THE TiF.K: OMAHA. MONDAY. APRIL 21. 1922. THE GUMPS SVSk". ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN.' Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith FO R RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Unfurnished. Vt.4lIA'i Af.. 4lt nt 'll l-l lit . i flmm. i( ! ! hatha, aaii-t. ia I. t'ta TMHvf .ailk lt.l loatraM 111 ir nmmtt, tall Aiuli Ilia, wi lt. httuta. tPf-TIME TALES NP4f THE TALE OF. nimble; IH MC OOtS ACC T0 MLtVt AMQTUt, 600 OH fx iiM i A uikl unia Ttt too rt Ofc VrttU DEER VirW r' C I.H . Lit. r r; OVUV HaVMf; Ha. THVt OWt ttv VT- AVSOtV T- KN Aft a TV It Wat Lot Btrofcf.- A MMitt H WO pfcMCitR tO VOMO At Vt ' UtVCJ V tOVIt- BUT .TO SSI oa,9 0 VtCXOU FOR RKNTBuiinete Froptrty. WAMIMI SCOTT MIIET VH . GUe THlt OH "WE M WtW WlltfAMUK Nl'oHAtiU AM WAlia,. tltH'WM '" I HH an.l J"na fia. II. M. I'ltiUtla. rboua A liark'4 n. M 0 V I Nq"aN P'STO R AC eT- "WHEN MOVING" r AL'kl Ml Tlllt I Ml KM I IT IMl FIDELITY 3. IUT-II Ilar4 H rriiV.iMiiMif' WAitriiiiLkH lttaia ltua4 ritta fr ttMjaKM ImmW anil f1 ". tult(. avitt( ai"! alttttihf ui:m.m omams van and Tonni!. ana Hritiin lath. l. 4IH- XlTliMATK.'itiriiiirhTrf ul( aiuxio mi inntltig I' lahN tv J'H ar lr. tllAha Van M'ttaaa to. t A. i:3l, AT. :., .;": Nurili taih Ht. STMMNYS 08MH W UMt CHAPTER VIII. Mrs. Deer Explains, l or the firt time in hit life Niitu t'lr (r!t nuii grown up. Ht forgot that ht r l not yet lived a whole mnmer. He had nude a tiggrtion it hit mother which the ha1 prompt ly acted upon. It had never hap 5T0CK VIOIIOW?- o 0 o J IHy I m r-irv Tl v n!'W JLL- r r Iifl ' e Didn't the moon fall into the watfetf be auked. pciird before. And that was enough to raue him a great deal of pleasure. Then there wa something eUe that made Nimble believe hinuelf to be a person of ome account. A ttrange affair had happened at the lake. He had een it all. He had taken part in it itself. Really it was no wonder that he began to talk quite importantly. "It was lucky I was with you," he remarked to his mother as they rest ed amid the tangle of Cedar swamp. "It was lucky we weren't any father out in the lake," she ex claimed. "If you hadn't been with me, no doubt I'd have gone where ihe water was much deeper. And that light would have caught me before 1 could have, reached the shore." What his mother said made Kim ble feel bigger than ever. He wasn't quite sure what had happened back there, where they had been surprised while eating; water lilies. But he meant to find out, for he thought it would make a good story to tell his friends. "Would the moon have burnt us if it had hit us?" he inquired. "What in the world are you talk ing about?" his mother asked him. lie looked puzzled at her question. "Wasn't that the moon that lit up the lake along the shore?" he de manded. "Certainly not," she replied. "Didn't the moon fall into the water," he asked. "No, indeed!" his mother chied. He had thought he had a wonderful tale to tell. And he couldn't under stand yet why everything wasn't as he had supposed. .;. "I was sure the moon fell into the and. th lake blew up." he explained. wnat was mat ternoie noise we heard, if it wasn't the moon bursting into pieces?" ' ' .. ' . . His mother didn't laugh. . Instead she was quite solemn as she answer ed Nimblc's last question. "That V she said "that was a gun that you heard. And the light that you Saw came from a lantern in a boat." It was very hard for Nimble to believe what she-, told him. .. , - Aj "T .1 U. T L- I . : f !.. moon whistle past my head," he went on. "A bullet!" his mother declared. A slip snnke she moved a little dis tance, to a spot where the trees were . not so thick. And she raised her nose towards the sky. ; "There I" she said. "There's the moon! It's still up there where you've always seen it." Nimble looked; and at last he knew that his mother had made no mistake. But somehow he was more frightened than ever. -' "Then'.' he faltered, "then' there , must "have been men in the boat men that .turned the light upon the "shore and fired the gun!" "They were men yes!" said Iris mother. "And they were law-breakers, too. I hope the game warden win caicn tnem at xneir tricks. "What is a game warden?" Nim ble asked her. "He's a man" she answered. "He's a man that looks after all of us forest folk and he's the best friend we've got. s Goodness, child! Are you never going to stop asking oucs- ia (Copyright, 1922.) : Common Sense By J. J. MUNDY. Why Not Get in Line for the Top. There are many persons who think that if . they have a graduation certificate, that means no more of study. . Graduation in any subject means a certain period of instruction is over and an opportunity now given for putting into practice the knowl edge acquired. The sooner young folk get the thought of graduation as a finishing of . school, or a finishing of study, out of their heads, the sooner they will come to a practical understand ing of what graduation means. The finishing of anything means no more progress along that line. The proper student spirit is a spirit which should actuate all through one's life, "on the way to vthe top, always," spirit. Although ' no one reaches the top of anything worth while, one can keep climbing. The higher one goes in the uphill route to real knowledge, the easier it becomes to go forward. Get out of the habit of thinking of graduation as '"finishing." Choose the sort ot instruction wl th a which puts you in line for the tpp. then go as tar as you can, doing ch step so thoroughly that it needs not to be done over again, but forms a stepping stone to luture growth. Make this a rule ot lite, whether it be in books, music or in manual labor, and results will shine out for a big success as you apply your knowledge. (CoprUM.'l:!.) Read The Bee AH the Way Through. You Will Find It Inter esting. - - ' - " - .- BRINGING UP LOOK JIS-A:U('& mat rcLU oot or s CAR WINDOW AM' I MNOOWAM'I rJ MfttH'T IT A 0T T OANOY Dog Hill Par agrah By George Bingham ' Slim Tickens is ambitious to be come a show man, and will soon know howf to walk a slack wire, as he has been rehearsing on the clothes line in the back yard. He says he would make much better headway if he didn't fall off so often. Just an illustration of how "com petitors watch each other and try not to let the other get ahead, about two weeks ago the Rye Straw store keeper washed his front window, and today the proprietor of the Bound ing Billows store was seen doing likewise. Frisby Hancock complains that some unknown person has relieved him of one dollar. Its disappear ance is shrouded in deep mystery. It has been missing since the day his wife patched his pants. Parents' Problems What should be done in the. case of a boy of 10, who leads other boys of his own age into mischief, chief ly ' in the direction of pactical jokes? What should .the mothers of the other boys do? The parents of such a boy need to be wide awake. They should try to divert their son s ingenuity ana energy into other channels, such as bov scout activities, without in juring such a valuable trait as his gift for leadership. They should not let him feel that he makes himself important by his pranks. Mothers of the boys who are misled by this nng leader should urge their chil dren to set uo their' own superior standards and not tamely follow his. Farmer at Bloomfield Is Attacked by Bull Bloomfield, Neb., April 23. (Special.) Rudolph Raducchel, a farmer living near here, had a nar row escape from death when he was attacked by a 2-year-old bull. Mr. Raduechel managed to grab the ani mal by the horns and avoided be ing gored. His cries for assistance brought the hired man and other attempts failing to quell the bovine, a shotgun was procured and the ani mal shot. - It took five shots to kill it.- Mr. Raduechel was badly bruis ed, but no serious injuries were sus tained. Tecumseh Girl Injured Jumping From Moving Car Tecumseh, Neb., April 23. (Spe cialsEdith Peters, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O.- Peters, was painfully injured when she jumped from a moving automobile. She was riding with schoolmates and when they passed the schoolhouse the driv er refused to let her out. The girl jumped while the car was running 25 miles an hoirr. , .Her collarbone was broken in two places and she received bruises and lacerations to her side and limbs. Drouth Endangering Wheat Crop at Big Springs Broken Bigsprings, Neb., April 23. (Spe cial.) A four mouths' drouth here was broken 3-esterday afternoon by an inch of rain. This will greatty help the wheat crop in this section, .Weak ) beaViing to die out. ' - 1922 "ar Inrw Fiatuiw Sewviea, Ihc I " " 44 , .1 FATHER--- Heiitp4 ' p. . riMt urri THATJ J(JOrt f IHUM'i HAT fcEE Wl NAME IH tT LET ME HAME tT AH' fUL tX. AAL& to or OOT TO rstfi,HT- , Livestock and Poultry Men Meet in Tecumseh Tccumsch, Neb April 23. (Spe cial.) The Johnson County Live stock and l!oultry association held a banquet in Tecumseh last evening, with 200 present. The banquet was in the basement of the Methodist church, and was served by the ladies of the Tecumseh Woman's club. Charles Hall of Omaha was one of the speakers. The matter of improved livestock is being given a great deal of attention in Johnson county at the present time. Reduce Ice Prices Beatrice, Neb., April 23. (Spe cial.) Local ice dealers have an nounced a reduction in the price of their product from 60 cents to 50 cents a hundred for the coming sea son. Classified Advertising Rites ISa dcF l!ne( count I worda to line) 1 day, 16o per Una per day, S conaecutlve day. ISO per Una per day, T conaecutlve day. 14o per Una per day, 10 conaecutlve days. No a da taken for lea than A total of SSe. Theae ratea apply either to th Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertisement appear In both mornlnc and evening- dally paper (or tb on charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. Want ad aocepted at th followlnf of fice: MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam Bfs. South Side .485 South 24th St. Council Bluff IS Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED' BY PHONH ATLANTIC 1000. . THE BEE will not ba reaponalbla for more than one Incorrect lnaertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than ona time. CLOSING HCURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:45 A. M. Morning Edition S:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M. Saturday DgATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. ENOSTROM Clarence P., ate 27. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Engstrom; two brothers, Alvln of Omaha and Norrls of Lincoln; three sla ters, Mr. O. Clark and Mrs. J. G. Nel son of Omaha and Mrs. W. B. Wilson of Gillette. Wyo. . Funeral Tuesday afternoon from resl . dence, 69 So. 49th St., at 2 p. m. In terment at West Lawn cemetery. Gen tleman Moituary In charge. HA NCHETT Alfred, the younger son of Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Hanchett, died at his home, 120 S. Sixth street, Council Bluffs, Saturday evening at S o'clock, from acute1 heart trouble. - The services at th home will he held Tueaday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The funeral will be private. It la the family's wish that no flower b sent. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC sealing concrete burial vaults. Recommended and for sala by all leading undertaker. Water proof, no steel to rust, no wood to de cay. Insist upon the AUTOMATIC SEALING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concreta Burial Vault Co., 6210 North 30th. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK.& CO., Successor to . .. , Stack & Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. ilERRocwAMBULANCEERvicE Thirty-third and Farnam. FLORISTS. T .F.F. T . A P MOW 1 Douglaa. Phone DO. 8244 SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 FARNAM 8TREET. L. HENDERSON, 1S07 Farnam. J A. 1168, JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. J A. 1906. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers . and Embalmer. Phone HA. 0265. Office 2611 Farnam, Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. 2224 Cuming. CROSBY-MOORE l&7 CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn - The greenhouses are . very beautiful theae days. Order are bing received for the coming season. The selection of a family burial lot should be made well before the actual netd of it when clear unhurried judgment will In sure a wise decialon. Offices at the Cemetery (north of City Limits) and 720 Brandeis Theater Bldg. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Between I4th and 28th, on Poppla ton or on Crosstown car; pair uf tor toise shell glasses.- HA. 5664. REWARD for return of watch, nam E. M. Kennedy lnaid back; no queatlona. HA. 4365. LOST German police dog. female, re ward. WA. 3477. Ben Arrlena. LOST at P. O. Black vanity case. AT. 8tl. FOUND Cameo brooch. Call WE. 4245. PERSONALS. EXPERT massage. 404 N. lth. Apt. 4. CARE tor children any time. KE. 2222. EXPERT MASSAGE ATLANTIC 954. bk.nt urmm cleaner, ,76c. HA. 1071. HuME for homeless children. Kb. 0360. 1 1 WCUL.NOW WHAT 00 0U KNOW AftOOT I I HE'LL &C wqkqcbm' 1 1 fefVV-". I i T1. THAT-1 WCMT TO LONCH WITH JLjfXE WHOtjE COT Mt HAT fW'-IUL .TTt i i ii nil - i i i i.iiT4Tuff .kini-A ill nil ii ii a v i ii ii i4in TnniiT.up. i i wj' n i l i i i i r-1 PERSONALS. THE SALVATION Army Industrial bom otlclte your old clothing, furnltura, magailne. W collect, W dlalribute. Toon DO. 4115 an dour wagon will call. Call and Inapect our nw bom. 1110. 1112-1114 Dodg St. r'oitle-rtn ft- A. H., Chiropractor, I'M ViribUn paxton block. AT 747. WE. (929. Offlr hra., 11 a. m.-:S0 p. m. MAGNETIC batha; Violet Ray treatment wl th manages. HI 3. lOlh. AT. 9381. THEATRICAL historical maanue costumen, for play and parties, at Lisbon , Oman. SULPHUR batha. Swedish massage, chl- . - i - . r . . an a on.U Cti ropody. cvnuinas iu . u o. 'fii ... FISHER bath, mass., manicuring. 121' Annur dug. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. NEB. PLEATING ft? 4eruatltch- Cover- ed Bnttona. 1804 Farnam, 2d Floor. DO. 6670. ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating; covered buttona, all atylea; hematltch Ing, buttonholes. Writ Ideal Button Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1934. Contractors, FOR flrat-clasa carpenter. HA . 4996. FURNACE AND TIN WORK. WA. 2971. FLOOR laying, machine sanding. AT. 4633. LESSARD A BON. 1021 CUMING. AT. 1432 Dancing Academies. iVTriVD'Q ISIS Farnam atreet JV.jJT O Douglai S440. Clan and private leanons. Ten Instructor. Detectives. DETECTIVES that get results. Leary L. Oberlin, 409 Paxton Block, J at 1819. Night, Ha. 4099. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. AT. 5601: night. WA. 4045; KE. 0464 RELIABLE Detect Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg., JA. 2056. night, KB. 3812. JAMES ALLAN, Sll Nevlll Blk. Evidence cored In ill caae. AT lantla 1134. Dentists. DR. B. C. DEWELL, DENTIST. 310 Arthur Building. AT. It4l. DENTAL X-RATS, 6(1 each. $3 a full set 61 Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING In your home. Th best 1 always cheapest. AT. 2446 eves. DRESSMAKING, guaranteed and reason. able. WA. 6645. Nouveau dressmaking ahp. 432 Paxton Blk. CLEAN, mend, tailor; aults. furs. Ha. 6804. SEW, shirts, dresses. AT. 0205. Hauling. GEN. hauling and ashes, reaa. AT. 9668. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Kase Studio, 21S Nevlll Blk FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Th Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. Patent Attorneys. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1713 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. I help Inventors ell their patenta. Painting and Paper Hanging. PAINT., PAPERHANGING. WALL PA ; PER CLEANING A SPEC. REAS. PRICES. E. H. MOORE. DO. 1671. PAINTING and paperhanglng. Stucco painting a specialty. AT. 3397. 1ST CLASS painting and paperhanglng. Douglas 4909. PAPERING, painting; low price. JA. 3023. . Printing. EDDY Printing Co. 211 S. IS St. Do. 8447. BRITT Printing Co.. J01 Bromley Blk. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRT CO., Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 5049. I WILL NOT be responsible for debta con tracted by my wife. Rose Raschke. from this date. William Raschke. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY, Mattresses made ever In new tlcka at half price ot new bed. 107 Cuming. J A. 2467. FULL DRESS auita and Tuxedoa for rent. J A. 3128. 109 N. 16th St. I. Feldman. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the i Sherman ft McConnell Drug atorea. DR. A. C. SABIN. RECTAL DISEASES. Suit Sit Arthur Bldg., 310 S. 18tb St. IRONING and cleaning. Webster 4224. ' RUGS and carpets cleaned.- AT. 9668. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. SIX rooms beautifully furnished Including piann and all household furnishings. B-247. Omaha Bpc FOR SALE Antique oak bed and dresaer. WA. 6064. DINING RM. SET REAS' ABLE. HA. 6147. HIGH oven Jewell gas range. AT. 9549. FOUR room of furniture. 276. KE, 2040. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drum, xylo phones, etc.: Instructions, repalrina; 3711 Davenport St. FBon HA. 2197. TRADE your uaed piano on a new play r plana. Balance a low a 110 per luuntn. niarr. sola uguailR. BAX.IO for 812; in very good condition. au .a wunroe. v a. 19. ATHLETIC CLUB membership, 150 net. -v - j . umina nee. ...... t, ; ; -.r r I SMALL Bushman grand piano. Cheap for 1 NEW plajer piano, n price. AT. HIS, ICC JlCCl AND MACCtt, IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE FOR SALE. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For aale, a taw unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee'' avilia, cheap, alteration free. . North weat Cor. llth and Harney Sta ARMY ahoea. 4 20. 104 No. 14th. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDINGAMACHINES. All MAKES bought, aold, rented and repaired, Sol agent for th CORONA. Get our price befora you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, J A. 412. 111 Farnam. GUARANTEED typewriters, 112.60 and up. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous Articles. GARAGES built, new lumber, 1100 op. ailCKlin Ijumoer cs renin; ma ana ouraeue cim. vveuaier dooo, WE buy, sell safe, make deaka, -how-. raaes, etc., Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. 8. W. Cor, llth and Douglaa. JA. 3724. EXPERT aewing machine repairing. I MICKELS, 15th and Harney. DO. 1171. FOR SALE Drop head sewing machine; attachment; bargain, (10. 2671 St. Marys. Apt. 3. BARITONE, trombone, alto. Wilkinson Mutlc Shop, 221 tArthur Bldg. FOUR by fours and other used lumber. Bradley. Merriam & Smith. GOOD gentle riding horse, must ba aold at once. Write 2123 North 28th St. FOR SALE 1 harness. Call HA. 7376. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, uaed desk bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Famam. DO. 4144. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNG men for civil service position. Railway mall clerk, 41,600. Postofflce, 11,400." Departmental, (1,800. Panama service, (1,600. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars ot examinations, writ J. Leonard (former civil service ' examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. WANTED Clerks, cannier", bookkeeper, who desire to prepare for high grade office position to enroll In our classes In business administration. Office management, accounting and C P. A. training. Write for catalog or call Dworak School of Accounting, 18th and Farnam streets. Professions and Trades. WANTED A good all around man for dry cleaning plant; must be good In - apottlng, bu.ihllng and lady's wear; give full particulars In first letter. Address Clarke Warchobe, Box 444, Halting. Neb. 4 WANTED A good steady, experienced barnyard and house man, with good references, who can drive car. Wagea to right man without board, (80. Box X-B0, Omaha Bee. DO you want to increase your income? Write the National Auto School, H814 N. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalog. MEN, for firemen, brakemen: beginner (150, later (250. Railway. Box Y-1860, Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 8. '4th. Write for catalog. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED " We can give a few more men steady em ployment hauling gravel for road improvement. They must be reliable and able to purchase a motor truck by paying a small cash payment, balance easily paid from earnings, besides giving you a profitable job. , Give phone number , when possible, as quick action is necessary to se cure a good job. Box Y-1860, Omaha Bee. ANY intelligent pereon. ettber x. may earn (100 to (200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; (15 to (26 weekly In apare time; experience unnecessary: no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Presa Bureau, N.Y ; WANTED Experienced asphalt steam roller man for seaaon'a work out of town. Satisfactory aalary to right man. Experience, record and reference re quired. Apply Bey Construction Co.. Standard 1 Bldg. WILL pay boy' tuition througn business for doing about an hour'a liaht Janitor work; no Sunday work. Call Douglaa 7774 ilunda). Drawn HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WE HAVE vacancy In our aalra depart ment for an experienced aaleaman, with ambition to make money and a perman ent connection where there 1 opportun- . Ity for rapid promotion and Increased earning power. If you are 85 years or more of ag. apply at 435 Securities building between the hour ot I and 18 a. m. for interview. WANTED Salesmen with reference rep resent best Investment opportunity. The Mexla Gusher Oil Field, co-operation and literature. MEXIA Richland Oil Syndicate. 1C08 Main St.. Dallas, Tex. Salesmen to aell paint and oils direct to farmers, eommiaslon bsais. Big money for producers. Farmers' Pslnt and Oil Co., 61 Federal Reserve Bldg.. Omaha. INVESTMENT salesmsn with banking experience and acquaintance In Omaha and Nebraska preferred. Box B-23. Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladtea to enroll In our day or evening ciaaars in stenography, higher accounting and business admin istration. By our method you will suc ceed. We secure position for our grsd uales. Call or' write for catalog. Dworak School of Accounting, aecond floor, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam streets. Professions and Trades. TEACHERS WANTED PRINCIPAL , Must have principal Immediately, elec tion soon. MUSIC AND DRAWING TEACHER Election on receipt of applicant. ENGLISH AND HISTORY. LATIN. HOME ECONOMICS. COMMERCIAL, MANUAL TRAINING, AGRICULTURE, PHYSICS, DOMESTIC SCIENCE, ATH LETIC COACH; TEACHERS FOR EVERY DEPARTMENT TO BB . FILLED IMMEDIATELY. FARGO TEACHERS' BUREAU. 412 Karbach Block. Household arid Domestic EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework; small apartment, small family; must go home nights;' refer ences required. HA. 1212. WANTED Experienced ' white girl for, general housework; no washing, W. D. Hosford. HA. 0087. WANTED Experienced cook, preferably German, city, references. G. Storz, 3708 Farnam St. Harney 0620. WHITE girl, general house work, family two. 504 So. 36th St. HA. 4355. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. Wanted. Experienced house to house demon strator to . demonstrate for drug store. Venus toilet preparations. Salary ami commission. Venua Manufacturing Co., 6922 Military Ave. WA. 0332. GOVERNMENT positions open to men. women, 18, over. Hundred sppointed every year. Good salary. Writ for f re list positions. G. , Robblns, 171 Pope Bldg., Washington, D. C. , WANTED Men, ladle and ooy to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodg St. Trt-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptoraetry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address Boyles College, . Boyle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 480. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and, piano, - 503 Karbach Blk. JA. 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A complete blacksmith tool ready to start in business, also new small dwelling house for (600 on easy terms. Write Box Y-1864. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE High clasa confectionery and candy making equipment. Inquire sterling candy Kitchen, sterling, Colo. FOR SALE Soft drink parlor and barber anop. dBUZ L t.- MA. 36iZ. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. 554 8. 26TH AVE. Two nicely furnished rooms; private family; gentlemen or gins employed, tier, exchanged. Walk inc distance. HOTEL SANFORD. 19TH AND FARNAM. HOTEL HENSHAW, 16TH AND FARNAM Special rate to permanent guests. FURN, rms. with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; price reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. ATTRACTIVE room In strictly modern private home, close in; excellent board If desired. JA. 2781.' PARK AVE., 630 Newly furnished room for 1 or 3 gentlemen; walking distance. HA. ZVIM. NICELY turn, room for gentleman, cloa In. private family. (4.50. HA. 66K4. ATTRACTIVE room for ladiea employed; 3024 CASS ST. Two modern front room, furnished or unfurnished. HA. 2372. NICELY furnished rm.; colored. WE. 1897. TWO cosy rooms, private home. HA. 7460. I'll I" 4 for The Bee by McManus (Copjrlihti lt:t FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PLAZA HOTEL OFFERS TO DESIRABLE Ol'KSTS A FEW OUTSIDE ROOMS. ALL MODERN CON VENIENCES. (5 PER WEEK AND VP. 1ITH AND HOWARD. GET OUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for Hat of choice desirable rooms In all part ot th city. A servic that benefit both advertiser and room aeeker. . CALL MA. 3467 If you want a lovely modern room In private home, good loc. Housekeeping Rooms. Till GUIDE TO th better housekeeping room 1 the directory furnished to advertiser and room nunter. uau ri om uiuc it free copy containing desirable vacanclea in nil au. ui iu vi. n. 1123 SOUTH. 32nd St.. nicely furnished apts., large sleeping porch, garage. Also fine large sleeping room. HA. 1075. 8 furnished rooms, modern, first floor, nice yard. HA. 4001. 3 LARGE rooms, adjoining bath; water In krtchen, everything complete. KE. 345U. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms and sleepingrooni. reasonable. 2703 Farnam. MODERN apt., private family. WE. 676S. UNION Hotel. 33 per week and up. Board and Rooms. MERRIAM -HOTEL. Room for couple: convenient, pleas ant home hotel. For reasonable prices we serve best meals In city. 25th and Dodge. SOUTHEAST room in modern home, ex cellent meals, lady preferred, priced low because of distance, home privileges. WA. 6326. LARGE attractive room with board; home privileges. Hanscom Park, 1646 So. 28th, HA. 3166. NICE room In modern home with ex cellent meals. Will make reaaonable rate to two gentlemen. HA. 0417. PLEASANT rooms, A-l meals. AT. 7110. Unfurnished Rooms. HI REE upstairs rms. Light, water, heat, ga fur. Ko children. 4247 Erakin St. UNFURNISHED room for light house- Keeping. cios in, atrictiy modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. (260. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. CONGENIAL couple to share modern home, with dining room and kitchen privileges, Bemls park. HA. 7226. 6-ROOM furnished modern bungalow with gsrage, (100. 4316 Burt St. ' FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2, 3 and 4 -room apartment. Private bath or snower. walking distance. Brown Apts.. 608 N. 21st St. AT. 7449. VERY desirable furnished ant.. 2 rooms, kitchenette, bath and porch; east front; nrst-ciass and reasonable. KE. Z46U. TO SUBLET 3-room furnished apartment In Dundee, until Sept. 15, Reference required. , Phone WA. 2246. CHOICE modern 2-room apartment and bath. 2063 Farnam. - TWO-ROOM apt., furnished, newly paper ed 201 .California. FURNISHED modern ' 2-room apartment. 3837 So. 23d St. Unfurnished. Only One Apartment Unrented In the New Mildred, located in Dundee at 49th and Dodge streets; 6 nice rooma, well arranged, good value, at, (90. No. 8 Kingsborough, 2538 Dodge St. v A second floor, east exposure apart ment In this convenient and attractive building, three rooms, $60, No. 7, Flo Les, 20th and Capitol Ave. Living room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen. A comfortatle arrange ment, at, (67.50, Turner Court Three convenient rooma with 5-room accommodations. A pleasant location for the summer and a warm horn In the winter, from (60 to CO. Ayres Apartments Five rooms, well located, a Pleasant home with apartment service, (60. Peters Trust Co., ."WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam. . Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. , 4-ROOM apt for rent THE W. J. PALMER CO.. Cl Keellne Bldg. AT. 80. MAPLE ST., 1818. dandy large modern apartment; tile porch: rent reasonable. STEAM-h-ated apartment. 4 rooma. close in. G. P. STEPPIXS. 1610 Chicago. . 2212 N. 21 ST.. dandy modern brick apia, rent reasonable. See janitor. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. K K'l'l'llAtu imulMUor," II l.eshnrn, II iMiiingloa and It. i ' Med saltliig sis. Mis Ash. S:4 North 1Mb, rsi'Kiiil I1a"v ln.-u"b"lur. II. LearmrlT. II. orplnnen nd It '. Itrd ttiflg a. lr.. i lh. 3:4 Ni.rlh 3th. utWobilesfor"saleT 1 Notice Kr'I'ECTIVB AT ONCE. WILL KMKP OVKS EVENING! AND SUNDAY TO n:rAirt on hcplacb bat run if. a. Battery and Parts Co., 2414 rtllNtM ST. I1KAI, DHKI "OAK UAIUMIN: 'Ii nr Time. Huv or Dell, Fonts, limn 80 and nr Hodiie. Uuii-k ami olheis. (100 and up Ford bodies winter tor titit.nisutoM AUTO TALES Co, I.H Harney hi. nlrl Oarsse. UOMK bargalu In used Fords; prompt asuvery en new vorns. M'CAFFItKY MOTOR TO,. ' The Handy Ford Servic Station. 18ih nd Jack.on Bij Do. JMll. BUT A OUT I. SMITH UBBIJ CAR. A Salt Investment. 2th nd Farnam Sta Toon PO. lt, 1931 ESSEX Touring Car, looks and run Ilk new. Owner forced In all or trade for cheaper rsr. Thone Kenwood 36. LOOK over our list of used cars THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 2068 farnam St. AT. 7(18. STUDUHAKKR, lJl special (. 4 pa.'en- ger, cnumy ro'lter. run 8.104 miles, good- 1-s new. rash. KK. (18. I'OHD Trans, complete, (To: rmfgnrts, per 11 LA. tu . 1 . , i. ..... Parts Co.' 1018 Harney Street. USKD cars, worth your money, st Ne K---1.- u. I. ... ..... j ., a ... nmnm vu.iiiuu. -W in .Oa nVWBTH WHTTV7T.V vm& and rap. man! iiuuuiji WK GuAR. s. n. U8KI) radiators, all make for sale. Uro ough Radiator Repair. 20J Karnsm. CADILLAC coup for (860 or trade. J A. 1MI. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 613 S. 841 T Motorcycles. 1 TWIN llarley, (65. HO. 6645. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. TPAPHTQ v'r't M. A. Laraon, Central A1 I IV mO city. Neb., your want for acreage tract, farms North Dakota Lands. LAND YOU CAN PAY FOR ,'Our new plan of Belling farm homes without profit and under supervision ol County Farm Bureau merite your In veatlgatlon; If you ara Interest. d In get ting a farm home, write Land Depart ment. Cara County Farm Bureau, Court House, Fargo, N. D. I FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have fa ah on band to loan on Omaha raaldences. ' E. H. I.OUOEE. INC, 838 Keellne Bldg. t7nim T.nJTiCi No de'ty on weatern r Xl III LlVdllb Neb. farma. ranchea. Kloke Investment Co., 848 Om. Nat'l Bk. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate, Sbnpen A Co., Realtors. JA. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg. (100 to (10.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead D. H. Bowman. Wead Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought and sold. AT. 8844. Mack'a Bond Houae, 14(1 1st Nat. J. H. M1THEN paya moat for LIBERTY BONDS. 21 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insursnce, 1603 City Nat. Bk. AT. 8688 To buy or sell Omaha Real Estste see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nut I Bk. Bid. JA ekion U2 List your home Buy your home. blJNDEK & OTIS, ' Real Estate, Loans. Rental. JA. tM I . RTpT'Cirprp Writes Tornado and UHVIYIll 1 X Windstorm Insurance. 8S0 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. OHM. NEW homes completely financed. Pay like rent. C. T. SPIER CO., Realtors, 304 Peter Trust Bldg. Douglas 4887. iTRTTF,NTfr Co. List WItB VJAW U XjIM VJ u for quick result. 1418 let Nat'l Bk. Bldg. J A. 18(. WANT 8 or 7-room. well located, In Dun dee, by the ftrat; have cash. Box 121, Omaha Bee. HAVE Inqulrle for home do you want to nil your property T Llat It with C. A. Orlmmal. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. GEO. T. PORTED A CO. Real Ei late. Rental. Insorsnce. 10S South 18th. AT. 298. Western Real Estate Co. JA. (60T. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. SEE F. D. Wead & D. H. Bowman. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Florence. NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 140. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. D. E. BUCK CO. buy and aell home. North. VISIT model home at 2821 S. 34th St. -. furnished by Orchard & Wllhelm Co., built by C. O. Carlberg. Open week dav 2 to 8 and 7 to S p. m.; Sun.. I to 5 p. m. COLORED, -room modern, smsll psy ment. E. M. Davis. 2530 Grant St. WE. 2420. . , 3901 O. 17TH ST. 7-rma.'. modern. - easv payments. Immediate possession, Crelgh, 808 Bee. JA. 0200. South. Hanscom Park Six-room oak finlsTicd seml-hungalow. full brick foundation: choice east front lot; price only (5,800 and (1,000 cash will handle. Why pay rent? Osborne Realty Co., 810 Peters Trust Bldg. J A. 2C82. 7-room modern home, near Hanscom park. HA. 6226. Acreage. 4- THE LOT YOU WANT. Arcadia Court, lot 22. 43x120, all spe clsls In and paid, paving, (00. WE. 4B. Close to Miller park.. DUNDEE LOT South of Farnam oa (1st: (2.(80. Phone. WA. 4187. Vacant. LOTS ' 24th and 27th 8ts. Will sell on easy payments or will build to your, order. Ralston Lots !!" ! i'i.n, uuotu, eay payment. Phone Stewart. Balatea. 1-W. Miscellaneous. New Bungalow. Five loom, eA: l.iftlis JA-ieee. , :