Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1922, SPORT NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS, Image 25

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nir; r.t.1; umaha, mxpav, a.'ku. its, ;
Pickford Portrays "Lord Fauntley;" Bebe Daniels at Sun
America's Darlinji
at Rialto; Wally
Reid at Strand
CoIIf f n Moore and Put
(TMallcy Co-Sur at World
Theater; 'Four Hone
men" at Moon
Theater crowds will wel
come Mar? Pickford'a por
trayal o( Little Lord Fauntle
roy in the film version of that
name which opens today at
the Rialto theater. With
Mary'a popularity in the bal
ance, "Little Lord Fauntle
roy" is expected to bo a
determining factor in rejuve
nating the star in the heartaf
of movie fans. ,
Other cinema attractions
alony theater row are Bebe
Daniels in "A Came Chicken"
at the Sun; Wallace Reid in
Th World's Champion" at
the Strand; Colleen Moore in
"Come on Over" at the
World, and a return engage
ment in Omaha of "The Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse"
at the Moon theater.
Sl2ic Tirru
v WW
' Sharif ttehbrd
"Little Lord Fiuntleroy
What will probably interest
the public most alimitXfary rick
ford's "Little , Lord fauntlerov,"
which opens today at the Rialto the
ater, at the feature attraction, is not
so niuch the (act that she pUys a
dual role in this picture ai that the
takes the part of a hoy. '
Little Mary has played a dual role
before in "Stella Maris" but this
will be the first time she has ever ap
peared as a boy throughout an entire
photoplay. While it is true that she
lias worn masculine garb in some of
Iter previous productions, she djd so
as a girl masquerading as a Toy for
the momc-.t only. But in her film
version of Frances Hodson Bur
nett's great story, Miss Pickford is
constantly on the screen as Little
Lord Fauntleroy or as his mother;
in fact, much of the time she is there
both as the mother, and the little
lord, all by the aid of cleverly de
vised double exposure work of the
cameraman, Charles Rosher.
The Victorian dresses' with their
"puff-sleeves, bustles and Ipng trains;
the thatched houses and the magnif
icent castle shown in this film tend
"to make it an achievement in pic
tureland. ,
And who can ever forget the
r-rheunitie old apple-woman, the
'portly grocer, and the lovable boot
"Wack vdio were sach great cronies
;pfCedric. Errol? THt human inter
est and heart appeal in this picture
is said to top anything ever yet trans
'latcd inito celluloid. ; . , , '
"A Game Chicken."
The thrills of pirate days on the
Spanish Main brought right down to
date. - - ' -
Which is to say that in Bebe
Daniel's new picture, "A Game
Chicken," which opens today at the
Sun theater, is proof that the eight-
centh amendment Without intending
it. has preserved to us the romance
that is suggested by the' name of
Captain Kidd.
' The treasure of the latter-day free
booters is of amber and gold, too,
but it comes - in bottles.:' However,
the main v' thing about "A. Game
Chicken' is the romance ' of -'
iHastings, daughter of -,a New Eng
land Yankee and a high-born Spanish
, woman. 'W-"" , '.I- '
', The reversion bfa Spanish lover
.to the piracy of Ins ancestors, and
a thrilling fire and fight at sea, brjng
,ir.e picture .to a. smasmng climax,
Miss Daniels has fofr leading, man J
:tv,t rvxr-i!... ...i i . --'
n afc j xtiaiivjr, iciucuiucicu iruui JJ
,' and Get It," who makes a most con
vincing Jose Lavendera. . . -;'
;'. ' "Come on Ova ':i
A new Rupert Hughes comedy
'"Come Ori Ovetr," opens today, at
1 the World theater. It is said to be
a breezy, wholesome, clucklesome
J story of an Irish lad, Shane O'Mealia,
;who seeks his fortune in the United
States, leaving - Monya, . his sweet
' heart, to be "sent for put", when he
; lands a good job. Shane 3s unfor
tunate and loses job after: job, .
t The years go by and Moyna is
brought over by friends. She thinks"
Shane is in love with Judy Grady
f and there is a great to-do until they
' are swept into each others arms at
,.a contest of old Irish dancers.
Colleen Moore, who made such a
big hit in Rupert Hughes' previous
photoplay, "The Wall Flower," is
cast as Moyna, and Ralph Graves
; who leaped into screen prominence
with his performance in Griffith's
,: "Dream Street," acts- the . part of
: Shane. ,
"Four Horsemen."
' fin epic tale of surging passion
i- sweeping from the wide plains of the
;,'Argentine through 'the fascinating
- frivolities of prewar Paris into, the
blading turmoil of the German in
vision 'oi normem trance is tin
folded in "The Four Horsemen of
the Apocalypse," now current at the
Moon theater. - .
.The director, Rex Ingram, has
succeeded in concentrating the great
struggle in a scries of unforgettable
pictures that flah out the quintes
sence of life at white heat. He makes
us see above the struggle the awe
some figures of the four horsemen,
conquest, war, famine and death,
prophesied by St. John in the book
of the Apocalypse, charging into our
very hearts. And through, it all is
the deeply human, deeply' moving
spectacle of intensely real people in
their battled attempts to readjust
themselves to the demands of war
days. In this picture the war is
realized on -a gigantic scale, with a
greatness of imagination that uwarts
all other, ambitious attempts that the
screeii has seen. "The Four Horse
men ' is the fulfillment of the prom
ise of a noble art in pictures.
Rodolph Valentino and Alice
Terry have the leading roles.
"World's Champion."
Wallace Reid, who has been rid
ing racing cars, touring cars, trucks
and allTiianner of vehicles for more
thaii a year and has otherwise
breezed through his pictures on
cushions, has at last struck a snag.
In "The Worlds Champion," an
adaptation of a recent stage success
Mr. Reid has drawn the most stren
uous role of his motion picture ca
reer. The picture opens today at
the Strand theater.
-The worm turns even in motion
pictures and Reid has discarded his
dress suit for a pair of fighters'
trunks, for he plays the role of Wil
liam Burroughs, otherwise "known as
"Gunboat Williams," middleweight
champion of America. In. the pic
ture Wally has two minor fights and
a prize ring battle, to say nothing
of a tussle with stevedores ? and a
scrap with steamship officers. Out
of it all, however, he emerges a
suave attorney-at-law. and wins the
girl in his customary finished . and
immaculate style.
"Wally Reid at Muse. .
Wallace Reid, Gloria Swanson and
Elliott Dexter all combine to make
an interesting plot in "Don't Tell
Everything," which plays tomorrow
end Tuesday at the Muse theater.
The picture is a romance , that
sparkles with laughter and' gayety.
Babe Daniels is the chief attrac
tion at the Muse theater today in "A
Game Chicken," a hilarious comedy.
"Turn to the Right," an Ameri
can comedy of farm ! and fortune,
Program Summary
Hamilton Theater
. Today, Commaneinf at 3:00 P. M
And Tomorrow
Stanley in Africa and Comedy
Empress Rustic Garden
All Drinks .....10 .
All TablM Frta '
Sat. and Sun. . .406
Includai Tax
Carl Lamp's Orchestra
Sweden's Greatest Play
- 2559 Leavenworth Street
Thirdly ind Friday, April 27-21
WsOFfjSi. f
; 4 r Shows Daily ;4
11:30 Continuous 11:00 p. m.
Vaudeville Photoplay
1 ;40 :00 12 2:30 S
6:309:00 -1 7:309:45
'Bobbed Hair'
The tickleseme tale of a flap
per who tried to be futuristic.
Whether you call her , "new
thoughter" or "nut," you'll
laugh till you ache at the stunt
of this girl who tried to be "dif
ferent." See what befel her in one of
those artist-poet places where she
went to "express herself."
' A picture as pert as ita title
all smiles and pep!
s Comedy
Maun Except Sunday 25c 30c.
Bens Reserved 40c.
Night and Sunday Matins 30c Oc
Boxes Reserved 50c.
CHILDREN Week Days 10c-
World Colleen Moore in "Come
On Over."
Rialto Mary Pickford in "Little
Lord Fauntleroy."
Sun Bebe Daniel in "A Came
'Strand-Wallace Reid in "Tlic
World'a Champion.
Moon "Trie Four Horsemen of
the Apocalypse.
Empreii Today until Thursday.
"Bobbed Hair;" beginning next
Thursday, "Kisses."
Muse Today, "A Game Chicken;"
tomorrow and Tuesday, "Don't Tell
Kvery thing;" beginning Wednesday,
I'Turnto the Right."
takes the screen at the Muse theater
for four days beginning next
Wednesday. Rex Ingram was the
director. Jack' Mulhall and Alice
Terry are the stars. Mirth and
morality, farce and philosophy arc
blended in the picture.
. "Bobbed Hair." .
Wanda Hawley's latest star pic
ture; "Bobbed Hair," which is on
view at the Empress the first four
days of this week, is decidedly a pic
ture with not one, but several
punches. It is packed with laughs
and the love interest is quite ab
sorbing. It is said to be a picture
that will please the most Jaded film
fan .and the various characterirations
are in capable hands.
"Kisses." which open next Thurs
day at the Empress theater, is a
Iresh and new version of a theme
which has many possibilities for
pathos, humor and romance. "Kisc"
(hows one phase of the struggle of
the younger generation to-pay its
debt to past; in this case, the effort
of a young and attractive girl to
pay olf the creditors 6f her dead
father. Betty Kstabrook, the role
flayed by Alice Lake, goes into busi
ness for herself, and becomes in
volved ill a struggle which puts her
at grips with an unscrupulous Imsi
ntsji competitor and which inciden
tally enables her finally to outwit
Suburban Programs
Today and Tomorrow Harold
Lloyd in 'Among Those Present,"
and Rodney La Roque in "Life."
Tuesday "Wet Gold," a subma
rine picture. I
Wednesday William Russell in
"The Roof Tree" and "With Stanley
in Africa, No. 14.
x Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Wesley Barry in 'Tcnrod."
What's to become of disillusioned
Uncle Bim? Will he find, perhaps,
another "Heaven Eyes?"
Bculah Marie Dlx
writes zmom
Words in 25 Years
Tbrce million eight hundred and
twenty thousand words (J,820,000) in
25 years.
Such is the prolific record of Beu
lah Marie Dix. successful novelist,
playwright and scenario writer, who
recently completed the script of "The
Ordeal,'" W. Somerset Maugham's
story which is being done as an Ag
ues Ayrcs starring picture.
Those who wonder at the cause of
such a flow of words need wonder
no loficer for here is the literary out
put of Buclah Marie Dix, nine stage
plays, vl novels ana .' pnoiopuys,
five of which were originals.
It's quite a while since Miss Dix
graduated front Radcliffc college and
first uuhmbcj-ed her fountain pen
commercially but it will be grant
cd that as a mine of saleable, play'
able and scrccnablc words she has
been somewhat of a bonanza.
Mits Dix is happily married and
has one child, 11 years old. I. ike
Mary Roberts Rinehart the literary
success of Miss Dix has had no deter
rent ct'tcct on the happiness of her
domestic life.
Some of the plavs, photoplays and
hooks for which Miss Dix is well-
known include: "The Road to Yes
- '- now? : ..; Wl
SHOWING A Rgiife,. A
. 3Yis greatest zM . 'FS
fVPlr I MATS. fax,,
f Evenings
Inc. and
Tax Sundav
This Engagement Only
OP- Inc.
lerday." "The Breed of the Tret
hams." "Hands Oil." "Friends in the
Fnd." "Maid Milhcent." "The Fair
Maid of Uraystoiiei. "Trie Gate of
Horn," ".Van of Music Mountain,"
"Heart of Youth." "Secret Service."
"Fool's )'aradie" (with Sada Cow
an) and "Hidden I'earU."
In 1914 licenses were inucd in
Chicago for 5I.V42 horse-drawn ve
hicles, and .12..1o0 motor cars. . In
IV-1 only 26.5,15 horse vehicles were
licensed, while motor cars increased
to If .8.221. Of the motor vehicles.
29.2J9 were trucks and busses.
Actress, 50 Years .
Old, Finds Beauty
by Operation
You maids of 48 w ho feel the
weight of years upon your brow, list
to this tale of how to be beautiful by
one who has felt the years, but let
their weight, full from her shoulders.
If you've kept our skin in good
condition, brushed your teeth and
hair with vim and made' your form
youthful with exercising, then let the
master of plastic surgery exert hit
charms upon you, and. presto! you
can bob your hair and go about with
your granddaughter.
Miss Kdua Wallace Hopper, ac
tress past 50 years old, rejuvenated
her skin by plastic surgery. The
result was a youthful appearance and
vrlvrty skin that gave her the ap
pearance of a girl of 16. She will
iipprar in person at the Rialto theater
next week to show Omaha women
how the art was done.
Bee Business booster Are Business-Getters.
Tociax at (Sjfrttrtdky 300 Scats 30
noo-ioo-00-500 Vigyjjj MainFloor 40 '.
e3o-8oo-03o SmMXy BaxScats 504
': f lliwxwjl ll zrishoGxaiic family lbeirig1
VWl iIiSXtMY f u r 1 ;- A Street Sweeper '
, WMm f A Hod Carrier ,
'IMlMMK I'mk A Freight Rustler .
' , Wilt, Will 1 1 " : Thjei1' a p,ri HgMer ' '
: -Wm- wil WM Wf Ther GeritlemaiL Lawyer .
"' 1 1 vaIiWII ' ' a Scream based ori.-ttiei
Wni. &J1I J cri starred GratiiiElwli: "
I y Scenio th . "1
-havefounci ncv superlatives -jbr -
Z i Zand women z
Ulusfioia tasted himself sickuAen Aemacfc
dicL You. will-too S
Latest and best pic Strand Supreme Orchestra Geo E Haunt on
tures of w o fl d ' , " . swSteS
events in Selznick Offering the Overture toned t)ioe orwn
News. - "Marriage of Figaro" Mozart. 8 '
Vwet i-SMS e e I
r 1 ' 1 - ' - . ... ;