MIE BEfc.: OMAHA. SUNDAY. Al'UlL II A 9 Deinand for Coal Falls as Strike Ends Third Week ( Large Stocks on Hand Mar KcN Stagnant Unions Say 680,000 Miners Now Out of Tin. Chkagu, April 22. The end of the third ctk of the nation-wide u printon of coal mining operation! limit Urge ilotki on hand, dim-imthing- ileituml and tugnant mar tlt ly all gradci at price practical ly urn luugr i at compared with val tict ot April 1. Trade report here thoy oract rally no demand for Industrial or d'tme.tic coal except for vie in iteel iUnl, which require a quality pro- uncer aimott exclusively in Wert Virginia and Kentucky lieln. Illinoia Hat 400.000 Tone. llllnon field renort anoroxitnalr ly Hjo,ouO ton of tute production in ttorage. Trade eiinute indicate that there U .till on hand about f.'OOO.OUO ton i-( the (iJ.iKHI.Otxi lihove ground at the beginning of the upcuuott.i Nonunion lield production during tlie pat tlirre week it ettimated at Bunut IO.UOO.000 ton. Weekly consumption now it eti tnaied at 7.000.000 ton. . ai'iliiwvHC iivuHViiuii limm as v . st comnleterv ttonned. Kentucky and Vct Virginia bitu ininoui output of blat furnace grades it reported to be thort of re quiremcntt which ha forced tever I planit to fuel oil consumption and others to restricted operations. Kentucky i operating under union contract, while the Vett Virginia field are the center of the attack of the mine workers upon the non unionized mining forces. Production there it restricted, hut how much i uncertain. Upon the outcome in litis region, those best informed be lieve, depends the ultimate result of the suspension. . National headquarters of the unions report a growing roll of men out of the pit, placing the number now at (w).ooo. To Return to Work. Fort Worth. Tex., April 22. Set tlement of the coal strike at Bridge port was effected yesterday at a con ference between miners and oper ators. The 300 miners will be back at work Monday. Some of the men started work this morning when the whistle blew after being silent for three weeks. . i r iir-ii 'ostai service win Have Speakers' Bureau Washington. April 22. Postmas ter General Work set in motion plans for establishing a "speakers' bureau." to be a part of the perma nent postal system. The bureau, he said, would be under tlie direction of an official who would list "'all the orators" in the service who were .ea-V. . . rr maw r-verscu in pusii .nail ".Postal unnrovemeiu ween, in augurated mainly to enlist the co operation of the public in establish- inor better costal conditions, has, Dr. Work said, "accentuated the de sirability of having available in all parts of the country, speakers versed and trained in postal matters wrha may be called upon to address var iant meetings and convention of business men. It Is. onlyr.by the arrested nnsihle interest and under standing on the part of the public and the heartiest kind of co-operation that the postal system can attain its highest ideals. It is my desire to ni-niira; a demand tor speakers I and to meet it, as far as possiDie, t S .... (nr Thee CnPPlfPrS w ill make addresses on festal pics I alone and will be of assistance in keeping alive postal improvement, not only for one week, but through - out. the entire year." Robbers. Steal Opium. New York, April 22. Masked men late today held up a wholesale drug gist's truck in the Williamsburg sec tion of Brooklyn, took from it an opium shipment valued at $10,000, placed the truck driver vin a tasicab. carried him to Long Island City, and threw him into the street. , . , Chiracs Livestock. Chicano. April 23. Cattle Receipts, J. 00(1 head: compared with week ago. yearlings and common and medium beef ter, generally steady: good to -choice heavies. 10c to 15a lower: extreme top, lit. IS: she stock and calvea. atrdwt to 25c higher: bulla, ateady: stackers advanced. 5n to 35c: heavy teeners, Biesay; waeit lit prlre on beet steers, 17.50V' 1. 00: (all fa:. J.'MJSi t.ihi: cannera ano cuiiers, r.f?f4 t&: holninn hull.. l4.2lB4.4flt beef bulla, t.65ttf.7S: veal calvea. 17.00 P i on; smelters anu xeeaers, ...diiui.ov. tlog. Receipts, 4,000 head; market ac tive, mostly Wo higher than Friday', average: some medium to heavy butchers, 15i higher: holdoaer. light; top, 110.75; bulk. $10. 1010. 70: packing sows, ateady to strong: pigs fully ateady. Sheep and I.amba Recelpta, 3,000 head; today', recelpta practically on all eastern shipping account: compared week ago (at lamha and yearlings. 2 So to too higher; medium and atrong weight lamba gaining moat; sheep around 25o lower; week'e bulk prices on wooled lambs, 914.75 e IS 50; shorn, $12.7513.25: few amall late native spring lambs, f 1S.00O1C.7S; shorn yearlings. tU.2512.00; wethers, 19.008 S.35. awea. 17.606 7. S6. t- ' . , South 8. faul Uvestock. South St. Paul, April J2. Cattle Re ceipts, 200. head; market, ateady; com pared with week ago beef ateera and butcher atock moat 25c higher; soma In-between grades up more; cannera and cut ters and bologna bulla, atrong to o high er; common to medium beet steers, ts.00 7.50; bulk. $.Sn7.26: butcher cowa and heifers. 14.0004.75: bulk, l 60BS.60: ran n'ers, 42.7693.45; bologna bulls. 13.500. 4.25; stockers and feeders. 14.35 7.25; 'bulk, S5.50Ct.50; calvea, recelpta, none; tnarket, compared with a week ago. moatly 25 50c higher; practical packer top close. IS. 50; some sales up to 17.00; tew extra choice lots as high as 17.50. Hogs Receipts. 700 head; market, most , ly steady; range, $S.7510.35; bulk, 110.00 10.30. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, none: mar ket, compared with week ago: lamba. S5 higher; sheep and yearlings, weak and moatly 50875c lower. " ' ' Kansas City Livestock. Kansas" City, Mo., April 22. Cattle Re ceipt. 325 head; for week: Beet steers, top. IS. 50; bulls, cannera. atock calves, stock cowa and heifers ;and most she atock, heavy; heavy cows, weak to 25c lower; killing calves, steady to SOe tower. Hogs Receipts. S00 head; packers took bulk light and medium weight, st !. 10.lt: top. 110.16; (ew mixed bunches. I7tff.l0; bulk or ..lea, lt.75C10.il.; (c higher than yesterday: atock pica, ateady; medium to good. 11.75010.15. Sheep and Lamba Receipts. 500 head; for week: 2550o lower; lamba, atrong; top wooled, 115.15; a horn, 1 13. 5. t alcac Prodw. Chicago, April 33. Butter Higher! creamery extras. Sic; firsts, Ht37c; aeconds 33Vi?33Hc; atandards, S7Hc Egga lower: receipts, 42.I7S cases: firsts, JSHtfUc; ordinary firsts. 229 21'jc: miscellaneous. 2t3c; stor.se packed extras, 17c; storage packed Crete. !c. . Poultry- Aliu... lower; . to la. lie: kroilors, 406 641 Rooster., 1.0. , i Live Stock Outsat. April II. Caul Ilaea ftMP mu. Uu4.y ,,,, ja. uffiii Tur ... i i:i OfUci.l WfelMMdM,, l t'rici TSare-Ly ,, S tit Tiffins! m4a, I.. rUtimal .iur4ar,, tl i d.. 11,1. ...,. II. lit in do u.i tMk t. HI , a., i art a ,l: . 1 w s a I4..II .r l.It e,.t ) !. I. lit S III lt I ( 41.144 4J..4S Il.ltf SI. til H.ll I III ISM I.I 9 Ml S.S.I ji'sVi : hj i.lt 11.11 ftllle Rm-.Ii.i.. hi k,.d Toda.'a e.l la reoipl. at.rly all 4ir'a sad ha niatk.l Hvmlneily aoady. Thia .Nbi rut) hat tn; na of lha haial l lbs rasa, 11,5s head. aupplle. f fat ti ha.e bH una.u.llr literal and duril. ul Ik lar thai the d.m.ad baa le.a bruad or ices ba aal aff m In. tie, lha uiarltrl on ei and h.y raat bing around Sko Inaar Ik.H Mk tHir.b h.ifera and light yearUnge are want.4 and have held about teady, Hiurk.r and -dr olf.rlna. have been ry Htht and trad tui.d atrong ail we a. ivuiit.llnn. an ratllet (lood I ehalre n.t,es. IT.I.ejilt; fair t good basvaa, 17 llt7 7 tun.in.a a fair baeres. Urn T 10. f-"i I ehoic yaarllnga, I7.ll!.!; r iv Bvo4i iMnmii, pr.ieafaa; inmnion lu fair yearlings, 14 597 1; good ta rhtilr hslrara. IMIS7 Tli fair I pood h.ifera. 1111)111: choice la prim roas, II IIQ47I; lso4 ts (holc rows. l lot 1 fair I good cowa. luff5Hl; csmmon to (air sows, 3 I 50; good to thole (seders, ll.llT.5 ( in good feralers. 14 Secjf.li, common la fair feeders. 11.714)4 11; good lo t hole strHkers, 7 3i(7li; fslr to good stock em, l 1Scal.lt; rommon lo fslr stacker. I4.se.7.;, sio,.M heifara. tttOCr! stork cows, ll.50sjt.JI; stock ralvss, II 5 I o: veal ralvaa. II.OOtMO OO: bulla. si.aa, sic, lt.1l 07.0. llOgs Rsraluta. 4 I OS head Th. f.a. lurs of today's trsds wss tb sollvlly of tha shipper buyers bulk sf bogs finding thla outl.t. The market was fslrly sc. liv. with an early cl.arsnc prlr ruling SfrlAc higher. Light hogs sold (ram 110.11010.:, with a top price of tit IS, tlu.d ln.de and butcher weighla, II 100 ',, sna psrning graaes. is.sociiaeo. nth eitrems heavies, 11.000110. Bulk ot sales wsa 110 00010 25. Prices si this wecss rioM ars 1010s higher than week ago, Mivin No. Av. Sh. Pr. Ni i ah r M I I II 41. .517 us Si A as 73, .25 70 19 St SI. .101 ... IS la .353 ... IS 1ft ta tta i, 7i..::i at it it 14..205 it it it Bhaep and l.ajnh Receipt, lot head. Fat lamba have Viade up practically tb entire recelpta during (ti w..k about dually divided batwaen wool.d and Clipped. Prices ruleed lower early la th week with a higher trend during th laat half with cloelng prlcea 21035a higher than week ago. Wooled lambs srs sell- 11.00911.10. Sheep and feeders ruled generally ateady on very light receipts, WU.,"!?, ?" ,h'',! r" l-mbV Piood to choc, tllllrtnin- tmt .,. .. f?A.,f"l1l-.li aVo S , "; cull lamba ":": yeaninga. lights, 113 50A 13.50; fat yearllnga, heavy. 11.10010.10; v.,, mwwrn, nsavy, fe.OO0f.vO, St. Joseph Uvestork. St. Joseph. Ttlo.. Anrll 91 r--,t- t ::'P.i.,.0..h!!iL mrkrl. """!:. 'r, ''"'"' -uws ana neiiera, 14.7501, SO calvea, 15.0001.00. " ' w k . . ' ,,tM l,M1: tSc -.b ..... , ,UF, i.a; ouik, llo.10vrl0.20. oneep ana Lambs Receipts, S00 15.50- .... uo;V. 'u: mnrser areanv iu m v.. Tevtf.li Omaha Produce , - "r .i.i. oi neorssaa, as tartment of sgrlculturs, bureau of mar- Flt.n 1-1, . Km a... - . ,in wiars.iing: LIVB POULTRY. Wholesale Wholesale Belling Pr. Buying Pr. Broilers .... '.f0.45yt0.50 tO.5O0IO.S5 - .250 .30 Hurlnas .h0 .23 f ,lljl .20 .10i 2t Hens, light . Hens, heavy Cocke .25 .25 .17 .23 .17 .20 .250 .210 .150 .250 .110 Ducke Geese ...... Staga .100 .ISO DRESSED. POULTRY. Broilers V.... ... i 0.... 0.... .550 Springs .320 .280 .200 .300 .250 .260 .250 .230 .2119 .110 Hena .. Cocks , Ducks Oeese Stag. , EGGS. Select No. 1 No, 9 Cracks ;.. . i Cass count, caas S.5O0 t.SS BUTTER. Creamery, printe .360 . .340 .270 .20 it t-reaaiery, tub- Country, best .. .22 .24 Country, common ,17 .It Butter fat at pr .25 HAT. Upland pre Iris No. 1 113.600113.50 10.500 11.50 7.000 8.00 P.O. 3 prairie No. 3 prairie Midland prairie No. 1 , 11.50 12.60 no. 3 prairie No. 3 prairie 10.000 11.00 1.000 S.00 , 1.00 .10.00 7.000 1.00 "2.00e 24.00 Lowland prairie No. 1 No. 3 nralrie Alfalfa, choice .No. 1 19.000 21.00 Standard .. 15.00U 17 00 "O. I , 13. DOW 14.00 No. 3 10.000 11.00 straw, oai s.vun y.oo -Wheat ; 7.00 0 1.00 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. FRUITS. ' Bananas: Pound, 7 H 418c. Oranges: Slie 21 and larger. 18.501 .50: site 260. I7.60ei.60: alza 28S. 17.35 tJS.VO; size. 324, 17.0007.50. demons: rsr box, S7.OO07.6O. Grapefruit: Crate. I5.OO0S.6O. Applea taccordlns1 to als uid rradelt Dellolous. ' 1.1.6004.00: Roma Beautiea. j. ouji 2.7; Black Twig, tJ.S502.76; Wine sap, 13.0004.00; Arkansas Black, 13.600 00; Ben Davis. 12.7603.00: Newton Pip pins, 12.5003.00. Strawberries (crates Zt pint boxes! : Crate, 13.50. A Figs (24 pkgs.. a ox): Per box. 12.2S: ouik, per id., 10016c. VEGETABLES. Potatoes: Nel-raaka Early Ohio No. 1. per owt 11.5001,76; Colorado' and Idaho Whites, per cwt.. 13.0002.25: Red River Ohio No. 1. per cwt., 11.SO01.15; Oregon Netted Gems, per cwt., 12.60. Sweet potatoes:. Per bu., tl.1S01.60. Celery: Doten, 75c 02.00. Head Lettuce: Crates l4.S0ns.0A: ozen, 11.2501.50: leaf lettuce, dozen. 76o to 90c. KUDarb: 40-45-pound crates, 13.25. Egg Plant: Dozen, 1.1.00. Onions: Red. lb.. 10el2o: Tallow. Ih . 10012c; Texas crystal wax , 45-lb. crates. i.3a04.oo; onion sets, lb.. 8 10c. Cauliflower: Crates. 12.0002.76. Cucumbers: Dozen fancy and extra fancy. 12.7601.26; Florida, crates of t dozen, 17.60; baskets of 2 dozen, 2.50. varrots: uia, per ID., 34 04c. Turnips: Old, per lb., 33c Beets: Old, per lb., 303ttc Cabbage: New Texas, per lb., triple. Tomatoes: Crates. 14.0004.50: lua-a. 13.0003.10. loung southern Radlanea: Dozen. 40O 45c. Young Southern Carrotsi Dozen. SOces 11.00. Young Southern Beata! Dozen. tOcct 11.00. Young Southern Onions: Dozen. 36c. Young Southern Turnips: Dozen, SOc Spinach: Pound, 11012c, Shallotta: Dozen, 65076c. Green Peppers: Pound, 30035c. . Parsley. Dozen tunchea, 45075c. Nuta: Black walnuts, lb.. Sc: English walnuts, lb., 22036c: Brazil nuts, large. ashed, lb., 16018c; Brazil nuts, medium, ashed, lb.. 14011c: pecans, lb.. 21 030c: Imonds. lb., sack lots. 28c: peanuts. Jumbo, raw, 810c: Jumbo, roasted, 100 c; no. i raw. sole: No. 1 related. 100 ISc. Honey: In comb, per case. 15.OO0S.5O: extracted. 10-lb. cans, per lb.. 20c; Air line. 14-os. jars. 1 dos. to case, 17.60. Wholesale prices of beef cuts srs aa follows: No. 1 Ribs, lie: No. 1 Rlba. 17s: No. 3 Ribs, 13c No. 1 Loins, 26c: No.-l Loins, 24c: No. 3 Loins. 20c No. 1 Rounds, 16c; No. 3 Rounds, 15 4c; No. 3 Hounds. I3c. No. 1 Chucks. S4c: No. 2 Chock., c; No. 3 Chucks, So. No. 1 Plates, 64c; No. 1 Plates, 6c: No. 1 Pistes. c HIDES AND WOOL. Beef hidea: Green aalted No. 1. per lb.. S0c; green salted No. 2. par lb, 196c; green hides. No. 1, per lb.. 101c: green hideVNo. 2. per lb.. 103c; green aalted (old atockl. per lb., :01c: green salted bull hide. No. 1. per lb, tc; green salted bull hides. No, 3. per lb., lo. Horae hides: Large. ach. tz.5o; m dlum. each. 12.00; small, each, 11.50; pony nd glues, each. Tac0tl.OO. xneep pelts: Green aalteo, as to siz and wool, each. 60076c: ahearing. Delta, green aalted, aa to six and wool. each. Wool: Choice, fins one-hair blood, per lb., 100 24c; medium and thre-ightha blood, per lb.. IS 0 21c: dow and one-fourth blood, per Ilk. 15011c; burry wool, per lt Iff 10c. Market, Financial and. Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain ffeseaaw tdaarks. II a age ( .(lm ul lb Ia4ig ChUsg aiu.ka furaiahed by lgsa sad tvs. ill reieie IrtaM Hid i I'laa arnisiir r. trd. u a.niait ram, Hit ( Miisaalal Watar ... tt Karl Mutur IV. Il.rtruaa ,,, tl r , ,,a l Mnatsamaiy War) ,,,,,,,,, ,. Maiioaal leather It a)ifi t'a ...leii a.Ht Inlera.itMal v t niHi t'arbid , IS I'ltlMAKr MtCflM A Si t kllll'MliMTsV tHuab.t Tea Aaep Wheal '' Ws's ahipwaaia- Wkaal for ,,,, Ustt Taday la I as 411 ta lit. As 71 Ki s.e til.ee As lis I : i:.e 4l. K4...4 til, 41. ttl.ts ! tll.se tlt.tt eXPORT rt.KAIIAMC-KS. tuiua.ui Td. Corn , ,...lee4 Wheal and flour li.sst Tear Ag 1.14 ciiicaoo RKtKirra Week. rsrlols Today, As, Wheat 3 15 Tear At 41 II Cori, .........Ill 14 Uat tl 9 tl , KANSAS CITT ItECCIr-TH (arista-. W'beti .lot It III Cor II Oat t 1 T. LOL'lal IIKreiPTg Wheat 4 ! II torn ................ II 4 vau It 4 11 NOItTHIVibTtK.V WHEAT llECtlrTa vrwn Mlnneaoslla . lt tat 111 51 111 lululh if o Wlnnlpc 101 10 Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Oagaks) Be Leased Wire. Chicane April 2J. A reiitu-al ni general short covering and alto buy- uf strung commission nouses car ried July wheat to a new high in the crop. The other futures were within a fraction of the best figure of the season. Heaw nrnfit-iaUn checked the bulge, but the finish wat at net eamt ot 1 l-Kfn'' l-?r Cnm ana oais snowed fair activity wit,h iurn, gainine i-ocav-Bc. and oai tin changed to 3-8c higher. Rye sained i i-uii 0"ic, V heat was a big broad market the greater part of the week. While mere were numerous sham react inn a the trend was distinctly upward as the result of congestion in the May ana a Duinsn construction placed on the world's position. At the close of the week prices were unchanged to Sc higher, the former on Septeni- Der ana tne latter on the llav Coarse grains derived the greater part of their strength from wheat Corn closed l-45-8c higher and oats unchanged to l-2c lower. Export de- I A f . , manu continues lor rye. its prices gained 4 1-2S l-2c. Trade in provisions was not larce. but the finish was at the top with lard 12 1-2 (ffiic and short ribs 12 1-Z27 l-2c mgncr. Market Erratic General evening up for over Sunday on the part of local and outaide traders was mainly responsible for tha erratlo action of the wheat market today. An early decline of Vic due to disappoint ing Liverpool cables, brought In free buying. Thst quickly absorbed th sur plus In the pit. With stop loss orders uncovsred on th way up, .a aubatantlal ad vane was attained. On th upturn housea with eaatern connectlona sold May freely. While the esrly May-July apread waa around SOc, It narrowed later. Tha July gained on the September. - Forelgnere were after wheat at the sea board, but bids generally were aomewhat below a working basis. It la eatimated that 20.000.000 to 30,000,000 bushels new crop winters havs been aold so far thla season. The Kanaas state report allow ing a condition of 73.1. the lowest with on exception In 20 years, wss regarded as rather bearish comparing with tne government April 1 figure of SS, Flour demand Is showing Improvement and If the market remains strong for several days a big buslneas Is expected. orn and oats were affected by the sctlon of wheat and averaged higher with the May-July corn spread ahowing a tendency to widen. Outslds Interest In corn Is increasing and there was fair commission ho us buying of the July. Cash demand Is larger than generally re ported and cash corn gained fractionally on the May. Foreign demand for rye continuea and with the atrength in wheat an advance was early attained,- Local tradera were the best sellers. Fit Notes. May wheat was up to Il lHi or with in . c of the highest of the season so far. July made a new high and Sep tember was within a fraction ot the top. The finish waa 5c higher than the top week ago, deapite all tne pressure during the week. Th market s action Is tha aame as It has been an wees. there helris- liberal offerings on -aharp bulgesand an. absorption on the breaks. Commission nouses wno nave peon hm largeat buyers on all setbacks for two weeks were the leading aellerg around 11. HW to 11.4S. The market haa sb- sorbsd an Immense tin of wheat tha past two days and the Situation as o May appears unchanged so far as th leading holdera go, Judging from gen eral appearances. , "Those who are long on wheat ara do ing no talking, except to say they be lieve wheat prices should go higher. John Barrett Is a bear ana says ivansas win hva 120.000.000 bushels wheat despite the unfavorable reports. He says Chica go is the highest market in in coun try. .. M ....... Indications ar ior a goou ruu,;iiv.i im th. vt.ihi aunslv of wheat. anrj--es- n.M.ittt tn corn, for the week. Chicsxo stocks srs to decrease, as 1.611,000 bush els wars shipped out by lake, of which 1 471.000 bushela went to Canadian porta and will oiaappear uviu iuu twin A reliable estimate on export sales of new crop winter wheat shows a total of in nnn nnn tn . xn.uuu.uuu Du.neie vu ' thia season," said W. M. Welgand with the J. Rosenbaum Grain company. ex porters have hedged these sales by pur chases of July wheat and the seller of .w- i .t,r.llv .hnrt In wheat. Ttu.ela la understood to be In the market for around 1.000,000 bushels ry and part of the advance in pasi i daya In that grain la said to hava been against this prospective business. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By TJpdlke Grain Co. DO. 262T. April K. Art I Open. I High. I Low. I Close. I Ts. M,by 1.45 1.4t 1.44 147 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.46 July 1.26 1.30 1.36, 1.29 1.27 I 1.27141 ..... VI .1.29 1.37 Sep. 1.18 1.20 1.18 1.20 1.11 1.18L. 1.20 l.lt Ry , May 1.10i 1.12 1.1I l.M 1.10 July 1.03 I 1.0BU1 1.03 1.05 1.03 Corn I 1 May .61 .61 .61 -61 .61 .61 . .61 .61 .61 July .64 .66 .64 .65 .4 .64 .66 .64 .65 .t4 Sep. .66 .67 .66 .67 .67 Cats May .38 .33 .37 .38 .38 July .40 .41 .40 .41 . .40 .40 40 Sep. .42 .43 .42 .42 -.42 Pork (l May 121. IS 21.25 21.25 SI. 25 21.10 Lard ( May llO.KS 11.00 10.85 11.00 It.Tl July 111.10 11.3. ll.lt 11.26 11.07 Rib I I May III. 56 11. S3 1166 11.61 11. SS July 110.76 10.85 10.76 10.16 10.TS Minneapolis Grata. Minneapolis. Minn.. April 22. Wheit Cash No. 1 northern, II. 65 1.68 ; May, ii.eii; juiy, l.vi. Corn NO. 3 yellow, 64964e. Oats No. t white, 36 036c. Barley 6206:c. Rye No. 2. It. 03 01.04. Flax No. 1, S3.793.83. Minneapolis. April 31. Flour Un changed to 26c higher: family patents, 38 5008.70: shipments. 33,507 barrels. Bran 123.00. , Flaxseed. Dulnth. Minn., April 2J. Flax Seed :..6ff:.77. ' ... -.,5 .... .. .. j Financial Bf ALEXANDER DANA NOYE1 Osaab fas latssH Wars. New York, April 22 On loday't iinporuut inaikctt the week ended quietly, eu'pt fur wheat, in whuh mother vigorous upward movement carried hc May dthvery Jo a prUe only reached on one day of ihi art ton. Todty't high level oi fM9 14 wat only J 4 cent below the top notch for the IV.'I crop, attained on J-'rhruary 27, and meantime wheat for July delivery, at fIJU 12. wmi May two rem above the previou maximum of the teaton. The price hr old-crop wheat wat again merely the measure of the tradc'i idea on the tupply and de mand question, but the sharp ad vancing of bid for new-crop wheat wat the market's retponte to the Kautat ttate report. Although this showed what wai left of the crop to be in belter condition than had been expected, the ettimate of aban doned acreage wat put at .'0 l i per cent of the area planted agaiiut only 8 per cent winter-killed in that stale a year aito. It will be teen that the rite in May wheat niarki unmixed good fortune to the farmer, where at, judged similarly by in immediate cause, the ric in , July anticipates disappointing retultt of the harvctt. Marks sad Road t. Both lha stork market and Ih bond market ended Ih , In a roneider- abiy mar autel mood then thai vf a we-k ago. though both markets wsr strung, Th most ot Ih anu storks msds rrsctional advance today, only a few going I or 1 points higher sad some losing ground. In bonds also Iher avers half dosen or ae of net advsare run ning from tj t. I point or mora, but this happened only In lbs list of lumpany borda. foreign governments and Liberty loaua er practically lu'dionlua. Coiniaileons with Ih cloM of Ih pr. eed'ug wet war mur threkrd than Ih w.ek bernre, th Lluarly bond In particular having nearly all receded free. nunaiiy. Hut tn liai or railway ana in duetnal bonds which hav added 1 ta t points to their prices during ths ps.t wek. Is long one. Apparently the varying pet change measur Ih tem porary .hilling of th Investor's Interest from foreign to dome.tlu lana possibly becaue of th week's polltlrsl contro versies; mor probably beeaue th mors rapid rsr st which lb European bonds hava been advancing In th preceding wssks had Invited realising galea. Although today's advene In tha for algn exchang ria only fractional, tt bnuBlit sterling snot in rata at wnirn It atood Just befor th Rusao-Oerman treaty waa announced Monday. Today's beat rata of tl.ltVi tat which tb market cloaed) la 4n fart th hlgheat alnca th wek la March when aleriipg, at t.li, reached tb highest mark ot Ih period. New York Slocks Rang of prices of ths leading stocks furnished by Logan 4 Bryan, SIS relera Jruat building: aAiLnuAiia, Friday High. Low, Close. Close. A.. T. A S. F 101 & 101 '4 101 101' Bait as Ohio 4 4S 4814 4S Canadian Pacific. 144 143. 1IJ1 m N. x. Central silk 111. 1 66 75 Ches. at Ohio 66 Vt 6 5 Oreat Northern.... 76 7614 76 Illinoia Central 107 Kanaas City. South Z7 Lehigh Valley 2 37 63 34 ' 34 77 7 41 77 47 l 35 27 62 34 25 77 1 43 77 47 81 26 27 63 24 24 77 Mluourl Pacific... U N, Y. A N. H. ... 35 Northern Pacific. 77 7 C. N. W is Penn. R. R . 41 . 77 .47 . tl . 35 I Reading 77 K. I. & P 47 Southern Pacific Southern Railway tl 25 M. k. St. P.... . 38 18 21 V4 28 Union Pacific... ...1J 13814 138 131 STEELS. Am. Car Fdry. ...13 13 163 163 Allla-Chalmara Amer. Loco.- , .. 0 .0 51 5U ..117 11 117 11 Baldwin Loco, .lit 111 111 lis . 71 7t 7t 7S Bethlehem Steel Colo. F. I Crucible , .12 tl 33 32 . tt t4 64 64 Am. Btl. Fdry..., .40 11 . 67 66 . 37 3t 40 2S 55 25 82 Lacka. Steel Mldvale Steel .... Pressed stl Car, 67 37 63 58 11 tl 68 14 s. I , Ry. Stk Springs... 103 103 103 103 Sloas-Scheffleld .,44 44 .44 44 U. 8. Steel l tt tt 11 Vanadium 43 43 43 43 COPPER. Anaconda 64 64 14 63 Am. S. R. Co... 68 68 18 68 Ccrro D Pasco... 37 37 . 37 37 Chill 19 11 lt IS Chlno 29 . 2S 2S 38 Cat. Ariz) 68 Green Canarfta... 33 32 32. 31 . Inaplratlon 43 41 tt 41 Kennscott 32 33 32 32 Miami 29 21 21 29 Nevada Con'dated 17 17 17 17 Ray Con'dated ... 1 1S 1 1S Ceneoa 13 13 13 13 Utah S7 67 67 (7 OILS. ' Gen. Asphalt .... 64 "v 03 tl 63 Cosden 41 40 40 41 Calif. Peterol .... 66 68 66 66 li'at.d Oil ..... ; Invincible Oil .... 11 18 18 18 Mx. Peterol 134 132 131 132 Middle States .... 16 14 15 16 Pacific Oil 66 68 58 68 Pan-American ... 66 64, 64 61 Phllllpa .......... 38 38 (18 38 Pierce Oil ....... 1 t S Purs Oil 94 33 33 33 Royal Dutch ..... S4 ' 6; 63 63 Sinclair Oil 33 32' 83 33 Std. Oil. N. J. ..179 178 179 179 Texas Co. 4 4 46 46 Union Oil ,., 21 21 21 21 Whit Oil ..... 10 MOTORS. Chandler ...... 76 It 8 24 76 12 1 23 76 12 24 49 77 13 23 General Motors Willys-Overland Plarcs-Arrow . . Whits Motor .. 49 48 49 Studsbaker 124 123 123 123 RUBBER AND TIRES. Flak ... 18 18 18 18 41 ,48 ' 19 17 65 Goodrich Kslley-Springfield. 41 41 41 4S 48. 48 19 19 - 1S Keystone Tire Ajsx 17 U. & Rubber.... ,T 68 17 17 46 66 INDUSTRIALS. ' Am. Beet sugar. 43 a., a. & w. i. 34 33 . 33 33 46 46 46 46 .... 34 124 , 128 123 133 49 49 , 49 49 38 38 38 88 16 16!i KU Mtii Am. Int. Corp Am. Sumatra Am. Telephone...,. American Can Central Leather.... Cuba Can Cuban-Am. Sugar.. 23 32 22 23 Corn Producta 103 103 103 103 ranimi rnyeri.,, sift .2 81 usnarii Juisciric .idi id. Ort. Mo. Ore 42 41 164 164 41 7 70 48 48 ' 3 76 76 66 69 63 44 42 96 . 69 48 48 83 76 76 66 69 52 44 8 62 93 inter. Harvester. . 17 Am. H. & L. nfd 70 H 48 S3 76 76 66 69 63 44 70 U. 8. I. Alcohol.. Inter. Paper .... Inter. Sf. M. pfd. Am. Sugar Ret.. Sears-Roebuck , . Stromsberg Tob, Producta . . Worth. Pump ... Wilson Co Western Union . .47 48 83 76 76 6 69 63 43 West. Electric ... 03 S3 Am, Woolen .... 93 93 ' MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton OH Am. Agrl. Chem.. 40 40 Am. Linseed Union Bag pfd... 6 65 Bosch Magneto... 46 46 'Brklyn. Rapid Tr. 23 23 Con'tal Can 66 66 63 93 25 39 33 66 46 23 66 77 84 M, 40 66 46 23 66 77 S5 38 Calif. Packing ... 77 Col. Oas Elec... 86 77 84 3 37 Columbia uraph- 4 3 37 , 144 150 92 38 Nat'l Enamel .. .. 33 ..142 United Fruit 143 142 149 . 92 Lorlllard Tob, Nat l Lead . Phila. Co. . ..149 149 .. 92 2 Pullman 130 127 128 126 Punt a Alegr Bug. 39 39 Retail Store .... 51 60 Superior Steel ... 37 36 St. I, San Fran. 30 30 Virginia Car Ch.. 34 34 Total aales. S01.SOO. 39 40 61 60 37 30 34 '30 34 Money Friday's close', Marks Close, .0037: .0036. Francs Close, .0933: .033. Sterling Close, tl.42 14.42. 1 per cent. Frlday'a close, Friday's close; Frlday'a close. Kanaas rltr Produce. Kanssa City. April 22. Eggs Un changed. Butter Creamery, 5e higher, die; packing, unchanged lie Poultry Unthisced, ' New York Bonds (Th Bte it) the only Omaha ntw-tpaper which PubUehs the ol fkul cIom of ih hew Yofk Stock t ac lunge bonds ) .r J Mb, Ami 21 Tef. a. saxi.saeal tu turn d-""4 fur t lug k Ia lakh k.ar ked.lll itaga, aaid Iimh kktei paihin.1 afi MiS fai.iaui.iy U t4i.lel ! saade as su.kv f ik tail, sad kuiMies. Ukeiiy ue M Ml f Ik Ixi.ra.llwiwl r eiage fi4 .aadfsty Iratai la pestb,u il r.4 ftue. k.i.lo. i t tHj , . aew.r. Sl.i,hs m4 .! k FtMth . khk bald .teula4 pr.iM gaiaa, lha aiiehgiki eia, ed y ruHtsriibi and reliuulikf Use f ik i.Hs lr..i.i oralrta n4 auuhaieieia iKna ( Ik ta.an, go rxlur I Ih belief thai eutMolLlslluaw ul laiMtM plop.(ll l Irxmkdlttat, Thee Mine U.ue at other roa.la. la lu.lieg ewtn ahirk) hat weathered ik.ir pwiiad r r.'taMlaktwa, em.Md I Ju.ll Iv reiwts imsi vvrrenl and Moepaviiv e.raikg. lU awa I.Mund Is) Ik bea.fll r kft,nal4lef Todar's Hading was rn.de MR largely I kw la lia-'llaa. MMrlally later karuagk Itepld Tr.il ta, Inlerbarougti t'oaaainlatad 4e, Third atenu adluet m-tila. Iiudaan and Slanhattaa Ineoena ta and New Iota. Weal I'hsaier and Hoe- lea two alaa skawed arannunevd atrengik. New llav. a aa and wuihrn railway ts i uruniiaenl amnnar Ih ralla. "In'.l ar, par salu, aggrrgates l,- fit, sea, , tallew blale HoaMls. Sale (In ll.e.l llish lar I 1,1 liken 3a... till tt.it til l.ibany 1. 1 4 tl 1 Liberty 2d la ,. tt I tt I tt 4 4 Liberty let 4a. tt.M . t 14 91 la Liberty Id t'.a. tt It like til lilt Liberty 3d H.B St.ll Mil t 1 l Liberty 4h 4W til Vk-toty IS ..ISS.1 ist.1 issi t K-lory 3s ..1.I lt J l.l Farrlga, tiatevaasiral, Hlal and Municipal 14 Argentina Ts 11 100 1 t niaet tiov ny as. as s e IS I'll llergea ts .... II II II t l liy Hern ta ....111 113 112 1 I'ny Itordeaus s.. ! tl l t I'liy fhrl.tlsn ta .11 11 110 a i iiy l(. ss ... 'IH s 3 fity Lyons s 11 l 11 t lliy Msraltles, ts.. 11 11 11 4 City H l Jan Is. .104 I"4 0 T l liy K Paula Is ...106 105 16 IS I'liy TOKIO SS 74 71 74 t I'liy Zuri. h t 111 111 113 ?4 Ii.nl. h Muni Is A. .113 111 111 13 liept veins 7s .... 17 ! It lo Csn ts no 31.101 im 101 It Io t an Is tl tl l lit Du Kas Ind ts 47.. 14 t 13 Iu Kas Iml ss .. T t Ft 3 French Rep Is ....! 1 106 l3 French Rep Ts,.103 103 1"3 21 Japanea let 4.. l l 33 Japan.. 4 17 17 77 t King Belgium 744.101 101 o 4 King Belgium s..l4 101 101 31. King Denmark Is.. 11 tl 11 sa King .-veiner ss ... & T King Nor. s -.113 111 111 'I King Sweden (s ..101 101 101 133 Par-Ly Med ts .... 64 14 14 13 Rep Chile Is 4t...l0 106 105 I Rep Cuba ta 04.... to 0 90 S Rep Uruguay ta ..lot lot lot S Plate Queens Is ..101 10S 101 II Ktat tjueen Sa ..103 101 io: 4 HtatS RUDS 8S. .103 103 103 20 Swiss Coufed la. ..11 IIS 11 11 I'KOBAI tS 11. .107 107 107 30 VKDBdt ta J..107 107 107 14 I'KOBAI 5a it. .103 101 101 61 11 8 RrSlll Sa ....108 107 107 7. If tl t.m aatz aeai 127 U 8 Mexico 4a tt 68 51 Railway and Miscellaneous Bonds. 1 AJax Rubber Is.. ..100 100 100 10 Am Ag Ck 7s ..104 104 104 IS. Am Smelt ts SI 11 91 n Amer migar sa ....Hit) . mo 21 Amer T 4 T cv la. .116 111 lit 1 Amer T A T o t 6a. tl 4 Armour Co 4a. 10 43 A T S F gen 4a. SS 91 II 0 10 68 88 89 19 3 At Co I.I 1st o ts.. 81 t Atl Refln ts ...104 103 103 146 Rait c Ohio ta ... IS Bal aV Ohl cv 4s l 82 83 83 zi Hen Tel Pa 7s... 1 Beth Stoel ref Sa. .108 108 108 6 16 96 S Bkl Ed I gen 7s D .107 107 107 40 B R T 7s ct at .. S Can North ta . 210 Can Pao deb 4s. .. 84 - 83 84 ..112 113 112 ,. SI 80 80 ..116 116 115 S Cer da Pas 8s ... 33 Ches A O cv Ss ... S0 90 90 22 Ches O cv 4s. 88 88 88 c u st n rer os A.. 7 7 7 19 Chi Ksat III 6... 80 79 79 3 Chi Gt West 4s ... 63 63 63 II C It t 8 P cv 4a. 73 71 73 , C M 8 P ref 4a. 67 66 17 I Oil N W 6s,..10l 107 103 7 Chi Rail 6 81 81 11 13 C R I P ret 4s.. 82 II S3 4 Chile Cop 7s 103 103 102 11 Chile Copper fin . . 91 90 11 47 Col A Sou tef 4s. It 18 St 20 Cons Cosl Mary ts. tt 11 81 20 Consol Oas ts .....117 lit ' 116 7 Cuba Can u da Ss 84 64 84 1 Cuba R R 7s 102 102 102 4 Cub Amer Sug 8s. .105 104 105 1 Del Hud cv Ss... 97 97 97 5 Det Edi ref 6s 103 103 103 125 Det Unl Ry 4a.. IS 84 14 7 Dla Match 7s ...10S 107 107 . 4 Distill Secur a ...107 106 107 14 Du Pont D N 7s.l02 102 102 24 Erie gen 4s 65 ,65 65 13 Erie Pr lien 4 64 64 64 2 Fisk Rubber Is ...107 107 107 8 Frsm In de'7..101 101 101 2 Oalveston H & H Ss 96 9 ' 96 12 Gen Electric do 5s... 99 99 99 100 Ooody'r Tire 8s 11.108 103 103 23 Ooody'r Tir Ss 41.115 115 116 3 Grd Trk Ry Csn 7s112 111 111 29 Grd Trk Csn 6s. ..103V 10.1U 103V 31 Gt Northsrns 7s A. lot 108 108 ui nonn efts ts... vs. S Hud & Ma ref ta.. 85 90 Hud & Ma a 1 Ss. 66 10 llll Cent ref 4s.... 87. 76 llll Steel deb 4s.. 92 14 Indiana Steel Ss .. 99 ' 3 Inter A trio 6s...., 76 61 Inter Met 4s .... 19 135 Inter Mef4a ctfs. 17 , 215 Inter R T ref 6s... 69 H Inter Sf M sf ta... 97 24 Inter Pap ref Ss B. 86 26 Iowa Cent ref Is... 47 40 K C F S & M 4s.. 80 8 K C Southern ta... 88U 98 98 83 83 64 87 91 99 76 19 . 16 68 6714 86 47 80 no 87 92 99 74 19 17 68 97 t6 47 80 88 88 26 K-S Tire 8s 109 1 L S & M 8 d 4a 28. 94 108 109 94 94 31 L S & M S d 4s 31. 93 93 93 4 Lehigh Valley 6s ..303 102 103 5 Llg A My 6a 96 95 95 a ljorinara os 9b sti s& 49 Lo A Na ref 6s ..102 103 102 10 Mexican Pet-8s ... 99 99 99 itiiavaie steei cv os 88 87 HM S T, ref 5s ... 47 46 5 M SPSSM ts 102 103 M K ft T n p 1 5s A S5 84 36 M K ft T 1st 4s ... 83 R'U. 47 1,4 102 84 , 83 168 Mo Pao gen 4s ... 66 66 66 85 70 1 Morris ft Co 1st 4s 86 85 24 N O T A M 1 5s ... 70 70 3 N T Cent col 7s ..106 106 106 r x t.ent aeo os ,.1U4 lu. m 3 NTNH&H cv 6s 48. 80 . 79 80 i ninnsn n is Dr.. 49 48 4s 17 N T O Sc W ref 4s. 75 75 7S 156 N. T Ry ref 4s tt.. 40 39 ' 40 i N T T deb 6s 41.. 104 104 104 II N T T ref 6s 4t..103U tnjM. mil; 9 N W ft B 49 65 64 56 1 NOT ft West CV 6S,.109 109 109 1 Nor A West c 4s... 88 88 88 rvor ric pr lien 4S KH so 3 Nor Pac gen 3s ... 63 63 3 No Stm Pow ref 6a. 2U Slat 86 63 92 7 N W B T 7s 107 106 1 O 8 L gt 5a ctfs.. .100 100 tOll ref 4s 92 92 31 O W R R ft N 4s.. 51 81 106 100 92 81 2 Oils Steel 8s A. ...102 102 102 2 Pso G ft 13 6s .... 91 91 91 1 Packs Mot Car 8s.10.Hi lo.tu. lam 21 Pa R R 68 107 107 1071 28 Pa R R gen 6s 8'S 9 ! 3 Pa R R gen 4s. 1 Pere Marq ref 5s . 3 Pitts CC&SL 5s A 19 Reading gen 4s. . 2 R I A ft L 4s. . 90 96 94 90 90 96 94 85 81 88 82 70 73 78 83 77 69 2 44 94 84 81 88 83 70 73 78 81 78 69- 28 44 8r,' 81 4 S L I M ft 8 ref 4s 88 27 S L ft S V art 6s.. x2 1& 101 8 L ft 8 F in 0s.. 70 6 8 L ft S F p 1 4s A 74 8 8 I, 8 W 1st 4n. .. 78 13 S P K C S H 4tts. 82 21 8 A ft A P 1st 4S 36 S B A L con 6s. II 8 B A I, sdl 6s 77 60 28 68 8 B A L ref 4s... 45 . 2 Sha Steel Hoop 8s. 99 1 to 99 34 Sinclair Oil cv 7s.104 104 104 01 rim-iBir i-'jl col is.ltrus inn iuo 0 south Pao cv 4s... 91 91 91 84 99 66 67 .1 eon rio coi 1 .s... 15 Sou Rsll gen 6s. 25 Sou Rsil con 6s... 30 Sou Rail gen 4s .. 3 So Po Rl u- 7a... 84 83 9 9 8 99 96 67 9 99 23 Stan Oil Cal deb 7a. 107 lonsi Iosk 221 Third Ave adj 6s... 60 68 61 46 Tld Oil 6s ctfa..1o; 10: 102 11 Tob Prod 7s ino 97 100 6 Union Pso lst Is.. S3 92 93 9 Union Pso cv 4s.. 14 84 14 6 Union Pso Tef 4s.. S7 87 87 16 Union Tan Car 7a.. 103 13' 103 U 8 Reslty 5s .... 95 95 95 14 It S Rubber 6s ... St 8 SS 21 US Steel sf Ss. ...lot 102 103 20 Utah P ft I. Ss.... 2 93 93 9 Va Caro Ch 7.. 91 98 8 3 Va-Caro Ch 1st 6s. 99 98 tt .1 Virginia Ry 6s ... 94 94 94 7 TVeat Elec 6s ....100 100 100 West Pscific 6s ... 84 88 88 14 Went Union s ..! 108 108 17 West'houee Eleo 7o.lf7 107 107 2 W A L E 4'.,e .... 63 68." IS I Whs he Hi eel Is . t t tl I Mi. 4 f 1 11 11 Ml 1 1 a i) .,, J i Til le l bawd Inter wer III,, Ii.. .MHMled !' lit. , l tre d.y sad litlM .r , N. Y; Curb Bonds Near tW. April ft TraaurlloH aa Ih hew 1 ork lul Ikrad suaia.l lvds lirliuaii bale na l sssi Hig lw lie I Alii-4 I'.'k.r .,, a I II It Allied Packer a (I. l SI t AiMUiiawk 1. is. ...11 I'lt l"t t law t'ul (Ml ts... l 11 Amsr LITIi . , I 1 I "4 I Aixer T s II. 11 11 11 Aa. lop t. ....I I Aug. Am uil 1,...li 11 11 a tirumr i'a It. ..11 11 lel t lUrewdtll I 11 !! e li.ik kie Is ;i.,.el 11 11 It tteia bteel 1e St. .,13 l3 1 t l ulum tl.aph la ., 41 44 'a 41 It I' l. A It II. .14 11 1l 11 I'll. LI 1 It 11 l 14 Fii.plr. U F aa...ll Jeu )s .11 lloodri.h Tir 1 ..! 11 II llrd Trk t I l ) llulf Oil 1 11 14 11 I llaias i'a 1 11 ai 11 I Hood Rubber 1 ... t I Humble Oil Is ....11 11 11 I Inter K T Is tt tl tl . It Inter It T la 13..., tl tl u I i Knur Is W.,si ll )0 ! l-srled O.s Is ... I Slarlend I f Ts... 1 ' I Mtf-rrte A I' fSa,,.l5 lt 11 I N. linnet Aem 1 1 1 1 I N.t leather (a .. ..! 1 II N V N II 4 It Is., tl tl II t I'roe A tlm Is It. .11 101 1 I'a tt Co NJ 1s....l 1 ! 1 Kuborl Hair Is.... '"1 I Slisaaheen 1 1l 11 14 I twltay I'le I I "4 l4 101 17 H W R T 1. 13 1"3 lulls t Stan ml NY la 3t..e 10 Ml It man Oil NY la 3I..I ot s. Ht.n Oil NY St ,.lt I6 106 I Molft CO 1 .Il 101 11 I hwift Co Is II.. .11 13 1l It Te.as I S IS Il. 11 101 I Tldsl Out 1 14 14 , 101 S To Kdlaon 7 17 ! IK II I'n Oil Prod I IH I" II Warn Sug 3 41... .10" lo 100 t Wt fclectrlo 1 ..ll lH 1l t Winchester 1 11.11 ll 11 I Can N R ta 1t 1 t hsr Iron l 4 Col Oraph Is ctfs.. SI 3 3' T i on Con SI . J t Del Hud IS ... '4 't 1 Fre Te.as 101 ll ll lnt ONI o SI Kansas O A 11 .... 7 17 17 It Kings Co v. 14 H JH 1 Llg west i"i "' 4 N O L P II N Am Kdl 1 174 N T N H II 1.. 13 Foreign Bonds, t Argentine 7a 11... 96 2 71 11 'i 0 21 0 2 - S Franco Jnv 4a ... 1 Russian 44s 3 I U --!-n sua 24 24 : Swiss s iois mi v 101 20 IJ Molaaima t 17 17 17 40 C. Elberfeld Is .... 1 t 6 I French Ooy Is .... tl 61 tl 10 Meg 5 III N T N H In 7s.... 7t 7t 11 11 N T N H frs 7 10 S9 to 11 Hollsnd Am Llns ts t3 t3 !.' f..1 P.e I. A VI ts SS t4 SU t Mcslcsn 3s .105 105 106 Foreign Eichange. x-.u. v.rk Anrll 51 Foreign Exrhsngs Firm: Urest uritsin, aemauu. ' rablea. 14.42: 60-day hills on bank, .. . k, r rsnce uemsnu, .".i. Italy Demand, .0544: rablea, Belgium Demand, .0169; .0933 .0645. csbles cablet 0560. Germany Demand. .003 1 . 0037. Holland pemana. ,jiv.; csuice, Norway Demand, .1900. Swedish Demand. .2697. Denmark Demand. .2126. Switzerland Demand. .1944. Spain Demand, .1563. tlreece Demand, .0462. .3795, Poland Demand. .0002. Czecho-Slovakla Demand, Argentine Demand. .3575. Brazil Demand, ,1380. Montreal Demand, .98. Closing ratea were: Gtaat .111. Britain, de mand, 442; cables, 4.42; SO-day bills on banka, 4.40. Germany, demand, 39; cables, 39 Sioux City Livestock. Sioux Cltv. Ia.. April 22. Csftls Rs- celpts, 1,200 head; market, ateady. Com pared to week ago: Yearlings, steady beef steers, 10016a lower; fst cows snd heifers, stead? to strong; c.pners, stesay veals. 6O0 lower: feeders. 26c lower bulls, steady: feeding cowa and heifers, weak to 26o lower: Blockers. 2 So lower. Hoge Receipts, 4,000 neao; market. ateady. 10s higher: butchers. S10.109 19.25; lights, 110.10; heavy mixed, 11.75 010.00: heavy packers. 19.00: native pigs, 110.00; stags, 11.00; bulk ot sales, 110.10 Viv.e. Sheep Receipts, too head: market. steady. Compared to a week ago: Lambs, 26 0500 higher; swes, tio higher. New York Coffes. N'ew York. April 22. The market for coffc futurea opened at a decline of to 2 to 12 points under European selling and acattering May liquidation. May sold off to lO.llo or 10 points net lower and later showed little feature, although later months turned steadier after ths early selling orders had been absorbed. September rallied from l.76u to 1.86c or 7 points net higher on cov ering and trade buying. The market closed net 10 points lower to S points higher. May, 10.15c: July. 10.0,1c; Sep tember, 9.84c; October, 9.81c; December, 9.75c : January and March, 9. 74c. Sales were estimated at about 31.000 hsgs. Soot coffee was firm at 11 to 11UC for Rio 7a and 14o to 15o for Santos Am .1 Now York Dr j goods. - New v Tork. Anrll 12. Cotton goods nr manr markets wera steady today with recent aavancea in prim ciotns ana aheetlngs fully maintained. Finished goods were less active than unfinished lines. Yarns were steadier with more of tendency to rise nearer a parity of coat values. Burlaps war attractive of most Interests. Silks were stesdler and more confidence was apparent In primary channels. Linens were steaay out quiet. Kansas City Wheat. ( Kansas City. 'April 22. Wheat Cash, No. J hard, ll.3l1.56; No. 2 red, 11.40 1.41. Corn No. 1 white. 66c; No. 3 yellow, 58c; NO. 3 yellow. 675S0. Hay Unchanged. Kansas City, April 22. Wheat Close: May. 11.34; July, 11.20; September. 11.11. Corn May, 55 c; July, 69 '4c; Septem ber, tic. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, April 22. Turpentine Firm, 77c; sales, 160 bbls.; receipts. 170 bbls.; shipments, 80 bbls.; stock, 1,130- bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 602 casks; receipts, C35 casks; shipments, 607 casks; stock, 67,345 cssks. Quote: B. 14.60; DBF, (4.16; dm. 14.17: K. 14.30: M, 14.60; N, 16.00; WG, 15.50; WW, 16.76. w York Dried Fruits, New York, April 32. Evaporated Ap ples Firm. . . -'. Prunes Easy. - Apricots Scarce. , Peaches Steady. Raisins Quiet. London Money. April 22. Bar London, rer ounce. Silver 34 d Money 1 per cent. Discount Rates Short bills. 3 per cent. and S month' 1 183 - St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, April 22. Wheat May, fl.43; July. 11.25. Corn May, 69c; July, 63o. Oats May 38c; July, 41c. New York Sugar. Sugar futures closed steady: approxi mate sales, 02,250 tons; May. 2.39o; July, 2.64c; September, 2.64c; December, 2.90c. w York Poultry. New York. April 22. I.lve and Dressed Poultry Quiet; prices, unchanged. , $1,000 .6 Nebraska School Bond Long Maturity. , Will sell ta yield 6.60 C. E. JOHNSON Municipal Bonda 111 Kecllne Bldg. Jackson 1720 f Yarfc lirHMtal. hear Tik. Ar-ul l; lia.t toel, fina, N I rl N. t hard, II.IS, K. I laitb, ll.il, d . I an .d dumut, l 11, s. k f. Ira.k K T"ik 1 linn I rt, teaJr N. t tHo h. I !. Ill, sad . I HtUed, If. . I. f w Yaik. all isil. o'a pt, sieadM Ka. I b!t, 11 - Iid Flrntl snlddl aval, llllttlll. i.iimum Oilai.4ri brim ru,le, l6..ll ariui summer ilr. mi, III 1111 ; May, 1. July, l !( k.ft.r.ae. Ill It. lher arlevle anehgd. t feHr IUIs). I'hirag. April II Ptt.l-Pull r. reiH I r.r.l laisl U. V ablpm.nla. Ill; Wleronai aa. k4 rwad whii. II I It cl. Mtnaia ek4 round ahite, II 161 4 salt Idsh aekl rurals II t.t el l aaar slack, idi tlorlda doabl headed hartela, biuldla M. Ka. I. II 111 t Na. 2, , Hlia Triumphs, bu, aisl, No. I, :.: Na. 1, 11. tt. What Will The Market Do Next? KEEP POSTED Important JevsVar-ment italnel la this week's market rvlw retarding . th following ur(tlt Calusskla Graph. Bludebaker TruHa.1'1 OH V. S. is Aaaorlsaa Wla Baldwin Lac. U. S. Rubawr lam lacara. AUklM Maalaaa Power Assor. Sugar 6t.f. Oaasrsl Molar Writ ar frMjrr P.0.STM.U.lfiC0. Members Consolidated Block Eirhangs of New York 38 S. William St., Now York Service plus for the Moderate Investor Wa exercise tha tame degree of can and tha ,aame dilifeoce in at. tatting to the needs of the Smaller Inventor as we do in servinf the nUUvely greater one. Stnd for ew 'Current DUNHAM " Iwvatment SteurMa. MntUukU ipi 43 Ezccutrige Place, NwYork V 6 to 7 Nebraska Tax-Free First Mortgage Farm Loans ''' " Our current Hat affords an unusually broad selection of first mortgage farm Moans. Several loans are divided into bonds of $100. $500 and $1,000 amounts. If you wish to enjoy the sat isfaction of 'having your " funds in one of the safest forms of investment known an investment long fa yored by eastern banks and insurance companies in quire for a list of our farm mortgages or come in and let us tell you about them. OmahaTrust (lompanv Oasafia National fiaoJk Building Updike Grain Company OPERATING a large, up-to-date Ter- v minal Elevator in the Omaha Mar ket, is in a position , to7 handle your shipments in the best possible manner 1 i. e., cleaning, transferring, storing, etc' .MEMBERS. Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee .Chamber of Commerce . Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St Louis Merchant! Ex change - Kansas City Board of Trade Sioux City Board of Trade Omaha Grain Exchange AU of that oflicts sxcspt Kansas City and Milwaukee ara connected with each ether by private wlrea. It will pay yeu to set in touch with one ol our office wb.n wantiag to BUY or SELL any kind ol train. We solicit your censifnaieata of all kino ol train to Oataha Chicago, Milwaukee, Kanaas Cily and Sioux City. Every car receives careful perssnal attsation. Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House' lasar k reedier. Teik. Ai. ii -.tir-pr.ly (.dr. ts. Finn. 1 t Hedy. ' Mas Wlr. K. Yih, Ayil i.,-Ur--riHi U- US Me.baa Ih.II.is ll S". W 'Jit f 'kVl V fafa .(7 PUTS and CALLS sRVWiVIW: a la T.i-I la Aall eiaarlf aieuiiwd la BUT lUMIklAf b II. TsMaas C. tt williea kt. aja Vt r Mj a MaelkaKeil It yar setiH dlviStsSil II set. Belt Mi r tea 111 dewfistlaa M rM Mat tsf f ValaallM ami..'' Ct.rtH 1 1 at. EVANS A. CO. lai.l llBSMlel AiesU. Oast. It 7si.i l ar. lu. am. khmi cm. . pwortnKoout MUNN ItaCO. TfHM iiiidin.. I'llllMlIrl. 11.1. (iBesm es daalllki arl-aa hltr. U'aKHIhlTiM, Ik C V,olnMk Hmldins. MW IOBK ri chart uid.. tA.N ratkciaro. iaU WARNING! Prolct yur..lf asain.t disnsnssl krkra- B euro your account is fs. Beior buying slock or dlng bu.l. Ba with lrrpisibls brkr caa. anil aur INQUIRY BUREAU. Our wkly paper csats IS yaarly. Sample copy (nailed oa rqut. INVESTORS GUIDE 2 Rector Street New York ESTABLISHED II YEARS $65 irlvly Inrested la IrTOrK PtlVIUEOM are II, hi. la eliew IIUN'DUROM ef DOI.1 4kg PHOriT. Writ tor fre. eiilln.lery nookW--"Iumsu la th Slock Market" KENNEDY CO. tut. mi Members OnwlldSled Klerk Ftrhenf 74 bsoaoway niw voaK CITV SAFETY AND PROFITS IH BTOCK WABKST TBiDINU. Learn ROW to combine tii.ee In your IradlDg by the sat ef Stock Privilexe With 113 to 1123 you can trade in lor) ab.nt or any stor-k. Write for FBEB eaplauatorr loiaer no. 14. PAUL KAYE 14 BROADWAY NIW YORK. MONEY MADE SAFELY Trading to Put snd Cilia 140 Or) to tl!3M tnntmls 100 .hare, of Ntw Yerk LISTED STOCK. OUR FREI BOOKLET fumlrAes fuU Information and explains poulbllitle. lor large profit, on malt inveatmenL Market. Anna. Write !dar for Bneklet No. IT INVESTORS OtlLY CUIOE. . SOUTHWEST BRANCH, 1004 BALTIMORE AVI. HUE. KANSAS CITT. MO. 1 -OFFICES AT OMAHA, NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. ' HASTINGS, NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. SIOUX CITY, IA. H0LDR2GE, NEB. GENEVA, NEB. DES MOINES. IA. MILWAUKEE, WIS. HAMBURG. IA. KANSAS CITY, MO. Psll?lt 1M f