The Omaha Sunday Bee i RQTOGRAVURF, SECTION AI'KH- 2.i r 3 J i' 'TtW W Man Woman cW Ck,?P car? P7c2n TTiarrz, Tgi i ' rmd Conserve Them, ZJrged c Ser7?'??g Aororz "1r I 1 Mm 1 1? Yehr&ska Governor. lVho ourzceJ rhorjDa.y Fifty Zears Igo. r '1 IM' -.43 etCi. a : - K; I. This statue, erected (a J- Sterling Morion by the Arbor Dy asso ciation, stands in Mor ion park at Nebraska City. School children throughout the nation Honored Morton yes terday in the observ ance of the golden anniversary o I the i o u n d i a of Arbor Dav. The photograph wii taken at the un veiling of the monu ment in 1905. the ceremony being at tended by President Grover Cleveland and members of hii cabinet. Photo by Louis R. Bostwick. Jay Higgina, forester in charge, taking car of some of his iets in Bessey nursery, Nebraska national forest. The trees shown in the picture are three vests o'd The speri-s represented, from front to rear, ares Juniper, Chinese, arbor vitae, western yellow pine and jack pine. J (I TV V?a)T 1 Here's a vista ihroueh the trees of a jack pine plantation eijthl years old. narl of the Nebraska national forest. Since 1002. 6 000 aares of sandhills have been planted in frees. The Nebraska reserve comprises a total of 200.000 acres. t w v- 4 n A Jsaaaar' 0- 7 S5W 1 MTaMsW at jsaaw- " $5 ?5 w 1 J In i J L 1 Y i IU -1 ; ajrsn ..41 3 This growth of jack pinev in a region which formerly con sisted only of barren sand hilN, shows vividly th 'orestation work beine accomplished in this state since establishment of th' Nebraska national forest in 1902. These trees are 16 years Id Above is a photograph of Arbor Lodge, home of J. Sterling Morton for many years end now oreserved as a part of the Morton memorial at Nebraska City. Photo by Louis R. Bostwick. I Jo ill sl J Jl "The Spirit of Arbor Day" is represented in this bronze stttue in Morton park, Nebraska City. Photo by Louis R. Bostwick. r Omaha The group of birches pictured above is in f Imwood park. Photo by Fred T. Denzin, 4-t 1 5 vr 111 (3 0 Here is an unusually good photograph of one of the winding paths through the elms of Elmwood park. Photo by Fred T. Denzin. O Tourists are cordially welcomed to both the Bessey and Niobrara divisions of the Nebraska national forest, covering big portions of Cherry and Thomas rcinties. The Niobrara division is especially abounding-in scenic beauty. Above is a view of the Snake river falls, borderinr the forest. Those trees growing along the canvon walls are western yellow pine, native Nebraska timber. r Spring planting operations are now under way in th Nebraska national forest A million and a half trees are to be planted this spring in the sand hills near Halsey. The picture shows a planting crew at work. 1 "1 --..i- View from Cedar Point, Nebraska national forest, showing eastern portion of Bessev nursery, named in honor of the late Dr. C. E. Bessry, professor of botany. University of Nebraska, who was largely responsible for bringing about creation of th- Nebraska na tional forest by President Theodore Roosevelt. Ml J, 1