying the policemen Welch placed
the bodies into an automobile and
drove to an undertaking establish
ment, and-surrendered. According to
police, Welch said he shot Holiday
in self-defense and that the shooting
of Hurst was accidental.
'Phones for Swains Put
on Des Moines Billboards
1 Des Moines, April 26. (Special
Telegram.) An experiment in as
sisting Cupid is being tried by the
telephone company here. To elimi
nate the embarrassment of making
"dates" from the corner store, pay
phones have been installed on bill
boards in various parts of the town
,to aid the local swains.
Moving Pictures, n
triliutioii and Luncheon on
ProgramPrize for
Karly Volinp.
atiuiiii have been donated by
llc l
and hwnliodu, ilnu,
'I II IVlcr 'I ru.l iitlltluMV
plaitd Slil at the disposal of Xc . A .. 1 T 1 1
loiunuttfe to be n.ed at prlres fr!OVlCtS AttaCK I OlanU
the lirt lour catuiiflatr to ream
l.iHJO vote, by their own efforts. Ta
each of thee tour J$0 vole will be
Riven ar an award for early votln.
. . ... .
r in iimrumti or toting win n
carried again tomorrow. lUllot
i , . .. .-ii ... . i. ' i.
.i i nr in nam,. ,.,,
iljtr anil their ii lemu ami limiU e
rrr,l uill h. .I,.il .lin-rlK. ...
i.. v t..Zt.
IIIC vriilMIIA .IM'llill iIIK.
Nebraska City Enter Candidate. rii,rr entiiely or with a reduction
Just before the cloing of tioniina-I bacd on Kiii.iaii capacity to pay.
tinii Mi Grace K. Kndert was ) Second The pjamrnt of pre-war
uninitiated by a group of friend at j debts witli the giiniiiig. if ticcc
the candidate of Nebraska City. ' iarv. of a reasonable moratorium
Mis Kndert i comptometer opera i Tln'.M Indemnity for all damages
tor for the a'r and statistical de- I caused to foreigners,
partmcnt of Mortou-firegson com- j Fourth Ketittitiou of confiscated
lny, meat packer in Nebraska City- j property.
Her nomination blank was endorsed; Three other point, adds the dis-'
by a host of friend, including her patih, will be drawn up bv the allies
manager, K. v. McWilham. and
Mattie I. Bloss. principal of Second
avenue school.
General Manager W. T. ThiehorT
of the Burlington route, in announc
ing the choice of Mi Katherine
O'Brien tates that she has been as-
. ! . i .. r '
si-tant timekeeper with the Burling
ion ior tour years. Mie come irom
a family that has been closely allied
with the ISurliuictou
system fori
years. lu-r prandial her. father and
great-uncle bring linrliiigton em
ployes Miss O'Brien's brother en
listed in the world war in 1I7 and
was overseas unt'l the armistice.
Miss Elizabeth Kaufmann is private
secretary to Ford F-. Hovev. presi
dent of the Stockyards National
bank, and has long been a leader in
civic, patriotic and charitable activi
ties. She is a member of the women's
branch of the Chamber of Commerce,
president of the Welfare club, and
of circle No. 2 of the First Methodist
Flpiscopal church. In inviting her
to1e their candidate, the livestock in
terests declared that she could start
to get her wardrobe ready.
I Conferees Aree
on Agricultural
Budget Measure
Each Committee Makes Con
cessions on Terms of Ap
propriation Bill Sev
eral Items Decreased.
Washington, April 26. Agreement
was reached between the senate and
house conference committee on the
agricultural appropriation bill. The
house delegation accepted the four
important amendments of the senate
but with the appropriations carried
by them reduced. Most of the lesser
changes made by the senate likewise
were compromised, each committee
receding in some instances.
The important amendments made
by 'the senate included increases in
appropriations for the state relations
service of the agricultural department
for combating the white pine blister
rust and to enable the' purchase of
more land in the Appalachian moun
tains at the head of navigable
The fourth big increase by the sen
ate was an increase from $142,000 to
$500,000 for . fighting the barberry
bush as a breeder of wheat rust. The
committees agreed finally on $350,000
for this purpose. .
The amendment which increased
the fund for co-operative" extension
work among the states from the
house allotment of $1,000,000 to $1,
500,000, was compromised at $1,300,
000. The Overman amendment add
ing $500,000 to $75,000 fixed by the
house for the purchase of land at the
head of navigable streams was cut so
that as the bill was reported to the
senate the provision carries $400,000.
The appropriation of $175,000 for.
fighting the white pine blister rust
made by the house was finally accept
ed by the conterees at $200,000 or
$50,000 below the amount appropriat
ed for this purpose by the senate.
Democratic National
Committee Women to Meet
Washington, April 26: A confer
ence of democratic national commit
tee women will be held here Sat
urday, it was announced yesterday by
Mrs. Emily N. Blair, national com
mittee woman from Missouri, who
represents the women democrats of
the United States at national head
quarters here.
The meetings of the conference
will be followed late in the day, it
was added, by a reception, at which
Mrs. Woodrow Wilson will receive,
and by a dinner at night in honor
of Cordell Hull, chairman of - the
democratic national committee.
The Weather
Thursday: Possibly showers; not
much change in temperature.
Hourly Temperatures.
a. '. .
. .13
. .43
. n
. .51
...M !
.5(1 I
t p. ni.
1 p. m.
3 p. m.
4 p. ni.
ft p. m.
6 p. lit.
7 p. m.
R p. ni.
ft. m.
ft. ni.
it. m.
Highest Wednesday.
f'hyennu . . .
IRvnport .
Prn Mnlnpn . .
Iod(t City . .
f amlf-r
North Platte
..IS. Pueblo . .
. .0: Rapid Cltv
. .12 Salt Lake
..58! I Santa Ke
. .fiRhriilan ..
..if Sioux City
. .5;VHlcntlne .
. .511
. .l4
P I' C I) a
u,iiJPor hussia
Allied Note Denunds Kepliei
1 on Paviuent of War and Pre
War lMitu, Itcctitiitioii of
!oiificatcd Properly.
1 oiuli. ii. April .'( d'.v A P.)--The
allied note to be piteincd to
the Kuiin drhuutinii at liruoa to
; J ... . ,i,, .i,.r.i1
,w "V " '. 1 " hlMi
patch Irani tjciiua. will he ptac-
, M!,iaIunl (, Ul-
- 1 ' . . , ?
I 'Hai K.lir
on i.'iir priiutp
1 i...,.t x
i ln.l1 Ir nai'inriil itl ujr debit.
todav and an effort will he made to -
mne Kufcsu to reply at the earnest
possible moment in order to bring
the conference to a close before Mav
10. hen Prime Minister Llovd
George and other of the leaders ex
pect to be obliged to leave Genoa
- 1 owing to the pressure of home lus
i mess.
Attack Poland.
r. d....:-
,.,,,.,, '..,, .a,in t ft.
economic conference veterday by
sending a note to the Polish delega
tion remonstrating against Poland's
action in joining with the allied pow
ers in protest against a separate treaty
between Russia and Germany. Russia
claimed that the peace treaty between
herself and Poland covers all rela
tions between the two countries, t"
that Poland, like Germany, should
not participate in the discussion of
Russian affairs, even intimating that
Poland by her present action in the
conference has abrogated the treaty
signed at Riga on March 18. 1921.
Russia has a strong red army en
camped near the Polish border, and
for this reason, the Russian n
constranccs arc regarded by some of
the delegates as equivalent to almost
a threat against Poland.
Will Forward Report.
The experts on the Russian ques
tion sitting without the soviet dele
gates yesterday compared notes ou
new proposals presented by the Rus
sian delegates at yesterday's session
and decided, to forward their report
to tlicir respective governments. It
is expected that when the answers arc
received from the various capitals the
powers will submit counter proposi
tions to the soviet, couched in firm
language, in an endeavor to reach
a working basis for an accord.
"We cannot stay here forever,"
said a French delegate last night. The
French are disturbed over the man
ner in which the English have inter
preted Premier Poincare's address.
The French spokesman made it clear
that all Frenchmen are alarmed over
future military possibilities of the
Russian-German treaty and that M.
Poincare was merely voicing
France's genuine disquietude. There
are certain indications here that
France with her. dwindling popula
tion, is fearful of the constantly in
creasing German population, uuited
with mighty Russia. The French
attitude toward Russia is, described as
like that of Japan towards China
eachi wants an organized and pros
perous neighbor, but does not desire
the neighbor to be so strong as to
loom up as a possible menace.
Woolwine Calls Klan
"Band of Cowards"
Los Angeles, Cal., April 26. Dis
trict Attorney Thomas . Lee Wool-
wine of Los rngeles county today
characterized the Ku Klux Klan as
"hooded band of outlaws and
cowards" in a statement issued short- .
ly after receiving by postal card a
warming signed "K. K. K."
1 he post card warning, mailed yes
terday in Los Angeles, read as fol
lows: "
"Friend Tom:
"Better have your force go slow
on this case (inglcwood).
"K. K. K."- .
Held in Jail.
Austin, Tex., April 26. The court
of criminal appeals today over-ruled
a motion for rehearing in the case of
J. D. Copeland, police commissioner,
and F. G. Reynolds, clerk of a fra- :
ternal order, cited for contempt of
court, in connection with their al
leged refusal to answer questions of
the grand jury concerning member
ship and. the membership of others in
the Ku Klux Klan.
This means that the men must go
to jail and remain there until they
answer questions asked them by the
grand jury, it is said.
Vice Clnb in School Charge
Costs Police Head Job
St. Louis, April 26. Victor J.
Miller, who recently asrted vice
clubs existed at Soldan High school
and who subsequently was unable
to substantiate the charge to the
satisfaction of a parents' committee,
was deposed as president of the St.
Louis board of police commissioners
this afternoon.
2 Spaniards Die in Fire.
Malaga. Spain, April 26. (By A.
P.) Twenty persons are known to
have lost their lives and 30 were in
jured in a fire which swept the gov
ernment buildings last night and was
still burning today. It was feared
the fire would spread to the customs
house, in which great quantities of
ammunition destined for use of the
Spanish forces in Morocco were
- f