THE TEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. Arr.lL 23. 1922. 7-M 5-Room Houses Most Popular, Builders Learn Hfalton Plan to Continue Program for Small Bunga low Many Being Constructed, Builders of live-room house art finding an increasing demand for ihli type of building. Every realtor who hai been build ing housri of thii ilit for tht tact frt monlhi it planning to continue building operations throughout the ttimmer. Tht majority of tht new live-room bungalow are being pur limed Detort they art tinuhed. Nearly all bome-buildrri, accord- ing to a curvey made last week, are directing a majority portion of their niorti to tht bungalow tye construe lion. Kenton & Carmicharl are starting cue or two new houes every week, the Byron Reed company lias 12 nungaiows under construction, near ly all of which art sold; George F. Jones will start two new ones this week at Twenty-fourth and Fort; Temple McFayden has plans made for several houses, most of them bungalows. While the price of hoiir of this type has advanced from $50 to $100 in the last two months, dut to changes in building material prices, realtors do not expect any advance during the summer that will check the demand for tht smaller houses. World Realty Company to Entertain Realtors All Omaha realtors . and, their talesmen will be guests next Wednesday noon of the World Kealty company in the new World thi.ter. The realty company will serve a ttuffet luncheon to its guests at 1 1 :30 in one of the storerooms. The Real Estate board will have its busi ness meeting from 12 o'clock until 12-30, after which the party will be through the theater building, all parts of it to be explained and I Homes of Comfort I ! . . : , . . . . . : . . TTr The Married Life of Helen and Warren Copyright, 1921. . 1 "iiviNa toon t;Nwa podh 11 I 1 l 0 I4 0" Us. 14 0' Ijji J ' KJCCM II No. 1S24-A The widt porch and tht French doors open ing from tht living and dining rooms teem to bring visions of young folks entertaining. This is a home with plenty of room and yet every unnecessary step in the housework is eliminated. The kind of a homt your family needs? Working drawings of Homes of Comfort may be obtained from Adams ft Kelly Co., Omaha. By Adams ft Kelly Co. ' j t POCTtLI mt I JJPtg P00T1 STot u0 .u yroim I describtd by members -of the World Kealt company. The New Motiograph DeLuxe Projectors Equipped With High Intensity Lamps Project the Pictures in the World Theater . For efficiency and better projection, the New Motiograph DeLuxe has no equal, v The Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co. 564 W. Randolph Street Chicago, III. Realty Market Shows Activity Week's Sales of Property Valued at $4,000 and Up ' Total $279,090. Real estate deals of $4,000 and over, officially recorded last week in the office of Register of Deeds Pearce, totaled $279,090. This list does not include sales of under $4,000, of which more than. SO were recorded. Following is the list of 39 deals totaling $4,000 or more: . North Side. E. W. Slmeral to Huko Nnrdnn, 6002 North Twenty-eighth avenue, 14,760. : T. B. Hunt to Anna 8. Runyon, ma Ireet, i between Mlnne T.uca avenue and Twenty-fifth avenue, $8,000. O. U Torrlion to f. F. Williams, jiis North Twenty-eighth avenue, $4,360. Blanch J. Elwood to, Joseph Hansen. 2027 Fowler avenue, $600. H. R. Potter to Jeaie W. Bowlea, Minna Lusa avenue, between Van and Whtt- mnr atreeta, 6,860. Lout ChrlBtensen to G. w. Bmiin, I5U Emmett atreet, $7,000. Frances Hoiovitcniaer to vner " klnson. 4413 North Twenty-first street. $5,000. ti. M . spott to r. a. Banqumi, otia North Twenty-eighth avenue, $4,260. Central. . Gadl C. Bennett to O. H. Allen, 2220 22 Howard, $10,000. B. D. Sherbondy to B. TS. Austin, south east corner Twenty-sixth and Harney streets. $26,000. Frank Bates to E. T. Williams, $716 Chicago street, $4,600. Jack Sellnsky to Frances Calandra, 853 South Twenty-first street, $4,200. - . Cathedral. V. C. Monglamell to Bridget .Martin, 4117-19 Izard street, $10,000. Ramus Nielsen to Susan Collins, 632 North Forty-first avenue, $4,860. Bertha Myer to Catherine Swells, 4140 California street, $7,250. West Leavenworth. T. H. Maenner to K. R. Houghton, Marcy atreet, between Fifty-seventh and Fifty-eighth streets, $,000. N. J. Peterson to A. R. Cresop, 4S3t Mayberry street, $6,000. , Benson. ' . ': ' Lin Ooodln to -A. C. Wilson, 611S-15 Maple atreet, $6,000. O. Cr Flack to Ethel M. Shafer, Fifty ninth street, between Plnkney and Pratt "eC. Ful?er to Kathjyn Meek, 6104 Blnney street, $4,000. Dundee; Bertha H. -Trimble to J. W. Gamble, Happy Hollow boulevard between Dodge and Davenport streets, $4,860. Bessie H. Havens to F. J. Norman, $09 North Forty-ninth street, $5,600. William Zltiman to C. A. Carlson, 810 11 Nicholas street, $15,600., Field Club. Xmll Wahletrom to Edith B. M. Blla sard, 82S South Thirty-fixth street, $5,800. F. S. Selby to Anna L. MetaA Thirty sixth and Marcy streets, $6,500.. Northwest. - R. V. Carlson to Minnie E. Outton, 4304 Parker street, $4,665. ; ' r. u. Karla to V. T. Price, S57 North Forty-seventh avenue, $6,800. , Beatrice Welsh to C C. Cook, northwest corner Forty-seventh and Map! streets, $6,260. Kdlth T. Airy to W. A. Gordon, $414 North Forty-fifth street. $6,600. A. W. Peterson to Oeorge C. Flack, 3516 Blondo street, $4,000. B. L. Mlnton to G. K. Atklnnon, 4606 North Thirty-eighth street, $4,876. Ralston. Charles ' Wood to Nicholas Farrell, Ralston, $4,000. ' South. Annheuser-Busch Inc. to Marie Plvon ka, southeast corner Thirteenth and Wil liams streets. $5,000. Rlvervlew Park. Mary Mares to Luciano Longo, south east corner Fifth and Williams streets, $5,250. . Bankers Mils.'- A Loan Ass'n to E. L. Conn, Third and Valley streets, $4,726. Itemia Park. ' Kathryn R. Mullln to Anna J. Roster mundt, 3132 Myrtle avenue, 16.928. Sweet Stores Rented. ! Earnest Sweet has rented the last two of his stores on Twenty-fourth street just north of Farnam.. No. 206 South . Twenty-fourth has been pA tr H. O. Rve for a res taurant extension to his grocery store next door. No. zu has Deen rentea tn ifenerav Nursery company for a downtown office. Both tenants have taken possession. Vnr nn-tn-Hate snort news read the Bee. ,You will fid it very in teresting. (tawluiaeel frms) Fas rr. juiooj uio tjtfij jie,5 jn(i table, with (la simple dignified line, fr mcd to ihrink from the turround in airocitiei of the later Victorian prnotL ISut the crowning monstrosity flood on jardiniere find in the corner. When Helen had first ec it, on her one duty call on Aunt Sarah, lie Iiad pern timott convuued Kven now, there came an irreprei iiv Biggie. "Yet, ihat't pretty awful," grinned Warren. It wa a hrone Vcnu de Milo, the familiar half-uraped armlex fig urc, hut with the astounding addi tion of a amall round nickel clock in the exact center of her nude ab domenl "Dear, that' the funniett thing I've ever ieenT "Gur we'll have to amaih that I We can't let that come up at auc tion. Here'i Carrie, now." "Am I late?" Warren's aister breezed in. "I stopped at the clean er'i. Have you been through downstairs? , Did ymi make a list of what you wanted?" v "I didn't know we should." Helen had a disquieting premonition of Carrie's plan. "Well. thee four thing are all I want, l ve jotted them down, for I have to run along some errands to do before I go out on the 5:40." Willi heightened color. Helen glanced at the four items on Carrie's lit: "Hall clock, sewing table, Kashmir rug in back parlor, table and bed linen." "Huh." was Warrens grunted comment, "you re a good picker, Carrie." Well, if that's all I want and I'm willing for you to have everything else in the house surely that's fair." "You know those are the only things either of us want," flushed Helen. "The. only fair way is to take turns in choosing." I don't want to hurt your feel ings, Helen. Dut you weren t even mentioned in Aunt Sarah's will it wa just Warren and I." "Now. if there s any scrapping, broke in Warren sternly, "I'll send the whole lot to auction and you can buy in what ybu want." "When we can have them for nothing?" shrilled Carrie. "Then lake turns in choosing. Helen's dead right about that." "Oh. very well if you re so in sistent about it but it seems so sillv." Then with covetous haste, 'Til take the sewing table." "All right." Warren noted it aown on an envelope, "Now Helen?" "The hall clock," resenting Car rie's calm appropriation of first choice. "That Grandfather' clock! Where on earth will you put it?" demanded Came. "No room in your hail ana it's exactly what I want for mine." "Then I'm perfectly willing to take the sewing table instead. "But-1 want that lor my guest . . r t 1 J . room. Aunt aaran wouia . warn "This isn't getting us anywhere,' scowled Warren. "Make your rhnir and stick to it. NOW go ahead you have the table and we have the clock. "But vou haven t any place to put Y .. aa B. the clock," contended his sister. "You needn t worrv about tnat. Let's get on with this. Whats nex-tr "I'll tAe the bed and table linen I" tartly. "Why Carrie, I don't think thoie ought to go together," protetted Helen. "Oh. let it go." shruggrd Warren "Fire av.av. Helen." "That Kashmir rug in the back parlor there isn't much choice now." Sorry, but Aunt Sarah practirally gave me that rug long ago." "Vou're lavina it on urettv thick . Carrie," grunted Warren. Hut I Men's nurnosrlv atkins? for the very thing on mv list!" "That Isn't true. Warren, weren't thoe the very thing 1 selected?" "Now, you'll tint drag me into thi. It's disgraceful the way you two are rowing over Aunt Sarah's thing. Give Carrie the rug-if she wants to hog it. What do you want Instead?" I suppose the quilt on the spare- room lied, resignedly. "Why that eoe with the bed linen," exclaimed Carrie sharply. "Ued linen means just sheets and pillow canes. Hut take the quilt, and anything else you want, flared Helen. "I'm quite through." 'Now see here." cut in Warren. "What I want to know which of us is going to take those family por trait in the parlor?" "Those awful cravons? Not me." snapped Carrie emphatically. Look here, we can t let them go to auction. Let s take one apiece. "You can take both of them. Helen's so crazy about ancestral portraits that she bought one and it ' turned om to fee lltnjiriiui Franllin. laughed hi sister maliciously. "Here you can have lo bona-dde ours for nothing," AH rltflit, well take Vm," mut tered Warrrn, grimly. "We'll lung 'em somewhere in the maid's room if we can't lind any other place," ''Hard enough to keepamaij with out indicting on her those numitroii tie." shrugtied Carrie. "Well, I must hurry," glancing at her wrist watch. "Hold on, if we lake the portrait, you've got to take that album and those family photographs." "Clutter up my house with that junk? Really. Warren, you're asking too much. Now, I MUST go. Tell Mary to have my thing ready 1U come in Monday and take them home in the car, at she ran down the stair. "And you say Came Isn't selfish P finned Helen, wheu the fiout door closed "Well, I v.aii't going to scrap over few old hand-me-down. Come un, we're throuiih here." Warren tarted downstair. "Let'i go on home." Out in the soft spring dusk, Helen, with hot resentment, brooded over her (ister-in law's greed. "Clad that lull's over." sruuleJ Warren. "I've been dreading it. Now, there's one thing certain when we cash in. there'll be no rowing over our junk, everything goes to auction. I .ft em bid for ill That'll put the kiboh on any of 'em that want to bog the whole show. That's the only way to imieKii these rot.' ten family squabble." Neat Week A Strenuous Day of Rett. ! right. I:.) Roofing and Water-Proofing . in the. New World Theatre was furnished and applied by , National Roofing Co. t Roofing and Waterproofing Contractors Jobbers of Roofing Material Omaha , Council Bluff Sioux City Sioux Fall Rees Printing Co. TENTH AND HARNEY STREETS PHONE DOUG. 0253 The "World's" Best Printers ln.niij-i i i i-iririnrii-ii-.-i- - ................ MMWswg ammoth'R! SigB Flexllllinae Balcony Sigw ' Built and Erected by Omaha Sign Co. "Builders of Better Signs" S;: WE bster'; 0729 A RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN BUILDING YOUR NEW HOME ' Let us refer you to such parties. Your problem, whether large or small, , will receive our" careful attention. FOUR YARDS TO SERVE YOU Lumber & Coal Co. ( 4500 DODGE STREET UPDIKE The Animated Film Ads shown in the new World theater are made by us. Never have we had the opportunity to present Art Anima Film Ads in such a setting as that af forded by the World. To keep them interesting, instructive and entertaining as the regular movie program will be our aim. Showing occupies three minutes, each ad changed weekly. Bookings now being made for the World, also Sun, Moon and Muse. Hallgren Film Ad Service Verner Hallgren, Local Manager - Office 636 Paxton Block Phone J A ckson. 1893 i Operating in 53 Cities Studio Rock Island, HI. Tell theVVorld We compliment you on your good judgment in opening one of the finest, theaters west of Chicago with . it Sitting on the World" Liberty Films, Inc. The KELSEY-OMAHA ' NURSERIES Office and Salescround 17th and Capitol Avenus Complete line of Trees, Shrubs and Roses. Special Price All Week On Apple Trees and Grapes to farmers and gardeners. Landscape man at your service free. Tel. WAlaut 3430 v E.J.Davis 1211 Fatnim SI JA. 035. HEAVY HOISTING AND HAULING Why Pay Garage Rent? We will deliver and erect one of our ready-built garages at the following prices: SINGLE 10x12 12x14 12x16 12x18 12x20 t Baft . 85.00 . 115.00 . 125.00 .'140.00 . 150.00 DOUBLE 20x16 165.00 20x18 190.00 20x20 210.00 These are the prices of a first class job, large glazed doors, small side door and sash, good hardware. Morrison Lumber & Coal Co. . 22d and Paul Streets WE bater 5561 Iron and Wire Fences and Gates Railings, Window and Door Guards, Trellises and Flower Borders. Iron Clothes Posts, Door Screen Guards and Paper Burners. Champion Iron and Wire Works ' J. J. Leddy, Prop. 150S Jackson J A ckson 1590 Anchorite fence Posts I Ornamental Iron and ' Wire Fencing Anchor Fence Co. 207 North 17th DO 6799 'UP SOW ; BOARD) for Better Walls and Ceilings' ; A strong, long-fiber, wood-like wall board. It has a new, sized, super-surface that gives a beautiful effect.. It is easier to handle, saw and paint. Upson Fasteners hold it without nails in the center of the panel. . , ADAMS & KELLY CO. When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome C3tx1 Gilt-Edged, Seasoned Securities HOME BUILDERS' SHARES ' Now Available by Resale One Dollar Each BUY NOW These preferred shares are secured . by mortgages on new properties in Omaha built by Home Builders for prosperous, reliable owners. Yield Interest from Date of Purchase Semi-Annual Dividends on Home Builders Shares, without a single omission, have been paid for many years. TAX EXEMPT Free of Personal Tax in Nebraska, and ex empt from normal income tax. Compared with Taxed Securities, these shares yield Better Than Interest Compounded Semi-Annually 18th at Dodge Sts. INVEST YOUR SURPLUS In Home Builders Shares and Thus Accumu late a Fund for Building a Home. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY . Dodfe, at 18th Street BROKERS Omaha, Nebraska ASK FOR BOOKLEf EXPLAINING HOME BUILDERS PLAN Shares Now Available In Lots of One .to 5,000 MONEY TO LOAN .' on Improved Omaha Real Estate " Easy Monthly Payment's y Funds Available Immediately The Omaha Loan & Building Association ' Northwest Corner 15th and Dodge Streets ine rurnace mat insures satisfaction The Sprague Guarantee, Issued by Sprague Foundry & Mf f . Co., Co. Bluffs, la. ' If any part of this furnace sires out within five years from date of purchase, we will furnish a new part to replace same free of charge f. o. b. our fac- tory. It any part of this furnace gives out within ten years from date of purchase, we will furnish a new part to replace at half price, f. o. b. our factory. Grates are the only parts excepted from the terms of this guarantee. SPRAGUE FOUNDRY AND MFG. CO. Munroe Furnace & Sheet Metal Works ' "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" Phone JA ckson 4066. 1718 Cass Street. Omaha, Neb. "SHEEPO" FERTILIZER Made from Sheep Manure. Treated with 2,000 degrees of heat and free from weed seed. For your Lawn, Flowers, Garden and Shrubbery. Now is the time to purchase and apply this high-grade fertilizer. Made RIGHTr-Here in Omaha Nebraska Fertilizer Company 540 Fasten Buildfaf Phone JA ckson 2066