Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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IHK ISiCK; OMAHA. fcA.UUUV. AtT.n, Ti. Wii.
i n c i m u c w r
tllAt'l'KK VII,
Tbt Stunje Light.
'tl eot ly. m4 itl! Nimble'
.iuihr i4 no more abvul viitting
I rmrr Urrm't carrot ftch. Mm
b' Itimtdf Ji4 not drc to nirtiiloii
I4fful iW. It Ml llii OMQ (dull
Hut the ecuriot h4"bcn ott
"nL Aul nuuh ( he Hill nt
r. a tite ( orrol, the whole (
uir mmeilimg he didn't eve to
ulk itnmt. y
v ,n)huw. it ii liirky that he liUl
wlcr hlirt. l or hit mother took
lnin to the Uke brhinj llluc nioiin.
i-iii orry mght, almost. Anl ihrre
iliry iUihril jit the luUuw and ate
nil Iliry Hinted.
Mou ol thoe night! wrre much
alike. Hut there n ono that Nun
hie rcmembrred for many a day alt
uward. .
It Wat not a dark night, neither
t it a light one. IL a natt
and-halt ort of nik-ht. Ihrre
a moon. But it i for from lull.
And it wat not lush in the ky. The
light from it came flaming- down
' upon the lake, throwing the thai!
twi of the tree far out upon the
Where those hailnw( reached out
tbrkly, Nimble and hi mother atood
uith the water lapping their aleck
uotne. Ana iney were eating ao
!t:tily that neither of them noticed a
blurred 'hapc that glided alowly
ntarrr and nearer to them, without
making the alighteat sound.
All, at once a shaft of dazzling
light swept along the ahore. Nimble
as to surprised and puzzled that he
i topped eating to stand (till and
care at it.
lUit only for a motncntl Instant
ly his mother flung her tail upward,
a? that the under tide of it gleamed
white even in the half night And
that at Nimble knew right cll
that was the danger tgnal.
Almost before Nimble knew what
was happening, his mother made for
the shore. As alie plunged through
thi water, her tail, still aloft, twitch
ed from side to side.
. Nimble needed no urging to fol
low. Soon they scrambled, dropping
out cf the lake to dive headlong into
tlie cover of the overhanging wil
lows. "V
In those few seconds, the light
darted swiftly towards thcni. But it
was not quite quick enough. Only
the ripples told where they had been
standing. Only the ftently waving
brarche of the willows' showed
where Nimble and his mother had
A noise like a thunderclap crash
ed ufou Nimble' cart and lolled
and tumbled In the distance, tued
Item the mountain to the hill'
. ... .
aero. the Uk and baik again, u
lightened Nimble much more thau
did the odd whi.tlt that whined jut tut head moment before the
thunder peal,
NcvTt had he run to Ut bdore.
rtr li! hit mother tit tutti a
pace for him. I'tpally. hen startled,
Hie Mupiwa atier going a nmn
tauee, and looked hack to get a
glimpte o( whoever or whatever had
alarmed tier, to ue mrr, tue al
ways stopped in a goodnlat-e, like
1 'rv
Haver hid foil.befor
the edue of Cedar swamp, where
she could duck out of sight if need
Dut this time Nimblc's mother ran
on and on without pausing.
'llavent you torgotteu some
thina" her son gasped after awhile,
"Forgotten something What do
you mean?" she asked.
A queer look came over her face.
"1 declare, lie said. I no DC'
licve I'd have run all night if you
hadn t reminded me. She fell into
walk. And neither of them said an
Other word until they reached the
swamp, which was one ot his moth'
er's favorite hiding places. Then
Nimble snoke .strain.-
"I waved my flag, too,' he said
(Copyright, 1:2.) v
Today's Attraction.
World-tolUeu Mvk HI "Cottie I
On Ovrr,"
Strand -Gloria ian0H in "Her I
lulvti'l Iradeiuark." i
Rialto Charles Chaplin in Tay
Day." and Will Kogert in "Oue
Gloriout Day."
Moon-Roduluh Valentino in "The
Four 1 lor. emeu of the Apotalyp."
oun llicutlura.
BrandiWoolih Witet."
Emprtt "l-ilty Caudle."
Mutt-TItt Uueen of Sheba."
Grand "lt'a a Urtat Liie."
Hamilton Owen Moore in MA
Divorce of Convrnirnce."
In the Mary 1'ickford tiroduclion
of "Little I .oid 1 amiiltroy.' which
oieut tomorrow at the Kialto, the
icturun diees with their imlled
klcevrt, buttles with their long train.,
and thatched and the magnif-
iifnt rattles, tend to make it an
achievement in all I'icturc-laud.
Up to date William I'arnum. star
ring in William Fox pictures, hat
participated in 156 screen light. Hit
record thowi battles won 1S6, lost
(I. Unite a record. William goes
"Rabc" Kuth one better.
'Ivanhoe" is to be made into a
serial-film some time in the near fu
ture by the Universal. 1 his Sir W al
ter Scott clastic was one of the first
"lcature" pictures ever produced,
when Universal first offered it as a
lour-rrclcr starring King liaggot
eight years ago.
Pricilla Dean is to appear in a
screen adaptation of William Hurl
hut's stage drama, "Trimmed hi
Scarlet," in which Maxine Elliott
appeared in New lork two years
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Dog Hill Paragrafs
The Doctor of the Calf Ribs
neighborhood was kicked by a mule
he had been called to see, Friday
lirtrr l au.r Idea,
ffcar Kriend: This ! tM 4 lo
affair, I am km of !,
V are planma uii gitm a
until ai4 ar i fr nienu
t'ouM iU giva ma a Uw ideaa
la it mriiu, (uoda and a tubjen fur
thanking you In aham I hoi
to c your answer in ita paixr.
TWW muCK 11.
un are nt plavtnv fair, to ak
m ltie auentiuna without Kivina
in any ld of lln imiuie f th
htnuuei. la It far uiMUIe a4 mn.
tor iliun h women, fur luan aeliooi
bnva and all Is. or soma ether kind
of grout. Don't uu te that Ihe
tuam ppnurUto to vi a roup
would not b proper auojwu tor
anoiherT I am Miieiwliit; i are a
high sx'ttool atudeut, and will reply
Knr ihi aiun f tha ar, a
almi.te. vet aaiifetory mnu. In
cludm.: houp. erarkem. olive and
rleiy ami perhnpa radith for the
Itrst course; cruieU vhieken on
iiutkt or In panic, potato-, nutalied,
trent'h frieU or Mho sirina, green
vegetable, and hot biwuno. for the
meat eounw: fruit wind and watVin;
lea rreani with crushed atrawbrrriea,
cake and coffee.
Vou ran .thnne this menu ly
lisvina fruit couktutl lnlead at aoup
and ulnir tonmtora and lettueo for
your naiad. If thin menu In tml
elaborate enouish, add a Sim It courtt.
Aliout th rleverent and Irani ex
penxlva favor I know uf may t
mad with peanut. I'oe a peanut
for th body of the Utile bird.
tUlver U head (the pointed end of
the peanut), and color tha ret of
lie iKidy. Get alender Wire (pipe
cleaner, wlr colored green will do)
and punch -into the fore purt of the
nhrll for Ita lg. Muk it little
awing utlng tha Ix-nt wire with a
toothpick for the base. Fasten tlt
leg of your bird loosely to the
toothpick, ao It will be free to move.
fat on win and I 'I ff bfUhl
rulor4 rip faper, i4, iai( and
arn ar ptiy, Cite tha kir4
e. pt ink. vot-r your loothpuk
ba and lb turw m- umg sold
ur iltr or f rotr- foil i b
ttinuhe4 at the tling rul tf
II. i. iin ftor. and If konia f
tour bkui an rtMr, a Utg tium
bf of ihvM raw txt P'4 at vrc
lastly no et'n. )uu ran buy
tMiiiful fa voi at tha Uuer moi
. lU r.t Can't I'll ou about a
wii In
ri if oi will r;i It tha V. W,
C A. they would t kind hou4
to nfM fttn, .'iit.u sun.p (or
tiirwrf; ti' )uU ft a
tuiiil4 Will Kiitota Hull Ml'ta
fiwiil lb nail, A ouliilioit cf aitlkv'
arid I'd f wur, on Mil of lh
fuimrr to 14 rt ( lb laiirr. t
a gaud tttlnt ta rviitata aiam liom
tli naila, ua. or t.dd puunee
tiuiut and pruitda will ili it.
r. t 4f1i.eri1 Rwttlritfir I'air
purioua iginii tlurpf
.Ml to gabiuo, l.'IO Siu'h httrutU
.treet, arretted ThurtJjy (or hi
le'gird thiid vkttation of 'he ruhiU
i km Uw, will alMt a in ftpl.iu
la I4e )n km win, L niird buir.
Miic trrtue ollitcr, how (ountet.
lieu gmeniineiu revtuue ttamp
i',iird to If on holltr ti l.quor
1 bought from hint 1 federal agent
Wlu n in OmaJia Stop at
Hotel Rome
Boys1 Extra Value $lT A Two Pants Suits
r-tcry oy asa nta suoieer it n
tbusiattie about Uia moat tewtrk.
able tallies In twopaoia culti
at 810.00.
Two Pants Suits
Sturdy suits tallotad with
exactness; fthrica specially
selected (or long wear. Cras.
browns, greens, hratheia.
various new .models, flea
to 1? year. '
Ktery autt atrktly all-wool, mohair
iod. new bellow a shoulder model,
double-breasted and ok pleated.
Ae I to )(.
- Children's
Washable Suits
$2.75 and $3.75
Tb last selections are be-
yond description In limited
tpaea. Ilundrtda upon bun
dreda ot paw sty la ld at
lowest lo I be clt prices. ' , ,
tvs.b bt(. e
liala. irV bal
75 to S5.00
Boys' and Children's Hats and Haberdashery
lath I Pa eis "mada I noys sehnnl ihlrt. I
l. at I I'fa dad'." Arxfial I(in4 quality Pr- I
M) I tl.OV and Sl.SO leal .11.25 I
rays' silk blour.
Novelty atrlpaa an1
P0D ailka. S4.2S
Miu S. Martenicn
Tells How Cuticura
Healed Pimples
M I bad a great many pmpka on
my far. They war vry larp and
ncnaa ana ttiais v
that I could not reet at
night, and I ahyt
aaatcblng. Tb trouble
Uatsd about two tnoiwbs.
I triad different rernediM
without any baoaAt Saa-
Ing an advruarant lor
Cuticura Soap and Ointment aanl
(or he aampla which aaatnad to
hslp m ao I bought mora, and In
about two waeks was completely
batUd." ISif nd) MIM ima Mar.
tneo. 4247 Bo. CampbsU Ave.,
Chicago. Aug. II, 121.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and TaU
cum promota and maintain akin
purity, akin comfort and akkn health.
Tb Boap to daant and purify, tb
Ointment lo sooth and bawl, tb
Talcum to powder and perfume.
- - -- - aaw:"annlia
aa ltn aatai
The Last Day
Ot our hiwuil ft04alrh i4
Billk or tvttn , otttr tor 10 caalt.
Ollar la Wffact ! f
' OHS -nOOERS. vho plays Ciarabato.
nlr( ot Kl Ualrlo In "Blood ahd
ttkf,4 comlnic to, , tha Brandrla
inair arm muoqit. April ... la a
comedian of rure pantomlinio ability. In
this n-we.t purring vetilile of oils Skln
ntr, Mr. Iloiura ha but few llnra and
yet o illuminating la hi atntoinlma and
action, that ha provokes saleR ot lauahler
when ha walks across the alal. Thosa
who saw ilr. Skinner last season as
Hansud In "At tha Villa Hose." will re-
rail Mr. Rogrra aa th h.H-wltted gen
darme Perrechet, who wss supposed to
hsvs aided th great French sleuth In
solving th murder, mystery. Unques
tionably Mr. Rotter Is one of - the tbent
low conieaiana on m sisga loaay.
This Is the Ust day of the Four Msrx
Brothers at ID urpneum. ineir mu.icai
"oniedv. "On the Balcony," has been
popular hit all this week. , Tonight tha
curtain 1 to rise at 7:66 o clock. Be.
ginning with tha, matlnea Sunday roines
a feature show, with two stellar sttrsc
tlons. Ona of these Is to be contributed
by tha charming classio dancer, La Ber
nlcla. She presents a program of diversi
fied numbers. "Almost a Single" I the ti
tle of tha one-art play which I to be clev
erly presented by Julia Nash and C. H.
O'Donnell. This Is to be another of the
-headline offerings. "Pedestrlsnlsm" Is to
be a prominent act of the show. Tom
Patricola, tha eccentric dancer. Is to ap
pear In the skit, "The Girl and the Danc
ing Fool." . , '
The underline at tha Brandela for
three" days, starting Thursday evening.
' May 4, is Elsie Janls and her gang, which
i Elsie's idea of a substitute for a
title for her new revue. The gang aim
ply means her supporting company, the
members of wHtch are mostly exsevlce
men whom she met In France during the
war. ,
' Like "her first venture, which was one
of the most successful shows produced
that year. Ml Janls Is responsible for
tha entire proceedings In her current en
tertainment. She wrote the plots, com
posed the music, wrote the lyrics and
otherwise put the show together. Than
: to complete the job, she produced It
nreir. .-'
An all new show opena at the World
theater today. The alx acts en the bill
are replete with song and comedy while
in "The Globe cf Fats" is Introduced
what I probably the most sensational
novelty In vaudeville. Al Sweets "Singing
Band" is the headlln feature. The
photoplay attraction, a Rupert Hughes
: story. Is entitled "Come on Over." and Is
said to be sparkling , with laughs with
' here and there Just a suggestion of a
tear. Arthur Bays upon the great World
; organ play "April Showers" as a special
solo number.
A Silly Song
I'll sine; a song, this morning, of
a man in Sody Springs who grieves
because he is not, sure ot many,
many thines lie 'only, has threo
teeth to nnasli but gnashes them full
well because he is uncertain concern
ing heaven and hell. With tears he
soaks his pillow and mattress
through and through because he is
uncertain what congress next will do.
All da? he sits around and weeps and
wildly -tears his thatch because he is
uncertain if his setting - hens will
hatch. Each morning when he rises,
he straightway starts-o cuss because
he is uncertain if he can start his
busf. Because he is uncertain, his
joy goes stale and flat, but oh! if he
were certain, it might be worse than
Copyright. 1922.
Before washing soiled handker
chiefs allow them to soak in cold wa
ter into which has been put a handful
or so of salt. This makes them much
easier to wash. , 4 - '
t na
morning, which shows that the mule
did not have mudi confidence in
him. . . i
'. ' .' ...
' Cricket Hicks' says since the pro
prietor of the Rye Straw store has
got to keeping such close count' on
the money that is taken in it is a
whole lot harder for him to find any
body to work for hint. , ;
. .
Raz Barlow says he notices s(me
persons have several Sunday shirts.
when there is not but one Sunday.
Salt sprinkled over the carpet after
it is swept will brighten the colors
and kill germs.
oa u. . ear,
It is now in the
grocery stores
Meneray Nurs ery & Seed Co.
Take advantage of our special prices.' Plant your trees, shrubs
; ' , . and plants now. v ; .
10,000 CONCORD GRAPE VINES, 5d EACH ; $4.00 PER 100.
By prepaid parcels post, 10 each, 75 per doz.,$2.40 per 50, $4.60 Per 100.
3 for 10c; by mail, 3 for 12c.
Only 3,000 at
.this price. Assorted colors.
.25 for 30c; 100 for 90c. By mail, 25 for 35c,
"100 for $1.05. These are the best early bear
ing strawberry. "'...' . s v
25 for 75c; 100 for $2.50. By mail, 25 for
85c, 100 for $3.00.
35c each. By. mail, 50c each. . Only a few
hundred at this price. Nice bushy trees about
2 feet high.
25 for 40c; 100 for $1.25. By mail, 25 for
45c, 100 for $1.40. These are the genuina
Progressive Strawberry.
5c each; $4.50 per 100. By mail, 10c each,
35c per dozen,1 $5.25 per 100.
Above Prices Are for a Few Days Only. At Any One of Our Stores.
208 South 24th Street Between Douglas and Farnam Streets, on West Side ofZ4th
4 Street. Phone ATIantie "9057.
4707 South 24th Street Between L and M Streets, on East Side .of 24th Street.
- ' Phon MArket 2722. , V
3341 West Broadway 502 East Broadway 1001 South Main Street
Phone 1698 Phone 2293 Phone Black, 1331
Meneray Nursery & Seed Co.
iJOHN A. 8V ANSON, frts.
A Great Purchase of Nearly One Thousand
Coats, , Cape's, Wraps
. Suits, Dresses
The Coats, at '24M
Includo au endless raiifje of styles, smart
vvrappy effects, new collar and sleeve in-,
novations, full circular capes, belted and
flared styles, many beautifully embroid
ered. , " -
Normandy, Bolivia,, Shawsheen,
Yulama and other wanted weaves
in the colors most in demand.
Handsomely silk lined. ,
The Suits, at '24
A host of variations of the smart spring .
suits, trimmings of embroidery and braid-.
ing, finger tip length jackets, loose Jenny
' sleeves, wrist length flare box coats.
- t
Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Wbol Ve
lour, French Serge, Piquetine.
Your1 favorite suit material is
here. Silk lined.
Three of our better makers' surplus
spring lines secured by us in a great
undcr-price purchase.
This event brings high grade garments
within the reach of all. Garments made
to sell at $35 to $50 at $24.50.
The Dresses, at $24
; - You'll be delighted to find the popular loose
, panel effects, straight line models, plain tunic,
; short sleeves, long flare and bishop sleeves,
1 jt ripple ribbon trimmed, Russian embroidery and . ,
' '' . many other' effective styles.
Roshanara-crepe, canton crepe, krepe ,
; i knit, crepe de chine, beaded georgette, ,
in every popular spring color, in
" dresses for afternoon and dinner wear.
. Women's Wearlii Apparel, Entire Third Floor, Main Building.
Black Satin "Flapper" Strap Pumps H
Oiie of Our Hundreds of New Lower Price Footwear Features at Jt
NEW Women's patent instep strap pumps,
high Lpuis patent covered heel. Very $ HT50
special value at the new lower price. . I.
, , Same as above ?P700 AS'-'
in black kid,-at. I
NEW "Women's oxfords 4n brown calf. rNcy
square and medium round toe. Kubber heel
caps. A great feature special . : $C00 "
at the new lower price ............ . ' O
For Kiddies . and
for Grownups.,.
The new cool double comfort Billikens are
here in wonderfully complete array of
sizes to feerve Saturday s host of Buliken
customers. Prices
according to size
?250 to ?g00
NEW Women's patent amp gray suede quar
ter (flapper style), one-inch heel. An-750
other feature at the new lower price. .1
. . Same as above JjJTOO
J in all patent at I -
NEW Women's black glazed kid "JcnncU"
one-strap pumps. New cut-out pattern. Cuban
' heels. Welt sewed soles. The St on
new lower price O
EDUCATORS T.hC neXV comfort tliat ges wi Educator modi
For Women for laStS malCS E3ucators dully desirable
Men, for Misses. st)le ani comfoi't are botn available in Educator
uuw. auuuaion exclusively m umana at our store
Suit Case Special
Genuine lop grain cowhide leather suitcase.
Reinforced corners; straps all around. 7
Inches deep, lhien lined, ?11V)0
Saturday only, at 1"
Greater Shoe Section North Section Main Kloor Jlsln BallillsB.
' Traveling Bag Special
Genuine crepe grain cowhide leather travel
ing bag. Hand-sewed frame, leather lined,
brushed brass locks and claw SI AOO
satcnes, Saturday, at iv
AND WOilE.Y I '"
" '..