Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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i 'Otto Cole Resided
I to branding Luc
in State Prison
Turkish Woman Lead
Soldiers in Attack
J Not Expecting Parole, Sij
Slayer, Writing II Lin
! on Cfmcnt. Floor of
I DurkCrlL
Otto Cole, in Hi k. solitary
i ce! In the county jail yesterday,
calmly looked hit fete in lh face and
! 4il he as rrtignrd to it life Ira
I prtnninnt 1
i This nivttcrinus man. admittedly a
I Moii, admittedly the slayer of Harry
I Halm, eniraccd yesterday, as
f . - I - -. t. m flftnl
I vruiuy, lying vii ihw ihiii tiwvi
ol hit cell, his hrad and the paper
! close naintt the bars to $tt a bit
01 l'Eit from the winnow wnicn ne
cannot tee from the "soiilary.-
"You'll probably be released by
parole before many yean have
pissed." aaid the interviewer.
Better Chance in Illinois."
"N'o. I don't think so." sloIy re
plied this strange man, who hai
(pent 21 of hii 4i years in peniten
turics. "I figure I will be all of 60
; vears old by the tune I set free again
I and can walk at will in the bright
I air and sunshine. Ah, I love them
I si well at you: perhaps better.
("If this were in Illinois 1 think I
could set out sooner because I could
brine; political pressure to bear on
J the hoard."
"J hen why are you so cheerful,
Man the next ZD years in prison.'
lole smiled.
"Mope is a wonderful thins." he
laid. "It in a brave thing. It goes
with men into the worst situations.
and the worse? the situation the louder
it talks.
Little Hope.
James Walker, assistant public de
fenckr. arrived at the cell with 1
typewritten motion for a new trial.
Coir, after reading it carefully and
making a few suggestions, signed the
paper and Walker took it to the
clerk a olhce to be Tiled.
Cole probably will be brought be
fore Judge Leslies early next week
, tor formal sentence to life imprison
went. '
Cole plainly showed that he has lit
tie hope of a new trial.
If he gets one, however, he said he
would not again act as his own coua
sel. - - '
"I w ill hire the best lawyer obtain
able, he said, it I can. raise the
"Your friends' will put up the
; money?"
"No, I shall appeal to one man, a
cousin of mine, a wealthy manufac
turer. ' tie can easily supply the
money. My great aim is to keep
knowledge of my trouble from my
sistcc and mother.
Going to Behave Self.
Cole reverted to his evident belief
that the sentence is inevitable
"I understand this warden," Fenton,
is a square shooter," he remarked.
"I'm going to behave myself and win
his friendship.
"And be made a trusty?"
''No: there's little hope of that
When a man is escaped from another
prison they won't make him a trusty,
But I hope to be put on work as a
draftsman in the prison. You know,
I am an expert at that, it 1 am
doing that, the years will pass more
Cole related at length the particu
lars of his escape from Joliet prison
in 1920.
"I hated the warded, I'll admit."
he said, "because of a certain affair
which resulted in the death of a
friend of mine. I had access to cer
tain tools and, on behalf , of a lifer
whom I believed to be innocent, I
cut the bars. I could work only 10
minutes each night, but I did it. We
loth got away. He is in Argentine
now." -
Cote said that he invented an air
plane precision bomb releasing de
vice in 1918, but that the warden
would not permit him to send it to
Washington. He managed to place
a letter and the plans in a shipment
of chairs sent out of the prison, to
gether with a letter to Chairman
Coffin of rthe aircraft board. It
reached Washington just about when
the armistice-Was signed. " ' ,
Royal Wedding Date Set :
Belgrade, April 22. (By A. P.)
The marriage of King Alexander of
Jugo-Slavia and Princess Marie, Sec
ond daughter of King Ferdinand and
w f n , 1
:I, yuccji marie 01 iwumania, ns oeen
fixed for June 1, it was announced
(s: today. . :. .-',-;
Constantinople, April 2L A
Turtuali woman has been glvto
the rank of lieutenant in tha aa.
uonalist array, earning hr pro
motion in action against the
Greeks, says an Angora dispatch.
Thia ia the highest rank tcr held
in the Turkish army by a woman.
Petima. the lady in quasiion,"
was corporal when aha led a pa.
trol composed almost entirely oi
women in an attack on the
enemy's rear and returned with 2
prisoners, including an omcer.
Army Post of
1,000 at Omaha
Forts Planned
Seventeenth Infantry, Now in
Texas, to Be Quartered
ia Forti Crook and
Approximately 1.000 aoljieri will
be quartered permanently in Fort
Crook and Fort Omaha a
recommendation that Seventh corpi
area headquarters be moved from
I'ort Crook to the Army building at
Fifteenth and Dodge streets if sanc
tioned by the War department at
The recommendation, made by
Gen. Francis J. Kernan, command
ant of the Seventh corps area, pro
vides that the entire personnel at
Fort Crook now take quarters in the
Army building. If there is an over
flow the two large brick buildings
at Twenty-second and Hickory
streets, now occupied by the inter
mediate quartermaster department,
which becomes inactive July 1, will
be remodeled and used, acijprding to
this recommendation.
Moving of troops to Forts Omaha
and Crook is in lines with the gen
eral army policy of concentrating
troops in permanent barracks in ail
parts of the country. It is probable
that the 17th infantry, now at Fort
Sam Houston, Tex., wfll be quar
tered in the two Omaha posts.
As a result of Gen. Kernan's
recommendation, numerous branches
of the service now quartered in
the Army building may be forced
out - into the cold, cold world,
officers say. At present the building
is occupied by the army and navy re
cruiting branches; the attending sur
geon, the finance office, employing
13 clerks; headquarters 89th reserve
division, headquarters 66th cavalry
division, headquarters 17th Army
corps and the Seventh corps area co
About 300 officers and men at the
Seventh corps area headquarters at
Fort Crook will be affected by the
contemplated Anove, . which is ex
pected to take place within a few
Bill for Boulder Canyon
Dam to Be Given to House
Washington. April 22. -The bill of
Representative Swing, republican,
California, proposing construction of
a dam at Boulder canyon, in the Colo
rado river and an all-American canal
connecting that project with lands in
the Imperial valley, California, and
in 'Arizona for irrigation purposes,
will be introduced in the house early
next week, probably Tuesday.
Representative Swing announced
today that conferences with delega
tions from California, called to per
fect the measure, had resulted in. a
tentative agreement on the bill which
embodies the recommendations of
Director Davis of the reclamation
service. 1
Mr. Swing said it was probable
that $50,000,000, originally, proposed
for erection of the dam, would be re
duced to $45,000,000, and the cost of
the canal, previously estimated at
$30,000,000, would finally be fixed at
$25,000,000. ' ' . .. : -
He said a provision also would be
included to give former service men
preferential claims on the unsettled
lands which will be irrigated by the
canal.'- . ' . .
Senate Body to Hear
Legion Views on Bonus
Washington, April 2!. Plana for
financing the soldiers' bonus were
discussed today at a conference of
senate finance commit tee rrpub
lirana, but Chairman McCumber said
no dennile decUion had been
readied. Defore there is a conclu
ion, fys taij, representatives of the
American Legion will be called in.
"I do not think that under any dr.
CumtUnrrs the bill will provide for
any additional taxes," declared the
chairman. The chairman said there
had not been sufficient discussion to
make any forecast as to whether the
original ch bonus feature-would be
restored, lie added, however, that
it might be that provisions would be
made for paying cah to men entitled
to not more than flOO in adjusted
service pay. The house bill (ixtt
this figure at ISO.
The Bee Leads Other Papers In
Sport News.
Stage Aspirant Cautea
Arrcit of Former Manager
Ward Sims, JJ, who left her
home in Chicago in February, hon
ing to become a stag afar, put aside
her manicure set ii a hotel here
yesterday long enough to cau.e
the arrest of her former manager,
Charles Carpenter,
Carpenter, now playing In Coua.
til Mutts, was acvued by her ol
obtaining money under false pre.
tenses-borrowing $JU J6 when their
show recently became embarrassed
in Jioue City,
Convincing the police he was re.
paying the loan as fast as fwiMe,
Carpenter was released within an
Two St. Louie- Policemen
Killed hy Trio of Bandit.
St. Louis, Anril ;.'.Two police,
men were killed today by three Jan.
dits, who ItelJ up the local offices of
Morris & Co., packers, and escaped
with Detwren Jo and $75 of payroll
tltA.I U - '
!4 S M IHM S S-l I I I I I IISM SSI fill I I I I II 11 S I II I II Mill SI I SI I I I I SIS I 11 S I' I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I t M (
i a s
Beginning Tomorrow Morning at 9 oi 'Clock
OUR first and second f loors loaded with rugs secured at Alexander Smith Sons per- i
emptory tcven million dollar tale of Axminster, Velvet and Tapestry Rugs held in '
New York, April 3. A carload of rugs purchased in this sale by our nig buyers ' ;
who were on the ground and secured first-choice just "received. ' V :
These, together with all the droo natterns from our WholnlA rata.
sists of rugs in all sizes and all grades, go on tale Monday. : : '
. Rug opportunity of the spring season. '' " ; -, , , ' ' l
These mentioned in the ad are examples of the excellent, exceptional values this
sale offers.
Sale Begins Monday Morning at 9 O'CIock :
Piles and Piles of Rugs on Our Main
and Second Floor '
Extra salesmen, fully experienced, will assist, so that
every customer will receive attention. ,
Seamless Velvet Rugs, 9x12, good , 9xl2-f t Velvet Rugs ....... ;': ,$39 50
grade ... $33.50 . : 9xl2-f t Axminister Rugs. , ; . . $39.50
6x9-ft Axminister Rugs. . .$14.75 , 6x9-ft Tapestry Rugs. . . . i'v;;v.; $11.00
ll-3xl2-ft extra large size'Axminister -J-feJ-ft Tapestry Rug8.7. .$13.50
good gradeX .$34.50 8-3xl0-6-ft.. AxministerRugs . . $37.50
Parks Mills Wilton Velvet,
30x60 No-Fade Rag Rugs.
hvhi 1 ivj n m o re war 1 sari rn A a .
WAW 1,u auc "t uKo 4.ou vY.incii eenuine SaxnnvRntra a" to7e
: 18x36 choice Axminister Mats-very . .. ..... 6x9-ft. genuine Saxony Rugs.'v; -.jj . .$59.00
' fe Patterns. .V. . , . $2.75-; 9xl2-ft genuine Saxony Rugs. ... :. : .$95.00
27x54 Velvet Rugs , .: $2.75 8-3xl0-6-ft. genuine Saxony Rugs $85.00
It it only poatible to liat a few of the Bargaina in this Sale of -Ruga
that include! hundredi of piecet from world-f amout looms. '
36x63 $7.50 . rt'
7-6x9-ft. Velvet Ruks. . .s 1 . ; .'.vsVl . .$23.50
Attractive Outdoor Furniture in Wide Variety at Notably Low? Prices
J. P. Morgan to Paris.
Paris. Aoril 22. (By the A. P.)
J. P. Morgan is expected to come to
Fans next month to attend the inter
national meeting of bankers called
by the allied reparations commission
for the . purpose of endeavoring to
arrange the floating of an interna
tional loan for Germany, according
to information received in American
circles here.
Monday Only
Every Skirt in the House
Values Up to $14. 75. Come Early
Another Emporium Scoop
Substantial Fumed Oak Chairs and Rockers,, well built, nicely
finished, 93.50 to $9.00.
Fumed Oak Porch Swings in 4, 5 and 6-ft. lengths, complete with
chains, $3.00 and up.
3 -ft. Folding Benches in hardwood as low as $2.05.
Stationary and
Reclining Back
Canvas Hammocks
. In attractive new patterns of
dependable canvas and, duck.
, Prices range from 810.00 "P
Standards for hammocks,
$4.50 up. 7
., .' . .s. ; - ;'"
Your clothes washed clean in
record time with a
"Washes with the force of the waves."
. The Voss Sea Wave model is beauti
fully finished. The copper tub is fin
ished in white enamel, baked on, and
the cabinet is in beautiful sea green
It has no corrugations to strain and t
tear even the finest fabrics, hence it '
cleanses without injury. . j
It ' is equipped wtih a wringer that
can be swung around so the clothes can
be wrung from tub to basket.
We are selling this washer at the re
markably low price of $115.
When this lot is gone the price will
be $139.50.
f -
i r jV 1 1 ii ii i iii i -...- f
or WS Ml I'll i I .1
The Ideal
Hand woven reed, in
frosted brown and old ivory,
with- rich- cretonne and
tapestry upholstery combines
beauty, utility ' and ' comfort.
Prices surprisingly low.
Hard Maple Porch Furniture, extra
- neavy, superior quality, line finish.
Rocker or Chair, as illustrated. . . . .$9.85
S8e 1 816.50
Table $15.00 ;
Other Maple Chairs and Rockers with double cane seat, $2.95 to
i 5SD.50. ' .'.ki ; v-
A splendid showing of high-grade White Enamel Chairs and Rockere '
;. with double cane seats, some with cane backs, $6.$0 to $lfJ.OO.
Sold on ' '
- monthly
payments if
you wish.
SUNDAY is the last day our
Model House, 2821 South
34th Street, will be open
for inspection." Furnished from
our own stock with pieces typi
cal of our line of medium priced
furniture. Visiting 'hours, 2 to .
5, Sunday afternoon. -. v
t m
1 . 7 -rx,
af if57'rs:S-I sails 1
Grass Furniture
. V . Our, town importation direct from China. .
"i t'Comf prjablte,!;; attractive; durable chain -
and rockers priced from $10.00 to
; Setteea . .'. .... v . $18.50 and $19.50 i
, u Tables to, match. ... . $12.50 '
Buy Your Herrick
Refrigerator Now
Warm weather will soon be upon us, and
a good housewife is naturally anxious to
keep provisions ' in the freshest and most
-sanitary manner. By the Herrick system
of dry air refrigeration everything in the
refrigerator is kept cold, free from odors
or the danger of mixed flavors. .
An excellent Herrick
for $39.50
This oak refrigerator is
white enamel lined); with
triple-tinned wire mesh
shelves, rustproof seam-
less drip pan.
. See our complete line of
Herricks spruce, white en
amel and opal glass. '
,We have a few.
that we are anxious to close
out at the very special price
of $20.00.
These are substantial trunks
of fiber and veneer; will give
excellent service. ' ;
Full Line of
Hartmann Trunks
Auto Trunks
for all cars
Special Offerings of
75 p 95 c
a Yard
There are more than 50 patterns,
covering the requirements of any
room or home bright, cheerful
patterns for chamber use; richer
and heavier effects for living room
and dining room; effects suitable
for pillows, slip covers or cushion
work. There, is no other material
that offers like possibilities in home
furnishings. '-. t
Other -special values at '
38c, 50c and 65c yard.
Gift Shop
.Safe of 'Porcelains
All English Porcelains in open stock pat
, terns are offered at reductions of from
10 to 30. No patterns are reserved
a service for 'six can be had in an at
tractive pattern at a very low cost.
Domestic Dinnerware
50-piece sets, formerly $22.00, now $19.50
100-piece sets, formerly $39.50, now $33.00
These are in the "Golden Pheasant" design.
I Satisfy your longing for music with' this beautiful
Console '
, : Type
Like illustration, in .ma
s hogany or E n g 1 i s h
brown $160
We have a small Console
Tfve Victrola made especially
for the small house or apart
ment for $115.
See our complete line.
Jf 9 Monthly It
Sold on i
You Will Enjoy
Seeing the
Nev Curtain Net
.v. 8 Many attractive designs, in Filet, Penn De
Terra, Amerex Shantung, Tuscan and Casement
NetSy priced from 50c to $2.75 yard.
These make ydry desirable curtains, and at:
50c to $1.00 a yard, the assortment is large and
tne price most reasonable. :"
iliil!ili,li,i;liil.;i;.M; III ,. IlI-I::;Ii,i
I. nl. Jlil. !!.,:.
i.S:iSiJiS-:s;;4.Sl.Si.SilSi:Sr.SaiJ. J' Jul,.!;!!!.!!:!!.!
- , i,...., -...:,.!. .. ... ... ...