THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, APIUL 24. 1922. Plans for Summer Military Training Camps Completed Schedule for Reserve Officers and Other Branches Waits for Appropriation by Congress. Wellington. April 23. full cummer schedule of military train ing this year, under the new mili tary policy of t he government hat been completed t the War depart- tnent and it now in the hand of the corpt area commanders, who will ' kiipervUe the work. It covert the placet, datei and purpose! of acoret of camps to be held over the coun try beginning June IS. if congreu providea sufficient fundi in the pend ing army bill. Training, work for the reterve of ficer and the training corpt that itipplementt that branch of the citi fen soldier machine, it included in ' the tchedule. at well at the civilian training campt modeled on the o'd I'latttburg plan, the National guard and the organized reserve. Virtu- erally every military pott or National guard camp site in the country will be in ue and, in all, close to 250,000 civilian are expected to get a taste of army life -during the luinmer month. Last year .about 10,000 passed through the civilian training campt and 104,000 through the Na- Regulars to Take Part In round figures the encampment training tchedule, which awaits only the action of congress in making funds available to act it going in mid- June, provides for 15-day training periods for lUU.lHM) National guards men, 30,000 reserve officers and specialists, and longer periods for 10,000 student members of the re nerve officers training corn, and 27. 000 civilians in the civilian military training camps. The full strength of the regular army will be thrown into the training work, together with the full eauiDtnent of the troops. In the hands of corps area com' manders are the detailed charts show ing just when each camp is open and the course of instruction. National guard and organized reserve units are assigned by number to each army or National guard post available' in each state and every branch oi modern military science will be dealt with. Call Reserve Officers. In effect a skeleton mobilization of a war-time army lasting over the period of from mid-June to Septem- ber is planned. It will be a cross section, widely scattered over the nation, of the war army of 2,000,000 men which framers of the present national defense act designed to make available for defense in a mat ter of weeks instead of months, should the need ever arise. To aid regular officers, some 900 reserve officers will be called as in structors in .the civilian military training ' camps, ' their work being in addition to their own 15-day train ing with .; the regular troops. Most of these will be men with overseas experience to back them if the de partment! expectations are realized as to the number who will volunteer as instructors. , Based on Pershing's Plan. Underlying all the work is care fully prepared training doctrine for the entire army worked out under General Pershing's supervision, as the basis on which alt military train ing under the government is to rest Whatever individual camp command ers do in laying out each day's pro gram will be in accordance with this doctrine, in order to make sure of co-ordinated effort and the fighting efficiency of the whole force should it ever be called together. The recent declaration of the War department that the man with the rifle and bayonet was still the basic unit of war was a part of this doc trine, as was the decision that Amer ican troops should devote only a fourth of their time to training for defensive operations and the remain ing to preparing for attack. That spirit, it was said at the department, is to govern all camps this year. Pastor Accepts Salary Cut 1 to Help Church Finances New York, April 22 Rev. Percy Stickney Grant, a rector of the Church of the Ascension, has volun tarily accepted a SO per cent reduc tion in his salary to help his vestry cut down expends and meet a large deficit. This action decreases , his annual stipend from $10,000 to $5,000. Harold A. Content, former assist ant United States district attorney, has resigned from the vestry, but his resignation had nothing to do with the financial affairs of the church. It followed an open break between Dr. Grant and Mr. Conteht at a vestry meeting last Thursday afternoon, when the rector refused permission to Mr. Content to' pre sent a certain subject to the vestry for discussion. , ' The. Dancing Master By RUBY M. AY RES. iearrrif at. Hit Nephew of Egyptian King v Ends Tour of United States New York. April 23. Prince Mohammed Ali Dorahim, nephew of the newly-crowned king of Egypt, sailed for his native land on the steamship Olympic, after a three months' tour of America, which he admitted cost him $60,000 of his $200,000 yearly income. With the prince was "Blink" Mc Closkey, former welterweight prize fighter, acting as his social secre tary. The prince announced that he would return to the United States in June." Steamships .April Arrtvala. IS. Himalaya Mani, Ta- Xobe,' coma. - v Yokohama.? . April 11. Went - Kader. Portland. .Of.; Korea Maru, San Fran CISC. ' " ' ' -J' . ."Vew l.aStlV 3. April Toshlda Maw. Number S. Portland. Ora. Manila. Anrtl SI. West Prospect. San JTancUceU" Bueooa Aires, April SI. Aeolua, New TorW. ' Antwerp, ApHUfc-ambral, New York. uxhaven, JtprH 17. Polonla. New York. st Michael. Anrll 31.- Britannia. Mew Tor. . New York. April 21. Paria, Havro. Itopartam. New York. April 21. Cerdlc. Liverpool: Finland, Antwerp; Taomina. Naplea, via Boston. Southampton. Aprit 21. George waa-Jni-ton, New York. Chriatlenia, April II. Frederik VIII, Kew York. ' Sydney, N. S. W.. April II. Niagara, Tsnceuver. Alaniia, April SI. Homer, San Francisco. If sural. V.luaWtk f MiMi. a Mtintrr llrl. tlslllag Its rHy Mala. Tk he ta kail, hfce fte fcral lit ! k etoadi, hawia-aaada fraclt a Ik Murt rlMhre I He wear, T km aals mmrmmm la Ik mawlM lakaa aur wa a I fat kWeatoa, waa irlea, alia hum asweeaa. la laa tear la Saara, fMUaaetk ralelltre Ml bat I Hal km la 4aarla inaaisri laa aa U mmt Hew a4 thai aaa la aal la ami him aaala. ra4 aaraaa la leark aaa la daai-e. aaa aaaarawa aa raaldly I Hal Maaam aaaaalia. a faaaaua tmthmr, airaat la lake akarge af kw. Sell raraaer, a waalihy ataa. to la par Ike Mis. WUaata) baa Ivors) wlla rarawr. Idea eaeka ta ga la MaaMaa aaaaatla' aaaia. aaa aaa a fare aril aiaaae- wlla lal a ad ellseatsM aha to la lata wlla alia. Maaaaie aeaaalla take IHa (Mi (a her kwana. rarawr aiaalaye a proprietary air akka KileaaMa aulrkl raarala. Walla karalh, aa al4 aallar fraai the alrfe home leaa. flada ber aad art -a bar ta ralara la brr bama la IMU Burr, aal aha rafuaaa. Ike aaaa la dla- ax wlibi Karairr. Wbra ba altreapla klM aa aaa flara lata aaalbar ra hera aba aaaaaatart fat. NOW GO O! WITH THE iTOIlT. (( anllaaed fraaa aalaraay.) She looked ill and overwrought, ami Mine. Senestis was too clever to argue: she fetched a slass of wine and some biscuits and made Elisa beth eat and drink. Then she gave her some white mixture in a tiny liauor clas and sent her to bed. Vou slceo well now. she promised, nodding her queer head. No, it do you no harm. You sleep well tonic ht and tomorrow we talk. Good night. Cberie." . "If Mr, Farmer comes here to morrow I. will not see him," Eliza beth said excitedly. "Oh. but of course not! "Madame humored her; she stood "on 'tiptoe and lieht v kissed the cirls check "She is so young!" she cooed, as if to herself, and slipped away, leaving Lliznbctrt alone. ' . Elizabeth began to undress with slow weariness; her arms felt heavy as lead; she was worn out with emo tion; she would have given anything tor the relict of tears. Mie did not imagine that she would sleep at all, and yet s soon as her head touched the pillow sleep came and it was late morning when she woke. - Sunlight was streaming into the window, and she could hear someone playing the piano in the next room. It was the sound of the music that brought back the events of . last night, and a wave of such intolerable anguish swept over her heart ' that she hid her face in the pillow, her hands clenched above her head.' She was never to see Royston again; he had shut her out of his life. Her heart cried out in bitter re bellion that she would not submit. But she knew that she must. His will was stronger than hers, and it would be his will that would keen them apart. She thought of Keil Farmer, but his treatment of her seemed a small thing now In comparieoti with the parting that had followed ; a few kutci snatched in moment of pa nou what were they, after all? - AH the kiei ju the world were worth lets to Iter than the . clasp of oni man s hand. Madame came tapping at the door, and Uirahrth routed herscll with an effort. "I am awake; I sin Jut drciting. I win come in a moment. She got up and drced and went to the musie room, Madame sat at the piano, her elbow resting on the keys,, a worried look on her queer tai'e. She held out a hand to Elizabeth. "Come here, therte. F.lirabcth obeyed mechanically. "1 have news for you, little one; good news. 1 he hard study, it js al most at an end. Soon, in a month. you dance and show the world what vou can do how wonderful you are. TiensI that is good news, eh? -Klisabeth looked away. "I don't think 1 want to dance any more. I know it -sounds very un grateful, but . , ,H The Frenchwoman let lier hand go, "Well, and what wil you do!" she asked sharply. -, hlizabeth shook her head. "I don't know. I suppose I can earn my living; heaps of other girls do. I can look after children, or..." She stormed up and down the room, wringing her hands and declaring that her heart was broken. "I put my all on you everything. everything!" she- wailed. "The oth ers pout! they are nothing. ou are the star, the great, big star that will set all London talking. I work for you; I do my best; 1 show you everything and now cruel! You say so calmly, i will not go on; I hnisnr Jt will be that my heart shall break." Elizabeth did not know how to answer. Since last night ali the hope seemed to have gone out of her life: she no longer cared what be came of her. i Madame went on sobbing. ' -' . "Because of one little kiss from a rryan a great, stupid man! Ah, my little one, in a few years you take ail the love and all the kisses in the world for what they are worth, and that is just nothing!" She snapped her fingers eloquently. You spoil your life for a foolish moment? I tell him Mistaire Farmer that he was one great, big fool. He not do it aaain: vou do not fear that he ever do it again!" She nodded - her head confidently. he have me to deal with the next time; he do it never again." . (Con tinned In Tha Bra Tomorrow.) Norfolk Bankers Favor Omaha for . State Meeting Nfltoii B. Updike Praised for Aid to Agricultural In tfrrft Through War Finance Corporation. N'oifolk, Neb., April JJ.-fSpe rial Telegram.) Over 500 bankers stumled the group meeting of the Nrbripka Bankers sociation here The action of the Omaha Clear- ing Home association regard ing the handling of checks, which was expected to be the center of a Lot fight, was ditmieicd in a brief resolution regretting the action. The meeting was overwhelmingly in favor of holding the next state convention in Omaha. In response to a request of State Executive Com mittceman Gerhardt, vote was taken in which Omaha got 94 and Lincoln 23. "We recognize the able assistance rendered to the agricultural and live stock interests of the entire west by the Corn Belt committee, advisors tu the War Finance corporation, and particularly we recognize the un wavering allegiance of Kelson B Updike, Nebraska member of the committee, to the interests of this state, read a resolution of the tankers. E. A. Seavey. dean of the law school of the University of Nc- braka. was the nriuclpau speaker at the night banquet, lie spoke on the "Bankers Work in the Com munity, e United States Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock declared the United States can no longer live without other nations and that it must take lead in order to stimulate export trade by taking advantage of his bill on the bank ot nations, lie declared the nation is now in the midst ot a business depression caused by a . col lapse of international trade, lie pic tured this nation as sitting on a pile cf what represented more than half of the world s gold and that there is danger in talk of demonetizing gold and in other nations making other arrangements for trade. To Kct rid of surplus products in America, he said, the plan he suggests in the bank of nations with an "interna tional dollar" should be adopted. The international dollar, he said, would become a world dollar, which would ultimately take the gamble and speculation out of international exchange. Willis McBride of Elgin, was. selected new president ot the association. Expert Tells How to Construct Wireless Set at Nominal Cost For the benefit of radio enthusiasts who care to build, their own receiv ing sets, The Bee today begins a series of instructions- on how to build the necessary parts-. - With di rections followed carefully,- the ama' tcur should be able to receive from 40 to 50 miles with a crystal detector set all the broadcasting of market and grain reports, musical entertain ments and latest news. This crystal detector set requires no batteries and may be built at a nominal cost. The following ma terials tire needed, as explained by rrea swam, a radio expert ot uma- ha: . V ,W One tube. 3 Inches diameter. I' lnchei long. , .. . i- -., ' , . , , Two wood Blocks, txi'i. v. - Two round wood pieces to fit in enda of tube. One 4 Inch square brass rod T Inches long. : . , ..v . One slider. One-half pound No. 22 cotton covered wire. .. ..... One crystal detector. . One wood block x3xVj. Four pieces of tinfoil ii inches. Oil or tissue paper to separate foil.. Six binding- posts. - . Receivers: ... . -; 4-; . ,. 1 Directions. - Mr. Swain's directions follow: Wind the tube with the No. 22 wire, leaving one inch mare-m at each end; then fasten ends of wire securely. Nail the round pieces of wood m the center of the two square blocks knd fit them on ends of the tube, glueing them securely. - the slider may be purchased for a few cents or it may be made by cutting a quarter-inch grove. in one side ot a small block of wood 'and fastening a 3-inch strip oi brass or copper over the groove, allowing two inches to project, over which should be bent downward at an angle so as to press on the coil. The slider should be placed on the rod and the rod fastened to the top and in the center of the wooden blocks. This will allow the. slider - to v be moved freely back and forth alone the coil. Then scrape the insulation off; the coil along the path the point of the slider moves so that it will make a connection with the wire. A binding ' post should be mount ed on the side of one of the blocks and the end "of the wire fastened to mains unconnected. A second bind ing post should be fastened to the rod at the end opposite to the other. binding post. " , The detector should be purchased f'roih a jdealer, together with the ga lena crystal. Condenser. , The condenser is made by sep arating each piece of tinfoil with a piece of oil or tissue paper. Each piece of oil or tissue paper must be little larger than the tinfoil so that . no two pieces of tinfoil will touch. However, the top and third piece should protrude from one side and the second and fourth should protrude from the opposite side and allowed to touch. The condenser is then placed on the 6x3xJ4 block and strio of wood . tacked across to hold it firmly in place. A binding post - should be mounted on each . of the f protruding tinfoil edges and fastened into the wood. Connections. , Connection of the simple apparatus is as follows: Aerial lead-in wire, should be at tached to the binding post on the side of one of the blocks of the turning coil. From the same bind ing post attach a wire that will lead! to one of the posts of the detector. From the other post of the detector connect a wirefjthat vJilUead to the condenser. Then cdnnect -the sec ond post of the condenser to the binding post at the end of the tun ing coil rod. From the last named binding post attach, a wire that will lead to a ground (a water pipe). Receiving phones, -which may be purchased from a radip firm, are at tached to the . same, binding posts on the condenser as the other wires. An aerial of bare 'wire should be insulated at each end svith the lead in fastened about 'three inches from the insulation. 1 : When a sensitive, snot is touched on the galena crystal in the detector by the hair wire , that comes with that article, tjje.; slider should be moved back and forth slowly until a message is heard. ; ; In next Sunday's issue of The Bee instructions to construct a more sen sitive receiver, including an audiotl detector,- will be explained. Marken Radio ". Receiving Sets r Now on Market , For, the amateur or more advanced radio operator who wishes a com plete receiving set, crystal or other wise, with every attachment from ground clamp to aerial and insula tors, the Marken Radio company of Omaha has on the market four types of wireless phone sets. The Marken sets sell as reasonably as some of the larger outfits on the market and with the purchase of a Marken, one does not have to send away for additional wire and ma terials for the aerial and ground.' ! Prices of receiving sets range from $25 to $250. -.,;.. , '. Questions Faye' Miller, Browneville, Neb. Q. (1) Can I tie a rope to a tree top and extend it out 30 feet to my aerial? (2) Is one wire 100 feet long, enough to receive radio mes sages? , '.-'., , - A. (1) Yes, if no one stops you. And the aerial will respond o. k. (2) Yes. ,- v Anyone having difficulty in the purchase of radio supplies or seta may make known his wants to the Radio Editor of The Bee. Seize Prepared Cocktails In Raiding Woman a Home Cocktails, already prepared, await ing the demands of customers, were confiscated by Police Sergeant Frank Williams' special squad when they raidedthe home of Mrs. Jane Mc Eldredge, 1810 'Clark street. . Other . inmates, arrested were Lucille McGovern, 2210 Howard street; Helen Stevens, 1810 Clark street; C. A. Jorgenson an"3 Harry Larsen, Council Bluffs. Body of Noted Railroad Builder Found in Ocean San Francisco, April1 23. George L. Davis, president of the proposed Idaho Central railroad and widely- known railroad builder and "promot er, was tound dead in the ocean near Mussel Rock on the San Mateo county shore under circum stance? which, the authorities say, indicate murder. Nine Delegates Are Named for Bee Tour (Continued From Page One.) is chairman. The delegation will be chaperoned by Mile. Julie Des pres. Entertainments are being planned in every stop on the itin erary of the delegation, including re ceptions at Versailles, hontainebleau, the hotel de ville in Pans, in Ver dun and at Rheims. ' . ' .' Indications are that The Omaha Bee contest will result in sending one of the . largest delegations of "any section of the country. Nominations close Wednesday at noon. Girls or women desiring to enter the contest are advised to send their names to the Good' Will edi tor at once. v Care Needed to Plant Windbreaks Extrusion Horticulturist Het ununciul Procedure In Pluutiug Tree. The futciiawii horticulturiat of the flirk4 agricultural college, in an article on the plaining of wind break, recommends the following proredure: "The evergreen type of tree ti the beat variety tar planting, at though it require i a certain amount of natienre in getting thi type started. The evergreen makes the pot wind break about the house and about the feed lot at it gives pro- tertiou during winter,, which the He ciduous trees do not. three vane tics are recommended, all of which are rapid growers and varv in choice according to the section of the state. "In preparing to plant trees, the ground should be thoroughly plowed and disked where tthe windbreak is to go. One row of trees is sum eient. though two rows are better. In plowing the width of the strip" hould be decided by whether one or two rows are to be planted. The trees should he planted 10 to 15 feet apart, and if two rows are planted the second row should be spaced the same dittance but the trees placed in the spaces between the trees m the other row. If a quick effect is desired temporarily, a row of deciduous trees surh as cotton wood, noplar or mulberry might be planted Id or 15 feet to tin outh of the evergreens. 'Care must be taken a a few minutes of exposure to dry winds or bright snn at planting will coagu late the pitchy sap and the trce will rot erow The roots should le protected, either in muddy water or in moist dirt or moss. They may be planted just as any other trees, care being taken to tap the earth about the roots. During the first few years they may be handled in various ways, either cultivated thoroughly during the summer, or mulched with four or five inches of traw. The latter is better tor the average farmer. Jn purchasing trees, the smaller sizes, lroni eient to ten incncs m height, are preferred, as there, will be a smaller loss in transplanting." Horticulturists Tell Proper Way to Plant Trees C4rlf Handling Partly Re sponsible for Large Pro portion of JS'ewly Plant . ed Tree Dying. Lincoln, Improper carries handling of punting or trees before Omaha Bee Good Will Nomina : tions. Miss Ester Brandon,' 1111 North Lincoln avenue, Hastings, Neb.; candidate of Hastings. Miss Nan C ' Godfrey, 726 North Forty-first street, Omaha;, candidate of employes of Or chard & Wilhelm. . Miss Elizabeth Pace, 738 Myn ster street, Council Bluffs, la.; Candidate of a group of friends.? Mrs. Agnes Hall, Missouri Val ley, la.; candidate of ' Missouri Valley.. ;..' ' Miss Myrtle M. Wood, Wa-'. bash. Neb.; candidate of Wabash district. ; Miss Gladys Pauline Hitch cock, 2107 Lincoln avenue, York, Neb.; candidate of group of friends."" ' - . ... 1 Anna McNamara, 2420 North Forty-fifth avenue, Omaha; can didate of employes of .M.. E. Smith & Co. ' Miss Bertie Bonham, Beaver City, Neb., candidate of Beaver City. V Miss Lillian ; Schmidt, 3115 Creighton avenue, Omaha, candi date of Harding creamery. - Miss . Irene . Rice; Alliance, Neb., . candidate s of.". Alliance Times. -. ' ' ' '"' ' " Miss Louise Fillmore, 6617 Pinkney street, Omaha, candidate of group of friends. Miss EHa Fenn, 1917 Fifth aven nue, Council Bluffs,, candidate of McCord-Brady Co. Miss Nellie F. Baines, 91 1 South Twenty-fifth street, Omaha, candi date of employes of Dold Packing Co. - ' Katherine O'Brien, 2618 Harney street,, candidate-of C, B. & Cj. R. R. employes. -: . : Mrs. Florence M. Compson, 408 East Seventh street, York, Neb., candidate of group of friends. Miss. Grace A. Trott, 118 North Eighteenth street, Lincoln, Neb., candidate of group of friends. Miss Nellie B. Donn, 4317 Bar ker avenue, Omaha, candidate of employes of - Union Pacific rail Fourteen Varieties of Corn in Gage County Test Field Bcatrice.--Fourtccn types and varieties of corn will be planted side by side on the farms of C. E. Thornburg and Joe Scheve by the Gage county farm bureau, in order to determine the values of the dif ferent kinds, in tests planned by Boyd Rist, county extension agent, and P. H. Stewart of the agronomy department of the agricultural col lege. The different varieties will be harvested separately in the fall to determine the yields, says . Mr. Rist. "There are as many types of corn as there are ideas regarding their merits, states Mr. Kist. bome farmers favor the rough-shoe peg kernel .and others the dimple dent, or . smooth kernel. Many also .in sist oil the fancy car, the one that is well-filled over tfte .tip and smooth and .uniform.throUgfco atThe tests 'are expected ' to ' develop ' rtht choicer . types. . .: .-. r North. Loup School Head Will Take Place at Giltner - North Loup. Professor .. Hoppel, who is" serving his second term here as superintendent oi me city scnooi, has contracted with the board of education at Giltner as superintend ent of a consolidated school. Mrsi. Hoppel, Who employed here as principal, will be superintendent of the Utica schools. Professor Maddox, now principal of the- Utica schools, has been employed to suc ceed Professor Hopple, at a '.salary of $1,800 per year, while Mrs. Mad dox has been ingaged as principal qfu the schools here. at. a salary; pt ,2UU per. year..; , '-:."... 1 -' . 1 ,.t,-'...,- Deshler Pupils Winners in - f County Spelling Contest Deshler. Alvina Siebennicher, and Teresa Sittler, pupils of Miss Mae Alexander, 7h grade in the Desh ler schools, won first in the county spelling contest in Hebron, the first in oral, and the second in written contest. They expect to attend the interstate contest in Sioux City, April 28. planting is partly responsible (or large proportion of newly.pUnted trees dying the first year, according to horticulturists oi the college ol agriculture. The root of the trees should be protected from exposure to sun ana wiiui during the plant ing rtrrjtioii, these horticulturists say, v hich may be done by wrapping tbetn in wet gunny sacks or placing tnrm in a barrel or nail of thin niuiJ The important tliina to hear in mind in planting trees, according to me noriiciiiiurisis, are: Need Lane Hole "The holes must be large enough to receive the root without cranm ing and deep enough so that the tree will kianu three of four inches deeper than it was m the nursery. boiue Iooc. moist, surface dirt should be placed in the bottom of the hole. The trees should be inserted in the hole so that the lowest perman ent branch would be on the south west side of the tree and the tree leaned so that aide to counteract the tendency to grow to the north. . "The dirt should be firmed by stamping at Ica-t twice during plant ing process. In ordct. to-pack the soil firmly about the roots, at least two or three inches should be left unpacked as a mulch." J Pack Soil Firmly. The mistake frequently is made in planting trees and other plants of not getting, the soil firmly packed about the roots or allowing air spaces about the roots, state the hor ticulturists. .This may be prevented by shaking the tree up and down as the first is applied.' Turning to tree pruning, the hor ticulturitsts advise that pruning should begin when they are planted, leaving two or three branches in ad dition to the central leader. The lowest of these branches should be or. the southwest side to prevent sun scald and should be four or five inches apart and on different sides of . the trunk in order to avoid crotches, they declare. ' With Farm Bureaus Wood Lake Leader in Declamatory Contest Wood Lake In the criitet of the N'ortliwrkierii Nebraska Iluih $chotl Prflainatory aaomtion brltl in the auditorium at Aiutwortn, Wood lake was placed tint in both the dramatic and oratorical sections, thadron taking first place in the humorous section. Mabel I'ay with the wliypy Flower Girl." Cerrit Tyler with "A Vision of War and a fsion c-f the Future," winning for Wood lake, and Miriam Gardner with "A l'lra- ant Half Hour on the Beach, win ninir for thadron. Keprescnted in the content were, Aainsworth, Chadron, Crawford, (iordou. Merriman. Uushville, SnriiiBview. Valentine and Wood Lake. Wood Lake, with the small est population of any city repre sented, winning lirst in two of three Kection. clearly exemplifies the fall acy of the old notion that the small school cannot put out the same ex cellence in instruction and training as the larger school. North Platte Wius Honors in Declamatory Contest Gothenburg The midccntral Ne braska declamatory context here was won by North Platte with two firsts. Gothenburg was a close sec ond with a first and two seconds, while Cozad was third with the re maining second. Individual winners in the dramatic group were Dorothy Elder, North rlatte. first, and JScas names, uo- tftenburff. second. In the oratorical division were Mildred Skinner, North Platte, first, and Burton Thompson, Gothenburg, second. In the humor ous' section were Lavawn Lewis, Go thenburg, first, and Max Hovce. co Order for Deportation of . . New York Butler Approved New York,":': April 23. August Probst, the "love sick" butler who has. been held at Ellis island ' for deportation, will probably go back to Switzerland. Vender Will Vote on $100,000 School Bond Issue, Monday Pender, There will, be a special election held : in Pender April 24, for the. purpose of voting a $100, 000 bond issue to build and-furnish a new school building. It 'promises to be a warm fight. . Hastings Speaker Wins Hastings William Talbot, Hast ings college, won the state extem poraneous speaking contest at Kearney. Mason City Wins Debate ; .With Merna High School Mason City. Mason City - High school won in the , state debate against Merna. Mason City has won every debate in their group and goes into the final " district debate with , Greeley at Greeley April 28. Supt. R. ' V. Clark of the state in dustrial school of Kearney acted as sole judge. . Scottsbluff Teachers j Hold County Meeting Scottsbluff. A . meeting scottsbluff . county of the teachers was held in Scottsbluff. Prof. N. W. Gaines and E. M. Hosman of Lin coln were the principal speakers. Superintendent E. L. Rouser of the Scottsbluff schools, gave a report on the Chicago meeting. Grafton Declamatory Contest. Geneva. In the high school declamatory contest at Grafton, Mar guerite Bailey was given first place in the humorous Class, and Esther Salmen in the dramatic group. Dur ing the day samples of school work was on exhibition in all the rooms and visitors were received by the faculty. ' Re-Elect School Head. Scottsbluff. The board of educa tion of the Lake Alice consolidated schools re-elected Supt. M. A. Sams. This will make . Superintendent Sams third year as head of the schools. Elect New Superintendent Lodgepole. Prof. L." E. Lydiatt of the Minden High school has been elected superintendent here at a sal ary of $2,000. ' - Randolph Teachers Elected. Randolph. Teachers for the Ran dolph schools for the coming year have- been elected, for all position but one. M. R. Edwards has been re-elected superintendent. David City. At a series of farm bureau meetings throughout Butler county "Community Week," Dr. A H. Frances of the federal B. A. I., talked on bovine tuberculosis eradica tion and a film dealing with the sub ject was also exhibited. Agreement was also reached between the fed eral department and the county farm bureau to conduct an eradication campaign by townships. Conduct Demonstrations. . Sidney. County Agent R. S. Scott is conducting a number - of oats, and .sweeti clover-; . demonstra tions looking to -the improvement of that .croo in this county. - Reactors Are Shipped. Clay " Center. Five carloads of cattle reacting to the. ' tuberculosis eradication tests., conducted by the county farm bureau were shipped to market under the direction of Coun ty Agent ; Claybaugh. The cars were shipped' from Inland, Veron, Spring Ranch, Glcnvil and Fairfield. Nine Clubs Organized. Broken Bow.-Boys and girls throughout Custer county are show ing growing interest in boys and girls '.club work, nine clubs havina been -formed to enter into competi tion this year. "People are begin ning to realize the importance of these clubs," County Agent Henry J. Kleihege reports.-. . - Form Dairy Body. Dakota City. Plans have been made for the reorganization1 of the Dairy Marketing association in Da kota county and the organization of an association for ' the co-operative marketing of garden truck is also being worked out by the county farm bureau. . . .J ': zad, second. Judge were Mi Tear son and R. V. Clark of Kearney and R. L. Story of Holtlrcge. Puhlic Schools Display Their Work in Hall County Grand Island. The spring ex hibits of work done by Hall county public schools, were displayed at school houses in five designated districts. They are one of three, school exhibits required by law to ht- held durimr the school year, from which the displays to be exhibited at the Hall county fair, will be se lected. The county has been divided In to five croups, the schools in each group placing exhibits at the school houses chosen as the scat oi ais nlav. School will be dismissecj where exhibits are shown. "Festival Week" Planned by Schools at Randolph " Randolph "Festival Week" will be staged by the high school here next week. The first days of the week will be visitors' days at the school. Thursday, will be field day, with a dual trade meet between Randolph and Wayne High schools. Friday vocational exhibits will be shown, and the school will present the musical comedy, "Cherry Blos soms," in the evening. Plant More Potatoes. Chadron. Much . attention this jsear will be paid by the county farm bureau to lining up co-operators to carry on potato projects. A larger acreage ot potatoes than usual will be planted this year. Several southern colleges have secured seed, potatoes in this county this spring tor experimental purposes. . Calf Club Sale. Chadron. Members of the Craw ford Community Calf club sold their calves at .the ,Winbank-fJuftinKton sales.. ,rece'ivine an averasre price of $225iper head forv calves purchased at arouna $iu. , . 1 . r Organize Elevator Company. . Geneva. George R. Boomer, mar keting specialist of the farm bureau, met with a erouo of 45 farmers in the Geneva vicinity and explained the principles of co-operative mar keting of grain which was followed by the organization- of a co-operative elevator company at Geneva. New Community Club. Beaver City. Under direction of the county farm bureau a communi ty club is being- organized at Edi son. , , - .:, " Midland College. The -S2nd anniversary of the Wynn Literary society of Midland waa celebrated this week with the anniversary reception, program and banquet. The reception wag held on Thursday at the Hotel Path finder. The anniversary program on Fri day afternoon showed much work on the part of the society and was well given. The banquet of Friday evening- was a splendid affair with the address of Dr. William A. McKeever, writer and lec turer, as a. feature. Midland commencement exercises will taks place May 26. Tha speakers are to be announced next week. Midland students and faculty sub scribed within J 1 50 of tha purchase price of a fine pipe orean which is to ba In stalled in the chapel. The Instrument means much to the music department of the school and to the college In general, the response of tha subscribers showing how much such an addition waa valued. Tha pipe organ Installation will be com pleted In time for the opening ot the fall term. Work on the play, "Mrs. Bumpstead Leigh." to he given by the W'ynn society May 25. la progressing in great shape. This week will aee the opening of the Pastors-Students conference at 31idlsnd with Its hosts of pastors and visitors. Including some of the he-t speakers and Icadera in the Lutheran church. Creighton University, - Taot. Edward S. Murphy. U.. 8. A., of "ort Crook will ba principal spesker at tha monthly .public biological seminar tu be held In ihe university auditorium 1'uesdav. He will apeak on "Tha Hi tory of Military Medicine." The general public la Invited. Notice has been given Creighton stu ,lni that hv Mav 16 tha educational foundation of the commission for relief In Belgium will award a limited number of American graduate fellowships for study at Belgian universities during the academic year 1982-23. ""iese fellow ships have been established to commem orate the work done by the C. E. B. during the -war;- and to promote closer relations ' and tha exchange of intellec tual ideas between Belgium and America. Dr. Victor Levlne, professor of biologi cal chemistry and of nutrition In the Creighton college ot medicine, attended the annual convention of the American Chemical society held at Birmingham, Ala.,- and read a paper on Vitamlnes be fore the biological section. Drs. Adolph Sachs. Bryan Riley, gus- tav Dlshong and Albert F. Tyler of the Creighton medical faculty, fellows of the American College of Physicians, attended the convention of the American College of Physicians held at - Rochester, Minn., and Minneapolis. - Drs. W. E. Wolcott. Floyd Clarke and John W. Duncan of the Creighton faculty sniled for Europe from New Tork April 16. They are to make special studies at Berlin and Vienna: Dr. Wolcott In ortho pedics. Dr. Clarke in children's diseases, and . Dr. Duncan In general surgery. Notice has been given to students of the arts reserve officers' training corps that the 1922 summer camp open to Creighton's, R. -O. T. C. members will be held at Fort Snelllng, Minn., from June 15 to July 27. 1 St. Francis Academy Seniors at St. Francis Academy High school displayed real hlstrlonio talent, in tneir presentation of -their class play. "Pontia, in the academy last week, every member of the class participating. The play was a grand success. Not only di the cast carry the entertainment througl without-a flaw, but the crowd that gath ered to witness it was so great . that many had to be turned away. Cast ot Characters. ' Pontia, Pilate's Daughter Ruth O'By ran. Claudia Proclea, the Wife of Pilate Helen Gerhars. . Corlna, Younger Daughter of Pilate Harlette Lee. Dlmonah, Daughter of Herodlaa Hel ena Jamerman. . Agripplna, Empress ot Roma Gertrude Klernan. Flavla, Noble Roman Matron Bernice Kllleen. Petronllla, Jewish Maiden Phlllppina Kramer, . Tullla, Daughter of Zarlus Charlotte Foy. -Ruth, a Jewish Girl Lydla Zeller. Miriam, a Jewish Girl Kathleen Cock- son. Flamentina, a Vestal Virgin Mable Foy. - Paraphilia. Keeper or Palatine Prison Mary Prochaska.. Ethellnda, British Slave Girl Belle Nlckollte. Roxana, Perslon Slave Girl Mary Shea, Angelic Visitor Leona Sokol. Dancing Girls Slaes. Group 2 Bankers ' Taxeis Discussed I'rchident C. II. Cray of Col timliui I I'rim fyrakcr Howell Hist uate Kadio Development. Fremont, Jul,., ,itil ?J.0'pf. rial Telegram.) NVai I v JtiO banket belonging to Group c( ttie Ne braska HunUri aMuciatUm gutlirreJ in 1-rcinoitl for i'ie annual rouven. tmn on Arbor day. ('resident C H, Gray, CoIiimiI.ii.. piciled at (be convention and iWivcird the main ddrcM of the loiu'ereiicc. Presi dent Jiray'i addrr" duclt with gen ! bnine condition and legisla tion, lie expressed sympathy for the farmer in the decline of pricrt and producing at !-. lie feared, however, that a little to murlt sympathy bad been extruded to the agricultural interest with the remit thar they received ttie imprenion that they alone were Miffcriiifr front the depression. The butine man, be said, also nullVrcd enormous loa and depreciation, just like the farmer. I'rcsidcnt Gray credited the fed eral reserve banks with tiding- huti nets over during the trying timet and expressed the belief that reforms in taxation was one of the big prob lem to be norkrd out before bum iiea could be restored to normalcy. In closini;, the president stated that tin country need a reidjuhtment of UKution, Irftislation and conditions Instead of bormsc and rebates for ho business men, the farmer or the soldier. The" country need repair and not damages, the speaker in sisted. Randall Explains Work. C. II. Randall, Randolph, president of the Nebraska Hanker' associa tion, gave a report of the accom plishincnts of the organization dur ing the past vear. He showed that there were 1,205 banks in the state and that all but 81 were members of the organization. In reviewing the history of banking during 1920 and 1921 President Randall showed that there had been .19 failures, four be ing national banks, and that two of them had been reorganized. Thirty two state banks are still in receiver ship. Howell Discusses Kadio. Development of the radiophone and conditions in Europe since the war were subjects discussed by R. B. Howell of Omaha, a candidate tor the republican nomination for United States senator. Mr. Howell outlined the possibility of extensive radio development and told of some cf the problems connected with use or the air by conflicting stations. Other speakers of the day were Guy E. Reed, assistant cashier, First National bank. Lincoln, and Attor ney General Clarence A. Davis. E. F, Folda. vice president of the Corn Exchange bank, Omaha, conducted a question box for the attending bankers. The convention closed after a ban- duet, at which E. D, White, Union speaker. Academy, of, Science Names Lincoln Man Lincoln, April 23. H. G. Dcming of the University of Nebraska was today elected president of the Ne braska ;Academy of Science at the closing session of the association meeting. " The other officers are: Vice president, Dean H. Von Schulte, Creighton university, Omaha; secre tary, Miss Virginia Zimnier, Nebras ka i college of agriculture, Lincoln; treasurer. P.. K. Slaymaker, Univer sity of Nebraska. Governor McKelvie Will Make Visit to Washington Lincoln, .April 23. Governor Mc Kelvie left for Washine-ton for a stay of two weeks. While there he plans to confer with Congressman Andrews of the Fifth Nebraska dis trict relative to the transfer of the state soldiers' and sailors' home at Grand Islajidw to the federal gov ernment. The tender has already been tentatively made by Director Forbes of the veterans' bureau. Chadron Normal College Leroy North, pupil of Miss Vivien Bard of our piano department, won first honors in the student contest at the State Music Teachers' association at Lincoln. Mr. North- home Is at Bridgeport. Rev. Frank O. smith ot the Dirst con gregational church of Omaha, has been secured to preach the baccalaureate ser mon at the eleventh annual commence ment of our school. Delia Larison. Ora Card and Mabel Park won respective prizes of t3, $2 and 11, offered by the M. B. Smith compsny for the best gingham dresses made in tna ninth grade sewing class. These dresses are being shown this week In the nmttn store and will be exhibited at the normal later. Members -of the advanced expression clasa presented Alice Gurstenberg'a, social comedy, "He Said and She Sairt." Torlc College. The. college boys have removed the sod from the recently plowed track snd hauled It to the greenhouse. William Laws waa chosen captain of tha spring athletics. Vnder the nusnices or tne sopnomore c1b.ii an excellent Issue of the Sandbur was presented to the college. A bed of iris In tne rigue or 24 nss h'-en planttd on the college campus by the sophomore class. Another tennis court is now oeinc put Intit shape. The domestic sctence class servea a waffle breakfast at the inservatory. The acad-my Junior and senior banquet vi. held Thursday. May nay has been set for May 13, Miss Grace Kins was chosen May queen. . C orn s ? Blue f jay to your druggist Stop$ Pain Instantly . The simplest way to end a corn is Blue-jay. A touch stops the pain in stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in two forms a colorless, clear liquid (one drop does it!) and in extra thin plasters. Use whichever form you prefer, piaster or the liquid the action is the same. Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed laboratory. Sold by all druggist. Fret; Writ BautrA Black. Chicag.Divti!S for vcUuabU book, "Comet Cart oj tin Ft." 5 CENTS BUYS Our Regular 10c Cut of Delicious RAISIN PIE WEEK ot APRIL 24 to 29 ONLY AH 6 WELCH Restaurants P At bodtime rub tba throat aaj mk9 cheat thoroughly with V VAPORUO Ova 1 7 Million Jan Ufi Ytmig