Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    JII& rt&I U.M.MIA. bAltiUMl. AVMU Z. W'i
Seek to Increase
Budget 75.000
Rrligicui Am aiming in Ne
brails (irralrr Than in
Any Oilier Diowe
in (.'uiiniry.
Financial nuiirr rccunir4 ltt
morning rion of ilic domestic mis
nonsry tisho. t( th, I'piconl
rhurch, in tu-Uy srioit t the
N'tbrstU d'otfe liral'uvtrrt in
T.iihop E. Vha)ltr'i office in the
Kmnrdy bmUinj.
Dior's will be nurie far an in
emu of $ in Jlie iiionry
hudl of (lie cliurrh to paJU.KK) in
I9JJ. according to John W. Wood.
"There list Im-cii h tremendous re
ligious awakening in the Nebraska
tfiocese," lie said, "inore in rela
tion to naoulaiion titan any other
dioceie In the t'iled Slatem tpuco-
paliana during the Ut three yeara
increaird their giving by SI.-
70'.UUOO a year.
"And yet there t a uliortage in the
mininry. And aalariet of iuiioii
ariet and clerical iiants are too
low. Some women yrt as low at $J0
a y ear and tome (named men a low
it J 1.200 vear."
Bishop NallunM Thoina. o Vyo-
imng apoke on "Kchgioii and Butt-
nesa" at a Chamber of Commerce
luncheon at noon, at which all. the
vititing bishops were cucttt of honor,
The council concluded yesterday
afternoon, rif'cen ditnct were rep-
resented, all but two o
of the Miouri river.
fthem wcftl
Shatter Niircotic
Ring in Sioux City
Federal AecnH Arrest Men
Alleged to Have Carried
an Big Illicit Traffic. .
Sioux City, April 21. A narcotic
ring, which is said to have disposed
of enormous amounts of drugs to
adicts of Sioux City's' under world
and ia believed to have reaped a liar
vest of thousand of dollars in 'the
illicit traffic, has been, shattered, in
the opinion of T. A. Kcncfick and L.
L. Marks, government aRents who about 1915, however, no practical use
have been operating here for several had been made of radio telephony,
days. due 'to the lack of a means of pro
Four men, said by the federal men ducing enough modulated power to
to have been leaders in the ring, have satisfactorily transmit over any great
been arrested and are be'inp held for
action by the federal grand jury in
May. Evidence of direct sales has
been obtained on all four of the sus-
' pecs, the narcotic sleuths assert.
Drug addicts in Sioux City and
other middle western cities are- re-
; ceiving their supplies by means of
an underground smuggling ring of in
ternational proportions, the bffic,ers
assert. Narcotics are smuggled
across the border from Mexico and
carried to Kansas City, which is the
distributing point for this territory.
Confidential aids of the ring then
carry the drugs throughout the coun-
tryiwnere rocai rings, sucn as me one
said to have existed in Sioux City,
sell them to theunfortunate users.
agents assert.
Riley Smith Loses in
I Plea for New Trial
Wahoo, Neb., April 21. (Special
Telegram.) District Judge George
Corcoran this afternoon overruled
the-motion of Riley Smith; convict
ed for robbing the Ithaca State bank
of 'ithaca, Neb., on December 16 of
about $1,735, for a new trial and sen
tenced him to 20 years -in the Ne
braska state penitentiary.
Sentence was suspended for. 10
days to give Smith a chance to file
an appeal on the plea of writ of er
ror' with the supreme court, as he
has signified his intention of doing.
Smith, in his statement of reason
why sentence should not .be pro
nounced, stoutly insisted that he is in
nocent and maintains that he was
never in Ithaca until December 23
when he voluntarily went to Ithaca
with officers . to submit to an at
tempt' at identification.
Heaviest Hiker, Bound for
f West,' Reaches Lodgepole
Lodgepole, Neb., April' 21.
(Special.) F. O. Meek, America's
heaviest hiker, accompanied by his
English bulldog, Stopped here oh
his; hike from 'Danville, 111., to Hol
lywood, Cat He has covered the
distance of: nearly 1,200 miles since
February 24. Meek tips the beam at
272 pounds. ,
. H. L., Grand island, Neb.r Q.
(1) Do you have tappings in a loose
coupler? (2) What size of wire is to
be used in primary and secondary.
A. (1) -Yes, you must use' taps or
a sliding contact. : i2Y No. 22 cotton
covered or enameled on primary. No.
.12 silk covered on secondary. .
' Road Conditions
(Fnrnlihcd br the Omaba Anta Club.)
I4ncolu highway, cast: Roads good to
Znlen and Marshalltowo; rough Mar
ahajltown to Cedar Rapids. Cedar Rapids
report roads still id, but Improving
rapidly. Cars coming through; state roads
are sot Impassable.
Lincoln highway, vest: Roads good to
Grand Island and vest. . , .
"0I D. highway: Roads good.
Highland Cutoff: Roads fair, ,
S. T. A.: Good.
O Stret road: Good.
Omaka-Topeka highway: Good to slate
.vroBuift.r cusut.a?. nuaui .air iu
George Washington highway: Roads a
lit 1 10 rough In stretches.
Black Hills trail: Koids good, to Nor
folk. v
King- of Trails, north: Roads good to
Missouri Valley: little rough north.
King of Trails, south: Roada good to
Hiawatha. Fair south.
Custer Battlefield highway: Roads fair
through Iowa. Improving rapidly In South
Dakota and several cars through from,
tola aid of the Black Hills district.
Jttvar to River road: Road work east
tf Council Bluffs. Fair detour: otherwise
awed to Ds Moines. Towa City vicinity
roads are Improving rapidly.
Wgits Pole road: Rosd work 11 mllei
aat- of Council Bluffs am! extending into
Ciakland. Otherwise road good to Ic
Moines and east roads fair.
f. O. A.' Shortline: Roads good.
Bin Grass roSJ: Good tu Ottumna.
Otherwise bad.
"TTathr repof-d clcr and murh wrm
r at vwy Tomt-. vitli indications for
(ntlaued clear and warm.
Omaha Air Mail Pilot
Praised by Postal Head
Potmatef General Hubert Work ahakinc hands with E. Hamilton
Lee, aenior Omaha air mail pilot, in
For u' p!endid record in the air
mail tervite, 1. Hamilton Lee, ("hi-
caao-Omaha a concralulat
ltd in perwn hy iWuiastcr General
Hubert Work, in the capital, this
Ixe ficw from Chicago to Waih
ington in a plane to be e.uiiel with
radiophone, making the 715 miles in
six hours, two minutes.
He holds another Mced record for
flying the MiJ miles between Uii'
and MinBpolii in S2 nii-.iutes,
ft. '
Oldeit Pilot.
Lee is the oldest pilot in point of
service, having started three years
ago. lie inaugurated the air mail runs
Vacuum Tube I
Perfects Radio
Audion Bulb Was Firht Step
Toward Succets of Wire
less Fliotie.
Not long after the experiments of
Marconi in 1898-1900 in radio teleg
raphy a few successful experiments
were made in which the voice was
transmitted by electric' waves over
distances of 'several mites. Uo to
In the latter part of 1915 the A.
T. & T, company .performed their
classic experiment and transmitted
speech from their nuuion transmit
ting station at the Naval station at
Arlington, V a., to observers at Hono
lulu, Colon, l'aiuma, Paris and Marc
Island, Cal. .
'Radio Phones ir,'War. -The
wireless telephone was used
to a very large extent during the
war for - short distance communica
tion between ' submarine chasers,
transports and battleships at sea. ,
The success of these installations
was due to the vacuum tube and av
knowledge of its use.. , f
Radio telephony would not be in
its present state of development were
it not for the vacuum tube. With
proper associated apparatus the tube
is the most satisfactory type of ecn-
ecator of Jiigh frequency oscillation
we know, because it made to
generate at will any frequency, say,
from one cycle per week to several
score million cycles per second.
experiments have disclosed that
the vacuum tube performs all of the
a fair test
Try it with Resinol Soap
for that stubborn skin
eruption. It promptly
stops itching and allays
irritationbrirging sure
and lasting relief
5oorhin &nd HeaJinq
At ill druggists
Farmer's Wife tells How ijia
L PinkWs Yefetable Com
ponnt Made Hera Well Womtn
Carter's Creek, Term. "Three
years ago I was almost an invalid. I
spent nau 01 ray
ume id oea, Deiug
afflicted with a
trouble which wo
men of a certain
age are apt to
have. ItookLydia
etable Compound
Tablets and used
Lvdia E. Pink-
ham'a Sanative
Wash. I am a
well woman now
and have been for two years. I can '
work as well as any one who is
founger and as I am a farmer's wife
have plenty to do for I cultivate
my own garden, raise many chickens
and do my own housework. You may
publish this letter as I am ready to
do anything to help women as I have
been so well ana happy sineemy
troubles are past "Mrs. E. T. Gal
loway, Carter's Creek, Tenn.
Most women find plenty to do. If
they are upset with some female ail
ment and troubled with such symp
toms as Mrs. Galloway had,, the
smallest duty seems a mountain.
If you find it hard to keep up, if
you are nervous and irritable, without
ambition and out of sorts generally,
give the Vegetable Compound a trial.
between Chicago and St. Louis and
Chicago and Minneapolis and has
llown in practically every air mail di
vision, according to James King,
manager ol t lie local licld.
"He is one of the mod careful
pilots we have," said King. "He has
cracked but one ship in the whole
three years and that time it was not
ins lault.
Crashes on Ice. .
Lee was flying across the Misis
ippi river in a heavy storm when
high winds forced his plane down up
on the ice. I lie- wings collapsed and
Lee bad a narrow escape, but he
managed to extricate hinuelf. .
(unctions necessary in radio teleph
The Department of Agriculture
will change from telegraph to radio
phone in tlio tending of market and
crop news.
Using the electric lighting circuit
for an antenna is not a very satis
factory method for receiving radio
signals. One may receive a jolt in
stead. There is the risk of a short
circuit or of getting the "hot" side
of Hie wire
Washington, April 21. Secretary
Dcnby announces that the bureau of
ingineering of the Navy department
lias successfully designed a universal
amplifier for radio communication
and other similar purposes. Hereto
fore, it is explained, obtainable am
plifiers would amplify only incoming
signals over a narrow band of wave
lengths; but row Dr. J. M. Miller
of the navy radio research laboratory
has constructed a six-stage amplifier
which gives practically the same am
plification from a lower limit of sev
eral hundred meters to an upper
limit in the neighborhood of 20,000
Beaton Drug Coo's
Specials for Saturday and Monday
Camels, 2 for ..... . .i25
Cartons 91.25
As many as you want. .
All others at special prices.
Some real money savers.
Can't be beaten.
20c Mozart, Corona size,
2 for 30
Box of 50 $4.25
15c . Rothenberg Vanderbilt,
each 10t$
Box of 60 $4.25
15c Harvester, Favorita,
2 for 15t
Box of 50.. S3.25
10c Musina .......... .5
Box of 50 ......82.50
Add 5c per carton or box
on mail orders for postage
and packing.
$2.00 Ingram's Thin Model
- Watches ' 98
Films developed free when
prints are ordered. Fram
ing and enlarging a specialty.
25c Carter's Little Liver Pills
for 16t
SOc Bromo Seltzer ..... .22
70c Sal Hepatica ...... .453
Imported Oil Lemon Soap,
3 cakes for . 25d
C1.00 one pint. Imported Olive
Oil, per pint ........69
COc Doan's Kidney Pills, 43
?E10 S. S. S. ........84
$1.25 Lyko Tonic 98
$1.00 Grant's Vita-Vim
Tablets 69t
Nature's Remedy Tablets
for 17, 35 and 68
75c Milk's Emulsion
15c Vcnida Hair Nets,
2 for
10c Elona Hair Nets,
' per dozen ......... ...59
lOc Wanous Shampoo Bags,
4 for 25
SOc Mentholatum ...... 17
Auto Strop Razor with Strop
and Blade .-...89j
$1.00 Auto Strop Blades
for 65
$1.00 Gillette Razors and
Blades 69
$1.00 Gillette Blades, 79
$1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound 98
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk
for 82.89
15c Sterno Canned Heat... 8
SI. 15 Swamp Root 89
30c Laxative Bromo Quinine
for- 22
The Dancing Master
((MllaVnt I ! .
Kit" heart hard at tene at he
went tmlc into the hotel and don
stlirs again.
fc.nid as coming out 01 Hie hall-
room; kite wa tinoking a eitiaret and
hanging im to the arm ot an elderly;
man with a bald head.
bhrpuhed him rudely aay when
aha saw Jojion and put on an ex
pi ration of mock deitiurenett,
"Well, mott noble and lofty one,"
she began.
Jtotaion cut liar snort
"WHt, do vou want?
ItlliQ 10 air.
, Her faa daikcned.
"No time lo waste on tue,,ou
nien." site said hrply, "hut plenty
for other people, apparently. It
au't Netu this tune I know,
though I couldn't sec Iter face who
was she?"
Koyaton turned on his heel with
out answering, but she followed,
and slipped a persuasive hand
throuch Im arm.
"All right. 1'atiy! Don't he,cro.
sl.e said. Ml was only teasing. You
ran go out with who you like; I
don't care a long as you don't cut
me down to pay for thrni.'
RovMon's arm felt stiff beneath
her finger, and with a blinig she
liu Urr liaml 1W1V.
"What is it you want?" he asked
hhe blew a cloud of smoke into
his face. "What do I generally
want? Money, of course, and its
no use saying you haven t got any.
If you don't give it to me I shall get
it from someone else, that's all. she
added calmly.
Hoyston's eyes flamed.
"If vou do, you know wliat to
expect." he said hoarsely. "I I'
Then he stopped, with a bitter sense
of his own impotence.
Xotliing lie couia say or uo woum
Iter this woman, he knew; she hal
driven and harried him uu u nc
would have given his last shilling
for peace. ....
"1 11 send you a cnecK in me mom
.. j .1 ... ,.t.t t,,. ift
me ne ii a. aiiu uu im. .v.-
hcr. but she followed once more.
Have vou heard about .me row
here tonight?" she asked with relish.
"Farmer and your country miss,
Elizabeth Conyers? llarom Dpenccr
aw oart of it. Farmer tried to
kiss her and she boxed his cars or
something. Little tool I fli iii"
or two matters when a man s put
ting up money tor lier line ne isi
I wish he'd taken a fancy to me,
that's all. WnV, where arc you
Royston did not answer, and when
he turned and walked away there
was something in his face that was
a warning, even to ncr omuscness
r.ot to follow him. - .
It was past midnight when Eliza
beth got home. At nrst giancc sue
thought the house was in darkness,
but as the taxi stopped at the door it
opened, and she saw Mme. Scnestis
standing in tne nan. j:
ward eagerly. .
"Is thaLyou, Fetite:
"Yes." Elizabeth's voice sounded
faint and exhausted; her face in the
60c Emulsion Cocoanut Oil
for 36
$1.00 Q-Ban Hair Tonic. .79
25c Graves'-Tooth Powder
for ........ i 19
90c Pompeian Massage Cream
for 69
30e Woodbury's Cold Cream
for 23
30c Amolin Powder 23
$1.00 Mercolized Wax 73
$5.00 Electric Curling Irons
for .............. 83.49
$3.00 Hair Clippers, special,
for 81.49
$1.50 Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal
for... . . ' 98
30c Mavis Talcum . . . .18
$1.00 Rrank's Lemon Cream
for 73
60c Sempray Jo-ve-nay -
for ..............44
50c Non Spi 37
$1.50 Graham's Beauty Secret,
' special , . . 8119
75c Graham's Skin Pure, 59
$1.00 Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic
for ., 69
60c Danderine 46
$1.25 Piver's Azurea or La
Trefle Face Powder. ;. . 72
50c Djer Kiss Face Powder
for 33
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, 34
SOc Pepsodent Tooth Paste
for ...-36
50c Orazin Tooth Paste, 34
SOc Resinol Soap .21
30c Cuticura Soap . . . 22
30c Packer's Tar Soap, 19
$2.00 Djer Kiss Extract,
Per oz 81.10
$3.75 Houbigant's Ideal Ex
tract, per oz. 82.10
$1.75 Jickey Extract,
Per oz $1.00 ,
$1,00 Allegretti Chocolate
. breams, 1 to 5-lb. boxes,
per lb. 69
Huyler's New York Choco
lates, per box, 81.00 up.
50c Jelly Beans, lb. ..25
SOc Jordan Almonds,
per lb. .". 49
-qt. Velvet Red Rubber Com
bination Fountain Syringe
and Water Bottle . .81.45
-qt. Velvet Red Rubber Water
Bottle for 89
Mail Orders Receive Prompt
Beaton Drug Co.
' ' Fifteenth and Farnam
t ' C 1 1 1 fii'tn the lamp tthiih the
1-rniih Human carried was while
and weary. "I've no money to pay
the cab nun with," she said.
M e ktiKid hy while Mine, Sriieli
! frlehrd nine money, naid the man
and Mint and bulled the door; then
iln follow cd her into the bedroom.
Madame wa wearing a )ooe
kiiiwmo ort ol gown in bright
rhcery color, tied with emerald rib
bons, and lie r rouali li.iir itntxl mi
aaiik a lolltlrd lliou. '
I She peered at Fliabcth
j 'Vou come alone?" she aked.
"Vi"." Kliahvih sat down on a
couth ai the foot of the bed. "I
went wuh Mr. Farmer; he came
line, and he said"
Madame .interrupted.
"I know; he was here an hour
halt an hour ago, and he tell me all
uhoiit il. I was very angry, hut.
there, what would yon? All is fair
mi love and war, little one. and 1
think hr love yon very much."
Elizabeth looked up with incredul
rns eyr. a hitter smile twisted her
Whitt! lips
"Love me; "That man!" she said. nodded her head.
"There are ways of love and ways
of love," she said wisely, "One man
he , love one way, another he love
anoiher way, and you so young. You
io not understand is it not so?
J'icn, you forgive him, chcrie. He tell
tne everything; he is very sorry; to
morrow he ask your pardon."
"I never wish to see him auain,'
TIialcth said passionately. "If it
means that he has got to pay for
me anymore well, 1 will go out as
a servant first and earn my own
(( iiiitlmied In Tho Sm Monday.)
Murderer Is Sentenced.
Sioux City, la., April 21. Jesse
Adams was convicted of the murder
of Adolph Lumis, a south side gro
cer, and the penalty fixed at life im
prisonment at hard labor by a jury
this afternoon.
BEWARE or the dealer nrho telle yon Crystal Detector outfit ara
rood for lone diatance. The? abnoluteljr are not. They are de
pendable only at a diatanee of 16 milea, or lets, for voice and'
muact. They will, under favorable condition!, "pick up" onre in
a while diatancca up to 26 mile on voice or muale. and greater
distance on ode or wlreleia telegraphy, but to understand coilc
you must be able to read. I can't understand why any dealer should
claim anything- else. Possibly, it if because they' don't know any
better rather than to mislead you, but anyhow,' take my advice,
Buy From Reliable) Concerns s
There's plenty of them who want your business, and will be hont-tt
with you. This will save you disappointment.
Tell Us Your Wants and Troubles
Regardless of whether you want a complete set, tubes, batteries,
Magnauox, or other equipment. Give us a chance to suote you.
Everything we sell ia guaranteed by us.
Distributor of the Celebrated Lawrence Radio Set ' '
The Greatest Price Smashes of 1922 Are
Vast purchases jusr being ticketecf for Easter sell
ing were ia the stockrooms at time of fire nest
door. They represented Ihe-very newest creations
of the hour in style. , , '-i
Take All the
Time You Need
to Pay for Your
Smoke Sale
Don't let this big opportuni
ty pass just because you are
shy on ready cash. Our lib
eral credit terms permit you
to buy all you need on a
little down payment and the
balance on the easiest sort of
Grand July Will '
Hear iMore Slock
Fraud Cases Slav I
Scurr vf Iiulictiiiritta LTt
1'romuUT. of Out (!(iin
nl lo Hp Hriuriiftl Again,
jMtiy Aluiir.
I'mle Sam' pursuit of toik lrud
promoter here r not et over.
"There will he sevcial inorc 4e
of using the mail to ddratid M he.
fore the coming gramt. jury, M.iv I,"
J. C Kiiulcr, I'uited hute aHoriicy,
admittrd rterd4V.
A score of indictment will br re
turned against promoter of one torn,
pany alone, it i expected. .
Mismanagement in another com
pany, much Involved in litigation, i
aloo slated for investigation.
' No big trials arc chrdi,'!vJ f"r
May, Kiiikler said, het'aue no fed
eral judge fs available that month.
"We w ill try flic t happell hank of
ficials, Frank A. Hurling and Har
vey Babrock. in North l'latte the
firt week in June," he aid.
Queried on-the procctitioii of Ihc
Mitsouri Valley t attle Loan com
pany indictees, Kiiulcr elated he
was waiting to know what sentence
would be imposed 1 on the Masc-Vohlherg-McVhorler-Chidey
tet in the Berg Kt;iah rae before he
would decide. Three of them are de
fendants in the Missouri Valley ne.
Wholesale Meat Prices
Show Big Drop From l'cak
Chicago, April 21. Wholesale
me;it prices show a tremendous de
cline since the peak prices following
the var, according to the American
Instiutc of Meat Packers.
"The average value of all meat
ant meat products exported during
1921, was 14J Cents a pound as com
pared with 30'A cents in 191V says
? bulletin issued by the iustiutc.
"The average value of meat exported
(lining 191 J, was ll Ji cents a pound.
Possible Through This Startling
Fire adjuster makes settlement and orders all
uw u pwviuutjr iw mraey savings wiu not repeat itself for months to come. The in
tense selling will soon deplete the sale lots. Early attendance is necessary. .v u 4
s and Misses' New Spring
s, Dresses
Thousands of Dollars Worth of Goods
in Our Basement Stock Rooms t Soiled
and Scented by Smoked i'&t--.
A good airing will leave tiiese garments in perfect conktionbnt.becaiise of
the circumstances and insurance adjustments made, wc offer all 'merchan-,
dise affected at less than manufacturers' cost. ; ,
T7i.- It Small lots of winter merchian-
JLiXtFct ODCCltl2 dise l? be?di8Posed of, at un-
heard of prices. ,
Women's Fur and Plush Goats
Men's and Boys' Mackinaws
Men's Overcoats, Men' Palm Beach Suits
1 ""V zszsiESSsSzi r3.-;-
h m
i. If
$3.00 for Your Old
A Cabinet
Gas Rang (iven
away I rt to
the parly
having the
oldest (as range
in Omaha.
Our No.
that back
ara finished
Mid-Western Appliance Co.
413 So. 15th St. Opposite Orpheum :' AT. 4289
r rj r
It took five years
to make it right
stock effected to be disposed of
Men s Suits
The dense clouds of ; smoke filled our basement
which scented the merchandise and left touches of
. noot, which is slightly noticeable on, the. lighter
Mtal Westeea
Arflic tVs ,
Tk Famoui
Second tar load
usl rriveal. 21
different styles t
seled fresn with
-f ... prise ranfUf
leorn 126 00 tip.
Special Prices
' Special Terma
' $5 Down
$2 per Week
(iati Itangc in Trade .
II Special, as
above, actpt
. Free
this le..
in a black
O ).
at once."
1 .