THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. Arr.IL 3. 1022. 3-1? Clubdom H To Be June Bride Club Women Raise $350 ' Toward Building: Fund. Proceeds front the Omaha Woman's club benefit card parly 1 ri'Uy afternoon in the Draiidcl, rill room aniouutril In IRv mrmrA ing to Mr. John K. Golden, chair man of the house and home commit tee. I'riei were wn by Mrs. Horn. er Shearer. Mis I-niters Knhimn lendmei I. S. ZipM, C, II. Mal!i son. Van II. Lady, I, II. MJdmore, J. II. Martin. V. U, Lamb, I'd win PautllfrlV. I. I. llfalrv. Katnli oad. Wrhstcr Mills, Ldith Lewis, l .. l I lain. I. I'. ( nit lrv. Rav Owen, O. 1'etcrson and Mis Amu la'iahan. The lnme and home committee hit raided aPtiroxiinatev $.150 to ward the club building fund in the lt year Ironi lunchcom and card lurtte. Omaha Woman's Club. The Omaha Woman' chib will tloe the pcjkou with a business niettinn Monday, 2M p. in., in bur- firfts-isasn amlitoriiim. Annual re ports will be given and drlrgatei will report on the Second district con vention. Duel for next vrar may be paid lo the treasurer. Mrs. I. II. C rail c'orlc. at this meeting. Mr. Crd- dnrk, who has served faithfully and efficiently a treasurer for the past two year, has handled more than SJO.OOO, including the club building Junus, during her term of omcc. Get-Acquainted Club. Die uet-Acquainteu club meets this evening at 7:30 o'clock, at the l'irt I'nitarian church. Turner boulevard and Harney street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hoagland will be host and hostess. A musical program will be given by Reagan's orchestra, which will include violin solos by John Reagan and Carl ISruechcrt. This will be followed by games and community singing. The cub is nonsectarian. All strangers and lonely folk welcome. Nebraska at the Pan American Conference By ANNIS C. SORENSON. A Nebraska woman. Miss Grace Abbott, formerly of Grand Island, presided at the opening meeting of the I'an-American conference in Baltimore. Thursday, April 20. Miss Abbott is chief of the chil dren's burean of the United States Bureau of Labor, and the morning session of the conference was de voted to the subject of international and Tan-American work for child welfare. ' The League of Women Voters of Nebraska is well represented at the conference, which will he followed by the annual convention of the League of Women Voters. All the delegates from Nebraska had not yet arrived, but on the opening day "-iliere-appeared at the registration desk Mrs. Charles Dietrich of Hast ings, who is one of the seven region al -directors; Mrs. C. G. Ryan of Grand Island, who is state director; Mrs. Edgar Scott of Omaha, who is the alternate for Mrs. Draper Smith; Mrs. Frank Babcock of Hastings, and from- Lincoln, Mrs. W. E. Bark ley, Mrs. Rachel Cams, Mrs. John Baird and Mrs. C. A. Sorensen. One of the outstanding features of the conference was the exquisite English of most of the South Amer . ican delegates. If Nebraska sends delegates to the coming Pan American conference, which meets in Brazil late next summer, will she reciprocate in speaking the language of that country? ' Literary Contest Announced by Press Club To encourage the production of literature within the "state, the Omaha Woman's Press club con ducts an annual contest for Ne braska writers, in which cash awards made as follows: Short story, maximum length 5,000 words, first prize, $40; drama, one act, first prize, $30; miscellaneous prose, maximum length, 1,500 words, poetry.niaximum length, 24 lines, first prize, $20; poetry, maximum length, 24 lines, first prize, $20. v Honorable mention shall constitute ' second prize. . , ' In submitting manuscripts, it is understood that no rights, whatso ever, are sacrificed whether or not the contestant wins a prize. - , The conditions of the contest are: 1. Length limitations must be obsrrved.' 3 Manucrlpts must not previously hva ppared In print. . 5. Manuscripts shall be Judged in the class In which they have been submitted by contestant. v 4. A contestant Is at liberty to enter In each class, but may not submit more than one manuscript In any class. 6. The conteatanfs name In a sealed envelope must accompany the manuscript; also, a stamped self-addressed return en- . velope. , 6. The competition closes November 1, Is?. ... The judges m the short story prose and poetry classes are to be: Victor Smith of the Omaha Bee, Rolland Jones of the World-Herald and Neal Jones of the Omaha Daily News; in the drama, W. E. Byrne of the Orphenm, Keene Abbott and Charles Docbcrty. " ' Address all manuscripts, as well as all inquiries to. Laura McLaughlin Enuis. 4324 Farnam street, Omaha, - Neb., chairman of contest committee. Fourth and Fifth Districts Meet in Convention The seventeenth annual conven tion of the Fourth district, Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, will be held in Geneva, Monday and Tuesday of this week, by invitation of the Geneva Woman's club. Amer ican citiienship will be the theme of the meeting. Miss Eftie Dctrick of York, president of the district, will preside. New officers will be elected Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. J. Jenison, Harvard, presi dent of the Fifth district, will pre side at the sixteenth annual confer ence of the Fifth district, to be held in Minden Thursday and Friday of this week; -Minden Woman's club, hostess. "Know Americ a Be Americas," if the convention slogan. II f? r t N r n &' The engagement of Mis Mae O'Conncll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Conncll of Underwood, la., and Waller William Hove, son of Mrs. John Hoye of this city, has been announced. 1 lie wedding is to take plare the latter part of June. Mis t Lonuell attended Council Bluffs High school and St. Josephs academy. She is an accomplished violinist. A tea was given Saturday in her honor by her sister. Miss Emma O'Conncll, at their home in Underwood. Scottish Rite Entertainment The Scottish Rite Woman's club will present a musical program Fri day afternoon. 2 oclock. at the Scot tish Rite cathedral.. The program will include vocal solos by Mrs. K. B. Tedrow; readings, Mrs. L. E. Stolestark: dance, the Misses Ethel and Ruth Mick, and a playlet, "Mrs. Busby s Pink Tea. by members ot Chapter E of tie 1'. E. O. Sister. hood. Members may invite guests. Rates to Biennial Convention of Women's Clubs Tin biennial convention of the General Federation of .Women's tlubi will bt held at Chautauqua, New York, June 19 to Jo. Mrs. I lor- enci floors of Tom, chairman of tht program committee, announce! that the keynote of the program will be: "Woman at Work." It is to be hoped that Nebraska will send a Urge delegation. The state federation is entitled A 14 dele gates, the pretidsnt of theirate and all the district presidents are dele gates ex-ofncio: the other state delegates were etected at the Seward convention. ' Nebraska has about 80 clubs in di rect membership; these clubs are en titled o the following representa tion: One delegate for 100 or les. two for 200. and one delegate tor each additional 2lK). The railroads have granted rates of one fare and a half for the round trip, tickets may be purchased at your home office and are good from June 15 to July 6. These tickets are to be purchased on the certificate plan. which is as follows: A sufficient number of certificates for the entire state will be sent to the chairman of transportation, Mrs. John Slaker, Hastings, and she will forward to clubs entitled to them upon applica tion. , At the present rate of one fare and a half the round trip from Oma ha and return will be $5276. the Pullman rate will be $9.00 for a berth and $7.20 for an upper. Each one can figure' for herself the fare from her home town to Omaha. Delegates will not be housed by states as is customary but will be housed in cottascs. and good board and rooms can be secured from $2 per day and up. Reservations will be made in the order that the names are received. Those intend ing to attend should notify Mrs. Slaker as soon as possible and she will communicate with the proper Weekly Club Calendar SUNDAY Old People's Home. Fontenelle Roale- rd Sunday. J.JO p. m.. Rev. 1. B. Jenkins, president ot Omaha university, speaker. B. P. O. Hoe' Benefit Itance Saturdsy, n m . Rika' club rooms. Proeeeds will be utd to furnish room In Wtllard Home for Working Girls. llouso Or Hone. IMS North Thirtieth Street Sunday. S:J0 p. m.. Rev. F. K. Harrrove. naalor of North Side Christian church, speaker. Church choir will sing. Omaha Walklnc Club Sunday after noon and evening, Informal out In at U'l1v Point club home. Fnntenelle foreat Ypserve, near Camp QtfforVl. Visitors wel come, zaldie uoney, nosiess. Get Acauainted Club Sunday. 7:30 p. m., First Unitarian church. Turner boule vard and Harney street. Meetings sre nonsectarian and are open to all strang era and lonely folks. Mrs. Paul K. Har lan, director. Omaha Walklnr Club Sunday, 10 a. m.. endurance hike, distsnre 20 miles. The walk will be from south end ot Manawa car line to Plattsmouth via Paclflo Junction. William Welat, leader. Regular Sunday walk, 1:16 p. m., from north end of Florence, car line through the Flor ence Woods. John Pollock, leader. MONDAY Biehoa Vincent Chnntanauat - Circle Monday, 7:16 p. m courthouse. Hoosevelt Chaueaunua Circle Monday, 7:30 p. m., with Mrs. F. A. Cressey, South Twenty-second street. Omaha College Club. Mnsle Section- Monday, 4 p. m., Schmoller & Mueller auditorium. Psychology T-ecture Course Monday, p. m.. Y. W. C. A. Prof. Walter N. Has ley will speak on "Memory." sixth of a series of talks on "Psychology and . the Day's Work," by Edgar Jamea Swift, given under auspices of Chautauqua circles.' Omaha Woman's Club, General Meet ing Monday, 3:30 p. m., Burgesa-Nssh auditorium. Annual reports will be given also report of Second district conven tion. Members who have not paid dues for next year are requested to do so at this meeting: Dues are payable to the treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Craddock. TUESDAY American Legion Auxiliary Tuesday, S p. m.. Memorial hall, court house, George A, Coster W. R. C. Tuesday, 3 p. m Memorial hall, court house. Omaha W. C. T. tJ. Tuesday, 2 p. m T. M. C. A. room 316. Citizenship class. Omaha Woman's Club, Literature De partment Tuesday i p. m T. W. C. A. Election of officers. George Crook W. R. C. Tuesday, 13 noon. Chicken dinner for Old Ouaril poat No. 7 and their wives at 2414 Cuming street, Omaha Spanish Club Tuesday, S p. m. Longfellow Chautauqua Circle Tuesday evening with Mrs. Ella Connell. 2517 D street. P. K, O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. P. Tuesday, 2:30 p. m,, with Mrs. J. M. Prime, 3202 Harney " street. Roll call, Short Story Writers. Omaha Business Woman's Club Tues day. 6:16 p. m.. T. W. C A. Dinner and program. Drama section, Omaha College club, will present a play. "The Finger of God." Omaha Woman's Club, Public Speaking Department Tuesds 2. p. m., Y. W. C. A. Mrs. O. W. Malstrom's and Mrs. John Mullen's divisions will entertain the department. Extension Lecture Coarse (Amerlcan Isatlon and Civics Tuesday, 4 p. m., Duchesne college and convent of the Sacred Heart, Ahlrty-slxth and Burt streets. Open to the public. WEDNESDAY. Omaha Chapter Hadassah Wednesday, 2:30 p. m., Jewish Community Center, Lyrio building. Frances Wlllsrd W. C. T. V. Wednes. day. 2 p. m.. with Mrs. T. O. Kerschner, 2A06 Dodge street. B. P. O. Vor' Sewing Club Wednes day. 10 a. m.. t'hlld Saving Institute. AH dsy sewing session. Dundee Woman's Club Wednesday, 1 o'clock annual luncheon with Mrs. Ralph Ruasell, 6121 Webster street Weet Omaha Mothers' Culture Club Wednesday, 2 p. in., with Mrs. C. D. Hutchinson. 4041 Seward street. Subject, "Tennyson." Omaha Woman's Club, Musle Depart ment Wednesdsy, S p. m., V. W. C. A. Chorus rehearsal for May muslo festival, under direction of Henry O. Cox. Extension Lecture Course Medieval Hla tory Wednesdsy, 4 p. m.. Duchesne col lege and Convent of the Sacred Heart, Thirty-sixth and Burt streets. Open to the public. Omaha College Club, Domestlo Educa tion Section Wednesday. 1:30 p. m.. with Mrs. E. C. Hornberger. 6107 Hard street. Mrs. Robert Maxwell, leader. R. B. How ell will speak on "Metropolitan Utilities." North Side W. C. T. V. Wednesdsy. 2:30 p. m., with Mrs. B. F. Ayre. 371S Meredith street. Mrs. O. A. Pope In charge of program. Mrs. W. F. Bailey and Mrs. Edward Slnnett will assist the hostess. The Mothers' Club Wednesday after noon with Mrs. W. O. White. 2662 Marcy street. Mrs. Z. A. Tolllnger, assisting. Mrs. H. O. Patterson will read a paper on "The Problem of the Farmer." Roll Call. "Courts," will be In charge of Mrs. J. W. McCulley. Recreation, Mrs. M. C. Pentl coff. . - ' THURSDAY. American War Mother, Omaha Chapter Thursday, 8 p. m.. Memorial hall, court house. Omaha Society ol Fine Arts Thursday, 2:30 p. m:. Foutenelle hotel. Election of officers. All, members are requested to be present. Mothers Guild Thursday, 2 p. m Bt. rcifa. hall. Eighteenth and Cass streets. Members will sew for boys of Father Flanagan's home. Benson W. 'C. T. IT. Thursday after noon with Mrs. Edwin Whistler, 2713 North Sixty-fourth stree't. Subject, "Law Enforcement." Mrs. H. O. Claggett, county superintendent of law enforcement uepari ment will be the speaker. ' FRIDAY B. P. Does Friday, 2 p. m.. Elks' club rooms. Business meeting. Ten candidates will be Initiated. ' Scottish Klto Woman's Club Friday, 2 p. m., Scottish Rite cathedral. MuBlcal program, uuest aay. . v.iimui Wmu'i Ancillary Friday, Trinity pariah house. Last meeting of season. St. Martin's branch will have 'chine of ororram. Mrs. W. P. Adkins fhd Mrs. F. O. Beck will speak on "Hawaiian Islands." W. A. Mrs. Ida Kruae McFarlane of Denver university will repeat her lecture on "Scientific Rest." Holders of season tickets for the McFarlane lectures will be admitted without charge. Omaha Story Tellers League Friday, 4 n. m... Y. W. C. A. Miss Isabella Oraham, leader. The stories will be told by Miss Oraham. Mrs. J. W. Metcalf and Miss Velma King. Officers will be elected at the close of the program. SATURDAY Omaha Walking; Club Saturday, S p. m.. from end ot Albright car line over Walking club trail to Wiley Point camp. Esther E. Bowman, leader. South Omaha Woman's Club Saturday, 1 p, m annual luncheon. Hotel Fontenelle. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Ed ward Burson. McFarlane Lectare Saturday, 2:30 p. m.. Orchard and Wllhelm'a store. Mrs. Ida Kruse McFarlane of Denver univer sity will speak on "The Work of Joseph Conrad." Jliiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiliiiiiiiiliiliiliilniiiliilitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiliiliiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliie; UllillllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllillllllllllllllllllllllllS j You Can Always Find Suitable Wedding ! Gifts at Brown's m ' ! Sterling; Silver is most appreciated, most lasting, " can be engraved, showing more thought and considers- ; 2 tion'in selection. a ? We are showing a very large stock. We are espe- ? " cially strong on Tea Sets, Meat Dishes, Competeres, Coffee Seta and Chests of Flat Ware. You will be I surprised at the beauty of our line of gifts at $5 to $10. ? Our Sheffield Plate line in Chippendale and Ply- mouth periods is beautiful and reasonable in price. a Our Chime Metal Clocks are the best made. The ? famous Crown Chimes are here, some in the new bun- I galow designs. . f ? - I C. B. Brown Co. - I Diamond Merchants Jewelers Silversmiths t " Nortkwast Corner 16th and Farnam " m "THE TREASURE CHEST QF OMAHA' ? aai:aMataaiswan4iaia.ia!a'toSHiai4.Aa,M.ja4at.eraiiaS'FSMes..BeiietisnaEjaKe!iSMBna.iSNgiiaiLhSiiSiiSiiSiiB:iSi!l foniniiiicts at Chautauqua. Not Us e( inieiiuon should be $tn at an terly tUtf in ordrr that th rjilfo.d pi be able to provide adepts ac t'ommodstiopt, (torn other fUtri art (specied'to Join iht party at inter Yle alun the way, some at Oma ha, some at LbUaao, MvFsrUn Lnturet. ' Mr. 144 Kru McFarUua ol Pfiiwr university will repeal her (enure on Scientific Kel I iiJy eve. ninff. I oVIovk at the Y, W. C. A. lluldrrf ( season ticket far the Me I MiUne (return will be admitted without rharge. Mrs. McFarlane will speak on the "Work of Joseph Conrad." Saiur dy, 2. MX at Orchard and Wilhelm't fiorr. This it the last of a series of taikt on New Friction and Drama, Tht Very Best Wake Is Bill's credit good? Drake bine, lie ors all the re liable firms in town. R. B. Howell to Speak. R. U. Howell will speik on "Metropolitan Utilities," at meet ing of tht domestic education tee lion of tht Omaha College club Wednesday afternoon, 1:30 o'clock it the borne of Mrs. F. Z. Horn brrgrr, 5107 1ard street. U. S. Grant Corp. -IT, $. Cunt V. li. C. will M their monthly krn.iii.-toH t the F, U Clfinuious dome, lUUi 1'aik avea nue, Turtdiy at ! n't lock. Membeil of the U. A. K. will be gurtis. Finland ha 4.1S smiths. female tlatV IN 1; I I. fj V u I i; m New York Sioux City Lincoln Omaha - - ' MONDAY Elks Bond Selling Campaign, April24to29 'A ThirtyNiner Never Failt Conant Hotel Bldg. MONDAY A Special Purchase and Sale of riffht New 500 Coats Capes Wraps Purchased for cash by Mr. Orkin, who is now in New York, from makers hard hit by weather conditions, leaving them with hundreds of the newest Coats and Wraps on their - hands, which they were eager-to sell to us at a great loss for spot cash this great saving will be passed on to you. Don't fail to take advantage of it. P Values for Which You 3 Would Gladly Pay $59.50 $55.00 $49.50 $45.00 And Quite a Number Actually I Worth More Than That lUMWiinujiri'ruii'mnniiruiiMTmiiriiiiiiuin! jLni;:iiMrmMi!ii:r(x;:r::::Mi:!i:rr;:ir:iN!iiituiMaiii!i!n,;ti::ruirw On Sale Monday at This Is One of the Greatest collections of Smart New Coats and Wraps we have ever offered Omaha women. There are Wrappy effects, Capes, Sport Coats and Dress affairs of Bo livia, Velour de Laine, Veldyne, Moussyne, Gerona, Normandie and other fine materials made up to the Orkin Standard in all the good new colors. rfttt Tt& - jsr ... "DO and a Special Purchase of Lovely ew Dfsss N 679 to be exact, that were also bought at ?reat reductions for spot cash money talks in the market these days hence these alluring Dresses at only- Many stores would ask as much as $20 $59.50 for dresses like these "Some of the best dresses I have ever been able to "buy to sell at $20," wired Mr. Orkin, now in the East. --- Canton Crepe Dresses Roshanara Crepe, Dresses Krepe Knits, Georgettes and Several New Materials They have just arrived. After examining them, we were astonished, even though we were pre pared for unusual values. They possess all the fashion features of the highest priced Dresses, and such wonderful quality materials. " All sizes for teomen and misses. LET NOTHING INTERFERE Be Sure and Come to This Sale it n 3 a it! r d 1 I sfl 'A i 3 m m I" m i i