THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. APRIL 23. 1922. f A ( Mathews Works on Reorganizing of Defunct Company Omaha Banker Made Trusty in State Prison Stcnog. rather Call to Tale , Dictation. Federated Church Raises $1,000 a Minute to Pay Debt Lincoln, April JJ.-lSpeci.!.) 1'ioiu the state nitentiary, W. V. Mathens. (oniifr president of the Pioneer State bank and Guaranty Securities . company. viv he ia di recting the ork of reorganiiatiun committee ot the later company. Mthcs has received many busi wis caller; Int wife visits him twice a week tnj hit stenographer, .mi urairtre tieeiu. in charge of In nice at uniana. use taken dictation (ioiii him at the penitentiary. Mathews wear an up-to-date litisi tut suit of blue oerge ,a blue cap. ruct liue. neat neRligce shirt and necktie. Otlur prisoners wear civilian cloihcs if thry can afford ihnn. Mathews lias Iwin appointed an assistant to the prion steward. V. .. Kir by, which nicaiu he is a trusty. "Ycs.-Mathews i a trusty," War den Fenton tip, "and hi- dutict take him outside the walls, bfct not auay from the reservation. We've . not men who are trustify who get u many if not more privilege than SJatncws. "The greatest dirtVulty in inauug ing a prison is in finding men one tun trust outside orison walla. Mathews, I believe, is trustworthy, " ii nd that the reason he has thcie privilege. After he finishes hi work he ha permission to attend to hi private affair, the aame a other prisoner. "If true he ii"abanker. ' But I have men who dole a piece of bacon and a loaf of bread who are trus ties." , . - . Kearney Gas Plant Is Wrecked by Explosion J 'Kearney. Neb., April 22. (Special Telegram.) The Kearney gas plant was partly wrecked by-the explosion of a compressor this afternoon. The compressor, was damaged beyond .repair and the south and west walls of the building were blown put. '.Charles Adams, wording about the plant, noted something wrong and started to shut off a valve regulat ing: the gas flow. The explosion fol . lowed. Adams was blown out of the building, his clothing afire. He was severely burned about the face, i nest, head and hands, but physicians believe he will recover. Last winter .the plant was completely destroyed f by an explosion, followed by fire. Consolidated School Will Be Dedicated April 28 . Lodgepole, Neb., April 22. (Spe- '' '. rial Th. consolidated school, locat- ?Was completed this year at a cost j 'of $40,000. will be "dedicated April 1 28. Programs will be given in morn i' ing and afternoon,, big basket dinner at noon, music by Lodgepole com munity band, and a play in the eve- i ning. - i . : State Superintendent John M. Matzen will be on the program, and J. C. Osborne of Omaha, state presi dent of the Farmers Union, also will "'peak. .. . s ' i ... Ohio Congressman Boosts . i Great Lakes Waterway - Columbus, O., April 22. Opening " of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence tidewater project as the only sal tation for manufacturers of the mid dle west from excessive freight rates, . was advocated by Congressman W. W. Chambers of .Toledo, in an ad dress here befo're the Ohio Inland Waterway? commission. 'V. L. Harding, former governor 'of Iowa, and Charles P. Craig of Duluth, secretary; of the Great Lakes Sit. Lawrence Tidewater association, ',' also set forth the advantages of the ; proposed St Lawrence canal. ' Portuguese Aviators Fly ; 810 Milesxin Eleven Hours Fernando Noronh; 'Brazil, April 22. Captains Coutinho and Sacadura the Portuguese aviators who flew from the Cape Verde islands to the '' ' St. Paul Rocks, assert that they coy 's cred 810 miles in 11 ,1-2 hours. Ow- ing to , a shortage ' of gasoline as they nearcd the !t ram kocks tney had to descend, notwithstandins "the heavy sea. The waves quickly demolished the hydro-airplane. - v " The aviators say that they will re main here pending receipt of in- T structions from Portugal. Difficulties in Chilean Senate Are Smoothed Over Santiago,- Chile.,, April 22. The difficulties between President Ales , sandra and the Chilean senate, which developed to an acute staje Thursday '! night "when a majority of the sena tors pronounced criticism upon the president.were composed today after ' long drawn out efforts by independ - ' cut parties. . ".' . Election. Contest Is Rumored in Randolph Randolph, Neb.. April 22. (Spe cial.) The recent municipal election . here may be contested, according to unofficial reports. The contest is planned in the Second ward, claims being made .that the polls were j closed before the designated hour. '' No official action has been taken. i Man Held on Murder Charge ' at Randolph Found Insane Randolph, Neb., April 22. (Spe cial.) A. J. Mrsny, who attempted . to kill his .wife here in a shooting tisn, inmf iim aoYt. has been ad& - ; judged insane and taken to the state asylum at isorioiss. rrosecution oi 2 the case has been deferred during the time of his confinement. -r- Opens Headquarters. Lincoln, April 22. (Special.) A. H. Byrum, another republican seek ing nomination for governor, opened ' political headquarters here. The head r. quarters are in charge of" R. G. Douglas of Osceola. Columbus, Neb., April 22. (Spc cut.)-Raitiug $30,000 in 30 minutes the congregation of the new Feder ated church here dedicated their e(!i hce free of debt. The building l-iiilt with a view to meeting the need for year to come and i a plrndid example of modem church architecture. It i equipped for two motion pic ture machine, which will be In stalled later, and two dining rooms, perfectly appointed. It incorporates feature to be found in houses of worship who'e member believe that the church should link the locial and the religion life of it congregation. Everything Modern. The edifice has ground dimension 72 by 92 feet. It i 48 feet high, two storict and a full basement. The two dining room in the basement are so designed that they can be opened into one large room with a seating capacity of 350 and a kitchen 22 by 22 feet. N w ith built-in cup, board and cabinets. There are also class rooms for the lower grade ot the Sunday ichool. The Ladies' Aid society thoroughly equipped this part of the building at cost of $1,500. On the main and second, floors are rooms for the higher classes of the Sunday school, there being 20 class rooms in all. so that every class has, an individual room. . . The main auditorium, including the f.Uery. has a seating capacity of 550. 'With the Sunday school assem bly room opened 700 people may be seated at a service, all within view and hearing of the pulpit. ' , The total cost of the building was $90,000. - Buy Pipe Organ. "A new pipe organ, which will be the largest in the city, has been ordered by the ladies' society. It is being specialty built to fit the or gan loft and will be installed during the summer at a cost of about $5,000. In dedicating this beautiful build ing, the congregation is realzing the culmination of the federation of the local Congregational and Presby terian churches, which was effected in 1914. The two churches had ex isted as separate organizations near ly half a Century. The Congrega tional was founded in October, 1369, and the Presbyterian in January, 1870. Only one charter member o either congregation is still a resident of Columbus. She is Mrs. Thcda M. Coolidee. , " , Organized in 1914. In 1913,' ot account of the serious illness of Rev. George Munro. cas tor of the Congregational church, Rev. George Avilliauu, pastor of the rresb)teriau, liHJ trmou smite fu? the two congregation.- The advan tage of a united orgauiition were soon discovered and commiion was appointed to draw up article of federation. The permanent fed eration was effected in July, 1914. '1 he article of federation provide that each church it to maintain It identity, support the missionary and benevolent agencies of it own de nomination. All the organization connected with the church are fed erated. Auxiliary societies raising funds for missionary purposes divide the proceeds equally between the two denomination. Successful Federation. There are many federated churches in the state, but probably few. if any, have achieved more mieccss than the one in Columbus. The co operation is excellent. Contribu tions for the larger work of the de nominations in this country and for eign fields have greatly 'increased. Two hundred and sixty young peo ple are enrolled in the Sabbath sciioo and the membership of the federa-' tion is 382. Since the coming of Rev. Thomas' Griffiths to the pas torate in 1915. 216 names have been added to the membership, and 60 have bee last through death or re am l Alter the federation was effected, the woik 4 carried on uudvr many diriuuliift (Hcasioncd by lack of equipmrnt. J he new ehunli was fu- nr.iin Iril ami ill I'liritFfktillit wa U4 April II, In the mean time, the old building had been abandoned and the money derived I ruin ihrir wte, applied toward the cot oi the new. l or a ear and half the services were held in the V. M. C. A . and for the past 14 P'ohiIi the basement and Sunday school rooms ul the- pew building bast been in uc. Extensive Program -, in Kearney Arbor Day Kearney. Neb., April 22. (Special.) The Arbor day program in Kear ney, as mapped out by the city bcautiiul committee, included the (riling out of 2HJ elm tree along the cemetery road, extending seven block north of the Lincoln high way. These tree have beeu secured by popular subscription, it being ar ranged through the Chamber of Com merce to purchase and set out a tree (or $.'.50 each. The boy scouts plant ed one tree (or every liuffalo county soldier who died in the world war, School children confined their Arbor day nctivities to bcautific;uion of school grounds with trees and hedges, while the Women's club is. lookuig to the need of the city s park. The slogan adopted by the committee was, "Every 1-amily riant a Tree." This committee was repre sentative of ciery civic organization in Kearney. , Cotner Uiumsity Head to Dedicate Veriion Churtlt Stella, Neb-, April Ji (Special Telegram, ) Ur, A. I. Harmon, president ( Cotner university, will preach the dedicatory sermon for the new Chrilian church at Verdun Sunday. Services will be held morn ing, alter ii ooit and evening. The Ladies' aid will serve free lunch at dose of afternoon service. C. V. Sorrel, 'who i finishing Ms studies at Cottier uimei.ny, is pas tor of the ihurch. Verdun rU Iu4 Christian cliuuh sime the early day of the tow it, rvciity wiling the oM building for a irsideuce and buy ing nd remodeling the abandoned Kvanitrlical church, making the edi fice modern, with a valuation of at- WaWys t' . V RATS RATS RATS BurnUmUp Stars Will KWni-rjsa-tlB la Ska llawaleaasa Ialn4cs ' BurnUmUp Will Do It OM MLB AT Alt. . First-Class Drug Stores Council Bluff a Bemedy Co. CaaaeU Dlaffs, Uwa. AIMeTit.tJ.T. Regain the Vital Forcejf Youth A SimpU Homo Treatment, Mor AfaiUbU Tkan Gland Treatment r Bark and Animal Estracts. Nature's frMttst sift asaUiul Is Koras Csai pound, (or lk rJutniioa ot flaaVns vital forca. If yea asalra lo ta ilored vital narvous fry, lo iht 'or! us vlar of lh days of youth, try Koris, In tha privacy of your on koma. Gratify ln raaulla aro kaoon. usually la faar stays". korts Compound (la labial form I is ma rssult of many yaars of afitatffi raasarrh. It contains no karmiul anus or opiataa. It acta naturally to rebuild the vital forces In man or woman, to revive tka power of youthful vifor .and stamina. Mora srldely acclaimed than (iland Treat ments or bark and animal attracts. It has a powerful action ia strenctheninn and renewta nerve titeues, and to overcome tha handicap of physical weakness, result lot from breakinn nature's laws. Korea la distributed end rusrsntecd only by the Melton Laboratories. PpU 141, Massachusetts Bldf.. Kansas Cite. Mo. A full treatment of this i wonder vitallter sent prepaid for only !.. Or. If mora convenient, send no money ray tha postman II.S and s few rente pott age when It arrives. The laboratories guarantee to return your money promptly if results are not entirely eatlefaetory. Cut or tear out this ad now, and send or der today. "mce $40.00 ommraftVstilllB 1 GENUINE MAUSER huh rower sroRTino mru CMvlaa. Rea. VaL Hdkii xq nn " kkst i,nniii k Whom Hoanaalnaeee. r Ml Ha t"S wa Siiim.i, S.iMii) airaanewMWMt AAA eM -l .. V M as. ilw wl eWJeVy -SU4 M aaf iri. at ut isa ,ta- Ii it m M mm mmtn S-ee'r M nurw nnnsn mm CCNUINC "ilir CARL ZEISS v Field Classes (TO. Rtpnaaly msile for the ue of Army Field Oltttere: individual focuemaof each eye piece: affording a perfect observation at o greet dleUnoe. Weight Bounces, t'overrd with a new prof eta watar-proof mi (lure, t'ompleio with duet-proof cap, strong carrying case and shoulder strap. GENUINE . r:CHIO Field Classes Rama description as above glasses but made, by toiil Rusrh. t'onaldcrrd the nnt menu fscturer of opucal instruments In turopa. Ccrtnin Luitr Automatics scM Is. MCaLlUGtt $195 Ktf.Val.S7S PkalM sV4HIMlsf. 1 rsMtv tdslntf sXIm GERMAN MAUSER aCL RetalarVahso I Ji) ' f iso oo V rjA.. I L A (na autamalie pistol, wait known, manufartured by ao of tha boat ardinsnco plsnta la I ka world. $30 German Automatic Orttlea 32 Cal. Sacclal $698 c 1 Alattrl,taMilr wrle-J: !) 1 sxl awrrtjrau: MftteJ tir4M4 run. koMUlUM, MOTIl Umiirei off r, Vexir Mil? rhart to lwi at thsM W prta, A44 1 iW vmI pmt HaVft, THE GIFTO CO. 28 S. 17th St.. Phlla.. Pa. piokimslcl fo.SU), The shurvh lis a parsonage property tftl at 1 1. ta. e 1 for Hoatr Bricklayera ..$1.10 PlMterett . . . . 1.10 Stonecutter . . 1.02'; Stontplanemen XZ'i Mutt be Union Men Plenty 'of work for food mechanic only. Writ tr Appf (MPIKC CONSTIIUCTION CO. II harsh Clack Street Cbkofo, IN. il Wanted ' Par Housr Carpenters ...$1.00 Glaziers ..... .95 Copper Store Front Men .95 Lathers 1.00 Painters ..... .95 Plumbers 1.02Vs Slate and Tile Roofers .... 1.00 Tar. and Gravel Roofers 92lt Open thop Onlf maclinnics waBtaol. Apply by l.ttor EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION CO. IIS Narth Claris Straat, Ckkaga. 111. 1 ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. "TIT f m No Mote Sore, Tired. Tender or Swollen Feet v a Why go -Jiniping around with, ach ing, pufTcd-up feet feet so tired, chafed, sore -and swollen yod can hardly get your shoes on of, off? Why don't you get a. box of "Tiz" from the drug store now and gladden your tortured feet for a few cents? I iz makes your feet glow :with comfort; takes down' swellings 'and draws .tbo soreness and misery right out of feet that chafe, smart and burn., ,"T" instantly stops pain in corns, callouses and bunions. "Tiz" is glorious for tired, aching, aore feet. No more shoe tightness no more foot torture. - Ask for "Tiz." Get only 'Tiz." I 4J The Leads Other Papers in Newest Model Victrola 160 6"' You Should Own This Victrola! - It's the latest model and marks a distinct departure in design, but it still embodies the patented features that have won for the Victrola the universal recognition of superiority. ' ' Quality always has and always will be the world's best bargain. If you really want to do your pocketbook a, favor, tick to quality. ' Come in and Hear It Be convinced that it is the utmost in value obtainable at this time. This type places a superior instru-. ment within the reach of music lovers of moderate income. - 1 Sold on Convenient Terms of Payment MIGKECS- The House of Pleasant Dealings 15th and Harney DO uglas 1973 Maw Yom Beeu Nomiaated As a Candidate in The Omaha Bee Good Will Contest? If You Have Not See That You Are Nominated at Once Candidatea alraady in the fiald are spending their time in obtain ing the support of their friends and neighbors. They are build ing sip a vote-getting organiza tion. If you have the least bit of personality or charm you can do likewise. But it is essential that your name ,be entered your friends may know that you are a candidate. Names , and photographs of the candidates will Be printed in The Omaha Bee and readers of this paper will be, asked to vote for their favorites. Large number of votes will be cast in this way and the results may surprise, you. The important thing right now is to get your name in nomination. " Winners of The Omaha Bee Good Will Election will be sent to France with all. expenses paid They will be come members of an Historical Party carrying a contribution to France from America and will be offi cially received and entertained by the French Govern ment. Nominate yourself or some person whom you would like to see win one of these trips. Full rules are printed daily in The Omaha Bee. They are simple and -women over eighteen are eligible for the race. . ' '- - Address All Communications to The Good Will Editor. Omaha Bee This advertisement donoted to The American Commmittee for Devastated France by THE OMAHA BEE Vfccrt K